HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1901-2-28, Page 3el Yetttlr gl01119.1eLt 1 NOT -4S "dipped -Ye is a talisn.041$4 word, with 4 goons as eberfal as the ring of a gold odnn. Nearly everybody. Ls 10 Itareeted In nteeteeaLODe as to the non ditionq gemming Ilucneseful achieve Menti9', a'' j'd evitteneed )re- the , glee number of arFjolee on the suhjeo that are 41d tae while eppeeriilag In the magazine. Pinny lie Good.ndvleo eoul<l,ot ete'elf bring fame and bonora, every reading boy should by this tjeno be on tate Toad to euooesa, Su000sS, however, Irs'n relative matter. What May bo 1rne11ess for one may be cora- Mealtime ,failure for another, This Principle holds goad pot merely in pecuniary raettere, where the rich omni failq for want of a sum 1310io11 W0111.4 make 'a poor mann en hill own eetematon at least, . vary rich, brut also through a very wide range of hu- man Interests. For eine man, with a pertain calibre of mind, to masfea+ given faotis ;15 to summed, while for a Newton or, a Renter to acquire the •same foots would be only Lo begin to euoeeed. And so it goes= -tile enecess ill every ease enetilriag to be estimated not simply ae regards its .content of geidr but also relatively to the lose or more that that ,particular man might have acoompl'sehed in the pursuit of fortune, 'the winning of one talent more may constitute sue- •aese for a ono -talent man, but not for a five -talent man. Sueoces is relative) too tm the sense that it Is meant to be for all a progressive ex- perience.The success of yesterday makes way 'for the greater .sucoese of to -morrow, or if it pimply remains what it was yesterday bedomae mora•o' failure. As opportunities inerease the oleo of• the sucoese must increase Proportionately. 9 NT..?'. ; POR THE FARMER, TREATMENTTREATMENT OF WOO:iC, While paying every possible atten- t kion to stook in the way of feeding t and general pare, there is another ;nett= whish Lt is pentane to over- look, and which, indeed, in many cacaos, if ecta'roely, if over, thought of. We Wetter to the treatment reoeived by. the tetock at the hands ot'the attend- ant. Laying a'aide bbe bare fact of duty tolvarele the dumb creatures whlob axle in his power and under his pare 0011 protectilou, a reasonable man need only recall the numberless Proofs of Which ho has heard or read, ole, better faith, wltksh have pomp ill dor lie personal observation, of in- telilgenee, and trattoriaafsm ale the so-called lower order of animals, in order to be convinced that they have a' good posii;Lve (right to be treated with due regard for their comfort and respect fox their feelings. One can scaroely go among a number of horses or cattle without notioing a marked resemiblanee to the human race. Individual charaoteristiee are quite as prominent` among them, m arid' there often sees to be on much fun inthe eyes and natant; of the rapes and Toms and Ohteeliotl among the horses ae in those of their, name- sakes among the boys, while on the other head, tholesober good sense often enables thele to render their frionrl and master unexpected and valuable servioos, Nor' can any: one fail to be grati- fied by the marks of appreciation of his labors which he receives on ev- ery head from these responsive na- tures. Miuy a member of parlia- ment or herr] working moister, who ecoeves not one word or sign of ap- preciation from his acn5tituenete might well envy the stockman who It become; avklrut then khat a Twentieth Century success, to be r orthy of the name, must greatly =pass anything that bas been oalle'i emcees in the Nineteenth Centurycannel outer any part of lea realm The !Menet "Twentieth Century" has but he is recetvad with a chorus of now become a kind of a tend, mark- welcome from every hide. It is n0 of civilization, We have already on longer a mutter of speculation as to hand a great many Twentieth Cen- tTlry thinge, but we hare even more Twentieth Century hopes than we hare things, Our future is our rich- est possession. The years keep com- ing" with enlarging premiere. Me world is -growing fast, driving ahead in many direction furiously and in emne directions foolishly. Manners, opinions, and Plraseologlee are chang- ing, id not lifeee central purposes and powers. New means of eommunica- tion to be opened up throughout the DOCTORS BAFFLED. A CASE OP SCIATICA WIiICII RE FUSED TO YIELD TO THEIR 1EATM ENT. • The Patient Sprat ):.early Three Dlonilrs In a 110vl'ltni tlftsul Glenda; Veiled' --Mr. 'Wallops,' Pip 0 1'111. lt0stered 70'm Io tied lth. ,out .strength. • rid old 0 , m ylT A• I es are dL ' Poe u suit t r e VL d o calla Pl s t a quarter rte r tc of a a - g 4aeon- and new opportunities of evangoliza-F t'ra'y, Mr. Geo. McLean has been a tion created almost every day by' resident of the town of Thorold. He wholesale. All this progress de-' is foreman in the lumber yards of mandel a sucoese commensurate with; :McCleary & McLean, and is known the unexampled opportunities and; not only to tbo citizens of the multiplied assisting agencies afford -1 town, but by most of The inhabitants -- dof the arljoiniug region as well. Many of 1Tr, ercl ean's friends know that No relatively •smell achievement, I ho was afflicted with a severe type of though it be large as measured; soiatiea, and know also that he has against some standards that have ob- i been (released Srons the pangs of ',bat tainen he the Net, tvi11 suit the new j excruciating trouble. Believing that order• of thin,,. - Tweetteth his story )v0131(1110 of public interest, a reporter called upon him, and ask- ed hien to what agency ho attributed leis fortunate release from: pain. Mr. Mclean's unhesitaling reply was; ".Dr, Williams' Pink Pills, and I never hesitate to say so either." Mr, McLean continued; "I was afflicted with seiatiea for a Humber of years. The most severe attack immured Sev- eral years ago, when I was confined to my bed fox several months. 1 reef - fared horribly with the trouble, and the only relief I could get was from morphine, either in tablets or hypo- dermioally. injected. I could not put my left foot on the ground without undergoing intense agony. I was treated by physicians, and at the hos- pital in SE. Catharines, to which ineel- tution Thad to be taken on astretch- er. 11 was in the hospital nearly three months, but without being cur- ed. Then I returned home very niuoh discouraged. I nest tried electricity, eine and pthioe has doubled in five but it had no peraopti.blo offset. I yens, anti the outlook is that m it will also tried a number of advertised me - double ega•to in another five. f dicing, but with It I El no better results. la the aleem trawlers and the de- ! Finally, I was urged to try Dr. Wtl- etruetion of young' Cab aro doing ltams' Pink Pills, and as I was will - the mischief. ing to try anything that seemed to --- offer hope of a our'o, I got several STU.Tjpj`D UGC/UMBERS. boxes; Thad been using the pills near - fleet six green cucumbers and take ly a month before I found much re - out the seeds, Make a felling of half rtef, but frbm that on my reeerery was a cup of bread crumbs, two tablee, .rapid, and in the course of a fow spoons of boiled ham chopped very months, I was as well as ever 1 had Eine, one tablespoon of menced,persley, been. I am now a strong, healthy one of ohopped onion and salt and man, and although 1 have since en - pepper to taste, .Fill the eueumbel•s dared much exposure, I have had no with this, tie the Halves together, return of the troth's, and feel that Oentlery men in order to be aet mach of a eueoess as hie pre1eoessor of the Nineteenth Oeniu y, milt be more of 0 stuccoes. As he will have new oIn- portunitne, new inspirations, new belpere, and new end improved tools, he must, no regards the practical re- ' sults of his work and the far reach- ing character of We influence, eobleve much more than hats, been aceonlplish- r ed in the pest. As litfe's range will be broader no its round -up must be richer; ae the mark tent be higher so the flight must be longer and the +teflon jest 00 numb the clearer of the duties that lie on the farther hori- zon etill, DISAPPBA.RANCE 05' ENGLISH FISH. Sole for breakfast will soon be a tradition in England. A wail over the disappearance oaflatflsh proceed* from the London Magi. The price of plate in a covered pan mete one ono I my 0a11re i8 permanent, Dr. Williams' of water and bake for forty-five "Pink Pills aerLai.ttly proved a blessing minutes. Serve hot with drawn but- tin my case, and I shall praise them tier. when opportunity offers." Rheumatism, sciatica, neuralgia, partial paralysis, !oc iuoter ataxia, nervous headache, nervous prostra- tion, and diseases "depending noon limners in the blood, such as smote - la, (anemia erysipelas, etc., all disap- peter haters a fair treatment with Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, They give a healthy glow to pale and sallow cone- plexions. Sold by all dealers and 1N INDIANA. Deuplite the follawin,g bit of dine bolo, found in the Indianapolis :Jour- nal, there le nothing topographioally weong about the town in question.- Do you mean to tall me, said an Inquiring visieM. in l:loosjor rjllage, that Lhasa two Hill leathers are deat and duf„ia punt. paid at 50e a box, or (3 boxes for Tee, replied the native, we illus! e2,50, by adereeeiug the Dr. Williams' =aIle can' the two Illus without a Mode:Ina Cot, Brookville, Ont, Do,not hatiw, be pcl•auaded to take some subatittne, TO T c0 Y eeennet4Tg TEA you nem 0117.14 '050, 07737 St 2 I 11l' . fiv,alyblended, t elfalously flavoured and o'05ou# 1pl4 pwrg, Lead Pointe R0, 60, Ap, e0 and Opo whether oX' not kind treatment Facts and Mures We. well es ex e'IIee' and oomm0n Renee, e'ow \vitatb0T.in the case of abaft, dal Market animals, kind treatment rot-'urne en good'hard'oasb, or Me relent, 13esides, with how more comfort and convenience num attend to stook when they hien and are willing to be handle hen =erose pleapuare, But tires is, after all, only a of the results of fair dealing fo men could Ipnrene ;molta ()merge .1 out users being a oer,Jain reactio his own life mad eharaater. home Liffe, wluiaih i?nvntriabiy gives key to late ohmmeter, meet in am ure oorresponel to that passed at daily ocoupatlon, and the influene allele a life, not on mere animals, on living souls, no one .would dar show, 'ley any 1proeese of oaloulatio pays, STEEPING THE C1ILLAI SWEET. Tlsri` IWhen, cell01. b eeli ae musty or foul Ilhat' odors are motiood, tbo beat thing to u'9, 00 . do is to eloso all the door& and windows gives and burn enough sulphur to 8111 the equLe dollar room with dense fumes. Leave it much elaeed for an hour or two, and then can a open the deem and windows. Next twatwhitewash the walla and selling with d by two goats of good whitewash. Sulphur I gas is heavy and settles; lienee care part I „moat be uison tea] agitate the air in ✓ no the ceder by selecting a windy day with- Dm' the work. Sulphur tumor will de- n en 'steely all kinds of Peons. I•ILs the pas- leis 0 of but e to n. GIVE COWS AIR. AND EXERO In dee to secure the most possible during the winter mon a groat many dairymen keep t VOWSVOWShoused from early fall u late spring, giving them little any outdoor ail and exercise. these changed condi.-tions aa:e right if the change gives the 00 greater comfort and health. B a goad many stables the vent LI is decidedly 'bad and the ani day after day laying in astook areas° germs'. For whatever ay 4o to your stables and howe veil eau may treat year cows, as ed and care, If ventilation hash emperfee1. ,or neglected it is sure exult in some nxem of ;disease. are Lion and ventilation are insepara nd indispensible to perfect heal ventilation is good that does n terry the foul air out of the std el supply ,fresh and wholes0mo . it's stead, The air of the std old never be exhausted or vitiate the ventilators do not commun to with the outside air they arc t little use as the hay, grain an aw "readily absorb the foal ai rich is returned to the system; ago the form of feed to continue i Illy work. The run:ilatters ghoul name the stables up through the oC and a circulation may be effec We know el no eases of tubene is 6whe e the etahlos have a goo telethon of good wholesome air an ve no knowledge of any animal t are kept in open sheds ever bein i nctod with the disease. Warmt ot the greatest essential to cam and health. Exercise in the' sun h a bracing atmosphere is product of real health and comfort decry cow must have it and, plant t or she will not do her best ae a thy milk producer and her con n will soon break because of in n. This is a subject which t be considered vital to every milk user, as uo milk can boa health - food that oomca from a diseased All animals are affected to a ter or less extent id they are not shod with pure air and pro- exezciee. Phe strong and robust of become BO by wideness Ce ery nature's plans; give plenty of swan and air, pure and ]bracing moderate exorcise to bring the us functions into active play you will kill the disease you have nursing, I or S.E. milk the heir ntil 1 A �'.4 O L PERMANENCY. 68,88 SOME MEDICINES ONLY RELIEVE FOR A SHORT TIME. Dodll's Kidney Pill Pares Stay Cured— The Caar of lir. Agolerlaf, or Port Hope, Proves This. Port Hope, Ont,, Feb. 18. (Special).- Now .Away back in 1810, Mr. Chas, Gilchrist till ; Ex -Chief Constable of this town, wag we i Suffering with Diabetes, He was in bad shape, and never expected tee be well again. Re was oured by Dodd's Kidney Pills in March of that year (18.8, bat some thought that the disease }vou1d 1eltiro. Five years have elapsed, and Mr. Gilchrist is etill enjoying good health. On April 24, 1818, he wrote: -'I have been a Sufferer for ten years with Diabetes and, Kidney disorders. My µrine was of a dark, brioky color, and the pain tth:le passing was something awful. I have been treated by the daeto,s, and have used almost every medicine advertised, bat could get no relief. Lately I have been very bad. The pain in my back was dreadful, 1 could not sit ]n a chair without hay- in t is m kl fe r let a No an ing ahs If ca hu stn wh ill des go ra lea circ ha tut aff is fort wit Live The of i heal din io actin ons prod ful pow. grea furni par do n out sunt' with 0ari0 and been very nt tla- mal Of you TOT to sen to u- 1>10 th, of tele air stab e cl. 1 lag a oushlon at tine small of m;r back. of I l heard of Dadd's Kidney P Ile, and d !decided to t.y once more for a Cure. r, i' They eared me completely, and I pan in I heartily recommend them to anyone." is .0n duly 2, 1900, he writes; -"I am d eery well, anti have been so since the spring of, '00. My urine, is a natural t- healthy color, There is 120 pain in nay 1- back, I al a sure I would bavo been d in my grave now, but for Dodd's d Kidney Pills. They eertuinly saved s my life. There is ao medicine like g them," and to this letter he adds "all h that Isay about Dodd's Kidney Pills is the truth. If they were not good, I would not say they were good. ;The citizens of Port .hope all know me, and can v00ch for every word I have written." Some medicines only relieve. Dodd's 1nLdney Pills cure, to stay cured, . If yen want n satisfactory, Permanent, and sure (sura .0 for ltidnoyamplaint, use the only remedy with an unbrokr en record of saoesa9 in every case, and not a single failare-Deeld's Kid- ney Pills. y' Moi 10 FARMERS It is stated on good authority that only four leen out of every hun- dred who start in business roach sue cess,ef the same number with the same ability, were to go with the same energy into farming, forty .out of every hundred would leak° good farmers, and enough money to $e really happy on. Less work with the hands,.les5 travel to the weary feet and from three to ton times the work done because braise power; his own and other people's, leas done so =ouch to make work easier. That is 8ho line of action that is to make 20th century farnmeng more pleasant and profitable than ever before. The Woes young people from theecountry form of 'oily life and its attractions arra as a rule very far from correct, oILy resident midst wear expensive clothing, pay a good deal for nhnex- peoted and wnavojdable expenses, and 02u01 bolore be can earn a dollar spend yeag's lemming the rudiamente of the knowledge he needs to fit hien .tor any liositioa worth keeping. In- dividual aptitude and tastes must al- tways be allowed for, but a boy boz'n on a fame witch, no interest in what ho awes there must have had a bad taint Oomewheee in his up -bringing, A PLEA(ArNp' TIE. tivyw diel you get on oonvorsing with that French ladyl Alt Tight ; my leremob wasn't any W015) than her ;English, IIAIRD THING TO It1JALIZM. Microscopic observation proves that the shin of the human body is per- forated with 1,000 110104 to the squared HUMOROUS, A brigbtt ten -year-old girl, whose father is addicted to amateur photo- graphy, attended a trial at court the either day for the first time, This was her account of the judge's charge The judge made a long speech to the jury of twelve men, and then sent them off into a Little dark room to develop. 1 was curial of lira.' fen k n"ier f» -int Iii years by iltINenDei Lire l- 'pee Rives, N. S, ItOntleenT 130eS. I wee cured of D•pll h ria, after (lectors failed, by ellne1 i)'y Lien - An tivensh. ,tN11- Antigantsh• JO11N A. 1-01' PT, I was read, of a nlrarfion of, 5000. elm by inietertlen LINIMENT, Mli-a, GA111DP:Ii:. Dalholpate. WOMEN AND BU=INESS. M1. Miserly -"Now, let's s'ee, little wife, have you sewed anything this week 1" Mrs. blisarlp--"Ol, nee, in- deed. You will ,find the 00J)00ses 000sidorably less'. I have just been ' to see the groom' and persuaded him to delay sending his bill until next • month." TUB 11TA.N I311121ND P13I'I KULA'S. Daring General White's sortie from Ladysmith, the Dritleh battery mules 00l the left were stampeded. The captain of one of the batteries. see, Ing his first sergeant flying by With the first gun, shouted angrily; sir 1 Where ars you going•Y To which the gunner curtly replied; banged it I know I Ask the joules 1 Minard's Liniment Cures Carget in 00Ws. .FAMILY TIES. How close i5 your relationship to that millienai're3 Oh, his brother married my broth. ox=o.10,W'53 sister, _- 11inard's Liniment Cares Distemper, Those folks next door didn't invite 'tis to their reception. How 110000 1 , Teo; afterwards they sent us 008P a platter of the refresbments, Minard's liniment Cures Aip;ttheriu, TT MIGHT I3E WORSE. Take the trouble life allots you, Bearit with a courage bright; If sola• had to choose your trouble, Ton 'would be fn •eender plight. M eiremeL 80TEL 01a5ere00. 9e1i fllaliy'' '_aiuum=Gouego Avcnor pa0r1 dday 11s . liu.ol rates pl.tll RESIGdtATION. Shia-Bidn't you marry Jae for bet- ter or worse 13 'lie -Nal my drag. You were good enough. T didn't want you any bete ter. Roe, signature le ou every box of the sonatas Laxative firomo.Quf.niae Tablets no nomads that 0A5,,, 01 sr015 en, ton N:EIGIIBORLT. Husband -Isn't it about time Mrs. Berrore Was returning our call ? Wife -Yes, but if she does return it it will be mora than she does with the other things she gets front us. 800 OVER PIPIT YEARS alts W leiitow•g BOOTY/MO SYRUP has beet used by ma hoofer thofr children teething. It soothe, the eh•ld. softens the mune, nllayapaln, eines wind so Ica and 11 dntntxi.sfn t ruurffor a�,)sar;o 130 Btiuret aiud Bold for "Sia. W ALP.'aunr1' lee: °jeep.• 13EAVEN PRESERVE US.. Fie -Wore Sola caught in that jam at the theater deer e She -Yes, and I thought I would be crushed into jeliy. -- Minard's Liniment Cures res C ohr sr etc, c, FAMILY PRIDE. Wend-Inotice Sawyer Ls very proud of his family tree. Slabb-Well, he ought to be. His father got his start in the lumber business. $100 Reward, $100. The roadei,, of this paper will be pleased to learn that there Is at toast ono dreaded deseems that eMonce has bee, able to cure la all Its 1 atoned and that is Catarrh Flat's Catarrh 1 s the medicaliralernity. Catarrh bring a cane- titutfonai dlr.e 1,:9, r„quirea a oon.atallenQ trestnenr. Hall's Catarrh Cure is 0altfa inter • sally, settee directly upon the blood and miic008 surfaces of the system, thereby doe. !allying the rotmdatfoa of tee distant, and aloin, tie patient strength by building up the nonetituti„a and as,ietine nature 113 doin,r-its Work. The twentieth* have so tench faith In ltd ..uratfve powers, that they offer no Hun. deed Penne kr any 18.81' 00.1 It fails to euro, Send for het of tosl,monials. F RF. J, L'ienneff&00., Toledo 0. Soall's 10101 ly P11Is Tee. the hast For all who have Weak Lungs Threat 11 lds1 le, a Positive ewe for . w4,1' lihr a at ,mein Luna TIi'atsble.s8 QIgso earl hiPTION THE51,9 FOUR ISIVIE LES Represent, a New system of treatment weak sallow people, vigorous and for the weak and for those sulfuring healthy constitutions. from Consumption; wasting diseases Tho basis of the entire System is a or in$P,mmatory conditions of 570505 flesh -building, nerve and tissue-roneer- throat and kegs. deg food., onl Tyheto treatwrite menttoobtain is troit.p, You have Every invalid and sick person needs strength. This food gives it. possible Its effloabelcyowIs . explained as simply as Many people get the complete system for the sake of the Eartgst9slasgl oCod Bythe new system dovised by DIl. Liver Oil, which they themselves need, T.A. SLOCUM the great specialist in and give away the other three prepare.. pulmonary and kindred diseases, all the tions to their friends. requirements of the sick body. aro The second article is a Tosstn, It is supplied by the Fear remedies coned- good for weak, thin, dyspeptic, nervous turning his Special Treatment known as p®ogle, for those who have uo appetite, The Slocum System. who Whatever your disease one or more need beaten; up of those four preparations will be of Tllonsantake only the Emulsion benefit to you, and the Todsnc. '7 A000rding to the needs of your case, Bales or 7e11piyT. ht eras pee oa lase e fully explained in the Treatise given It helps all irritation of to nose, free with the freo medicine, you may throat and mucous membranes. It take 05252 o_ any two, or threes or gives p1771P7t34leaattl tenant, all tower, na combination. Thousands of our readers need the A mere is certain if the simple Ozgjeii Cure for Catarrh without any directions are followed. of the other articles. The for those e who snare frolg3 vloak lunge, ted The fourth article is an C: 'e. eiPs cou0hs sore throat, bronohitis,catarrh, ants, Cough and Cold Cure. Can e troubles. lfMICN, and other pulmon- ary safe positively boas upon. the verluraoa But they are also of wonderful ates ebnt Galeas egad nob merely allev- dicaey in the upbuilding of wo is ystsins, in purifying the blood, ( pre ie the only positive cure new knOWn W S l7^m2klllg flesh, and restoring to There are 19,802 working locomo- Lives in Great Britain. • IV PlJ 0$4 CALVERT'S CARBOLIC OINTMENT. For all skin aliments. i. C. Calvert a Co., Sanohoster, England Snu0ago Cannon -Now importations finest English ehorp and Americas Aon Cesium -reliable goods al rich. prises. PARK, BLACKWELJ.t 320., Toronto, CARPET D.YE6N�,¢�y 80,3 Clouting. This is n epedalt with the �sde BRITISH 'AMERICAN DYEING Op. good partici lata by post and we are euro to satisfy. Address Sox 153, Montreal. Music - eacher Wanted aft ed To gond for our complete datan lobi" of Shoot 308,18 And hooka with epeeist! ratite of discount, WHALEY, ROYCE & Co, 155 Tango at. „ Toronto, eel," EYLON AND ND!A TEA, GREEN OR BLACK, "Pure tea, cahns, restores and cheers those in distress," DRINK IT. A free sample of delicious SAL.ADA Tea sent on receipt ceipt In postal mentioning which you drink—Black, Mixed, or Green Tea, Address ti SAT.ADA,'y Toronto or lontreala The four preparations form a panoply of et<eeseentee against disease in what. ever shape it may attack yon. [0H C5 Ce 500 aS. FTci.1 8 M F"p 5 "0'° lR m.oe "603^0 E ttk `T. You or your sick friends can have a FLEE course of Treatment. Simply write to Ton T. A.. Slmotfnr Onnhnoer, Co., Limited, 179 King Street Ws, Toronto, giving poet office and express office address, and the free medicine (The Slocum Cure) will be promptly sent. When writing for them always mention this paper. Persons in Canada, seeing Slocum's free offer m Amerfean papers, wit please send for samples to the Toronto laboratories. rhaYLLefae $f1G CS F RM. z_ tier LEO and Glorious Rolgo makes the Pool eel ph y ever 101-rten. We n nt s for, mere ,•gena Alatslvo m0mo,fal volas,,, lavishly ,lfith•t'.,4, Reurnrk ably 1081111os for such a mognidcrut book. No expetlenc. or capital neees•arl'; eon,nlive inri fit trod; freight paid booksoo time. Anybody c nmake fr.!' to310 per da 6Vr110 !midi. J. L. Nln1,ils & t 0„ Paw: nom, Toronto peee on Atrfal pas/rage of Cox's Positive Cure for Piles w(11 bo sew tree tt any addrose un ecoid, of two oen.t etnmp. 1,18 finite, ,, greasyeal,o, Address, THE HirTO3INC MR. MEDICINE 00., Toronto, Ona ROOFING and Shoot Motel Works. Red or Green, SLATIOI,A ii00Al2D3' (6!1'1314i {vo o 1i Public and Hlgh aohoolel Tnrontn). 35 0 Pel E, P,funy Cosi Ter, eta 1(003010 C TILE (See New Oity 31,1(0• loge, Toronto, done by our arm).h10)03 Ceilings, 000. aloe, 600, hetlnates furnished for work cool,AOre or for m0teriel0 shlDp. d to ne,r,yl,art of the emote •. Phone 1010 0, HUTNIe at gO8S,Ado1s10e.9,Wld,upr5ts., Toronto to ooueign oti your Produce to the Dawson Commission Co. Limited 00r. Colborne and West Markel at., Toronto, • Tboy will get you highest possible Pie. B1.LE A poii,ral01 hgmmaltq the tom0d ,106th,,, of 1,0 1891, oo1gqtnlnfog W 1tet the laity in gaining the benefits of the Jubilee. Ertel 5osaoh, 57.00 per hundred. D. J. gado or S eo., Montreal . 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