The Brussels Post, 1901-2-21, Page 8110111Y Ref IR you have a cold or Lit grippe trY a ))0* et the Tablet's WO are lug. We ate authorized to refund the 26 omits to any diesatistled customer, Gough Balm I Our Gough Bolos le known for and wide as the beet all round Omagh Remedy in the market. Or if you prefer take a bottle of our Blood Root Cough Cure which is the favorite with a great many. If you have a Clough, Oold or La grippe coming on oall and get a bottle. TILS B138SJ Garners Free To Intranet' a line of Ofonerna we handle we will give you one free with the following outfit whioh will pont yon el l- 1 ROT T.aamp PO0 1 Fibre Troy .... 20o 1 Printing Frame_ 20o tdos. Limboased Mount's to $1 kge, Developer Powder 10o 400 Bine PrintinaitPer 16Q Box Hypoeulphate free Lletruotione free ..... Will toke five pictures apai in, We ean give you anything yen may require In Kodake or Camerae, Ste reo-Graphoscope rEfave you seen one of these? It is for viewing both sterenopia piotnree and ordinary photographs, It Makes fte tatleb improvement when viewing the latter se a Stereeoopo don with the termer, and costs very little more than an ordinary Sternoope. G. A. DEADMAN, Druggiet, Optiolan and Bookseller. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. SOUTHERN EXTENSION W. G. & 13. --- Trains leave Brunets Station, North and South. an follows: Gonad BouTn. GOING NOAITH. -Express 7:18 a.m.] MalI ....-......2:10 p.m ATIZed ....... 9:45 a.ro. 1 Bxnrees 8;17 p.m Total getos items. A ohiei'a among ye ta,kin'notee, Art' faith he'll prent it. Bonen Fair on Thursday of next week. Lxvnx,2 demand for both live hogs and pork. Run Parliamentary report on inside paper of Tun Pon this week. Two engines were attached to the mixed nein Thursday morning. A CARRIAGE factory in Brussels is among the probabilities in the near future. Banners Monthly Horse Fair will be held on Thursday of next week, Don't miss it. JAuss Fox is having sand, stone and white brick hauled for bin new reeidenoe to be ereoted next Summer on William tined. A Loan of young people from Winghatn and a load from Seaforth spent an en. joyable time at the home of Mine Lizzie Bird last Friday evening. GEORGE Hanzese, of Sinondine, ie in Iernasels this week in the interests of the Chosen Friende whioh Order has been eatablished ben for eeveral years. Tan remains of Mrs. Fox, of Kinoar. dine, paseed throngb town on Wednesday morning's train for interment at Preston. Deceased was an aunt to Jno. and Philip Ament, of Brussels. Tin former attend- ed the funeral. Box SOoLix..-Next Tuesday evening a Box Social wilt be held at the reeidenoe of Eli Smith, 7th coo., Grey, under the anopioes of the Epworth League A good program will be provided and a jolly time assured. Sleighs will leave THE POST Publishing Hume between 7 80 and 8 o'olook. SH/rhutNTs this week outward were oar of oats by A. Beaker ; oar of peas by B. Graham ; oar of huge by W. P. Van. none ; oar of cattle by A. C. Damn ; and a oar of salt from Enterprise Salt Works. Ioward there were 2 care of implements for M. M. Cardiff; oar of coal for Wilton & Tarnbull ; oar of coal for N. F. Gerry ; and a oar ot corn for A. Beaker, Touzeo MOOS' CIA7B -The eutertain• meat under the mistimes of St. John's Church, on Friday evening was a emcees. Walter Penningttin, with his stereopticon, gave the audience a "Trip round the World," starting at San Francisco and winding up in Afrioa. Among a num- ber of war views were the portraits of Wannohope, Buller, Roberts, White, Kruger, Oronje and Joubert. ' Queen Victoria's and KingEdword's well known faces also were given. Blasi° of an ex. (anent order was supplied by the gramo. ploone, the seleetione "Nearer My God to Thee," "Lead Kindly Light," Absent Minded Beggar," Blue and Grey," &o., being olearly end distinctly reudered. EWE HalailTa OP IRELAND. - The anoint' meeting of the County Grand Bleak Chapter of Hama and Perth, Bleak Knights of Ireland, was held at Blyth on Wednesday of lest week. The following °Moen were aleoted :-G. M., John &orlon, Leadbury ; D. G. M, Wm. Wloite, Mitchell; G. 0. L. Nethery, Belgrave ; G. Be, John Wiliord, Blyth; G. L., R. Hogg, Blaevale, and George Buell, Londesboro' ; G. C., John McGill, and John Etherritt, Blyth•'G. S. B., W. H. McElroy, Blyth, and J, Bullard, Win- throp • G. M., D. Barr, Summerhill ; G. P., A;Leishman, Marnooh, and George Maine, Blyth ; G. Com., Thos. Stewart, Blnevale ; W. J. Greer, Wingham ; Jno. Donaghy, Fordwich ; R. Bloomfield, 13laevale ; J. Brethrn, St. Merge ; W. J. Thompson, Mitchell, and Peter Canto - Ion. Clinton, The next annual meeting will be held at Blytb. De An or Mae. J. Penmen, Ju. -A very sad event tenured Saturday Morning when Margaret Broadfoot, wife of James Pringle, jr., Stratford, passed away, after an Innen of over two months, The de. ceased was a daughter of John Broadfoot of Einforth, and was only 82 yearn of age. Although Mrs. Pringle had been very eiok for some time she rallied a short time ago and hopes were entertained for her reoovery, so that her death canoe at a shook to he teeny friends. She lawn beeidee a grief.strioken husband three email children, Annie, Jaok and Margaret, the oldest being only five years of age, An affeotionate wife and a fond mother, ehe performed the ditties of life to the at. mon, and all who knew her will deeply regret her demise, Mr. Pringle and his family are particularly sobjeots for eym. paths% The taking away of one in whom wan centered go muoh of their thoughts and affeatints id a severe blow. The fun' nal took pleas from her Iota reeidenee, St. Devil et., on Monday afternoon at 2 30 o'olook to Avondale ciernetery. Rev. E W. Ninon offieined. Deoeased woo a, cottele to Mee. P. Scott and Walker DNS, of Braesels and was highly esteem ed 137 Lhasa who had the pleasure of her acquaintance 1881318 looality. Tng ice harvest is here and tbe frozen water le being stored away in large quantities for next Summer's nee. Tem has been a week of very stormy weathor, tbe roughest of the season. The sneer is about - feet deep on the level. THE Chairman of the Board of Benith asks the attention of ell parents to the vaooination notice In THE POST. It is better to be sure than Ferry, WSDNICADAY afternoon the Mail train was etelled in a snow bank beyond Wingham. An extra engine came np from Palmerston to help it out. SIttlifiELS stage was unable to get to Seaforth on Wednesday owing to the badly drifted state of the road. Mr. Williams arrived baok about 1 o'olook after the trial. Prroadwees now adorn a number of the roads and relieve the monotony of the dead level. '.'be sleighing, up to very lately, has been admirable however and a big share of work in the teaming line done. Ienearanoe has been laid by Iospeolor Miller against Stretton Broa., Queen's Hotel, Brune's, charging them with vita. lation of the Orook'e Aot on Sunday, Jan. 20th. Magistrate's Conn will be held on Friday at 10 a. m. A runaway horse, attached to e, cutter, WaLl captured nn Turnberry etreet last Fri- day by Jake Burton. He jumped into the °utter and grabbed the lines just ae the rig npeet but he pluokly hong on to the ribbons, although be was trailed in the snow for some distance before the oharg. er consented to stop. CARD or THANKS -The undersigned de. sires to exprees hie thanks, rand that of his family, to the many kind friends in Brunets and Grey for their eympatby and practical help tendered during the illness and after the demise of hie part' nor in life. It will never be forgotten and an opportunity of reoiprooating the favors will be willingly excepted. Yours thankfully, JOSEPH RATICARD. that a person taking op estray stook shalt give notice that nob animele are On their premises by publiabing foar times in a newspaper published within the steetion where the astray was found, and if the property is not called for with io three weeks after the inaction of the notice the finder shall go to a indica of the peace and make oath to finding and advertieing. It the property is not claimed within a year and should not ex- ceed $60 in value, it then belongs to the party on whoae premien it strayed. It worth over 350 it shall be advertised by the justice and sold and the Impinges shall 138 paid over to the county treasurer. Any person taking up astray nook and neatening to oaten the same to be adver. tieed and appraised shall be liable to a fine of $20 BONS OF SCOTLAND "AT ROME." -De. spite the very etormy evening there was e goodly attendance at the Al"Home" held by Camp Bea Lomond on Tuesday evening of thie week. Pest Chief D. Stewart 000upied the obair and proved himself quite capable of disahargiug the duties of the °thee in two languages. There were Beveral dise.ppoiniments in oonneotion with the expected taint, ovr. ing to illness and other noses, bot not. withstanding these an enjoyable time wee speut and the viaitore were royally entertained. The program oonsieted of tbe following :- Piper Ballantyne, 'Charge of the Gordons'; eolo, eClomin' tbro' the rye," Miss Alin Thomson ; address in which Scottish character was delineated under these divisions (1) (Danish ; (2) Canny ; (3) Conceited ; (4) the Soot as a Oivilizer ; solo, "Roll home to Bonnie Scotland," Miss Marion Stewart; solo, "The bonnie bonnie banks of Loch Lomond," Mrs, Angus Smith, of Wiarton, enoore "The Hei mans' Toast" •, Sootob reel by Piper Ballantyne ; Scottiele anecdotes by D. Stewart; song, "The amid Scotch nage," Alex. Strachan ; presentation to D. Stewart of a volume of Burns' poems ; reading, "The old man and Jim," J. H. Cameron ; Sootob nog by Alex. Lamont and "Soots who' hoe" aa en encore; solo, "Robin Adair," Miee Alioe Thomson ; song, "Scotland Yet," Alex. Strachan duet, "The Orookit Bawbee," Mrs. A. Smith and D. Stewart ; Piper Balton. tyro), "(look of the North" ; a few words from W. H. Miry, of Tag PORT 1 8010, "Craigie Lea," Mre. A. Smith ; Sootob dance by Welter Ionia ; ',Auld Lang Syne." Boob pet -tomer did their part splendidly, Mrs, Smith, formerly Miss Annie Stewart, being eepeoially warmly welcomed. The oadienoe WOG an appre- oiative one. During an intermiseion a neatly gotten op lunch was served. It oonsiated of SandWitiheli, oake, pia, ooffee, dm. Camp Ben Lomond meets orate a month in the Graham bleak. They have 40 tnembere on their roll who aim to flit. fuse the principles Of Leahy, Loyalty and Liberality. W. 'Martin, whom nobody would mistake for an Irishman, io tbe Chief for this term. Before a person is etigible for membership they mast prove Scotch blood in their pedigree, The B. 0. S. know how to entertein ail right and Tuesday evening's gathering will no doubt rintlt in aonesiona to their mem. bership. The acoompanists were Mrs. Geo. Thomson, Mra, A. Straohan and T. A., Havikine who rendered efficient ger. vine as usual, Detimr, S'rawstaT'e anotlon sale of farm etook, implements, fUrnittlre takes plooe neat Tueeday afternoon, Bthesels North, LOFT near Morrieboolt, 01 rnd, Mash 011 000 01de amt figured en the other. Finder will oblige by leaving at TEM PRAT eto. netting Hone'', $WUM BIDATTia, 01 the Amerionn Hotel, Brustels, Ione ordered a pneematio tyred buggy from D. Divan. Thie hi the newest thing out, BANXIMPT BAL11,-,The llankrupt sale of L. L. /*they, Garfield Souse, J3peeeio, will only run three woke longer. Don't lose the Mamma of the genniue bargains being given. The like may never 00000 again. Annattee AND PRIASENTATZON,-.An inter• ening feature of the Camp Beta Lomond "A-8 Home" laet Teensy evening 080 the preseutotion of a splendidly hotted oopy of Borne' poems to Daniel Stewart, let Chief of the Oanm, on the eve of hie departure frona Brussele. 300,20. Oameron read the following ad. drew and Chief Martin, after he called the brethren to their feet and Went through some little bieroglyphioe not 'dearly undkrstood by the reporter, made the pres. ntatiorn- Dania Stewart, DEAR BROTHER, -It is with feelings of deepest regret that we, your fellow %limbers of Gump Ben Lomond, 'earn of your intended removal from our midst. We have been in- timately associated with you both in our Camp and. in our anore public capaeities and we have indeed learned to appreciate you. We have aver found you 8, 138 a man in the truest sense of the word -one who has clite Played an unflinching fidelity to every good cause; one whose honesty, uprightness and integrity had only boon equalled by your re- nuirkable sympathy and enthusiasm which ever tended to 0171100 80 nobler ideals ; one whose intellectual capacity, whose intimate knotvledge of God's wonderful world, whether in Ms starry heavens with its wondrous oreations, or on the blue deep with its myriads of feathered songsters or on the dower bespangled earth -ever made converse with you one of the pleasant things 00 1180. We smcerly regret that you, are to leave us, but we trust that a kind Providence may ever attend you wherever you may be and We would be Pleased if you of accept this oopy of Burns as a memento of our friendsliip. Signed in behalf of Oamp Ben Lomond 81 S. 0, S. Wiz. MARTIN, Chief. 2T30.A.001048, Bee, Brussels, 780. 20113,1301. Mr. Stewart, aithougb taken by surprise, made a very suitable reply in expressing his the,nka, regrete and good wiebea. Many addresses are very effusive bat the 011 83090 above appears, 00 000 naiad, to 1111 the bill Oe it refers to Mr. Stewert. The Sone ot Sootland will not be the only people who he.ye vagrant over Mr. Sunman removal from this locality but all will be a ,nnit in the expression of good wishes for the future prosperity and bappinese of himself and family. They will move shortly.after the let of Much, going to Wiarton in the ronotime. MATRIDIONIAL.-The 81. Marys SOcirnai, of Feb. 7th. epeake as follotva of o former Bruseelite, a son of William Dudley, who now lives at Wellborn :-A. very pleaeaut event took place at the home of Henry and Aire. Johnston, Wellborn, on 7.'hore- ritty evening, Jao. 24th, it being the mar riage of their daughter, Miss Cora, to Ozias Dudley, a popular young man ot Wellborn. The ceremony was performed by Rev. S. P. Edmauda in the presenoe of a few of the near relatives of the oon. traotiog partiee. To the masio of the low, sweet tones ot Mendelseohn's Wed- diug March played by her sister, Mies Ada, the bridal party entered the parlor, l'he bride was given away by her father. Miss Gertie Talbot, conk of the bride, anted ea maid of honor, end the btidel party stood under an nob of flags, built. ing and roses. The bride looked charm hog dressed in white lawn trimmed with bine ribbon and chiffon and wore a bridal veil with a wreath of orange bloseome and maiden hair ferns in her hair. Tee maid of honor was dressed similar to the bride, both of them tended bemoan of white roses. After congratulations the gnats repaired to the dining room where a beautiful dinner, consisting of fowl, fruit and other dello/min was serv- ed in No, 1 style. The many beautiful presents reoeived by the bride testify to the esteem in whioh the young 000ple are held. After dialler the program eras drawl) up and the obair was taken by John Robin, Addresses were delivered by several. of the guests. The evening wag *Tent in music and games ond other amusements, and closed by singing "God Save oar Graoioue King." The young oouple, who are higb• ly respeoted, left on blunday, Jan. 28113, for their wedding tour to Milwaukee and on their return will reside iu St. Marye. On the following night the members of Court Wellborn No. 1368 I. 0. F. pre. tainted the young maple with an address and a purse of money. Geo. Beano pre- sented the puree and W. Hall read the address. It was a complete eurprise. Mr. Dudley replied in a few well chosen words, thankiog them for the kind nese ehowo him and hie bride. The following is the addreee as presented : We, your brother Foresters and frieude on hearing that you are about to sever your oonneotiona with us, have assembled here this evening to show in 80019 tang. ble form, our esteem ae brother Foresters and friends. We an youto sigiept the] puree not for its intrinelo value but for the manner in whioh it is given. We have always found you to be a worthy brother Foreetar, always ready to help in times of need. As you and your bride go to your Dew karma we extend to yo01 oar beet wishee fur your future welfare, hoping that you may be long spared to enjoy life together. MRS. DONALD SCOTT PATS RATIIRE's DEBT.-Sittnrday morning of laet week Elizabeth McDougall, reliot of the late Donald Scott, died at her home, Bruesele, aged 76 years. She bad been ill for the past 12 weeks and be demiee was not au nnlooked for event. The cause of de. min was blood poieooing from abseeeses, 61re. Soon was born at Pitloohrie, Perth. ehire, SootIond, near the old °apnea and she was monied there &boat 1846 to Mr. Soott, who pre deceased her about 18 years. They came to Canada ebonly atter their marriage and lived at Oahe, wa, Stratford and Her purhey before taking up their farm, North Lot SO, Con. 9, Morris, in 1858. Here they so jonned until 1874 when they sold out and removed to 'Crosse's. Mre, Scott was a kind hearted, motherly woman, ever ready to lend a helping bend. She was a Presbyterian in religion and enjoyed the enema of a large mole of relatives and friend& 7 sons and two daughters were born 4 eons surviving viz Finlay , Peter, Archie, of Sarnia and Wallet. The faraeral took place on Monday after 1 noon, Rev. 11. Paul oondnetirig a euitable I service in the absence of Rep. 3. Bona B. A., Wbo Was ill. Four eons were pall bearers. Interment was made in the ) family plot in Brussels cemetery. .10 Ay the annual meeting Of the Tacker, smith Bronoll sltaricultnral Soolety, It woe decided to bold their Fall Fair for 1907 at Seaforth on Sept, 26 and 27. Willi RONALD BROWS W0800. -A prose dispatch from Lendon, dated PO. 14th, says ;-"The Beal Aetote Owner's' ASSO, oiation are perfeoting plane for the pro. pond molten of the Ronald Steam Fire Eegine Werke et tirurselei with a view of bringing the factory to London. Some 210,000 north 03 04000 1.80 Leo, blibeerilled by Pajama's, and 1839propwld to ottpitallgo 020 company at 080,000, The oompany wi I Oleo matinteoture fire alarm bone, fire ladder's, deem boilerei water meters and do a general repairing business'," A meeting wee held on Wed. needay evening to oltne up the mutter but We did net learn the reeult when we went to press, If consummated par 320,000 bootie goes up the "due" ae far as em. ploying agencies are ommerned but like the last ro.e of Summer we will be lett blooming alone for eome years to nine before the indebtedoeas is wiped out. AN Oen 8110101188108 Dres.-A native of Perthehire, Sorelaud, in the person of John MoNaughton, died at the borne of his brother, Ronald MoNanghton, Prin- cess street, on Thurechty morning, at the advanced age of 90 years, Lle came to Canada in 1822, settling in the 00. Gf Renfrew where be engaged in the lumber. ing heathen. 20 years ago Mr. Mo. Naughton went to Mott') Bay and took up hued where he reetiiiiii until coming to Brussels in the Fail of 1899 Be was uever rnarrird but to survived by two brothera'7 Robert ane Ronald, I) ,ch well known tild residentof Brun la. The former 19 88 yeers of age and 7.0 loner 78. The subject of this mottoe was a bright old gentleman who rotsioed hie beanies to a marked degree. Ilia death was very peaceful. Deonsed he.) to the Presbyterian °Lurch. The funeral will take plan on Saturday afternoon at 8 p. rn. Service 812.80 &Moak. Iutertoent will be made in Brueeels cemetery, MATREutnitim.-Amother Brussels bertha. lor, in 8139 person of Geo. Best, paned over to the great majority, when, on the 20th inet. be was united in the holy bonds of matrimony to Mies Maggie, yulaugeet daughter of Jae. Ferguson, 9th am, Grey. Tbe happy couple drove to Seaton') where the matrimonial bow was maturely tied by Rev Mr. Larkin, of the Preebyteriao church, Mem Allis Fergusoii, sister of the bride, was the bridesmaid, and Geo. Fergann, cif Wal- ton, cousin of the grown. Wee the grootosmon. The bride and bridesmaid were neatly attired in travailing suits of dark Llue serge. On their arrival in the evening a reception was held at the home of the bride'e parents. Soma very fine wedding gifts were made. The young couple sten married life a000m. panted by the well wit.hee of a large oiro e of relatives and friends. Tan Pon throws an editorial slipper after them. Mr, and Mre. Best will take up their residence in Brussels. Business Locals. CHM for butter and eggs. A. Conley. &ALUM new deaigua in "Hannon" laoe oollare made to order at Mae Max's. ANY one wanting MAWS made Indy for raising can bave non done eatiefaotorily by eaw filer McGregor, Bruseele Eaet. WATURD-1000 buithele of timothy and clover seed ; 100 tarkeye ; also dried apples and butter G. 13. KING, Wingham. Cann Weavare -Am prepared to at. tend to the wants of the public in the weaving of rag carpet. Satiefaction as. aured. ROBT. ANDERSON, Elizabeth et. 2,u.is.'1w1wam=. BEST-FERGUSON - At tbe Presbyterian manse, Seaford:, by Rev. Mr Lin. kin, on February 20th, Mr. Geo. Beet, of Brussels, to Mies Maggie, youngest daughter or Mr. and airs. James Ferguson, Grey. Oravan-Keaer.-Ito the Roman Osaltolie (thumb, Myth, on Feb, 11013, by Rev. Father McMenamin, Mr. John Oli- ver, of Merrill, Michigan, to Mies Bridget, daughter of Mr. Michael Kelly, of Morrie. SEAMS- KELLT.-In the Roman Oatho lio ohu,oh, Blyth, on Feb. 11113, by Rev Father McMenamin, Mr. Michael Healey to Mire Anna, (laugh ter of Mr. Michael Kelly, all of Morris, TOXIMAD. COATES.-In Trowbridge, on Feb. 16113, William Leslie, infant son of Frtto• els and Mary J Coates, aged 11 days. MoNatnnott.-In Brussels, on Feb 21st, John lefoNaughion, aged 90 year°, Pittlisd,11 -In Stratford, on Feb. 16th, Margaret Broadfoot, wife of James Pringle, jr., aged 32 yenta SCOTT -At Aginatturt, on Feb. 14, Frannie Scott, Seed 69 years. SCOTT -In Brnseels, On February 16, Elizabeth McDougall, relict of the late Donald Soott, aged 76 years and 1 month. 100otY9103n18 att.& me.=txt Fall W h Bat 63 68 Barley 36 87 Pees 68 69 Oats .....,27' 27 'Cutter, tithe and rolls ., 16 17 Eggs per dozen 18 16 Flour en owt. . ..... 2 00 2 00 Potatoes (per bush.) 26 26 Apples (per h)3l.) . . 2 00 2 00 Sheep skim., each .. 75 1 00 Lamb skins each Solt per lobl., retail Hoy per ton • .•• Hideo trimmed Hides rough Hogs, Live Wool 26 25 1 00 70 7 00 8 00 6 ei 6 6 1.325 6 26 16 16i ..A.T...TCTZOXT TUESDAY, FRB. 25,--b arm etook, hoopla. matte, forniture, dio., Brussels North. Sale, unreserved, at 1 o'olook. D. Stew• art, Prop. ; F. S. Soott, A.70. WEDNESDAY, PM 27era-iFarm stook, implements, &o., Lot 19, Oon. 6, Grey. Sale, unreserved, at 1 o'olock, Ben, Pol. lard, Prop. ; 0.13. Soot!, Atm FRIDAY, MARCH 1ST -Farm, form stook, implements, dm, 131. 101 22 Con, 7, Mor. ris. Sale, unreserved, at 1 p. m. Simon TUESDAY, mu etook and Forsyth, Prop, ; F. EL Soott, Auo. implements. Lot 4, Con, 5, Grey. Bale, 8714.1V7D414D. BiliArE 07 a4N4D4, 221f2T.4.83=4513MCWIP 0.111701. HEAP OFFIQE, - TORONTO CAPITAL PAID UP (One Million Dctllors) 61,300,000 Ban . . • 3730,009 4gvoclg4g a4 prEttairat pointo fn Ontario, QUebecsMarsiiabg, Unifful Sfafeo Bropiona. Vers,svms IiIhstmes. A, Ciengroa Xsautsiog fiusb,ess Transacted, Former's' Notes Disoounted, Drafts Isom end Colleotione mode on ail point's. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT, Interest allowed on deposits of 21,00 and upwarde and (Impounded half yearly. SPECIAL ATTEINTTON Mier TO wie COLLEOTION 08 FAWNERS' SALE NOT100. Livery fatality afforded °internees liviug at a (Reiman. Merl ChM payable at any bank hustled Under 310.,., 8c. 1320 to 380, ...12o at the following rates ;- 310 30 320... .10o. 80 to 40, ...14o 3. N. GORDON, Aaiun, TUESDAY, 2143011 dru.- Farm 'awls, Lot 80, Con. 17813, Grey, Sale, unreserv- ed, at 10'0100)i. JAMB Molloy, Prop. ; 0. Merryfteld, Atm. TlitnispAV, WAWA 7TU.-"arm 0001 &II. S Lot 20, Con, 8, Morris. Sale, uoreeerved, at 1 °Week, Henry BODO, Prop. ; S. Scott, Ano, Tozen.tr, MARCO! 12. -Form stook, ho' plemente, ei Lot 4, Con, 6, Morrie. Sate, unreserved at 1 o'clock. D. Mende. jam, prop. ; F. EL Soott, am, ONE CENT A WORD COLUMN. THREE head of nettle Heine 2 years, for sale, Ni Lot 117, Con *3, Morris. MRS. A. CONRAN, Bruseels P000 03008, COLL stone for sole -one large and one medium in prinmeworking order for sale at half priee. Getting furnacein hotlee-no use for stoves, 3. D. RONALD. "PAPER HANGING, 'DECOR- ATING and 800080 Painting done in Workniunlike manner und on abort notice. Have bad three years' experience 111 city work. Terms reaeo, able. Give WO a ealL 20 71,0. JOHNSTON, Walton. THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. VOUR SHORT HORN BULLS, 8.1014010110810011, for sale, was by 1'8 onttioh Ohlef,e 128201,1 Whom sire was ina- Perted by 10, D. Wilson, of Imatortb. For !nether particulars apply to A, Mena, 8; Lots 07, 108,01173.1, Grey, 814 Trowbridge P. ra Vaccination Notice. Owing to the preyalenee of Small Pox in some localities parents are 'eked to have their children vaccinated who have not been, as a preventative a ohnd this 0000050, 191 0141180 PAUL, Chairman Board of Bealth, Brunie. $1.65n WILL BUY A PUR— I,/ 3020800 home on Queen street, Brussels. 1510 foolish for numinous men and retired farmera to out bowies when they can get a home of their orb for so little tummy. Apply to 80038 M. CAMPBELL, Brunets. rilHORO' BRED DURHAM _8. Hulls for sale, aged 1 year and 8 menthe, respectively. Good animals with good pedigrees. Tim first mentioned took and prize at East Huron Fall Elbow. 1000, in a ohms of 0 Prieee right. 018. 83218118, Lot 80, Con, 0, Morris, Brussels P.O. 29. .xs. 51) ,10,01 Gold in the Head Gold in the Chest Gold in the Throat Gold Anywhere OUR— LAXATIVE QUININE TABLETS Can be depended on to cure it, 25c a box. 'oz' s Drug Store. COMFORTABLE, WELL lighted and aonyoninut rOnms to let in the Leekie bleak oyer G. A. Deadro au,s and Mrs, Rogers' store, Apply 80 1'. 8.800218, VARA( FOR FALB,—TIIE V Daman= will offer for paha on the premises, on Wedeesday, Peb. 27th, at 2 Oslo/As, by public, multi .0, his 100 sere farm, being Lot 10, Con. 0, Grey, on whioh there are 90 Ceres under cultivation; good frame houee, bank barn, 48x00 feet, nice orchard. Bering creek, well fenced, and plaoo In good shape. Also South Emit lot 20, con. 0 In Same township with 80 acres clearanee bulanee hardwood bush, bacon and maple, never failing spring rind 1000008 mow. Ing done. , Oa the ;homestead there are 10 wires of Poll wheat and 10 acres plowed. Possession given at once, 'Perms easy. Properties to be sold separately or jointly to suit puroixasers. Por further Liformatioa as to prloe, terms and conditions apply to 2,8. BOOTT, auatIonei, Brussels, or the proprietor ou the premitee. WILLIAM POLLARD, Prop. Ethel 2.0, NEW READY-MADE CLOTHING r2011)eataaffiatekt, • Century Brand' in the pooket Lofevery Garment. TZ=Krie.MM5i The "20th Century Brand." We beg to announce to the people of Brussels and surrounding country that we have added a Complete Stock of High Grade Ready-made Clothing to our Made-to-order Clothing and Furnishing Stock. We have, during the many years we have been in the Clothing business, been frequently asked by our numerous customers to handle a good line of Ready-made Clothing. We are showing NEW and varied collection of garments for the Spring and Summer season—the newest fabrics and the latest designs for Men, Boys and Children Among the spebial features we show for the season are Men's Suits In Blue and Black Worsteds and Berges ; in Grey, Brown, Green and Oxford mixtures in Worsteds and Tweeds. These goods are strictly HIGH GRADE CLOTHING and are made up in three and four button sack costa with either single or double breasted vests and fashionable trousers. Spring Overcoats In Cheviots, Whipcords and Grey Tweeds. Everybody ahould see our fancy Grey Covert Coat with velvet collar at $10. Youths' Suits In single breasted Sack Coats, single breasted Vests and knee Pants. In single breasted Sacks with double breasted Vests and long Pants. See our very special line at $4,60. Children's Suits For Juveniles—In Vestees and Blouses in Navy, Black and Grey colors. Two-piece Suits—In Grey, Brown, Fawn, Black and Blue colors. It is our aim to handle nothing but a NUMBER ONE line of clothing, which you will undoubt- edly see we are doing when you compare our goods with the class of Ready-mades that have been handled in Brussels in the past. We have just opened our first shipment of SPRING SHIRTS aud NECKWEA.R which are dis- played in our Furnishing Window this week. You should not miss Boeing our Plaited Shirts, which are the novelty of the season. Our stock of Spring Suitings is now complete. See our handsome Greys, the newest shade for Spring. See samples in our window. Our ,Great Clearing Sale of Winter Goods at Cost Price Lasts for One Week Only. Thanking our many customers for their liberal patronage iu the past and solicit-, ing a continuance of the same in our New Premises. C. Dunford & Son, Tailors, Clothiers and Furnishers, unreserved, at 1 o'clock. Simon Grant,' Vrop, V. S. S00% Ano, i"Butter and Eggs taken same as cash. "SMITH BLOCK " grp •