HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1901-2-28, Page 8Different Soaps
We have reoently added to one etoo1
Of Toilet .Soaps 8nti now have a choice 01
26 different Mille, We have an exoellent
ae9ortment of 6e and loo oaoh or 6 and 9
8181808 for 26o, The stook includes Olive
Oil and Oueumbor,
Glycerineand Omr.
�cBeltIsDg,'mere,Bron1,Jooke Cb, Peen D
Beeg, &,
We hove a make epeoially for doge
60 if you have a dog this will amt yon.
One would think at the price 210 sell
our Soaps that no one would be guilty of
stealing them. Wbelber it was a Com
pliment tb 0s or not some one Was 80
much taken up with them . that they
walked off with three ohoioe cakes. We
are quite 8078 it never pays
especially at the pride we sell Soaps. We
aim to give our customers plenty to 6eleot
from no matter what it may be,
Money Refunded 1
If you have a gold or La grippe
try a box of the Tablets we are eels.
ing. We are an8bor1806 to refund
the 25 [Mote to any dieeatiened
Cough Balm !
Onr Cough Balm ie known far
aid wide as the beet ell ronr;d Cough
Remedy in the market. Or if you
prefer take a bottle of our
Blood Root
Cough Oure which le the favorite
with a great many. If you have a
Gough, Cold or La grippe coming on
°all and get a bottle.
G. A. D E p D n n A f O Druggist, Optioian and
f,� �)/� o� Bookseller.
80020880 EXTENSION W. O. & B.
Trains leave Brussels Station, North
and South, ae follows:
Benne. 7:18 a,m,Mail ............2:10 p.m
Mixed ..... 9:46 a.mI . Express 8:17 p.m
Coxal getOS aitent ,
A chiel'e amang ye takin' notes,
An' faith he'll prent it.
TEE POST gives the nerve.
SNOW shoeing is on the program.
DAYS are stretching out very perceptibly.
Conon. meeting next Monday evening.
Tan in harvest hae been going with a
A. 0. U. W. Friday evening of tbie
FRIDAY of *le week ushers in the
month of Marob.
IT is said a new geoerol store will
shortly open fn town.
Assume 0008092 is at work. Pat
your, poodle iu the cellar.
BRies9La school Board will meet Fri-
day evening of next week.
LENT began on Fab. 20th, and teeter
false on April 7th, eight days earlier than
last year.
SAMUEL H0a6ARD will iepreoent the
Chosen Friends of Brasses at their
Grand Connell which meets next month.
S. T. Plum was elected ae first delegate
bot will cot be able to get away.
8 nosorDTION of condolence was passed
at a recent meeting of Brussels Iode-
pendent Court of Foresters to R. end
Mre. Leatherdale in the bereavement
they were cailed to pass through in the
decease of their eldest daughter.
Boatmen Brunt received word of the
decease of his aunt, Mrs. Henry Martin,
of Renfrew, who passed away an Friday
at the advanced age of 81 years sod 10
months. Mr. Martin pre deceased her 20
yesre. Mre. Martin was a sister of Mr.
Blair's father. The funeral took plaoe
on Monday.
WARNING.— While some boyo in Harris•
ton were jumping on sleighs one of them
fell under the hind bob which paeeed over
his leg, bruising and, it is feared, break.
ing it very badly. It is a wonder we
have not had to report Similar 000nr-
re0oe8 to some Bruges's youngsters as
teamsters complain of the nuiseoae, to
say nothing of the danger.
A PICKED 0p Hockey team drove over
bo Wroxeter on Thursday evening and
played the first game of the season.
Wroxeter gave them a warm welcome,
17 to 1. What we are ciphering oat is
how they Dame to aaptnre the 1. Braeeele
players were :—Cross, goal ; Barbar,
point ; Gerry, cover point ; Ardell,
Lowry, Roche and Hamilton, forwards.
Tam Seaforth Expositor of last week
Saye ;—"Two young couples from Bras•
sale—a groom and his bride in one enter,
and the beat man and maid in another
ouster—drove into Seaforth on Wednes-
day, braving the storm end overcoming
the snow drifts on the road, to have the
nuptial knot tied by Rev. Mr. Larkin.
They had many and serious adventaree
by the way, but love laughs at snow
drifts, and they arrived here in tolerably
good shape. After getting thawed out
and having the important 000tra2t Beal-
' ed, they started for home in the beet of
spirits, about 4 o'olook in the afternoon."
A wear thief made off with a large
thermometer in front of G. A. Deadmao'a
drug store and another thief, who evi-
dently required a wash, helped them
settee to three cane of fanay soap from
a small box on the oo0nter. It may not
be very fanny for the guilty parties yet.
This kind of petty pilfering is becoming
so common somebody, will be taught a
lesson they will never forget and the
light fingered members of the aommaniiy
will also learn that the way of treuegree•
sore is hard by the expeeienoe of some, so
called, unluoky pal. Shame on the sneak
thief who, posing ae an honest person,
takes a mean advantage of the false con.
Edison of the baei0eee man.
1„ 0. DUNFORo & SON had a new Alga , The Inst page shows n ground plan of the
put op over tbolr etot a door this week. Exposition, whereon the Iodation of .tilt.
Baumann fii.tnt bee inveotod hl m new torah baildinge is indicated, The rail.
Taylor lire proof safe to take the plane of roods Will make low rates from all parte
therecent cue in hie ofBee, which the, .of the Mini:), during the Exposition,
Taylor Co, MMkee, whiell [pone May 1 and continues 014
"WiLvr canal I do," asked a moan end menthe, and the people of Buffalo are
conceited man of a friend who knew hips preparing to entertain corefoitob'y the
well, "to get a picture of the one I loge millions who will attend, Anyone dosis.
I ing a copy "of thio booklet may have it
free by addreeeing the Pan.Amerionn
Bureau ofPubli8ily.
Business Locals,
Lanes quantities of grain are being
marketed at Bruseele.
Goon cold weather has been on the
program during the past week.
A 08ATINO party went to Seaforth last
Monday evening and had a good time.
A aoNaloNnrENT of bloyolee has arrived
at A. Coneley's emaoriom, a ears har-
binger of the approach of Spring.
38an Huron Regiment—To be 8eoond
Lisotenaot (eupernamerary,) J. 16.
Turnbull, B. L. Martin, W. J. Brydgee.
Goo. BEST has leased the brink cottage,
Elizabeth Street, from S. B. Smale and
will take up hie residence there. It ie a
oomfortable plane.
ALIT2LE attention at providing a good
path to the G. T. H. etation platform
after a snow storm would be appreoiated
by the pedestrian public.
Tan town road grader bee been doing
duty opening up the roads where the
snow and pitch holes made public travel
disagreeable and dangerous.
We understand that the $600 carried
by the late Miss Lizzie Leatherdale in
the Lady Maocabee Order hae beep paid
to the parents of the deoeaeed.
House Fair Thursday of this week.
Next Fair will be held on Thursday,
April 4111. This will be the last for tbe
eeaeon. Brussels Horse Faire beat them
A BanasELITE 800e a chance of getting
himself into trouble for ',making" off
firewood and provisions from n neighbor.
Ingress was obtained, it is said, by a
door key in hie poeseeaion. Name is
withheld in the meantime in the hope
that he will settle without the interfer-
ence of the law.
Alul0NGEMENTS are being made for the.
placing of a better house at Braeeels.
cemetery for the accommodation of the
caretaker while waiting for funerals cad
also for the purpose of safely storing
tools, implements, &o., in use at the
oemetery,' The old shanty there now
served its day some time ago.
AT the faoeral of the late Jno. Ma-
Naoahton, last Saturday efteraoon, Rev.
R. Pani conducted the service at the
home of Ronald Mealanghton and also at
the cemetery. The pail bearers were ;—
Samuel Crawford, Jae. Ferguson, Jno.
Broadfoot, Thoa. MoLaaohlin, Daniel
I1ioNanghton and Wm. Martin.
B&TIRDAY evening B. Gerry came into
poesese100 of the Howe & Co. woollen
factory. A move is being made to put it
on a footing to pay both the proprietor
Bud the town which we hope will prove
successful. Mr. Howe and family will
not remove from Brussels as they have
other plane ea to future employment.
the Annual meeting of Melville Church,
Brnesele on January ar 28811, the pastor,
Rev. Jno Rose, B. A., drew the attention
of those present to the faot that Daniel
Stewart, the Bearetery of the oongrega
tion, was abont to leave after having
been actively identified with the 000gre•
gation for forty years, practically its
whole life. During that time he had,
without fetor reward of any kind, given
generous and valuable help in leading the
service of praise and in aimed every de-
partment of the eharoh'e work and der-
ing a very oonelderable portion of that
time the oongregation not only bad the
benefit of his 88806088 bat in addition
those of hie family. Atter a number bad
expressed their appreciation of the vale.
able 908060.8 rendered by Mr. Stewart
and bis family it was moved by Thoe,
887821180, ee000ded by J. H. Cameron,
and eatlgsiaetioally parried, that it le
to re•
r„ of this congregation
th [aero
+ t
quest Me. Stewart's aoceptaooe
of lie
puree of gold as come email recognition
of all that he had done for them daring
the past. Mr. Stewart thankfully ao.
oepted the generous gift. J. G. Seenn,
Beoretary of the congregation.
most 2" 'Sit far your own portrait,"
was the reply.
Miss 1600818.000 and 181100. Jamieson
moved this week from the Gas field blook
to the h0nne recently .oeoupied by the late
Mre, Scott, 007ner 0f 'Turnbsrry and
William streets.
A 2081022 of Brueeelitee attended the
wedding of Mr. M°Nei1 and Woe Annie
Menders on Woduaoday evening of this
week, at the home of the bride's parents,
2 miles South of town.
MANITOBA AND WESTERNexoureione 0080•
mein on Tuesday of next week and twill
be continued each week during the next
two months. The 0, P. It, advt, refer•
ring to this matter may be read else.
where, inthis haute.
Du. Donald McLeod, a Sootoli olorgy-
Tau, reoently preached a 88rmoa on "The
Sin of Oheapnese." He amid that the
"oraving tor obeepneee and hooting after
bargains to not only economically talon,
but a ranee of great suffering to thoasande
of men, women and ohildre, ,"
Me. Warttooe, of Fullerton township,
Perth 0o., died on Tuesday of last week
and was buried on Friday. Deceased
was a brother of Mre. Thor, Moore,
William street, Brussels. Mr. and Mre.
Moore started for Fullerton but found
the roads so heavy from the reoeut snow
storm that they were compelled to return.
BRIPIIENT8 this week outwork were a
oar 01 household ell ole of Donald Stew
art to Wiarton ; 2 oars of hogs by W. F.
Vanetone ; a oar of salt from the Enter -
pries Sea Worn ; a. oar of Sheep by Jno.
Soott ; a oar of cattle by Geo. Beet. In.
ward, there were a oar of lumber, P.
Ament t e oar of Milton primed brholl,
Jae. Fox,
I. 0. F.—The following ere the officers
in oonneotion with the Independent
Foresters Oonrt, Brussels, for the on.
rent term ;-,0. R., I. C. Rtobarda ; V.
0. R, F. Keys ; Treas., M, Black ; Ohap
J. Boa ; F. B., L L. Duuford ; R. 8 ,
Thos. Garry ; B. W., W. 0. Livineton ;
J. W., 0. Bonn ; S. B., H..duRiunon ;
J. B., A. Forsyth. Court meeIS in the
Blashill block.
Tao members of Court Princess Alex.
andria, No. 24, 0. (J. F., Moored another
9000888 at their open meeting on Tuesday
evening, and at the close of the program
which consisted of intrnmental, reading,
speeches and Bong, all present realizing
that there was a good deal of truth in the
old fraternal motto, "Happy to meet,
sorry to part, happy to meat again."
The next open meeting will be held on the
last Tueeday of March. A warm wel
come is extended to 1riende to join with
us and have a good time.
Tuts funeral of the late Mrs. Wm.
Laird, who died et her home in )':lamil-
ton on Sunday, Feb. 24th, took place from
the reeidenoe of Wm. Ainley, Braeeele,
on Wednesday afternoon, conducted by
Rev. G. J. Abey. The pall be trete were
D. 0. Roes, J. T. Roes, Jae. Irwin, Wm.
Lake, Dan. Lowry and Jno. Anent
Deceased was an rant to Mrs. Ainlay.
Mr. Laird died in Brussels 26 years ago.
The obildran are Jame, Frank, Rebecca,
Minnie, Kate and Dolly, of Hamilton ;
end Will., of British 0otnmbia, all being
present at the funnel except Will. who
wee tenable to get bere. Mre. Bonner and
Mrs. Waddell, sisters of deoeaeed ; Mre.
Hays and Jas. Unstable and wife, See,
forth ; J. Torrence, Herrieton ; add Will.
&inlay, of Listowel, were also present at
the funeral.
OONDOLENOE. Tha f g ollowiu reeolntion
of sympathy was passed by the Lady
Maooabeee, at their last meeting, to Mr.
and Mre. Leatherdale in oonneotion with
the relent decease of their daughter who
was a member of the Order :—
ACCIDENT.-0oe day last week Walter
Smith, engineer at the flax mill, met with
an accident that might easily have had
very eerio0s results. He was oiling a
shaft when in some manner his right
It was releasedbt and before
arm got can.,"
it wee considerably brniaed and be will
feel the 8ore0809 for many aday no doubt.
He might have lost bis arm very easily.
A SuneonIRER Benda the following, ale
when it is accompanied with 61.00, the
melody of the verse is improved :
I love it, I love,
O eir, do not fail,
To send me TOE Pon
By return mail.
Another— -
We would make on boast,
And work with zeal and determination,
To extend ire circulation.
respondent writes :—Hon. Dr. Macdon-
ald, the esteemed member for East Huron,
and now Deputy Speaker of the Rowe,
weare a very handeome for -lined coat, and
.fur cap, that came to him in an 000802!
manner. Most persons who possess art.
lolee of this nature, have to pay a great
liberal emu for them, but the doetor'e
were a preee0t reoently from a grateful
patient. While attending Parliament
last session, be was oalled in to attend,
in his medical capacity, a married lady
with whom he had become aogaaioted.
Under his one she wasreetored to health,
and when she asked for the dootor'e bill,
he declined to render any, and the lady
showed her gratitude by presenting bim
With the coat and cap alluded to, which
represent a value of about $200.
0A080 ADJI0RNED.—In8pe1t0r Miller's
charges semen 6tretote Brea..
of Belling
liquor on Sunday, Jan. 20th; came np for
bearing last Friday forenoon before W.
H. Kerr and A. Hunter, J. P'8, in the
Council Member, Lawyer Sinolair ap-
peared for the pnoeeoatioo and Lawyer
Havereton, of Toronto, for the defend-
ants. The latter took objeotion to the
information in that the Dame of the per.
eon said to have purchased the liquor
should not be meotioned. Magistrates
declined to strike out, however. He also
Med a oertifloate from A. Hooter and J.
T. Roes, J. P'e, certifying to the dismissal
of chargee for same date against deteo.
dente, heard before them at Brussels on
Feb. 1281 and asked that presentoberges
be dismissed also as they could not be
brought on account of said certificate.
Magistrates reeerved deaiaion. Lawyer
Sinclair then asked for an adjournment
as an importanto
as not
present, o
beingaway from homo when Constable
went to serve 80mmone After argument
the Oourt was adjoaroed foe a week.
Mr. Havereton ie the Licensed Viotnal.
Jere' lawyer, attending oo0rte far a0d near
in the intereste of hie empleyer8.
CASII for butter and
Saran= new designegsin A1H niitonyl
lace oollare made to order at fans Kruk's,
ANY one wanting paws made ready for
raisingoa0 have Bann done eatiefaoeorfiy
by saw' filer McGregor, Braeeele East,
WANTED -1'000 bushels of timothy and
clover eeed ; 100 turkeys ; also dried
apples and ,titter,
G. E. KIN[, Wingham.
Brume store In Smelt) bleak to rent,
fitted up in first class abepe, [suitable for
any besinee8. Possession at nine.
Apply on premiere, 83
Wilco 2 WEAVING.—Am prepared to at.
tend to the wants of the public in the
weaving of rag carpet, Settefeetion n4
sliced. ROn2. ANDEBeON, Elizabeth et.
C11UItta! l'1iIMSS.
Maitland Preebytrry will meet at
Wroxeter next Tuesday.
Communion will be observ:.1 in Bt.
John's ohnroh next Sunday morning.
The annual "At Home" of ft. Gerry's
class in the Methodist church will be held
at he residence neat Tuesday .raying,
A few Bible Sooiety books, Bruseele
Branob, are still on. Will the Oolleatore
kindly oomplete novae and report to
Secretary -Treasurer as soon as poeeible
so as to enable bim to forward hie report
to Toronto.
Rev. David Rogers, of Bluevale, well
known in Brunets, has received and
accepted an invitation from Fordwich
oircuit.tiethodist ohoroh for the coming
term: He he the Chairman of the Wing
ham District and a good preacher, pastor
and financier,
Rev, Joc, Holmes discoursed last Sab
bath morning on "A D.vint-human
Oompauiouehip," Amos 8 and 3, "Gan
two walk together exuept they be
agreed 7" wee the text. At the evening
oervioe the subject "The intermediate
stere" was discussed.
R -v. G. R Turk, of Toronto, formerly
of Luoknow, and known to Brnseelitee,
has decided to go out as an evangelist.
He wil, have as hie aa.00iato the Rev. G.
W. Keirby, of Montreal. For snob
epeoial work they are eminently gaalified
and their efforte }Mould be attended with
greet 6020898.
W. F. MIeeroNARY Soolsxo. The seven.
Mouth annual meeting of the Maitlaud
Presbyterial Woman's Foreign Mission,
ary Sooiety will be held in the Presby•
teria0 enrols, Wroxeter, on Tumidity,
March 6111, 1901. A most interesting
program bee been prepared. Rev. J.
Menziee, M. D., a returned missionary
tram China, will be present.
Next Sabbeth evening the service in
the Methodist church will be along tem -
person linea. Mies Brook and Mies
Minnie McNaughton will take part in
addition to the pastor. Musioalsete°[tone
by the oboir will be in keeping with the
ep•oiel topic in hand. There is plenty of
room for a livening up and on tivation of
temperauoe sentiment in and around
Last Sabbeth morning Rev. D. B. Mc
Rae, of Oraubrook, preaohed an inetrno•
live dieoouree in Melville oburch owing
to the indisposition of the pastor, Rev.
300. Roes, B. A., who was suffering from
a bad cold. Rev. Dr. Moff tt, the well
known agent of the Upper Osmada Tract
Sooiety, gave hie annual address in the
evening. This important department of
ohnroh work is covering encoeaelu'ly a
large fieid.
OoLntat.liaiu wt.st.
Joseph H. Leduc, formerly M. P. for
Nioolet is dead.
Elsie Blackburn, aged seven years, was
killed by a trolley oar in Hamilton.
An uuknown mac about 60 years of
age, was killed on the railway near Nap
J. S. Maxwell, of Brandon, has been
elected Grand Master of Manitoba Odd•
The barbers of Hamilton have oirenlat.
ted a petition in favor of Sunday oloeiug,
and it hae been largely signed.
At Windsor James McCormick, a live
ary stable employee, was fatally injured
by a big wheel falling upon him.
Reorotte for the Bomb African Con-
stabulary will sail from In m Halifax by
the steamer Montfort, on March 15.
Sir Wilfrid Laurier has deolined the
invitation of the Canadian Club of New
York to attend their anon! banquet.
W. Hessefleld, of Manitou, Mao., and
his bride narrowly eeoaped death through
asphyxiation at the Buokingham Hetet,
The Winnipeg manual eohool system,
inaugurated by Sir W. 0. McDonald, of
Montreal, was formerly opened by Prof.
Robertson, of Ottawa.
An order in Council has been mimed
appointing Major Reade, of the Shrop
shire Regiment, Commandant of the
Royal Military College, Kingston.
B. M. Briteoo, K. 0., member for
Kingston, will teat the feeling of the
House of Commons in regard to the ad.
visibility of establishing divorce oo0rt9
in Canada.
Robert Cassels, while driving into
Smithes Falls with his son and two
daan aghtere, was run by
engine on
the railway 080887ng. Mr. Ceeeele wee
killed, but the ohildreo escaped by jump -
The Minister of Trade and Commerce
hae asked steamship oompaniee to ten-
der for the oarrying of mails between
Canada and Great Britain from the re-
opening of navigation in the St. Law.
The Canadian Aseoeiation of Faire and
Exhibitions, eleoted the following olfloere :
President, J. Thumas.Murphy, 8im0o0 ;
let Vice President, John Barna, Whitby;
2od Vice President, W. B. Sanders, Stay.
Der ; Seoretary•Treaenrer, Alex. Mo.
Pedants, Otterville ; Assistant Secretary
and Editor, Prof. Oreelmau, Toronto;
Exeoative Committee, Metiers. Jamee
Mitchell. Goderieh ; J. W. Sheppard,
Oayage ; George Robinson Erin , S.
Mille ' D. A.
' I Mr's 16 ,
Mo0lnra D d
Aylmer, Wre..Laidiaw, Guelph ( Frank
Metcalf Blyth ; Auditors, J. M. Mur.
dock, Jarvis ; J.' M. Gardhouse, High-
field. It wee decided t0 bold the next
annual meeting at Toronto,
28 J.UQ 4.
6TF4.1rD4RD 134Xt_t, QF C,4X/tD4-,
CAPITAL PAID UP (One MillioopoUare) • 61,000,000
REST . . , 0790,000
Agencies in all principal petals in Ontario, Quebec, Manitoba, United dfalge teEnttfanda
A General
Danking Bnsinee Traneaoted, Farmers' Notes' Dlsoounted.
Drafts Isere -d and 0oneatione made on all pointe..
Interest allowed on deposits of $1.00 and opwarde and compounded bolt yearly.
Every facility afforded 0aetomer8 living at a distance,
onoy OCdrs
theooawnyng ban2ki9e;e—ued 6Undeo $$10,. 186o, $20 ttoo 6040..,.,,..112402
J. N. GORDON, Aeon.
To Dir. and Mrs. Leatherdale.
We, the ofi.oere end membere of River-
iveraide live Nu. 815, Lady Maccabees of
the World, desire to expreea on deep
sympathy with you in the loos of your
beloved daughter and our sister. We
88 in o
a 1 on Order. We
have eaatained o
Mall mise her cheery words and welcome
smile but how mach more that lose will
be felt in the home. We commend yon
to the Heavenly Father, He who is too
good to be unkind and too wise to err
will sustain and oomfort you. May we
follow oloeely the dear Savior and meet
her in the sweet by and by.
Signed in behalf of the Order,
Mae McGurna, L. 0. ;
JEAN Rrroaoc, R. R ;
AN ExPO8ITI0N BOOxLoT,—Here oomes
another of the beautiful booklets from
the Bureau of Publicity of the Pan-
American Exposition, Buffalo, N. Y. It
consists of 16 pages and a Dover iu light
green. The unique feature of it Ie the
miniature reprodnotion of the famous
poster, "The Spirit of Niagara," which
has had a mint remarkable demand.
The envelope in wbiohh the poster booklet
is mailed also bears a reprodootiou of
this artietio work. The booklet is a
popular p108810 book, the first page hav-
ing an engraving of the magnificent
Electric Tower, which is 391 feet high,
and which will form the glorious oe0ter.
pieoe of the great Exposition. On the
eamo page ie a initiators of one of the
torch bearers which will adorn the wings
of the Electric Tower, and beside it a
piotnre of Niagara Palle. The second
page shows a pioture of the Electricity
Building and five other small Sinatra.
tions of eleotrieity. The third page
ehowe the splendid group of boildinge
emoted by the National Government and
whioh will contain the Government ex.
hibits, also five miniature illustrations,
one of them showing the life-saving
station, where exhibitions will be given
daily by a pinked orew of tan men, due.
ing the Expoeiteou. The fourth page is
devoted to the wonderful dieplaye of
government ordinaoe ; the fifth to the
Moohinery and Traneportatioo Building
and tour other illustrations of modern
maobinee and vehicles. The neuter of
the booklet ehowe a birdeeye view of the
Exposition, and Orme one some idea of
the great extant of the enterprise upon
which about $10,000,000 is being expend-
ed. The grounds oontain 350 acres, being
half a mile wide, and a mile and a quar-
ter long. Other pages show hOrtianitt3re,
graphio arta and Minn, mannfaotaree
and liberal arta, the Mueio Temple, the
end ire b
eantlfttl surroundings, the
t letic field,the rieulboral
live etook and ethnologfeatures, and a
few of the 80 or 40 ingenious and novel
exhibite wbioh promise to make the Mid-
way the most wonderful that hes ever
been prepared for Exposition visitors,
Ituoklan's Arnica Salve
Hae worldwide tame for marvellous
aurae. It 60rpaeeee any other salve, lo•
Mon,' ointment or balm for Gate, Coroe,
Borne, Boile, Sorer, Felons, 010988,
Tetter, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, (Jhap•
ped beide, Skin Eroptione ;'intalliblo for
Piles. Only 25o at G. A. Deadman'e
drug store.
8014 ZW
ARMSTRONG —Io Walton, on February. 21,
to Dr, and Mre. Armetrong a daugh
ENoEL.—In Grey, on Feb. 20th, to Mr.
and Mrs. 0. Engel, a eon.
MoNEIL—MA0NDEBO —At the residence of
tbe bride's parents, Feb. 27, by Rev.
Juo. Holmes, Mr. Hector J. McNeil,
of Portage la Prairie, Man , to Miss
Annie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs,
Thomaa Maundere.
LAIRD.—In Hamilton, on Feb..24.b, Mre.
Wm. Laird, formerly of Brussels,
and aunt to Mre, Wm: Ainley, aged
62 years.
.6VC''POST m.Ey7.,13.
FRIDAY, MARCH 1ST —Farm, farm stook,
implements, &o., N } Lot 22, Con. 7, Mor•
ria. Bale, unreserved. at 1 p. rn. 'Simon
Forsyth, Prop. ; 117 8. Noott, Auo.
Timone, Memo 5.—Farm stook and
implements. Lot 4, Oon. 6, Grey Sale,
anreeerved, at 1 o'olook. Simon Grant,
Pron. ; F. B. Scott, Ano.
THURSDAY, MARCH 7T11.—Farm stook,
&o., B , Lot 20, Coo. 8, Morrie. Sale,
unreserved, at 1 o'clock. Henry Bone,
Prop. ; F. 8. Boots, Ano.
FRIDAY, MARCH 8211.— Farm etook, im•
plemente, 40., 8 ,} Lot 22, Con. 6, Morrie.
Sale, unreserved, at 1 o'clock. Hugh
Forsyth, Prop ; F 8. Soott, Au o.
MONDAY, MARCH lima.—Farm stook,
implemeote, dm, Lot 26, Con. 16, Grey.
Sale, unreserved, at 1 o'clock. Fletcher
Sperling, Prop. ; F. S. Scott, Auo.
TUESDAY, MARCH 12.—b'arm stook, fm
plemente, &o., Si Lot 4, Ooh. 5, Morrie.
Bale, anreeerved at 1 o'olook. D. Meikle-
jehe, prop. 1 F. S. 8eoit, nuc,
WEDNESDAY, 168.0011 lBTn..-Fera) stock
and implements, Lot 85, Oen. 9, Grey.
Bale at 1 o'olook. Joseph Gooe, Prop. ;
F. B. Soott, Ano,
Tx0R4DAR, MARCH 14T11.—Farm stook,
implements, &o„ Lot 24, Oen, 7, Grey.
Bale, unreserved, at. 1 o'clock. Robt.
McKelvey, Prop ; F. 8. Scott, Auo.
•s .i:..,28 x'•G:'_u,
Fall Wh0at,...,,..... 63 63
Brtrloy ................37 88
Oats 27
Butter, iul•v and rulhi •15
Eggs per •U,znn 15
Floor per oWt. . 2 00
Potatoes (per boob.) 26
Apples (per bbl.) 2 00
Sheep skins, each ,...,75
Lamb skins each 25
Salt per bbl retail1 00
Ray per tun 7 00
Hitler trimmed 6
Hes Ioug1 6
Hoidge, Lhve 6 25
Wool 15
2 00
2 00
1 00
8 00
6 25
Tunas bead of cattle rising 2 years,
for Bale,
Brussels Poet Office. e. MRS. A,
OoAL stoves for Bale—one large and one
medium in prime working order for sale at
halfrice. GettinFfuxnnceia house—no use
for stoves. 3, D. RONALD.
ATIRG and Home Painting done in
Workmanlike manner and on abort notice.
Have had three years' experience in ell
6 .
work. Terms W3 JOHNBTON, Walton.
9 to 14 months old, for sale, owed by
"Scottish Chief," (297614 whose sire was 1m.
portsd by D. D. Wilson, of Seaforth. For
farther particulars apply to
A. SMITH, 8 4 Lots 97 98 000.1, Grey,
914 Trewb ridge 1'. 0.
Vaccination Notice.
Owing to the provolenoe of Small Pox in
00030 localities parents are asked to have
their children vaccio and who have not been,
as a preventative against 81110 scourge,
Chairman Board of Health, Brussels.
Cold in the Head
Cod in the Chet
Bold in the Throat
Cold Anywhere
Can be depended on
to cure it:
26c a box.
PoE's Drug EtOTO.
11ghted and convenient rooms to lot In
the Leckie brook over G. A. Deaden WS end Elm Rogers' stores, Ap ply to F. S. BOOTT.
�17 t f1 WILL BUY A FUR—
mann borne on Queen
street, Brussels It is foolish for business
men and retired farmers to rent houses
when they ono get a home of :their own for
00118810 8807y. to
MI8888 711Apply. CAMPBELL, Brunets.
Bulla for Sale, aged 1 year and 8
mouths. respectively, Good animals With
good pedigrees. The drat mentioned took
2nd prize at East Huron Fad Show. 1000, to
a ohms of 9' Prices right. JAS. SPEW., Lot
80, eon. 2, Morris, Brussels P.0 29•
DEaetONEn will offer for sale his 100 arra
tarm,ILot 19 Con. 6, Grey, ou which tbero
are 90 acres under cultivation; good 1,ame
house, bank barn, 402E60 feet, nice orohuid.
spring creek, well fenced, and place In good
shape, '.hero aro 10 acres of Fall wheat and
10 acres plowed. Possession given at
on0e. Terme easy. For further Information
as toprioe, terms and conditions' apply to
F. SCOTT, Anotioueer, Brussels, or the
proprietor on the premises.
Ethel -P.0,
Fitted to Correct all
Failures of Eyesight.,
and your Eyes tested FREE by
latest Optical methods at
Division Court Office,
For the Great---40-
Baazkrupt _ ale
Then we Close, Pack
Up and Move.
No ion' the Great ltuius.
Don't miss securing Goods at less
than Wholesale Cost.