HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1901-2-14, Page 7•, :...
jI N G cha+aliiels havie been 'widened anal dsep- Afl pT[Glllip Ol" Ip �7 T 1j duty, li'sxgg to tetoll tb top price 91im1Piaant , of eubatuntial Progress.
�, A
enod, additional lights and'tnloys JIL 16A11J i1 1' 4 U tjJD miXVI; 'ye at T9 CX., AR CAPE CO�,OMY,,, have been t puma rytrt a U0 Dina! analc• Nlolral and copper mining is more nn-
pi,avidod, a'nd iih a short w..,w s ryt rlxulaw 100, iron ironer+ COtY lhs, Live than at, any previous thus, - and
q ki'awa thane will bs•tek6i'agth atudl sable Triose of Cattle, Chemo, Gratti, &o FV01I0wing % lahle range of Quota- it lS gi'aLlt�ini f0 knl0isv.that addition- Caundlan Officer 1�ilnled t1S Chlpt
oasrtmnnloat,io'n with lawle Isle. These in the Lpadllig' Aiaf'1Ce45. Mona,- ul avarl[s i ai iri.,stwerit oP thee) ai.os of S"taR
Wilhelmina, Promised Obedience a41dltlanalaeau1111+swill tend tom;ake Cattle, A41�
efficient than evorour �" ax° being' crested in different parts tcb fxelin Ch pe Town, sayot
, wenn and mare of 1311E,ADSTUPPS, ETP. Shipper,%, psi' cwt 4 UO $ r, GO of the I�Myllacp. -,I'll* Prime bUirleter hila notifled
v� ®theyBrides.
, y� gxsttvt waterway laslwaent tltp lakea Toronto, ,Feb, 72:--Wl]'ecit-putslds Butcher. elagtce rlc ,•...., 400 4.'1,5 G<n. I?ra+bent that iu hay boon a
(� and the Atlantic. Rulobe'l', rami, to good,.,, $50 37G 40ti.ng on tUB authority, given to the p>
,, , markets wax:e About steady. 1:aoal , utohi,r, l' e'rich•:.............. 275 300 00v ronlitnt icy flip, al,proprlation made l�ntesd to canhna,aud the force that k
- •.----•-- 1 can glad Lw o'ltssxvb that the re- A despatch ft'wn Tile, Hague, says;-= 4qW thus ,argm, and olauir h,arst. ut in Mono And the general Volume of Prices Were unchanged, and, business SV,91tta•s, p,,x otvt, ........ 275 3 25 for exP:er.ii that III o naw im,irng'rt4iraruil k" the 0 g p t t the.Pravin00 it defence oI -
Queen ,Wdl,holmina, whom her people tAno room of trade continue undUminisbed a oven was chuff• BoILh ntillcrs and 'exPOrt- li'"'rt Bulls, par ewt.... 350 4 25: lying tawaa41S 3 al ' the colony, 001, G' t
g prayer, ":1Ui0 4nbOt," , and en g 1 n son s Bay, exlrlora- y u•aw r<l, the t,a.n-
sianlily idolize, teas mar 'lod,on Tburs- written ,by Boale, showa moderate increase over the ,ors Dille holding aft for -the present, She+rp and La•wbis, tion parties s tent Lbe. "e "41.11113 Wheax will _3 1
Rhure3 P greater punk of b h,a chief staff
day. t,° CkwkO 1Iont'y aP Me0ltlan`hnirg The T ui Quotations ax0 as Pollnws;- Red win- 1, per ntaC.:.. ......... ... 300 18U flan st}trunrr i i' Investigating atfio •r: Gan
toy sweets enlereal tlret, very largo figures attained Ln'xnbs, n nv tigating,the agri- llaubaiaas he4dquar�
nanl'd damonattaliana of tb,° g'tpatost 'J.Yh2,n catina the Queen-mm,tber, anti the past your, tar, 060; whine, bop, nm6ddle freights; P'x OWL• •....•.•.I.••.. 400 475 cultural, forest, amrl'tuineral resourcestexs is maty at 4au
n2illaess and Calves. 1 st Laudon. Ixant
Papular rololwin�gs. The day' was orftwi' her the It,ayal couple, ttbe "Meustnres wUll'bosabmilitted to you spring u•lica+t, o8o; goose, OUu; low Of the several dtstriots- assigned to flint place t'he 'defence f c
••• ............ ... 20 00 50 00 o as will
'` • cipnr and beaa;ki4ltl, but cold, In the lileyal brlaln puede u regal bu4slmP1¢ Oaws, Oadh march naafhwuxd and w' I
£reig]iC La Now Rork lye anJtobii, No,,, o00 10 U0 tram, Plap results of their enquirfas cs ward, Ow
far the better suparvvilsion of the ex- OiIves, each ..r...,;
morning into seanpa ul,tmt tl)o paalacc fb 'eu , an, wire Jeer lijead slightly hooey port trade of food products, and alar, I hard, cd,d, VIA., 67 1-2o; No. 2, at .."..", will be laid. before you, copying dsetriot aftea• district, the(
worn pal+Licularty ainiloated with the .oil, find pals but composed 9ho r iin oanaaotion wit the o -o i 03 1 -'La; Na. 1 hand, North Bay, 001-2r,; flaring tba past year a tensivn . enabIlin o •' •
t yolked b P st hoe, iba CluviaC hogs, aper 0wt.,, ..: 600 0 6 nlipr g th Impexrul wxleLaay foaOed
f g lobs of- ,,nlcjtvly Co the ppnir0 of tlan church Paoifin noble, and vania otlior and No. 2 hard, 02 1-2r,. Light b,: y, mu. ow r ations' have mean nhndortalcpn in co - to ultx :itel •
+us sub: g s t.. 71; n n>, y conaentrat0 to tint
air anus uu grans to the cage ,the arae ofi her consort, the jectm', X111feed-Soaroo and firm. Ton' 1Ir:at^y hags, 'tte:r OWL. ,,, 5,50 5'75 nectlaxi with the huildfirgs at Cobuur Orange PAvt.�r and 1'' ,
were arr,.vamg and departing, cnan FkAvs,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,, I-........... 350 400 to meet the r � T it gnat r en re
fol re, and ilio btot0 carnia s that upon
„ Poured a Hood of yellow After lcstepimg to the spseell rind lets, at the mill door, sell as fol- c- u data ddtnand for nddr- res, Iktpre has been ti gxatafyitt x'er
g I 811 stun ltrtgs,,,,,, ,,,,,, ,,,,„ lD0 225 tronal aacommodatian for tile insane, sponais to the o B
Tire isiblis'ataati nS'3umrd by wives in l•UgiuL up^m' Luer through the g,reat.,:paasiatg ;411 adclt•ess o'f condolence to ;laws; -Bran, $13 to $18:601 and ahai•tS call t arms, but it is
Holland are aP the stricit old-tlasbdon- w:4ndeaivs, leghting• up her simple fiat ITIS Majesty, the House'of ,Comanane $i5, west, •-*.---_. I t'm pleased to inform you that these, aoXX41ently anticipated when 1't i,y
ext sort, and- there was . naturally magnlficcnt cclitutne Into splenlour, neljaua•ned until Xonday. 00rn-Dull, No. I Amarlcan, Yat if a ai;ons ar s tyt l: advanced, anal will,. known, esPedlall In the efisiern dls-.
curiosity to learn In what, iP any xe- It leas a grwn of Okla, of silver or -� _ law, 466; No, 8 yellow, 400; No; 2 yel- I trust, be completed before Lhe close trk;ta, that itis farina is tp be oozn
Y , sped these,hay been m,od,Ltied by the eidvor thswd over silk and low, 440. - _ o7: the current ya,ar,. thus providing mand,ed by Gon. Brabant, there will -
raignng Queen! in roan' jowellpd .Pena -Quite firm "std in fair da= r ninple facilities aolaras t.h¢ demands ba, nuph a reply to the invitation o .
p tsing al 'tvitli plcarhy and diamonds. The skirt Speech 'Frond the Throne at the far to accomm afar and treat t
nnmo to the I{mg Consort They anal tra5n zvero Out quite plain. pito mond. Offerings' light. No, 2 sold, Opening of the House, O4 m0nt enIicyt that the colony will be .freed
11 I proved to loo most tr.iPltug 1'lla law out sorsa Iff Nff�
� pg�ff[[
middle freights, at 63 1-20; and east, o£ ihiS unfortunate class of our popu- of in�vaiders within a sh,atrt time. corsage, rvltieh was sleeveless, a,t 640. • P.odlotvila�g is the speech :,fromr the lotion at present require.
young Sovereign Ther Ilei a rd just was' caught up rtith oaango bloseems tbrrane read at the opening of'the On- Your attention is agaln invited to *�
t tag abadienena Do her liege, lard just at ilns s'b11WId ms. [the tvora a tiara Barley,-Fdrm, Na. 2, east, 42c; and taria La A RUMMAGE SALE.
t7te sa4ne as 'the _mast humble, bride off din,mm�ds wblsh- ryas' almost bid- VERY LATEST FROM middle, Predghta, 42 1-20; No- 3 extra, gialatura ; the present relative jurisdiction' of the
�` ALL THE WORLD ovElR lifi', Speaks and Gentlemen of the courts of itis Provinoel and of their one Sian who Is Well Aware tyhetDi
�ff among H subjects. clan by eiran.ge blossoms, and a plain 401-2e; coal; and 3D1 -2a, middle Legislatiive Alssenvbly; respecilve judges anal to -tile. sugges- ., „XEe B'ts Enciumb.
a: THE
C:EREMgNY, Lupo vail, .ihe cairied a b,aliquet of — freights. Choice heavy malting bar- T take Thele, ex�laimnd rho- Uig north
• mhe civil ceremony took place prix- Oralridy and .orange blossoms, toed Interesting Items About Our Own ley is. wanted by OnL'ario maltatere, Feat Pleasure again meet- 'foss of exPurletrce for, further pro- aide resident
Ing Yau as representatives oP. the noting the Officient, prompt, and in. de
favorite as he threw himself' into
ataly at 11,05 o'eltaak In the White hall ,Mitt( gnsen, iced, and white Ratio rib- Country, Great Britain, the United 'R,ye-Steady. Gar lots, 47o, west, p,r"owince in Pai • ex •en chair, "We're Rowel and Of the palace: The States, and Aif Parts of the Globo, and 48c, east. liameut assemblul. P stye administration of justice we're going to Stay right here) No
Queen• and Queen-, bons. kp.inop rye last Met the British Em- throughout! the Provimno, more skirmishing from pillar to post
mother enkerod first. The bride- lar the left ot; the groom resist his Condensed and Assorted for; Easy Buckwheat D,emantl light. Csir para 7>aw been palled to ¢Nairn, the The evidence taken before gramn' and his .mother awaited in an motbor an,d'Grand Duke Vladimir, Aa Reading. Pots, west, are quoted at 49c, and -enaf, - the Royal by me or mine. I've bad a bountiful
at 50c, death alt our late Sovereign, Her G.- Commission uppainted to oxamine and mifl3elency and am not a bit like the
ante -room• until Ih'e moment fixed for soon as tate party) were seated the CANADA. tents X"Jesty Queen Victoria. Never report siOAupothe assessment to xa Iowa d man who does not know when he has
the d. MU my to bogie, when they en- pre4lkatyt of
a prayer, after Mno,it,oba'R Oats-Firm'
No. 1 white, east, 20o m the histo load enough, All this tt'aveltn
tared. tCh'eu the simple -legal forms1whioh the cbofr sang. The. pastor 21st. Legislature meets Feb. Na g µhit°, north and west, 28c. hyaP thr. Eanpire has there the Province will be laid before you, health u Pleasure 1 g for
been a memaroh more beloved or and legislation dealing witlil sour; P s sentimentality
were quickly and quietly gone tbrough' made a ten mintutes' address to the Montreal has 400 oases 'of scarlet Fl-our-Qulot, Export agents bid more fully endowed with sagacityphases of municipal a ' and doesn't pay 10 cents on the dollar,,,
with $ 60 for straight roller, in buyers, P ax taontwill be 'Must have reached that conclusion
by the Minister of Justice. These: Young couple, rv4taich was remarkable £exon, Yers' and wiisdoroa combwned with devotion submitted for your approval, on „
comprised merely the reading of the for its•sim'ple austerity. E,e exhorted London rlurlmg January had 57 bugs' middle freights, and $2,85 is to duty and ombRIDAT,ire ie and lar the Measures v Your last trip, volunteered the
marriage law aunt Lhe signing of the them on the autice; of the marria A asked by the m4113, rvliieh 8c, not do g o u rill be submitted for aid- • Practical, n¢lgltbOr rvito had dropped in.
g births, 61 deaths and 13 marriages.
weltane of the nation. `'Under her ing to the improvement of public high- You used to be awful Leen' for get
Contract. relations in the same language he Gald quartz their own exporting.. Choice brands benrefi0ionI
Would have used in q g $400 to the ton swag we have long en- ways, for the enicoure(gamont of the ting away from the city and enjoying
Aceorilinig ' to the statutes Queen addressing a maid bas been recently found in the Rion- are quoted from 10 to 150 above these joyed the priceless privileges of salt- trade in dressed meat for the Lure,- relaxation, as You put It.,,
Wilhelmina asvd Duke IIenry bound tend Peasant brill° and ,groom. He dike. ' f9•gures. 6',aveirnmtent and the fullest peas- Penn market, for abolishingi tolls on "Ever attend a rummage sale?" with
themselves to'�rtlar4nize the buAbanwd;emPhasized' a wife's duty to, her hus- The attempt at the amalgamation Bialfalo, Feb. I2,-Floux-Quiet and _18elf civil and religious libarty, public, highiviLys and brill as or apparent irrelevancy. "No? Well, I'l
as the, head of the mat'rimollial union, I band as t1le head of the household. The of ten of tba leadingsteady. Wheat-Sprin limits un And deeply as we feel in cocwman with their encouraging technical educat on tell YOU. It's a church Instituti°n.
amid to 1brief 'religious formula Of the Dutch i stove ria bc- g
not ide for and educate the tuning concerns in Ontario has aroused, Pair enquiry; No, i North- the wluate Iamlpse the lags of one so and for consolidating the lows with They sen everybody to donate t lace
children of the. union. -The husband 01101 -ch followed, The ceremony Was failed, ern, old, Small lots, 83 7-8c; No. 1 great and goad, we rejoice to believe, respect to public and high schools and There's no limit Anything from lace
P s assumed the responsibility aaf repre- not' unlike Chet of an ;English Chureb: Northern, new,. do., 83 3-8r,. , Winter that uniear her illustrious suacessbr, to liquor licenses handkerchiefs to atone crushers, TheH
The enters staff od'Ottawas$ealth they go out and collect these thingsl
aentiag his wife in all Civil nations Upon ilia con:lusiun of Wo ceremony Departm nt maybe naked to resign, reheat -Unsettled ; No. 2 red, quoted King Tadnvard VII., those privileges
tl�e orlon son,; a paean of c g' The public accounts and reports of fix UP a sort of a department store, and
and of administarilig her property es- god wishes, A thorough re -organization 4s pro- at 7oc; No, 1 white and mixed, 761-2 will nat ba impaired mar our eoneid- the several departments will be sub- a lot of pretty, persuasive women but,
sept as restriciteicl by the marringe uivnk,ng blessings upon itis union, anal poyci, to 770, track, BmffabO. Corn -Firm ; tntianal righta ,curtailed. You will witted to yon in due course. tonhole the visitors inveigled In and
aantraet. Etc rekaounoed an right to t audience n£terwards son Ysulm No. 2 40 8-4e Asked; No. silo, p make them buy.
y g g tiYnnmipag will Creat n statue to the , bid I , Fra caked to express in fitting terms The estimates for the current year „I've been
Bell or mortgage her obey property, oxli!„ after which the bettedlation, was 41 1-2r, bad; No. 2 aura, 41 1-2r,; No. 3 q'u'its' feellings Wrlth, respect to the are down to my old bom%
The tviSa Pronounced. Queen. The Manitoba Government' Prepared with as great economy, YOn know, and the
promised to obey her hus- will likely contribute the largest do, 41 1.4e old. Oats—Steady; No. 2 Queen, whose reign was so long and y had a rummagd
Ivi,L then advanced white, 301-2r,; No. 3, do, 203-4 as is consisi:ettL ,vi hi efficient service, sale. It opened the night I was to
band, but by a special recent enact- to 30c; glCriows, as well as L`h3 hung, whose and will at an early date be placed, be- leave, so I went down with my wife
mesvt She was exonerated from the, and shack hands ivbtlt the clnr ma Part oil the east.
gY a No, -2 mixed, 27 3-4c; No. a do, 27 1-40, reign has just begun, and whose tore you, find little daughter, prepared to go
. usual promise to dwell with him wltar- and Queen Wilhelmina did the same; Mayor Preiontoime of Montreal be, through billed. Barley -Light on, authorlty as lovlag subjects ,A's
overlie deems it best that they should The cortege then slowly filed out of lie" in winter navigation, and will _ SOME NEW LEGISLATION. from there to the train. There was
qu•iry, but nothing done. R e Dull.; heaartily ackniolivaed e
rite church, urge the Gorvernment to devote money No, 2, 56 1f2 to 5oc on track; No. 1, Tdte valor displayed b the Cana- Noticel has been given) -to the rtgis. no calamities
ac, di stored our traps
dive. 1Y and ea]amJties in dt>fereut booths, i
w ` TE1E RELIGIOUS CEREMONY, The regal co't4ple drove direct to the for a Lrial to Quebec. in store, 570 asked, latera by Hen. F. R. LalChford, that
F. H. Olergoe will be presented with than soldiers engaged in the .South bought liberally, for a fellow likes to
BefOaO' tths wedding prorsession en- palace in ogre t carriage of Bald, and Chicago, ,Feb, 12,-Whaat was irre- ASriean war hag reflected the hI'h- it bill amen{ling the Ontario Fishery
Imake a good showing when among the
bo ad this ohuroll, the great oO+ngre crystal. The, bride's pallor disappear- 'A gaM watch chain and charm worth gular to -day, averaged firm, and otos- est hon a & 1+t'+t would be introduced to the House people with whom he grew up.
i $500 a't the banquet to be tendered upon ganada, and ontitles .nest, w¢ek. blr. Latc4tforrl said that "When it came time to leave, what
" garcon aaroso, and the chair of ' 100 ed before tete eoncltusionl of the care- ed 1-4r, up, wills' the assistance of Iib them Go swans token of our apprecia-
vlvices isa'ng to IIi.lduek's motto the many, As. soonasshe, of beyond him at Sault Ste Marie F,ebrunry 15. it\ryas to make one alight changes y had sold toy over,
8 y oral export engagements reported tion. To this end a bill will be sub- y do Yon think? The
L110 curtains she embraced her mother Ottawa Iabmir men are urging oo- ,Haar Clio cad of the session. Corn ad• mltted far your consideration and make the out more clear, coat and hat, my wife's cloak and fur
wards of the s4steenth and woven- andgthei-othor ladies of the party, but operation by the Trades Councils of Yo niton author- collar, the little girl's t
o itepnt'h rYrtses taf the first aha ter of tit !bride itnd vaiw d 1-2c, and oats a shade. !zing the Drawn 'Lands De trtment the Ontario License fowl is to be jacket and all
p Ca4tio .did mot salute Canada for " the establishment Of q p' oonsoiidnted. Ron. J. tR. Stratton' the smaller bundles. I made a gallant.
1?m•th. The blue curtains were each others. Cantron hcame,tl out a Duluth, Feb. 12. -Wheat -Cash, No. to sot Heide aertaen t0ltvnsitjps in the attempt to laugh it c,8, with a hope
I' tD eo Jneld ureide by
the oawrt officials royal' --salute of 10likunis as the, part technical schools under national nus- said that there would be Y 1 hard, 75 3 -Sc; No. '1 Northern, 73 $-8e; unoa'ganiz�ed districts pnrmittiag ev- some changes in the, ant, but they that they would make good for the
returned lO tba palace. picas. No. 2 Northern, 63 3-8 to 6p 3-8e; say mrnlunteer enrolled }n the Prov- In his annual ropart to the Police generally would be to loot, but nota cent; note attempt to
DOMINION PAPILI�MENT' preti,aaaJy La the May, 713 3-8o; July, 77 I -4e, Corn -36 ince who graved in South Africa to perfect the recover the plunder. The thought it
tors, I had, .:00 nzissi,onars, Chief Powell, of Otta rvorkia c,4 the not, Y o
great . 3 Be, gats -2G 1.4 to 27°. °hoose 160 acres, to Ire held upon gt a good joke. I remained over and
r= _ + gri+a,f which leas fallen upomthe na- ]va says that the foaae is one-third IHo:n. J. R. Stratton, Provincial Sec- stocked up, but from this on I'1n. stay.
i 'i - tion, tendered an Invitation on your Flaw the numvber •required for effi-• . 111!nneapo,!s, ' Feb. 12.--Flour-First • the mast favorable conditions co m- retary, has given notice of a bill to log right here at home,"
Speech of the Governor General At bshalt be His Royal Ellghneas the alenoy, patents, $4.05 to $4,16; second patents, patibls with the settlement Ott the amend; tiro Ontario Companies; Act, It ------W—
the Opening. Duke of Cornwall and .Yol* to eon- GREAT BRITAIN. $8.85 to $4; first clears, $2,00 to $8; public deanain and, the development will be to provide some rWriettans re- Down the chimney.
second clears, $1.00 to. $2. Bran-�In I Of the distriet. Provision will also be garding incorporations with unlimited rob MaY was one of the first settlem
1a despatch from Otanad ant's: --The etude his intended o sit. in' Of Canada, Sir John Rabat of be retire Prom hulk, $11,50 to $11.75. mads fo+r the re°e�gnition of the sur- of Bureau county, Ills. His cabin was
• ninth Pnxiiamant of Canada was span. by one to the Dominion of Canada, the mnnag+rman# of the Dail,v Neves, DIt,ESS1;D HOGS AND PROVISIONS, capital "tui give tulleri protection t°
t*ivort5 of Cha volunteer militia who shareholders in compalttes. built on the side of the river bluff. The
ed an Thursday nftern'aoa by 'Elis Ex- And I am glad tal be able s to s been London, TbrontO; Feb. 12,-Dn•ussed flogs are Y gaged in Ostensive , site for It was partly made by all exea-
yau that Iiia Royal $lghwess has been The artillery at A,ldeishvt has just scarce and aboal steady at $7.25 for were aettuiil en d VETERANS TO GET LAND.
collency, wihh the, lusual aaramonies, scrviae on the: fr°m'tier during 1806. � FAtion Into the bank, so that rite root
In the Senate Ohnmber, The scene in pl aa'od to signify his acceptance of received sig hmfteries, of six guns car lots, on track here. On the street grail The Ontario Governmznt is to recog was little above the ground, The chim•
the samtl. I still papa that that It is Tying to l able to state niza Wp veterans of 1800. Legislation nay, built of stones, mud and sticks,
• the Iiecl Chamber was sombre, blank each from Germany. Preece• were firmer at $B to $8.25, Pro_ that the agxiawltural classes during nlotug this iiia wast foreshadowed beim the owl vas'L rriey not he considered impossi, A Cardiff Workman has been attack- vision Active and firm, the i tied in i was a Lingo affair, with a fireplace six
8 Y a tion outside, alto off!- ole. I have no doubt' of the warmth ed by a dtaanse whi0h is diagnosed Die Quotations for ovieion 1 re, P....t yoat• have enjoyed unusual the Speech from the Throne. Tho Peet wide In the tiring room.
riot uniforms, T.hEi gallery dams tear¢ px s are Die fol_ I p Dip t y. Improved mathols of farm- Government some tiwc ago decided One fall & neighbor gave the Way
. tyled by .the Guards, who .noted under aP the weloomo: WILLI! which he will be the bubonic plague, lay's: -•Dry salted aha -u -Idris, 80 ; long Ing and a more thou�ghifui application that the Ontario meal ,who _
received. The White Star S.S. Oompany, has clear; bacon, loose, in car lots, loo and principles of sound husbandr went to boys an old blind horse, The little fel•
tram thrl Sergeant -at- , I of the p y. South] Afrraa would be given IBU a0rea i lows were dellglited with Old Bob and
At ms, sad rigidly enfproedi the rule TETE PAient h CABLP. contracted with Harland and �Yo1f of in ease iota, 10 1.4 to lU 1.241; short cut with the general adoption of Cold star- Of' land in the new 'trade a great pet of him.
*_ that speo,tntiora must wear the deep Ivfy Gaonrnan,etut has. learned with Belfast for a transatlantic liner 3,000 Park, $10:50 to $2o; heavy mess, $18 to urge by airy an ii u1t-growers,' province. o } sections of the ? The second winter of Bob's life with
as't mourning. ' 8'reaI satisfaction Of the r bons larger than the De¢AnIC. $10. greatly Col. McMillen ahorily � his young masters proved 'bard -nue,
progress bF^ g I have reatl contributed to this hap- afterwards interviewed tha Govern_
(Tho ing made rvith the Pneififrs cable UNITED STATES. I Smoked meats-IJ,inis, heavy, 120; py condition of affairs, The snow was deep, and the poor
,speech from the thrdne reads; sahcme, and I trust that nothing may: -About 4,000, silkwarkera are on strike, medium, 121-2 to 19c; light, 18c; break -1 mint on baba if of the veterans Who horse, unstabled and with little bay
"Since nus last meeting the Empire occur to dela al F,attcrson, N. J, fast bacon, 19c; t It has been found by various tests fought in 1866, and asked that the old or grass, found existence a doubtful
. hi's been called on lia lament the de- Y its aar)y a0tttpletl°A. I ptanio hams, Joe; roll! Wnducted by the Department of Agri- Soldiers who defended the, frontier in blessing.
meso of roti :lata Mri'est A. ,stilmimeir I mip,die il!tour United States capdtnlists are uu•- boron, tic; smoked (tacks, 1Lc, Alli p Wasp tr°ublous Cines the,
treated One . !t
1 Y Queen Via- ea:s prospect I ,culture that : the soil and climate of d the night Bob was wondering
tonin. tLSho univorsnl regret And syn- Wrau h Canada as far as Dowse xu Y over the nos cot oP native can- meats ou't of pickle 1r, less than prices Ontario are admirably adopted for the same Its We yeuang men aP to -day, tt•ha around searching far Comfort iu same
City, and was everywhere received tial of Cuba. quoted Cor stocked meats. growth s fvumh n
i paLhy with r hi0h the, tidings of her I tvlLh un uaildied i g of sugar beets.. You will be t f r the. 1:mpire in fur off Sautes form when Ire discovered that hot air
decease ,have been received through- 4 Pt'OOle of devotion Abraham Franklin, a weaptby :New I ILarcl-Ttarces, 100; talo, 10 to !0 1-4o; asked to consider whether far JKrlaa, Tiie enter #ins rialug Prom the chicane and took
g 'toll 7 • .alit Du m • pails, 10 1-4 to 10 1-20, t mere ans are to receive Y
li curt the entire, c vilized world afford i from
p g 3 journey I fork meat dealer, ody of his N polios ___ should not be enaourn ed to from the Government 160 acres each, tip a POsitiou near by,
Was from portional observation much with nabbing the body of his wife, of g give such Suddenly the Family, sitting+
the. best testimony 'to, Lha till11116)' iu p - Lrvl S`TOCX special attention to brut raising as 13"Ll every nam who joined Litt, militia armtby
;• wbieh'abe has$ act all fin disnharged, icm reseed rvi,tlu ilio great activity dis- money and jewels worth $500. She ,t 7iiE'1S. tn, 1806 is not' to 1, the blazing log itis, were startled by
played In, the development ai' Lhe MIA had dropped dead in the atraet, Toronto, Feb, 12, -Art Wq western will justify the. establishment of far get th,l lands but it a tremendous racket up the chimne ,
ber duties, bots Die n tViaman and a ! • g d g Tories for the production of beet rani is Prop°s,,.d that only those . who ac,- and the 'next ntontent a bn a hod
Sovereign, .throughout her unpxece-t Ln and agricultural Indust od' the A ear.go of beet sugar from Russin cattle market to -day elite receipts g V
amounted' to 36 carloads pf live stock, sugar, by granting such aid fer this Lively fought pat the frooLler. tumbled down into the drepinee. It
dantedly long and glorious -reign, and °I Cauntry,,and 11th the substantial in- is held up at Philadelphia, at the ,in- including 670 cattle, 600 hogs, 150 ahee PurPose as may be deemed expedient, was Old Bob,who began soortin and � ;i .• T will venture to add that in no portion cr ous° in its population. 'Che thrift, stauues of American beet sugar manu and, lambs, '30' onlv0a ,tad a tory m!t 1 ' prosperous —�` plunging ahairt scattering 'hot coals
p g
"net TJie lumbar trade is in a i g o is
of her vast territories were diose son- i And law-u'bidirlg obarncter aP :acturers, who have demanded that to ' ° t condition, and the revenue from woods , and ashes in all dirnerions.
the imsnnl cants are a subject u� much an. increased .duty be imstosed on the „ I QUEEN VICTORIA'S WILL, The Pamlly 11ec1 with cries OP dismay,
the Do more profoundly felt than in i 8' J l.be demand Pur shipping cattle wile nIld forests continues buoyant, em-
the Dominion of Canada. .You will, I' proolftit their tial afford cmpis Product, U611t,.at unchanged stead tAnyment being abundant And wages Old Bob was Sooii recognized and, with
pfth of limir usefuiness as citizens GIiWURAL, nosh us 50 Per 6 a paid ; as g Latest Bmnors Give Both Balmoral ane 9110111(101' badiy seor0bed, tins led
rim au�e, fake carlY aatio'n to express high. ;' aP the DomiAiiom. p Pound was paid for g' the cant.inued investment of limping Out 01' the door. 1[enntiwe
1 your s5mpaitlty with ;Leto Bayn1 Tram- t x Vesuvius.js in active operation, uhotco "at,
L0. capital in the erection of sawmills af- and Osborne House to tite King.
Ct11NADA'S'lE1lIJDiI.HS. <1 dtspatph front lAntdnn a there hnd harm a Simantl)ilu:, 111`01, the
L1y in ttheir berea.voment and your toy , Mai jar ,Marchand, aT Fnshoda fame, There bras a fair ;movement in I fords satisfactory ovidenae of the w!,- says;-- ;-- cords and •'"ebrands to
)l A,1Ly to the aaw. Sovereign. It gLv�'"s ,the great pleasure to is seriously ill alt farts. ,butcher cattle, and prices ,.were not dam °f requiring that logs cut on the Th", Wowed states definitely than the house frog t g ouch's for
auate the Cxoollenf iiisy,lAy inacle by �l'nuy arrest¢ .have, been ,made in Y, altered, good to choice cat, I,in Orp.-loath s Can•
THE CONTINGENTS, ,'Quotably, Civt•tvn do>uuin shall by sawn in our Iiitlmaaul estate In kcatlnnd and Che
Canada at t'he Unl real Exposition Porten, Prussia, of mumbure, of }'Ova. tip wits spume, anal priers war° ffrm at i awn aputsi:ry. O'kbcrnc Calais in the Isle of Wight
"The have
contingents in Saath ilii I'u.pis: 14?Iw fine, quality and,yuri- ]ulionary secret sot+ieLie,s. per lb. for the Too Rich to Snell.
, Atria" hay° nasi'ly lilt returned, and i 4 to 4 1-411 best stuff, The preservation of cut• forest wealth teem bequeathed by Queen V iotc,u•iai „ .
}11 �'d olutn'act'" Of'Da."Adian natural and The recent stories in: r'rtrope have 0o�'m°Apr cattle, horyever, Was o • La Bing 1;trvurd, Tlm,sc 1 n1Sh." said 1'Ira, Parvenu w would
{� it aftordg ate n vary grout graLtficalion InJustxitil not a continues to engage the ati:entl0n of piropertlen daughter's tCacber, "that 1'an wonld
V to 1)e able to "Rure you that the valor pr, ,ducts is ovidonoed by created wide -spread destruction of ready sale, and Prices had it somewhat my Governanent a.nd the re. •axle. Loot largo and expensive for an
t0iw nntttibar of uwnrd's won in nearly property, with the loss of sevcrai Y, cent'. set- ) drop slieiling from the list of inset's
and good conduct of our Canadian sol- lower tendency, ti,wg apart of. a large forest reserve in one to k+aep nip nxacPt: th0 Klug. 'l+wo studies.
Oft °1t'z"Y class Of t9tC aoiglset.lti°u, It lives, Fair, stockers and fncdcrs, there wag the little region surrounctin • Lake s' '11 .be.,. at Usln incl, rr rich are "I)r°p sp°ilingi" Oxclaitned the tear -
diors have oxiled ,forth the higbest en- le a "em irkable testimony. to the O1- 6 O e ti
comi,ums from t:ho several command- f.• � - a light, enquiry at ussahanged 11r+leas, niaig:imiaiq inii.rks ain"Lher step iuthia carna•ated U,y an underground pais- Cr. 11Wbv71,
i erS under whom Lhoy luavu served dui- L usLlveness of viii cold SLortugn trans- Raceipte were light. direction. ;l'ha intra lain' rge, wa,rr. lett to Primc:ess Bea trice. "It is so colnmon," replied Mrs. 1'nr
l porl11.Llon fdz,ilit}es Llmt fresh•frul.t THL WAR RiCORD flow of Tlv, rYc:u•lrl ell,go says khaL It has renli, "Everybody learns to spell."
Ing the Arduous arintest. Chrrn wns little doing in export papulattium to Now Oiut.mrlo is n m�i-
I girarve in C inn.da Oucti •ed a , large hulls; neat few here; l+vod authority .for r3tutinug i,ln ir. ha "I3nt your daughter will need the
CONSOLIDATION or, EMPIRE, i nn111ober cif Lhai highest anvards. It fie Prions ranged liar of curigratulati.on. k1101AVrlge, protested the
Tete South African War Ha% Caused final ll to 4r, per pound. (Queen loft. X140,000 Cach to the nuke Ccaaher.
tiro un4an of Elie sovmrai provinces' ext,remucly ,gruLifyimg to Obynrve i.liai. 13.000 Deaths. Sconigratulate you On t:ire igi•ptiC ex- "'She'll Deed it for her oorres)ondence
We ha'd 110 chainga in mulch cows, oil' Oonnirught. and Pr}necrses 1<0111se, and'••-. l ,
oL Australia into nue Confederation, cis' A result of tbp, display, of Cana- A, des atria fr London ,-i• `but: a few caws of beater quality paausdain of the wbneml Industry, The CbriMInni anal I
' upon Lines 010801Y resornbling those dian res0ur0ps, .0omsiderablo foreignx p can says, I.he q itY oro alis he e, in sty act- "gnonglil" Evil ns lY ru c not rise
NVAl `0 MOO isSIlyd,a very heavy gnutb wantad, mamntaaturo oP. play iron in iba Pro- f,a ilii. ],trga• ;nine liar v&ijcst eel- haughtily, : „E
on which our own Dominion, 11,18 trp0n 0a,piCaJ h'us fcwn:rl it way to Cru Vince is now ftrmly ektisltlished S g S tidenLiy you cannot ileo
Lada African ea.jualty list an Wealnesdaxy, Tboxe i3 aa.lso a steady cnq*Ii,y for nail ilreal npant thein during her litei.lme, above the coinmon level,
ratablished, marks another import -'for investnintIt, ,and large ordors n materially aided by the discover Of MY ds of go.
flawing in ailditicat to 18 killed And: ohatoe veaul calves. Y Iles Dlajasty also provided for her will wove to the highest circles of sn•
I" amt sine Larvnrds f.h,p aona01, lrifioo of L. 0m. toxetgn aownti iv,s havv bine large Ladies Of oonwc*ntpntl sitUaL.
th,e outl tit ,re- 77 wiluudad int Action, 81 deaths from Good 3 et1 darn hien-lm-Inty, the+ nuolieso Kilt Al riety and will be rich enough to have
grain -fed latirbs are wanted, hamat.ite are in 1:110 Mich! slot g
S' PorLlons of the Davuylinn goods, t. prtrate arcretary o c
❑mpira, caiw'd for g d(Waso cltmim I c an re- lsany. tier• j,,wellury and persunal t mite anything
and Iain wall assured will call iorLla I : I',':LA.'WIAXNCS11 It0UTV. g Pccsont maiatlh. aind ]trteCs teras sLr;:,mger to -day for gi°n.' The making of Lh. ' • t
Last ,mRxhth 31 afftaais 11.1141 8D0, nart- i hr. r lint t: ktnrl, ins rnucb its g c firs "Pen- ornnmrrits, all.:vr whrnit are extremely hat she does not wish to hnye (trinted.
y. ifour most sincere congratulations to "L'hr in>przivcmaut c,1 Wn St: I'm,w- Ocmtmit,1i1011t 81r'78 -•in bring hparltli steel in the 1?,ovi.nce, and i:he I do tiot wish to have her time retia
officers and bion ware Paiii• rnlua'ble, she divided among her M," -Loudon Answer . b
Cho now) gaminonvvealtlt, r;enai route nontinuns •to>afi a
, ,a Uppe i t aghttNrs, daughters-in-law, a
est On the rt, ri• lakes cF g
g go ilia 1[illti,,l !m cation; air died fronu'xliecasr.. Sheep' acre unrhaaigeil, ryitii a rnih- the first Lina Of ateaute •. • � and
DiJ7#E OF PORI COMING, vl:ary uAiTiful attention' of my Goverr- 'Chu total death List From tie bei rs •to carry the r • "
' hotang on the advice, pr my Mlels- nuant. Iht1•In the n ) g,n Dir light Cttqu.iry ore from out n p rand. a 11 11911 lZgh laldts will
B l g s g Y n minas Lb the emelt- rtat glen 4i The gi,igue In "Iurkpyi is invr4aiitll ,
ii alt Year Stull) ala trf Lha war gliarvs, 1 080 vh i.ims, llc, s axe• t3toaal aloof .mtahan ed to- tr t P it'nata Lnghrtm cis a Plnc,e t.
g ora a£ ani atvn I1rovi.nap, are, events of r",idenae. Ali g, in •s of ohti:rts will herraftcf
be pgrobiIlltad in tklginm,