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The Brussels Post, 1901-2-28, Page 7
ITARRETS OF THE WORLD Rises Gatti 0, Cheese, Grata, in tile Leading l0aeket0, .. readily' enoo'gth, taut We tori ant en- due prepoetiola of erefiniehed cattle, aged Petr thee kind the Market wee a &e elohv one,. Shipping cattle Need at frown; 4 to 48-4c, and ,fox the beet offerings do per lb. Geod to A11oiee butoleee cattle sold Weedily at from 3l-4 to' 4,14o per lb; gaud far a few extl'a ab'aamfl tote a elude metre was l'eperted pak1,,$44 ogiduey and inferior cattle ranged at about the rates quoted llaiow, with e. weak tendency, Thee wee ori a oteble change in staokors, feeders', and bulls, There Os an enquiry for a few choice aitch, cows up to about 350 eaoht Good to c01oLce owe calves are in ptea'dy request. Gond,graiuifed Iambs are unchanged steady and wanted. Sheep are a fair melte at •ivne1 anged prioes.. Hogs are firm at the advance oR last T,ueeeliey, "Singers" are fetching 03-4o per db, and eight and fart hags, 6 1-4o. Raga to eaten the top price must be of prime quality, and goalsnot below 109 nor above 200 the. Following is the range of quota= tions :--, I Cuttle. Shippers, per cwt $4 00 $0 Butchers, alioe do. 4 00 4 2 fo Butcher, coon, to good, 3 50 3 7 Butcher, Inferior. . 2 75 3 0 Stackers, per cwt. 275 32 Export balls, per cwt, 4 00 4 5 Sheep and Larnee. Export owes, per owt. 3 00 3 5 Beecher sheep, oaoh. . 2 50 4 0 Lames, gn,fed per cwt. 4 25 4 7 Do,, barnyds per cwt. 3 75 4 2 Bucks, . . . . 2 10 3 0 • Milkers and Calves. Cows, eaeb, . . 2000 50'00 Calves, each . 2 00 3 00 Hogs. Choice hogs, per cllt. 0 50 6 75 Light bogs, per cwt. 6 00 0 25 Heavy hogs, per cwt. 8 00 6 2 Sows, . 3 50 4 00 Stags 2 00 2 25 I 131tEAMT:IJr1's, 2TO,. Toxooto,' Fob. 110,-.-Wheat--Export- qrs now lekl 1001-2o for red, vendee, Peed goose wheat, low freights to .,New Yee k,'aand bolders ask 87o. 3600 and white, meth and weer, is quoted at 64e bid nod 650 asked, Mal atobai them, .ala sea'reety, No, 1 bard, old, 6.1,t., 981-2o; No, 2, 04 1-2e; Not 1 hard, North Bay, 971-2o; No. 2 hard, 98 1-2e, Millfeed--�Soairoe end firm, Ton lots at the mill doer, ae11 an;' follows;- Bran, 913 to 913.53; and sheets,. 916, Weld. Come-Firm. IAmerloan, No. 2 yel- lolw, on track hen, 47o; and No. 0, 40o. Peas -Firm. No, i,, meddle freights, at 631-20; and east at 64e. Barley -Ilton, No. 2, east, 421-2 to 430; end middle. freights, 42 to 42 1-2o; No. 3 extra, 40 1-20, east; and 400, Meddle freights. Rye -Steady. Car lots, 48e, wast; and 49e, east. Buckwheat -Quiet. Car lots, west, are quoteid at 490; and met at 00o. pats -Firm, but demand is rather quieter. No. 1 hvdiite, east, 29 3-40; No. 2white, Hirth and west, 28 3-4o. Flour -Quiet. Export agents bid 92,60 for atrnight roller, In buyers' bags, middle freights; and 22.65 is asked by the mills, which da nota' do their own exporting. Choloe brands are quoted from 10 to 15o above; 'these figures, Oatmeal -Car lots of rolled oats, in bags, on track here, are quoted at 93.25 per bbl; and in wood, ab 93.35 per bbl, SBuffalo, Feb. 20, -Flour Steady ; light trade, Wheat -Spring, No. 1 Northern, old, 83 3-4e for small: lots; no offerings, c.i.f. Winter wheat - Nothing doing; mitlors would prob- ably pay Tee for fancy white,' and 77o for No. 2 red, on track' here. Corn - Quiet; No. 2 yellow, 43 3-4 to 14e; No. 3 do., 43 1-2 to 43 3-4o; 'No. 2 corn, 43. 1-2 to 48 8-4c; No, 3 do,; 43' 1-4c, through billed. Oats -Steady ; No. 2 white, 31 1-2o; No, 3 do., 31o; No. 2 mixed, 29c; No. 3 doe 281-2c, through billed. ,tT3arltsyHtiri�changed4 Rye -No. 2 on track, 560 asked, Detroit, Feb, 20.-Closed:-Wbeat- No. 1 white, cash, 79 1-2a; No, 2 reel, cash and February, 79 1-2o; March,81 3-4o. Duluth, Feb. 26. -Wheat -Oath, No. 1 hard, 751-4e; No. 1 Northern, 73'1=2o. No. 2. Northern, 87 3-8 to 70 3 -co; May '76 July, 76 3-4a. Cora -May, "38 7-8e. Oats -281-4 to 26c. Ili/meal/ales, Feb, 20. -Wheat -Cash, 74c; May, 75 5-8 to 75 3-4c; M7,75 1-2 to 75 5-8c; on track. No. 1 hard, 78e; No. 1 Northern, 74c; No. 2 Northern, 67 3-40 PRODUCE, Toronto, Feb. 28. -Eggs -Eggs are easy, owing to increasing supplies of new -laid. Priem are as follows;- Strictly now -laid, 20o; fresh gathered, 16e; cold stored, 14 to 16o; Limed, 14 to 15o. 'Poultry-.Priees for bright stook are as follows; -Turkeys, 10 to ile; geese, at 8 to 8 1-2c; elliokens, at 40 to 50e; and ducks, at 00 to 80c. Cold stored (turkeys and geese are quoted 1 to 2o Lb under bright stock, Potatoes -Steady at 28c for car lots, cm track here; and 350 out of tore.s Field produce, oto. -Turnips out of store, 30c per bag; onions, 70o per bag; carrots, 350 per bag; apples, per bbl. 91 to $2; sweet potatoes, per bbl. 92.50. Dried apples -Dried apples sell at 8 1-2 to 4a1 and evaporated at 5 to 5 1-2e, Begins -Ordinary wbito beans bring 31,40 ; e]loiee heed -picked beans are quoted art 01.60 to 31,75. dfoney T'irm ; dealers quote from 10 to 10 le2cl per lei. for 5, 10 or 00-1b tins, according to the size of the or- der. Comb honey 0.e11s at $2.50 to 92.75 par dozen seoltions. Baled hay -Steady, Choice timothy, on trade here, $10.25; two -ton lots, de- livered, $1l. to $11,25. Straw -Car lots of stkaw, on track hero, 95.50 to 38i DRESSED HOGS AND PROVIOIONS. Toronto, Feb, 20. -Dressed bogsoon- tinue scarce. Whore are practically no ts offerings of car loon track here. Packers bid 37,50, and hnldere outside ask 99, for oar lots, on track hero: On the street prices, are firm at 38.50 to 98,75, Provisions are firm, and In good demand. Quotationa for provisions are asfei- 1owe: Dry salted shoulders, 8e; long clear bacon, loose, in oar lots, 10c; and 10 cake lbtle, 10' 1'4 to 10 1-20; short cut perk, 910.50 to 920; heavy mempork ,$18 to $19. Smoked meats -hams, beaver, 12o; medium, 12 1-2 to 18o; ligh•t,13o ; brealt- fast bacon, 130; picnic bam8, 100; roll bacon, Ifo. /1'oranto, Fels, 26. -We 'bud at the western cattle yards to -day fifty oar - loads of lents stook, including 1,600 hags, 700 cattle, 250 sheep and lambs, 80 calves, and a few Metall cows. Ti ONTARIO LERSLATNRNI What tile Feople's Representatives Are D01118' at Toronto. LAW REFORM PETITIONS. tnuanbee of iuvpoa'tent potitticns were introduced by members. Soy eawltcolated to law reform; the Coun- ty Ote polls of Essex and Bruce asked that the powers pf Division Comae be extended. Peon lBruee-oleo came 4 petition for the abolition ori grand juries. The County Oounoil of Elgin asked foo a reduction in the cost of juey service. A unique petition camp from the County Connell of Wellingtoia pr'ay- ing that the Government do not grant aid to pwbiie highways. UNCLAIMED BALANCES. 33 r. Carsoalle,n introduced a bill to aernpel loan ,companies to publish ev- ery 8• years statements of the un- ebaimcd deposits in their posseesioa in order that Beide may lay olaini to the5n,. Thia is on the same prin- ciple as the law relating to unclaimed balances in banks, which, however, must be publduhed every five yearn Last' yea!' this, bell went to the Legal Committee, which is the legislative graveyard, but Mr. Carscallen wlil 5 push it through to an issue this Ises- 5 atom. REE 'con spe y o once d th eyed LAND GRANTS TO SOLDIERS, 5 Hon. E. J. Davis moved the first P reading of his bill' respecting 160- E acre land grants to soldiers. The E 6 DESTRUCTION OF, FRUIT TS. 0 Mr, Jessop will move for a return showing the number of fruit aroesin 0 fasted by the San lose scale 0 damned to be destroyed by the in c - 'tor or inspectors in the Count f 0 Lincoln; the number actually destroy- ed, - ed, the number condemned but no t destroyed, the names and resid s of the owners of the latter, lin e reason why they were not destr, , a'naonart payable lendete this Aot should exceed the earn of $75,000 in any Year; then the said tuna elball be die vGtlOd eineoag lobe Saoleeles 00 oetab- liened, Any menses payable to any person or oompanq olaimtn!g the acme elder this Act shuel be ,Payable only under end subject to the following conal- tions: --ti, Thalt during the first year of the operations of euob factory, the fill sum of et lea6t 94 per ton shall nave been paid for all boots delivered at the faetol"y, irrespective 06 the quantity of eacc'harino matter con- tained fn such beeies, b, Tbat daring the operations of the eeoone and thi4'd years of soon factor', the said For- tson or company shall have paid for all Note .delivered at the eaotary the sum at' at lease $4 per ton, and such addle tignal prion at the same rate ae eball c0rreepond to 'tha proportion of sae- cbarine matter which such' beets con- tain in exoes's' of 12' per Dent, Tn the event of any dispute between any pennon or contractor for the Sup- ply of euga,r beets, esu to the quantity. of saccharine matter which said beets are said to contain; reference shall be made to the analyst of the Agrloal- tural College Guelph, or to ouch per - ab may be nominated for that purpose by the Lieutenant -Governor- ln-Council, evleoee report shall be final. ESTIMATE OP RECEIPTS. The 'budget, address, delivered by Premier Ross, contained the following .estimate of reoeipts far the year; EstiamaLed reoolpts. 93,795,872 80 Cash balance, Dec. 30, 1900, 1,033,548 31 Total 94,829,41011 Total estinnuted expeneli- epee. . . . . , 38,782,406 78 The receipts are ltemezed as follows; SulbeidInterest on capital 1eldy 31,190,872 82 ,imo lading debts due. 240,000 00 Interest on investments, 50,000 00 Grown Lands Depart, melee, . 1,020,000 ublie institutions. 84,500 da ate= Department, . 65,000 asuaI revenue, . 110,000 lccession antics. 250,000 SCHEEPER'S COMMANDO. Exact Whereabouts of His Force 1s Unknown. ti despatch from Cape. Town, says; -'.Guru: teoveerament reparta that the exact whereabouts of Commandant Sobeeeper's eorce, which is a conch one, Is unknown. He has certainly aband- mewl bet original intention of oross- ring the railway between Prince Al- bert and Beaufort West, and es break- ing bank easterly, followed by Gone. Persons and Grenfell. During the dant fear slays p,vrtiee of Boars have been reported in' the nelghSyarhood of Willonwnlere and Uniondale. They probably belong to Seheoper's com,- +mumdo. Paarties of Invaders continue to move about in the Mleldelborg and SitO733s'bwrg districts, looting on a 8101(11 scale. The principal body, esti- mated to number 300 men, appear to be located at Pawrborg, north-west of I=1toynsbiwrg. '„snaps are assembling at various plsinY0. on the Midland line, with the object of olea!•!ng out the marauders, who probably roasist of serail bodies of Boers, who have crossed the Orange river at various tunas during the past Imbntlo. In the Albert d,istribt the Boers beim been ireeneeroed by a number of young oolon'sts, who were recraitedl dal the districts invaded. BOTHA SUING FOR PEACE.. All the Boers Proper Anxious to Surrender. ©. despatob from Cape Town says: - It is rumoured in Johannesburg that General Louts Botha is suing for pence. It is understood that, in addition to 'the scarcity of Food and ammunition, continual hardships coupled with the worrying tactics of the British have told heavily on the burghers. The t Beers proper it is said, are anxious e to surrender. ft is Deily the mercen- t axles and the rebels, who have notb- a ing to lose, who desire the continua- tion of hostilities. t DESTROYED A CULVERT. t The Boers Captured a Trainload of Foodstnfs. IA despatch from Johannesburg Wednesday says: -The Boers destroy- ed a culvert between Natal sprint and ElIp river, on the railroad juet south of ]sere, art dawn to -day, They cap- 1 turgid a trainload of foodstuffs, and io after taicia all they could conven- iently carry, set fire to the rent and disappeared over to veldt, 1 KtTCFiENER' S NEW ORDER. ; �,b Tlloui3'ht to Indieate a Blg Move's Eastward. London, Friday, Feb. 22.-Despatch-� et" , es tot the Daily, itf,ail report that Lord of 1 illcholaer las issuedinstruOLion that no goods of any description are to go of De forward by the Wavle Ray Line auntie' oar Nether notice, with the exception of p argent military' and hoeletal supplies, `yep first clause, he explained, authorized the Government to set apart lands Lt for the purpose, either in'the fres grants district, or in those districts A where a charge was now made for As those taking up land. The second I clause indicated those entitled to'I'a receive the land grants. There must be evidence that the person was 022- '301104 in Ontario for active service in South Africa, and that he actually served there. In the ease of a soldier having met death while serving in the war, his next of kin would be entitled to the grant upon proving the rela- tionship. Members of the volunteer militia in Canada who were actually engaged in defensive services in 1866 would also be entitled' to grants upon proof of service. The third clause of the bill provided that the land so granted should be free of all settle- ment duties, and provincial and muni- cipal taxes, except school rates, for ten years; but if the land were dis- posed of by the original owner with- in that ;period, the it should be made subject to the usual taxation. The fourth clause provided that in land 8o set apart no more than one loca- tion of 160 acres should be allowed to the square Mile.' This wee to pre- vent large contiguous areas being locked up for ten, years without set- tlement. Nurses, chaplains, and Red Cross oommisstoners would also be entitled to the land grants on the same conditions. SMALL-PDX CASES. en reply to a query of Mr. Smith, Peel, Eon. J. It, Stratton,' gave a de- tailed statement of the oases of small- pox ne Ontario since January 1, 1900, and the House that the ut- most precautions for the suppression of the disease had been taken. The Information In possession of tbe de- partment showed that the disease was now under control. CONSIDERING FREE TEXT -BOOKS. Supplementary tax, , 230,000 ceases. 375,000 Law stamps . . 60,000 lgo'ma tax . . . . . 2,500 isheries. 35,000 sessmont drain work. 5,000 n neuraoe 00impunies. 3,000 tents 4,000 In reply to Mr. Graham, the Mink- el.of Education says he wsa oonsid- ring the question of furnishing free ext -books. to the pupils of the Public. nd Separate schools. The Premier told Me. Preston that here was no present intention of in- reasiug the number of factory inspeo- ore ONTARIO BEET SUGAR BOUNTY. Host. John Dryden, 1VJ1tniister of Agriculture introduced a bill far elm encouragement of beet root sugar pred'uction in lege province. It sets apart 975,000 for each yeas' for a period of bhreo years for his purpose. The primoipal provis- os neo;- In case any person 01' company hall establish and greet suitable Is and install the necessary ,ant for the reit, viaig of sugar from set roots ise any part of this prey - co, such person or company shall be entitled to be paid, rout 0f the said gen mentioned In the preceding sto- len, .for !sugar so refined of tied - ass marketable quality, at thereto one-half cent Igor pound for the prnduob of the first year's operations stwh faotiery, and at the rate bf 0 -quartos• cent ipor pound for the rmete t 0f each of the two following ales, and no longer, td 'ae e wee fait; good stuff Bald be tis order is supposed to indicate a In the event of snore factories Lhan g move enstavhrd. lone barn ostabli oil d f BRIEFLY MENTIONED, 00 00 00 00 00 00 00. 00 00 00 00 00 00 The fisheries on Lake Erie give em- ployment to 3,728 persons. Leicestershire is the greatest gran- ite producing county in the United Kingdom. The court of Queen Victoria has been the best and purest court that the world has ever seen. The country epoxide £123,866 ayear on the British Museum, The salary of the principal librarian is £1,500. If a cyclist were to ride round the coast of England and Wales he emendcover a distance of about 2,000 miles. The city of Mexico is as muoh cool- er than the 'Melted States in summer as it is warmer in winter. Summer ex- cursion) are coming into vogue. According to recent atatistics,there are 472 colleges in the United States, having a total estimated property vanes, including grounds, buildia and apparatus, of 9159,000,000. Heaton Park, Manchester, the se of the Earl of Wilton, has been put obased by a London syndicate for 5240,000. It is proposed to convert a portion of the demesne into a residen- tial park and to devote other portions to tenements. OFFICIALLY DENIED. Report. That FlammtO,s Strohm* tau Among the Truer,,, Not True'. iA despatch from Cape Town says r -AU the plague patients here, fif- teen in Hunner, are doing .well, Eighty-two Kaffirs are confined he the contact maim The report that the plague has broken out among tbe British troops is officially denied. BO)YIINIOIJ PARLIAN 1NT, Motes of the Pl'ooeoding's in the Callaaia1; Bente of 0011101011% l3ILIr5 INTittO DUCED. too bill was entracte-0Wbylore, TSttr. me5'300, inti'tuleted en Aot respect leis the Sup're'me Court o2 the Inde - Pendent Order of lfm,•esters, and to. ()Inman the name, to the Independent Ceder of Itlorestors, 3.21'. Fortin in« deduced a bill respeeti:ug the Grand Trunk railway of Canada, and 5.150 a brill respecting the Ob,tmbly rail- way ori °towels. tier. Henderson introduced o hill to amend the Domenilon 1314011005 Act 01 1900, He explained tbot tbe object Was t0 remove entirely the white spaces at the top and bottaml of the ballot, so las t'o ipiwyvenmark- ing the voter from ark- ing his ballot elsewhere than (twe- ak* ppo- e s Uri She name of one of the na�ndidatas. alba 'hill woe; also designed to prevent 02 possible, the misuse of the oath which Penults persons who are not on the lists to demand a ballot, on giving reasons not 'provided for by than statute, when such reasons seam good to the !returning offiber, such as absence o. neglect in tbe prepara- tion of the lists. Der. Sanith, of Wentworth, intro- duced a bell to amend the Weights and Measures Act. It 10 designed to secure unifonmety In the size of fruit packages and berry boxes. Mr. Smith, of Vancouver, through Mr. Puttee, introduced a bill to amend the Aet to restrict the impartation and employment of aliens. APPOINTED TO OFFICES. Mr. Clarke was informed by Sir Wil- frid Lawler that slues the 15th of March, 1400, the following members of the late Parliament had been appoint- ed to offices of emolument under the Crown :-Wm. Hutcheson, Commis- sioner at Buffalo Exhibition, $250 a month and 910 a day, for expenses; Firman McClure, Census Commission- er of Nova Scotia, 35 a day salary, and 95 a day for expenses; W. T. Sten- ecn, Collector of Customs at Sher - son, Collector of Customs at Sher- brooke; $1,500 a year ; J. L. Hurley, In- spector of Fisheries, 91,000. Of the uta - successful candidates 11. L. Drury has been appointed Census Commissioner for British Columbia at $5 a day sal- ary, and 35 for expenses, and A, D. a 00=4Wallace has been made 00=4 judge ah 33,000 a year. ALLEN LABOUR. The Premier informed Mr. Kendall that no representations had been made to the Government on behalf of Can- adian employes of the Dominion Iron and Steel Company to the effect thatim they are di:orimated against in fa- vour of alien labour, brought into Can- ada under contract. If such repre- sentations were made, the Govern- ment would of course feel bound'to give them careful consideration, with a view to such action as the public in- terests seemed to demand. FLOODING OP LANDS. Mr. Tarte informed Mr. MacLeod that the attention of the Government had been called to the flooding of oar- gs .twin' lands along the Severn river. There had been plated in the estimates at this year 92,500 to 'improve the river, $1,700 to widen the outlet of the lake, LARGEST CARGO. 'Mr. Bennett was told by Mr. Blair that the largest cargo of grain re- ceived at the port of Montreal during tine season 02_1900 from the upper lakes came, by wap of Parry Sound and the e Canada Atlantic railway to Coteau and consisted of 51,000 bushels of wheat; the second largest was 45,000 bushels, and came by way of the Wel- land canal. IMMIGRATION FOR THE YEAR. Mr. Clarke was told by Mr. Sifton Meet the number of im aigrauts enter- ing Canada during the year ending June 30111, 1900, was 0,515, including 21,010 who were ticketed to tho Unit- ed, States. This left 41,499 destined for Canada. There came item the fol- lowing countries: -United States, 14; 215; England and Wales, 7,162; Scot- land, 1,183; Ireland, 701; Galicia, 6,549; G•ermony, 704; Seandinavia, 1,191; France and Belgium. 427; Doulthobors, 2,368; miscellaneous, 7,999. The Gov- ernment' meld give no Information els to the number of immigrants arriving in, Canada during the year who after- wards wont to settle in the United States. WISIf CHINESE PROVERBS. Here aro some Chinese sayings that indicate much philcaophy; Respect alway9 a silent woman; great is the wisdom of the woman that holdeth her tongue. A: vain woman is to be feared, for sho will secretdoo all for her pride, Treat not a vain woman, for 5130 is first its her own eye. A haughty,unman stumbles, for she cannot sec what may be do her way. Trust not the woman that thinketh more of heraolf than another; mercy will not dwell in her heart. The god.; honor her who thinketh tong before opening her lips. Pearls conte frim her mouth. A woman and a child aye alike; each needle a strong, uplitting hand. A woman that roepects herself le doors beautiful than a single star; more beautiful thou many Stare at night, 0 CONFUSING TIlOL'GIIT. 3eIis. Fijjit-You think yeti know what I am thinking about, Mr. 33'ijj.t-Eh6 etre. emery tdulding ihai 1 re lb,nk'ng!hal you don't know, WAR VESSELS LAUNCHED. Two or the Smost. Formidable cruisers to the world. .4. despatch Panne London, says: - The two first-class endears Good Hope and B'toohante were ldtuncbed on 'the Clyde on Friday morning. It is claitmod that the former i5 the most farm/ARUM cruiser in the world. She is 500 feet long, has n d.isplaeement of 14,400 tons, and is expected to develop a speed of 28 knots au hour. The Uaoohneto, which is of the Dressy type, has a displaconiont of 12,000 tons, 1Nf NEWS IN A I11181 ELL THE. VERY LATEST 'FROM ALL THE WORLD OVER, ltttereeting itennjs About Olin' tweuaitry, Ureas Britain, the Lia States, and All Parts of the iii Condensed and Assorted for l2esailliig', CANADA. A .manual training school for to ore ie to be opened at Ottawa. Paris, Ont„ ratepayers have le favour of a chic electric 1 plant. London is seeking the removal 1 of aha Ronald, Siaam lire Fla Works at Brassela, 32iss Darling, a clerk in Aird'3 footle/eery, Montreal, lost her ey tile explosion of a ginger ale bo A number of engines for the I colonial Railway will be compo soon at the Kingston l000m works, The Crown Lands' Department New Brunswick has cold by acct valuable timber Janda on the No quit sever, T,he Montreal Cotton Company double its present oaplial of 92,000 and call in 9500,000 to bu4ld a new at• Valleyfield. A Venooever despatch, says 0 Engineer de Pieverre of Ottawa eel Mr. Rowland, of Toronto on Sat day in a quarrel originating o racial tannin. The Government will invite House of Commons to vote a sum money far a national memeieal to late Queen Victoria. John McCrea, a miner, was allot Dinonwio, DM'onetgba, by ' Willi Watson in a bar-roore quarrel. Craw was taken, to Winnipeg for tre ment, and died in the hospital. At the annual meeting ori the D minion Coal Company it was deo ed to remove the conipany's head o fice from Boston to Montreal. Another dividend ori four or five cents will soon be declared in the winding --up of the old .Kingston Lo- comotive Works Company. '4Vm. Mackenzie and Messrs. Ross and Holt, of Montreal, according a Wimuipeg despatch, will ereot hotel and theatre there at a cost 3750,000. Caere is some talk at Hamilton a combine among the pork packer the competition having become keen and the supply of pork so li Red that the ,mitt s pork establis meets are not running at more tha half their capacity. Qwn ited iiasy aoh- voted ight here gine 00n - e by ttle, nter cued odes of ion pisl- wvi11 000 mill ivil ur- ver the of the at am Mo- at 0- id- f - to a won which Is preferred to all other sorts ee 61 the soap industry, Horseshoes which wear unevenly can be repaired by an Australian's patent nail, which has a head mucb larger than the common nail, the four nails nearly covering the worn surface of the shoe and raising it to the right height again. Rahway al eli0alnnetelte Tito metes eefns4d to week. GDNERAL. Getrmany eeftlses to tellni4, Reeelan. 150/901104 nettle, Tol'r5ntlel rains 0 4Oulrhoot Merit have; caused great damage, ' Ilrrou50, the lake. fire .1uizla 154 obarr red bodiea'ltgv0 been removed, Tile great fire at the Balza eel tanks, In Russl8, wee inoondiary. A thousand seamstresses, eo11 1s . ed by Paris tailors, have struck:, E109rees Frederiek Is fatally iu with dropsy and renal cancer. The American system of mall boxes Is to be Head throughout the German The Belgium, Ohambey of Deputies has suppressed the Ostend Spe, a gambling resort. ',lima, Peru, has been inundated, Bridges were destroyed, 10047 lives Lose. and much property was destroy, ed. An Anglo-American, bank will be. alerted en Europe, with a branoh oris Hoe In every capital of Europe, wltha' capital of $2760,000. s; eenbane' oz eetnrj lee aerie; egaj extremely disastrous to foreigners, and the death of many promineo4, Britishers have oneurred. A contingent of twelve bemired and fifty men sailed from Melbourne last week for South Africa, being the fifth contingent sent from the colony of Victoria. Russia bas raised the duties On iron and steel 'reported from the United States as a retaliation for increased duties ismo sed 041 Russian sugar by' the United States Government. Ten man from a Russian cruiser at Mei attacked a number of Germans from the battleship Kaiser Wilhelm II„ and one German sailor was stab- bed and mortally wounded. The, son of an official of the Secret Police at St. Petersburg has euieided rather than oarry out a plot designed to kill the Czar, He left a confession ianplioating several persons, who have been arrested. THE MOVING WORLD. German manufacturers have found that by cooking molasses dregs, after the removal of the sugar, a potash Is of s; so ne- h- n Handwriting Cannot Re Changed. The Inexperienced ones are blissfully unaware that handwriting is really a physical characteristic of the human P. body, says The Home Magazine, which is innately peculiar to its owner. You may indeed, after its general form, Iike tbe man who writes anonymous - n0tee, or cover it with make up like the man who forges a signature -the actor does both to his voice and face g on tbe stage -but this, after all, Is the in most you can do. You cannot destroy or even temporarily get rid of tbe f characteristics of your writing itself. a It Is as much a part of the expression of your being as your manner of talk- ing alking or your gait in walking, and that It cannot be destroyed Is the more cer- tain because no one, n0 matter how much study he might give It, could ever find' out all of the unconscious characteristics of his handwriting, GREAT BRITAIN. Sir Francis 11nollys has beeo a pointed private secretary to King Ed- ward VII. Load Roberts' title is gazetted as "Viscount St. Pierre and Earl of Can debar and Pretot'ia," English tea merchants are takin large quantities of tea out of, bond anticipation of increased taxation. ,Lord Nelson is tare only member: o the Rouse of Lords who has been Peer throughput the Victorian era. Three thousand waiters in London are out of work Doing to mourning for the Queen and the postponement of all social functions. A. special statue Dade. tha seal of tho Order of the Garter will be issued, conferring upon Queen Alexandra, the Lite of "Lady of that Most Noble Or- der." Marconi'is said to have sent wire- less messages between St. Catharines, Isle of Wight, and The Lizard, 200 miles, Perfect communication between the two points has been established. Dr. Campbell Brown, a London an- alyst, has testified that the average weekly consumption of beer at Liver - peen, contained 300 pounds of arsenic, enough to kill a million people if ad- ministered in equal doses and one at a time. UNITED STATES. The strike of the 4,003 silk workers in Scranton, Pa., has resulted in a lockout, The Chie7tgo Automobile Traespor- tetion Oo10pany is being formed with a capital of 915,000,000. Oblongo pbysioians have decided that mosgnetoes spread yellow fever germs, and that quarentimes are use- less. ' Tha • theft of a newspaper from tho doo,nstop of a aeig•hbour has cost B, A, Vanoe, of New Bedford, Mass., $10 and costs. The Carnegie deal contemplates an organization whioh will control the oro -carrying trade of the groat lakes. A fleet of seven ships overdue at Portland, Oregon, have been given up as lost with 230 lives and property worth 92,000,000, W.eald,hy capitalists will build upon t110 Delowarc River front, lu Phila- delphia, one of the largest sugar re- fineries in the United State„ Now York State's )engineer esti- mates that a large ennui from Lake Erie to the 1u.deon River would cost tel millions, or through Lake Ontario 52 inillions, emir • milk instead of water was pumped into the boiler of a 1o0omn, rive on the Erie 8. Central New, York Explaining Things. "What Is this here diplomacy?" ask- ed tbe grocery loafer. "It is like this here," said the grocer. "Per instance, if 1 wanted to call you a liar, I'd fist do so right out, but if I wanted to be diplomacy, I'd go at it sorter t'Oundabotlt an net' say t0 the surroundin air that while I wasn't 'menu no tames, I reely did believe chat a certain reel nosed, squint eyed cuss that bad et at least ten pound of my best cheese without ever payin a cent was not so keerful with the truth as he orter be. See? -Indianapolis Press. Renewed Hope. "Henrietta," said Mr. efeekton, "did You 507 you bought this necktie be- cause you thought it suited no perfect - "Yes." "Well, I'm gind to hear it, I'm going to wear It Cud go out into the world with renewed hope and courage. You know, it's an old saying that handsome omen are not, C8 a rule, the ones who really achieve things." - Washington Star. Papaya Dednettoas. "I believe our baby Is intoxicated," remarked the proud papa. "Why, what do you mean?" demand- ed the fond mamma. "lie name to be fell of high bawls," explained the proud papa, whose knowl- edge of acoustics was thus shown to be equal to bis information as to Intox- icants. -Baltimore American. Taking His ldeasnre, "Wbat kind Of a man is this John Smith?" "Oh, he's the hind that thinks he can bold on to his umbrella by having hie name engraved on the handle." -New York Evening World. Rare as Well as 1108801Pd. MUCUS -It Is n benefited thing to see a youug girl .growing into womsuhood. Cynlens--'1'hnt's right. So many at them seem to went t0. grove into mate, hoots.--L'lllladelphia Record.