HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1901-1-31, Page 10G EAT QUEEN'S LI H S U S PO sketchy story ry Gf thwi e" 4oug)42 find. Cokla y vVo anako Oougl Balm and ..,,to LI are excellent preparatiaua, either Build up the System idt Prevention is better than sure. We have •prepara- ti.uns that will strengthen you and enable you better to resist troubles that take hold of the weak. We can give you a choice of several. For Poultry and Stock ! We have just received a fresh stock of Poultry Spice - 3 lb. package only 250. .Also Boyal Horse and Cattle Spice, , saute size and price. Have you tried Herbageum ? We have it also, We aim to keep a full stock. Druggist, Optician and G. A. DEADMAN Bookseller. GRANS TRUNK RAILWAY. 904013(1110 EXTENSION W. 0. & 8,, Truing /save Brussels Bta0ion, North and South, as follows: G00120 BOOT1, GOING Swum. Alxprosa 7:10 a.m.1 61911 ....2:10 p.m Mixed........ 9:450,m.Express ,..... 8:17 p.m road Naas Item. A obiel's among ye Lakin' notes, An' faith he'll prent it. ®sol- Ptlervo Llbrary Board will meat 00 1'ri4OY "alternoan et 4 o'elook, in 1119 Library. 0,14 R,—Shlpplpg ie livening uo se the 4d, , li, puttee tine past weep 3. Qnveulo9k shipped 2 We of hay; M09era. Baelterand Qraham, goitre of wheat, a ear of mute and a oar of peas ; Me9era, Clegg & !Dames, a Para cattle l and Geo. Beat, a leer et lambs, 00, C9neendon f3owelAN wee drafted 0n the Finance and Edp9ati913 Committees et 0130 Co, Coulon last week. Be is 913airman of the Meteor. W. H, Kerr hap a place on the Lraeeative, Spooial and Hoose of Refuge Committees, WWi139 Chairman of the ae000d named. C. 0. F.—The monthly open meeting in oonneotion with the 0, C. F, Court, Repsgele, was held on Tue0day evening when an interesting and enjoyable pro• gram wae presented 110 !chows ;—In8tr1- mental, violin and organ, Mr. Betide and Dire. Thomson ; solo, Jae, Jenne ; Nolo, Geo. Thomson ; speech, Wm, muter ; inatrumeatal, Mina Miller, Mr, Brown and Mr. Frain ; 9010, Ale$. 1.11;03801 lnetrnm9ntal, Mr. Rands and thee. Thomson ; "God Save the Niug." Wm. B)89bi11 noted as chairman, ArrtanstQH.—Another death has 0l]. Ara ed is the mnoh.bereaved Pelton' family, of lunerkip, Mrs. Pelton died at the bospitai, at Wood')took, Sunday, of typhoid fever. Seven, weeks ago the father, Gibeon Felton died from it. Not long afterwards Mrs. Woods, of Galt, a married daughter of the deceased, sue. *embed to the game disease. She bed been nursing her father. Meantime the mother sad another daughter and a Son New veterinary in town. See birth notice: Son inside peeeeforintereetingtoketoh- es of the late Queen and the new King. SAMMY wilt be observed as a m0m0r. tai day as a tribute of respect to our late Queen wh09e burial takes place that day. D. A. Lower has disposed of over 800 porde of stove wood this Season. Although not all delivered yet teams are heeling every day, PARLoo 80010.) at the residence of J. Armstrong, 10th 0012., Grey, next Tues. day evening, Sleigbe will loavenee POST Pabliehing House between '7.90 and 8 o'olook. E. 0. DONFORD & BON are moving this week to the store vacated by A. R. Smith. It will afford them tine premises for the display of their goods. They are putting in a large stook of Ready made Cloth. Me in addition to their usual lines. Bona SOCIETE COLLECTORS: Will all the Bib e Society 'Collectors who have not made their returns kindly do so with- in the next two weeks if possible. The reporr8 as far 80 received are quite en oonraelog being in 8dvanoe of last year. TUE CANADIANS' PART.—Daring the past weeks the part which the Canadian soldiers took in the capture of General Oronjeat the battle of Paardeberg has been .told and retold by the greatest authority on the subject—General, Bob' erts—and several of bio leading ofiieere, The pioture which is given free by The Weekly Globe to its yearly subscribers is pronounced by those who were there a vary accurate description of the scene. A sample et it 000 be 0080 at this office. It should be in every home in Canada. A ties named McKenzie MIS is in trouble at Guelph for getting money by false pretences in connection with bie buainees as agent Of a Collecting Agency. He may have to answer a more eerier& charge as he had a little experience with. I)r. Toole, of Brussels, that was rather a dangerous role to play. 10 connection with tbe collecting business the Dr. gave him hie note for $10 and Mr. Milts foolishly made out et new one for $15, name e and sold the forged the do g notcrooked as •i a . e Ama who will be s that ehonld be put where the doge won't bite bite him and lee will likely get there all rlpht. 83ne Hume Been., Goderioh—To be major, Capt. D, Holmes, vice J. Wilson, retired. To be captain, Lieut. 8, DeF. Grant vioe D. Holmes, promoted. To 1e lieutenant, Second Lieutenant J. Galt, to complete establishment. Provisional Second Lieut. R. E. Davis having failed to qualify, hie name is removed from the FINE eleiehing. DIVISION Nutt next Wednesday. HORSE Fair Thursday of this week. VILLAOR Council next Monday evening.., 8090011 Board Friday evening of next week. A. 0. U. W. Friday evening of this welt. Elea EDWARD'S Birthday comes on Nov. 9211. LARGE quantities of green wood le being delivered in town. WEnnmo next Wednesday evening. Braeeels supplies the bride. Doo. Mom attends to several streets with his 9uow plow with neatness and dfepatob. Taos, t+Tawene ban closed up hie barber gbop in town as be o8me to the wise coo elusion that three was one t0 'many. G. T. R AGENT Hens has been endeavor- ing to keep on his "pita" and still have a eatoh-as.oatah-can with la grippe Chia week. WATCH Lose.—Leet Saturday a ladies' gold hunting ease watch wae 1091 in Brus- sels. A suitable reward will be paid by leaving it at THE Pon. Tau stook of M. R. Campbell, Garfield Home, Brueeele, amounting to $4,280, will be offered for Bale in London on Mooday next at 2.80 o'clock. A number of parties have been here looking through it. A 08ernt0 party from town, oonsieting i enter, 11,1 a H of lase Annie Beattie, M s Irwin an Jean MoLaaohIm and Belle Ir d J W. J. MoCranken Jae. Thomson, Geo. Irwin, Joo. Beattie, Gas., Duna. and Geo. MoLauchbn, visited Wroxeter. Thursday evening of last week and report a. fine time. Clean or Taoaos.—R. Leatberdale and family desire to express their heartfelt thanks to the many kind friends who, by word and deed, did en moob t0 aid them during the Meese and subsequent deoe880 of their daughter and slater. It was most highly appreciated, too much so for words to express. LAST November a suit was tried ab Parry Sound between R. F. Blair and Mr, Chew, et al, to recover damages for flooding land in driving loge. Judgment was given, this week, for plaintiff for $140 and order to remove obstruotione, with coats of action to the plaintiff. Barrister Blair, of Brussels, who ie a brother to the plaintiff, was on the win. ming side and wears a oorreeponding 001110. Dnrvmo Pian Asao.—The annual meet- ing of Brussels Driving Park A8e00iation was held at the American Hotel on Fri- day evening taut. After the annual re. port was oard of Dtx oto t a wae Maclean forbe resented tbe parent year :-3. D. Warwick, V. S., P. Soott, R. Williams, Joo. Hewitt, N. F. Gerry, S. Wilton and S. Beattie, the lat- ter taking the place of Jim. Amens. F. B. Soottbo the Sere-Treas. $16 wae re- ported on hand to the credit of the Aaao. elation. MRs. ELLIOTT PAMIRS AMY.—Word wae reoeived heretheother day giving the sad news that Mrs. A. F. Elliott, of •'Alexendoe, Mao., formerly Mies Mary Fitzpatrick, of Braeeele, bad departed this life 00 Wednesday evening of last week. She gave birth to twin Sone at noon that day and died at 9 et. in. One of the babies also paoeed .away. Mr. Elliott woe away at Brandon on business and did not get home until his wife had gone to the spirit world. Two daughters and a eon are left to his dare. The fuo. Brat took place 00 Fridley. Mr. Elliott will be amended einoere eympathy in his nnlooked for bereavement. list of oMcers of the 801190 militia. Supernumerary Second Lieut. H. N. Jordon to be taken on the establishment provisionally. To be ae000d lieutenant provisionally, L. 0. Armstrong, gentle. man, vioe J. M. Keine, retired. To be second lieutenant (supernumerary), W. J. Heamao, geotloman. SLIPPERY 81919.1190.—A citizen of Mt. Forest baa written to the Repreeentabive of that place as follows : Allow me to suggest to 1130 town fathers a plan of minimizing the danger of one otherwise excellent stone walks. The suggestion is that the Connell procure a few loads of Olean, sharp sand and distribute it to the shopkeepers for nee in front of their res peotive stores. If the sidewalks are kept clear of snow and the Band is sprinkled on them the elipperynees will be .entirely removed. My apology for making the eaggeetion is an experience of atone side. waike in several towns and cities and of the use of eleen sand as the only eatie. factory remedy for their slippery eon- dition. FoRRIVELL BUMPER. -- The Wingbare Times of last week eaye of a former Bresaelite ;—"Duncan Stewart, who has been in Colin A. _Campbell's drag store for the past three years, left Thuroday morning for Toronto. On Wednesday evening a, farewell sapper was given at the Dingley House by hie young friends. A splendid spread was prepared by the hostess. After doing justice to this part of the program, the young men spent a very pleasant evening in song, speeohee, etc. Mfr. Stewart is a young man who had many friends in town and be will leave here with best wished for a bright and proeperone raters." The above mentioned young gentleman ie a eon of Alex. Stewart, Queen street, Brunets. A r98TI9N of the Co, Oouooil report 10. provided No of thio issue but will appo49' next week, '1', A, Hawklae le in Termite) Dile week writing et en examieetion in 00aneethen With the Copservetery, Ioepeotor Robb woe under the daetoe's caro with au attack et la grippe title weep. Mrs Robb and d. (l, Tack were also on the Wok Het. WALTER LowRY diepo10 of hie hav. peplos horse tact week to that. Jvhoteetio hewer) of Q940rloh, ata good 498x0, Mr. Lowry has eta boreal] on baud at the preemie M1IMQa0n. SRnvroe,—A publio memorial eerviee will be held in the Town Hall, Brussels, on Saturday afternoon, cern' meeeing at 2 O'olook, at which addressee ;will be given by Revds. Meagre, Rose, H0112109 and others, relating to the life and de9ea90 of Her Majesty Queen Vic- toria, ,d union choir wilt lead the sing, ing, The places of basiaees will be Mewed. THoe, 018009, Ex -M. P P., DEAD.—.On Wednesday night, at 11.80 O'dook, Tem. Gibson, the well known ex M. P. P. of Bast$nron, pegged away at hie reel. dance, Wroxeter. The funeral will take plane 0n- Saturday afternoon at 2,30 o'olook, Deceased was widely known and highly esteemed for his integrity and manly bearing, being often referred to as "Honest Tom Gibson." He was about 75 years of age. For some time his health was very poor. SouTa AFRICA —*Wednesday evening of this week wag the date of Stanley Mo - Keown Brown's, the war cone 9ondent of The Mail and Empire, Trott' on hie were sent to the hospital suffering with experiences in South. Arrant, Lie remarks typhoid fever, The daughter died two, being illustrated by a number of moving weeks ago. The mother wae then very pictures and stereopticon view-. The weak; and it was known by the doe ore that she could not recover. The boy is getting along nicely. He will recover. R. B. Pelton, of tbe Atwood Bee, ie a eon of the deoeaeed 18dy. Hie old friends in Brgeeele aympathiee with him in his heavy affiiation. GONE Sotto. — As intimated len last week's ieeae of TEE POST, Lizzie F., eldest daughter of Richard and Jennie Leatherdale, bade farewell to her earthly borne and entered into rest on Thursday of last week, at the early age r 19 years, 11 months and 18 days. Her Meese was very brief as she did not go to bed until the Saturday previous; although for a ooaple of dais before that ehe felt a dizziness in her head and had a sore throat from toneolitie. Erysipelas fol- lowed, going to the brain, and despite all that could be done by physteiane, and loving friends the passed away. Lizzie wae born in Brussels and grew up a gen- eral favorite with all. Site wee jolly, generous, industrious, thoughtful and, better than all, a Christian young W00280 with the courage of her cowrie - tions and worthily set an example that young people might follow with profit. As a pupil of the Methodist Sabbetb school, a member of the ohnroh and League ohoire, an aotive worker in the League and in her ohnroh membership ohs, displayed an activity and devotion rarely exemplified, but the Lord had need of ber and we believe ehe is now one of the heavenly choir who chant the praieee of the Saviour she loved and served. Her young friends highly prized her friendship both at home and abroad and the manifest grief of the young people of the community is not to be wondered at. The funeral took plane on Sabbath after- noon and wae very largely attended, over 100 000veyanoee being 0000104 in the procession which wee beaded by the members of the I{. 0. T. M. and L. 0. T. ex er in beinganoffice b r the deo ,seed M, the latter. Rev. Jno. Holm.a and Rev. R. Peal ooudnoted an appropriate service at the home and Mee. W F. Stewart and Mrs. Williamson of the Lady Maccabees took pert at the grave in addition to the clergymen. A memorial ode was also song. The floral offerioes were beautiful and so many that a sleigh was oalled in. to requisition to take them to the ceme- tery. They were contributed by the fol- lowing :-Pillow, from deoeased'e home ; anchor, K. 0. T. M. and L. 0. T. M. ; pillow, Ino. and Mrs. L80deboro' ; oroee, S. and Mre. Hoggard; wreath, Thos. and Mrs. Leatherdale and daughter ; boquet, Mies Sarah Bowes 1 boquet, Mies Mend Haggard ; boquet of Calla Lilies repre- sentatives of family ; anobor, Fred. Gil pip ; arose, Mise Lizzie Sample •; wreath, L 0. 0. F.; wreath, choir and Sabbath aohool; pillow, girl friends in town ; 'coquet, girl friends of Seaforth ; oroee, Harry end Mrs. Dennis, of Chatham ; wreath, A. 3. H. Eckardt, Toronto; boquet, Howard Hartry ; boquet, James Thomson and Robt. McCracken ; hotpot, Will. and Roy Ainley; boquet, Glynne Conley 1 boquet, Dalby Kendall and Raseell Wheeler. The pall bearers were 1—Ira Gerry, Robt. Me0r00ken, Wendell Holmee, Howard Hartry, Harry Downing, Jae. Thomsoo, Leslie Neer and Will. McCracken. Among the relatives and friends from a distance were :—T. and Mrs. Leatberdale and Phyllis, Hamilton ; Jae. and Mrs. Grille, Elora ; Thos. Grills and daughter, Mise Sarah, Harrieton ; Mrs. Samuel Grille and daughters, Misses Annie and Lena Li9to. wel; Robt. and Mrs. Wilson and daughter, Mies Bessie, Gerrie • Too. and Mrs. Landeboro', Seaforth'' Bdward Snell, Thos. A1liebon, Mre, Wm. Grilie, and Mies S. Levitt, Galt; -Mrs. J. Bowes, Elora ; Mioeee Annie and Easis Watford,. Walkerton' Jae. and Mrs. Hallman, Howiok; d0o. and Dire. Bray, Wroxeter; Wm. Godfrey, Listowel ; Wm. and Mrs. Hartry, Howard Hartry, Mies Maud Har. try, Mies Winans Sleetb, Wee Mims Mel. vele, Mise Mabel Young, MieaBattieMur. ray and Fred. Hayoroft, Se„forth. In. stead of the customary casket an emboee- ed lavender velvet conch, padded with white Satin, was used and as the de. oeaeed lay there robed in a garment of white, with tucked satin front and chiffon Taos frills, the thought came to "Not dead bat eleepeth." Luther Ball, uddortaker of Wingham, who wae a former employee of Me. Leatherdale, conducted the funeral. To gay that the community deeply sympathise with Mr. and Ere. Leatherdale and family in their midden bereavement may seem formal lett they are, well aerated of bow genuine it ie. In their grief is the cheer. ing thought that their beloved baa gone to he forever with the Lord, The Saba bath prior to her death ebe had an im. precision that she was not going to re. oover and conversed quite freely of the prospect beyond the river. Afterward she made oertain 9tatemente to her mother ae to the disposai of her belong - Inge and pillowing her head on the bosom of ber Saviour ehe bade Goodbye to her earthly friende in the joyone anticipation Of meeting them bye and bye.' O»Ir.-Last Monday night the spirit of 0e -reline Deane, relict of the late Ramadan Howe, took its flight. The aged lady had passed her 86th birthday and was well ready for the abange from this to a brighter world. Mrs. Howe was barn in Yorkshire, Eogland, where she wag also married. Her husband died 44 years ago. About the year 1877 the sob - jot of this notice carne to danada and resided at Canning where she lived for some time with her eon after which ehe moved to Bengali' and made her home with her eon, George. The etrviving members of the family are :—James, in England •; George, fa Brunie ; and lien. tonin, rn Germany. Mee. : Howe was an active woman I motherly; kindly die- poeftioned ; and a. Christian. Her death wae caused by a sold settling 00 the lunge, together with old age. Deceased wag a member of the Methodist ohnroh. The funeral took plaoo o❑ Wednesday afternoon, ROV, Jno. Holmes awl Bev. R. Pahl oenducting the service. Inter- ment was made at Brussels amatory. audience wee not large, about a 325 house, and the Pnblio Library, under whose auepieee it was given, will be out instead of in. Mr. Brown give* ratber an finer eating a000eut of the Canadian contin- gents and the work they did. The mov- ing piot0res lacked olearnee9, owing 120, doubt te the light. A number of South African mementoes were on exhibition in Druggist Fox's window. FAnt1ERe IN•0r19TE. — The annual meeting of Eaet Huron Farmers' Ineti• tate was herd in the Town }Tall, Brus- sels, 08 Thursday afternoon and evening of last week. President, - Thos.-Mcll'ii1. Ian, in tug chair. The apeakere were &role. Hie'op, M. P. P., and Diesel's. Shillingworth and Hallman, who dealt with their respeotive topics in good style. There was e. large attendance and inter- esting dieoueeioae followed the addresses. In the evening Rev. Mr. Holmes and Rev. Mr. Rose, of town, were added to the list of speakers.' and ine9rmmntal seleotione of =Me were famished by Mrs. Geo. Thomson and D. Ewan and a song well snug by Mies Florence Thom. son. Da. R,.r.nrnur0O9 LOCATES AT BERLIN. Dr. F. H. Halbfleieeh, formerly of Brae - eels, has looated at Berlin, Ont. As be is a euoeesfal practitioner of 18 years standing and able to speak the German language as well as English we prediot a onoesaful parser for him in his new lo- cation. The Dr. wished to avoid so much Connery work and his settling 'iva town the size of Berlin should suit him all right and be Should anon' have as ex- tensive ri praotioe there as he bad here. Dr. Halbfleieob, although, comparatively a young man, has bad a wide experience. In 1896 he took a post graduate oonree in Detroit and Ohicage and last year spent several weeks in the same pity and in 801329 of the chief hospitals in the West. The Dr., we understand, has retained sufficient interest in Broeeals to require an ill ab and we w a aetonal visit at lea 000 therefore have an oppertnmty of shaking Iris hand now and then The people of Berlin and locality will find Dr. Kalb. fleieob "all right" whether professionally or socially and TRE POST wtebes hfm, Airs. Ktlbfleisoh and daughter many happy, proeperoue years. MATaIlIGN1AL.—A very pretty wedding took place Monday evening at the home of Wm. T. and 'qrs. Shaw, Buffalo, N. , valise Mies Mary B. Walker, formerly of Brussels, Ont., wae married to William A. Brydon. The eeremouy wee performed by the Rey. 0. F. J. Wrigley. The house was prettily decor. Med with palma and out flowers. The bride and groom entered to the wedding march from "Lvhengrin, rplayed byMies Corinne Bordwell, of Alden. They were preceded by a little flower girl, Nies Margaret Shaw, who wore a gown of white embroidered mall and carried pink carnations. The bride was given away by her aoole, Mr. Ferguson. Sbe wee 'gowned in white Persian lawn trimmed with white eatin ribbons and carried a shower bogoet of Bride rosea. After the reception sapper was served for 20 pleats, the table decorations being pink and white roses and oarmetione. The out•of• town guests were MfeeOorinneBordwell, of Alden, and Mr. Maybury, of New York. Mr, and Mrs. Brydon will be at home after Maroh let, at No. 482, Ply- mouth Avenue, Buffalo. ST4XT' 4,, W 13,4NE OF Cr1X4.1)4. 2are..'9^A.q,�.T-,1Lk7 .i?.t,'D 3472. H4410 OFFICE, TORONTO R�sT'AL PAID UP (One Million'Ballare) 41.000.000 • 0 Agroeferin aft prim:fprtt 40ytttr in 0ntarie, Qnobee, Afnrtitotn, 04104 Stator # $ngland. 0. General BRnking Bneite000 Treneseie4, Farmers' Notes Drafts Issued and Oplleotlone mala on all pointe, SAViNGS RANK DEPARTMENT. Interest allowed on Opposite of $1,00 and upwards and 00mpountied half yearly. Smola. ATTENTION OIVEN TO TAR CoLna00I*N or Pennies' Sidi NOTES. Il very faoility afforded Onetomer0 living ata distance. Discounted,, payable at any bank issued i7n 1 r $10. , , , 8o, $20 to $64 . • ,120 Molloy ;rim at the following rates t—' $10 to $20., ,,100, 80 to 40.,,,140 J. N, GORDON, AGENT. RATE.—In Beet Wawenoeb, on Jan. rib. to Mr. and Mrs. W. Rath, a daugh- ter. 3,4..a.R.R20:7an. Donor-1iRA0as.—At Solomon, Kaneae, on Jan. 16, by Rev. Mr. Baber, Kr, Chas. Dobson, formerly of Ftbel, Ont., toMise Mittie, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. T. Skaggs, all of Bolomon. NrooL--NETaulr.—At the residence of the bride's parents, on Jan. 23rd, by Rev. Mr. McQuillan, - Mr. Jae. B, Ni001 to Mise Maggie, daughter of Mr. Tames Nebbery, of Raet Wawa - 11. BREDog-008WALRER.—IO Buffalo, N. Y., On Jan. 28, by Rev. 0. F. J. Wrigley, Mr. Wm. 0, Brydon, of Buffalo, to Mise Mary B. Welker, sister to Mesas. Jim., Tboe. and Alex. Wal- ker, of Brussels. A Goon REOa1tt1END.—The following recommendation from the Board of Moorefield Methodist Oborahspeaks well for our townsman, Thoe. Newsome, and will do him no harm :—Moved by Jog. Clegg,Beoonded by Geo. Crawford, that in ounetderation of the workman Me manner in whiob the Methodist Month, Moorefield, Mae been done, the workman• fillip being ae000d to none, rendering it complete in every part and which reflects great credit on the ability and pine taken by Mr. Newsome, of Brissette tbe noting partner in the contract, rendering it a building sunk hoe given great eatiefaetion to the Trnetoe and congregation. • It is therefore resolved, that thi8 Trustee Board believe him worthy of prairie for the ebeerfal and agreeable way in which he hag performed the flame and have much pleasure in reoomm00diog him as a competent man ter the performane0 of any reeponeible and important work that may be intrusted to him,—Oareied. pxaD. DENOIAN.—In Blnevale, on Jan. 22nd, James De0meo, aged 76. Ex.LIomm.-At Alexander, Man., on San. 23, Mary Fitspetriok, beloved wife of A. F. Elliott aged 87 years and 10 months nevem—In Beaeee's,'on Ian. 28th, Caro- line Deane, relict of the late Remo. dep Howe, aged 86 years, 4 months and 13 days. Ineermen81E.—In Brumaire on Jan. 24th, Lizzie P., eldeet daughter of Richard and Jennie Leatberdale, aged 19 years, 118nonibe and 18 days. MIToam. —In Atwood, on Jan. 2011c, Mrs. Mitobell, aged 87. RAYNARn.—In Grey, on Jan. 24, Catherine Jackson, beloved wife of Joseph Raynard, aged 45 years. YODNo.—In Morrie, on Jan. 20611, Eliza- beth Young, aged 78 years. .evamo 3u. eaxaa. Taone8AY, Feb. 14.—Farm stook, im- plements, honsehold furniture, &o., Lot 6, Con. 15, Grey. -Sale, anreeerved, at L e'alook p. m. Hugh Stewart, Prop. IF. S. Scott, Ana. TgEnDAY, Fan. -19T41. -Form stook, im- plements, &o. Lot 18, . con. 12, Grey. Sete, unreserved, at 1 o'olook. Geo. Gramm, Propt. ; F. 8. Soott, Ano. Business 'Locals. Caen for butter and eggs. A.Ooaeley. CARP1T WEAvnNo.—Am prepared to at. tend to the want') of the public) in the weaving of rag carpet. Satisfaction as. eared. Roas. ANnEaeo0, Elizabeth et. SAN FrLE11 MCGREG*R owns the latest models and patterns and can get a line of special new sews made now for any one. They will ltgnre high at the races. T. MOGneeoB, saw grimmer and filer, Bette. tele East, or McKay & Co's, hardware Store, WANTED.—Roll butter 22o. How' char. 'table of those who have, time to make an 1111290m0AL 0811080 of ouetemere to speak so professionally of us. ' We pay award- ing to the light we beve—you 40 the same. 80 your light is dim turn on the battery instead of endeavoring to be a shade for 0820. G. E. K000, Wingham. Dn1etT . B09210.—In Morrie, on Jan, 15, to Me. and Mrs. H. ,l'1., Beeman, a eon. Jonue,—In Wingham, on .tan, 18113, to Mr, and Mre, W. Johns, a daughter. Mo0oen.—At fine River, en Jan. 71b, to Mr. and Mee, A. D. McOoeh, a daughter, MOixnoo—In iVingbam,'on Jan, 218b, to Mr. and Mai. D1. 11. Mofndoo, a eon. l'EPPEa,—In nickel -smith, on Jan. 26, to Mr. and Mrs Wm. Pepper, ason, Rhone, --Ab Crediton, • on Jan, 9511a, to Dr. and ars. Rivera, a eon. SAINT —In Wingham, on, Jan. 101), to Mr, and Mr0. R. Saint, It daughter. Weawlox,—In neneee101 on ant, 24th, to Mr. and Mre. 4. D,, W arwiok, a eon, Semolina, 'Fan. 9T11,---Boueeb0ld lnrni • tare, &o., Thomas street, at 2 o'olook. Ino. Soot/, Prop. ; F. S. Scott, Ane. Fall Wheel el .... Burley .,,..• .. .. Peas .. . •...•.. Oats Butter, tubs and rolls Eggs par .1nzen . •Flour per •owt. . Potatoes (per bush.),. , Applea (per bag) 50 50 Sheep ekins,each .....: 80 1 00 Lamb skins each 25 26 Salt per bbl.; retail 1 00 70 Ha. per ton 7 00 8 00 Hidetrimmed 6 61 Hides .rongh 6 Hogs. Live 0 60 5 76 Wool 15 15e• 62 86 37 87 56 57 25 26 17 18 14 ,15 25 2 2 26 Fox's Drug Store. JAN'. 31, 1901 A Physical wreck, Is Very frequently the condition following 013 attach of the grip. We find our Beef, Wine ,& Iron An excellent 82103elant and Nerve Tonic in Gare, of thin kind. Give it a trial and be ooneinoed, For aisle only at ONE CENT A WORD COLUMN. Hoene and oowe for sale. JAMES BHEDDi20, Lot 14, Con. ' 4, Morrie. 29 2 YEAR 0016 for tale. 0 Grey. LHOLLINOzu, tot 9, Con. 10, Y. 27-11 Brussels P. O. Goon young milob now and five young cattle for gale. Also seven pine 8 months old. Apply at THE POST. COAL stoves for Bale—one large and one medium in prime working order for -sale at half price. Getting lur0a0ein house—no use for stoves. J.D.RONALD. THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN, GOOD FARM HAND WANT - MP at pope by the year. D. WHEN. LIE, Lot 18, Don, 18, Grey, Walton P. 0. f� OMFORTABLE, WELL �. lighted and oonveniont rooms to let in the Leckie bleak over G. A, Dead man's and Aire. Rogers' acorea. Apply to F.-S.SCOTT. PAPER . HANGING, DEOOR- 9TINO and House Painting done in Workmanlike manner and on short notice. Have had three years' expedenee in olty work. Terms J JOHNS ON Walton! . STRAYED ON THE PREM. Mee of the undersigned, Lot 130, 000,18, Grey, an aged ram. - The 01yner is reque,d, ed to prove, property, pay expenses anti take the animal away. JNO.MaNAUGHT 20.4 .Moneried P. 0. TWO TH01101 BRED .BULLS 11 for sale, aged 9 and 20 months. Good size and quality, and v71111 good predigreee. Prices right. Also . some well brad young °owe with calf. O, TURNIIULL,Lot 10, Con. 10, Grey, Walton P. O. - 28.tf rpHORO' BRED DURHil.1f A. Bulls for aa1e. aged 1 year awl 8 months, reepeetively. Good animate with good pedigrees. The first mentioned took 2n0 prize at East Huron Fall Show. 1000 in a 01880 of 9. Prices right. '30,8.8PEI0.1',ot' 80, Con. 0, Morrie, Brunets P.0, - 28. - Notice to Creditors. All persons baying dolma against the es- tate of Bents Gramm, late of the Township of Grey, In the County of Huron, carpenter, de000eed, who died on or about the 20th day of December, 1900, intestate, aro notified to send or deliver to A. Hunter, Brussels P. 0., agent for the Administrator of the estate, on or before 030 28rd day of M=212, 1001, 'a statement of their claims. duly verified, and atter the last mentioned date the. Adminis- trator will distribute the assets of the estate among those entitled thereto. having regard only to such claims of wbieh notice shall then hero been received... And the Admin. tetrator will not be 11vblefor the assets of the estate, or any part thereof, to any per- son of whose claim notice shall not then have been received. Tbienotiee,le putauatt 10 the Statute in that behalf Dated' at Brussels this Blot Jan,. 1901. 293 A. HUN rim. Agent for Administrator. 1 •einoval dale. 1 1 Having leased the premises formerly occupied by Mr. A. R. Smith, Weare cleayin0' out our ENTIRE STOCK OF WINTER COODS dell ale 1.a normsi�i'�e =. Plaxamts. Tweed Suits Regular $18 Snits made to order for $10 76 " 10 60 15 " ,, . 16 „ " 18 75 o 18 " " 14 50. 20 r, " 1600.. n 22 . " " 17 50 Ready-to-wear Elders Uletereregalarlyeold at $5 75 for 34 25 " 6 00 " 4 60 750 " 550 800 " 600 8 50 " 6 50 " 10&1060 " 800 heady -to -wear Overcoats Beaver Cloth Coats, Chesterfield style,. velvet collars, in blue and blank Colors, regular $10 oasts, Bale price $7 50 Beaver Cloth Coate, Chesterfield style, velvet oollare, in bine Red blaolt oolert, worth $9, a bargain at..47 00 Blank and Grey, Cheviot Coats, Chester. field style, velvet collars, regular $14 and $15 Coate, on sale at ,$11 00 Ready-to-wear Suits t7ndorwear Regular 60o line of Underwear for 30 37k Blue Serge Suite, sizes 86, 87 and 88, welt 65 vs 84 1 00 0 tor.. ` 37 50 60 e 75 100.. 1 25 1 50, ". Ready-to-wear. Double Breasted Ooats Heavy Tweed Coate, waterproof tined, regular $6 00 for $4 BO Heavy Tweed Coate, Italian lining, regular $6 50 for $4 75 Ready-to-wear Smocks and Overalls Blue and Grey Derry Smoobe, regular. 90e, now 70o Rubber lined Smocks, regular $1 60, now .. $126 Overalle, regular price $1, sale price 75o Ready-to-wear Trousers Regular 32 00 ' " " 2 60 �'. 800. -a 1 50 1 17255 6 2 726, Furs Only 1 Wombat Coat " 18 " 15 " 1 Wombat Coat' 16 $4,00 Fur Cape for $8 00 2 60 and $2 75 Cape for 2 00 2 00 Oapa for 1 60 Hats and Caps, Shirts, Gloves, Woollen Mitts, &c., A I I at Cost Price. These goods must be all cleared inside of the next four weeks as we are adding a High Grade class of Readymade Clothing. THESE ARE GENUINE BARGAINS. Terms Strictly Cash 'while Sale lasts. Er C. Munford Soni Tailors, Clothiers and Punishers.