HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1901-2-7, Page 7V1313, 7, .1901 RUSSELS ROJST BUOINEBB CAM vir-ONBY TO LOAN AT 5 Plat Dent, 8000.".0 Brass°ls / A WH. l'o0,13.ACKEN— • 010001. of Afarrlage Licensee. Of. (lee at Greeery, TunMerry Week, Brussels, .1.) N. DAKBE(1P— is • Toneoriel Artist, Shop—Next door North of the Standard Bank, bitalee' and Childrou's hair cutting a specialty, TOA.RAIS F013, SALE —1.11[1] UN- DEpOICOTED Luta several good Forme f or (Ude and to rent, 06601 4001110, in Townships 91 Morrie mud Oro y, 9 8, SO OTT,Bruneele M. MORRISON, Issuer of MarriageLicenses, WALTON, ONT. MISS JEAN M'LAUCHLIN, —TEAGFIER OF— PIANO - AND - ORGAN, azazava'ssamm,s, 01-m. ROBERT CUNNINGHAM: 13031111A00E, FIRE AND MARINF.. GUELPH. MISS SARAH LOUISE MOORE, L. 0. M., Academie gradnate of London Conserve, - tory of Masi°, also Member of the Associated Musiciana of Ontario, in prepared to receive a limited number et pupils for instruction on the piano. Qualified to prepare pupil 0 for the Principal's Form in the Conservatm of Music. Brossela, Ontario. .LkLEX. BUN TER — Clerk of the Fourth Division Court, Co. Huron; Conveyancer, Notary Public!, Land, Loan and Insurance Agent ; Auction. nen Fends invested and to loan, Collet, - thins made. 011ice in Graham's Blooli,Brue- eels, AUCTIONF.FRS. F S. SCOTT AS AN AUCTION• • Pain. will Bell for better prices, to better men, in less •time and less charges than any other Avotioneor In East Boron or he won't charge anything. Dates end orders can always be arranged at thin office or by personal application, DENTISTRY F. W. TWEDDLE, (Ponuanbr or ezmonao) DENTIST. Graduate of R. 0.11 S., Toronto ; Post Grail. nate course et Hasltel's School, Chicago, in crown and bridge work. 13 -Prices same MO in surrounding towns. SI - Office over A, 14, Smith's store, Brunetti. VETERINARY. D. WARWICK - 8 • Honor G aduaie of the Ontario Vet- erinary College, is prepared to treat all dis- eases of domesticated aninnle in a compet- ent 'manner. Parti•ular attention paid to Veterinary Dentistry. Calls promptly at- tended to. Oflloo and Infirmary—Four doors North of bridge, Tornberry at., Brunetti. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. M. SIN CLAIRs— • Barrister, Solicitor, 'Conveyancer, Notary Public, Sc. Office—S tewart'e Block 1 door North 01 0011100.1 Hotel. Solicitor for the Standard Sauk. GF. BLAIR, BARRISTER, • Solioitor, dm. 01110e over Stand- ard Bank. Solicitor for Village of Brussels. Money to Loan at lowest rates. G. CAMERON— • (Formerly of Cameron, Holt th Cameron) Barrister and Solicitor, Goderieh Ont. Office—Etuuniton street, opposite Col. borne Hotel. MEDICAL CARDS. J. A. M'NAUGHTON, D. 0., D. 31.. Trinity Univereity, Fellow Trinity Medical College, Member College of Physicians and Surgeons, Ont. Licentiate of 1136 11090.1 Col- lege of Physicians and Licentiate of Mid- wifery , Edinburgh. 'r.A-Telephone No.14, Residence—Mill street, Brussels. Importaut to Breeders aud.Horsemen, Eureka Caustic mBalsa. Veterinaiy A reliable eel edsp: °y rfor Curbs, Splints, Spavins, sweoney, • y, eta., eto.,in 1 Horse° and V, Lump Jaw sluo.(1.pnot intle. ph. TRAM nr.1011 lot 101101 accompanies every bottle, giving Salentine treatment in the various diseases." 1t can be used in every case of veterinary practice where stimulating applications and blistere are prescribed, It has no soramon. Every bottle sold is guaranteed to give satis- faction. . Price 750 per bottle, Bold by all druggists and country storekeopere. Pre. pared by Tina ELIRIIKA VETERINARY MEDICINE COMPANY, London, Ont. cLEOD'S System :Renovator —AND 016/311— TESTED REMEDIES SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE For Impure, Weak and Impoverished Blood, Dyopepeia, gleeplesanem, Palpita. tion of the Heart, Liver Oomplaint,Near- algia, Lon of iblemory, Brouohitie, Con. (emotion, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kidney and Urinary Dhows's], St. Vitue' Dane°, Female Irregularities and General De. bility, LABORATORY, GODERICH, ONT. J. M. MoDEOD, Prop. and Manufatitufer, field by Jae, Vox. Druggist, itrusteis l'"" BusinesOILttwio s' Listowel College. EQUAL. TO ANY IN ONTARIO. A thorough, eomplete practical train- ing in all bronchial of Commeroiol work, 144 Ooneidarably lees thon regular rater], Per full information apply Itooms or Poliege over Post 011iee, HARTT, LISTOW1,14. PRINCIPAL, igistrict fletv$, F.0 tett Nar 1 eh . The 0. Y. B.'e oonoert takes place on Wednesday, Peb. 13. The Building Committee of the Pres. hyterian church have had two bees draw. ing stone. Wade & Johnston have mid out their entire stook of dry gods, grooeries, eto., to George McKee, of Gorrie. B. 8, Cook lost a valuable two.yearold Riney heifer. The oanee of her death ie supposed to have been from the bunting of a blood vessel. Orlando Wade has purchased from Jae Sanderson a lot 60x159 feet juat North of hie blaokemith shop and expeets to build a dwelling thereon next Sumne r. Alex. Orr, who has been confined to hie room for nearly five weeks with rhea matiena, WOO able to get down stairs on Monday of bet week by the aid of at -etches. The three churches of the village beta a union Memorial servioe in the Meth°. diet church here on Saturday afternoon. Rem. R. I. Hooking and A. B. Dobson concluded the service, and the ohoirs of the three .311E0012es furnished appropriate otions for the omasion. all en . Rev. D. Perna 0108 101 Toronto for a few clays last week. Too. ilwarts has disposed of hio pacer, Welter K., to a man near Belleville. Mies MoQuorrie, (daughter of Rev. H. MeQuarrie) formerly of Wingham, is iu Chicago ander training 08 18 nurse. Under the auspices of the Epworth League, Trooper David Loagheed boo promised to Rive a series of addremea on hie experiences in South Africa. Mimi Macpherson met with an accident on Tuesday evening of last week. She fell on a slippery part of the sidewalk, and severely sprained oue ankle. A. meeting of the Trustees of Wingham Methodist abaroh was held at the parson age to decide on the sale of the house and lot lying East of the parsonage. W. H. Green'a ofier ($450) being the highest, wae accepted. The Lady Maccabees of Wiogbam have elected the following officers for the en. suing year : L. C., Mrs. W. Williamson ; P. L. 0., Mrs. (Dr.) Kennedy ; L. 0 , Mrs. G. Newoombe ; ohaplain, Mrs. O. Barber ; sergeant,• Mies J. McGee ; miatrese at arms, Mies H. Stewart ; sentinel, Mre. M. Beckwith : picket, Mrs. J. Kerr. The Epworth League held a very in tereeting meeting on Monday evening of last week. E. P. and Mrs. Paulin have been very native workers in the League, and as they ore about to remove to the North Weet, their fellow -workers resolv- ed that they ahould carry with them some alight token of the esteem in which they are held. After the preliminary bueine-e had been tranaaoted, Mr. Hobbs took the ohair, and asked Mr. and Dire. Paulin to come forward. Walter T. Hall read the address and Wesley Allenby uncovered a beautiful Secretary, which Mr, and Mre. Footle were asked to accepo on behalf of the League. Suitable replies were made. Wingham Mathodiete are sorry to lose these loyal workere. Dad to Conquer or Ole. "I wae just about gone" writes Mrs. Rosa Richardson, of Laurel Springe, N. C., "I bad Consumption so 1304 that the beat dootors eaid I could not live more than e month, but I began to nee Dr. King's New Dieoovery and wae wholly cured by seven bottles and um now stout and well," It's an unrivalled life saver in Consumption, Pneumonia, La Grippe and Bronchitis ; infallible for °ought!, Colds, Asthma, Hay Fever, Croup or Whooping Cough. Guaranteed bottles 50o and $1 00. Trial bottles free at G. A. Deadman's drug store. 'Geode rich. Mre. Farrow was called to Clarke last week by the serious illness of her brother. Major Beck is a member of the exeou• live committee of the new Provincial Conservative Association. J. L. Grant, Loohalsh P. 0., has been offered and has accepted the census corn- misaionerahip for Weet Huron. The Goderioh Organ Co. shipped (80140 load of organa to England last week and things are still refilling at the factory. Elswood Campaigne arrived home frow Columbia Heights aud was with bis brother during the last days of his ilness. Rev. J. W. Bodgine, of Seaforth, woe elected grand superintendent of the Huron district by the Grand Chapter of Royal Arah Maeona. J. 81. Claiborne will commenee huainees in his old stand, comer of Square and Hamilton etreet, loabout two weeks, with a complete new etook of staple and fanny dry goods. At the annual meeting of the Goderioh Kuitting Co. the old direotora were re. eleotad, the shareholdere apparently be. ing much pleased with the roey and aub- stantial statement presented by the managers. A committee of Inverness camp, S. 0. EL, is making arraugements for calebrat. ing Barns' anniversary by a dinner, whioh will no doubt be au enjoyable affair. It woe originally intended to have the oelebration on the regular night, Jan. 25th, but oireurnetanom preventing thst, the event was postponed until after the month 01 publio mourning for our late Sovereigu. The dote will be daring the first week in Maroh. The Signal very properly says :—.With all doe deference to the Canadian Courte we beg to enter a protest against the way in whioh the Weed Hamm eleotion trial ie being dragged along. Last session West Huron WOO unrepresented in the Legislature, and if the Judges oontinue 40 008 as they have been doing, it ia with• in the possibilities that there will be a similar state Of affairs in the Legislature during the legialative term of 1901, James Yates, Divieion Court (ileac, has parobased the E aterly half of the lot 011 Weat etret between the Holmes brother& office and 1). (Ant, Iowa, and hat) had the plans prepared by J. A. 4'owler for a CoMmodiette two atony L>iilliliog oempris- ing oftlae and residence, The work of ereotion will oommence early in the Spring, 151 e lit, Division oourt wee held in Industry hall on Monday. The monthly fair will be held at Myth on Tuesday next. Jno. and Mrs. Wilford were in Milton last week attending the fuoeral of an aunt. The aro lights in Blyth Presbyterian church hove been replaced by eix eleotrio chandeliers, which are a big improve. mem and light the church beautifully. John Bleak who retired from farming and moved to Blyth one year ago, has got tired of town life and purohaeed Mre. Hannah Jaakeou'a farm in Emit Wawa nonli, to which he moved. Daring the burial service of our late beloved Queen on Satorday, the Blyth Methodist and Presbyterian Murobee held a union eervioe in the Methodist March 144 10,90 a. m. Serviae was held in Trinity einicoh also. Hugh MoQearrie hoe received !mother letter from hie eon, Archie, in Routh Africa, 111 whioh be elates that he ha. been promoted from a private to a tier - gamut, and is now known ae Sergt, Amble MoQuarrie, of floward'e Canadian Scouts and 13attery., A pleasing event was the marriage of Mise Hat riet Howard, daughter of Robb. and Mrs. Howard, of Blyth, to Jamee G. Certwrighl, of Hallett, whioh wae Bolero nized in Trinity ohoroh, Blyth, on Wed- nesday, Jan. 23rd, at four o olook p. 03. The bride looked well in a toilor•made snit of blue camel hair suiting with white silk vest and carrying 18 baguet of oream roees. She was attended by Mies Annie Hamilton, of Blyth, who wore a gown of dark red cloth and oarried a boquet of eartuttions. The groomsman wae Amos Cartwright, brother of the groom, and the minister was Rev. George MoQuillin, rector of Trinity March. After the cere• mony the bridal party repaired to the home of the bride', parents and partook of the wedding aupper'From there they drove to the borne of Jas. and Mrs. Cart. wrigbt in Hallett, where a reception was given in honor of the yonng ample. A Firemait's Close Call. "I stuck to my engine, although every joint Robed and, every nerve wee racked with polo," writes C. W. Bellamy, a lo- om dive fireman, of Burlington, Iowa, wae weakand pale without any sp• petite end all run dowo. Ae I wee about to give up, I got a bottle of Eleotrio Bitters and atter taking it I felt as well ae I ever did in my life." Weak, siokly, run down people always gain new life, strength and vigor from their nee. Try them, Satiefaation guaranteed by G. A. Deadman, Prioe 50 cents. School Secretary -Treasurers IN EAST HURON INSPECTORATE. 010110. 1 John Grant Brussels 2 Alex. Stewart Cranbrook 3 Alex. Stewart Bruesels- 4 Edward Bryan Jamestown 5 Robert Pirie Trowbridge 6 Peter J. Bishop Ethel 7 Joseph Love Cranbrook 8 Wm. Strath Cranbrook 9 Alex. McKay, or Monorieff 10 Wm. Buttery Cranbrook 11 Wm. Spence Ethel 12 Wm. Woods Walton U. 4 Edwin A. McKee Moleaworth U. 3 Robert Menzies Molesworth U. 4 Andrew Peebles Atwood norms. 1 Wm. Crawford Belmore 2 George Burnett Lakelet 3 Wm. R. Johnston Clifford 4 Matthew Dane Gerrie 5 Robert Deaclaman Gorrie 6 George Henry Clifford 7 Jamee Armstrong Gorrie 8 John F. Sothern Fordwioh 9 jamas Foster Newbridge 10 Jae. W. Edgar Gorrie 11 Wm. Edgar Fordwiok 12 Moses Aldrich Newbridge 18 George Doubledee Belmore 15 Robert Wynn Huntingfield 16 George Robertson Molesworth 17 A. M. Spence, U. D Fordwich 18 John Maguire Gorrie U. 6 Andrew Barnett Kartzville U. 12 John Lane Belmore 1301.1.0T3'. 1 John Fowler Seaforth 2 Loren. Tyndall Clinton 3 John Britton Constance 4 George Rnddell Londeeboro' 5 Samuel MoOool Londesboro' 6 Joseph Taylor Harlook 7 John Brigham Blyth 8 Immo Barr Londeeboro' 9 John Fingland Auburn U. 5 John Wilson Auburn U. 10 Hugh H. Hill Londeeboro' U. 11 Robert Somers Blyth 3301=00. 1 Franoio Murphy Seaforth 2 John L. Brown geaforth 3 Frank McQuaid Beeohwood 4 Robert Beattie Seaforth 5 Thos. 3. Moylan Beachwood 6 Wm. Gen. Smith Winthrop 7 Johnston Kinney Leadbury 8 Conrad Eakart Beeoliwood 9 Wm. 14. Kneobtel Leadbury 10 Thoa, MoElroy Winthrop 12 Arch. D. Somerville Winthrop 13 John MoDonwell Seaforth 43. 2 J. 7, McKenna Dublin emmus. 1 Andrew Laidlaw Blyth 3 Robert Yuill Belgrave 4 John Mooney Brussels 5 Donald Meiklejahn Bolgrave 6 Quintin Anderson Brussels 7 Robert Warwick Wingham 8 Sainways Paul Bluevale 9 William Jaokeou Brussels 10 Wm. Jas. Johnston Bluevale 4.1. 11 R. H. Feguson Walton U. 12 Henry Young Blyth U. 3 john Armour Blyth TU=000013114 1 Samuel L. Dillipg Henson 2 Robert B. Mol= Kippen 8 Edward Paula Brumfield 4 Whitfield Crich Minton 5 Wm. Arobibald ..... ...Eginondville 6 Thos. Towneend Seaforth 7 G. S. Blaok .... Seaforth El Richard Hialts Egmondville 9 Peter aelty 10 Donald MoDelald,. ..... 011hienl1Vd '00000011111, 1 James A, Edgar., , Wroxeter 2 James A. Wpm.,Wroxeter 6, Wm, ... ............ % Wm. Mealier .Bluevale Wm, OarrothQro 6 Wm, 8. King Wingham 7 Gavin Wlleon Wingbam Wm. J, Henderson ... 0 Herbert Henning Glen Forrow 11 Thos, Netherlield Wingham TOWNS OD 011,1,0000, John0i1nlngham Clinton William Ballantyne Seaforth William Robertson Winghain Henry Torr Ranco a Rosa Thoma] Rae Blyth Brussele „ Wroxeter itucletenai Arnica Salve Hoe worldwide fume for marvelloue cures, It eurpasses any other salve, lo• tion, ointment or balm for Cuts, Como, Borne, Boils, Spree, Pelona, Ulcers, Tetter, Salt Rheum, Fever goree, Chap. ped bands, Skin Eruptione ; infallible for Piles. Only 25e at G. A. Deadman's drug store. 4 REASONS vyhy that Great Kidney Remedy, Dr. PliC131011 Backache Kidney Tablets give such Splendid Results. let. They aot gently, and eau be need by ohildren and delicate people without the harsh reaulto that usually follow the use of all other kidney medioine. 2nd. The immediate relief they give from backache, whish is realized from a,moet the first doee, is a surprise to people who have tried package after paok• age of other remedies without acoomplish• Mg equal results. 3rd. Nearly all sufferers from kidney trouble. of long duration, who have used other kidney medicines, complain of their continued nee upsetting the atom• aoh. Dr. Pitcher's Tablets do not inter. fere with digestion bot assist it. 4111. Their perfeot action on the bowels is a marked feature peculiar to theca, and not known to any other medicine. Mrs. Luoy Harvey, 97 Trinity st., Tor- onto, writes :—"Ever since childhood I have coffered more or lees with the kid- ueys and backache. Every little cold aggravated the trouble, nail of late years I have had a greet deal of tronble, being laid up at times. To stoop or lift any. thing was ono of the question. I tried everything I could think of or bear of, giving each a faithful trial, but until I got a bottle of Dr. Pitalier'e Baokaohe Kidney Tablets I got no relief. They however made a deoided effect immediate- ly, and ettange to say before the first bottle wae gone the trouble that had ex• isted for years was under control, and the seoond bottle settled it. Since then I have been in splendid shape, and shall always keep them at baud. I used them in nay daughter's ease with equally good results, and I might Say it was by no means an ordinary case, as she suffered a great deal. We certainly will never be without the Tablets, and I am glad to recommend them." Any reader of this paper can test the emeriti' of Dr. Pitcher's Backache Kidney Tablets free by enclosing two ciente poet• age for trial package to The Pitcher Tab- let Co., Toronto. Regular size 50 cents per bottle. It's Your Nerves. It's the Condition of Your Nerves that Either Makes Your Life a Round of Pleasure or a Use- less Burden. To many women life ie one round of Meknes% weakness and ill health. To attempt even the lightest household duties fatigues them. Many of the symptoms accompanying thio etate of deoline are :a feeling of tiredness on waking, faintneee, dizzineee, sinking feeling, palpitation of the heart, shortness of breath, lose of appetite, oold hands and feet, headaobe, dark circles under the eyes, pain in the book and side and all the other aaaom• paniments of a rundown and weakened constitution. All these symptoms and conditions are simply the result of a poor quality and defeotive circulation of the blood, with a waatiog away of the nerve foroes. By feeding the system with DR. WARD'S BLOOD AND NERVE PILLS You strike at the root of the disease and lay a solid foundation on which to build. Soon the weight increases, the sunken cheeks and flattened busts fill out, the eyes get bright and the thrill of renewed health and strength vibrates through the system. 50 cents per box at all druggiste', or DR, WARD Co., Toronto, Gut. For gale by G. A. Deadmaii, Brussels, Not Made In Germany. Bmissar,s, Ont., Deo. 310, 1900. J. AL MoLeod, MoLeod'a Laboratory, Goderioh, Ont. DEAS gin,—Having received great and lasting benefit from your medioine I write to express my gratitude for the restora- tion of that preaions boon, health. Seven years ago I felt my trouble coming on. It was stomach trouble, of sometime° one and aomatimea anotber.kind, goner. ally changing in name with the different physioians I aonsulted. Some said uloar- ated stomach, some cancer and others Deemed puzzled as to what wae really wrotag. I was sometimes a little better, and then again a great deal worse. This Went on for three year's, when I found I bad to do something or else I would be unable to attend to my house and tonally. About this tittle we left oar home in the country and mooed to Fargo, NOrth Dakota, where we have Mune lived. I woe treated by several dootora who had 1011111101.1406141 the name of being splendid men in tbor profeseion. Ooe of them 00110 a most suocesaliil practitioner, 0101 p uy beindll, I reoeivvd wad el his halide. In spite of care anti ;writable, however, 1 became daily Week( and 09001104, until tit length the hospital was euggeeted ae poesible aid 14 reoevery, With the hope of getting relief, no matter from what 000040,7 40130 taken there, but instead ot gettiog better got wore", aed would I believe have died, bad 1 beet' left there natal longer. I then went baok 00 rny old doctor and Was 61111 taking hie medioine when I de. aided to male over aud see my old home and friends in Canada oils. more, I arrived here 1,, Deoember, 1899, sod while still on the train for Brueeele, I Met a lady who recommended 7000 06010. dies very highly to me, I thought it could do no harm to try them. Shortly after New Year I got a bottle of your System Renovator and a bottle of Mao• Lennan'e Liniment. It was not in vain thio time for from the time I began your medioine I beget] elowly but surely to improve in weight and in strength right along, and that dreadful pain in my stomach and the vomitting which di-, tressed me eo much became a thing of the peat. I gained twenty pounds in two menthe. It is onneeeeeary to say 01 ,00, for I can truly say that I have not for years felt so well as I cio now. 1 um going baok to Dakota and I am taking some of your Renovator with me. Dome you may be spared long in life and that your remedies Inly oure more, e.a they did Ma. Ions ainoerely, 30 3 MRS. ANN= LOGAN. Sold by Jas. Fox, druggist, Brussele. Notice to Creditors. 111 persons haying claims against the es- tate of Beury Gramm, late of the Townshiii of Grey, in the 00(1019 01 Gum, carpenter, deceased, Who died on or about the 05(1, day of December, 1000, intestate, aro notified to send or deliver to A. Bunter, Brussels P. 0., agent for the Administrator of the estate, 00 00 before the 23r,1 day of March, 1901, a statement of their claims, duly verified, and after the last mentioned date the Adminis- trator will diatrIbute the assets of the estate among those entitled thereto, having regard only to Buell claims of which notice shall then have been received. And the Admin. istrator will not be limbic for the assets of the estate, or auy part thereof, to any per- son of whose claim notice shall not then have been reoolvocl. Thie notiee,,is puma]. t to the Statute in that behalf. Dated at Brussels this 3100 Jan., 1951. 29 3 A, HUNTER, Agent for Administrator. Preparr far a Good Situation by taking a Coarse 10 the CENTRAL-- atiSINE LL a A school well known from one 604 01 Can. ada to the other for its superior work. We place runny of our students in good situa- tions. Students admitted each week. Hand - acme Catalogue free. W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. ; I est.a.)-VW4t5a4"4.411.50,5r4Lunx9- 111 K • y CASH 1 c mnon s STORE, 131111-1. Stanfield Underwear. We are local agents for the Stanfield Unshrinkable Underwear. These goods are made of the finest wool, fine ribbed, heavy and warm. They aro put through a patent process which makes them unshrinkable, wash them AS you like, and if they shrink fetch them back and we will refund your money. Every garment is guaranteed. We also carry a full range of Men's Heavy Fleece Lined, Scotch Knit and Ribbed UnderWear, which we are offering at re- duced prices to clear. —Men'e Fine Heavy Flamed Shirts and Drawer's, hi all eizes, regular price 50e, for 89o. —Bien's Fine Wool Fleeced Shirts and Drawera, goo] value at 75o, for 60e. —Boys' Fleec] Lined Shirts and Drawere, in all sizes, at 25o, 30e, 35o and 40c, —Stanfield'n Shirts and Drawers at $1 and $1. 25 per garment. —The inhume of our Cloth and Fur Jackete,Caperines, Ruffs, Gannt• ' 14 lets and Men's Par Coate will be Bold without regard to ooat to o'ear, Ask to me our Astrachan Fur Jackete, 86 inches long, worth $25, for $17. SIGN OF THE HORSES' HEAD emifrortz: Eulnavret. Call and see the largest and best stock of Blankets, Robes, Sleigh Bells, Etc., in the County, which we purchased for cash direct from the manufacturers and are selling them at very close prices. In harness and Collars (Our own make) we have a complete stock made from the best material, combined with good workmanship. Also a full line of Factory Harness from the beet makers, from $7 50 up. A Choice Selection of Trunks and Bags. Repairing Neatly and Promptly attended to at Reasonable Charges. Jno. Donaldson. REMOVED TO NEW PREMISES ••• Store recently Vacated by A. I. Smith. WE ARE CLEARING OUT OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF WINTER GOODS Vefi01011.1.4= pHs. Tweed Suits Regular 013 Suits made to order for $10 75 15 1260 16 " 1376 II 18 (I 14 50 II 20 16 00 " 22 " 17 50 Ready-to-wear Illsters Ulaters regularly sold at 115 75 for 94 25 600 " 450 750 " 160 800 " 600 8 50 " 0 50 " 10 10 50 " 800 Ready-to-wear Overcoats Beaver Cloth Coats,Chesterfield style, velvet collars, in blue and black colors, regular $10 coats, sale price 117 50 Beaver Cloth Coate, Chesterfield style, velvet collars, in blue and bleak colors, worth $9, a bargain at..a7 00 B'aok and Grey, Cheviot Coats, Chester. field etyle, velvet collars, regolar 1114 and $15 mate, on sale at $11 00 Ready-to-wear Suits Blue Serge Suits, sizes 36, 37 and 38, well worth $10 for 67 50 Ready-to-wear Double Breasted Coats Heavy Tweed Coats, waterproof lined, regular $6 00 for $4 50 Heavy Tweed Coats, Italian lining, regular $6 50 for 94 75 Ready-to-wear Smocks and Overalls Bine and Grey Derry Smooks, regular 90o, now 70o Rubber lined Smoke, regular $1 50, now 9126 Overalls, regular price $1, sale prim 75o Ready-to-wear Trousers Regular $2 00 2 50 " 300 1 60 1 75 2 25 Underwear Regular 500o line of Underwear for 90 37i 0 40 75 55 1 00 75 1 25 90 1 50 1 00 Furs Only 1 Wombat Coat " • 18 " 15 " 1 Wombat Coat " 16 " 14 64 00 Fur Caps for $8 00 2 50 end $2 75 Caps for 2 00 2 00 Caps for 1 50 Hats and Caps, Shirts, Gloves, Woollen Mitts, &c., All at Cost Price. These goods must be all cleared inside of the next three weeks as we are adding a High Grade class of Readymade Clothing. THESE ARE GENUINE BARGAINS, Terms Strictly Cash while Sale lasts. E. C. Dunford & Son, Tailors, Clothiers and Furnishers.