HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1901-3-7, Page 54 '441- A r4.. vir • y �a> r MATE. 7, 190,1 BUSINESS CARDS. ONEY TO LOAN AT h' VER omit e N 0 .T ` r 1, ,EiU7, ]3unl, , sos MoORAOKEN- X 1' • Issuer of Marriage Llconses, Of. Ace at Grocer'y,'1'urnberr'y, ttroob, 131'usaol9, leN. I'3ARRETT- l • Tonsorial Artist, Shop -Nest door North of the Standard Banff, taffies' les' and Obildrou's hair oohing a speolaltY, T11ABMS FOB SALE -THE UN• DEngr0N1111 has several good Farms for sale 1 and to re nl o Grey. benne, s, In '1'owaehi a of blorrfe µn0. Core Y. lr 8. SOUT'P,Britesels Ni. NDRRISON, Issuer of Marriage Licenses, WALTON. ONT. MISS JEAN M'LAUCHLIN, -TEACHER OF - PIANO -' AND ORGAN, 8RV'sSFJ7.,5, o1V'T. ROBERT. CUNNINGHAM! 1081100000, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH. MISS SARAH LOUISE MOORE, L. O. M.. Academic graduate of London Couserya; tory,ot MuoIo, also Member of the Associated Musmlons of Ontario, is prepared to receive a limited number of pupils for instruction on the piano. Qualified to prepare puplla for the Principal's Form iu the 0oneervatory of Music. Brussels, Ontario. ALEX. DUN TER - Clerk of the Fourth Division Court, Co. Huron; Conveyancer, Notary Public, Land, Loan and insurance Agent ; -Auction- eer. Funds invested and to loan. Oollea- tiono made. Office in Graham's Block, Bras - eels. AUCTIDFIE?'I$S. 1.11 S. SCOTT AS AN AUOTION- 0011, will Boll for better prices, to. better ns en, in lees time and less chargee than any other Auctioneer iu East Huron or bo won't°barge guy thing., Dates and orders can always be arranged at this office or by personal application. 'DENTISTRY F. W. TWEDDLE, (PontrEoLY of 0EAF0R7''1r) DENTIST. Graduate of R. 0..D S., Toronto ; Post Grad. nate course at Haskel's School, Chicago, in crown and bridge work. Mr Prices same as in surrounding towns. 21• Office over A. 1t, Smith's store, Brneeole. VETERINARY. fT•D. WARWICK- Honor at n.lnaco of the Ontario Vet- erinary College, Is prepared to treat andis- eases of domes/hutted animate in a oompet- tint manner. Parti^.u1ar attention mid to Veterinary Deutiebry. Calle promptly at- tended to. O0lae and Infirmary -Four doors North of bridge, 'r'trnbet'ry et., Brussels. LEGAL AND i;ONYEYANCING. �T M SINCLAIR- V IIarristor, Solicitor, 'Conveyancer, Notary Public, &c, Office -Stewart's Block 1 door North of Central Hotel. Solicitor for the Standard Bauk. F. BLAIR, BARRISTER, �: t�•Solicitor, &a. Office over Stand- ard Bank. Solicitor for Village of Brussels. Money to Loan at lowest rates. MG. CAMERON- • (Formerly of Cameron, Holt & Cameron) Barrister and Solicitor. Goderioh Ont. Olhae-Bamiltou street, opposite Col. borne Hotel. MEDICAL CARDS. J. A. M'NAUGHTON, 01. 0., 0. 111„ Trlulty University, Fellow Trinity Medical Collage, Memhor College of Physicians and Surgeons, Out. Lioent,ate of the Royal Col- lege of Pbyeiciana and Licentiate of Mid- wifery, Edinburgh. t- Telophoue No.14, Residence -Mill street, Brussels. Important to Brooders. aid Horsemen. E ygteramy Caustic liaison'. tA reliable and speedy remedy for Curbs, Splints, Spaying, Sweeney, ate., oto.,in Horses and 6 ' ,\ " Luo.p Jaw in Cattle. TRADE MARE "See pamph- let wbi51, aceompaniea every bottle, giving scientific treatment In the varietal disea°0s.' It can be used in every ease of veterinary practice whore stimulating applioattoue and blisters are prescribed, It has no 500,0100. Every bottle sold is guarauteed to give satis- faction. Price 755 per bottle. Bold by all druggiote and country otorekeepere, Pre. )pared by Tarn EIIRDO 004 VE'TE'RINARY MI0DIOINE COMPANY, London, Ont. McLEOD'S System Renovator -AND 070011 TESTED REMEDIES SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE For Impure, Weak and Impoverished Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleepleaenese, Palpita• tion of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Neur- algia, Lose of Memory, Broaohitia, GOD. Gumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kidney and Urinary Diseaeee, St. Vitus' Danoe, Female Irregularitiee and General De. bility. LABORATORY, GODERICH, ONT. '..M. MaLEOD, Prop. and Ildnufaoturer. N.old by Jne, Fox. Druggist, Brunel. Feed Cain and Bran` FOR SALE.' A, Backer Brussels s , 10t$txiti :Pam Foi"dw1Ol1. A large number from the village and vioinly attended the 11foD.rinitt•Lambltin 110111 10 Goderioh on Monday elite week, Two. sleigh loads of Presbyterian Christian Endeevorere drove over to Gorrie where they met the Gerrie and Wroxeter 15,tdeavorere in the 'Township Hall. A very pleasant evening was $pent. The R. T. of T. are beginning another tri-eided literary conteet. It is of a national nature; the reepeotive eidee be ing-English, Seo'oh and Irish and it ie to be hoped will be a sourced instruction as well as amusement, The Sunday School Convention which was held in the Pile hodiet church here on Wednesday. of last week was a grand 500oee9 in every particular. The ohurob was well tilledand everyone seemed to enjoy themselves well. Report in this issue. Gurria. A. J. Keine, of the "Soo," ie in town, visiting hie parents. A Targe number from here attended the S. S. Convention in li'ordwleh. The Baptist ohurob property will be offered for sale by public auction on Yl arch 23rd. The Wingham Advance received the contract for the township printing at the µnm of $4850. J. 8. Found teas in Berlin last week attending the Grand Lodge meeting of the Maccabees. Tenders for a new wood bridge were opened at the le -et township Connell when it was moved by Messrs. Scthurter end Strong that Robert Jamieson's tender for $135 00 be accepted. -Carried. The Gerrie branob of the Bank of Hamilton opened on Monday of last week The bank will be open three days each week -Monday, Wednesday, and Thurs. day. Aa soon as trainees will warrant they intend opening for the full week. A horrible Outbreak "01 large Bores on my little daughter's head developed into a ease of eoald head" writes 0. D. Isbill, of Morganton, Teem., but Buckler's Arnica Salve completely cured her. It's a guaranteed enre for Eczema, Tetter, Salt Rheum, Pimplea, Sores, Ulcers and Piles. Oaly 25 aente at G. A. Deadman'$. Lletto i' el. There is not an empty afore hi town. Gil. Barber's familiar face will be missed in town, be having left for Wood stook where he intend') to reeide with his brother. The High Court, Canadian Order of Foreetere, held its anneal meeting last week in Sarnia. Andrew Kay and John Torrance, from Court Royal Oak attend• ed. W. R. Racking, Lietowel'e venerable poetmaeter, who is in his 91st year, has come through hie recent siege of the grip successfully, and ie considerable improv• ed in health. • M. Wildfang was in town, having re• turned from a trainees trip to Sault Ste. Marie. He has opened out hie clothing and gents' tarnishing business hi Berlin, and ie well satisfied with his proepeote. J. P. and 8. W. Walter have taken over the bneiness of Krotz & Walter, general dry goods merchants. The new firm will continuo the business in the present stand, South aide Main etreet, ender th„ name of Walter Broe. ra The reeidenoe of Dr. W. A. McDowell, dentist, was invaded by the members of the ohoir of the Methodist oburob, who ohose the occasion of Dr. and Mre. MoDowell's beginning of housekeeping as a editable time to show their appreciation of Dr. McDowell'$ musical talents while a member of the ohoir. A Congratulatory addreee was presented to him, accom- panied by a handsome onyx °look. The kindly remembrance was fittingly ac- knowledged. The Standard $aye :-Listowel Busi- ness College has been temporarily closed owing to the absence from town of Prin. oipal Hsrtt, whom it le reported has gone to Toronto to undergo the gold care, After establishing a highly susoeseful in. etitution it would be a great pity to al- low it to be permanently closed, and it will be a matter for general satisfaction to hear that etepe will be taken to con• tinue the College. Considerable sym- pathy le felt for Mre. Hartt, who took a deep interest in melting the College a 0000005. Goderioh. ItOrs, James Mitchell, we regret to learn paid Naturek debt and was buried on Tuesday. Principal Strang was unable to take hie work at the Collegiate inetitute last week on a0000nt of illness. Jae. and Mre. Wilkinson, formerly of town and now of Minneapolis, Minn., celebrated their golden wedding recently. Burne' anniversary dinner, to be given under the auepi0ee of Inverueee Camp, gone of Scotland, on the evening of Thum day, March 7111. !se Mre. George Campbell, Brook et, fell at her door and broke ber arm, Her daughter, Mies Campbell, returned home from Stratford to attend her. Bev. Richard Hobbs, of Wingham, preaohed ID North etreet Methodist church on the occasion of the Sabbath school anniversary, Sunday last. The ladies of Knox oheroh have been brightening up the church vestry, and have placed therein very good portraits of Dr, Ure and the pastor, Rev. Mr. An. dereon, and also a photograph of the incision of the ehuroh, James Emigh, who was oonfieed in a hospital at Kalispell, Montana, for some weeks, suffering with Brigbt'e disease, errlved at the home of his parents in Goderioh on Wednesday at last week, ITie aoudition le mnoh improved but he le $till far from bei nff waiI, Luke 15llord, feller of George Eilord, fell down in the hitter's 'tore and eg111• plated a fracture of u bane in bhp leg, whioh was began tt tow weeks ago when Mr, Ellett slipped and fall on a eidpwalk. Singe hie fall on the sldewalk Er, Fallerd baa been troubled with hie leg, although fie had not reaheed he had Burt himself severely. He ebarted to walk up the stairway fr, n the heeement of George Beard's etore, and when be placed the full weight of his body op hie injured leg Bo the Creature was completed and he o bo h•d overn the t floor, flo, P P 131., 1It. Blyth monthly ter for the 'tale of horses, cattle, sheep, and pigs was held On Tn. eday 1µ$t, George .ymith attended the:eupreme tent of the Knights of the Maccabees at Berlin loot week, Mies Ann Bantle, daughter of ,John Moffat, has been appointed stenographer in the Bureau of Mines at Toronto. George Denatedt left Thursday morn- ing for Whitewood, Aesa, George Kraeh. !iog left by the same train for Elkhorn, Manitoba, James Hill has been awarded the con• tract for the erection of a briok 'wheel Incise for U. S. S. No. 12. Hullett and Norrie. The contract pries $1810. Hugh MaQuarrie received a letter from hie son, Archie, in South Africa la+t Eve, k, The letter was written on January 25th and in it Archie 'dated that hewas enjoy. Ing good health and kept buoy fighting tbe Boers. Joseph Dickey, inepeotor of Division Court$ for Ontario, was in Blyth and ar. ranged to officially investigate the charges br.lu.ht by A. E. Btalwin, ,.nblieher of the Standard, against Wm. Campbell, Divieion Court elerk at Blytb. Blyth echool board has engaged John Shaw, of Teeewater, se principal of our pablio echool at a salary of $475, with an increase of $26 next July. Mr. Shaw poeseeses exoeltent qualification as a Bret• o'aes teacher. He was principal of the Brunets pablio 'wheel for 15 years and for several yeare since has been principal of the Teeewater pubiie school. Mr. Shaw will enter upon Ole duties April let next. Donald MoLaren, father of Mre. James McGowan, died in Toronto a few days ago. Ill recording hie death, the Globe says: "He was one hundred years, two months and seventeen days old, and lived in three centuries and five reigns of British aovereigoe. He was a native of Scotland end came In Toronto from Milton. During hie life he was engaged in the shoe boeinese, end was up to a abort time ego surprisingly active for a man of his years. He leaves a family of seven children." Night Was Iter Terror, "I would Dough uearly all night long," writes Mrs.- Chas. Applegate, of Alex- andria, Ind., "and eonld hardly get any Bleep. I had consumption eo bad that if I walked a block I would cough fright• folly and spit blood, but when all other medicines failed, three $100 bottles of Dr. Ring's New Dieeovery wholly oared me and I gained 58 pounds." It's abso- lutely guaranteed to care Coughs, Colds, La Grippe, Bronchitis and all Throat and Lung Troubles. Price 500 and $1.00. Trial bottlee free at G. A. Deadman'$ drug store. SPRING ASSIZE COURT, The Spriug sittings of the High Court of Justice for the County of Huron, open. ed at Goderioh, on Tuesday afternoon of lest week, before Hie Lordship Justice Leant. The petty jury roll having been called, the following grand jury men answered to their names :-Henry fluff, Ashfield ; D. A. Forester, Goderioh tp. ; B. B. Gann, Seafortb ; Peter Heating!), Turnberry ; Geo. Murdie, MoKillop ; Jae. A. Molutoeb, Goderioh ; R, Robertson, Ueborne ; Chas. Stewart, Ashfield ; J. A. S. Vercoe, Colborne ; and Jno. Weis. miller, Heneall. Hie Lordship having received the customary pair of gloves to show that there were no criminal offences before the court, addressed the Grand Jury panel on their 'Deeding duties, paid a glowing tribute to the life of "The Good Queen," and a loyal testimony to Edward the VII, whom Hie Llydehip said, had the sixty years of hie good mother's reigu to guide him. As Justice Lount was about to call the tire Dare on the docket, Mr. Gat row rose and said he was deputed to present an addreee to Hie Lordship. Whereon the court and the nineteen bar• ristere present rose, and the K. C. read the following ; The member,/ of the Bar in the County of Huron desire to avail themselves of your Lordship's first official visit to the County town to offer their cordial and einoere congratulations upon your Lord. ehip'e recent appointment to the Beech. You are no stranger to us. We hove long kuown you as an indastrioae,painstaking and eminently fair Crown Conneel at many Assizes in Goderioh. Your emi- nence at the Bar, as for many years one of its leaders, and your long and varied experience as Solicitor, Counsel and Leg-- istater, made your elevation a most fit. ting one, upon which not you alone, but the Provinoe, is to be oengratulgted. Tbie Province, fortunately, bae always in the peat gloried with good reason in the high obaraaber and attainments of its judges. We feel that it ie not being nu- dely fulsome, but merely expressing an honest aonviction,based upon long and eomewhat intimate aseooiation with you, when we say that we recognize in you a fir and worthy euoceesor to the able and dietingufehed judges who have preceded you in the High Ooart Bench of thie Province. That top may be permitted by Providenoe to spend many useful yeare in your new oareer with mutual advantage to youreelt and the Province, ie our fervent hope. Judge Lonot made a brief, though feeling reply, mentioning his many visite to the county, the ability of the Huron bar, and the groat attainments of the Judge whom be bad been appointed to seemed -the late Judge Eon. He con. eluded by thanking the Bar of Heron for the kindly addreee presented hint. Hie Lordship then toolt the docket, but a5 there were no ORusea ready for trial, he adjourned the °cart to 9 30 a. m., Wed, needay. 0EDNEsDAY. The court opened at 9 30 a. m„ sharp, and a jury was called to try McBride vs, Moore et el. The notion was for damages for personal injury while working on the breakwater work$ for the defendants, It appeare that plaintiff, whit is about 18, THE BRUSSELS 1301$T was engaged to carry teeter, and wap of erward employed on the gravel troche, and it wan while 00 emp'oyed be felt and war) Injured. The mete lasted tilt 0 80 p. m., whop it was r) .j, pertain geeetiuneelveto Gnawer,to)be a.i•uryd at s ahowithy rsturnod to 09urt, taping answered Etta queetlone favorably for the pia)mfff with damage' of 0400, After a abort dieoue. sion the jury were Bent out again to answer the question, "'Did plaintiff know the work on the care wee dangerous work ?" and in flus minutes returned to eonrt with the answer, no, added to their vordiot, Hie Lordship then gave jodg. moot for plaintiff, $400' and coats, E. Campion, le, C., appeared for tee plain tiff and J. P. Garrey?, K. 0 , for defend, ante. The court closed at 8 20, adjourn.. ing to 9 80 a. m , Thursday. Tn0OPOAY, The Court opened at 9.90 and a jury was empanelled to try McDermott vs Lambkin, it suit in which damages were claimed for assault, GRAND 0007 PRatENT0ENT. We, the Grand Jury of the County of Duron, congratulate you upon your pre. ferment on being raised to 'he high and honorable position on the bench of .the High Court of Ontario. We trust that you may tong be °pared to add lustre to the high and honorable position attained by you, and to deal out even handed juotice to all litigants who may come be fore you.. We thank you for the high tribute of praise paid to the memory of our late beloved Sovereign Queen 'Victoria, and also the expressions of loyalty to Big most graoious Majesty Bing Edward VII. It was with pleasnre we witnessed the time honored ouetom of the Sheriff pre - Booting you with a pair of white kid glove$, indicative, we presume, of the high moral standard and law abiding principles of the people of this great County of Huron. We visited the jail and found it exceed• ingly clean, well kept,,and wellventilated. The prisoners, ten in number, made no complaints. Seven of the number we were sorry to see confined there, they not being guilty of any offence, but were partially inaaoe and were confined for este keeping, and we trust that they will soon be removed to a more fitting place for treatment. We desire also to draw yonr attention to the foot that we, the Grand Juror's of this Court, deem the quarter$ occupied by the jailer entirely unfit for the par• pose for which they are used, hie family having to mix with and pass among tbe prisoners daily in passing in and out of their private apartment, and it also being very damp. All of which is humbly submitted, Jomg A. S. VAncoo, Foreman. CV iugrhltin. Wingham possesses two ladies' hockey clubs. Mica Edith Elliott, of Ingersoll, is vie. iting her brother, H. B. Elliott, for a few weeke. Dr. Holloway and his bride have re turned from their wedding tour, and are now residents of town. . Jae Slemin has leased hie shop recently ocoupied by Mr. Wellwood, to Joe. Snell, lately retnrned from the Klondike. W. J. Neil and R. J. Irwin were in attendance at the High Court, Canadian Order of Foresters, in incision last week in Sarnia. J. Campbell was Beverly kicked in hie face, by a horse. The wound required eeveral stitches, and the result was a very painful face. John Watson, the Listowel brewer, will use Wingham as a distributing point. About 200 tone of tae are being put i nto the Kent block, where the beer will be stored. Snow -drifts hide the forme in some plaoee in the country. A. team belonging to Alex. Kelly was being driven through a drift and accidently struck on a picket fence. One of the home was seriously injured. E. P. Penlin, who intended moving to Dauphin, Man., has changed hie mind and bee purchased a hardware store and dwelling at Dasbwood. He will take possession of his dwelling tbie week. We wish Mr. and Mre. Paulin Bucoees. ANNUAL MEETING. -The annual meet- ing of the Wingham Farmers' Flax Co. was called for Monday, 18th ult. A meeting was held that day but not much business was transacted as auditors' re. port was not ready. An adjournment wag made until Monday of last week when the auditors' report was submitted and was found i Owing bacorre t. O o g to not being able to run the mill and make a profit, the shareholders authorized the direotors to sell it and all machinery and plant in connection therewith. In the event of not being able to sell, the direc- tors have the power to lease' the mill. Following dir.otore were elected : A. Tipling, Alex. Young, W. J. Henderson, C. J. Reading and J. B. Ferguson. A. Tipling was re•elealed president. Wertttng 24 'tours A Our, Ther,.'., no .oat for those tb'o.ese hitt$ WOO, re --Dr, i? ing's New Life lY111110nq lt'" always busy, canoe! '1'orpitt ; Liver. J„uodioe, Biliouepeee, ]''ever and Ague. Thou banish Hiok Headache, drive out Malaria, Never gripe nor weaken. Small, taste nice, work wen - dere, Try them 250 st (3 A Dead. p1µ1'8, AUCTION SALE OF .'ARM BToOE, Fnt0LEDroN'ro ETo-Air, F. S. Seatt, Auolbo peer, has m001004 lnstruo done from the u tderoigued to sell by Pubilo Auction at trot 24,uom. c, Orey, on Tours• flay, Al arch 1411,, enmmeucing at 12 o'oloek. The foo- wing valuable property,. viz 7-4 horse rising 0 ears, 1 mare rising 4 years, 1 span draught colts rising 2 years, 1 mare colt rising 1 year, 1 horse colt, sired by 2100800,' took itt prize at .Brussel° Full Show, 1 roadster rietng 4 years; sired by Costumer; 2 cows supposed to be in calf, 1 fresh calved oow,1 three -Year -ofd better le Dalt, 2 dry $awe, nue of them fat, 4 steers 8 years old, l6 steers 2 years old, 8 heifers 2 pears old, 8 yearling °elves, 2 nip 9 meuths 01(1,20 bens,l MaeseyHartls binder, nearly new, 1 Deering :mower, new, '1 eombiued need drill, 1 sulky rake, 1 spade burrow, 1 turnip drill, 1 scorner. new, 1 land roger, nearly new, 1 Ala00ey-Harris eylioder pulpor. 2 Fl our ploughs, l two -furrowed plough, 1 net iron harrows, 1 fanning mill, 1 set scales, 1,000 The., 1 heavy lumber wagon, 1 set trucks, nearly pew, 81 In, tire, 1 set bob. !sleighs, 1 wagon rack. 1 hay fork, 'ropes and pulleys new, 1 single buggy, 1 cutter, 1 large water tank, 2 wheelbarrows, 2 crowbars, mason Kamm or,,O lbs., 2 set double harness, 1 set single harness, 1 goat robe, 40 grain bags, 1 No. 8 Daisy oburo, new, 2 moos eut saws, 1 grain cradle, 12 tome of bay, 1 doz, now oboist, chains, forks, shovels, ecytbes and nther art,oles too numerous to me01101. Bale to be without reserve an the proprietor bus sold his farm. Terme : Ail sums of $5 and under Cash, over that amount twelve months credit -will be given on furnishing Approved on creJoint amounts, per cent, Hogs off f to be cash. F. 8. SCOTT, ROBT. MCKELVEY, Auotioneer. Proprietor. It's Your Nerves. It's the Condition of Your Nerves that Either Makes Your Life a Round. of Pleasure or a Use- less• Burden. To many women life is one round of eioknese, weakness and ill health. To attempt even the lightest household duties fatigues them. Many of the symptoms accompanying this state of decline are : a, feeling of tiredness on waking, faintness, dizziness, sinking feeling, palpitation of the heart, shortness of breath, lose of appetite, cold band's and feet, headaohe, dark oirolee under the eyes, pain in the baok and aide and all the other acoom• paoimenta of a run down and weakened coned tat ion. All these symptoms and conditions are simply the result of a poor quality and defeotive emulation of the blood, with a wasting away of the nerve forces. By feeding the system with DR. WARD'S BLOOD AND NERVE PILLS You strike at the root of the dieeaee and lay a solid foundation on which to build. Soon the weight increases, tbe sunken obeeke and flattened busts till out, the eyes get bright and the thrill of renewed health and strength vibrates through the system. 50 cents per box at all druggists', or DR. WARD Co., Toronto, Ont. For Sale by G.A. DOndntltn, Brussels. Spectacles -OF ALL RINDS - Fitted to Correct all Failures of Eyesight, and your Eyes tested FREE by latest Optical methods at Division Court Office, BRUSSELS. HEATING STOVES COOK STOVES RANGES Do not forget to see 'our line of Base Burners, with or without oven. Every stove a double heater and guar- anteed a perfect baker. WE INVITE YOUR INSPECTION, Meat Cutters, Butter Moulds, Scales, Lan- terns, Hanging Lamps and Lamp Goods of every description, Wilton & Turnbull �� ill Powder, Shot, Loaded Shells, Etc. J. 8a CO_ Strictly One Price - The Lowest a toGi-talilia IS Ovcr And we've started a new Financial Year. During the last 10 days we have been busy opening up and passing into stool?; Thousands of Dollars Worth of New Spring Goods New Dress Goods, Silks, Muslins, Embroideries, Laces, Sateens, Ginghams. Linings, Prints, Hosiery, Lace Cur- tains, Carpets and Mattings,and every day during the next two weeks will see desirable new things passed into stock. Brand New Goods at Very Special Prices 15 pieces 46 inch extra fine Brilliant Black Brocade Lus- tre, very newest patterns, and as good as you'll see .25 anywhere at 50c. Special price ll 5 dozen Ladies' Ribbed Wool Vests, regular price 35c. .25 Special price ,,,,,,,,,, 25 pairs Flannelette Blankets, large size, worth regular /.00 $1.25 per pair. Special price ............ 10 pieces double fold, all wool, French Serge, in all the new Spring colorings, worth regular 35c. Special .25 price CJ 25 pieces extra heavy Factory Cotton, worth regular 7c. .05 Special price J. Ferguson cg C®. Dry Goods and Groceries. Settlers' One -Way Excursions To Manitoba and Canadian Northwest will leave Toronto every TUESDAY during March and April, 1901. Passengers travelling without Live Stook should take the tram leaving Toronto at 1:45 p.m. Passengers travelling with Live Stook should take the train leaving Toronto at 9,00 p. re. Colonist Sleeper will be attached to each train. For fall particulars and copy of "Settlers' Guide" apply to any Canadian Pacific Agent, or to A. H, NOTMAN, Assistant General Passenger Agent, 82.4 1 Hing St, East, TORONTO. SHINCLES British Columbia Red Cedar Shingles AND -- North Shore Pine and Cedar FOR SALE AT TEE Brussels Plauiug .hills Also Doore and Sash of all Pat terns on band or made to order at Short Notice. Estimates Farniehed for all kinds of Buildings. Workman- ship and Material Guaranteed. P. AIJIENT. ., �i 'T' llkraminhaifhurnnitinIBnlurm• f�ommjkwlUnuiluuutnllli!181111111p' c 101 Utl�% / . - ., :Nllilllll.. ?2: IIlilill Illllllllltliliti...., .111111E111101" J'P )ten's 2ress Shoes must be fashionably correct. Ours are. These shoes are comfortable because they fit inside. The outline is handsome and the shoes are made to keep their shape and appearance till worn out, Prices are right for right goods e' HARNESS DEPARTMENT ! 3 Robes left, they will be sold for actual cost for cash to olsar. Now for bargains in Single Ramose. For 30 days we offer special inducements to oaeb buyers. Oar Collars are all warranted and are made in different shapes to enit the different kinde of shoulders. We guarantee a perfect fit. A few Blankets left which we offer at octet to Gleno. Trunks and Satohele very cheap, Repairs in Shoes end Rubbers neatly done, also repairs in Collate and /Taruen promptly attended to, I. IEUECUBLAIFEDS.