HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1901-2-14, Page 6LAND uP 811A19I00Kt
ante people or the lip ',''1 l isle-Oeltnr•
renes mat evil'. encrust Irish -tune,
ISIr. 0, D4aoAlees, M. P, Lor North
ieroneghan, IN dead,
Eight soldiers are looted In ire,
land to obi in Scotland. ,
Belfast is to have a 700 foot grav-
ing dock, ata cost ot. £800,000.
The emigration of Irishmen to
Great Britain for barveating bas
been steadily nu:ceasing for the peat
three years,
In aotron under new apt, where 3,9
was claimed an Irteb judge has re-
fused to allow more than le per £
on money lent.
The Preebytarian obunch suffered a
severe lose lately in the quite unex-
pected death in Belfast of Rev, James
Cargin, of First Derry.
Father Mathew, the Irish temper-
ance apostle, was born in Thomas.
town, Tipperary, on Oet. 10, 1790. He
dled worn out on Deo. 8th, 1858.
Three out of four sons of Lord
Dufferrn' have been rn South' Africa
during the war, and one, Lord Ava,
was killed ductus the siege of Lady-
The Dublin Queen's Bench has de-
oided that, under the Employers' and
Workmen's Aot, a barber io not e
workman, because he must use his
iterchbishoes Walsh, m an addrees
at the opening of a new church in
Dublin, referred to what be described
as the present scandalan0 condition
of the Dublin stage.
Wet, oold weather has led to the
appearance of a poisonous fungi in
the lower lying districts in Ireland,
w ith the result that several cattle have
died from eating it.
Fire broke ant in the premises of
John Gray & Co., drapers, etc., Shank -
hill Road, Belfast, the result being
that two girls lost their lives and Rev-
erat persons were injured.
The late Dr. Thomas Arnold, of
Dublin, was about the last survivor
of the associates of Cardinal Newman
in the eadeavaur to found in that
city an Irish Catholic university.
Gold has been discovered in the west
et Ireland. Mr, Cave, of West Cork,
has been making experiments endless
found a vein of quartz yielding 15
dwt. of gold to the ton of quartz.
Rev. Dr. McGivern, Roman Catholic
Bishop of Bremero, died at Newry,
at the age of 72. He had held his
Bishopric fence 1887, and was instru-
mental is renovating Newry Cathe-
In the Rotunda at Dublin Mr.
Horace Plunkett, vice-president of tbe
Irish Department of Agricultural and
Technical Instruction, was entertained
at a banquet, presided over by the
Marquis of Dufferin and Ara.
Lord Oranmore and Brown of Cagle
Macgarrett, Clarepwrris Co., Mayo,
la dead, at the age of 81. He
was the second hold. e .of the title, and
had been a representative peer for
Ireland for the last thirty years.
+ab M- -aetelleVelkel
On the Farm. NA
elleWaeaeaeeeetellee -eve/Veva
Upon the ohmmeter of the Roil and
ley of the land depends the manner in
wbloh land 8hauld be pleugbed'to give
the beat reeu4ts ae regards produotiou
and eaee in cultivation. By far too
many farmora do not give these im-
portant =Mere sufficient consideree
time Some practice ploughing nearly
all the land in narrow Ntrips, leaving
deep, dead furrows about 35 ft. or lees
apart. When the :soil ie naturally wet
and heavy this provea beneficial, as it
Vim good Surfaoe drainage, but It
leaven the surface in an extremely
bad condition for use of crop gathering
machinery, as the jolting and wear
and teas of machinery and jerking
about of team and man are wearisome
to say the least. Besides, when any
portion of the crop falls into one of
these deep furrows it is difficult to
Land 'that requires deep, dead fur-
rows for drainage should be thorough-
underllrained, then dead furrows
would not be required, and nine times
in ten it is only a portion of the field
Lt to ireneain until quite late to the
fall, then level it off until the next
epee)** there will be very little dente
age done by tbem, Each year during
the winter the trees shelved be pruned,
cutting batik abenat one-tbired of the
ties growth. When they come into
beating thin the fruit while email to
improve the quality and bele the tree,
During gold Weather one of the
tibief ditfieut'tiee in butter making re -
Suits frolm hard fat granules and
cream with a high viscosity, .These
conditions are more common in the
early winter menthe than at any oth-
er time, and when bows are somewhat
advanced in Lactation. The ohareeter
of the feed also has something to do
with this. The difficulty oan be reme-
died by using feed of a more sufficient
eharaoter, diluting the cream with
warm water or a very weak brine.
Care moat be taken in .diluting, net
to, emery yids too far, as the cream
will be thiu and hard to churn. Warm-
ing of the cream gradually several
house before churning will also aid
in the collection of butter fat. It
Sometimes happens that the cream will
have to be heated as high as '75 or
80 deg. to churn well. Do not heat any
more than is absolutely necessary.
in which dead furrows are necessary. Other things being equal,the lower the
However, unless ploughed in patches, temperature at which the oream can
the whole field is cut up with furrows,,be churned, the higher the quality of
resulting in a greater loss than if the the butter.
whole field was ploughed level. But
little grain or other orops grow in
the deep furrows, and what does is
usually stunted.
The whole field should be ploughed
level or without dead furrows. When
harrowing and seeding• bas been com-
pleted, take a one-horse plough and
follow along' the lowest portions or old the amount may be inea•eased to
the natural water course. This will 8 lbs, Witb thin grain feed there
provie effective and you will have only must be a liberal allowance of bay,
one shallow furrow to contend with in- straw and corn fodder. Do not allow
stead of a perfect network of them.
One other great mistake many farm-
ers make is to throw the furrows sev-
eral years in succession toward the
fence, often leaving the soli at that
point a. foot higher than where tbe
fence le located. This earth is usually It Wanted Explaining.
thrown in so for that it cannot be Two rival manufacturers of French
turned back with the plough. The coffee met before a judge. 'The latter
only true way ie to at one ploughing took up one of the contestants' empty
turn the furrow to tee fence, then tins. I do not consider," affirmed the
at the next ploughing turn it all bank.
judge, "tbat this is an honest label On
the front you place in large letters, 'Pure
Do not crowd the fence too closely, It French Coffee,' and on the back in small
takes years to again get a field level letters -in very small letters -you print,
that has been ploughed in this hit -+'A Compound of Chicory,' ete."
II The person thus addressed mused for a
and -miss way. moment. Then he said, quite meekly,
7f a field is nearly square, or two "But will your lordship kindly explain
sides are parallel, it is but little trou- to the jury by what means you dlstin-
ble to commence in the middle of the guish between the front and the back of
a round tin?" -London Tit -Bits.
l p to one* year of age, colts may
be given daily grain to the amount
o8 3 lbs. id large part of this should
be oats. !When about two years old,
Prof. Henry suggests about 5lbs daily
and when from two to three years
the colt to have all It will eat of this,
as there is a tendency to overload the
digestive tract. Be sure that plenty
of outdoor exercise is given when the
feed is liberal.
Mr. T. W. Russell has begun his
campaign in favour of forcing Irish
landlords to sell their properties
whether they wish to do so or not.
He tae declared that no countenance
would be given to disorder or ille-
Two brothers have been remanded
at Belfast ccthe sharge of killing
a sister.' The three had quarrelled
about a beli :many at a game of cards
end after a fight, it in alleged, ee-
.. ”ee was kicked in the stoma a.ed.
• eererered.
'7oblin s !milder has been award -
,30e eeniseres against a firm of
;arenas for bevere injuries which he
received through being knocked down
while cycling by a lorry belonging
s the defendants, which was on the
meg aide of the road.
field, turning the soil at all times to-
ward the center. The next plotughing,
throww toward the fence by going
A point °teed with your name
and addrr'ass will Ibrinit You
free seenpio o.1"
Bishop Trotter -Hubble on the commit -
Dermot; GRi9AN Tea,
"Salado," Tomato,
neve you ever thought bf the people
who might be Inhabiting the planets
in diem nt apace?
No, answered Mr, Orumrox. Wleat's
the use Y' Wecouldn't get at tbem to
sell them goods or civilize them.
A man ought to mind his own busi-
ness don't you think?
Yes; but there are mon whose busi-
ness it is to mind other people's busi-
around the field, commencing at the tee! Do you think so? I' fear -I fear the
side. If it is absolutely necessary to root of the,matter is not in him.
Rev. Dr. Golly -I find bim foremost in
all good works, bishop.
"The man lacks reverence. Why, he
shakes hands with me as if I were an -
an -assistant ministerl"-Exchange.
plough. in strips or lands, make them
as wide as possible, and after plough-
ing each dead furrow at onoe, turn
back two light furrows, one on each
side, into the dead furrow. The pro-
cess of harrowing and drilling will
make the land quite level. Of course
this is only possible with stubble land
CT land free from sod.
A side -bill plough is a good imple-
ment to use for level ploughing. You
can commence at one side and throw
all the land in one direction, Some of boar dredge it with two ounces of
these equipments are very simple,and finely powdered orumbs mixed with a
the moldboard can be changed from
right to- left or vice versa while the
team is turning around. To level up an
unequal surface, they are just the
*le Eskimo baby is born fair, except
for a -dark round spot ore the small of
the beck, varying in size from a three-
to a shilling, From
center head of color the dark tint
gradually spreads till the toddling
lyskimo is as beautifully and as com-
letrly and as highly colored as a well -
mated, meerschaum pipe. The same
ling happens among the Japanese.
The White Plague,
"For fie'f's SHI[r, (Got Pee a Place to
Ole 1.,"
These worde Were uttered a few
weelrs ago, by a poor fellow, go be lay
o3 bite death -bed in a hotel at Greve
=hunt, A week before he had tree
tilled a whole day to reach the Sea-
toiium, but On medical examination
it wag eeeend that Nee disease, oone
eumptixyn, Wan too far edranood to
mama him. He tried to get 'board
ilr Gravn'nhurgt and finally after re -
Pealed failures, secured admission to
one of the hotele. Ile soon became
wo'rda and the resident pIysieian of
ibo,Sanatoaium wee called In. When
11 became known that he- heel con-
Ouneption, It was found impossible to
gilt attendants to wait on ham
through fear' of contagion, The
hostler of the hotel was asked to help
and on hie rofusel be was offered $1
a day extra, but preferred to give
up his position rather than expose
himself, as he thought, to the dan-
ger of infection from the patient.
The physician from A:he Sanaborium
had to perform the duties of nurse
and maid as well as his own. When
the pear fellow found that the man-
agement of the hotel wished to got
hien out he begged the doctor for
God's sake to get him a plane to die
in. The doctor looked after lap. for
gone days, remaining with him on
hie last visit until one o'olook in the
morning. The poor sufferer was
found dead next day in his bed and
beyond the need of further `help.
Telegrams had been sent to his
friends, and bis sister reached Grav-
enhurst only In time to take away
the dead body of her brother.
Various proposals have been made
to erect Imitable structures to con-
memo'rate our late beloved Queen.
When bar Diamond Jubilee was cele-
brated four years ago large hospital
u,ndertakinge were begun in London
and elsewhere with ber special sanc-
tion as the best expressece of,
the nation's congratulations. To
make it snn1voreal, shilling oontribu-
tions were called for.
The National Sanitarium ,Associa-
tion hue now provided a place in
Gravenlsur t for patients who are
able to pay, and this has proved its
usefulness by saving hundredd of
Urea since it was opened three years
ego 'A free hospital for poor pati-
onts who cannot pay and who aro
in the early stages of the disease id
nolw im proceas of erection near the
TO round up thie work the Nation-
al Sanitariimr Association desire to
build another hospital, near Toron-
to, for incurable consumptives. What
better memorial could be erected than
a "Victoria huapital" for such cases?
All the large cities, od course, will
have their statue of the Queen, but
this will not be a national under-
We can, however, have the "Vio-
boria Hospital" under the auspices of
the National SanitariuzAss'cciation,
and this (might be built by contribu-
time frim all over Canada. Every
village and town donrld send to it
consumptive patients and thus bene-
fit by a memorial to the Queen, 'to
which they have contributed.
Humanity demands that something
ebould be done self-protection.,
against the danger orf contagion de-
mands that something de done; but
the eery doing of thus ley exciting
dread of the disease makes it more
difficult far its hopeless victims to
receive the attention necessary to
enable them to die in peace.
"For God'a sake, get me a place to
die," is a call that should :be. no long-
er left unanswered. Your dollar
will help to answer sit,
Gontributiony are already coming
in Lar this, much-needed undertak-
Those deeie.ous of helping may remit
ifs Itava¢es Spares No Claes—Moll and
Poor Alike Fall Its Vlolltnt—Row T4ls
Dread Trouble Way bo Prevented.
Consumption has been well named
the great white plague, One-sixth of
all the deaths occurring in Canada an-
nually are due to the ravages of this
terrible disease. Its victims are found
among all classes; rich and poor alike
sueaumb to its insidious advance.
04 a few. years ago the victim o2
consumption was regarded as incur-
able, and horror stricken friends
watched the loved one day by day
fade away until death came as a
merciful release. Now, however, it is
known that taken in its earlier stages
consumption is Durable, and that by
a proper .care of the blood -keeping
et rich, red and pure -those who are
pre -disposed to the disease escape its
ravages. Oonsusmption is now classed
among the preventible diseases, and
those who are pale, easily tired, ema-
ciated, or show any of the numerous
symptoms of .general debility should
at ounce fortify the system• by enrich-
ing and purifying the blood -thus
strengthening not only the: lungs, but
all parts of the body.
Among those wbo have escaped a
threatened death from consumption is
Mrs. Robert McCracken, of Marsh -
villa, Ont. Mrs. MoCraken gives her
experience that it may be of benefit
to some other sufferer. She says;
"A few years ago I began to exper-
ience a general weakness. My appe-
tite was poor; I was very pale; was
troubled with shortness of breath and
a smothering feeling in my chest.
Besides these symptoms I became
very nervous, at times dizzy and
fain',, and my hands and feet would
get as cold as lee. As the trouble
progressed I began to lose flesh rap-
rdly, and in a short time was only a
shadow of my former self. I had
good medical treatment, but did not
get relief, and as a harsh cough set
In I began to fear that consumption
had fastened itself upon me. This
was strengthened by a knowledge
that severallof my ancestors had died
of this terrible disease, In this
rather deplorable condition I was ad-
vised to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills.
I at once procured a supply and bad
not taken them long when I noted a
change for the better. By the time
had taken six or eight boxes I was
able to move around the house again
and .felt better and stronger in every
way. I continued the usb et the pills
until I had taken a dozen boxes, when
all my old time strength and vigor
had returned, and I was as well as
ever. During the time I was using
the pills my weight increased twenty-
six pounds. Several years have since
passed, and in that time not a Nyarp-
taxnr of my former troublehas made
itself apparent, so that 1 think I am
safe in saying that my cure is per-
manent. I believe Dr. Williams Pink
Pills saved my lila, and I strongly
advise ailing women ,tp give them a
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills' are a tonic
and not a purgative: medicine. They
enrich the blood from the first dose
to the last and thus bring health and
An appetizing way of serving 1:ork
is to boil a small leg for an bour,re-
move the skin and surround with sage
and onion stiffing. Roast for an
hour and a half to two hours, basting
constantly, and during the last halt
The kangaroo is said to consume as
mach grass as six sheep. There are
now in Australia about 900,000 of
these funny animals.
In Berlin the vegetable dealers
practice a new trick. They dip radi-
shes into an. aniline dye to give them
a bright pink tint, and thus make
them seem fresh.
Why do you seem to dislike Mr.
Simpson, Mrs. Hopkins?
Oh, he's the man who never comae
to your house without pulling up the
broken window -shade, sitting in the
disabled choir or .getting the cracked
tablespoon, of powdered sage. Serve
with greedrich gravy and plenty of
&pole npnr.e..
There was that upon his breath
which shocked her. 0 John! she cried
In planting a peach orebard it is our married life has been happy so far,
wall to net the trees 18 Or 20 ft apart but now I see a cloud arising no big.
each way. One sore set 18 ft will re- ger than a, mane hand which -
quire 134 tkees, while at 20 €t only Not as beg as a man's ]land, John
108 will be required. The land for a interrupted duskily. 1 only had about
peach orchard. should be well drained, four. tinsels. -r
so that water will not stand on ori
neer the surface. The soil sbould be; AGRIf OI,LURE IN CHINA,
well cultivated before the trees are; In spring Chinese peasants build
set and the plaoes where they are to dlk.e of mud, three to six feet high,
stand thoroughly dog up for a space to kern she rainwater in the ricefields
of 3 or 4 ft. A little bone meal, about Most of .`.heir time in summer is spent
1 pt, worked into the soil for euob tree in perneing or bringing water into
I .base
t olds,
is advisable. fl
Do not set the trees too deep and. be ' -•-- •
o ureful to spread the roots and firm ' (THE DEAD ROMANOE CURE.
the soil well among them. Peering Olarence-Olarissa, I hope you' won't
in a pail of water when the hole hers allow yourself to be deeply unhappy
been half-filled will servo tri nettle oxer the breaking of our engagement.
the soil about tbe roots, bra:ens giv- Clarissa -Oh, I won't be unhappy,
ing the moisture needed 't,v the tree. Clarence; I'm in such a social rush I
After it has settled away fill up tI'I wr'a't have time. strength to every organ in the body.
The .gehulne pills are sold only in
fora mulch. Before, urs n:'splanting,1 SOCIAL RIVALRY. boxes with the full name, "Dr, Wil -
always cut back severely n -Il of the •Has your wife much social ambition? lianas' Pink Pills for Palo People,"'
CET OUT OF THE OUT -- Stop using "any old thing" k ISO crit Of tea,
Wet on saving
As a eernbinetion of quality, flavour and strength IT HAS NO EQUAL,
Lead pkgs, - 25, 30, 40, So & 60e,
Dr. Stubbs, a dignified London
bishop, was once ienpoa',tuned by, a
woman who, knowing of Lis travels
in the H,olyLand, kept on asking bim
what : places she ought to viait, 08
she, was starting on a trip to Pales-
tine. After answoring numerous an-
noying, and useless questions, he was
again asleed;Datr really, what plaoe
would you advise me to go toe To
Jericho, madam, said the bishop
Jackson -What tune do you wake
up in the morning usually
J,imson-Four o'clock.
Jackson -Great snakesI Why so
early it
Jimson-1 board at a hotel, and
that's the hour the man in the next
room goes to bed.
lle-Your life shall be filled with
She -Yes, but how about lamplight
Can you undertake to keep the oil
eau filled 7
Engagements never should be long.
Ye swains who go to .court
Take heed! The long engegeme"t's
wrong -
It keeps a fellow abort.
hole and cover with lcavee or straw
branches and the lop ee the Cr.1131 I Social ambition! When sbe read
stalk stolid be taken off. Train the about Lady Curzon's alepbant party
tree by pinching off the ends of ::heun India she said it she knew where
naw growth occasionally during the she could rent some whales she'd give
first season, if they do not seem to a whale party.
to growing compaot enough to make
a well -formed head. After the tree be-
gins to show new growth apply the
fertilizer, erehfch may be ono
French soldiers, when in active
of the eommereial fertilizers for service, do not wear cooks. German
growth., not for fruit, or it may be and Russian soldiers wear bandages
ashes am enttonseed meal �r wall- on tbeir feet instead of cocks.
rotted arable manure. --
The mulch may be used again alter A QUESTION 015 VERBS,
the trees have been fertilized and will I am out ot politics, said the stating -
serve to keep the soil moist. Peach or- man firmly.
chards should Iso wall -cultivated dun- H'm, replied elle thoroughly pram-
-a -ea— ing the strewing season. Bowe are tical person, I had beard something
"Skin the Goat," Irene drove the In.II sometimes troublesome, but fl care is to the effect that you were out. Might
viticiblts to Phoenix Park, is new la taken to pull the dint up around the I inquire• Whether it Was a case, of
the Dublin Workhouse, Iree early in the season and allow got or pets
A Cheltenham !Ilan is Agreeably
Surprised—An Old Grudge
Paid, _
Ur Turner. After.n Bneees,ral Effort to get
Rid of One Enemy Thais that 1n Doing
so he has pat away Another.
The met of all disoantent Is self.
love, --J, k", Clarke.
$100 Reward, $100,
The readers of this paper will be pleased to,
learn that there ie atEcotone dreaded d vetwe
that epitome boo bops able to cure in all its
stapes and that is Catarrh, Hall's Catarrh
Comte the only positive cure raw known to
the medical fraternity. Catarrhboin a tong.,
titutional disease, requires a constitutional
treatment, Hall's Catarrh Cure is takrn inter{
pally, noting directly upon the blood nail
mucous surfaces of the system, thereby dasl,
awing the foundation of the disease, an
giving the patient 'evangel by building up th ,.
constitution and asabiting nature in doing Ito
work. The proprietors have so much faith ia'.
its curative powers, that they offer one Hun-,
Bred Dollars for any cape that 1tfails to came
Send for list of tosttmonialn.
F. J. (MENEM/5000 Toledo 0.
Bald b druggists, 768.
I Iiulre Family Pine are the beet
The fewer airs some mundane can
play the more they put on.
Cheltenham, Ont., Feb. 4. (Special).
-A, fortunate man, indeed, is Mr.
Charles Tanner off this place. For
year Mr. Turner hties been suffering
with kidney disease. It gave Lim
great pain, and for the last two or
three. years rheumatism has, added to
his already heavy burden} of sickness,
and he has seldom known an hour free
from pain. Not assocfating the rhea-
rrate=with the old kidney trouble,
d despairing of curing the former,
Mr. Turner bought and used Dodd's
Kidney Pills to try and dispose of the
kidney trouble. Ole used a few boxes,
and the pain in his back kept getting
less and less, and' finally went away.
All the unpleasant symptoms of kidney
unable disappeared, and what was
still more strange to Mr. Turner, he
has not since been 'bothered with
He is so grateful for the miraculous
results of the treatment: that he bas
ibeen cheerfully telling his friends and
neighbors his experience. E.e says:
"Dodd's Kidney Pills have cured me of
a long standing case of kidney rheu-
matism, and although I, took the, pills
for the kidney trouble I was surprised
to find that when this disease was
oared the rheumatielo also disap-
peared. This was over a year ago and
I have not been troubled since. I
used in all six boxes. The first two
boxes did not appear to do me any,
good, but I persevered and the result
M that I am now a healthy man."
Of course, to those who recognize
rheumatism;, as what it really is, a
symptom of kidney disease, there i8
!nothing wonderful about Mr. Turner's
iexpertence. Dodd's Kidney Pills al-
ways cure Kidney Trouble, and with
It Rheumatism, Soiatice,rLame Back,
Neuralgia, Heart Trouble, Dropsy,
Diabetes, Bright's Disease and, any of
the other many forms in which it may
and often does appear. '
aged bymotherefor their children to ting. It netball
Odd.the d. softens the gums, adayopefa ounce wind co loas�
ascii. the beet remedy for diarrhoea, oto a bottle. Sols
b7 all druggists throughout the world. De mire and ,ul
101, ,,M111,11111lew a Noothing Syrup.'
A pessimist is a person wSio doesn't
expect the expected to happen.
The "Balmoral," Free Bus Mat
printed on the wrapper. If your deal-
er cannot supply you send direct to
the Dr. Wiliiame' Medicine Co„ Brook-
ville, Ont., and the pills will be mail-
ed post paid at 50 oonts a. box, or six
boxes for 42,5e.
Perhaps the oddest suit os furni-
ture in the world is owned by a cer-
tain hotel keeper. For many years
he bas made It his business to collect
match boxes, Of which he has now a
collection of 4,000. He ordered a skil
led cabinet maker to equip a room
with furniture made of these boxes.
The outfit consists telae writing table
with smoking emparalus, a fire screen,
a cabinet, a chair end other smaller
ex titles,
.Pumlly Howl rates 81J60
per day.
No matter bow changeable a man
may be he always wants a little more
W. P. C. 1062.
For all skin ailments.
J. 0. Calvert & Co., Manchester, EnglantJ
Treasurer, Toronto.
is pap will ill be"
of Ch' �
Note. -Editor
glad to receive and forward contra
butin'l8 for this purpose.
Akinside, seeking bo sponge some
medical advice -Doctor, everything I
eat distresses me terribly. Tell me,
what can I keep on my stomach with-
out paining me?
Old Doctor Grimm -Scour hand.
Wigwag -Hello I Harduppe. Raising
a beard, eh'I
Harduppe-Yes; it's easier than raise
ing the price of a shave, every day.
To cams rar our
Complete Cata-
logue of Sheet
kutio and Cooke
with 81)05101 rate.
of dieoohnt.
158 Tango 81.
Toronto, Ont.
Sausage Casings—New I5Vor Ruane nest English
Shoop sod American Hog 0 gine—reliableood. at
pop. ,,.
5,. PARK, BLACKWELL t CO.. Toronto.
124 CORNICES Ad l►id Toronto, Oat,
Apymii.,inna fao,
that le requnate Pena
lle,D.Ithe benefits ofthe Jubilee. Price
O. &J. gad)! er & Co., Montreal.
PILE CURE Atrial pectase el QOi a PaiE1 A
Cure torPilos will be sent free to
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and all kinds of house Heegin¢a, also
Write to ne about yours.
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Her Life and Glorious Reign makes the greatest
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ROOFING and Sheet Metal Works.
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Some people seem to think that they
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Because of their Purity and Cleanliness British grown teas
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Debentures for $loo and
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