HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1901-2-14, Page 8Camera Free I
TO introdnoe a line of !camerae we
handle we will give you one free with the
following outfit whioh will Peet you 01 t—
1Boy Lamp.,,, 000
1, Fibre Tray .,.. ., ROO
Printing Frani) .,. , 20o
1407. Tlmboseed Nellet5 50 (�
kgs. Developer Powder loo ►OU
Blue Printing Paper 15o
Box I ypoeulpbate tree..
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Will take Ove pi°tures 21x29 in. We
eau give you anything you may require
in Hodake or Oamerse.
Have you men one of these? It is
for viewing both etereeoopio pictures and
ordinary photographe. It makee esmuab
improvement when viewing the latter as
a Steresoope does with the former, and
costa very little more than an ordinary
Eyeache and,
ily. a Pro-
perly adjusted glasses remove
the cause and effect a
permanent cure.
Satisfaction guaranteed.
Consultation free.
Druggist, Optioian and
B00TENUN E=TENMION w. a. & 0.
Trains leave Brussels Station, North
and South, as follows;
GantnBOUTE• G0188 No5Tn.
Express 718a.m.Mail 2:10 p.m
Mixed ....... 9:45 a.m. Express 8:17 pan
ant gehis aitems.
A ohiel'e among ye takin' notes,
An' faith he'll prent it.
A. O. U. W. Friday evening of this
VERT few families here escaped the
Busnizas bee been quiet bet is livening
tip iu tow', again.
Box's of Sootland "At Home" Tuesday
evening of next week.
How does the address label on your
Pose read as to date of payment ?
BRU89ELS Horse Fair oa Thursday,
Feb. 28th. It ought to be a sweeper.
Seep the date io mind.
THE epeeoh from the throne in both
the House of Commons and Legislature
may be read on the inside pages of TEE
Oo0N0ILL011 AND MRS. R. HRNnmaeen was held in the Ooanoil °bomber.
attended the funeral of the former's GREY BBANcE DI0EOToss.—Meeting of
000le, Joseph Habkirk, at Blyth, on
Thursday of this week.
W. H, lilcORACxse, of townwas one
of theepe•ab makers at the Walton A.
0. U. W. Entertainment OD Tuesday
evening. Mao. always fills the bill.
W. Emus, 12th oon., of Grey, hauled
4} aorde of green beeoh and maple stove -
wood to Breesele last Saturday et one
load. It was a big ing, especially oon
Meting the heavy elate of the roads from
the recent en0w storm.
MEeaas. OARDITE & WALESA bad an
early routing oat Monday m.rniug in
order to get to Ethel with the hasten for
W. Pattoe's funeral in time for the 10
o'clock train. The interment was made
at Hespel• r where Mrs. Panabsker, s
daughter, resides.
TER Ottawa correspondent of Feb. 12
says :—Dr. McDonald,
Id of East Huron, n is
tt.nigbt receiving congratulations upon
his election as Deputy Speaker and
Chairman of the oommittesof the Hoose.
The election was unanimous, and it le
safe to predict that she new Deputy
Speaker will be ae anaoeeefal as his
warmest friends could wish.
fords ns pleaenre to state that T. A.
Hawking, well known in Brussels, wee
very successful at his recent examination
at the To onto Ooneervabory of Music
where he wrote an the let year's coarse.
He took Honors in piano and Firat Class
Honors in theory. This is very credit-
able, more particularly so when be pre•
pared the work without attending the
Conservatore mint
that the minlmam isand k 10% bine igheto rthan in
former yare. We wish Mr. Hawkins
continued emcee8.
A CEANaE FOR a HUSTLER•—Phere i8 an
opportunity for one of oar young men or
young women to make money with The
Unique Monthly, Depew Building, New
York. This Monthly, which was former
ly The Penny Magazine, has now be
name the standard half dime' magazine
of the world. 15 wants one agent in this
vicinity and will give extensive territory
to the right person. Besides paying big
commissions to its representative, it
sends s present worth more than the
pride of The Unique Monthly to every
subscriber that is secured by the repro.
sentative. Better address at once The
Unique Monthly, Depew Bailding, New
GUESTED. CARO Neeese.—People can-
not be too-oautioos iu handling or using
exploeivee as many fires result from
them, This is particularly true regard
ing certain Illuminants as the following
will prove :—A dangerous explOeion oo•
starred in Mr. Morrow's drug store in
Elora recently. It appears he went to
the (teller with a lighted lamp where his
acetylene gas generator is located when
there was an explosion in whioh be was
badly burned about the head and bands
and the geometer deetroyed. There
semis to have been a leak whioh allowed
the gas to escape and in owning is °ou-
tsat with the light reused the exploslon,
This appears to be an invention whish
requires the greatest care in using as
these explosions are becoming altogether
too nameroae.—A severe and daugeroue
accident happened to Mrs. T J. Hamil
ton in Fergus on Thursday night. She
noticed a bright light in the kitchen and
on arriving there found the window
frame an0 table in flame and a gaeoliue
lamp flaring in a very dangerous manner,
She grasped the lamp and threw it out.
side, In doing so her hands end face
were badly burned especially one band
which was burned in places almost to
the bine. The flames were soon ex
tinguiebed and a phyeioiao Rnmmoced.
Mise Hamilton bad one of her ankles
sprained in harrying for the 'dootor,
Many friends will be sorry to learn of
the accident whioh wag a very dangerous
ens for had the gasoline exploded it
might have resulted muoh more seams.
ly. !Mre, Idamilton is making Betiefao.
tory progress tovtards re00very.
HORSE Fair next Thursday.
Men MAY DEADMAN will take a course
at the Commercial College at Woodetook.
A BeessILn dog owner had to put op
25 same to a town grcoer for flab appro•
priated by the poodle.
THE Auditors' Abstract of both the
town and pub io sobool aocoante for
1900 may be read on page 4 of this ie80e.
D Mo0o0tuclr, formerly of Brussels,
but late of Dungannon, bas purahaeed
the Grand central hotel in Hamilton
and bas taken possession.
Tint down comer water pipe in the
postoffioe froze up Saturday night and
Borst but was noticedbefore any serious
damage was done by water.
SRIPPIHG bas been light Weis week ow•
ing to the storm. R. Graham shipped a
car of oats and 2 oars of barley : A.
Baker, a oar of wheat. N. F. Gerry re.
°dead a oar of coal.
Cnoox'e ACT.—Tuesday the proprietors
of the Queen's Hotel were up before A.
Renter and J. Teams J. P's, charged with
selling liquor on Sunday. A somber of
witueases were called and a wide diver-
gence was apparent in their testimuoy, so
much so that the;;enit was dismiseed.
Barrister Sinclair conducted the oaae for
Inspector Miller and Barrister Havers
too, of Torture, defended the accused.
Judgiog by street talk s„me of the wit
nasties may be asked why theymade
certain etetemeots on oath. There was
s large atteodanoe at the Court which
Direotora was held cm Wednesday after
noon of this) week, Preeident Speir in
the chair. Present Moen. Wa,wiek,
McDonald, M,Gavio,'Milne, MoOraoken,
McKinnon, Niobol and Kerr. Minutes
of last meeting read and passed. The
goestiou of dealing with the Agricultural
Hell was disooseed after the report of
the Committee relative to repairs to the
building waa given and it was moved by
J. D. Warwick, seconded by Jno. MOGay.
in, that the Hall be repaired on condition
that it does not exceed 0800, repairs to
ioolude new roof, closing up tower, &c.
—serried. Moved by D. Milne, emend-
ed by R. McDonald, that the work be
lookrd after by the President:Vice Preai
debt, W. H. McCracken and W. H. Kerr
as a C„mmittee. — Carried. Meeting
adjourned after deoidiug that the root
and Ereit department ant in the
Hall be
e trioit
lighted by el ° y at the
same ae mein building.
House 00 Rovose —Tuesday of this
week a meetine of the Home of Refuge
Committee was held at Olinton, T. E.
Hays in the chair. It was deoided to
preheat) two additional oows whioh will
make five ; to plant a dozen more plum
tram next Spring ; to retain en automa-
tio mattreas to be used in 05985 where
the patients are omable to move about in
an ordinary bed ; to have a 6 foot tight
board fence put up between the yards
for the men and women and have a new
water closet built for the letter. The
Committee found the House as clean as
a new pin and the health of the large
family of inmates on the whole very
good. Au organ will be purchased to aid
in the service of praise in connection
with the religious services held in the
Hoose. Dr. Shaw and Mr. and Mrs.
French have had their hands fall lately
with a la grippe egidemia bat the moat
of the iomatas are once more on their
"pine." A good supply of foe has been
honeed for next Summer's consumption
and barring the numerous deaths of old
people everything is running along nice-
ly. The indented leading op to the
House was Bo badly blocked with snow
on Tuesday that Oaretaker French sent
out the farm team and sleigh to break
the road eo as to enable the committee
to get through with their team and light
Loma oe "GALL."—Last Spring THE
Pose made an advertising contract with
the Pitcher Tablet Co., of Toronto. A
few weeks ago we sent them a statement
of their account and asked for a settle.
meat and received the following most
uneatisfoetory reply :— "TEE BRUssELs
POST : Dear Sir,—Your favor of the let
inst. to hand and in reply would say that
the former owners of the Company, we
uoderatand, are all in the United States
and the tangible assets were sold by the
landlord's bailiff on Nov. 14th last and
did not realize suffieient to pay the rent
and expense of sale. Yours truly, TEE
Da. ZrNA PITmmo 00" We suppose if
we had not jogged their memory the new
Co. would take all the free advertising
they could get, even if "the tangible
assets" were out of eight to pay for It.
The next quack Medicine Co. that don't
give in good, plain English the members
of the firm and furnish proof as to their
financial standing who gets a line of
advertising in our oolomns before the
stash is put up will be "Jim dandies"
Wo don't mind the Sneak thief who
"pinches" an occasional dollar but an
institution supposed to be doing trade
alobg business lines who deliberately
deed -beau their way• and then elides to
Uncle Sam's domain should be strung up
by the koala to a telegraph pole until even
Pitcher's tablets would fail to set their,
heart thumping once more. Shame on
such dierepntable beggars who beat the
people who put the bread in their mouths,
Any other such dodgers will kindly have
the oath in hand before they call on THE
POST in future as thie transaction did for
ne what the egg did for the coffee—
Rattled it.
T11 U13,V $111..Li .k'OST
FEB, 1a, 1901
Tint interior of the britlr store in the
Oman Week le beiug painted and Mee,
THE sant book advertised in ''us PosT
IRO week was returned 00 Wednesday.
He fell into honesb kande,
MISS 874.11.1, Omen has taken a poet•
Wen in J. G. Skene's store es euoeesser R. 0. monthly eerviee next Sabbath
to ber sister, now Mre. Bell, Shakespeare. morning.
Veewe ANn PnIop0000T1,—The Young ',Che sleetmeeting of the Maitland
Men's Boatel Club purpose giving an mi. Presbytery will be hold in Wroxeter on
tertaiom9nt in the sobool room of 85, Tuesday, ➢latah 5th.
John's (thumb on Friday evening 01 .this Lie said that a convent will be ereoted
week at 8 o'olook. Walter Pennington at St. Joeeph, the pew Huron county
hoe been engaged to give an exhibitipn ',any," next Rummer.
tel his lime light etereoptioou views of Laet Sabbath W. H. Kerr, of Tan Poem,
the.Britlsb—Boer war and a trip around eupplied in the Wingham Presbyterian
the world and sled render phonograph church owing to the illness of the pastor,
selections, No admissionfee, but a Rev, D. Perris, with the grippe.
Over aolleolion ie asked .for. The Aetna' entertainment in oonnee•
LUOENow POSTMASTER DEAD,—'Phe deal/ tion with Mrlvil e church Sabbebb ohm!
of Malcolm Campbell, postmaster at will be held Friday evening of this week.
Luokuow, 000nrred on Tuesday of last An interesting program le bang Arranged.
week. Deceased had been iu frail bealth The new program for the eoming six
for many years, having bad a stroke of months in opuneotion with the Brussels
paralyeie. At one time be parried on a Epworth L•agae hasbeen issued. There
very Isrge business and was ooneidered is an interesting aeries of topics, League
at one time one of the great 00mmer0iel meets at the aloes of tbe public preaching
props of the distriob. The °Weans of service emit Subbatb evening.
Looknow have united in asking Mr. Tole "Christ's) persons! Senot,fioation for
mie, M, P,, to recommend Mies Oamp• the Sanatifioation .of his people" wee
bell to eaooeed ber Peahen as postmaster
Bin PRIMO WINNESs•—At the county
Poultry allow, held 55 Goderiob last
week, whereabout 700 birds were euteree,
Alfred Beaker, of Braseeis, was awarded
six let prizes; six lade; and Seven
speoial prizes, nineteen in all, on 14
birds in barred, buff and White Rooke.
Mr. Beaker swept the White Rook elms.
D. A. Lowry, also of this town, took him
late ; and 4 2ude on White Legborne ;
fear late and two 2nda on Seebrigbte and
game bantams, and 550 lets on pigeons,
a total of 20 swards. Mr. Lowry cleaned
tip the Leghorn department, one pullet
earning 96 pointe out of a poseible 100
Mr. Jarvis, an expert from Montreal, viae
the Judge and gave good satisfaction,
The next Fair will be held at Wingham.
Messrs. Lowry, Backer and Downing
were elected diteotors for next show.
A HURONITs IN INDIA.—Tbe following
interesting sotee are taken from a letter
reoeived by Mrs. Twaddle, Brussels, fie m
ber brother; Dr. Tom Wilson, of Sea -
forth, who went to Iudia reoently with a
miesiou5ry party, beaded by Rev. Dr,
Wilkie. Dr. Wilma is Ioosting at
Mhow :—"We arrived at Bombay in due
coarse and tbrougb the Rogueintauue of
Rev. Mr. Wilkie' were nble to get our
baggage through the Customs with little
delay. It is very amusing to see 5 man
here piok up a trunk and carry it up a
flight of stair-, on hie bead. We put up
at the Greet Western Hotel, as fine a
plane ae I ever saw, A servant for every
thing and the rooms tine and airy. We
have iron bedsteads with mosquito
netting all round. It is cool at nisbte
alebough we did not use blanket,,.
Olotbing,anoh se dnok, you can get a
snit here for about 91.25. 'lay have to
eat up house and keep 4 or 5 servants, as
style counts here in doing busioees.
How would you like it f0 going to your
dentist, and after the operatiou not feel-
ing very well, he treated you to oup of
tea? I, is exceptionally warm for this
time. 85o this wording (Deo. 9, 1900)
about 8 o'oloak. You get your first meat
is ked about 6.80 a. m. ; breakfast at 9 ;
tiffia at 2 and dinner at 7 80. You are
expected to dress for dinner. Yesterday
I wsot to the Eispheta Caves, seven
miles by water from B mbay, the whole
party going. It is an old Hindi Temple
and was partly destroyed by the Mobam-
medaue bat is a wonderful plume, nut oat
of the solid rook. We came beak by
moonlight. The entreats and sunrisee
Tho boys also had one in IdogIleh for
our epeelal benefit and it wee read very
nleely. by One of the lade. Their polite,
11009 le most eotiomble,"
Cllflfft111 tlJlllf f1.
ST4N,D4.li JJ B4XK Cl C4X4D.fl,
e sWerteJ?iTxDS:1T let le7:i.
CAPITAL PAID UP (One Million Delimi)
RUST . . .
Agen0109 in all prinoipa.l points in Ontario, Qglbeo, Manitoba, Drifted State, se England,
Vdd2SS11'LS DSatcd.
A General Banking Business Transacted, Farmers' Notes Di9oounted,
Drafts limed and collections mads on all pelota.
Interest allowed on deposits of 01,00 and upwards and compounded halt yearly..
livery facility afforded Customers living at a dietanoe,
payable at any bank leaned Under 010.... Bo. 020 to 980.. ,.12o
11101107Old61'S at the following rates ; 010 to 020... ,10o. 80 to 40.. :,140
t Ioaendiary Time were discovered in
Gough 13rne.' store and in the stables be.
hind Giles' {armory at Peterboro', A
man named' James Mitchell wee arrested
Rev. J. Homers' theme last Sabbath ,ted It ie supposed the object was robbery.
morning at the Methodist March. "The
invalidity of deathbed repentanoe" was
the 'stirring subject of the evening ser.
Last Sabbath morning Rev. Jno. Rose,
B, A., preached ou "The widow'e mite,"
Mark 12 : 40 43. It was cvneidered
ander two main divieione (1) 9'I ,, mama.
ticeut Contribution ; (2) '1'he ti aster's
Commendation, St. John 15 at d 11 wee
he evening text. The Jey molten of wee
(1) Spiritual in its Nature; (2) Substan•
tial in its Character ; (8) Unfailing in
its Eoduranoe.
ing resolution of [Volpe by in big infirm•
ivy with Rev. John MeeNabb, stated clerk
,f the Pree q teryut Maitland, wee passed
by the Presbytery meeting iu Wingham
"1'be Presbytery learns with Mestere Bor.
row of the mutt need illnees of its esteem.
ed Olerk, Rev. John MacNabb, who for
so many years bas been called upon to
endure heavy bodily aftiiotion, whiob by
divine grape has been borne with great
Christian p1t]e0oe and resiguatiou. The
Presbytery deeir•ea to expres' in heart
felt sympathy with Mr. MaoNabb iu his
enlistees and suffering and wenld earnest.
lv commend h,m to the loving care of
Him who bore our sickness as well as
ear 8io9 and would rejoice with bim that
his soul is being kept in peace and eonfi•
dance in tbe midst of trial. The Presby
ter, wontd also assure Mr. MaeNabb
that it will at an early date make previa -
ion for his assistance iu his duties as
Clerk with the hope that the burden of
the work may 'hereby be lightened and
it does so with the earneet wish and
prayer that he may still be continued
xith his .family and with us to glorify
God ;e snob way and for earth a time as
the Master may seem beet."
F. A. MAOLENNAE, Clerk pro tem.
Lacknow, Ont , Jae. 17, 1901.
have been something eimply beautiful,
One morning we saw the sun, moon and
stars all at the soma
time and last night
oon•d read lettere easily by moonlight.
Have not sero a snake yet although
Elephata islaud is said to be noted for
these reptiles. Tots morning we all went
to the Bowen memorial church and after
"tifflu" went to the American Mieaion
and heard a native service. Yon oould
tell, as soon as you saw them, that they
were Ohriatiens from the look on tbeir
fame. Some of the girls were real good
looking. A native preacher took charge
of the service and it lasted 19 hours, the
sermon occupying 25 minutes. A baby
was baptized so we saw something of
their customs. From there we took our
way to the Sootah Church, whioh ie cue
of the finest in the atty. You go to
ehoroh three times a day even in a
heathen 000010e,. I am delighted with
the natives and greatly amused to watob
them in their different kinds of dress.
Some of them have little more on them
than a smile and a few of the boat hands
in the harbor didn't even wear that.
Others have loose flowing robes and
many dressed in regular European
fashion. This is oertaiuly one of the
fittest oitiea I was ever in and some of
the buildings are magnificent, the muni-
cipal buildings, railway depot and post -
Aloe being among the number. If some
of the good people in Canada who
thought I was going to an uncivilized
oonntry could only see it for a few days
they would wonder if they were living at
all over there. The natives oan teaob us
a lot in the way of politeness. If a ear•
van' in the hotel is Bitting down when
yon pass he rises and salutes you with
"Salem Salhib." Of coarse Bomber is the
best oity in the ouactry but I think I can
pat up with a good dell worse that this.
The native bazaar is a very bogy plane,
difflaalty being found in getting aloug the
street owing to the orowde of people.
Yon Gan get almost anything yon want
here and about as ebeap as in America
and in most oases cheaper as labor is so
low. The Englieh people all look Sepals
and washed out that everybody takes a
good look at us for they know we are new
arrivals by our looks and clothes.
Indere, Deo. 18—Arrived here yesterday
about 2 and had a great crowd to meet
us at 1110 elation, including all the
missionaries, the boys and girls from the
school and also some native Obristians.
They had garlands of flowers to throw
rotted our necks and as they took me
for a missionary too I had to wear Ono.
They seem to think a lot of Mr. Wilkie
and of course he was the main attrao.
tion, The missionaries have very com-
fortable quarters bare. We are staying
with Mr. and Mrs. Taylor who are liv-
ing in Mr. Wllkie's bungalow. Visited
the school for boys and girle thie rnorh-
ing and saw them at their work. The
boyo were weaving all kinds of cloths,
towels, &o., and some of them do it very
quickly. One boy makes about 3.7 yards
of towelling a day but be le lbs best.
They still have the famine look about
them although they are the brightest
children 1 .ever saw. An addrese of
welcome was reed At both ebhnole but as
it wag is Hindi I did not ender`sland it,
Business Locals.
GASH for butter and eggs. A. Oousley,
WANTED — troll batter, 22o. G. E.
KING, Wingham.
SELECTED new designs in "Honiton"
lane Dollars made to order at Mae Brea's.
CARPET WEAVING —Am prepared to at•
tend to the wants of the public in the
weaving of rag carpet. Satiafaotion as.
Sneed. RoaT. ANDERSON, Elizabeth et.
Homes and oowe for sale. JAMES
SHEDDER, Lot 19, Oen. 4, Morrie. 90
Terme head of cattle rising 2 years,
for sale, 5,1 Lot 117, Don 0. Morrle. - MRS. A.
OONNAN, Brussels Posb Omee.
OoAL Moves for stile—one large and one
medium in prime working order for Bale at
half price. Gettingfornaoeiu. house—no use
for.atpvee. J. D. RONALD..
o Morrie,on February 3,
Mr. and airs Joh Caeemore, a son.
Coaxes—In Trowbridge, en Feb. 3, to
1Mr. and Mrs. Francis Ooatee, a eon.
Ookreo.—In Grey, on Feb. 18, to Mr. and
Mrs. R. E Oaates, aeoo.
TURvsY.--I'i Morrie, on Feb. 2nd, to Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. Turvey, a eon.
ED at once by the year. D. MOHEN- ,
ZIE, Lot 184Ooo.18, Grey, Walton P. 0.
9 to 14 menthe en, for sale, sired by
"8 oettisb Chief," (28261,) whose sire was im-
port.d by D, P. Wilson. of Seafortb. For
further particulars imply to
A. SMITH,.8 5 Lots 67, '088, Con. 1, Grey,
81.4 Trewnridge P. 0.
Vaccination Notice.
Owing to the prevalence of Smell Pox in
some loonlfties parents are asked to have
their children vaccinated who have not been,
ass preventative against this scourge.
Chairman Board of Health, Brussels.
1650 .WILL BUY A t2—
N18HED home On FUQueen
men aBrussels Ilia foolish for b b005es
when they can pet aah me oftheirown for
so little money. Appl, to
Vf Lot 29, Don. 15, Grey, containing 100
acre4,76 soros cleared, 10 acres hardwood
bush, balance cedar and bluok ash, 8 mores
In Pall wheat. The farm .ie well fenced and
nnderdrained, with plenty of good Water.
Good brick house 20x00, with kitchen 18E20,
wood shed attached and good cellar. Largo
bank baro who stone wall underneath, I tree
drive abed and workshop. Large pig house
and sheep pen. Fond orchard of ehoiee
fruit. Ir. is convenient to church and eohool,
terra 1 be
and oat office . This tar will store p
ebeap, if sold before the end of Mauch,
as the health.
A wants to retire on premises
a, ill health. 8pp ly on the premises or
a 8i.to , ALEXANDER oris 5'
81-tf Jifonorieff P.O.
GEDDEs.—In Belgrave, on January 801h,
I-obella, wife of David Geddes, aged
68 years, 9 months and 18 days.
HAnxmx Ie Style, on Feb. 12, Joeeph
Habkirk, in bis 62nd year.
MoNmuor.,—In Grey, on Feb. 5th, Mal.
oolm MoNiobol, aged 82 years.
Owns. — In Grey, on Feb, 7, Jame
Oliver, aged 84 years.
Peewee—In Ethel, on Feb. 8, Wm. Pat-
ton, aged 74 years and 6 months.
TUESDAY, FEB. 19TH —Farm stook, im-
plements, &c. Lot 18, oon. 12, Grey.
Sale, unreserved, at 1 o'oloak. Geo.
Gramm, Propt. ; F.13 Scott, Ana.
WEDNRBnAY, Feb. 20 h.—Farm stook,
implements, &a., N } lot 15, oon. 2, Mor
ria. Sale, unreserved, at 1 o'clock.
Edward Bosman, Prop, ; F. S. Scott,
TussnAY. MABME12.—l'arm stook, im
plements, &a., Se Lot 4, Con. 5, Morrie.
Sale, unreserved at 1 o'olook. 0. Meikle -
ho, prop. ; F. 8. Soon, am.
DOZVSoSk7I,-E Ms.RO=E.E's,
Heisted and convenient mime to lob in
the Decade block oyer G. A. Doadman'e and
Mrs, Bogen' stores. Apply to 8', 9, SCOTT.
ATm0 and Renee Painting done in
Have had hewanner
at ears'tnexkterion onaee in notice,
work. Terms reaso, able, Give we a oul1,
20 wrJ'. JOHNSTON, Walton.
Bulls for sale, treed- 1 year and 8
months, respectively, Good animals with
good pedigrees. Toe first mentit.ned took
2nd prize at East Huron Fal Show : 1900 in
ohms ols o1 9 Prices right. TAB. SPEIR, Lot
80, 0051. 8, Morrie, Brussels P.O. 20• '
Cold in the Head
Cold in the Chest
Cold in the Throat
Cold Anywhere
Carl be depended on
to Cure it.
25ca box.
Foor's Drug Store.
fenced, good buildings, orchard, 2
wells and a never failing spring creel, and
a goodfield of Fall wheat, for Rale at ab•r•
gam. Thin farm is eltuab.d 31 miles from
(Hinton and is a deelruble propaety forany
one wanting a small farm, It is within 11
she a good of rMtwara
m o180 ree withh
buildings. four miles from Goderich, for sale
on very easy terms.. THOMAS OU 80.3 Y,
The Top, Notch of Binder Twine Perfection.
mired in oar tote. Prioee the Lowest—Qcality
Highest. Order early.
Builders' Supplies
Naile aeoured in oar lots. Glass imported. Prioee low.
"Stay -On" Flexible Door IILl.nger'
This hanger elands without an equal, Cannot be torn off the track, benne
its. name "Stayou." The wbeele revolve on steel roller bearings and are attaobi d to
the door by a steel strap clamp over the top of door extending downaneach side mid
bolted through. The material is malleable iron and steel. The hanger bee a loop
joint between the wheel and the top of the door, whioh allows eaoh door to be raised
or shoved outward independent of the other, a feature not found on any other d oc
banger. The dooe nen be held rigid by means of the may roller when desired. The
track is heavy special high carbon, stiff steel, 3/16 x i . I. supported by a rigid
braoket with equate shoulder mortised throoeb the track every 17 in., tone making
a very subetanbiol banning and adds materially to the stiffueee of the track. It has
more than twice the strength of the ordinary traok.
Cross -cut Saws,Axes, Lanterns and Cutlery.
To Imam etock•taking the balance of these goods on band will be sold at
redacted prices. To get the benefit of this don't delay.
McKay tik
Fail Wheat 68 03
Barley .....a 86 87
Peas 57 58
Oats .... .... .. 27 27
Better, 5-,111 and tolls 16 17
Eggb tie, dozen 14 15
Floor tier owl. 2 00 2 00
Potatoes (per bush.) 25 25
Apples (per bbl,) 2 00 2 00
Sheep skins, mob . 80 1 00
Lamb skins meth 25 25
Salt per Uhl., retail.-- 1 00 70
Hay per Una .. 7 00 8 00
Hides trimmed 6 .66
Hidee rough
Hoge, Live 6 00 6 00
Wool 15 15;}
Notice to Creditors.
All per50n0 having claims against the es.
tato of floury Gramm, late of the Towneliin
of Grey, iu the Oonuty of Huron, oarpeater,
deaesaed, who died on or about the 26th day
of Deeomber, 1000, intestate, are notified to
wed or deliver ro A Bunter, Brussels P. 0.,
agent for the Administrator of the estate,
on or before the eerd day of Moab, 1501, a
statement of their claims duly verified, and
after the last mentioned date the Adminfe-
trutor Will distribute the assets 01 too estate.
among those entitled thereto: having regard
only to snob claims of whioh entice. shell
then have been reoeived, And the Admin.
iabt•ator will not be Bible for the assets of
the estate, or asy part thereof, to any per- rti
be of whose ebmm modes Shall not then The Sootch
have been wrhose
once Shall° pursuant The
to 5110 StatOte in that bah ilf p
Dated atBrussels this Met Jan„ 34151. Warehouse....
A. le Jaw 1 Yet CNL •,.
Agent for Admimdireter.
For CnIy 30 Days
....We will remain in Brussels,
During this time we intend to Clear out
the Entire Stock....
Wholesale Cost®
We have put all of our Mantles at two prices $2.50 and 18.50
for the choice. These Mantles are all new. Some were $, 15, 17
and up to $9, alt ening, at $1,50 and $8.50.