HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1901-2-7, Page 3„r{ . Vol, 29. No. 20 BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1901 W,H.KERR.,Prop, New Advertisements. Local—G, E: !ling, Last week—D, O. Roes, Bankrupt -L, L. Barber. 1650—Miee M, Oamabel . §1650—Mies Bitters--W. J. Blair. Farms for sale—Thomas Gundry. Foo February—J, Ferguson et Co. Not made in Germany—J, M. McLeod, 'W al Cole. Farmers' Institute supplementary meetings will be held here on Thursday afternoon and evening of next week. Addreeeee are expeotsd trona T. MoMil• Ian, T. Straohan, 8. Rennie, of Milliken, and D. C. Andereon, of Rugby. A, 0. U. W. ELM, OPENING —The effi• Dere and members of Weltou Lodge, No, 305, A. 0. U. W., purpose holding a pub. lia opening of their new Hail on 'Tuesday, Feb. 12th, 1901. An excellent program, oonsieting of vont and instrumental music, readings, recitations and ad• dreeee4, will be given. Tea served from 6 to 8 o'clock. Admi,eion 25 dente. A. welaume ex ended to all. Geo. Ferguson, R. 8 Ohae. Ritchie, M. W. "God Save the King." ft ts W. Patton is very poorly. Township Council will be held hese next Monday. Miee Mary A. Sitmelon is visiting friends in Atwood thie week. 8. 8. Cole has bought Simon Granl'e farm ou the 5ub of Grey containing 100 acres. Aaron Penabaker, of Hespelor, came on Tuesday of this we -k to see Mr. Patton who is so seriously id. Our Poetmaeter was evidently the only person here who obeyed the proclamation of the Licnt.-Governor to observe Satur- day ea a holiday. Principal D.nbeou has been real ill daring the past ween with a swelling in hie neck. Mian L Hatt ie teaching in hie department of the Poblio School. Owing to the illness of Geo. Dobson the Reeve appointed W. Work as town- ship Auditor in bia place so that the report would be ready for the Ooutwit meeting next Monday. Quarterly service ;vac held in the Methodiet church here last Sabbath. Bev. H. E Curry gave ao excellent die - nurse in the morning and the pulpit was oocnpied in the evening by Robt. McKay. A Goon Loan.—One day taut week Wm, Paweon hauled, with S. S. Cole's team, a load of bard maple that weighed 8 tons, 630 lbs. and measured 1729 feet. This load was hauled 4 miles and the team weigbe 2,490 Ibe. Who oau beat this with a team the same weight 7 Something ought to be done to prevent come of the young men from "showing off' their fastdrivere on Sunday eveniuge after church. Several persons have had very narrow escapes lately from these reokieea drivers, Quite a number of the older people of the village du not go to church an the evenioge on aaeonnt of thie danger. "It ie time for a change," The Farmers' lnetitute will bold a meeting in the Hall here on Wednesday afternoon and evening of next week, commencing at 1,30 and 7,80 p. m, In addition to President McMillan addreeees will be given by. A. Gardiner, Leadbury, "Care of manure and how to apply it ; S Rennie, "potation of orope and Fall cultivation ;" D, Q. Audereou, "Breeding and feeding hogs for market." At the evening meeting, "Our country, past and present," and How to pay off a mort- gage,"will be the topica. Musical eel- eottene will also be added and everybody should attend. BcaooL RErowr.—Report of Ethel Pub- lic School for the month of Jauuary;— Sr. Department—Jr, 8rd olaaa—Wilfrid McAllister, Willie Badgtey, Elsie David• son, Lizzie McLeod, Geo. Wanner, Athol McDonald, Geo, Dunbar, Willie Brown, Cecil Lindeay, Arthur Henry, Russell Dilworth, Mildred Fogel, Mary Pearson. Sr. 3rd clan—Ella Haneuld, Eva ()ober, Mina Elliott, Olive Raynard, Grover Gill, Stanley Dunbar, Leslie Fogel, Emma Kerr. 4tholase—Welland Ma. Donald, Geo. Eokmier, Mamie MoA'lie• ter, Eva McAlister, Eva Cole, Henry Querrio, Willie Lindeay, Oliver Lindeay, Lily Simpson, Dick Davies, Willie Coates, Gordon Imlay, Mabel Coates, Bratty Mason, Khania Bateman. Gno, Doneoa, Teacher. Junior Department—Jr. 1— R. Wilbee, J. Cooper, W. Eokmier, J. Ho-atb, V. Pearson. Sr. I-0. Haneuld, A. Cooper, V. McLeod, H. Eokmier, R. Dunbar, R. Balmier, R. Fraaer, L. Hcory, G. Badgtey, J. Pearson, A. Feet. ob.r, W. Barr. Part II -1'. Ionlay, N. MoAllieter, J. McCallum, L. Cooper, P. Bremner, C. Davidson, G. MoAllieter, E, Caber. Jr. II—M. Stemmata, E. Eok• mier, D. Wanner, 7. Sharpe, M. Cameron, W. Pearson, E. Mitohell, B. MoLeod. Sr. II—L. Chambers, M. Imlay, N. Simpson, 'It, MoAllieter, H. Coates, B. Dakmier, H. Wilbee, J: Hogarth, E. Freeman, '1'. ()ober, L. Eoltmier, M. Mo. Oallum, M. Thompson, 0. Cameron. MIss M. 0. CALDER, Teacher, Gorr.• A load of young people attendrd the carnival at Wroxeter on Tuesday evening. They were quite an advertiee- meet society. The bank manngere are fitting np the premiaee leased in the Vidette block and will soon be ready for bustnees. It is a branch of the Bank of Hamilton. The usual oars of stock were shipped from our station this week and oleo a oar of grain. During the past year 135 oars of stook were shipped from Gorrie. Geo. McKee hes resigned hie poeitiou as Principal of the Public School and will engage in mercantile Matinees in Fordwioh, having bought out Wade & Johnston. W. E. Binning, Architect of Listowel, was to town ou Thursday fn oonneotion with our new eahool whish is not yet ready for oeonpanoy though the time for completion le long pant. J. R. Williams, one of our enterprising bueiueee men, is enuring a lot et drat• elan Ceder to be manufactured et hie mill in the Spring. It oeoepiee a rather prominent plane on several of our leading streets, they can eoaroely now be called thoroughfares. Ourhockey team went to Wroxeter on 'Thursday evening of last weak, on the invitation of the team of that burg, bet after arriving there they could no' induae the home team to put up a game, not even by paying for the rink and a copper thrown into - the bargain. James Tough, of Edmonton, Alberta, wee visiting last weelt with Jae. Arm• strong, V. 8., an old school mate. It ie nine years since 51r. T, went West and it appears to have agreed with him. He epeaka well of that part of our Dominion ea a mixed farming country and saya blizzards are unknown to that locality. .`vl n a 5' tea Jae. Ruaeell, wife and eon were laid up with the grippe. Township Council will be held next Monday et the Hall. Tandem were opened on Friday for repairing 8. S. No. 3. Wm., sou of Thos. Miller, has bad a shake up with la grippe. A. Cole was an the sick list a few days last week with a bad cold. David Eaeem has been under the dootor'e Dare with pneumonia. Clegg & Armstrong shipped a oar of hogs from Sulgrave on Tuesday. James Cook is home again. Be took sick at Sudbury and had to come home. Thos. and Mrs. Brandon3rd line, Toronto visited friends in and other places, Annual meeting of Balgrave Oheeea faotory at Boigrave on 19th Feb. at 2 o'olook p. m. George Pea000k, let coo., will have etone stabling put under hue barn and make other improvements. Big wedding next Monday at, Blyth. The 7th line is interested ae both the bride and one groom live there. Geo. Grigg, of Walton, was in Clinton Ian week visiting hie brother, W. Grigg, who ie reouvering from a severe illness. Tbere was no preaohing service in the Sunshine Methodist church last Sabbath owing to the quarterly oomrnunion held at Balgrave, Edward Armstrong, 6th line, is getting out a nice lot of fire wood again thie Winter. He hoe disposed of most of last year's wood. Olark Brae., are cutting wood for Jae. Smillie, 6th line. Mr. Smillie ie here from Herman, and is getting out some loge and wood. Mrs, Love died at the home of her eon, Wm., 7'h line, on Friday morning of last week, and was baried on Saturday at Oliuton cemetery. Last Tuesday A. G. Eason sold 8 hogs, 5a mouths old, that weighed 1450 pounds. He received 083 35 for the bunch. They were Teirnworth-Cbeeter breed. Alex. Oloakey, 5th line, will build a new home next Summer. Wm. Arm. strong, of the same line, will raise his baro and put atone stabling under it. t- BA K UPT ,.„,. Having bought the Bankrupt Stock of M. R. Campbell, called the "Scotch Warehouse," at a rate on the S, I am now busy marking everything in Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes, Crockery, &c., down from for- mer regular prices to "6111R Real . Genuine Bankrupt Sale Prices. We are here to turn this New Staple Stock of G-oods into CASH as quickly as possible and the sooner you come the better Choice you will have. You will Saye 25 CCM 011 EVM Dour YOU_ SPEND AT THIS SALE. C7P�1V- w.1 w'" FRIDAY MORNING, FEB. 8TH. Gxoceries will be Sold, at Ifegular Prices. Produce taken in Exchange. L. L. BARBER. Daniel Meikfejohn has eoldJtie 100 Gore fermi Sth line, and eivea up passed - Siert on March 20. Mr, Meiklej•ihn may go Went bet will in any iveut rake a rest to improve hie health, Q. Armstrong, Oth line, sold 12 aoree of timber en hi& farm, 6.b liue, to Elam Livingstone, of Blyth. A number of men great work now (letting loge and hauling them to the mill, • James '1'. Dnuoun' enooeeefully passed the Normal School examinations at Gal gory, N. W, T., and le now a fully fledged pedagogue ready for the beet school going. He ie a sou of James Duncan, 4th line, Morrie. Fred. Whittingham, of Edgley, N. W. T„ a former teacher to Morrie 20 years ago, was here for a few days renewing old friendships. He has done well in the West and uwne a large farm of several hundred acres. Last week Wilt. McCall, who has been holidaying here with relatives, returned to Ohatbam where he purposes taking up the study of pharmacy iu hie brother'e drug store. He ie a bright youth and will no doubt be well ooeohed by A. I. Wednesday evening of Met week a party of young people from the 3rd and 0th none, of Grey, visited the home of Juo. R. Bell, 8th line and spent an en- joyable time iu vocal and iuetrumental maeio, social abet and danoing. Supper was eerved iu Mrs. Bell's best style about midnight. One of Grey 3rd line boye attended Johnston's church last" Sunday evening, and as walking was good he left hie horse in one of the.etablee aloes by and mecum periled hie young lady from church. We think it would look better to walk in a "row" then in the oentre of the road eepeaially when the anew ie deep. The storm of the past few days has made the roads very heavy. No wonder the roads are badly blocked in many planes when we consider the road is only 3 to 3,i rode wide instead of 4 rode. We hope to see every fence in Morrie pot in its proper plane thie year. This is some- thing that our Oonnail should be interest- ed in. HYMENEAL. — Wednesday, Jan. 30th, caw the matrimonial bow tied between Wm, Mooney, of Brnesele, and Miee Maggie Hanna, at the residence of the b ide's father, Hugh Hanna, 6th line, Rev. Mr. Brown, of Balgrave, being the uffiaieting minister. Mies Naomi Hanna was the bridesmaid and David Smith the groomsman. The ladies wore benoming costumes of slate colored ladiee' cloth. May joy be with them in their home in Brussels. 8 roe.. A. Hislop, M. P. P., ie attending the Legielatere at Toronto. Grey Council next Monday, not Tuee• day as stated last week. H. and Mre. Barth, of Morriston, 000., are the guests of Can. Rozell and family. Robt. Close and Mre. Close w«re re- newing old friendships et Belgrave last week. It is said Robt. McAllister, lot eon., may erect a new residence next Sum' mer. Hugh Stewart's auotion sale takes plane next Thursday afternoon on lot 6, con. 15. He moves to Walkerton eo sale fe without reserve. Will. Menary and Wet. McKay, 9th con., out, eplit and piled 5 cords of 20 inch hardwood in five bourn. They Bay (hie can be done faster if required. abort time A o e coo Louie Hollinger10th con., gave his left knee a bangwith a caw log in Ament'e mill yard, Brunets, and has been unable to walk without limping since. Mre. Geo. Chambare, of Harrieton, who has been the guest of her parents, E. end Mre. Jacklin, tad con., for the past three weeks, left Monday to visit friends in London and 8t. Thomae. Oliphant Smith, 5th oon., who had his right arm and band injured by coming in oontaot with a grain crusher, ie still no• able to do any heavy work with it but we hope he will Boon be o. k. . Last Friday evening a very pleasant time was spent at the home of E. Jaoklin, 2nd con., when a Large number of young people amused themselves in games, mnsta and dancing till the wee oma' 'oars. Jas. Simeon has 84,000 brick hauled ready for the erection of his two story reaidenoe. Jno. and Jae. Strachan are also getting everything ready for the im provements to their barna, mentioned before. Last week Oliver Turnbull disposed of his thoro' bred bull, advertised in Tan Pon, to Thos. Archibald, of McKillop, et a good price. Mr. Archibald has also purchased two thoro' bred heifers from Mr, Turnbull's herd. Omou.uv.—Word was received by Mre. John Straaban of the death of her eldest slater, Mre. D. Onrrte, of Orinen, of Elgin Go., after a lingering illoees, borne with Ohrietian fortitude. She leaves n family of four eons (Rev. D. Carrie, M. A., of Peterboro' ; Rev. H. Currie, B. A., of Thedford ; and two in Orinan) and two daughters (Mre. Stalker and Miee Ourrie) to mourn the lose of an atfeolion• ate mother. Demand was a eieter to Rev, A. McLean, of Blyth. HYorsaoao.—•The Yorkton Enterprise, t N W. T.,of Jan. 17th,speaks of Mies Jennie itohell a former resident of be 12th oou., and a grand•dengbter of Jae. Mitchell, ae follows :—"On Wednesday, Jan. 9th, a quiet wedding took plane at the residence of Mr. Forest, Elgin Ave., Winnipeg, when Alex. Simpson, of Wal. lace, was united in bonds of wedlock to Miee Jennie Mitohell, formerly of tbie place. The knot was tied by Rev. 0. W. White. The groom was supported by Jamea Hamilton, who is well known in Yorkton, while Mies Forest aeeieted the bride. The young ooaple arrived home on Saturday's expreee, and partook of a bonnteone supper which was prepared for them et the home of Wm. Simpson, father of the groom. They left on Tees day for Wallace where they will take np their reaidenoe." Mre. Simpson went to the West Borne four years ago and taagltt school e 0o with great nooses. Her many anti friends here wish her end her husband many happy, proeperans years. Jno. and Mre, Wright have returned to Brueee'a after spending come time with the former's mother; Mrs, Thos. Wright. W. Bennett and family removed to Gorrie ou Tuesday. Hie old friends on the let wish him and hie family health and happiness. He bought a property iu Gorda. Old Mre. Grainger and Mrs. P. Patrick, Boundary, have been quite poorly and as the former is post 80 years 01 ago and the latter 95 are not able to fight off ailments ae in former years, Peter McArthur, Oth ocn., had a very enjoyable trip to Naw York pity en -I locality not long since, visiting relic see and friends. He has eome very paato,nt reminieoencee of what he caw and he ,rd. Barton Porsomxo.--Lae( week O • rge Coornbee picked a thistle out of nus of hie fingers with a pin and as a result blood poisoning Betio and he hue beau under the dootor'e care with a very pain. fel hand, We hope he will aeon be es well as ever. It was a olose cull he hid, The Epworth Lea,ne of Roe's church intend ho'ding an entertainment in their ohuroh on Friday evening, Feb. 15. A Rood program 10 being prepared in which W. H. Kerr, Brno -els ; Mr. Leppard, Molesworth ; Mies Spence and Mr. La- mont, Ethel ; Miee Taylor and Mr. Mo. Kay, Grey ; and others will take part. Program oommenoee at 8 o'clock, Ad- mission 10 cense. WEDDING BELLS —The 10th 000 Dame in for a new resident on Wednesday of last week when Chas, MoQuarrie, a well known young farmer, brought borne hie bride in the person of Miee Elle, estim- able daughter of Wm. McCall, 7th lino, Morrie. Rev. A. McLane performed the ceremony at the manee in Blyth. A re- ception was held for the young (ample at the bride's parents after which they drove to their own home. Mr. and Mre. Mc- Qoarrie oommence hou•e keeping under favorable auspices and with the good wiehee of a large oirole of relatives and friends. Tao Pon throws an editorial slipper after them. A very enjoyable time wee spent at the eooial given by the Ladies' Aid of Brnesele Methodist church at the con• modione reeidenoe of James Armstrong, 10th con., on Tuesday evening. It was not a night to coax many people out and the roads were very heavy with snow, nevertheleee those who attended pnt in a good time. There was a short program coneietiog of vocal and .instrumental music; gremopbone selections and a de- bate, with orolsinnle, proverbs, lvnoh, apples, eooial chat, are., thrown in. Mr. rind Mrs. 'Armstrong well deeerved the hearty vote of thauke a000rded them for their hnepitality. Proceeds amounted to over $0 00. WEDDING Bn.LLs.—A very pretty wed- ding took plane at the home of Hugh Mo - Kay, Logan township, on Wednesday, Jan. 30, at 6 p. rn , when his (bird daurb. ter, Miss Penny A., was united fn holy matrimony to John Howard, an indne. trioue young farmer of the 14th non. of Grey. The nuptial knot was tied by Rev. Mr. Abery, of Monktou. The house wee prettily decorated with evergreens. One particular feature was the arch which was beautifully decorated with ribbon, tissue paper roses and drape4 and lighted with wax candles. The bride looked charming being attired in cream oasts. mere trimmed witb lane and ribb.,n and wore a beaotifnl wreath of orange bloc. some in bar hair and aoroes the front of her dries, She was given away by her father in theP resence of ab oat 135 im. mediate relatives and friends. The nom pany repaired to the table where the good things were to be had and everything was bounteous and tastefully arranged. The table was brilliantly lighted with wax dandles. Mr. and Mrs. Howard were the recipients of many beantifal and costly presents showing the high esteem in which they are held by all. The evening was spent in games, music and danoing. Violin selections were given by R J. Hale, of Dawn township, A. W. McKay, Oth con. of Grey, Mo. Const Bros., Thos. and Samuel, of Elma, and Thos. Williamson and Ray Mo• Nanaht, of Grey, The company depart- ed abnaa ha t past four in the morning wishing the young couple a long and happy journey through life. A hearty vote of thanks was paeaed to the genial host and hostess. Mr. and Mre. Howard moved to their home the following day which is on the old homestead, 14th con. of Grey, where tbey commence married life under anepiaione oirnametanoee. Tax Pon joins with their many friends in the good wiebes for their prosperity. �. rant, Toole. Mre. Cameron, sr., who has been quite poorly in health, is improving we are planed to state. George Sperling is making preparations to build a new reaidenoe to place of the one destroyed by Bre last Summer. We welcome D McQaarrle and family to our village as residents. Their farm is now in abeege of Chas. MoQuarrie. Fred. Ennie returned on Thursday, of last week, from Stratford after an en. joyable visit with relatives and frieude. Tuesday, 19th inst., ie the date of Geo. Gramm's auotion sale. Hie farm is lot 18, con. 12. F. S. Scottie the auotioneer Miee M. Ritchie, Miee Long and Mise Coughlin i n were visitingat thehome of Mies Coughlin in Molesworth on Satur• day. Miee Jean Calder left on friday for Detroit where she has entered the train. ing school for nurses. We wish her stt00ees. Miee Marion McDonald, of Calgary, was visiting at A. Raymaun'e for the past week. She prtrposee tatting a trip to Elegem and Naw York before return. ing to Calgary. Lour,— On or about Jan. 81, a young man wearing a black ttmu and driving a blank horse. Any information will be thankfully received. Tom MoRae left on Wednesday for Stratford where he will attend the Col- legiate Institute. The good wiehee of many friends go with him. A tip top 2 year old filly was perches - ed by Jno. Carnoohao recently from J. J, Gorealitz, the price being 0126 00, Both gentlemen live East of Craubroolt, The Towuehip auditors were here thio week auditing the'Preaittrer's bootie and found them all o. k. A number of Cranbrooltitee took in the South African war lecture at Btuneele Wednesday evening of twat week. Geo. 0. Raywaun, who was borne fur a short holiday, returned to Detroit again on Tuesday last. He tithe of going to Idaho iu the Spring to engage to eheep ranching. The farm of Wnt. Dark, near Oran• hrook, has been p trobaeed by John Dun. cause!), who has been tarmiug the Porter 100 acres. Price said to be $2,800. He gets possession next Spring. Mr, Dark will probably oontinge to reeide in this section, we bops eo at least. O. 0. F.—Court Woodbine, No. 100, C. 0. 11'., at their last meetine in Jan., M- etalled the following oftiiere :—Chas. MoQuarrie, 0. R. ; Wm. NoNair, P. 0. R. ; Allan Lamont, V. 0. B. ; Allan Cameron, Chap, ; A. McDonald, R. B. ; A. Hayman, F. 8. ; Wm. Gurdou, 8. W. ; J. S. Houston, J. W. ; Daniel Stein, 8. B. ; Wm. Heuther, J. 13. ; Jno. Forrest, Trees. , .lames Cameron, C. D. ; Dr. J. A. MoNaugltton, Physioien. The court also had one initiation after which the members had the pleasure of having an oyster sapper. A good time was spent. A few ladies were in attendance to help with the supper and added muoln plea sure to the evening. The sou attendant brethern do not know whet they mise by being absent from Const meetings. W roxe Ler. Thos. Sage ie on the sick list. Albert Paulin's children have been on the sick list. Mrs. Thos. Appleby is on the sick list with a cold. Mise Match, of Gorrie, is at present the guest of her brother. Jas. Paulin is improving and is able to sit up for a short while. • S. 13. MoKelvie and Mr. Raise were in Gorrie on business on Tuesday. James Forsyth ie about the same yet, not able to follow hie occupation. Mies Eoa May Brethauer ie on the sick list this week but is getting better. Mre. 0. V. Lake ie on the sick list and under the dootor's Dare with la grippe. Onto.—We are sorry to ohroniole the demise of Mre. Sohn Gibson, daughter of Joseph Cowan, who departed this life on Tuesday after a week's illness. Mr. Gib - eon and Mr. Gowan and family have the sympathy of the community in their bereavement. The funeral took place on Thursday afternoon. One little boy is left without a loving mother. Mr. Gib- son ie a nephew of the late Thos. Gibson, who was buried on Saturday. The Quarterly Board of the Wroxeter oirouit met at the Salem Methodist church last Monday. Members present were : Messrs. Hazelwood, Bann, Hemp hill, Copeland, Bolt, Weir, Hall, Kitchen, Hennings, Higgins and Brethauer. Jno. Bray and T. Hemphill were appointed on Executive on Sunday School Managing Committee at Wroxeter. Rev. 0. V. Lake received a unanimous invitation: to remain another year. Owing to ill health he did not definitely promise but thanked the Board for their invitation. 77-103, GIBSON, EX -M. P. P. A Pioneer Settler and Legislator Paeuea AM/W. Thos. Gibson, ex -M. P. P. for East Huron,his residence "Maitland Terrace" at " Wroxeter, on Wednesday night of last week, at the age of 76 years. Mr. Gibso't wae first elected to the legislature on March 21st, 1871, and retained hie seat until the last general election in 1898, a period of 27 years. At the time of his retirement he occupied a place in the House continuously longer than any other member. Born in Greenlaw, Bar. wiokehire, Scotland, and emigrating in 1853, firet to the United States and short. ly afterwards to Upper Canada, Mr. Gib- son settled with several of his brothers at Wroxeter, in the County of Huron, in 1867, when that part of the province, now a fine farming district, wae almost no broken bush. Hie strong common sense and intelligent grasp of public affairs brought him early to the front. He was one of the first reeves of the township of Howiok, and at confederation was selected as the Reform candidate for the North riding of Huron, but was beaten by a narrow majority by the late W. T. Hays. In 1871 he was returned to the House, Mr. Hays again being his opponent, and after one or two snbse• quent elections his hold on the riding was never seriously challenged. Mr. Gibson was in many respects a typical border Scotobman. Logical and eagacfous, his advice on questions of polioy and administration was esteemed by the auooeseive Liberal Governments whom he supported, and no oue received greater attention when addressing the legislature, espooially on questions of finance, in the discussion of which his long and intimate acquaintance with the course of proviuoial politioe gave him un• anal advantages. He was a member of the Presbyterian church and a lifelong total abstainer. He leaves a widow and one daughter, Mr. Gibeon's health was unsatisfactory for severed years before hie death, but a severe ve a attack ofriPP was ae g the immediate a ease of hie demise. The funeral on Saturday afternoon was largely attended. Rev. Mr. Anderson, pastor of the deceased, concluded an ap- propriate eervioe in which he gave a brief hietorioal sketch of Mr. Gibson's life. Rev. Mr. Lake, Methodist minister, as. sided in the service. The pall bearers were Joo. R Miller, Jae. Wyllie, Thos. Strachan, Geo, Fortune, Thos. Inglis and Jae. Edgar. Among those who were present from a distance were T. W. and Jno. Gibson, Toronto; N. H. Young, Blyth ; Robt, Gibeou, Klinebatg ; Jae. McMullen, ex.M. P., Mount Forest ; Dr. Sloan and S. Brown, Toronto ; D. M. Walker, Niagara ; Mr. Sperling, A. II. Musgrove, Winghem ;,A. Hislop, M. 1'. P. ; Robert Soot, Minto ; John Soot(, Clifford Banker Gray, Mr. Mo. Murchie and Mr, Meiklejohn, Harrieton ; M. Hazlewood, Clifford ; Reeve Turnbull, W. Brown, A, Turnbull, D. Taylor, Jae. Straohan, Alex. MoDooald, M. Lamont, A. Stewart, E, Bryan, Grey ; Joe, Smillie, Morrie ; F. 8, and P. Scott, Barriatore Sinclair and Blair, Jae, Fox and Geo, Robb, Brussels, and many others who paid their last tribute of respect to a most worthy man. Mra, and Miss Gib eon will oontinue to make their home at Wroxeter, the latter being one of the public school teaohere. The Toronto Globo referred to the de ceased editorially on Saturday ae fu1• lows :—"Thomas Gibson, who died at Wroxeter the other day, was one of those typical Sootohmen who helped to 0011• vert Western Ontario from a forest into a fine farming country, and to give 11 a reputation for sturdy Liberalism. He settled in Huron in 1867, and was noon marked out ae a man of public spirit and capacity. He was one of the first Reaves of Howiok, and was a member of the Ontario Legislature from 1871 to 1898. Here his strong, logical mind and Inci downright fashion' of speaking soon gain• ed the ear of the House, He was always listened to with attention, as a man who was sure to say somebhiag that was vale able, espeoially OD queebiuna of finance, with which he wee specially familiar. Hie Liberalism was ea broad ae it wae strong, and he never lost hie iutereet in Britishpolitica, with which he kept him• self well acquainted. Hooke, especially on economic and social queetione, one. pied a large part of his leisure time. Al- though Mr. Gibson had reached a ripe old age, hie death will cause deep regret in a large oirole of friends. The old chamber of the Legislative Assembly of Ontario was historic ground, and some remarkable men have figured in the bat. tlee that have taken place there—Sand- field Macdonald, Blake, Mackenzie, M. 0. Oameron, Mowat, Fraser, Pardee, Hardy, Meredith, are names that remain in the memory of all who have been 14- terested fn the politics of Ontario." Brussels Council. The mootbly meeting of the Village Commit was held Monday evening. Reeve Ross in the chair and Councillors Hendereun, Wilton, Gerry and Donald• sou in their plane. Minutes of last meeting read and pace. ed. Acoounte were read as fellows ;— W. Dunoaueon, woud for Town Hall $20 00 W. Denbow, street euuw plowing1 00 P. Amens, lumber, dog tax refund 2 70 R. Williema, livery Jackson re- aeptiou 1 00 Municipal World, 0 copies 6 00 Altx. MoLaucheio, salary 20 00 Rev. R. Paul, postage, &o., Board of Health 1 00 Moved by S. Wilton, seconded by R. Hendersou, that the nbuoe accounts be paid.—Oarried. Rev. R. Paul, Chairman of the Board of Sealtb, presented the annual report, which was as follows :— To the Muoioipal Council, Brussels : GENTLEOOENj I have the honor to pre Bent to you the report of the Board of Health for year 1900. Meetings of the Board of Health were head whenever it was found necessary. The Inepeotor was very careful in warning all parties to Olean up their yards, water closets, &o., and then seeing that it was properly done. And further he was always ready 10 do anything be was rtquseted to at- tend to. We have not had any epeoial trouble daring the year in getting parties to oarry out the law relating to Public Health. The only matters demanding special etteution were a well and some pereooa wanting to rule the Board of Health. During the year there have beau a number of oases of typhoid fever, though it le a matter for thankfulness, only one death bus resulted from it. However the Council and the Board of Health should nae the utmost care io re- lation to all diseaee.4.that are communica- ble end keep our Village in the highest state of health possible. Now I have three or four suggeetione to make. let, That all parties, where it is not already done, be urged to provide boxes for the water closets ae they are beat every way. 2nd, That in appointing members on the Board of Health to appoint men who are willing to work and ere not afraid to do their duty. 3rd, That all medical men report all cased of infectious dieeaees to the Board of Health and where necessary let the Board put np cards, tbue freeing the attending phy. etoian from any troub,e with the family where dieease is found and by whom he is celled. All of which is respectfully submitted RlooAnD PAM, Ch Unman of the Board of Health. Brussels, Jan. 12th, 1901. The report was adopted on motion of N. F. Gerry and duo. Donaldson. Postmaster Farrow, as Treasurer of the Public Library Board, asked for the aupaal grant of 075. It was moved by S. Wilton, esooud,d by N. F. Gerry, that a grant be made of $75.—Carried. Moved by 8. Wilton, seconded by Jno. Donaldson, that the following taxi& be remitted : Jane Hall, $4.41 ; Mre, Aid. ridge, 07 97 ; Geo. Rogers, $1 ; Mtee .A very, 08 92 ; and that the Collector he granted two weeps longer to complete r ll.— erste 0 0 d. The tender for the year's printing was awarded 10 THE POST OD motion of 5, Wilton, seconded by N. F. Gerry. Barrister Blair wae inatruoted to fore• close mortgage of $600 held by corpor- ation on Adam Siuolair'e farm property ib Grey township as the iutereet ie not being met, on motion of R. Henderson and B. Wilton. The Auditor&' report wan presented by W. H. McCracken and was read by the Clerk. Moved by Juo. Donaldson, seconded by N. F. Gerry, that the same be adopted and the statement published in Tam Poem. Treaeurer Steacban'eeatery of .,$50 00 Colleotot Oreighton's " .,,46 00 Auditor Kirke •.,, 6 00 " MOCraokeu'e " 6 00 On motion of N. 1.!. Gerry and It, Hee. dereon above 000000te were ordered to be , paid. Connoil than adjourned,