HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1901-2-14, Page 5• 4
Y et
X113, 14, 1 oa.
1 ty/%lFl, ON1±,Y '1'0 I,IOAN A' l I'k]R
A1'J, coot, .p',H, 80OTT', Brussels,
IT t
AIoof AOT{laN.- .
v ' • 19oao1 or Marriage Idoopgee, UI•
doe atGrdeory,Turuborry•treot,.11russole,
R. 'I'oaeortal Artllt. ehop-,NOxt. door
North of the Standard Bank, Ladioe and
Childcop'o haltvcnttWg a specialty,
iARMS FOR SAI1N7—'1'lil+' UN•
nanera,ao, bee aevorai good Farms for
solo and to root, eaay terms, in 'townships
of If orris and Croy. 1' 8. SC OTT, Brussels
Issuer of Marriage Licenses,
--Tl}AC1117R 01'-
miw,V'cSaT..n, ONT.,
L. O. M.,
Academic graduate of London Conserve.
tory of gusto, also Member of the Associated
Muololane of Ontario, is prepared to receive
0110111811 number of mile for lnetruotion
on the piano. Qaat lfled to prepare pupils for
the Prinoi ai'o A'ortn la the Conservatory of
p ry
Brussels, Ontario.
Mork of the Fourth Division Court,
Co. Huron; Conveyancer, Notary Public,
Laud, Loan and 10001adime Agent ; Auction-
eer. Funds luvooted and to loan, Collec-
tions made. (linea in Graham's B1ook,Brue-
• oma, will sell for better prices, to
bettor men, in less timo and Lees ebarges
than any other Auctioneer in East Huron or
he won't charge anything. Dates end orders
can always be arranged at this nllle° or by
personal application.
(POntIEELY or ammouTH)
Graduate of R. C. D S., Toronto ; Poet Grad -
note course at Hinkel'e School, Obioago, in
crown and bridge work. IPrioee game ae
in serron0ding towns. 21•
. Office over A.R. Smith's atore, Brussels.
e • Honor '111 ruined) of the Ontario Vet-
erinary College, is prepared to treat all die.
Gang of domoealaated animale in a compet-
ent manner. Furtl"ular attention paid to
Veterinary Doutletry, Calls prOmptty at-
tended to. 011tce and Innrmary-Four doors
North of bridge, Tnt•nber•ry st., Brussels.
Barrister, Solicitor, 'Conveyancer,
Notary Public, dep. OHtoe-8 tewart'a Block
1 door North of Central Hotel.
Solicitor for the Standard Bank.
Solicitor, do. Oflioe over Stand-
ard Bank. Solicitor for Village of Brunetti.
Money to Loan at loweat rates,
(Formerly of Cameron, Holt ,4
Cameron) Barrister and 8oliottor, Goderioh
Ont. Ofbce-Hamdtau street, opposite 0o1 -
borne Hotel.
111. D. C. til.,
Trinity Univeralty, Fellow Trinity Medioal
Collage, Member College of Pbyelolaue and
Someone, Out, Licentiate of tbe Royal Col-
lege of Phyalciann and Licentiate of Mid-
wifery, Edinburgh, s. Tnlepbone No.14,
Reoidenoe-kllll street, Brussels.
Important to 1.30 enders and lorssemen..
Eureka terinary CaiIStie Balsam
A reliable
and speedy
o remedy for
Fr' Curbs,
S li0te,
_._ Sweeney,
t eta„ oto„In
r'.``: '!•-"yi
Bargee and
iu Calttle,'w
Tnanit trans ' "See pamph-
let whish accompanies every bottle, giving
soiontinc treatment in the various dieeaeeo,
It ono bewail in every curie of veterinary
practice whore stimulating applloatmne and
blietero are proscribed, I1 loan vo 0001ar018.
Every bottle sold 1a guaranteed to give eatte-
faction. I•rlce leo per bottle, Bold by all
(buggi010 and country etorak0epero, Pre-
]4Ib1DICINE 00(31PANY, London, Oat,
System Itenovator
—Agin range—
For Impure, Weak and Impoverished
Blood, Dyspepsia, Sloepleoeneee, Palpita•
Gen of the Heart, Liver Complatnt,Neur-
algia, Lose of 'Memory, Bronohitie, Oon-
Oumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kidney
Bud Urinary Diemen, St, Vitus' Dance,
Femme Irregularities and General De.
Prop. and Manufaoterer.
Sold by Jen, Fox, tN dgtrlea, Itratemle
'tID) Business
Listowel College.
4 thorough, complete and praotioal train.
ing in all brauohos of Oommeroial worty
et ooueiderably lose than regular rat00.
For full information apply
Rooms or College over Bost office.
istx- t 3etbs.
1/1 we vitt
The Bluevale charge, Rev. W, J. West,
M. A., pastor hae had another very Imo -
outdo' year, About $1;700 has been ralli-
ed far all purposes, of which 9276 has
b en contributed to the eohemeo of the
oharoh. Tbe membership of the aongre.
gatioae hae been increased by 82 and now
otaode at 267 in full communion, the
largest in the biotory of the obarge. 925
waa added to the stipend by the Eadiee
Lealdb 'try.
Hyar1N1.AL.-At the reoidenoe of Than
Leeming, 12th line, Moli:illop, on Jan.
80th, about 100 invited guests witnessed
the mariage of his daughter, Miss Isabelle,
to Jobn W. Boyd. At theaonolaoion of a
wedding comb, played by Mies Alice
the contra n
OEI aCElBe ea
me me to
the e altar, when Rev. Mr. Dever, of Wal-
ton, made them moa and wife. Atter
the Quaternary congratulations, all re.
pa to the dining room when an e:t•
oellent dinner was partaken of. The
teat of the evening was spent happily by
all as Mr. and Mre. Leeming made full
provision for the entertainment of the
company. The bride received many
handsome and aeeful presents. Mr. and
Mre. Boyd will take 0p their reoidenoe on
the 10th line, amid the beet wieboeof all,
JunleNCowet -
[Intended for last week ]
Adam Roe, at Molesworth, Suudayed
under the parental roof.
Thou. Wright and Audrew Donglaeo are
both laid np with la grippe at present.
Geo. Rattan, of Fordwiob, Suudayed
with hie grandparents, Geo. and Mre. Rat-
Sidney Linton, of Bright, has returned
after spending a week with his cousin,
Jae, Simpson.
Geo. Coomber and family have been
laid up with a eevere attack of la grippe
but are improving slowly.
Mies Ellen Scott has returned to her
home at Molesworth after residing with
her sister, Mre. Copeland Stokes, for a
Milton MOArler and James Ionns spent
Thursday evening at Wm, MaKelvey'e.
The former has been re engaged with
Mr. Innes for neat Summer.
Geo. Coumbea has neared the milk
route on the Boundary at $100 a trip,
and Jae. Cutt hae the 2nd eon. at the
same figure. The work will be well look•
ed after,
Anil INJ1ioEo,-While playing, a abort
time ego, in a neighbor's barn Carl, eon
of Walter Innes, fell from a beam and
hurt hie right arm. Nothing very serious
wag thought of it at 11rat bat it seems the
bone watt bent and will have to undergo a
etraighteoing and etrengtheomg process
which we hope will goon leave the i0-
jured arm a0 well ae ever.
13e1=ent ve.
OnrT.-Tbe death of Isabella, wife of
David Geddes, which ocoured is thio
village onj Wednesday, Jan. 30, removed
ouo of the earliest eettlere of Morrie
township, she being 68 years, 9 modthe
and 18 daye old. Deceased bad been ail-
ing for some time with heart trouble sad
other oompliootione and had been con-
fined to bed for nearly 5 months. She
was born in Sootiand and when 2 yeare
of age emigrated to Canada with her
parents, who nettled in the county of
Lanark. There she was married to Mr.
Geddes and in I854 ebe and her husband
came to Morrie township and settled on a
farm on the 3rd line. They resided in
Morrie up to about 9yeare ago when they
moved to Belgrave. Besides her busband
a family of nine children survive her,
three girls and six boys. The goes are
David, of Grandon, North Dakota ;
Robt., of Morrie, residing on part of the
bameetead ; Adam, of North Dakota ;
and John aad Daniel, of Belgrave. The
daughters are Mre, Wilson, now living at
home ; Mre. Watson, of Belgrave ; and
Mre. V. Vannormun, of Wiogbam. 008
daughter, Isabella, died some years ago.
The bereaved will have the sympathy of
the community in their alai otion. The
funeral took plaoe Friday afternoon et
2 30 o'olook from the family residence to
the Brandon cemetery.
Working Overtime.
Eight hour laws are ignored by those
Gretna, little workers -Dr, King's New
Lite P]Ile. Millions are always at work,
night and day, curing Indigestion, Bit-
ioueneos, Constipation, Biok Headache
and all. Stomaoh, Liver and Bowel
troubles.' Batty, pleasant, epee, sure.
Only 25c at 0. A. Deadman'a drug store.
J. 0. Rose, who has been book-keeper
end bluenose manager for the Broadfoot
teBox Furniture Company here for a
great many years, left last week to take a
position in the bead office of the new
oompany at Toronto.
John A, Jackson, of Rile town, baa
passed hie 3rd year examination before
the Ontario Law 80010(3', and to eligible
for honors at the Easter examination.
S. A. Dickson has also passed his tad
year examination, and ie entitled to write
for honors in the final examination.
All the old officers of the Turf Club
were re•eleated as follows ;-President, J.
Oardno ; vige•Preeident, Robt. Wilson ;
Treas., W. K. Pearce ; Secretary, M.
Broderick ; Directors, R. Devereaux, G.
Murray, W. H. Baker, J. 1': Duly and T.
J. Stephens ; Auditors, Jae, Wateoo and
W. 0. Reid, M. Broderick was appoint.
ed a delegate to the oiroait meeting in
DEATH. of Ube. Jong Drmd107.-Another
of the early oettlero of, this dietriet, in
the person of Mre, John T. Diakoon,
passed peacefully away at her residence
in Senlnrth on Sunday, 3rd suet. Mre,
Diekeon'e maiden nano was Mary Sloan
and she was a daughter of the late Thos,
xJI :S
Sloan, Of Gullets, She wag born in
'1'hprnhill, near Toronto, Jo 1887, where
Mr, Sloan was !oohing eohool, Aire,
Dickson was ono of a family of Dix, and
her h
hg death a out, t
a ha lao•.l the e b
e lir t resit.
The other ulembera etre Dr, Sloan, pf
'1'oropto ; Dr. R. Sloan, Shanghai ; T,
Hloan, Minnesota ; Andrew Sloan, Blyth,
and Mrs, Wm, Snell, Conetanoe, De.
..00 Ord name to Hallett with her paroate
in 1854, and removed from there to
Roxboro, MOKillop, at -the time of her
marriage to Mr. Diokoon, and with a
short interval resided there until last
1!'all, when elle removed to Iteaturth,
She was a wise aad loving wife end
mother, end even in her long illnoee took
the liveliest Menet to her ohddren'a
welfare. The subject of tine notice had
been in failing health for acme years,
and siuoe her unfortunate tall in Jaen
ary of last year has been a helpless iuyd,
lid. She bore her suffering and weak.
Hasa with great courage and looked to
the future with the brightest hope. Mre,
Dickson had 9 children, all of whom aro
living, the two eldeot daughters being
married. Tbeee are Mre, Jae, L okbart,
of Ma2illop, and Mre. Whimeter, of
Aurora. The others are Archibald,
Jsmee and John, Helen, Jean, Balla and
lvfiuuie. The funeral took plaoe nn
Tuesday to the Maitlandbank cemetery.
A I'Iremmi'a Close Catl.
"I stook to my engine, altbough every
joint aabed and every nerve was racked
with pain," writes C. W. Bellamy, a lo•
ootnoteve fireman, of Burlington, Iowa,
"I was weak and pale without any ap.
petite and all run down, As I was about
to give up, I got a bottle of Eleotric
Bitters and atter taking it I felt tie well
as T ever did in m life.” Y wkly,
run down people always gain new life,
otrength and vigor from their use. Try
them. batiefuotion guaranteed by G. A.
Deadman, Price 60 Dente.
Orlando Wade hae sold bis hoose and
lot to Thomas Strong for a fair price.
Ralph Young has returned home from
Sault Ste, Marie, where ba bae been for
the paet.few months.
Revival services are in progress at
Mayne, conducted by Rev, R. I. Hooking,
the pastor, and are attended with great
William Hamilton, the lime king, has
purchased from John Donaghy hie block
of stores and a good building lot adjoin
ing the drug store.
W. A. Edwards went to Mitchell on
Monday of last week, to attend the fun-
eral of his father, who died on Sunday,
The funeral took place on Wednesday,
SCHOOL REPORT, The following isthe
report of tbe standing of the pupils of
Button's school for the month of January
-P 8 Leaving -Bi MoArtbur. Sr IV -
M Jaokeon, H Skelton, E McCall. Jr
IV -A Farquharson, L Jaokeon, R Fear,
Sr III -G Skelton, W Farquharson, 0
tl:Arthur, M Taylor, W Searle. Inter.
mediate III -R Jaokeon, L Fear, 0 Jack-
son, 61 Jackson, 0 Sbortreed, Jr 11I -
J MaArtbur, N MoArthnr, D Jaokeon, J
Bell, M Fear, R Gray, J Watson. II -
E Farqubareon, E EvansD McLean, S
Stobbe, J Taylor. Sr PtII-A. McCall,
F Mo0aaghey, F Bell. Jr Pt II- al
Jackson, JMcCaughey, Claes I -A Skel.
ton, J ROee. MIos JENNIn B, ILEUM,
Wm, Soolt and D. Longhoed have corn.
mended baking in the North end stand,
H. H. Chisholm, who recently punabas-
ed J. R. Munahaw's jewellery business, ie
now in possession.
The shareholders of Wiogham Farmers'
Flax Co. are called to meet at 4 p. m. on
Monday, February 18th.
Several oar loads of brick have been
received from D000. to be used in the
ereotiou of the new Methodist eburab.
Wm. Nicholson has purohaeed Mrs.
Ooad'e building lot on Centre street and
will erect a briok dwelling in the Spring.
Robt, and M. H. Maludeo were sum.
mended to Peterboro to attend the fun-
eral of their father. He was 83 years of
Arch. Fisher, a former resident of wing.
ham, and brother of Postmaster Fieber,
has been elected Reeve of Paisley by 71
J, D, Burne, of Toronto, is now in
poste:mien of the hardware beakless in
the atone book, which has for a number
of years been conducted by Jno, Clegg Jr
R. G. Gordon hae aooepted a position
as Organizer for the Canadian Order of
Foresters, and intends to close op hie
business in tbo corner store in the Button
The young Oonaervativo aeaooiation
wee organized with the following officers :
-Pres„ J. J. Elliott, V. S. ; Vice Pres.,
Elmer Moore ; Secy„ J. Y. Groves ;
Treas., E. 0. Clarke.
The Coattail received a letter from A.
Graham, sidewalk contractor, stating that
he had withdrawn the snit agaiaet the
corporation, but having lost 91056 on the
last aontreat with the town on amount of
heavy (tutting and filling, be asked the
Council to midst him in bearing the lose,
as he had done the work well.
The Holmes oriel case was argued be•
fore the ,Court of Appeal at Toronto and
judgment was reserved.
The annual meeting of the Children's
Aid Society was held and oiiioere eleoted
ae follows ; Praeident, James Mitchell ;
vine Preeident, R. S. Wiiliome ; Sea.•
Treas., W. Lane,
Geo, Buxton, proprietor of the Colborne
House, hae traded hie famous trotter,
Allan Line, to John Newcombe for a
ohoioe of four out of seventeen head of
well bred Jersey cattle.
W. MaaViaor, who was ono of the par.
tioipante in the life saving episode et the
Blank Hole Net Summer, Lae received
recognition for his part in the affair, the
Royal Canadian Humane Aoeooiation
having awarded him a medal "for con.
epioaoae bravery in saving H. Miller from
drowning in Maitland River."
One of the $ret to Congratulate Wm.
Leant, the wall known Toronto barrister,
on his elevation to the High Coote bench
wae'Couhty Crown Attorney Latvia, who
hi return reoeived a very pleasant letter
come of whiohy Ifo Lordship stated
that hie first court work would be in
Goderioh on the 00008]on of the mantes
on tbe 26th inst. The late amigo Bose
woe to take tbie work.
Tbe returns of criminal noes made by
Crown Attorney Lewis for the last half
year of 1900'show that ten oases were
tried at the County Jndge'o criminal
Opurt and two et. the General Simians i REAL ESTATE.'
with a jury, Tho olfancee charged were
ahop•breaking, theft, assault and pekoe.
Mien. Genvietione were seen od le
eleven put of the twelve oaoee, the Sep•
tenets ranging from one week In the
ppm0On jell to seven years In the fling,
stop Penitentiary,
Cline tan.
W. 0. Myers, the well hum) and
popular ineantime agent, formerly of
(Minton, hae moved from Brantford to
Mrs. 13, P, Sibley ie undergoing treat-
ment in a New York 1100pl,al, Her
many friends here will be glad to hear of
her complete re0toratioo, to health.
The Provinoiul Directors of the Pbyoi•
niuntt' Supply Co. met at the Rettenbery
Honee on Wednoeday of Net week to
ooneider matters of ietereat to themeelvos.
Mies Annie Rode, Auburn, Meter of Dr.
Rose, left Tuesday morning of last week,
for Winnipeg, where she takes the pool.
tion as Lady Superintendent of the
Industrial School.
George Piokett baa the palm for draw
ing the largest load which wise ever
weighed on the town smiles. He wag
teaming anal fur Fair Bros., and bad in
one load 5 ton, 450 lba,
Fred. Ramball got word that hie son•
in•law, Calvin Oallander, at the Pasteur
Institute, Chicago, to the effeot that he
wee out of danger and in a few dale ea.
petite he will be able to leave for his
home in Parkeebnrg.
At the meeting of the Quarterly official
Board of Ratteobnry street Illetbodiet
church, it was moved by Hugh Rorke,
seconded by F. R. Hodgene, and titian.
9 passed, aekin
gR v. Mr, How•
eon to remain for
the third year. The
Board [peek fittingly of their pastor and
the good whish is being done.
it's Your Nerves.
It's the Condition of Your
Nerves that Either Makes
Your Life a Round of
Pleasure or a Use-
less Burden.
To many women life is one round of
sioknese, weakneea and ill health. To
attempt even the lightest household duties
fatigues them. Many of the symptoms
accompanying this atate of decline are ; a
feeling of tiredness on waking, fe,intneea,
dizziness, sinking feeling, palpitation of
the heart, ehortnese of breath, loss of
appetite, cold hands and feet, headache,
dark circles under the eyes, pain in the
baok and side and all the other aocom•
panimonts of a rnn'down and weakened
All these symptoms and conditions are
simply the result of a poor quality and
defeotive oirouiation of the blood, with a
wasting away of the nerve fumes.
By feeding the system with
y 001) t'ARM OF 3,421 A(IIiAi
air 010(0, bong Lot 23, 000,7, Grey,
i'ou1e egltable for two tamltlee 11 required,
Reboot hoose, church and porter the Village
of Sititet 0a part et the lot. apply to JOHN
0011441tt, lethal Carriage Works, , 2A
Lot 8, Con. 12, Grey, containing leo
A7roa.. (3ced stook or grain farm, Gogd
Mine house and bank burn 1 two good wells;
eight 1)0re0 of Fan wheat and laud all in o
Pod state of oultivetlou, Vol* PPurtioularo
apply to 10110 MoJAPDIVN,
23.tf Brueoole P, 0,
Batu, -Lot 17, con. 9, Township of
itsineote ,r len, Situate m(mon Minnie 00Btand tulles from village
of Ethel All oleared excepting 13 notes of
hardwood bush, llulldtuge and fepoes in
Bend repair. Good wells, All Man plowing
done. Prime and tonna M payment on ap-
plioatlnn to W. M, HINCLAII0,
20•11 llarriater, &n,, Brunetti.
LAan.-'rhe property of the late Join)
Elliott, 00081801nd of a solid brlok bo,,,,,
with frame kltoheu and woodshed, good
stable and i aero of land, all in Ann -masa
eonditlon. If not sold will be rented, Pos-
session at any time. For pa, ttaulare an ply
to Wm. SanNon, Ethel; ALmx, PATTEsaoN
Galt or Dn./doll/micas, Mt. Forest. 3001
for Dale Lot 12, Con, 3, Morris, conflict.
Ing of 100 acres, more or lose, 02 clonred, 00
norea seeded down 30 aures Fail ploughed, 12
acres Inc Fall wheat. Barn 00370, with stone
otabling underneath, Also dwelling house.
P0osese1on t0 enit purchaser, For further
partioUlaro apply on the premises or to the
proprietor, Price and terms reasonable,
20. Tn08. FORBIe8, WinghamP. 0
Consisting Lc e Booth 3 and South t
of the Northh 1 i of of Lnt to00, Con .2, East wnwa-
ledswitlBgoollent tock d 1(01088 water. 'b It is
situated about 3 melee from the thriving Vil-
lage of Blyth. A large part of it le under
grass. Buildings and tenon are in a fair
state of repair. Busy Lerma Of payment will
be 117 n, For
F,+BLAIR, Surrteter, Brussels,
ing Lote 15and 10,he Toons 0p;080 sores ar
cleared and 20 acres to bush; bank barn
with atone stabling underneath 1 and frame
house with cellar. A good thriving orchard.
Farm is actuated 2 miles from Wroxeter,
Also BO aeres in the being North Half of Lot 7 e Con. A ieta 20bacrerres
log in
ghouse;2a a good apprinres of g. Form further pe barn ut
t,0ulara apply to ALEX'. BISLOP,
21.4m Wroxetor P, 0.
Prepare for a Good Situation
b,' tithing a Course In the
' .' ,' al
./Stratforcl.. Ont.
A eohool well known from one end of Can.
ada to the other for its superior work. we
poauce tundooundmudduachwgekd Huudu-
00210 Catalogue free,
W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal.
You strike at the root of the disease and tl
ley a solid foundation on which to build
Soon the weight inoreaeeo, the sunken
cheeks and flattened beets fill out, the
eyes get bright and the thrill of renewed
health and strength vibratee through the
50 Dente per box at all druggists', or
Toronto, (Jut.
For site by G. A. Dendmau, Hrueeele.
Not Made In Germany.
Bnese1338, Out.,
Deo. 31st, 1900.
J. M. MoLeod, McLeod's Laboratory,
Goderioh, Ont.
Dean Bia; Having received great and
lasting benefit from your medicinal write
to express my gratitude for the restora-
lion of that precious boon, health. Seven
yeare ago I fait my trouble coming on.
It was otomaoh trouble, of sometimes
one and sometimes another kind, goner.
ally changing in name with the different
phyeioiaos I (=euited. Borne said ulcer.
Med stomach, some mutter and othere
seemed puzzled as to what was really
wrong. I was sornetimee a little better,
and then again a great deal worse. Thie
went on for three yearn, when I found I
had to do something or aloe I would be
unable to attend to my house and family.
About thio time we left our home in the
country and moved to Fargo, North
Dakota, where we have sinne lived. I
was treated by general dootors who had
the name of being eplendld men in their
profession. One of them was a meet
euoeeeefu] practitioner, and any benefit I
received wag at his hands. In spite of
care and medicine, however, I became
daily weaker and weaker, until at length
the hospital was suggested as possible aid
to recovery. With the hope of getting
relief, no matter from what aouroo, I was
takeu there, but instead of getting better
I got worse, and would I believe have
died, bad I been ]eft there mach longer.
I then went beak to my old doctor and
was still taking hie medicine when I de.
aided to Dome over and see my old home
and friends in Canada ones more. I
arrived here in December, 1899, and
while still on the train for Broosele, I
met a lady who recommended your reme-
dlee very highly to mo. I thought it
could do no harm to try them. Shortly
after New Year I got a bottle of your
System Renovator end a bottle of Mao.
Lennan'e Liniment. It 0107 not in vain
this time for from the time I began your
medicine I began slowly but anrely to
improve in weight and in strength right
along, and that dreadful pain in my
etomaoh and the emitting which die.
tressed me 0o numb beoame a thing of
the past, I gained twenty pounds in two
months. It ie unneoeeeary to say more,
foe I oan truly say that I have not for
years felt eo well a0 I do now. I am
going back to Dakota and I am taking
some of your Renovator with Hie. I hope
you may be spared long in life and tbat
your remedies may cure more, as they
did mo, Your° Meagrely,
30 8 Mns. Attain Lome.
Sold by he, Fox, druggist, Brueoete,
Stanfield Underwear.
We are local agents tor the Stanfield Unshrinkable
Underwear. These goods are made of the finest wool, fine
ribbed, heavy and warm. They aro put through a patent
process which makes thein unshrinkable, wash them l0 you
like, and if they shrink fetch them back and we will refund
your ]Honey, Every garment is guaranteed, We also
carry a full range of Men's Heavy Fleece Lined, Scotch
Kit and Ribbed Underwear, which we are offering at re-
duced prices to clear,
-Men's Fine Heavy Flawed Shirts and Drawers, in all sizes, regular
prioe 50e, for 89a,
-Men's Pine Wool Fleeced Shirts and Drawers, good value at 75e,
for 600,
—Hoye' Fieeoe Lined Shirts and Drawers, in otll sizes, at 250, 300,
360 and 40e.
-Stanfield'e Shirts and rment.
-The balance of our Cloth and Furera at Jackets, ketande C1 2pe5 prieree,, Ruffs, Gaunt.
lets and Men's Par Coate will be sold without reoard to most to
clear, Ask to see our Astrachan Fur Jaokota, 30 inohee long,
worth 925, for 917.
°oingat REDUCED
In order to clear out the balance of our Winter Stock
we are offering at Largely Reduced Prices all lines of
,Men's Heavy Underwear and Top Shirts,
Ladies' Winter Underwear,
Boys', Misses' 4 Children's Underwear,
Men's and Boys' Heavy Cloth Caps,
.412.Heavzi .Rubbers, ISoeks and Overshoes,
And great values for the purchaser in all lines of 'Asters
and Overcoats for Men, Boys and Children.
A. Strachan.
Strictly One Price,
For February Selling.
ruary.Money saving values like While stocks of seasonablethese goodsare bein
g keptt full e and complete there us lots of business oarer t odd lines all over
the store that we want out of the way before we turn our attention to Spring goods. We tell you of a
few of them here. They are but samples of many others, just as good, that are waiting February
shoppers at this store.
0 44
Always the Lowest,
Gcod, Values in
Dress Goods.
February Drees Goods buyers will
find at ouraonntero complete assortments
of all the Fashionable D, see Materials
for Winter wear. Oar stook of heavy
weight materials for Suite or Skirts hae
been freshened up with some new arrivals
and we ere now showing some ohoioe suit
aad ekiri lengths in the popular goods.
Here area few Special Bargains for
February buyers. We want them out of
the way before the end of this month and
have made prices low enough to move
them quickly.
Good quality Blaok Crepon, riot) finish,
ba0310ome patterns, will make an tile -
gent skirt or dress and wear well -just
a few pieces left. Regular price $1,10,
What ie left now at 75o
25 yards Home Spun Suiting in Bronze
Green, regular prioe 80a, for February
Balling 490
500 yards Fancy Blaok Lu•tre, bright
new goods, Suet passed into atoak this
week, real value 50a, for February
eel ling 250
200 yards heavy pare wool Coating Drees
Serge in abodes of navy and black,
bright gloeey finish and very imitable
for skirts, regular price 80o, for Feb-
ruary selling 49e
Every day Goods.
This otore always sold the Staple
every day wanted goods at close out prieee.
It does so still and quality for quality we
can guarantee our prioee as low ea you
will get anywhere. Remember too that
we never give you a poor quality for the
sake of quoting you a low price. You
are not likely to beat these values.
Heavy Flannelette, wide width, good
quality, Net colors, in assorted fenny
stripes, for February selling 5o
Extra heavy Flannelette, fall yard wide,
firm cloth, soft finiab, fast oolors,
assorted fanny stripes, for February
aeliing 10o
20 pieoes Standard Cotton Shirlinge, all
bright new patterns for Spring, guar.
anteed. fast colors, real value 15a, for
February selling l290
10 pisoes Fancy Plaid Gingham, good
weight, feet colors, suitable for quilt
linings or children's wear, regular pride
7a, for February selling 5o
Grey Union Flannel, full width, good
weight, real value 15e, for February
selling 12ie
.Ien's Underwear.
Title ie the kind of weather a man
needs heavy Underwear. You'll not find
better Underwear values than here.
We direct particular attention to our line
of heavy Fleege Lined Shirts and
Drawere, real value 50a. We have had
an enormous sale of them but we have
too many left for this season of the
year, and for February selling they
go at 40a
Men's Odd Woolen Drawers, fanoy stripe,
fine quality, soft fioieh ; the shirts of
these lines are all Bold, that a000nnte
for the low price. Regular $1.00 and
91.15 linea for 75e
The Mantles.
More Mantle talk again this week.
Livery Mantle on the rank moat leave the
store this eeaeon. We have made up our
mind to that -not one is to be oarried
over -that's why people are buying this
season's Maottee at half prime and lees.
You can make no mistake buying
Mantles when you can get one ab primes
like these :-
Mantles at $3 00 eaoh-Ladies' Beaver
and Niggerbead Mantles, nearly all
silk lined, new garments We eeaeon
and our own importation, real 'stylish
garments that void at 95.50 and $6.50
each ; rather than take chances of
carrying one over we put the whole lot
on sale at 93,00 eaoh
New Prints.
We have opened up this week our
fell line of new Prints. Yon will find
the patterns very nioe and our prices for
this season will be the same as last
season. Prides I0o and 121e per yard.
J. Ferguson St Co.
Dry Goods and Groceries.