The Brussels Post, 1901-2-21, Page 4do Ial) Y'r, FEB, 21, 19 ONTARIO. Vetere Hodson Bay taken by the college. Rod wbo, a s ong not alt the c w I d Ch t ns+roakf peels" on the rivern tram Ilndaotl Bay t Time* supplies now coulee up via. O, P. R Hama of tbeso Perta,°,e petha rare quite plain and parable. The Eataogamt river situs as an independent stream trout ung Atte for tome. two headrest maim, ca i - fourteen 1i r1 C}illott W Fi, Tbompsoa 0, A• Sam ' ganlzsticna ctmpx slug t n REAL ESTATE, mere Tile testa were Anda tinder tba ! seperate orgenizttione, Leitha fatal MEA• w erer of a at t th [34ntslVwd ae aod }teethm cit nearly E a eu a iod ooD FARilt OF 142 AOREet f th gL d r-eref°k }trete-mare oho sea atndym� nlieciona and �• 7 G ' 80 ,000 t d k d— Were O Rat Tek )noun as foe nota, baing Lat 23 0T,- spy, 9 t p pa g Ygh ARisskna work' i3cute ;nMnpla fortwo femllfes it re ulred. pjtaptokar, redacting credo not and on ,I AIS rE stn far F+=re I,1 ( b d d I blrnself, but upon the Ontario Aerlenl• 1 There era on Fcreigtt Al laden Cowman bCuglhOaaa, ehire4 and pastel the Pillage .rep it koaily Pine the Alb;oy.river at tarsi College, and Deflower of decimal. ion rolls, 1,317 C34 nemoa. If we f,tclude of Athel ou part of the lot. Apply t4 JOBN A TRIP TO NOR,TSEIi.N the Forks earl atter about 95 mi es it I tura, who ordered the matter to be ander• I cohere wbolbete baba ddoedtheir WON Cb11F:a,l:tbel Carriase Works. S. 3 iat Sepeeeewatin Lake we 140 $am(lton remarked that he bad 00 Ion rola are ender ria tan i on, city oP., .. . wend into Camp, and fro, here made e axes to grind in Addressing the audience ` the rota➢ tB 4,414 236. Tbe first S9r Arno' Lorne 11antet''ii kxpel'iencerss 'd Little P L ke river to as he had no idea of ereetlag a mama` Fotet n 11v- --.•--. Little Pine Cake, a distance of some $0 to CanadA, Be would lodge from what organ d- •• t l. ate trip up t e the a n rd that we had amort remark. tea' 'f in 144. The firet in *Merida Leaving Arm Lake we weeded ons mi1Vs, ieavieg two in oar Repeeeatetin , be badhen a s orgentzed in 1801. Tnore are now way slowly down the Iteaogami, the base Lake Camp, the amok and Mr. i'tsber.: ably favorable soil, probably dootaioiag e 20i Women's Soeletiea, and they contri• of oar operations We •'miorometered" Little kens Lake riser la a nice clear good deal of lime, which accounted for , bated last year about 94,000,000 Then every mile of water we pooeed over, end little river ateragfog about two cholas in the high par€ty. 1'ority la of the great. , one third ofthe world was aokoowo, for that rearms we mold not travel very width. Before we bed gone up throe ` eat value to Ilse menufaotoxers, Your The social, moral and spiritual conditions' ahead with Iles we dieeovered the c0oditioae of the j teals have surprised me, and the results are now known. Tbere is rapid comma. fast. Ona boar woolddish go on m star dia;a and would writ nn• coasts different to any we bad previoa=_. ' are remarkable, so much so that 31 is nications by railroad, steamship •aad the. a meas i measured the distance, then move 1 gena dear. The water is the stream nary promising to capital. The farmer .electricity. Printing is rapid and Inez• ti we V on,giving DB y altogether different to soy other and the factory meat be partnere in ruin yeneive. 13.glnning with such facilities, an ample the next tarn, end ao l r g was g am le ti a to stall the conditions of the we had seen, aad She country generally bnsineeB. Tbe termer 813088 LB given a , knowledge and organization, what will e .and shores. y Wee flak, with every appearance of being fair price for hie beers, and the moon tbe present century bring Perth"? M1 river It test while lbws engaged one beano• anitanle for agm4owttnralspd mineral par- ; taatnrara 01001 afro be treated .t8tny tbfoes are possible to Him who leads His fol morning in tbe latter part of August , aaite. , Both lake maks, bat that of the farmer is heats to certain victory. Let ns be co - when The drew in the head 01000 with - k divided among many. The price e 1 o laborers with Him. discs yelled and motioned to ds to comeDPMACI7QiVALA, 111, P„ ; tory can afford to fray depends largely ou up to them , at once. Tbey were very the price of sager. The sugar trust can pinch excited, and we c0ntd nee them DEPUTY SPEAKER. take advautaxe of the cheap market to paddling with all haste towards shore. k bnv its raw material ; the reanaiantnrer AUDITORS' REPORT Oat host's crew, oomposed of dfr. David. The Ottawa correspondent to the Lon• ofheelsnRarhma lee hiscontract-knEtas vehe r -OF THE - O= yearn from now we wlUlang p �1� settee, white oar other eons, contain,"1 to lenxa that it ee ma to ba ga0erally 1 eat! eat. Se d rebel 1 one own country far '^ 0=533.1,10 d 1 t had of D • will d for son, M. Howard, of Toronto. an y l ng ate as 0 0.00 don Advertiser says :- h at oar rea- Eelf, were about 60 ohaina from toe ben people of SS ater° Ontario will be glad . one timber manna geoagte , ° anderetooc 'he pre(txon of epnty yet some np with as They were tailing S k f h IIonse of Commons will we x ill „et for .bis wept' of a re or our Lead canes o manb excitement n s not to 01 1 n it t ex to Berm t Beet 13 •9 SH i far E be n I t b« n„ws before our utmost strength and paddled hard, the appointment ie one at the beat , wheac bit k p toothed heels. y When tea noticed the' HE0E PT5 covering the 60 obatna in a very s t say pp , h It t f b c f Pe d most ae•:e tabic that maid be Asda. v rabic crop. d all chases of people, and ; FOR THE YEt R 1900 pea er 0 1 e helped alt. Tbo farms doss not know on oar supplies. fall to (be ,0t et Dr )lacdonaid, member what he w exerted E E hors o what be w1 get or ie mop o • , Balaneeanhandleetandit •.3.17-0537 - .' Tales. levfEd oa Toxvaship 9 time. Arriving at the scene of the ex- ” 8° m� reset from merit, P It is on'Y a gaesteoa of t fa d P £ale at timber nnsidelYne 90 This step op ca y t �, a than 30f tang le washy I aanra7deat faxen oitemeat we (mind the boys prancing up :rete -y smatter an 6 i7 thatas the doctor naturally a m,deat and t cannot be prailtavlt operated- A. 63 day Tp B. w ... ,boII°darn Lrs"<14 g9 Q1 would put an Indian t0 a ams. at to stn$ in nim- He fa a atadeor and reader, . ' thing aE asyouno bear, tbe the whole and a07/16 g° is power, , has bean day ton to n pay largo profits. brut fist ; Lug la o(a 800 tea foolery would be about five , LOars teen 9EEC3 In tlkement • has coo- 1 d - ectal Hefun to n and down and making a ebam0008(00 ,e(icing men. Bar be has the ateriina r ; of run will not pay eapen• 00 while aa 100 l L -e an dgpa'.it 0 78 all we could teeescnool grant ... „-.•• 1 f t>$ hundred b d a p 1 ptC d for damage drains 1115 33 tndooemente moat be Mora 1 EYtgtneer which I give as told by the Crops, we be- our - hon r t 01808° ao ,are n e g la18002_ meat for _ ge - Ing unfortunate to not seeing air. Brain canted four 00018088 ; Loa never been red to • traduce s fsts re dratnng � at all. ;beaten. Though itis caastitenency tern capital's:a to ievest this large sum. Het Intere-ton deposit They Were alowip paddling down the one of the gerrymtsndered one_, the duct r b stream admiring the scenery, e v carried it in 1397 by 61 vo ea Ia the s pound should be _sensed, to { f last err be broagbt ip ARilf FOR SALE,-13EIN X,04.8. Con. 12, Grey, ooiltatal0g 190 act'ae t , r'1 e'r Ck Or grain farm. Good krama house and bunk barn ; sten good wells;' eight acres of Fall wheat null 'mai all le Cowl ;tete of ealterat'on. Fur parcio0lere apply to JOHN McFAU1/15N, 27-1! - Iireseels 1', 0, 111 ST OLASl7 FARM FOR ants. -Lot 17, son. 9, Towneblp of Grey.. 1W eoree mere or less, . Situate el =ilea from !bassets and eraileefrom village. of Ethel. AW'eleared excepting 5 acres of hardwood bush. Buildings and 10000810 goodrepai0. Good wells. All 2x11 Plowing done. Price and terms of payment on ap- plication to W. al. SIl1(7I,AIR, 2a•tf Banister, &e, Braesela, his major. SALE IN ETHEL VIL- r nos. Tbo property of the late Jahn. in of a solid briok house withfr m0aist $ with frame CMkitchen- and woodshed, good condition. ¢ acre s land, will all in set-a10B- .01510lon. 3f not sold win nt anted. pos- 101sf0n at 3187 time. For pEEtloularaapply o Wes SWE'wca, Rthel1 ALEX. PATT'Ea1f 8.10,8 2011 tboaght that a bo00ty of wet leen than Total ....$1417. 76 xb son earnest o l one ceutp rites\DITCRE ehiniwg on aha tall, clean poplar txPea ity np m 140. He baa had as opponents, extend 0080 0 term of not less than tare , Roadsaafl e-ia8ea While thna Thome" Farrow, Dr. Ho(mee, and E. L. years, and assn with this beauty the c lane making a very • h would oat: be on Prmtm msaatantarers era a Sg -.--, 1 o equal footing with the manufacturers in Tasx=.00.rato .. 210 tbe tinitd States v 111200* any beauty, Charkr - RV 95 on account of the difference in the puce. r 32 oe,. - 1400,) of spear. as advauc.d many other Int.Seyer - ools ?Iis0ellaneens .. _ a' 31 contemplating pretty and mares in, on the Dick«neon, vE W(ogham, the last named beauties of nature, the cook, who was Cao o t asioos. Dnr{ng his parlia- giving the stroke, soddenly exclaimed to on hie companion : "Archie, Archie : Iook memory career lee bee been on a °amber of tmportaot committees, snob as pablie there," pointing to the left share. Archie accept: a banking and commerce, private looked Ana saw, halt way op a poplar tree, the form of a bear apparently about a year old. The arta ahiuing on the white tree brought oat very clearly the pus black form of the bear. They were only a few rode from the shore, so they motioned to as -for we had two rifles to our ca000 ebile they had no firearms at all with them that day. Had they even bad 8 heavy revolver they woaid surely have got the bear. As it was they paddled towards ehore, making lots of noise in the hope of frigbteoiog and keeping Bruin up the tree mita we should come rip with our rifles, but be gracefully came down and scampered away, a surprised and frightened cab, for the boys said the way he ran over the bill wan marvellous. We ail gave chase and followed hie trail for about half a mile, when we loaf it entirely, eo had to give it op for a bad job. The boys say the sight of that bear up the tree was one of the finest they have ever eeen, and deeply regret that they did not get a photograph of it, an the camera was in alcor private reading he bas given mac one canoe along with the other Matra. time to the deoelopmeat of tbe cnostita- f Calm we had the eatistaction of being more menta. banal hietory of Great Britain and also anecessi01 in getting the nest bear we oIf I were disposed to nye the member Haw, as my of which I 0(1ill glue in to. East Hacou as an example, I would perhapsg 0051 paper. I am Amp ea 00 the70008 members coming 18110' recording the they 8occ events to haveve the bon -e or the first time, that Dr. order fn. whicb they a now famousd. I 7laedouald'e etaoding in pariiaceeet has nine r tree story ob the row urIoand l not bee° achieved by simply sticking hie notozions Noses brothers, four Iodines feet op on tbe table of a Hooking room, and spending the maximum of time on gossip, and merely a passing minimum e a of time on books ;and when I peak of b -aka. I mesa real. hooka. The positio° of Deputy Speaker car nee a salary, and considerable political and acetal eclat. Dr. Macdonald is ac rmmpenied to Ottawa this aeesioo by hie agreeable f8mi.y, consisting of dire. Mao dooaid and dies Macdonald, together with hie other daughter, Mrs. Horsey, of Oweo Sorted, who has 001139 to Ottawa with her husband, the Liberal at. P. for Nortb Grey. And perhaps thio may be g aataral place fora word about Dr. E. 10. Horsey, who so gallantly redeemed North Grey at the recent Dominion biha, railways and cantle, sed agri1ai. tore. Dr Macdonald has given mach study to trade and financial q testi0us. On the question of transportation he has be- comeoneof the specialists, fr..m the atandpeint of the producers' interest, with whicb, of course, every other inter- est is bound op. In the closing aeaal0n of the 1a-1 parliament, Dr. AI,0doneld made one of the ablest speeebes oe the transportation question ever beard in the bonne. Especia.iy clear and weighty was hie a08lvais of the inflaenee et water• ways o° trade, and on the farmare' wel- fare. Taking op the Erie Cat,al, for ex- ample, be showed its beneficial effect as to r811way rates as far West to the Anis. eiseippi. River. Eleviog said so numb, it is hardly necessary to add that he Advo- cater the improvement and deepening of our Canadian meals as a means of keep- ing down transportation rates and Ieas- ia0 63 mach money as passible in the pockete of the fermate. In Dr. Norodom who have at least ni0e aothentf0ated mardere charged against them, to relate later on, and as the fall details have never appeared in the press it will, I utter, be interesting. These men, two of whom are now serving a term to King- ston, have terrorized New Ootaria from Hudson Bay to Heron Bay on the 0. Y. R- The story of their capture by the Indian Agent and three menta intensely interesting. He accomplished by e0rategy whet the Ontario Goverament wished to eeed 25 to 30 man with 6180 t0 do by force. Oa leaving this point where the beat wan seen the soon came to a long and very aballow stretch of rapids. We had to wade oar fall canoes for over three general e'eatioa. D. Horsey ran once eared in of a mile, when the rapids fermi befo-e, some ten years ago, though anew, a fella; where we food a 90000ge ceesfnly. He was then only 23 years of of about 20 chaise. It was while to camp oe this portage on the 28th of age. Afterwards he accepted the position of iltrodoeer end manager of the bast - cold that we experienced a°011088 real neseof the Ban Life Compaoy in Easter° cold mor-ing, whicb win a „Aube re A-ia, performinghis duties very saceees- minder of what a person might expect to fatly or eight yra- Still a young rose, the Winter season in the North- There fall of life and energy, only 33 years of had been a heavy boat, whioh ttccethin - Total ed as palllog on oar heavier lathing. ban' the Liberal banner was placed in hie whole, inloding she aeattog at $480, pot 0`m1 E Wading in the river is this kind of Lauda is the recent contest in North Grey, fw by the Valley seating Co., of Dundas, Amount of expenditure weather was not the moat pleasant thing with the reenit that he stormed and enc. and leaded stained glass windows by S,' ;, w: norto d oesst0(17 carried the erstwhile Tory rid E. Wood, ot Landon, is about $5,500, t Sambas $ 216 50 in the - bet appearin.. Of pleasant and taking pereenatity, Since the Rev. William Stout took Account with Beauchamp Creels. n7CE11'T5. Balance from liOD $ 111108 S5 Township of Elms, balance on arc, 2m 91 Standard Bank, interest to date 159 3) Total $ 1150998 rnsB(BSBHE.vxS. Expended 071 Gov't drain, :7o. 2 $ 5 744 13 Expended on extension Jas. A. Ben, Engineer inspection 100 00 argemente and ideas which were very interesting ani instructive to tbe pros eat, io a speech lasting about two hours, Total atter which miasmas g003110os were A«cs asked aad. answered. Cashed ha?.d rnoolect„a rases To-i:vp Han Ifad to Conquer or Die. "I was jaet about some" Barites Mrs. Ross Richardson, of Laurel Springs, 1. C., "I had.Caneareptian so bad that the beet doctors said I mould not live more than a month, but I began to nee Dr. King's New Discovery andwas wholly cared by seven bottles and am now 31On: sod well. It's an onrive.1e3 life saver in Consumption, Pneumonia, La Grippe and Bronobitis ; iufat,lole for Coughs, Golds, 3athma, Hay Fever, Croup or Whooping Coagb• Guaranteed bootee 59e and $1 UO. Trial bottles free at G. 3. Deadman's drag store. CHURCH (11131ES. The amount aotuallysdbecribedfor the Preeby(eriao centbry tend is 9.1,130.000. The congregations reporting estimates that over and above the subscriptions a1 ready received, another 3100,000 would be got from them, making a total of $'1,- 230,000. In addition a large number of onugregatlune have still to report. For 70H0113 reaEo0s the work in these has not yet been completed, and in some cases. Mot yet coneme0ced. It la hoped, how- ever, before the close of the effort on Nay let next every C0n0rega1)0n 10 fin Manch will havedooe its share of tbe work. The present inaicationa ere that the total will reach 31,350,000. In the scheme of the General Assembly 66U0,- 00 ) 600;003 of the $1,000,000 was to be for the mieaio0ary and educational work of the ebnreh, and $400,060 tor church indebt- edness. ESESTalt'a NEW Cnuacn.-Toe new Anglican church at Kirk ton was open- ed by the Bisbop of Huron on Sunday, Feb. 17. Thia handsome edifice is of stone and brick, with 120aeme08 elegantly finished. for Sunday school and lecture room. The entire length of the bolding with tower and chancel is 87 Leet, the nave is 30x40 feet ; chancel, 16516 ; tower, 14 feet square at the hese, and 6) feet high, and contains a bell of Ateneely mannfactnre. The 000(1113 of nave and chancel is of nab, varnished and orna- mented ; the vestry, 12x11. The build- iog,in heated wi1b bot air from a tureens room in the rear of the baeemeut, and lighted with acetylene. The cost of tbe sheds Total Conn'y rat•: arm i-sb:3itiea 1l, ARM FOR SALE.—I OFFER for sale Lot i5, 008*. 3, Morris, oonslot, log of 100 acres, more or leas, 05 cleared, 50 acres seeded down,30 acres Fall ploughed ,12 acres in Fall wheat. Barn 50s70, with stone stabling underneath. Alen dwelling house. U r i pure baser. For further P s slow a lit pro proprietor. Price o. the premisesnos reaso ar to the propnetor. Pri0e and arms reasonable. �. T109. FOSSES, wiaghamP. 0 Ci OOD 80 ACRE FARM, WELL VI fenced, good buildings, ,orchard, 2 wells and a never tailing spring creek, and a good field of Fall wheat, for sale ata b•r- galn. This ferns is situated 81 mikes from Clinton and lea desirable property tor any one wanting a small farm. It is within 11 miles 0f I oetcf0Ce, churches and schools. Also base a good term of 60 acres with gond buildings, four miles prom Godertch, for sale on very easy terms. THOMAS. GIINDRT, Goderich. 30.4 FARM FOR SALE. -150 ACRES PAR of the Booth 'i and South 1 of the North 4 of Lot 30, Con .2, Bast Wawa- ao<h. This is 00 excellent stook farm, being well supplied with good springwater. 1t is sitaared eboot 3 miles from te thriving Vil- lage of Blyth. A large parrot itis under grass.. Buildings and fences are in a fair state of repair. Eas7 terms of payment will .. ...... %'3::La 3, tut. given. For an information apply to 11-11 G.F.BLAIR, Barrister, Br010010. -..-$ K7430 O) it'd' &)) -- l;9 Ing Lots 15 and 18. Con O ; 80 acres are $; �. cleared. and 20 acres in boob ; bank earn _ with stare stabling underneath ; and frame "8 tARIOS FOR. SALE. — 100 A- acres in the Township of Hawiok, be- ......-..._$10'10 53 We, the undersigned Aotdztars, --r -eloa de- clare that the foregoing= -s ave ami correct abstract gement of the recerot3 and ex- penditure arta of the aMeM and. habiiides of the Township of Mores for ae year 50)1. 3L BLACK /Atdita5. It. .503 STMT. Treo.'orer a Woe, Feb. 9th, 1801. AUDITORS' REPORT -OF THE-- Torr6513.5.9 of Grey FOR THE TEAR 1900, __<__ $ 100 tri Total receip 7 up to Dec. 31, 1903 FXWMTDrFQRE Expended on nods and bridges Drama and ditches Expended on gravel Expended 011 Township Hall Expenses of Board of Health 42 00 Printing: postage and stationery„..- 97 62 Expended on schools _ 0.7:9 84 _ded on charity aa3 ;n 19 00 of 305 00 Debennt re 9o. 8 and 1 coupon.... . . 314 81 Debenture elm. 4 and 2 eo°pbns of S. 17300 Deben`ure l:o. s andl reaper ot�S, ,1:3 00 S. No. 7 Fraser drain debenture leo. 1....... G 221; Fraser drain to coupons --• • . ('o,e,lionBank of Cm omerce, Tor- onto, debenttnres and coupons for Silver Corner drain 237 63 i Debenture So. 2 Government drain outlet, and extension of \ o. 2_., 1008 84 00 Aid to wire fence • 4 Salaries and fees 112 24 Loans, Irte tsad diseonnt..'M/.,18 ' 4, 1900 .....-_- 125 03 house with cellar. A good thriving orohard. Far, is situated 3 miles from Wroxeter. also 50 acres in the Township of Tursberry, beim,: North Half of Lot 7, Con. A ; e0 acres i0 grass, 70 acres of bash; frame barn and log house ; a good spring. For 1arthor par- 3„emlars apply to ALES, H18LOP, Wro eter F. G. OOD FARil1 FUR SALSE.— Lote-3', Coo,15, Grey, containing 100 acres,;a acres cleared, 10 acres hardwood bash, baleen° cedar and bleak ash, 8 hares in Fan wheat. The farm fa well famed and underdrained, with plenty of good water. Good brick hoose 20x30, with kitchen 18:25, wood shed attached and good cellar. Large bank baro with stone wall underneath, large driig house and sheep peve shed n woGoad p•orcharLard o1 choice trait. It is convenient to church and eobool, store and p oetoi0ca. This farm will ba as the pj prietor wants to retied on amount of ill health. Apply on the premises or address, ALE --GANDER 3002037 21-11 M000018ft P. 0. Cntexpe, mafc Refund of taxes ?•fiscellaoeons Total $ 10)53 18 Expended on Fraser Drain. 3ECE0Y09. 2400tmt of Engineer's estimate $ 1500 W Interest on cash in Standard Bank15 00 $ 1513 W $ 1256 50 ae any harm. Not one of as bad the be is eald to beaiso a good speaker. Tho•e charge of the penin, over three years slightest sign of a cold, oa the contrary it who know hire best expect him to be beard ago, this obarch was began and oom• seemedto endue as with new lite, We tram, plated, the average attendance at corm all grew fel and hn002(8 eating average ale _ 000nion fully doubled, being largely in - that would simple bony. the we oreaaed by confirmation and in proper. board in thehe28 landlady. While ave had tion to the total of membership and frost 28th a August, a70e we had d families of the church, the average con gent deal of fide weather Mage afterwards, and ro telt s a g the mdntba of July, Angaet and S -prem• the worst f gregation takes a foremost plane as com- ber were really Ideal. The weather, with eeeaon was m p a y pared with any in the dioce,�e. the exception of an ooeaeio°a1 wet day, Ikflaslosasr—In many respects the 19th could mat have been better. It was Hoaae weal f th Centaty, and eapeeially the Victorian health•giving and iavigorating, and in roandiu moa ty Era, has beam remarkable, bat is none the opinion of men of authority New d E A i a Beet more go than i° the unexampled exphn. Ontario would be very beneficial to coo- Sn ar Co , f York, sod Pxof slow of Foreigh Mission enterprise. The ea.mptive0and those with any !nag or Shattlewar h, f h O t Ag i I following figures and facts make this . throat trouble, eepeciallyi° the Summer h ti ithe apparent, and kindle bright hopes, alnico aeatmm. The air 15 so free from germs man n H 1 exaltation, in the minds of all who look and so laden with the odor of the pine, h i i and long for the oniversal reign ot the balsam, &r, temente and other health• Amer{oa on thio goea4to , d b a r8* Prince of Peace. At the beginning of the °emmery there were six Minion So• cietiee, Now there are 587, including Women's Auxiliary Sooieties. The Total amount contributed for this work a ban. dred years ago was 971 000. Last year, contributions amounted to $19,000.000. There are 1600,000,000 of people in the world, and the bib a baa been translated in whole or 01, part, into the language of 1200,000,000, 00 that three fourths at the world's population can now have the Bible in tbmr own tongue. There are Creek and eatensioa of Gov t now 22,000,000 children attending Sal drain No, 2 when completed.- E 16 OS bath 8013001, and of these, ebont 1,000,000 Collector's salary for nee 80 00 are in Foreigh Minato Fields ; and of Total liabilities for Grey Tp,$27039' 93 (Lasa 140,000 are in Minion College Ioetttates end High Sebooth. At the Dee, 81, amount of liabilities over beginning of the Century there were no assets $ 10340 83 native Evangelists, whilst now there are BEET SUGAR. t • h t ndlo the feat that one of wind and 300w 810rma 0 the t grecs at Aylmer, Ont., on Tae.day at last week, the Opera nil offarmers, from a eur- nt to heard. G. Hamilton, vice-preet ent b the American Sager o New t a the Ontario ran• karat College, disecsa the goes on o of otore of beet sugar. Ala llama - ton ton la perhaps the best authority n n an i marks at the present time will be of giving epitome as to afford every ad- . vantage to the sore afflicted. 3 Sam- great interest to the people of Ontario. men's outing around any of the many Prof, Shuttleworth wee dreg called ap• beautiful lakes and revere in New Ga- on, and gave the &garee in regard to the tarto would prove very healthful to nay' result of the tests around Aylmer last one. year, wh,ob he remarked were showing The industry of pitch or grim Rather- an average yield for 47 plots of 18 tone, ing is indulged in to some extent by the 772 pounds per acre of beet, with 14 2 Iudiane, for which they realize ae bigh per cent, sugar and 85 3 per cent, parity, ass dollar a pound at the large towns on whicb, based on a price of $4 per ton for the railroad. A great deal of pitab is 12 per Dent. beets w.,ald leave a Maar net need by the Iadiaos to gumming their profit, after deducting all expseeea of bark mopes, and for this purpose they ratein1 and harvesting, of nearly- 955 pee cat eld was eprn0eep andzes in Magary) trees, and ba-obat e from the farme, The abeat ot.7,i Eivldual Vanpatter, who regular pitch gathering grenade, A raleed 30 tons 6181 ponads to the acre of number of these were very acceptable to beets, prodocing 16.2 per sent. sugar of a tie, we being called upon to neo pitch to parity of 87.8 per cent. The oast per a very great extent, ao our bark samosa . sure was 926.40, leaving bfm a clear net had to be repaired very often. profit an above beets of $117.47 per Aore. Some of the Old p0r.age trails over This was not only the beet test hero, hot which we passed were over one handfed the best test here, bat the beet by 'Ong years old, Having been used by that great olds of any in Canada. It gave Mr. and enterprising company known se the Varpatter tint prize of 930, and he was Haddon Bay 00., who need these trails in followed olosely, aH follows, for the other bringing np supplies to the different five prizes t -d, Sigler, 0, 0. Learn, 1. Nt, Total Balance $ 6"270 18 $ 5232 83 ASSETS. 37 77 Balance =band taxes 1000 • $ 1801 43 Dne from Elma on account of Barer Corner drain 1107 72 Fraser drain snrples 286 Balance of the sale of debentures for Gov't drain No.2 and extension 5'10355 73 Township Hall Road grader100 W Safe Total $ 10109 15 LIABILITIES. Balance due Cotmt7 Treasurer for County rate 1900 0 1000 00 Government drain 200. 1 and 2 "517U annual rectal Silver's Corner drain for l2 y ears2800 00 Preset drain for 19 years 1572 84 Government drain:No. 2 and exten- sion for 18 years 18103 CO Dne Contractor for Beane -hemp PLYMOUTFF TWINE The Top Notch 13f in or Twine Pi'rfrntimt, cored In oar Iota, 1?rlcoe 1110 Lowest-"Q'tality 148* Highest, Order early, $u fez Neils speared in ear lots. Ohm Importer!. Price o low. cc '0 Flexible Door Hangcsr. t b torn off the treok hence This hanger etaada without nn equal: Canna e The wheels revolve en steel roller beatings and aro attuoind to the noes " steel A p Over the top Of door extending Clown on each aide end the deer by 't 1. strap clamp f boated through. The material 7 to op of the iron anhletbeeal,mwoThe each door to be raised joint between out the wheel and the top of the dear, w e on or obeyed00.she door 0088 independent it Id byhe tmotine of away roller when d aired, Tho her deor Imager, The yoor eau l Mild k l, 1 teal 3 16 x 1 in. supported by a rigid btrack t heavy are a high mortised , at ff e trauk / thus O 001 of with mini to tenial$ 4111 1410100 131 territtlllytt a the ati#no every of the track. It' ban a very em twice the tautening g 1,000 4(108* twice 1bo sirang+h of the ordinary traok, ropara fora Good Situation by taking a Coarse in the CENTRAL E, ',a� � iY�� � eel a ! S ( rat ercl , 0; L,t 77,338 nativea teething the Gospel to their awn people. There were then 180 Bible Societies. Now there are 80 ; and the British and Foreign Bible 8Ocf®ty alone Nimes four and one half millions of bibles or portions of bibles a year. There are fonrteen greet National Student or. We, the nndersiqhed, AU11I7Ore for the Mnaicipalit of the TowaehiP of Grey, have examined t e Treasurer's nceoante and vouchers therefor, for the pact ba908, and End them 1801x001 with a cash balance on hand of 7'111.77. JOHN WTI -MOUE M3 Anditml• Cranbrook, Feb, 911i, I041, Cross -cut Saws, Axes, Lanterns and Cutlery. To lessen etoolataking the balance of those goods on band will be so'd ut reduced prime, '1'o got the benefit of this don't delay, A school well known from one end of Can- ada to the yother for its superior work. We louse Stadente admitledoenohnwelkaHao'd- some Catalogue free. W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. pectaeles aaemaaw 4 s.1 @tom? -a McKay ,` Co. eDOR!ALD Ready for ELt ETH Business at Having bought ant the business of Wm. Beatty & Co., I invite all old customers of the late firm to give me a call, and as many new ones as may see fit to favor me with a ehare of their patronage. I have added a large assortment of new up-to-date goods to the already well bought stock of Beatty & Co., which I will sell at very reasonable prices for reliable goods. My motto will be "Small Profits and Quick Returns,.' and as my expenses are low I will carry out the above motto in all lines throughout the store. It's never too late to mend your ways. Be on the safe side and make your purchases here. -OF ALL RINDS - Fitted to Correct all Failures of Eyesight, and yo0r Eyes tested FREE by latest Optical methode at Division Court Office, BRIISBELS. SHINGLES John McDonald, -WIT TR- P. S.—Highest market price for Butter and Eggs. British (lohnnbitti Red Cedars Shingles ago- -- North Shore Pine and Cedar FOB SALE AT TAE Brussels Planing 1i11s _argains in.... 1-1..A.P.11\TMO Ateo Doors and Saab of all Pat terns on hand or made to order at Short Notice. Estimates )• nroishod tor 1)11 kinds of Buildings, Workman. ship and Materiel Guaranteed, P. AME 1, make Both heavy and Light, Ali our own abe and composed of the best of stool: and workmanship. ROBES and BLANKETS. The season has not been cold enough for Robes and Blan- kets, and as we bought heavy in them and do not want to carry 8D•y over, if prices can move them notice the following :- -Large Dark Grey Goat Robes, regular $9.00, reduced to $7.50 —Large Grey Goat Robes, regular 8.00 tr 6.00 —Blankets, Best Dutch IKersey, regular 1.75 tr 1.25 —Heavy Unlined Blankets, regular 75 rr 55 Repairs promptly attended to in Harness, Collars, Boots, Shoes or Rnbbers. HEATUW STOVES 000K STOVES RANCES Do riot forget to see our line of Base Burners, with or without oven. Every stove a double heater and guar- anteed a perfect baker. WE INVITE YOUR INSPECTION, Meat Cutters, Butter Moulds, Scales, Lan- terns, Hanging Lam as and Lamp Goods of every description. iltoP i", � ,r . iull Powder, Shot, Loaded Shells, Etc,