HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1901-2-21, Page 2t(ING T
All the Pomp and Splendor of the
Royal Court Attended the Open=
ino. of Parliament.
;A despatch from London says:—The' expenditure af treasure due to the
first Parliament of the reign of Ding fruitless guerilla. warfare maintained
Edward VII; was amen). on Thursday by Boer partisans in the former ter-
afterneen by the Icing 7n person. Ilia, Titmice of the two republics. 'their
Majesty was accompanied by Queen Neely anramissloo Is much to ire de-
Alexandra, the Dune of York and sired in is ctr own interests., as until
Cornwall, the Duke of Connaught, and it takes pleas It will be impossible
many ethers of the Royal family for me to setabl;sh in those colonies
The route of the Royal party,which the institutions which will secure
lay tbroug•h the Mall, the Hers° the equal rights of all the wane in
Guards parade, Whitehall, and Pariia- habitants and protection and justice
ment street, was guarded by five thou- for the native population.
85011 soldiers, Thousands of London- "The captua•e of Pekin by the allied
errs packed tat. James' park, bordered faeces and the happy release of those
the route of the Procession, and filled woo were besieged in the legations,
windows, stands, and roofs, The cor- results to wdrich my inclhsn troop$
tege was theft but spectacular. The and my naval forces largely con-
Ro5'al coach, drawn ley eight famous tributed, have been followed by tbe
Dream-oelored Hxnoverians, with submission of the Chinese Govern-
poetilions in red and gold liveries, and. meat to the clef ll d$ imeletetl on by
footmen leading the horses, which tibe powers. Negotiations are pro-
ceeding regarding the manner in
whish cornplisnce with these demands
is to be effected.
"The establishment of the Austra-
lian Commonwealth was proclaimed
at Sydney, January 1st., with many
manifestations of popular enthusiasm
vehicle. and rejoicings. My deeply belayed and
FIVE CARRIAGES OF STATE. llm'ned mealier had assented to the
containing uniformed officials and la- visit of the Duke of Cormvall and
dies of the 9.ousehold, each drawn by 'York to open the first Parliament of
six horses, with postilions and putrid -,the new Commonwealth; in her name.
era, led the procession, Next came the A separation from my'so i, especially
reapaive State ehariot, the comments
such a mnm:.nt, cannot be otherwise
of which were plainly saes through than deeply painful, but Tagil desire
the plate -glans windows, the King,wha to heseffect to her late Majesty's
was in full uniform, salute es
constant- tviseaand as evidence of her inter
ly, and the Queen bowing. The pro-
t ,
, as well as of my own, in all that
concerns the welfare of my subjects
cession speedily traversed the short beyond the seas, I have decided that
route to an acoornpanimont of roars the visit to Australia shall not be
end shbuts and reached the Royal en- abandoned, and shall be extended to
trance to the Palace of Westminster, New Zealand and the Dominion of
beneath the Victoria Tower, at the ap- Canada.
pointed time. ' The prolongation of the hostilities
The King and the Queen arrived at in South Africa, bas led ran to make a
Westminster at 1.57. The arrival of fusilier call on the patriotism and de -
were covered with trappings of me-
rmen and gilt, wan preceded and fol-
lowed by Life Guards in full uniform,
with silver breastplates and red -
plumed belmets, and a email eserert of
Gentlemen -at Arms, in historic mis-
times, immediately aurroun'led the
FT,lees of Cattle, C11eeee, Grath, 800
ea the Leading Malkea8.
131%EAP l6'11'S, ETC,
Toronto, Feb. 10,—Wheat—Quota,
gone ere as follows;—Ra4 winter, 06
1-20; white, 05 1-20, middle freights;
spring wheat, 67leeo; goose, 05 1-2c,
low froigbta to New York; Manitoba;
No, 1 hard, old,, g.i•he 98o; No, 2, 94e;
No. 1, bard, North Bay, 97c; No, 2 bard
Millfeed—Soatwo and firm. Ton
Lots, at the mill door, sell as follows;
—Bran, $13 to $18,50; and aborts,
$15, west,
Corn—!lull. No, 1 American, yel-
low, 45e; No, 8, yellow, 45e; No, 2, yel-
low, 440.
Peas—Firm, No, 2 sold, middle
freight, at 63 1-20; and east at 040,
Barley'—!Firm. No. 2, east, 42 1-2o,
and middle freights, 42e; No, 3 extra,
40 1-2e oust; end 400, middle freights,
Rye—Steady. Car lots, 48e, west;
and 48c, east,
Buokwheat—Quint. Oar lots, west,
are quoted at 49e; and octet, at 50c,
Oats—i[Irm. No, 1 white, east, 29
1-4o; No. 2 white, north and west, 28
Flour—Quint, Export agents bid
$2.00 for straight roller, in buyers'
bags, middle freights; and $2.65 is
asked by the mills, which do not do
their own exporting. Choioe brands
are quoted from 10 to 15e above
tbese figures.
Oatmeal --Car lots of rolled oats, in
bags, on track here, are quoted at
$3,25 per bbl; and in wood, et $8.35
Duluth, Feb. 19.—Wheat—Cash, No.
1 bard 75 8-8e; No. 1 Northern, 79
3-8e; No. 2 do., 63 3-8 to 60 '3-8e;No.
3 spring, 55 to 620; May, 75 3-80;
July, 770. Corn -37 J -dc, Oats -26 1-4
bo 26c.
Milwaukee, Feb. 19.—Wheat—Dull;
No. 1 Northern, 75 1-2 to 76c; No..2
do., 72 to 74e. Rye—Steady; No. 1,
53o. Barley—Steady; No. 2, 80o; sam-
ple, 40 to 50 1-20.
Minneapoill8, .Feb. 19.—Wheat—
Clash, 74 1-80; May, 74 5-8 to 74 3-4a;
July, 75 1-4c; on track; No. 1 hard, 76
1-40; No. 1 Northern, 74 1-2o; No. 2,
their elajestie3 was greeted with an yotion of Canada and Australasia. 1 do., 69 7-8 to 71 1-2c.
uprcer of cheery and ringing of church rejoice that my request. has met with Chicago, ,Fab. 19, --Wheat — Ruled
bells, and the firing of a Royal salute, is prompt and loyal response, and largo oervou.s and irregular to -day, and
in 51, James' park. Then the great; additional contingents from those cola- closed a -8c) net lower. Corn establish-
offieers of State and the others who nies will embark for the seat oftavar ed another high mark for the option,
were to take part in the ceremony as- at an early date, and closed 1-2 to 5 -Sc over yesterday.
sembled in order to receive their lda- I "The expedition organized for the Orta closed 1 -Ea up, and pro
visiontt 2
jesties. Upon the Wing and Queen.suppression of the rebeli:on in Ashanti to 21-3e improved.
alighting from the State carriage, the j was crowned with signal success. The I Buffalo, Bebe 10,—Flour — Steady ;
precession was quickly formed and !endurance and gallantry of my native' little doing; Noa 1 Northern, small
e 0 e 600
cense' in a, r' 1 ' Uo (Settle. , 1031? is Rg"
Jiegs, 200 sheep and 1'aumbs, whit efe1
lniloh cotes and ealvere
leer the !small aulount of goad ex-
pertcattle here, pieces% were steady up
tee fist leer peeled, bat there was allege
wealenoes io'the aommouer stuff. Not
meth; wan dome.
Gpod to oholee butcher' cattle were
steady and unchanged, with business
DODO too active.. Tea inferior stuff
did not all sell, C400d, to oholee cattle
fetched trona 33-4 to 4l -2a par pound.
There is uv cbanga in feeders, bulls
or stookers.
iMiioh 00558 are selling well and are
wan tore
Them was not match doing en sheep
and lambs to -day, and prises were
about maintained, with the suspicion
of weakness i1n lambs le not striotly
of tee first-class.
Nog are tlnoba'nged.
Hogs to fetch the top price must bo
of prime quality, and scale not be-
low 180 nos above 200 pounds.
Following is the range of
Shippers, per cwt ...0 400
Butcher, ehoioe do ... 4 00
Butcher, tom, to good,„ 860
Dutcher, inferior.. .... , 275
Steelman, per'cwt 2 75
.Export bulls, per cwt350
Sheep and Lambs.
Export ewes, per cwt.-- 300
Butehea' sheep, each ... 2 50
Lambe, per cwt ,. 4 25
Bucks 2 50
Milkers and Calves.
Cowes each 20 00
Calv,ea, each 2 00
Choice hogs, pen' cwt 0 00
Light hogs, p05 cwt ... 575
Heavy hogs, Per cwt ,....: 550
Sawa ,,, ... , 350
Stags au 00
quota -
$5 00
9 00
8 50
4 00
3 00
6 50
6 00
5 75
2 25
nt the
e' 6Te tot
Tn active nee enfold 1 r
p u
game laws of the province got wavey
twite the gene 95111,445.'1`hera was paid
$1,170 es the beeety om wolves. Tho
cent of r•"uwtoine the Flattery Depart-
ment was $118,012. Alg17e1q'uin National
Park 0151m0d $11,044 et tee Govern-
ment's mono,, end Rondoau Pro-
vincial Park, $1,560.
Sending representatives and ex-
hlblta tn, the Paris Expealtion :. Dost
&ti a result of.. the war in South
Africa, the province expended. $13,652.
Ton thousand of this went to the
Canadian Padiriatio 2'urid;and the re-
mainder to the eelarie'e of civil aer-
Vanes who wont to Anita and the de -
aeration of the bbildiarge upon the
eioidierts' return. len extra 0500 was
given tie the Red Oroes fund..
The proMeace had to pay $4,245 for
the Finance Commission, B. I'1. Walker,'
Dr, . Jphn Hoskin and Angus Kirk
land each reoeivimg s thousand dol -
The establishment of the Labour
Bureau enet $1,387.
,A large number of petitions were
handed in, ,Among ,these were tbe
From Oxford and Lembton County
Commies, asking} elute the *Pu'blic
school leaving examinations be given
a permanent and distinct place in the
Public'sohool system of the province.
Prom the townships of North Dum-
fries, il3lenttioimt lloudom, eleven,
Thoreh, Inrtisfii, and Hamilton, asking
that no change be made by which
County Councils will be enabled to
assusne control , of township roads
without the assent of local municipali-
From Welland County Councils ask-
ing that grand juries be not summoned
until 10 days before the sitting of the
court, and then only when cases were
known to be Toady for the grand
What the People's Representatives From Welland County Council, ask-
ing that the game laws be amended to
Are Doing at Toronto.
. According to the Pulblio Accounts
the total receipts of the prov'iace in
1900 were 1$4,192,940.18, while the ex -
pandit -axe was $4,008,729.37, showing
the Government to have been $189,211
within the income. The balance at the
end of 1899 was 64374,790. Frani the
Crown lands was derived the malt
151006y, $1,480,180 coming in from that
source. The amount reeei.ved from
the Dominion on the subsidy and
special grant was 21,190,872, and the
interest+ on debts due to the province
by the Federal Government and in-
terest .on investments reached $e81,-
9.33. Some of the amounts received
coincide with those of New York
State, respeetingi She shooting of
Kaw.een, Sheldrake, • and Wlilstler
From the town of Shelburne, asking
that any Snub ithpality be al-
lowed . to adopt proportional
representation in the election
of aldermen and councillors ;
also some plan in the eleotion of mayor
and reeve whiol would give an abso-
lute majority at ane balloting,
i''iem aevoral municipalities, asking
that persons soliciting orders from
ho ise to house be made to pay a
proceeded to the robing -room, where troops, ably commanded by Sir James lots, 83 3-4e; No. 1 Northern, new, 88 "Is it the irtention of the Govern
from other soirees were; -Licenses,
His Ma'est donned the royal robes, \' illrorks, and led by British officers,1 1-4e. Winter wheat — Dull. Corn— wont to introduce, during this see-
, y procession, have overcome both the stubborn rio. Closing bids 1-4c under asking piece, $354,045; law ata ps, $5 410 Algomt 8100, legislation to increase the repre-
The King and the robed $2,590;sentation in this House of East Al-
sistance of the moat warl.ke tribes of winch were:—No. e fellow, 43c; No. 3
advanced to the House of Lords, and Wast Africa, and tete exceptional dit51- do., 42 8-41; No. 2 eorn, 411 3-4e; 270.3 meet, $76,889; 8isherics, x$95,443; re- goma West Algoma, and Nipissing,or
as 5800 58 His Majesty was enthrone culiies of the cl'mata nd fJ 4e •I x t8.lough balled. oats -0f- venue from companies, $229,774; sue- to change the present representation
of either of said districts. If not, is it
the intention of the Government to do
so before the next general election to
This question was asked by Mr.
!Deena and gallant defence. Tha rim- Nothing done to -day. Rye—No. •2 on For the maintenance WJlll nay. keg1y 8i Prdmior said
Black Rod, General Sir Michael Bid- cipni Kiege have surrendered, and the t track, fi3o; No. lin store, 57e asked. "( attentions, $838,201 wad expended; the Government had under consider-
reached the Tirane of Com- chief impediment to the $755,488 for education, 5162,861 for ation an increase in the re resenta-
mons, at 2.20Progreso of DAI1tY 1YIARKETS. i p
p.m., and the members the development of this rich onion Butter—Demand for choir's dairies Crown Lands changes, $427,854for Ad, tion of the districts named, but
]leaded by the Speaker, Mr. William of myWest ,African p ministration of Justice, $265,347 for whether a bull to that effect wooild
Court Gull possessions has •and creameries fair, and Prices firm.
Gully proceeded to the House new, I haps, been finally xemorerl. 6uotaticn are as follows:—Dairy,! Civic Government, $184,898 for leapt- be introduced this session or not had
ref Lards. "The sulfating and mortality cawed1-2 r •' tat and public °hernias. Hot been passed upon These districts
Lues and pails, clinics, 17 to 18 1- o,
THE DSb2INTITIGE CHA3fBF.R. by the prolonged drought in a large' medium, 18 to .16 1-2e; poor, 13 to 16e;� CORPORATION TAXES. represented more tban ane -half the
was filled to its capacity by the high- portion 05 my Indian 1 rnpire have dairy priata, choice, 18 1-2 tei 10 1-20;1, Under the revenue 501 of a year sees of the province, and were settled
net and noblest of the Kingdom, the b, en greatly alleviatel by a seasonable largo rolls, good to choice, 17 to 180;' ago these sums were paid into the in many portions to a much larger ex-
greater part of the floor space being rainfall, but I regret to add that in creameries, bones, 23 to 23°; nail provincial coffers by the Denner 5 tent than when a redistribution bill
occupied by peeresses and other ladies parts of the Bombay Presidency die- pounds, 2J to '104o, named; Elie and Fiae Insurance Cam- was last before the IIouae. In jus-
tice to these settlers, they should have
increased representations. The Gov-
ernauent doped, to dot it before Parlia-
ment expl,red,
l'he report of the superintendent of
Neglected and Dependant Obildren,
gives a complete account of the
work by the various Children's Aid
Societies. Good work has been car-
ried on In finding foster lamas for
the homeless ones. A careful record
is kept of such children, and they are
regularly visited and looked after, no
matter where their homes may be.
During the, past year homes have been
Lound fax two hundred and forty-
seven children, an:d there aro now
aver 13 hundred wards of the de-
partenent. Many 01 the boys and
girls so provided for are under six
years of age, and eituatiems have
been 'provided for older ebildren, of
whom. no record is kepi. The child-
a+en'a, vSsitoc i1 him. Harvie, and Mrs.
Wm. O'Connor has recently been ad -
up of 622 boys and, 481 girls, the aver -
and visiting Oathalio'ehildren.
In the report on the industrial
schools it is stated that there are at
present. 140 boys in the Victoria In-
dustrial eehool, 48 boys in the St
John sobuol, and 30 girls to the Alex -
honey sells at $2.40 to $2,75 per dozen 200 to rep the Scheel of Mining at andra school. The total`ntrmber of
sections. Kingston for fano year. ; English children placed out last year
Baled hay—Steady. Choice timothy, 105eriog the pant year $1.2,087 was in Ontario by the eight agencies en -
,on track here, $10.25; two -ton lots, paid to the Hn1ni.itom Blast Furnace ,gaged en this work was 1.058, made
delivered $11 to $11.25. Compare/ as a bounty on ore yield- up of 622 boys and 481 girls, theaver-
13traw-Steady. Car Lots of Straw, leg 12,087 tops of pig iron. age age of the children being about
wei track here, $6.50. trite expenses 02 electi018 and elec., 12 years. This "dep•onanent of the
LIVE STOCK MARKETS. tion trials are given as $14,194. work is Well looked after under re -
Toronto, Feb, 10.—At tbe 'western Gratuities amounting to the num cent Iegisitturm, aria very few emu -
eagle yards today, the receipts were of $10,155 were paid during the plaints have been received daring
small, business easy on a light do- year. the past year,
mance and priees throughout praotio• The arbitratlasi between Ontarid and nee
ally unchanged. Quebec cast $10,250 dterlma the past The bubonic plague rages at ,Re.:
'Thirty-eight carloads of live stook twelve months.
union Island, South. Africa.
ed the Lord Great Chamberlain re- a season o do„ .o r
calved the Ratyal command to summon the country Ln which the operations feringe light, good demand ; No. 2
the, members of the House of Cora-
om- were co001ucted, The garr;snu of Coo-' white, 31 1-1 to 31 1-2e; Non ado, 30
ma « ti i « speech nrom the ma5eie, which was besieged by tbe' 1-2c; No, 2 mixed, 28 1-4 to 28 1-20; No,
enemy, has been relieved after a pro-' 8 do,, 28e, through billed. B,lrley-
cession duties, $226,678; casual re-
venue, $100,072; from public institu-
tions, 585,208, and $58,656 in open ac -
remote. '
of public in -
was brilliant im the extreme, Dia -
mends flashed out of the folds of the
black d5esses of the ladies, and color
was added' by the ndhee of the peers
and the State rffieials.
On the arrival of the members of
the House of Commons in the House
of Lords the King took the oath and
then eea:rl his speech. The a"sembiage
stool wb''le the speech was read. The
;Kang 414 not weae the Crown.
The Duke of Cornwall and York was
tun present in the House of Lorris.
The King wore a field Marshal's
tress of a serious edaraoter still con-
tinues, which my officers are using
every endeavor to mitigate.
"Gentlemen of the House of Commons;
"The estimates for the year will be
laid before you. Every care has been
taken to limit their amount, but the
naval and military requirements of
the country, and especially the out-
lay consequent upon the South Afri-
can war, bare involved an inevitable
'The demise of the Crown renders
ll necessary that renewed provision
shall be made for the civil list. I
Cheese,—Full cream, July and Aug-
ust make, sells et 10 1-2 to 11o.
panics, 586,525; Banks, 541,268; Trust
Companies, $3,985; Loan Companies,
526, 304; Railway Companies, 538,095;
Street Railway Companies, 57,088, in-
Eggs—Cold weather restricts the cluling 54,748 !nom the :lhronto Rail -
supply of fresh eggs, but there is' oo way Company; Express Companies,
scarcity, Prices are es follows:— 55,066; Sleeping and Parlour Car Oon -
Strioily new laid, 22 to Zee; fresh panne, 5950; Natural Gas Companies,
Strictly new laid, 22 to 230; fresh 510,559; Telegraph Companies, $1,242;
gathered, 17e; cold stored, 16e; limed, Gas and Eloctrie Light Companies,
150, 57,:.88; 'Telephone Companies, 55,012,
Poultry—Rer'eapea light. Prices for Scene pard in 1890, bringing the
bright sro k are as f..limns :—Turkeys, amount up at 5'.29,774.
10 to 11e; geese , at 8 to 81-2c; chickens, In the iemmigration account the
at 30 to 40e; and dunk+, at 56 to 70e. name of D.'ilole, of West Elgin fame,
ah'ipaau when he read his speech, His place unreservedly at your diepcsal Cold stored turkeys and geese are nppeers for $57, as arrears of salary
were, was clear and firm. After the dune hereditary revenue, which were quoted le a. ib., under bright stock. to Sept. 27th, 1899.
read:ug of the speech the procession so placed by any predecessor, and 1 Cold stored or froeen sleek slow sale,1 The Depalrtment of Agrioulture
was t'e-fnr'med, the King proceeded to have commanded that the papers d'otatoees—ttteely at 2"c for oerlots' gayer 574,199 to district societies, 522, -
on !week here, and 35a. out of store. 1080 in sprebal grants to associations,
!field preduee, etc.,—Tur'niirs out of, and 510,822 to Farmers' ' lnetitulet.
snore, 30o per bag ; 0nions,70e Per I ;ffio fight agaimat the San Jose goale
beg ; carrots, ale per bag ; apples, per ` oast 57,111 and the experimental
"lily Lords and Gentlemen: T ad- Yana' judgment for increasing the ef- 511. 51 to $2; sweet potatoes, per bbl., i fruit stations $2,347, Salaries: at the
dress your for the fast time at a " fialoncy of my military forces. 52,50. I 'Agricultural College aggregated $24;
moment o,f national sorrow, when the i Certain changes in the ereititu- Dried apples -Dried apples sell at 131, and the expenses, 57,242.
flan rendered the Court yf Fl,00 Appeal aro 8 1-2 to 40; ari'd evaporated at 5 toj F01r coloniza.tio:a reads rho num bf
whole country ih mourning the irre- heinr necessary in ooit which
nae of
parable lees we beet go recently sus -
increased resort to it which lies 5 1 2c. i $199,920 wap 59001, card 50,919 Was
tailed, and which has fallen with ; resulted from the expansion el the Kenos—Ordinary white boats bring used to build mining roads.
y myself, M bre-lame, Empire during the last two genera- $1.20 to 51.28;ebOtas lienal pickedbcans; COST OF FORESTS.
poauliea' aeverilt on y are quoted at 51.40 to 1,45.
loveid mother, during her long and Legislation will be proposed to you 5 1 Forest ranging and inspection of
glorkous reign, bas get am example 1 far the a,mondment of the law relate Homey—Firm. Dealers quote from 0 timber limits cent the province the
before the world of what a monarch L2 the time at en6Lta education. 3-4 tb, SOci par' lb.; for 5, 10 or DD -lb anon of 559,292, and fire rangers' sal -
Should be. It is my earnest deeded to egwiation has breen pdisposalreparedpr, andoves tins, a000rding to the size of order. cries reached 5261,985. It took 519,-
(Walk in hes footsteps. tar be adequate, it will be laid botoro
"Amid this public and private grief
1111' Is sateen:Aatry to me to lee able to
assume you that my reiatilo'n4 wltlb
the other powers continue friendly. workshops acts; for the better adz/del-
ft() ware in ,5aetlh Africa is not yet en- tetragon of the law respecting luna-
*Seely terminated, but the capitate of tins; for amending the public health
acts to regard to water supplt9; fpr
tete enemuy and his principal lines of ,the prevention of drunitenne4s in
oiwrmuoioait6mtn are in my poseesslon,
and ineaatnre$ have been taken 'which
will, I trust onatble m'y troops torten'
effectually with the forces by which
Obey airs ldill trrpposerl.
"I greatly regret tree lois of life and
the robing -room, unrobere and left
Westminster an the State carriage.
The Ki'ng's speech wag as follows:
necessary for a full consideration of
the subject sbali be laid before you.
"My Lords anti Gentlemen:
"Proposals will be submitted to
you, for the purpose of regulating the
voluntary Gale, of landlords, to occupy-
ing' !tenants in Ireland; for amending
and consolidating the faetary and
licensed houses and public planes; and
for amending tire lath. of literary
eoisyrlgbtt. . •
I pray that Almighty Gad may
coal:nee to guide you in the conduct
of your deliberations, and that IID
reel bless them wutb success."
interesting items About Our Own
Conittry, Great Britain, the United
States, and 41) Pelts of the Glebe,
Condensed and Assorted ter Easy
(Smallpox 1a spreading in the North-.
west Territories.
Lady Minto uxgoa the establishment
of en art pohnel in Ottawa.
Emelt Smith has been aoguetted at
Calgary of the charge of murdering
Rancher Haggard,
The Manitoba ,Legislature will in-
troduce at the coming seamen chiefly
railway, and compulsory legislation
Guelph's assessment Le 53,610,055.
An increase of $40,000 over lest year.
The population Is 11.087, an increase
of 260.
Mr. F. H, Canning/ram, of the Mar-
ine Department, Ottawa, baa been ap-
pointed Tread of the fisb-breeding e8-
tablislements of Canada.
Contractor 0, W. Norden intends to
have the ice oruabing vessels for use
in the St. Lawrence completed in time
for the first lee next fall.
The Poet Office, Department pro-
poeea establishing dead letter offices
in Dawson City, Vancouver, St. John,
N.B„ London and Hamilton.
IA statue to the memory of Queen
Victoria will be erected in Berlin at
a cost of 55,000, the amount to be
raised by popular sabsorlption.
Manitoba dairymen are asking the
Legislature to aid in placing the
dairies of the province on en equal
footing with those of the Territories
in the British Columbia market.
Lieut. -Col. Steele, eho will con -
mend the Canadians going out to
South Africa will have the rank el
colonel in the Imperial army, and re-
ceive a salary of £1,120 per annum.
The value of winter shipments from
St. John. down to the first of Febru-
ary is $2,813,695. This la a decrease of
over $1,000,000, although this year's
shipments include those bath of the
Canadian Pacific Railway and Inter -
colonial termini.
lir. A. L. Jones, Chairman of the
Elder -Dempster Steamship Company,
says that ono of the gxeatest obata-
ales to the development of the St.
Lawrence ie the prejudice which the
marine inauranee companies have
against it, and offers to subscribe
£50,000 in stock in a new company,
King Edward's race horses are to
be leased this year.
It is not true that Ludy Curzon will
not return to India.
Prince Henry of Prussia has been
attached to the British navy.
The 3,000 wreaths and floral am.
Mems sent for the Queen's funeral
oast 5500,000.
Because rats brought the plague to
Cardiff the authorities pay fourpenoo
for each dead rodent.
The early publication of a life of
Queen Vie -tone. by, the Marquis of
Lorne is announced.
The Duke of Cornwall will not be
made Priam of Walee until he re-
turns from Australia.
At Manchester a firm of brewers
has recovered £1,980 damages against
a company supplying arsonicated'glu-
The British Treasury invites ten -
deed for an inane of £11,000,000 of ex-
chcequee boucle, with interest at three
per cent.
It ie rumoured that Crown Prince
Frederick William of Prussia will
marry Princess Fara of i3attenburg,
daughter of Princess Beatrice.
The statement of the British Board
of Trade for the month of January
Showa increases of £1,43.1,000 in im-
ports and £1,160,800 in export8.
Mr, 3, Piorpont Morgan, of New
York, is lending hie pictures, shown
in Paris, to the new Whilechapel Art
Gallery, London, to be opened Mitrch
The King has presented each man
of the Queen's Chrnpany of Grenadier
Guards at Windsor with the modal of
the Victorian Order for servieee tit
the Queen's funeral.
Mr. Frederick John Horniman,
member for Penryn and. Falmouth,
has purchased a site at London cost-
ing $500,000, foe the purpose of ereat-
ing a library to the city to contain
6,000 volumes.
Professor Sir Felix Semen, physi-
cian for diseases of the throat in the
National Hospital for Epilepsy and
Paralysis, says there is no truth in
the report that King Edward suxfers
erom cancer of the throat. "A scan-
dalous invention and ride:minus res
port," aro his words.
TV., King Edward bee resigned the
office of Grand Masten of Freemasons
In England, which he has bead sine''
1874. 'He will =lain his eonucction
with Masonry under the probable title
of Protector. It ds expected the Duke
of Connaught will be nominated to
succeed Itis Majesty as Grand Mag-
Every priees In the United 'Kingdom
e to a etate 05, keen eOleetittlee, ton'
the .lnrnatee hope the Ding will edge
uUllzo Iii$ tkeeedalep by !seeing pane
14. bill le bolero tale iianaus Logisla..
turn to protoet saloon smashers.
Captata J. S. 2)uusham, tug and lake
1/o8881. owner, leo dead at Chdeagre.
New York hie a Ohineee nowd.
piper. The eine: copy appeared thio
M. company In Snn Frareiseo, lute
obtained a monopoly of the salt out-
put on the Pacific) coast.
The Standard 011 Company ha£ dee
olared it 5:10,000,000 dividend, whleh' i'1
euppoaed'to represent the earning, o4
the company for the final quarter of
last year,
Jame Birth, ,while working, In a
drain, fell over the precipice of Nla,
gels haver, on the American side, anti
1558 killed,
It le announced that b7,'r, Andrew,
Carnegie has sold out his interest In
the Carnegie Steel Company to 1121•, Jr
Piorpont Morgan and his a,seoolates,
and peace to restored iu the 'United
Staters steel trade.
A' new company is to put a fleet of
large new sugar -carrying steareshipd
OD the Now, York-1onolulu-can Frans
oleco route, running a steamer 'livery
two weeks, to make the trip from
New York In 68 days via San Fran.
GEM:Miel .
L4leoordimg to a despatch from Capp
Town, a case of what is suspected to
be bubonic plague has developed
The ,intensely cold weather pre.
veiling' at Canton is tensing wide.
spread suffering. There have been
over ane hundred deaths there from
the cold.
— m '
Salle or Aaptlatt Fiae Beta -retold iu
James Rey %'Iclnllye
lA despatch tram :Saudi Ste. Marla,
Mich, says:—Thomas F. Drew, a well
known prospector and Western mins
ing' map, who is prospecting In the
wilds of Canada, im that portion known
asI the upper country, in an interview
en the Sault Daily New.8 tells of an
aspbalt lake which lies over the divide
towards • James Day. This lake 1s
slid to be as exceedingly rich deposit,
Mr. Drew tells the fallowing enter-
taining story regarding the discovery
ofthe lake: It scorns that one
day a party of prospectors and an In-
dian guide were in a section of coun-
try beyond the great divide. The par-
ty had camped for a rest, and the
Indian started one in quest of game.
He started up a foot, and at the same
moment he wee on the rocky rim of a
good-sized lake. The fox ran across
the tcp of the lake, splashing the wee
bar tee be went. The Indian nabbed
his eyes and sat down to ponder on
things in genexal. He then went
down to the lake diinself, and wbat
Reynord could` do be could do. Ili,
was an asphalt lake, and it being in
the spring, had about an inch of
watex on itt. Ile took ont his baud -
axe and clumped a, bole, then took a
birchi pole and pushed it down as far
es he could.' lVhen ill canna up the
pole was all covered with blank paint,
as he expresser] it. He told no one
anything about it except his 'bone -
factor some years afterwards. Ef-
forts are now being made to dofinilee
ly locate the lake.
Many of the. Burghers Were Killed
and Wounded,
A despatch from Pretoria, says;—
Gen. iltbiugton, WAIO has been operat-
ing frcein Veatersdorp, in the South-
ern Transvaal, bas captured n email
Doer comm Inn° near Nauponrt, probe
ably a town of that nano in the
Tranevaal, riot ,bho One 10 Cape
Colony. The Boone made a stubborn
fight, and a number were killed and
wounded before they surrendered. e
Booms Burned the Waggons and
Captured 40 Y9oma111y.
A despatch from Cape Town, says;—
Peaty 'Yeomanry, who were escorting
a convoy near Willolwmore, about 126
miles from Port Elizabeth, and the
same distun0e from Moasel bay, Were
surprised by a body of, Boer invaders,
who captured the Yeomanry and
burned the waggons. The men were
released 20 miles away and allowed
to return to Wiliowanore.,
Ate the CAYcasses of Dleeased tattle to.
Appease nlrq,ger,
A despatch to the London Daily
14Tai1 from St. Petersburg nays that:
many thousands of persons ]save died
on the lehdrgiz Steppes, of what was.
called hunger typhus.
It is now officially admitted that
the deaths were caused be a plague
mil -break by eating the eareasses of
diseased settle owing to rho eternity
o0 other food. 1
The Government ie organizing medi-
cal expeditions for the territory in;
queetloa, and is zonding food to tee:
people, i