HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1901-2-28, Page 1hx� t Vol. 29. No. 8 BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, 'THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 2$, 1901 W W. H. KER R, Prop, New Advertisements, Looai--S. 8, Senate, Soaps—G, A. Deadman. New geode—J, Ferguson & Co. One more week --L, L. Barber, Direct importation.—Mcll;innen & Co. a• 3cst%rtt ; C.eco; , Lead b tn•v. Wm. Haakwell is ependiag a tow days with friends hi Palmerston. alias Mary E, Bee is spending a weak visiting friends et' Bornholm. Thos. Davidson, sr., is at present very 111. -Au he le now far advanced f0 yeare ghettoes of reaoyery are doubtful, Mre. Mollibbon, mother of Mre. Mo Ewen, poatmietreee of this place, ie very ill at present at her home io Toronto, Geo. Dundee left on Tuesday for Mani- toba. It eatielled with the West be may remain there. We huge he may have a profitable and pleasant trip, It: abet. J. W. Fogel is buying hogs for the Palmerston pork frotory. Tuesday morning Alfred Fogel left for Callender, near North Bay, where he bee employment. It is said Robert McKelvey may Oiliest trip to the Old Country next Spring with a view of improving his health. Last Sabbath Rev. Dr. Moffatt, Agent for the Treat Society, gave an uridrses in the Presbyterian church here. Hu's an old hand at tbe bneinees, Rev. C. 0. Imine, of Bethel oirouit, • formerly aeeietaut pastor ou Ethel oit- ouit, will preach missionary armee in the Methodistoherth here next Sabbath. Weare eony to beer that Miss Marie Dilworth is not improving in heeilli 88 fast as her many frieode would wish for. We hope to bear of bar speedy recovery George Dobson, of Souris, Man., has been here visiting hie brother, Lawrence. It is 32 years since be left here and as a 0o0eegne0oe many obangee although be has coca.ionally visited here. Mr. Dob• eon is a hearty man. Feed Corn and Bran. FOR SALE, A.Baeker Brussels. Alan. Patton will likely diapoee of her property here but we don't know where 0808 purp00e8 to make bee home, Geo, Imlay ie away at Bernie this week atteediug the High Court of the Gana. dian Order of Foreetere q9 representative of Goer, Ethel. Mr. Imfay'e former home was at the border town so he le combining bueinese and pleasure. 1,o etetteretolt. iaet week Dr. Turnbull, of Goderioh, was • a visitor in Cranbrook. He's a popnlar0001 eimoe00101 physician. Mies L. McLachlan leaves on Bator. day for Tomato to attend the Miiiinery Opeuingeprevious to taking her poeition at Sault Ste. Marie, Ont. Goan Wxlonr.—A pig 6} menthe old was killed on Wednesday of this week, by Ma Gorealitz, that dressed BOO pounds. Rev. D, B McRae preached at Bruesele last Sabbath morning for Rev. Jno Ras, His pulpit here was ooanpied by Rev. Dr. Moffatt, Trent Society Agent. We are eorry to report that Jno. Knight has been seriously ill but is some better now. John Forrest and wife, Mrs. MoLaeohlin and Mre. Cameron, er., are among those who are eiok. Anthony Reymann is at Sarnia this week OA delegate from Court Wood bine C. 0. F., to the High Court. He ie an old h,lnd at this bulletin 00 thfe is the 7th or 8th time he bas attended. W tat ton. The many wbo are eiok in this locality are improving nicely. Mre. Jae. Murray entertained a number of Waltoniaoe on Monday. Mre. Oran McTaggart left last week on a visit to relatives in Belleville. The rumor of wedding belle here makes a change in the monotony of life. Mr. Pridbam opens a tow days with his brother•in•law, ilfr. Waghorn. Muree Magee, of Ogdensburg, ie spend- ing a few weeks; at Dr. Armstrong's. Mr. Archibald attended the Grand Lodge of the A. 0. U. W. at Hamilton last week. Mies Anna Knowles, who hae been visiting at Geo. McKim's, returned home on Monday. A meeting of the shareholders of the A. O. U. W. Hall will be held next Wednesday. The ladiee of thio locality are interest. ing themselves in the care of a family near here and will probably hive one or more of the chili -tree handed over to the Childrena' Aid Society. An entertainment will be held in Duff's ohorob next Thursday evening, 000818t- ing of eeereoptioan views of a trip around the world and the Booth African War. Mao selections on the grapbophone. A Fonaren PAexOB,—The London Daily Advertiser of February 15th Bays: At tbe regular meeting of the quarter) board of the Weetmiater oirouit an invita- tion was extended to Rev. T. W. Coeeoe to remain art paetorof the eirnnit for tbe fourth year. Many members of the board gave expression to the high esteem CO_ Strictly One Price - The Lowest I StoctaK!u& is OPer And we've started a, new Financial Year. During the last 10 days we have been busy opening up and passing into stock Thousands of Dollars 'Worth of New Spring Goods New Dress Goods, Silks, Muslins, Embroideries, Laces, Sateens, Ginghams. Linings, Prints, .I3osiery, Lace Cur- tains, Carpets and Mattings, and every day during the next two weeks will see desirable new things passed into stock. !rand New Goods at Very Special Prices : 15 pieces 46 inch extra fine Brilliant Black Brocade Lus- tre, very newest patterns, and as good as you'll see anywhere at 50e. Special price .25 5 dozen Ladies' Ribbed Wool Vests, regular price 85e. X25 Special price 25 pairs Flannelette Blankets, large size, worth regular 1.00 $1.25 per pair. Special price 10 pieces double fold, all wool, French Serge, in all the new Spring colorings, worth regular 35c. Special .25 price C� 25 pieces extra heavy Factory Cotton, worth regular 7e Special price .05 J. Ferguson,... eco. Dry Goods and Groceries. in which Mr, Ooeene le held by his poopfe ell over the oirouit, Mr. Cosene accepted the invitation, eubjeat kb the approval of the stationing committee of Conference." 51r. Coons le en old Huron boy, hoeing been etatiougd at Hnueall, Seaforth, Welton and Fordwioh, A, beautiful gift has been Bentto St. George's oheroh, Walton, in the shape of a braise aims basin, from Mrs. 0, F. Wagner, or Toronto, au a memorial to her father, the late Major Jae, Bennett, who laid tbe corner stone of St. George's (March, June 11,11, 1880. Major Rea - nett wan et that time Grand: Muster of L O. L. for Western Ontario. aettet,etdtown. Mise Mamie Waleb ie under theweath. er at present with ba grippe. Tom, McEwen and B. Snell have both got their toe gored away for next Sam. mores use. We are pleased to hear that Geo. Coombee 18 improving after hie blood poisoning il111esa. ]!Tine Goditbte ()aerobes beta returned home from Wroiteter at.er learning the dream/tiling With Miss Murtha. Btraohan'e Sabbath Seteel will hold their monthly social at Samugi Suell'e, next Wednesday evening, Mara 8th. Meeere. Cris. end Freddie Larch and their sister, Mies Mary, from Palmerston, were visiting friends at Jamestown, Mules. worth and Braeteele: J. D. Davidson was calling on hie old friendeleat Bnnday before leaving the Boundary. Geo. Innee is taking hie plane as hired man at Geo: MoDonald'e. Bleats vales. We are pleneed to note that John Dimeut, sr., is improving end able to be on the tomb once more. A large consignment of loge hae been brought into the mill of Duff & Stewatt The infant oh-tld of 0.18. Brinker was buried last week,- Will. McLeod returned to his borne in London on Friday last.. Ere. D. Rogers heti resigned ber posi- tion au organist of the Methodist Church, Mre, Rogers will be succeeded by Mre. W. J. Johneton, of Morrie. Mies Lizzie Roberteoo, of Wingham, visited in Bluevale this week. T. Ooultee, whohas been 111 tor some time is progreeeing very slowly. Messrs. Duff & Stewart shipped a ear load of maple rotten on Monday, On account of the Iownees of the water in the pond haat week, Mr. Warder bad to run the grist mill with Alex. Meeeer'e threshing engine. Mr. Warder ie having the mill fitted np with roller machinery which will Boon be in running order. Mies Iva Thomas, who has been spend- ing a month with her parents returned to her position in Toronto thie wrek. Thiety-seven new books' have been added to th&i,3lytittpablic library. D. Nicol was in Hamilton last week attending the grand lodge of the Anoieut Order of United Workman. James Hill, of the Blyth planning mill, has been awarded the contract for the erection of a brick drug store for J. M. Hamilton. John MoGiil is the delegate from Court Morning Star, No, 89, to the High Court of the Canadian Order of Foresters which met at Sarnia this week. President Tierney, Vice -President Fer- ris and Treasurer Metcalf, of the Morrie Branch Agrionitaral Society, went to Toronto, where they attended the annual meeting of the Ontario Faire' Association. W. J. Scott who has bean principal of the Blyth publics school for the past two yeare, has sent in his resignation, to take effectn March arch 91st. Mr. Scott has accepted the principalship o p p p he public eohool at Mooeomia, Aeainif tboia. About eight o'clock Sunday night, 17th ioet., fire was diaoovered in Henry Bond's residence, King street. Mr. Bond was in Wingham, and Mre. Bond and children were spending the evening with some neigbbore when the alarm was sounded. How the fire started ie a myeiery, bat it is supposed it took fire from the stove in some way, as the inside of the house was all on fire when discovered. The- house was small and old, and the fire bad made such headway before being discovered that it was impossible for the brigade to save it. There was no wind and none of the surrounding buildings ' were at any time in danger. Very little of Mr. Bond's furniture was coved. There was no in. Borneo° on the house, which belonged to the estate of the lata Gideon Ritchie. Mr. Bond had $250 on his honeehold effeote, Wroxeter. Alex. Montgomery was fn Listowel last week. Trooper Longheed had a small attend- ance last Friday. Alex. Giboon has placed a furnace in hie dwelling onthe farm. There Are no lase than two weddings on deck in the near future. Presbytery and W. F. M. B. will meet here on Tuesday of next weak. 'Mre. R. R, Smith was tbe guest of friends in Wingham last week. The Library Board received a number of bnoke to be added to the library. Mr. Baily, neer Listowel, was the guest of R R. Smith, our liveryman, last week. John B. Vogt i0 not go well am he was some time ago and takes spells now and again. Dr. 8, B. Swale ie improving and Macy Bray ie keeping art well as 0a0 be expected. Mise Bleb] Allan, teacher at the Denise school is home on the sink list and not able to teach. A load of Preebyterian and Methodist delegates attended the S. S. Convention at Fordwiah on •Wedpeeday, 2701i inst. The Bruesels hockey, team played a friendly game with Wroxeter last Thum day, The sours was 17 to 1 in favor of our boyo. John Morrioos, eeotion foreman wee in Harriaton last Friday attending the fun• eral of hie father. The remains were laid to reet at Arthur. Henry Allen filled hie place on •the road while Mr. Morrison wag absent. Mre, Thee, Sege, on Sandereon' at„ is about well and able to attend to liar boueehold dutieg. M. Jasper, of Mild ratty, and J, E, Mul- holland, of Gerrie,were the notate of John Wendt on Sunday fast, Mice Heys, of the Belmore gravel road, who hoe been staying at Mee. Thee.Sage, for some time returned on Monday. The H 0113i Gil & co, faotory here has 10 new houses, 6 of them to have flat. roote, ooptraoted for the coming season. Waldo Heisting, who is learning the shoemaking with Mr. Renu, ie visiting et home on the 7th of Ternberry and Wing. ham. D N, McDonald moved hie family into the Froare dwelling Eaat of Edward's blaokomith sbop,Nbrth aide of tetrose Street in Belmore. W. 8, Mo$eroher has leased John Gib. sone dwelling, Eaet of Church St., and will move hie family there shortly, Henry Allen eectionman will likely move into Mr. MoReroher'edwelling on Mill St. Thoth Smith has returned from a visit to friends at Galt, Brame/mon and other pointe. While away he put on a blank ash veiling fn the reeidenoe of a,relative in Dumfries.. Mr. Smith brought borne some barred Plymouth Rook poultry from Jae. Walker's flak at Fergus. • Ford witch. The telegraph office has been removed from G. E. MoKee & Co's store to the 0. P. R. station. The township printing has been let for another year to the Wingham Advance, There were three tenders in all. It ie generally thought that as the Orangemen celebrate here on July 12th, the 24th should not be celebrated bete until 1902. Thee. McLaughlin hae severed the agency for all kinds of farm implements manufactured by the well known firm of MoOormick & Co., of Chicago. There were shipped from this station last year 139 oarloade of live stock. be• aides 90 carloads of grain, 19 of lumber and maple blooke, 16 of cheese, 7 of furniture and chair lege, and several oar. loade of mixed goods. Wingham. John Gray, of Wingham, has three English ovine that are enrio•itieo, not so much bemuse of their age, but beoauee of their diminutive eine. The largest is an English altver penny about a quarter of an inch in diameter. One of the others repreeento in value one eighth part of a farthing, and the remaining one is one -sixteenth of a farthing. - Thia last mentioned one ie eoarcely more than a sixteenth of an inch in diameter. These ovine aaonot have been intended c,0 oir• oa'ating mediame, beoaaes on aaonant of their emallnese, there would be difficulty in handling them. They are called "Prince of Wain" wine, and were found, by a relative of Mr. Grave many yeete ago. They date from 1848, and were perhaps made as souvenirs of enme event. Mr. Gray will not part with them and has refused $1001ar the smallest one. Now that the Prince hes become Ring, the coins have additional interest at- tached to them. lye ferrite- Mre. Watson ie still on the Mallet and very weak. Township Council will meet on Mon. day; Marob 18th Whooping congh 18 going its rounds along with le. grippe. Jomee Sherrie spent Sunday with "relatives" al Kincardine. Another shower of snow. We have the beaniitnl now in abundance. Some of our eohoole have a poor at. ten ane n d e o account of beda ro de. March eomae in on Friday of this week, and of oouree is counted a Spring month. Some provisions were collected this Winter for the Misses Flemming, at Sant shine. A. J. Errington and bride, of Glen's Hill, were visiting at Geo. W. Tatvey'e lest week. ,Rev, E. Fear, of Atwood, took tbe ser- mon of the Bluevale circuit last Sunday. Everyone wee pleased with his interest- ing disooureee. We are sorry to bear that Lorne Miller, infant eon of James Kerney, jr., 4th line, is not very mnah better. Breda fever ie the trouble. The little lad is about 9 months old. Edward Boeman's sale on Wedneeney of last week came off well considering the very stormy day. Priam were not the highest obtainable but taken alto. gather it was not too bad. Mies Sarah Taylor, von. 9, ao00mpan• ied by her aunt, Mrs. G. Campbell, from Wolsey, went to the Weet Thereday morning. Min Taylor intends to stay the Sommer out there. Last week Mre, S. Walker, 6011 line, wee thrown out of a natter while driving through the pitch boles and had oue of her arms injured, It ie to hoped no per- manent harm will result. Anotion sale of Simon Forsyth's farm, farm stook, &a., will be held on Friday of this week. The family will remove to Manitoba in March. Some people have enumerated the many changes on the 511, line of Morrie but the 6th will soon be abbe to even up if this kind of thing oon. tinnee. Quite a number of building improve. meats are anticipated io the Doming sea- son, Among them are J. 3, Denman en- larging barn ; Geo. McDonald, enbarging and building stone wall; Harry Diament, a abed and atone wall ; John Ring, a new barn 70180, atone wall and stable be. neatb ; John Maser, a new kitchen to the house ; Robert Shaw, raising barn, building atone wall and stable. Hugh Forsyth, 6th line, bee leased his farm to David Walker, of the same line, and will, with his family, move to Maui. toba Gila naming Spring. He bad a eon at Alameda who took up a half section a year ago. Mr. Forsyth will hold en auction gale of farm stook, implements, &a., on Friday, March 9811, preparatory to hie removal, Their many old friends will be sorry to know that they are in. tending to remove from the 6th where they have been worthy residents for many yeare, Mre, Mary Toney ie visiting bey friend, plica M. Bewley Chia week, Goo, W, 'Purvey bee purchased 0new driver to rsploee tbe one which died from intumation a few weeke ago. We are eorry to hear that Mrs. Hugh Forsyth, 6th line, hart beet' bothered with rbeumatiem but we hope she will Boon be tree from it. Not many people live to see their 80th rear and those who attain to 90 are few and far between, At Sunshine, however, there is an old gentleman who is 88, John Clark by name, the father to John (lark, a well known resident, For a man of bit yeare Mr. Clark is quite smart and I tt month made a trip, with hie eon, to ;Hamilton, MATRItr0NIAL.—'rile commodious h ,1118 of Thos. and Mre. Maunders was the eeene of an important event on Wedn,e. day evening, Feb, 27th, when, in the prea. eu0e of a large company of gestate, their estimable daughter, Mists ,Annie, was united in marriage to Hector J. MoNeil, McNeil, Portage-Ia.Prairis, Men„ eon of L. of Grey, To the strains of the Wedding March, played by Mee Belle Smith, the chief aotare in the Beene took their p!0oee under on evergreen arab and bell. The bride was given away by her father and looked tier prettiest in a be- coming geese of cream cashmere, trimmed with cream ribbon and lace. She wore a •handsome tulle veil and carried a bognet of flowers, and was attended by Mise Ida Davey, ofTorooto, who was prettily ab. tired in white Swiss muslin and parried a boquet. The groom was ably supported by Alex, Lamont, of Grey. Rev. Jno, Holmes performed the ceremony in hie usual efAnieut manner, after which all congratulated the yooug couple. A sumptuous tea was served, then followed congratulatory ' speeches, made by Rev Jno. Holmes, B. Gerry and others to which the groom responded. A happy evening was enjoyed in games of various kinde and vocal and instrumental music, Mr. Naundere' family doing everything poeaiblefor the comfort and pleaenre of their guests. The house was gaily decor ated for the mention. The gifts were beautiful, being useful and oruameutal, including furniture, silver, jewellery, sawing machine, and fanny artlolea too numerous to mention. Mr. McNeil and bride leave for their Prairie borne next Tuesday followed by the heartiest and best wiehee of their numerous friends for their future prosperity. rOre. J. P. Malley, 8th con., nee been on the eiok list, Cecil Day, of Gerrie, visited hie uncle, L. Frain, teat week. Mrs. Will. MoKay and eon, Elmer, was the guest of ber mother last week. Mise Mary A: Dilworth, of 'Toronto, is visiting her brother, Rob•rt Dilworth. Mise Minnie Forbes hae returned home atter renewing acquaintanaae in F,Ima. Mre. James MoKay, who has been suffering with to grippe is slowly improv- 1Ad0gmeG On Wednesday of thie week P. S. Scott sold by public, enation the l3onth belt of lot 20, von 0, belonging to Wm Pollard. • b g Jae, Pearson wag the purobeeer and th price paid wee $1,200. Mice Iilleie Btraohaa returned to Lieto wel Buednees College on Tuesday. St] has been laid up with rheamatiem in th bank of her neck ainee Chriotmee, but iet• ber again we are pleased to state. David Drpoe and Mater, of the 4t1 line, are moving this week to a house o Mr. Modrthur'd, on tee 6th lino, the are old residence and will be greatl missed, Mr. Atwood tekee poe0ession o the Drone property tbia week, FINE ANIOIAL.— (Aeries Rozell, 104 eon., has purchased a Short Ham Youa ball, 14 mouthe old, from Wm, Graioge & San, of Hullett, paying a top notch price for him. The Animal weighs 1, 200 pounds and hie gdrth measurement ie 6 feet, 6 idohes. Competent stook men say he is a dandy. A dealer in tea got the "razzles" as to the point 01 the compass in driving from Wingham to Brussels, and on the side toad between the 4th and 5th conoeseione wee to grief by upsetting hie load at 1 o'clock in the morning. He made hie way to the home of Oliphant Smith and with the aid of a lantern and a few other men got his tea gathered up, horde hash.ed and the traveller eent on hie way re. joining to the carpet town. Fant! ANOTHER SnaaORIBER. — Baying seen in last issue of Tan POST what one lady on the Orb con. made lac year on awe and poultry, I endorse what another lady on the 9th made. She sold $50.00 worth of ague from 65 neve ; eold $74.00 worth of batter and reoelved $84 00 from faotory, from 4 cows (no Jerseys) and vetoed 6 calves that are worth $15.00 each today. It's all right to be living on the 90,1 of Grey and under the Lear. ler Government. FARan bout.—Last week Peter Bishop diepoeed of his 50 are farm, West a lot 14, con. 5, Gray, to Jno. B. Smith of con. 4, for the sem of $1,700. Poeeeaeion will be giveo on April.lat, Mr. Bishop, who h,e resided on this farm for the past 45 yeare, will have an Emotion sale of farm edit*, &o„ before leaving the plea. He talks of going to Sault Ste. Marie to vee what the prospects are. Mr. Smith's new purchase butte hie homestead so he will now have 120 acme. We wish him 0000888. Box B0000r..—The Epworth League of Brants Methodist thumb held a box social on Toesday evening at the nm o• medicos residence of Eli Smith, 7th coo., when a big time was spent. The pro. gram was as follows :—Chairman, Ira Gerry ; instrumental, W. J. and Robt. McCracken and Jae. Thomann ; solo, "A Bird in a Gilded Cage,' Mies Ella Ain. ley ; inetromental, Mr. and Miss Adams; reoitation, "The Collier's sou," Richard Stevens ; intermiesioo and lunch ; solo, "Mommie's little yellow Gal," James Thomson ; reading, "Jean MoNeil'e ride," Mise Brook ; instrumental, Mr. and Mise •' - God .8 -rye the Ring. There were about 100 present and the prooeede amounted to about $6 00. A telegram woa revived from Chicago last Saturday by Andrew Hislop oo0tai0• ing the sad information that hie cousin, John Hislop, who had been visiting here with his bride, was killed by the oars in that city on Friday. Mr. Hielop was on his way home to tbe Yukon where be held a position. The deceased was well known in Ontario, British Columbia and the Yukon. He was born at Strasburg, Ontario, where his father still lives. He was superintendent of the White Pass Railway at Skagnay, and mayor of that town lest year, He went to Minneapolis on the 23rd of January, where he mar ried Mies Young, of teat city. He spent his on h e moon in Montt a an yel d Galt, leaving here lead Ottawa,onday for tbe Weet, expecting to take oherge of some important undertakings at Seattle on March let. While still on hie honey. moon journey be met death. He hae a brother, James, a civil engineer, at Rosa land, but just now visiting his father at Strasburg. HSuoNEAI„—One of those happy and pleasing events which 000ar but seldom in most homes, took place on Wednesday evening, 19th foot , at the beautiful and Oommodiods reeidenoe of Lewia Heath, when hid eldest daughter, Lily, was united in matrimony to Henry Holtz mac of Grey. Sharp et 7 o'olook the bride, charmingly attired in white dotted muslin, trimmed with lace, wearing a wreath of whtie carnations and carrying a boquet of the same, leaning on tbe arm of her father, entered the parlor, while Mies Stanley, of Listowel, played the wedding march. The ceremony was per. formed by Rev. O. W. Bristol. Little Iliad Heath, niece of the bride, noted as maid of honor. Ager the bride and groom had received the oongratutatioos of those preoeut, they proceeded to the dining room, where ample jmetioe was done to the delioaoiee there provided, about one hundred and forty sitting down to dinner. The preeente were many and wetly, attesting to the pope larity of tbe bride. After spending the remainder of the evening in a social way the guests dispersed at an early boar, wishing Mr, and Mra. Holtzman mauy happy yeare of wedded life. Albert;.nd Wesley Dilworth, of Mount Forest, visited et R. Dilworth's Ibis week. Mre. Oliver Turnbull, 15th eon., has been dangerously ill, bat we hops she will aeon be convalescent. Several Grey farmers are laying in a supply of toe for next Summer's use in the dairy. Their heads are level. Wm. Kellingtoo, of Trowbridge, hae sold big valuable farm, lot 8,' von. 3, Elmo, to Robert Pirie, of Grey, for 85,- 750. Mre. Robs McKee, former'y of the 6111 line, died recently in the Winnipeg hospi- tal. She was well known to the people fo Grey, There is a report othat Botnto p Bethel hutch will have e a new organist before Spring. Wbat will be a gain to Logan will be a lose to Goshen. Lorne 8. B. Ritobie, of Valley City, North Dakota, and G. N. Ritchie, 01 Fergus, are visiting at their uncle's, D. Ritchie's, von. 14. Mise Jean Norton, of Listowel, is the teaober at Duke's school. She attended the Norma! at Toronto last year. Mies Norton is a fine teacher. Mr. and Mrs. Took, of Clifford, who have been visiting T. Miller and family of the 3rd Line, returned home last week. They made momy friends while here. An auction sale will be held by Bimon Grant, lot 4, con. 5, on Tuesday of next week at 1 o'olook. Mr. Grant hae sold hie farm so ode will be without reserve. 011 Mra. Stewart, mother to Hugh Stewart, 15th eon., is on the eiok flet this week but we hope elle will soon he bettor. Mre. Stewart is over 70 yeare of age. This week R. 17. Goatee disposed of hie 100 aore farm being lot 12, 000. 14, to Riohard Cardiff. Mr. Ooatee will hold an emotion sale about the latter part of Mnrob. Ou Saturday, Feb. 16, Oliver Smith, lot 8, con. 6, was presented with a new Iamb and on the same day Oliphant Smith, lot 6, oon. 5, was made the owner of two. A letter from Henry Woods, oon. 16, who is visiting hie brother in California eaye he is enjoying himself and that he will probably be home in the aurae of a manta or so, Thoe. Smith, formerly of von. 5, now of Wroxeter had three fingers of hie lett hand oat while wobbling in the factory, but soon 'got to work again, perhaps sooner than he should. The contract for the briok work and plastering of the new briok bonne for 18,bert Hoy, to take the plane of the one destroyed by fire, has been tet to Mears. Pugh & Jenkine, The briok is nil haul. ed. The Court of Revision for the Hall drain By low will be held on Friday, March 22nd, at the Township Hall. There ate well np toward 100 people in. tereeted in thie drain and the work will be posited along next Stammer. Thie week James Cuthill and wife will move from their farm, 15th von., reaedt. ly purchased by Mr. Perrie, to Brogeeie, where they will reside on the smell farm bought from Daniel Stewart. Their old friends in Grey will be sorry to sea them remove bat wish them many happy yeare in their new habitation, Adam Misener, of Beverly Township, oolebrated hie 103rd birthday. The impression exists in London that Gen, Botha bas earrended to Lord Kitchener. Montreal militia otfiaere propose es, tabliehing a provieio0al eohool of infantry in the pity. The Grand Truck Railway will build eight ten -wheel locomotives and two moguls for use on Interoolonial trains. A report ie current et Montreal that F. H. (Magee may take over tbe oonae6- stone of the Cannes ayndioate at Montreal and parry oat the bargain. The Poet, a Sydney, 0. B„ daily news. paper, which lately suspended, was sold by the Sheriff to J. A. Gillies, ox•M, P., for $4,100. Fifteen new loaomotivet have been ordered by the C. P.R. for the Crow's Neat line, and a large amount] of rolling stook which has been ordered ie expected to be ready about the tlret of March, People We Know, Robb, Thameon le a Juror et Goderiah thie weelt, Mies Dot'a Shaw ie visiting her Meter in Seaforth, Mise Eva Gilpin has been laid up with • the jaundioe, Mre, Theo, Nicholls, of stubs street, io visiting at Seaforth, Mies 'Mersa Gerry Asa visiting in Wingham last vie elt. Mrs. W. F. Stewart bas been siolt f ,r a few days this week. Mise Forbes, of Wingham, is vieitiug at her unvve'e, Thee, Maxwell. Mre. Jae, Wilson hue been sink with la grippe for the past few days. Thos. and Mre, Moore have had n sbalte-mp from la grippe. Miee Roddiok ie attending the 1811111,,. ery Openings at London this week. Master Vernon, eon of D. O. Bees, bas been baying a tuale with la grippe. Archie Roddioll i0 here from Michigan visiting hie father who is very poorly, W. Matth-we, who was visiting fu Broeoals, left for Durham ou Needed, Geo. Roberton and John Gardner, of Clinton, are visiting at Joe. Ballantyue'e. Miee Fannie Rogers ie attending the Millinery Openings at Toronto this week. Mies Mable Hayoroft has been ill with le grippe io London we are sorry to hear. Will. Muer will taltea position with L. W Hanson in Oman! Hotel, Wingham, Mrs. R, Williamson ie recovering from a heart trouble brnugbt on by la grippe. Mre. Muer bas been quite 111 Olio week but we hope she wit soon be as well as ever. Will. Gillespie, of Ripley, wee calling on friends in Morrie and Brussels last week, Mies Blakeman returned from an ex. tended visit to Fergus end Drayton last Monday. Mrs. W. H. Kerr has been bothered with erysipelas in her face for a number of weeks. Mies Freda Vanatone, of Wingham, was visiting Mise Annie Bartliff Tuesday of this week. J. A. Creighton has been confined to the house for a few days this week with heart trouble. Mies Mary Roddiok hae been quite poorly but we hope she will 8000 be eon. - valeecent again. Dr. D. Watson, of Brantford, a former Brnsselite was palling on old friends in town this week. Clifford Pugb, of Bluevale, was visit- ing hie grandparenle, Bev. It. and Mre. Peal; Prinoee street. Mre. Jerry Nesbitt has been quite poorly tbia Winter but we hope she will soon be quite restored. Miss Emly Wrddop, who wag visiting Mies Lizzie Downier, returned to her home at Lindsay last week, Mies Barna, of Toronto, who was visit.. her cousins, Misses Douglas, returned to the Queen city on Thursday. David Ross ie confined t0 r the house with in g, ippe. Mies tazzio fa just re- ooveriog from the same trouble. Postmaster Farrow arrived home on Friday evening from attendance at the Grand Lodge of tbe A. 0. U. W. at Hamilton. Mre. IvfcKny, Queen street, bas been quite poorly this Winter. She hae been an active woman and has attained her 78th birthday. Andrew and Mrs. Sample and young. child are visiting relatives at Teeewater preparatory to leaving for Portage•la- Prairie, Man, W. H. Kerr is attending the High Court Canadian Order of Foresters, at Sarnia, tbie week as representative of Court Priuoees Alexandria, Braseete. Mrs. Aodr w e Reid of Ayr,wasvisi- tor a vie'- for at OognOf)lor Henderson's last week. She was at Blyth tbe week previous attending Mr. Habkirk'e funeral. Mae Ethel Creighton left this week for Toronto to attend the Spring Millinery Openings. She will afterward resume her position Et Grank Valley, Ont. James Maxwell and Mise Sadie, who have been et Battle Creek and other pointe in Miohigan alive August, have arrived home, They enjo}ed their stay very mdoh. F. H. Heath, General Agent Costed. oration Life Asa., London, was in town last week for a few days, Mr. Fraser, representative of the Northern, from St. Thomas, woe also here. .Mrs. Deadman and Mies May bane been on the sink lint, the former with la grippe and the latter with toneolitie. We hope their complete recovery will soon be an established fact. Mise Paul S ,mple leaves) this week for the Millinery Openings at Toronto. She eoe0 to her former post at Glenbero,' Man, Tan POST wiehee her a pleasant trip and anomie in her work. James Oakley and family will remove to their newly purchased farm near Lie - towel this week. They will carry with Cleat the beet wiehee of the oommanity for their future happineesand prosperity. We omitted to mention last week that B. Driver, of Rochester, N. Y., was re- newing old friendebipe iu Brussels. It is five yeare ei0ce they moved to the Flower city where they are prospering we are pleased to report. Daniel Stewart and Miss Minnie expect to leave for Wiarton on Friday. It ie 45 yeare since Mr. Stewart took up real. deuce on the home reo,ntiy sold to Mr. Cuthill. Mr, Stewart will be back to, town in April for a short time, Mre. H. Ball, recently of thio locality, had the mietortune to fall on the stair- way leading to the gallery of Wingham Mothodiet Church ou Sabbath, 17811 hat, She injured one of her lfmbe and had to be taken home in a nutter. We hope else Will Boon be as well as ever, Sixt.y•two thousand five hundred and fifteen immigrants arrived at Canadian paean porta during the year codisg June 30th, including 21,015 booked through to the United States. A violentanowetorm 0000mpanied by a heavy gel° swept over Halifax, doing great damage, The roof of the grand stand at the Exblbition buildings was blown off, and pieces of timber were carried six hundred sortie,