HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1901-2-14, Page 1Vol. 29. No. .01
W. H. KERR, Prop,
New Advertisements.
Halle for eale—A, Smith.
Important—It. L Barber.
Brussels Auditors' Revert.
Cattle for sale—Mrs, A. Colman,
Cernerae free—G. A Deadman.
'Plymouth' twine—MoKity & Co.
Farm for eale—Alexender
Vaccination Notioe—Riohard Paul.
Laxative Quinine Tablets-3as. Fox.
Readyrnade Clothing—E. 0. Dunford
& Sen.
Tjlistrict alttas.
A business ohange is mooted.
Jacob Long has purchased the Hotel
and etore property. )Ie keeps a good
Rev. D. B. McRae went to Heopeler
on Monday to attend the funeral of the
late W. Patton, Ethel. ,
Wood has been coming in very fast.
Mr. Gramm hoe upwarde of 800 oorde at
hie lime kiltie and expecte a big unman
at his lime work.
Mies M. MoDonald, of Calgary, N. W.
T., left on Tuesday last for Niagara,
New York and Newark, N. S. Ethe has a
brother and sister at the latter p aoe.
former residuals of Oranbrook,
It ie hinted that Ethel may eupply the
bride for a wedding ao..n.
Grey '11ownship Council hold te loag
session here on Monday of this .eek.
Rev. Mr. Then:leen, Mrs. Thomeou and
child, are visitors with the Laird and
Spence fomilies.
Trewbridge Temperance Soolety will
pay a visit to Ethel Division Sone of
Temperance oo Monday evening of :lent
Macau MCNICHOL DEAD.—All old
resident of thie locality to the person of
Malcolm iffeaTiohol, lot 26, oou. 4, peened
away ou Tuesday of last week. Be bad
reaohed the good old age of 82 years and
had been a resident of Grey over 40 yeare.
He woe it Highlander and had a great
love for his native land. Mrs. McNiehol
and one daughter, (Mrs. W. Chapman,
Miott.), and two sons (Deuald on the
form and Rory in Vatteouver) eurvive.
Deueasedwan a Presbyterian in religion
and a Liberal in politica. Funeral took
place on Thursday to Oranbrook, Rev,
D. 13 McRae oenducting the servioe.
Onteusny —On Friday afternoon of
last week, Wm. Patton peee'd away in
the 74th year of his age. Deceased had
been failing in health for several weeke
so that his death was not unexpecited.
Mr. Patton was a kind, inoffensive meat
and was mnoh esteemed by a large circle
of friends. He leaves a widow to whom
the sympathy of the entire oommunity ie
extended. The funeral eerviae wee held
on Sabbath afternoon at 4 o'olook by Rev.
D. B. McRae and the body was taken by
troth) to Hosteler, on Monday morning,
quite a long procession acoompenying it
to the station, Mre, JD Sproat, Frank
Keys and Rev. D, 8, IffeR te went with
Mrs, Patton to gospeler. The bearers
wt re Geo. Welah, T. M. Davies, D. Eck
mier, 0. Scrotal', Jas. Laird and Wm.
1311110 Vale.
L. W. and Mre. Rutten, of Morrie,
rendered splendid aeeietanee 'in the
maim' line at the Willing Workers Tea
at Bleevale last Friday evening.
A most able and spirited discourse was
given in the Methodiet ohnreh last Sab-
bath evening by Rev. Mr. Hall, of Wing.
ham. The pastor was attending dediee,
tory eervieee at Tiverton.
Owing to the etorm the attendances at
the Farmers' Institute meeting on Tule.
day we ansall. Good addreeeee were
elven by Meserit. Woodrow, Rennie and
Anderson and Rev. D. Rogue. Mr.
Aodersou'e address on "The ore and
profit of poultry" wee epeoially good.
• tin.
morning of this week the spirit of Joseph
Habkirk, a well knowv citizen of Blyi h,
was called away. He was only ill a few
days, a throat trouble was the cause of
death. Deceased was born in MoKillop
and was married to Margaret Johnston,
tvho, with three sone and two daughters
mauve huaband and father. Mr, Hub -
kirk was in his 64th year and had been a
hearty man. He was Secretary of the
Morris Fall Show and well acquainted
with many. Counoillor Henderson, of
Brussels, ie a nephew, and William Bab.
kirk, of Manitoba, formerly of the 10th
eon. of Grey, is a brother. The funeral
took place on Thursday afternoon at
Mine Lizzie Lynn is visiting her uncle,
Lou Eokmier.
Mise Marjorie Strachan is in the grasp
of the la grippe this week.
Amos Weber, of Liatowel, was around
looking ot sleek last Friday.
David and Miee Greoe Small, of El-
mira, areal preseut visiting the Strachan
and Taylor families.
Gideon Parkee, who has been under the
dootor'e care for some time, is able to be
out again. Be had a very severe attack
of la grippe.
Adam Roe hes returned from Moles.
worth, after spending a short time there.
He is talking of taking a situation in
Pa'mereton till about the first of May.
Socata.—A sooial, under the auspiese of
the Straohan Sabbath school, was held at
the commodious residence of Alex. For.
rest, let eon, Morrie. e,Reeitatione, diet
logues and awn& were well rendered by
the soholare. In addition to this mesio
wag furnished by L. Rattan aud Mrs. J.
D. Miller on the organ and banjo ; Bongo
by (480. Eokmier and Duman Taylor in
their 'weal pleasing style a splendid
Scotch reading was given by Walter
Innes Slid speed) by 3as. Strughan,
The chair was mot ably filled by S.
Snell, The ourppauy diepersed at an
early hoer, thanking Mr. and Mre. For•
rot for their generous hospitality.
r V, 3' •
George Horny, of Maniton, Man , ie
visiting hie COUSiD, Thos. Williamson,
14th eon.
Ronde are badly blooked by the raoent
snow storms and good eleighing 10 praoti
oily at an end nntil a good big thaw.
At the township Council last Mouday
the year% printing for 1901 Was awarded
to THE PM, it being the lowest tender.
A camber from Grey attended the
annual meeting of the Howiok Metes]
Ineuranee Go. at Gorrie on Friday of lot
P. McDougall, 8ub oon., entertained a
number of friends to an oyster unpper.
'Mre." MoDougull had everythiu,s in
apple pie order.
Thee. Williamson, 14th con„ hae a
fine 10 menthe old thoro' bred Durham'
bull. He weighs 850 pone& and will bei
sold by the proprietor.
Arno Smith, the well known Short
Here breeder, oen. 1, has disposed of one
bull, one oow and one heifer, in the past
two weeks. He hae a tine herd of 24
animals and in this lathe ie offering 4
yonng bells for sale.
Mrs, T. Pepper arrived home from
visiting her daughter at Herman on Sam
day, and Miee Maggie, who was op keep.
ing home went book on Monday.
Charles Pepper, of Grey, aceompanied
her and will work near Hensall for %year
at luttee We wieb him seepage.
Last Friday the Howiok Mettle! Insur-
ance Co. dealt with the alaim of Robt.
Hoy itt oanneotion with Mee of hie home
by fire. He was allowed $250 on the
building and $75.00 on tbe contents. Mr.
Roy will erect a two etory brick oottage,
22 x 28 and has parchaeed 22,000 briok
from a Wingham yard and is battling
them home. Harry Atwood hae the con-
tract for the atone work.
Last week a bee was made for the
parpoee of removing the hone thole at
Whitfield's church to the new site on the
Dougherty farm, 1 miles further Eau*.
Mr. Little hae the contract of moving
both church and sheds. The latter are
30x40 feet. There were 8 teams attaele•
ed to the shade:and they were taken along
on runners. The church will be moved
in the same way. With the amalgnmat.
ed congregations a strong cause will be
oeutralized. We would suggest a royal
church warming when the moving ie
We beg to announce to the
people of Brussels and sur-
rounding country that we
have added a
of 111111. Grade
To our liade-to-Order
Clothing and
Furnishing Trade,
WE have, during the many years we have been in the Cloth-
ing business, been frequently asked by our numerous
Customers to handle a good line of Readymade Clothing. We are
showing a NEW and varied collection of Garments for the
Spring & Summer Season,
The Newest Fabrics and Latest Designs for Men, Boys au d Child-
ren. Among the special features we show for the season are :—
In Blue and Bleat Worsted's and Serges.
In Grey, Brown, Green and Oxford Mixtures in Worsteds and Barges.
These goods are etriotly High Grade Clothing and are made up in three aud
four button Sank Coate with either single or double bracketed Vests and fashionable
Trousers,. A sample of these goods are on display in our Clothing window this
In Cheviots, Whipcords and Grey Tweeds.
Everybody should ne our Fancy Grey Covert ()oat with velvet collar at $10.
For Juveniles—In Vesteee and Blouses in black, blue and grey colors.
Two Piece Suits—In navy, black, grey, fawn, brown and green mixtures.
It ie our aim to bundle nothing but a NUMBER ONE LINE of Clothing,
which you will undeubtedly see we are doing when you compare our goods with
the class of Readymadee that have bean bandied in Bruesele in the past.
We have just opebed our first shiptnents of Spring Shirts end Neckwear.
Samples are on display in our Furniebing Window this week. You should uot
miss Busing our Pleated Shirt° which are the novelty of the season.
Our Groat Clearing Sale of Winter Goods
at Cost, Lasts for Two Weeks Only.
Thanking our many Customers for their Liberal Patronage
in the past and soliciting a continuance of the
same in our new premises,
niim rnD n
E. u. uunrumr & SON,
• Tailors, Clothers and Furnishers,
Better and Eggs taken the
Mime as Oath.
Duman Livingstone, 7th oom,hael3eeti
Iabd np with le grippe,
Thee. Strathan lost a valuable horse
thie week. It wee valued to fl480
Jno, 13, and Mise Sarah .sr. MoLaueh
lin attended the fueural of the late Joa.
Habkirk at Blyth on Thuraday.
We are salted to state the following ;—
In the carte of Dumenacto and Rater,
Division Court sett, DDIDISLISOII failed to
reoover damages for a colt be bed killed
by falling into a well on the premises
owing to kits neglect to keep up the fence.
ISA week James Oliver, lot 31, con. 14,
passed away, aged 84 years. He was the
father of the late Walter Oliver, who wan
a member of the township Council for
many years, The cause of death was
heart trouble. Funeral took plane on
Saturday afternoon to Cranbrook ceme-
tery from the home of Mre. Walter Oli•
ver with whom the old gentleman teeid•
ed. Rev. D. B. McRae aonduoted the
servile°. Mr. Oliver was a fine man and
was highly esteemed by all who knew
W ;al coos.
Wm. Murray is at present in Win.
Rev. A. W. Dever in laid up with
grippe this; week,
Miss Lillie Oemphell, of Brumfield, is
visiting friends in Waltonat preeent.
Organizer Allem, of Alliston,
has bean here the poet few days in the
intereet of the A, 0.U. W.
Mise Blair, who has been visiting at
the Parsonage for the past two weeks,
left for ber home on Monday,
Mile Bertha Crittenden left on Wed•
needay of last week for Toronto having
seamed a sitnetiou in Wallas:ahem
Mitts Crittenden will be much missed not
only in sooial circles but also in the
Methodiet ohuroh where she rendered
very faithful and efficient help in the
choir and aleo in the Sabbath school.
We wish her moose.
New Hem, Ormenno.—The opening of
the new A 0. U Wespablio Hall on
Tuesday bid fair to be literally enowed
ander, but in spite of the inclement
weather, e, moderate eized crowd
gathered, and enjoyed the tea got up in
the beet style of the best 000ke in the best
County in Ontario. After (nipper
John Govenlook took the chair and a
lengthy engrain was rendered of musk,
Ceoilabi ns, etc-, good speecdoes being given
by Rev. A. MeNabe'VV. H. McCracken, of
Bruesele, and Organizer Allan.
Townebip Council met last Monday.
Joseph and Mrs. Olegg were visiting at
Toronto and Guelph last week.
Dougald McDonald, who was seriously
injured by an accident, is getting along
George Hood was visiting relntivee in
Wingham for a short time daring the
petit week.
Two or three weddings are on the tapir
on the Eastern boundary of Morrie. The
dates are not remote.
Tho. Maunders is still a prisoner to
the house and will be for some time ae
great acre will be necessary owing to
lung affection.
Mies Hunter, Mr, Teolteraod Mr. At.
tridge, of Delilverton, and Mr. Moore, of
Trowbridge, have been visiting at Jae.
Sherpa's, 5th line.
Tuesday evening Mise Lizzie Kirkby,
organist in Jackeores aburoh, Bob line,
was presented with a gold watch and
chain by the oonaregation.
11 10 said Wm. Dark, of Oranbrook,
hae purchased the 29 sore farm belonging
to Mrs. Wm. Cornish and family, 1i
miles South of Brussels. The prioe paid
is said to be $1,200. Robt. Dark, who
liven there at present, will move to Brus-
sels where be hae the caretaking of the
Methodist church. He also looks after
the cemetery.
The Debating Snoiety of 8 8, No. 9,
disousged the subject "Should wom»n
vote" very etroogly on both sides. Some
very good Pt:embus were given. These
meatinge are very entertaining as well ae
beneficial.' We wig' every young per.
son in the nation to oome and take part
as all are weloome. Meetings every
Thursday night.
The monthly entertainment of
"Straohan's Sabbath school was held at
the home of A. Forreet on Wednesday,
Feb. 6th, and as the night was favorable
a goodly number atteded to listen to a
mixed program of speeches, readings,
recitations and singing. Profeseor Rat-
tan assisted iu the latter espeolally and
all would have been fully enjoyed had it
not beau for a young couple who seemed
as though they had never been in public
before and did not know how to ere.
Jan. 26, there paned away, as a result
of paralysis, one of the pioneere of Sul -
lett township, in the pereon of John
Mills, at the age of 62 years. Deceased
was born in Hemmineford townehip,
Huntingdon county, Quebec, in 1838 aud
wee one of a family of three aooa and two
danghters. In 1850 the parento, brothera
and one eieter removed to Ontario, set-
tling in MoKillop township. The elder
sieter remained a resident of Hemming -
ford, and ie still living, being the only
eurviving member of the family. About
the year 1861 deceased boneht lot 5, oon
14, Hallett, then a dense wildernees, from
the Canadian Co. He married Miee S.
A. Brigham, of Hallett, in 1866 and by
great pereeveranoe and economy they
succeeded in ' making their farm one of
the moat oomfortable homes in Hullett
townehip. Besides WS beautiful home,
deoeaeed wae Sloe the poisoner of midi.
Mortal 400 acres of land. In religion, be
was a staunch Metbodist, being steward
end class leader for many yeare, and was
always ready to give hie aseistanee and
means to further the ends of the same,
By the death of Mr. Mille the Methodist
chetah and community have lost a true
friend and helper. In polities he was
strong Coneervatiee. The funeral took
plan from hie late reeidenoe on Monday
of last week, to the Blyth Methodiet
°burets where a very appropriate and Ina
preseive nervioe was concluded by Rev.
Wm. Penhall, 'motor of the °hero's, Rs.
sided by liev, A., W. Dever, pastor of
Walton Methodist cherub, after which
interment WEIS made in the TJuion perms.
tery. To mourn his loge, doomed loves
beeides hie widow, two sone and four
daughters. The children are ; J. W., lot
10, con. 14, Hullett ; John, adjoining the
hornesteed Olre. Wm, Oke, 000. 10, Elul.
lett ; INIre. (Rev.) Keine, Pine River ; and
Mtelsea Keztait and Edith at honse. Mr.
Mille was a kind husband and a loving
father, and to the widow, ohildren, rale
tiyee and friends much eympalhy its ex-
tended in their hour of bet eavement,
The following is the report of Brussels
Publio School for the month of
January :—
R00111 I.
ENTRANOS.— Examined in Arial., Gram.,
Spell., Mem Total 500,
Nellie Irwin....459 W Zilliax 385
Stuart Suitt ..453 A Smith 384
Bessie Bone,...442 E Wilton 880
M Thompson ..440 3 Bartliff 306
0 McCracken ..440 10 Ainley 304
B Geddes298
428 111 Scott
R McKenzie ..416 W Hayoroft223
37 Busker 398 0 Mainprize ..106
W Ament 389 P Richards .... 85
M MoLaaohlin385
P. S. L —Examined in Arith., Alg.,
Lit., Gram. Total 500.
ARose 485 B Scott 818
H Gooding —.388 L Ross 308
13 IVIcKelvey....372 141 Wilson 252
E Funston 370 N McGuire 220
It Zimmer ....362 G Thomson 215
B Howe 331 F Ham ' 213
Pe. 1, Jeer LEAVINCI.—Exumined in
Arith., Lit., A.1g., Gram. Total 500.
F Armstrong —359 0 Zilliax 269
M Skene —
813 L Nicholls .248
F Buchanan 310 L H times 220
I Williams ....295 0 Richards —131
3,-31 atatenotr, Priooipal.
noon 2.
Sus THIRD.—Examined in G80., GLAM.,
Spell., Mem., Read. Total 500.
E Adams 478 J Bloomfield ..449
V Blashill 476 0 Wilbee
G Ewan
476 15 Araent
456 j Burgess 403
H Lowry 454
Sex Tarno.—Examined in Geo., Arith.,
Spell., Mem., Read. Total 500.
B Ross 448800 RWS‘ivnaiilitrin son .480737
3A/111g:strong —480 A MoQuarrie ..375
E Good • 455 F Thompson ..373
L Danford —455 A. Scott 857
J Mooney 450 L Edwards ....841
R Deadman425 IsT Forbes 332
L Turnbull....408 H Riohards275
10 Ament 405
Sue. IV.—Examined in Geo. Arith.,
Spell., Gram., Mem. Total 500.
A. MeMillan490 B Beattie 449
V Dunford ....481 C Hingston 441
471 IT MoArter ....439
BHenderson 456 R Plum 438
B Hingston —.461 P Lowry 425
M Adams 460 K McDougall ..423
0 Mooney415
459 A Lott
M Ross 453 J Thomson ....866
Mies M. L. Bnoox, Teacher.
100001 3.
In. THIRD.—Examined in Aritle, Lit.,
Geo., Gram., Diet. Total 500,
G Roes 423 A Sager 300
H. Brothers....410 J Doll
101 MoNiohol,,557 J Moore
j Wilton 328 V Barrett
W MoQuarrie ..311 J Kerr
L Sinclair 307 A. Martin
So. SECOND.—Examined in Diet., Arith.,
Geo. Lit. Total 500.
W Straohan,...412 0 13ell 280
P Baeker 407 0 Gerry 280
K Deadrnan.. ,.402 Al Jackson 277
A. Dowding ....400 W Handerson270
W Turnbull....392 10 Grigg 262
L Mmarter ....375 -Jackson NO
L 11IoCraoken —375 WRiehardson260
A Thomson —367 V MoKenzie.. —957
F Stratton —.HO A. MeMillan253
C Scott 360 S Campbell.— 253
LI Miller 354 F Campbell....249
M Brothers 350 F Scott 240
G Armstrong ..336 W Scott 236
V Wilbee 330 E Oakley
F F Miller
0 Holmes 293 F McKay
Ament 285
Ja- Snootio.—Examined in Arith., Geo.,
Lit., Dol. Total 500,
ODenbow 392 E Ewan 307
F Armstrong ..507 E Grigg 293
Ament 350 J Piobilipo
J Wilbee 336 W 13e11
S Walker 330 W MoOraokeu..
Miss M. T. Dowage, Teacher.
in BECOND.—Examined in Arith., Diet.,
and general work. Total 300.
E Good 258 I MeOutcheon..200
E Colvin 257 H Moore 191
J Wilton 255 II Barrett 153
E Wilton 207 F Mainprize , 60
Claes IV. Total 300.
300 Z Lindsay —.236
ITCIE M(wolanrMierkysiel Iran . 288 F Oakley.. .. . 234
E Wilbee.. 273 Ament 217
261 E Forsyth ,,..182
245 L Deetnan ....107
IP Scott 243 31 Ament 81
CLASS III. Total 300.
A. Rosa 300 3. Martha
F Gerry
267 M Walker
I Barclay. 260 R Roche 176
0 Jaokson —.248 R McCracken 175
3 Henderson ..247 W Ainley
236 N Ewan 148
W Lott
285 Cooper
Excellent—A. Armstrong, 17 McFad-
zean, 15 Fox, E Deadman, H. Campbell,
V Ainley. Good—'W Long, E Plum, E
Somers, Et Hetet, 0. Lowry, F. Friend-
ship, Winnie Long. Fair—J MoNiohol,
W Burton, M Edwards.
Cases I,
Excellent—Wesley Ham, George Oak.
ley, Stella Gerry, Harry Mooney. Good
—S Bargees, Itit Bargees, G Jamieson,
Mute SW Rueame, Teacher.
The 28th annual meeting of the How.
ick Mutual Fire Insurance Co,, was held
in the Town Hall, Gorrie, an Friday
afotiersoen of last weell aud wee very
largely attended by well pleased polioy
Ex•Warden Thos. Strachan was voted
to the chair and the Directors' and Audi -
tore' report for 19005000 presented. After
a few explanations, in reply to questions,
reports were accepted and adopted.
Next came the election of two Direotore
in which a keen interest was rnanifeeted.
The reeult was the reelection of the re
tiring members, Jae. Edgar and Sas.
The sorutiesers were Robt.Miller,
Stewart, ,Tno. Maguire, Jut. Gregg and
Tttoe. Lovell. Auditore were re•eleoted
in the persons of Go. Councillor Robt.
Miller and Jas. Foster for the current
The Board met immediately after the
annual meeting and re eleoted Jno. R.
Miller as President and Edward Bryan's
as Vice President.
Reports are as follows
GENTLEMEN,—The Director's have pleas-
ure in laying before you the 28th annual
report, and oongratulating the members
on the satisfactory result of the bnainese
et -animated during the past year. In
looking over the lint of losses it will be
noticed that the Company Buffered very
little from lightning or ooal oil lamps,
and considering the amount of inenranee
now (neared by oar policties the losses
for 1900 have been in amount oonsiderab•
lv be'ow the overeeie year. The Members]
have tut a rale been prompt in paying
their premintue. There are some, how•
ever, who still deny themselves the full
protection and benefice which are scoured
by the prompt payment of the rates
levied on their policies. The Company
entere upon the New Year and the New
Century with the largest amount of inse1.
epee at risk and the largest os -oh reeerve
ot any time held by the Com pliny.
The number of policies issued during
the past year was 949, and the ember
in force at the end of the year 3153, in•
miring $4,607,340, bine an increase of
198 polioiee and $284,205 00 in the
amount at risk.
The premium notes held by the Corn
palsy amount to $230,367 00, and the
amount availab'e on oaid notes to $209,-
234 35.
The Auditors' Report, with certified
statement of receipt° and expenditures]
and &Beets, is appended hereto, and we
treat will meet with your approval.
The retiring Directors are James
Edgar and James Wylie, both of whom
are eligible for re election.
All of which is respectfully enbmitted.
W. S. MOHERCHER, Silo, R. Munoon,
Gerrie, Jan 18, 1901,
To oath bal. as patient audit
Fixed payments of 1900
Fixed payments 00 1833
Fixed paymeutn prior 00 1000
Aonansments print to 1900
Other sources
85102 72
8909 69
409 59
11 10
4 80
186 05
514747 55
By loon Howard Hall, Grey, contents
of barn, eansa noknown 5 209 30
Handernen and Murphy, damage to
house and contents, spark from
chimne24 20
Allan Speir.Merrie, damage to orm-
tento of bonne. drying kindling
wood in stove 12 00
Robt Ireland, Howlok, contents of
0c1.71ling housa,spark from °him -
Day% 4tr'sanwt & Sons, Grey, bonne and
contents, explosion from the
contents, small boy setting Eire
Wm Kaufman, Wallace, barn and
Andrew 01111er, Howiok, house burn-
jamteesnut000nfofnmrinexe riihioopn
John McCreary & Son, Howiek, con-
ed, spark from ohiru,s
neceoYsv killed, 517050 5005
lightninggng115 00
, Howiok, horse killed,
lightning 80 OD
Adam Reid t, Howell:, steer killed,
Dd. Holland, Minto, steer killed. by
2 cows killed hy lightning'
Wallace. 1 bull and
1221505 505520
25 00
W. L. Printer, Eforrin, heifer killed
Jas. MoCalluan, East Wavvanosh,
horse killed by lightning
Henry Bone, Morris, waggon burned,
Ore from sawmill
DIre. Robb. Ireland, Howler, cow
Joseph Salaried, Mute, heifer kill -
killed by lightning
Geo. Snarling, Way, dwelling house
ad by lightning
and contents, spark from chilli -
John Kurgerr
ney , Wallace, damage to 250 00
JohnSmith & Son, Grey, damage
to dwelling bowie by lightning— 12 00
barn and two pip killed by
killed by lightning
52 00
John Marshall, Turnberry, steer
Edgar Stinson, Millt0, 00W killed by
Jamen Davidson, Wallace, (mit kill -
ed by lightning
Robb. Random Turnberry, hay and
oats destroyed by are from bush SO 00
Geo. 810tton, Wroxster, damage to
house from stove
Brown liros , Egremont, contents
of barn, clause unknown .... , COO 00
Theo. Ellis morrie, &intents of
dwelling' h000° cense bush Pre 30 00
D. 3'. Stewart, Waltace, damage to
01.1ffionasne by tantuluollimiting
.eitiowisIth an ton donate eau Li
Teibrairtdikeito Natioilal Patriotic Fund 10150 0000
Mutual Fire 'Underwriters Assoc(a-
tuiqoruraea assessment and liaeuse 4 00
0.7 804
Premiums returned to polio:, hold.
en 0.81 0
00=1.03310n to agents .. ... , 455 00
Investigating and adjusting claims 71 20
Printing, stationery and advertising 134 53
One thenonnil aniondars 25 00
Ventage, talegrame and express
Auditor& feet
D ireetora' fees unpaid in 1899 16 20
Directors' fees for 1900 224 70
8 earetary•Treaemor's Salary 050 00
Rent of °Mee and expenses
50 00
170 1 000
Oath hook 6 00
Rent of room for 1300001 meetings ,,, 12 01)
Travelling expenses 28 00
125 00
45 00
32 00
25 00
18 OC
15 00
40 00
40 00
10 00
Care of han for a000l 00e01100 1 00
Balance on baud ..,,,...,„, 8501. 53
804747 50
We, the undereigned 'matron of the
Howiok Mutual Pire Insurance Oont-
party, hereby certify that we have care-
fully examined the meounte and view:here
of 13Sifi company end have feund them
RODENT Mlablut, ). A lid j Oorff.
Wroxeter, Jan. 18,1901.
People We Talk About.
3D. Ronald was at Chatham thio
Feed. Downing le still under the doe.
tor's mite.
J. H. Kerney, grocer, hats been laid up
with la grippe.
Mieff Sarah Dudley rsturued to Toro t.
to laet Sturdy.
Jam Wright paid a visit to St. Mare,
Tuesday of this week.
Dr. MuKelvey, of Mom t lamest, wise
in towo for a few days.
Mies Mary Ruh,- ie home from an ex•
tended visit to Lindeay.
Mies Mabel Hayoroft bo at Loudon at-
tending the Millinery Openioga.
Mrs. Will. Ainley was visiting relatives
and frieods iu Listowel tau week.
Miss Keith, of Seaforth, is visiting
Mrs. C. H. Bartliff, Prinoess street.
Mies Lill. MeLaehlan, of Cranbrook,
spent a few days with friends in town.
Rev, Joo. Holmes is numbered in the
list of people who are fighting bad colds.
Mrs. (Rev.) Holmes has been on the
siels list with la grippe and ie still:in bed.
Harry Barthff was down town on
Tharaday for the first time since his M-
Mies Lizzie Downing and Mimi Wadden,
were visiting at Goderieh during the past
Bios Annie Yonne, of Oloosomin,
is spending a week with relativea in Mit-
Mine M. H. Ball, of Wingham, was the
emu of Mise Ethel Creighton daring
thie week.
Miss Annie Witlauffer, of Preston, was
visiting Mrs. Jno. Pugh, Flora street,
last week.
Councillor Donaldson was having a
shake rtp with the grippe but is able to
be at the shop again.
Jno. Wynn aud Mre, Wynn have been
on the sink list and A. J. Lowry and
wife were also laid up.
Dr, Tweddle'e father is quite ill at E'er.
gas. He is well advanced in life aud has
been a very hearty man.
Miss Agee° Rea, of Clinton, ie spend•
ing her millinery holidays with ber sister,
Mre. Jae. Beattie, in Brussels.
Mrs. Beattie aod eon, who have been
visiting at Williom Blashill for some
time, returned to Galt lag week.
George Roberton and Jno. Gardner, of
Olinton, and Mr. Solewanz, of Wanes's,
Pan., were visiting at Jae. Ballantyne's
daring the peat weak.
Owing to the Minus of Mies Minnie
MoNaughtou with la grippe Miss Oar•
ria 'Megaton has been offieiating ma Li-
brarian at the Public Library.
Mrs. A. Morrisou, of Huron, Michigan,
ie visiting ber father, John Roddiek, ber
sister, Mrs. Baliancene, and other rola.
tives and friends in Brussels and locality.
Miee Ivy Walker, of London, formerly
of Brussels, hae been very ill at the Lon.
don hospital for the poet three weeke
bet is improving,. Dimly now we are
pleased to hear.
Dire. Twaddle and her eiater, Miee
Maggie Wilson, who was visiting the
former, went to Toronto for a few days
last week. Miss Wilson intends 000 -
tinning her trip to Montreal where she
will visit another Mater.
Peter Dudley and Mimi Sarah were at
St. Marys attending the marriage of
their brother Ozias, and Miss Oara Gard-
ner oo Jen. 24, Rev. Mr. Edmunds
performed the ceremony at the reeidenoe
of the bride's stepfather, Henry John.
Jno. end Mrs. Soott and daughter were
visiting relatives in Wingham for a few
days before their removal to Woodstock
where they °Assume their new puffier] at
the Baptist College on Saturday of this
week. We wish them every simoese in
their new home.
Dominion Parliament Notes.
Senator MoKindsey died at 'Milton,
Ont., at 1:45 p. 01. Tuesday, aged 7).
The Department of the Interior has no
information that Mr. Ogilvie has resign-
ed hie position ae Commissioner of the
k°n's been settled that Major Reade,
of the Shropshire Regiment, ie to be.
come Commandant of the Royal Military
Oolloge, Kingstoe.
The steamers Stanley and Minto are
still stuck in the in off Piotou, N. S.,
and it is not known when Sir Louie
Davies will arrive at Ottawa.
Mr. Puttee will ask the Government
who was responsible for the seeding of
militia from Montreal to Valleyfield,
Que., in Ootober laet, the arrival of
whom precipitated a atrike by the em•
ployees of the cotton mills.
Ur. Guthrie and Mr. Maroil ass mover
and Beconder of the Address, covered
themselves with glory. The only other
speakers were Mr. Bordon,
leader of the
Oppoeition, and Sir Wilfrid Laurier.
Woudera will never oease.
The adjourned North Brnoe election
trial was begun and ended at Southamp.
to on Tuesday. Alter a few questions
had been put and answered, Chancellor
Boyd pee the following deoision 1 The
legal remit of this transaotion ie this
We deolere that Mt'. McNeil was not duly
elected and that the eleation ie void, be.
unto of the inequality of votes stmertain-
ed on scrutiny and the various irregulari.
ties which have been proved. No percept
praoticee were found, each party to stand
hie own Posts. Mr. McNeil Bays he will
not be a candidate again.
South Huron Liberals Will meet ab
Hunan on March 5th to nominate a
candidate for the Legielature,