HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1901-1-31, Page 4TilE BRUSS'XIA$ l'OST meig Nrmelo THURSDAY , JAN, 24, 1901. Huron Co. Council. ECOntintied from Page 1.1 intuition OCHIKITTAE'S IMPORT. The Striking Committee reported as follows :— Executive-51mm Hays, Connolly, "Carr, Patterson and Lemont. Mr. Oonnolly, Chairman. Speolal Mews, Hayti, Oonnolle, Blue, Patterson and Lamont. W. H. Kerr, Chairman. Finanoe—Meeers. Bowman, Torrance, MoLean, Spackman and Miller, M,. Bowman, Ohairman. Education — Mesers. Bowman, Tor - ramie, MoLettn, Spackman and lblifier, Miller, Chairtnan. Road and Bridge—Meagre, Chambers, Lookbart, Cantelon, Hicks and Fergueon, Mr. Loelthart, Chairman. County Property—Mesers, Ohambere, Lookhart, Cantelen, Hiok and Fergu- son. Mr. Oantelon Chairman, Equalization—di the Council. Warden's Cornmittee—Mesere. Cham• here, Terrapin, Patterson and MoLean. House of Refuge-171,3ms. Hays, Con• nolly and W. H. Kerr. Mr, Hays, Chairman, JNO. Tonenalon. Chairman of Cotnmit,tee, vault's n88000'. There are 10 prisoners in the jail, all males as follows :—Jno. Parker, WU tehel I ; Jno. Hickey, Fleneall •, Jno. Campbell, Toronto; Jno. Weir, Walkerton; Jae. Hornby, Grey Townahip ; all for vagranoy ; S. J. Statton, Stephen Towu- table, insane; Jno. Maxvvell, Goderich ; Albert Eettne, Colborne, and Geo. Wise- man, Cobourg, for larceny ; and P. Hickey, Seaforth, for Remelt. I most respectfully ask your honorable body to take into &miens consideration the erection of a suitable dwelling at the jail. Joszest GRIFFIN, Jailer. PHISICIAN'S IMPoRT HOIISB OF 8.880018, Gentlemen,—Dering the year there heve been 100 inmates in the limse. At times It was so overcrowded that the cellar and corridors bad to be utilized for sleeping apartments, although ofteu not comfortable. At present there are some oases that are in such a bad aondition th ,s the basement, although often not vary oernfortable, was the only place seas nos to contaminate the rest of the house. I have made 67 visits during the year. In January last a severe epidemio of le. grimes struok the inmates, seartiely any enaping, and at one time there were 49 down at once. During the Summer nicuths extra vigilance was exercised over the water supply with the result that we escaped the usual dysentery epidemio. I performed several minor operations during the year besides the removal of oatmeal in three eases and the removal of an eye, all patients did well afterwards. Had two people frac:tare their thighs, one a man of 30 and the other 89. The former after a few weeks (mild move about so well that he ran away, the other died two months after from the shook. There were 12 deaths during the year, the average age being 75i years. 3 ,died from old age, 2 of apoplexy, 3 of cancer, 2 with pneumonia, 1 of consumption and 1 with broken leg. J. W. SHAW, Physician. - REPO= BE INSURANCE OF PSOPERTT. Per punjl 00 two dollars. One dellar ao11ow31 Hired 11810 for TiOnse and Farm, tide feeJogivee to the Sehoel 73eard to pay for gaper, ink, ite., and presiding, end one dollar is sent 00 the Eduoatioo Depertmeut to cover the 0050 of 'mamba, ing the itherver papere, The fee for the Enteenoe EininInatien is one duller, Title lute not varied fur at least ten pitted, ENTRAN091 EXAMINATIONS, Centre, Wrote, Paeeed 57 38 20 18 32 34 738058515, 25 Wroiteter, 118 31 'Fordwich, 12 9 Total, 807 177 13IYth, Wingham, Seaforth• • 53 71 50 Your Committee appointed to report as to insnraooe on Go, buildings reports as follows :—Court House insured for 612, 000 in the L. L. & Globe Go. to expire is Out. 1902 ; Jail and Cottage insured for $10,000 in L. L. & Globe Co. to ex pire in Jane 1902 ; House of Refuge in. tiered for 64;000 in the Mercantile to expire in Nov. 1901; House of Refuge ()entente insured for 61,000 in the eder- Impale Co. to expire in Nov. 1901 ; House of Refuge insured for 64,000 in the Gore Go. to expire in Nov. 1901 ; Roues of Refine contents insured for $1,000 in the Gore Go, to expire in Nov. 1901 ; • Barn on Industrial Farm insured for $650 in the Mercantile Co. to expire in Nov.1901 ; Barn contents insured for 6800 in the Mercantile Go. to expire in Nov. 1901. W. LAI% Chairman. There are two Boarde of Entrance Ex. miners in Eaet Huron, The Clinton Board is composed of Messre. Houston, Lough and Robb, This Board examines the papers of the oandidatee who write at Clinton, Blyth mid Wingham, The Bea. feth Board is composed of Masers. Hove - at, Shilliuglaw and Rebb. The Seaforth, Brussels, Wronter and Fordwich papers are examined by this Board. The en. rolled attendance for 1900 Wail 0573, beiug a deorease of 142, and tbe average at- tendance 8855, or about 69 per tient of the registered attendance. There has been a alight falling off in the attend- ance of Fifth Class pupils. Age for age, the educational standing of the pupils is muoh higher now then ten years ago, Excellent two -roomed briok sohool hotline have been erected in Gerrie and Ford. winh. The Fordivieh eohool hoose cost 62600, and when completed the Gerrie one will cost about 64000. A. very fine one roomed briok school house, with base. ment, farnaoe, and a perfeot system of ventilation, was ereoted at Kinbarn at a coat of about $1600. Then eohool houses are up.to-date in every particular. Three or four new school houses will be erected mixt year, and two others thoronghly re- built. I regret bo repoet that some rate- payers are much readier to provide education, &o., for the unwilling Chinese than for their own or neighbor's obildren, This is partlealarly so in a couple of amnions which have miserable shooks in which the ohildreu shiver with cold feet during the Winter. These buildings are veritable death traps, where children go to get 8.11 ednoation, but instead catch onlds, pneumonia, la grippe, &o. .fhere were 48 stodeots in attendance at the Model &hoots, The training they receive there is of the highest order, both soboole being in oharge of excellent teachers. A very successful meeting of the Teauhers' Institnte for East Huron was held in Seaforth. May 25th and 20111. Mr. Scott, Principal of the Provincial Normal &heal, Toronto, was present and de- livered a number of interesting lectures on educational subjeots. Nearly every teacher in the Inspeotorate was present. The G rvernmeet urant to Continuatiou Claes Schools for 1900 amounted to $470 ; this, alone with a similar County grant made up $940. Last year the amount re. Weed was 161055. These soboola are do- ing excellent work in foot, the urban Continuation schools are doing as good work as the weaker High Scboo's did some years ago. In conolusion I may add that I visited all the departments of the Pub- lic) schools in East Huron at least twice during the year. At each visit I examin- ed carefully into the standing ot the school, pointed out any weakness I die. covered, and where possible, encouraged the teacher by kindly words of approbe. tiou. The dates ot these visite are ET. peuded. I am, Gentlemen, Your obedient servant, D. lione. BAST littitoN INSPECTORATB. Inspector Robb's report for Ent Huron Inepectorate ie as follows :—To the War- den and Council of the Co. of Huron,— I have the honor to submit my annual report of Public school education of the Inspectorate of East Huron. There are 88 Boards of public sohool Trustees in East Huron. These Boards employ 123 teachers during the entire year. The Clinton Model School engages an extra assistant during the Model term. Of these 123 teachers 52 are inane and 71 females—it deorease of 6 male teachers duriog the year. There were 14 ohangee of teaohers during the year and 24 at the 6b6; eteelt, team o4 implerneete, 6170; Salitriell Of Inegeotor, Rover and Katroto, 4850 ; phyeknan's eatery and applianoes, 6230,80; repairs to bhildinge and !evil. ture 4158,72 ; proeleimis and clothing, 41820.40 ; fuel and light, 6480.60; hooks, stationery and postage, 817,68 ; %aiding innuttee to friends and bringing back eh. minders, ; euppliee for emelt and farm, 3125,99; on capital, ;mount, 4120.82 ; in- cidental expeneee, 4120,10 Permanent) improvements, 16208.19; tetal, 44116.40. • WSI, COATS, Inspeollor. SPECIAL COZIMITTEE'S IMPORT. Your Committee beg leave to report that they have enquired earefully into the mutter of Entremee and Publio School Leaving fees, referred from December Bandon, and oannot see that they Gnu be reduced AB they ere oonsumed in holding •the necessary examinations mad reading the candidates" papers. If out down the redaction would have to be made up in mune other way. Two memorials were before the Committee dealing with the abolition of Stettin labor atel other Good Roads quotients, but we report no aotion, While we beattily approve uf the move, meet to 11051005 008 highways, there is neoessity for more eclueetiou Mon these lines before very pronounced legielatien is paned wiping out old (materna. A. communication from the Ontario Beet Sugar Association nrgiog that the Gov- erument be asked to give a bounty to aid in permauently establishing a sugar mon• ufaotory in this Country was before ue. Your Committee believes this is matter of importance to agriculture and is ooe that will probably be of great advantage to many people in our Province if prop erly Bet on foot. It should be minor - aged. Te reference to 5 memorial from Biome Go,, dealing with proposed emendineuts to the Act regulating Haw kers and Peddlers, we approve of the pro. posed amendments and ask the Warden and Clerk to sign the memorial and fer. ward it to the Legislature. A. commun. nation from Go. of Viotoria was before the Committee urging necessity of legislation toward the merging of the lower Courts so as to facilitate business, and oat down expense without doing injustice to any interest. We very heart. ily oonour with the propoeitiou and ask our officials to forward the necessary memorial to the Legislatnre. Regarding a memorial from Go. of Victoria relative to giving the Patella Sohool Leaving examination a permanent place in the Public 130110018 of our land, we recommend that the memorial be alerted by the War den and Clerk and forwarded to the On• tario Legislature. W. H. Kees, Chairman TREASURER'S REPORT. Gentlemen,—I hcrewith submit tor your annual consideration the annual finanoial report comprising the usual statement, viz., detailed statement of reoeipts and expenditures ; abstract statetneut of same ; statement of ledger balances ; etatement of tax aolnotions, latter part of year ; statement of invest manta of Sinkiug Fund ; statement of debenture liabilities and available assets; or:imperative statement of estimated and Banal expenditures and ' receipte of general aceounts. The cash balance at Close of year was 612,545.53 and the net expenditure for year was $3,502,62 less than the amount estimated. The Goderioh Collegiate Institute made a request to be paid the equivalent of the Government grant for military purposes and I paid the same, under Seo. 30 of High School AM, with the understanding that if you did not approve the money would be refunded, War. Houma, Co. Treasurer. The report of Inspector Coate for House of Refuge for 1900 was laid before the Couthil. It was as follows :— REPORT OF INSPECTOR OF HOUSE OF 118.80518. To the Warden and Council of the Co. of Huron :—Gmernmutz,—The Inspector of the House of Indaatry and Refuge for the Co. of Heron respectfully presents the following as his report for the year end of the year, in all 38 ohaoges. The ending 31st December, 1900 i—Total No. I average length of serene in a sohool is of inmates admitted since opening of about three years. Many of then "step- House 198 ; No. of inmates on Jan. let, ping stone" teaohers, as they are genis. times oontemptuoaely °ailed', are men of enperior ability, great enthusiasm end of marked individuality, wbo in after years become leaders in the professions, in poli- ties and finanee ; and while perhaps not eminent SnottetiSeil in imparting !mow - ledge in the' public school studieta, yet leave a honing impression on their pupils of noble ambitions which cannot be measured by any length of service. The average salary paid teachers for the whole Inepeotorate le 6357.00. In the rural amnions the salaries of the male teachers advanced 31.40, and female teaohers 616.- 25. The male teachers are being gradn. ally crowded out by female teaches. Tuelterernith pays the male teachers an average salary of 6421.67 per annum - Hallett comes next paying 8848.50. Theo are 68 Normal trained teniters ; 4 hold Professional first elan oertifioatee, 69 emends and 50 thirds—an increase of 9 secionds over the previous year. As the professional and nonprofessional standing of the teaohers improves, so also does the standing of their sohools— "as the teacher, so the tobool." In the great majority of schools the work done by the teachers is very satisfactory ;—a, few teachers can never eueeeed, close they bine little aptitude for teaching. Two promotion examinatiote were taken during the year, one in March and the other in October. The teachers are a milk in favor of then examinations. For the fleet time, in 1900, the Pubtie School Leaving EXaminatioe papers were exam - 'nod In 'Tomato, and De a consequent:to, the fee had to be raised from On9 dollar 1.000, 82 ; No, admitted during the year, 18 ; No. of deaths during the year, 12 ; No. absconded during the year, 2; No. discharged during the year, 6; No. of in- mates in House January lst, 1901, 80 ; No, of males, 58 ; No. of femalee, 27 ; No. admitted during year 1900 from rural municipalities :--Townships— Morrie 1, Tuokersmith 1, Turnberry 1, Moliillop 2, Usborne 2, Hallett 2, Howiok 1, E. We. - waned' 1 ; Towns andVillagee —Goderich 2, Clinton 1, Seaforth 1, Exeter 1, Bruit. eels 1, Wingham 1; Ganes of pooped= —old age 10, sickness 1, injury 2, weak. nese of intelleot 1, paying patient 1, blind- ness 1, intemperance 2 ; Nationality of inmates admitted during 1900—England 0, Scotland 5, Ireland 5, Canada 2; No. of days board of inmates, 28980 ; No. of days board Keeper's family and help, 1005 ;Average number of inmates during 1900, 79.26 ; with Keeper's family and help added, 82,26 ; total expenditure on Hones and Farm, 01411640; add value of provisions and fuel on hand Jan. 1, 1900, 111206.83 ; add ten per cent for depreoia tion of implements, 464.48 ; total expend- iture, 85887.71 ; deduot expenditure on oaPital staOnat, 6120.32; stook and per- manent improvements, 4283,10 ; previa. ions, produce, now clothing and feel OH hand, 1st Jan., 1901, as per inventory, $1118.50 ; produce sold during 1900, and Other reeeipts, 3137.60 ; received from Ming Potients, 4192 46 ; total, 31952.13. Amount expended for support of inmatee, 33435 58 ; average °newt° per inmate per day, 11i 0804 ; average weekly expense per inmate, 88i ciente. The expenditure on the House and Feral emooants le as et Girdlea the Globe. The fame of Backlen's Arnica Salve aa the best in the world, extends round the earth. It's the one perfect healer for outs, corns, burns, broisee, sores, wields, boils, ulcers, felons, aohes, pains and all akin eruptions. Only infallible pile cure. 25o a dox et G. A. Deadrnan'e drug store. MISHTER °ROGAN toe The cianymaithewuraph, "Are ye going' to th' Oinnymatthew. graph to night ?" I says to (Jimmy th' other day, "An' whet in th' face a,v gracious d'ye calla oinnymatthewgraph?" says 0 pny. "fie movable piathere," I says, "Tb' Rivrind Shtauley McKeon Brown is ration' tb' show. He was the war oarryebpondint fur th' Mail and tb' toluene an' he's goin' to tell all be knows ab ut it, an' more too. There's no more war carryslepondints to come, for which let us be truly Vankful." "Sandy musht be makin' Ian as money out ay his ould hall this Winther," says Clancy." "Hall uothin'," I says. "They're goin' to bonld it in th' church," I myth "What church 2" says Claney. Prishbytar• ian aburob, av coarse," I says. "Well fur' tb' land's sake," says Clancy, "what uixt. Thim Prishbytarians is gittiu' to be piney friebky in their mild age. Toi me was whin ye oud till a Priehbytarian by th' long fan an' tb' solemn Jawn Knox exprisehon he always carried round wid him, but now bedad, they've got so mixed tip wid tb' lldithydiste tb' Salvation Army ye can't till a Prishbytarian from a Happy Jack. 'Tis pionios, an' toy mat 1810, 80' ehwarays in th' basbemint, an' annyvarearies an' oinnymatthewgraphe in bb' top fist. Tb' world do move an' bedad th' Priabbytariate maven wid it." Well me an' (Nancy wint, en' th' church was so crowded we bad to take a pinny. tintial sate in the gallery. "They do have a large oangregatien fur wanoe," says Clancy. '''Tis a gud way to fill th' church, I musht says, be say. "An' its a safe way" I says. "Whin ye take in th' collection ab th' dare ye know where ye're at. Whin a man pays fur his fon befoor be gite it he has no show to back out. Bob whin they pass th' plate whin th' show's over a man's some. toinies apt to change his mond a few pegs an' it mimes about as airy to drap a nickel an the plate as a sbillin'. An' e, gud dale aisier. Whin it mimes to mat. tare av foinanoe ye (isn't aquail th' Prishbytarians." Mr.IdeLean opened th' hall wid a few well chosen remarks. There are toimea whin our looal orators are somewhat troubled wid a disease called expansion, but Mialiter MoLean, on this MOttsion 58 tinny rate, said no more than he shod, an' that'a th' roight way. We didn't go there to hear ;luny home talent, annybow. We know all th' pathriotio opacities aff by heart, an' it ie th' earnieht prayer av us all that th' path riotio orator will have no occasion to air his views fur rnanny years to come, ildiehter Brown is a young Man wid ehtrong voioe, an' a healthy head of hair. But fur all that he hake somewhat out ev plum in tie pulpit. I don't known how it was, but th' pietuere seemed to feel some. what baokward. They didn't esem to known bow to behavethimailves in ohurob. They seemed to feel out av plaoe, so to epake. I suppose av they had been ex• hibitin, thimeilves in Oardao'e hall they wid have felt more at home. They bad a koind av a "dim riligiche !eight" about thim, an' didn't seem to want to show thimeilvee up in their true loight se it were. Th' Rivrind Miehter Had. gine, th' Right Worehipful Chaplain av th' 'Meaty Thurd Battalion priainted proivste Dory, wan av th' returned her. oes wid a puree wid something in it, Proivate Dory to a god spioimin av a ()meridian. Ould Huron turns out mime gud samples ay home grown humanity that lien tells their ind ay the log wid 011' beeht av thim, and whin th' ould folks at home wants a little lift in th' way ay a few byes, all they have to do hi jest to tip tie all a bit of it wink en' we'll be on bend tvid both fele. I don't t'init lbs likely we',Il have tinily more war earryellPhOnd. wid their movable war plethora fur time tohne. We will thry herd to vthery along widout thim, annybow, It IWO eo long ago that the most tie Ile didn't know A Wise Lady, Cratyrrarip, Ohio, klity 23tal, 1900, 3, 111, kleLeod, McLeod Laboratory, Goderioh, 00500, tit' dIffereeee betting a ItoPje au' A leitger, ...DIAS Eni,-,-1(03r liquid mediaine, but we're all ao well poehted now that "Soak and lissab," Mae ettred MS enti...relY • about se well se we know iw,,milor,, doctors told me that it was a Gamier and Beougye as gua ss 0 fttiao., ,,,, ,,,y,, 1.,,,,,I that the brow tvonlil have to be out mit we Ituew th' lay out as South Africa jiet Of the ems I had on my ripper jaw, The Iota to ate. and the Waited parte removed by the —Seaford' Sun. • CW,N ilo. knife. It was tbie that !lightened me and made me get the "Seek and Swab." yesee 1811018 EAST HURON TEACHERS, I need only three pint bottles. 1 am well ever eines, and it be threeI need lb. Having great Minidet1043 himiyeellinr fOneeodai.oine I will reolomkromeentelo„it to th 51, SB.aNmo.R, Creraran". MRS. a', HARMAN. 2 Nellie Beekett Bwr list eolos The fellowing wail rewired from the 8 Edward D. McIntosh Brussels Baine lady ten rare ago _ ,, I Buffered for nenlY four Yvan from 0 Bessie MeTaelsb Trowbridge Ate, and almost at the flame hour daily, Brussels out of which no one could waken me, un. 54 5Foromol.AW ,NBo.rWbooard 7 Lizzie Calder .... .. ...,.Oranbrook til I awoke of Myself, weak and wearied . Maud Coghlin Cranbrook after the lapse of from ten to twelve 8 Marjory Gillespie 9 Florence Bremner M Oranbrook hours' time during which time I was onorieff wholly unoonsoious, I was attended to end consolted no fewer than sixteen 10 James G. Bricker ..... ...Cratibreolt 11 Geo. Dobson mbei doetors without any benefit and no re - Maggie Calder Eibilei (Ili:L.801LT to ft ombye atboarernotomo 'Ado eodo : of took it no 0- H . 4 Charles E. Leppard .... Molesworth IL 12 Janie Howe.— .. ..... . .. Walton notice of anything, until, in the good U. 8 Robert E. Patterson ..B2011etWwoorotah proviclenoe of God, a friend insisted on U . 4 Ernest I. Smith bringing 11. M. McLeod to our house. He took me out of the 60 10 nalf a min- ute's time. I began to gain rapidly after this in health end soundness of mind, en:. to this day 1 have not had any more tit Yours, eto., _ JOSEPHINE E. MARTIN, Kingsbridge, Ont. Sold by Jas. Fox, druggist, Brussels. IIONSICX. 1 Frank Ti. Lowish 2 Matilda Watson 8 Etta Scott 4 Chas. W. Mitehell..........., Gerrie 5 Wm. O. Blaokwood ..... ... ....Gerrie 6 David Greer Olifford 7 Geo 1:1. McKee .,..Gorrie Lydia Harding Gerrie 8 George H. Rattan ........Fordwich 9 Lena G. Grille Fordwich 10 Arnold M. Stewart Gorrie 11 Isabel Simpeou .. ...... ....Vordwioh 12 Mary M. MoDonald Newbridge 18 Mary Padfield Belmore 15 Maggie B. MoLean • Hunbingfield 16 Alice Duff Molesworth 17 Wm. Winters Fordwiok Mary Blantyre Fordwich 18 Annie Murray Gorrie T.J. 5 Jessie Cornish Kurtzville U. 12 Donald F. McKenzie ....flatmate BULLET'S. 1 Fred, Fowler Soaforbh 2 Thos. Unroll Clinton 3 David Weir.... Constance 4 Wm. B. Hamilton Londesboro' 5 Lizzie Cunningham Londesboro' 6 Robert Weir Harlook 7 Alfred E. Wetheral 8 Arthur McAllister Londesboro' Jessie McLaughlin Londesboro' 9 Geo. W. Shore Auburn U. 10 Agnes Chidley 5 John Cook Della O'Neil Lakelet Lakelet Lakelet JUDICIAL. SALE OP VALUABLE FARM PROPERTY In the Township of Morris, lit the County of Huron. Bureuant to a judgment made in a certain ohune or matter, in the High Court of Jug - Moe for Ontario, of Button ya. Smith, bear- ing date Me Nineteenth day of Taman, A. 80.1281, there will be offered for sale by Pith • lio Auction, w • th the approbation 0( 80 ernard Louis Doyle, Empire, Local Madera the High Court of Audio° ab Goderieb by Finley Stewart Scott. Auctioneer, on WedviesvinY. the Sixth day of February, A. 1). 1901, at the hour of one o'elook p. m., at the Qacen's Hotel, to the Village of 13rossels, the follow- ing valuable farm property, namely :—All and singular that certain parcel or tract of land arid premiBes, situate ivies and being . in the Township of Morris, in the County of Blytet Huron, and Province of Ontario, being Dom - p0000 of the South Half of Lot Number Twenty, in the eighth Concession of the aforesaid Township of Morris, oontaining by admeasurement one hundred acme of land, be the IMMO more or less. Upon the prem- ises there are erected and in good repair, a frame barn SUM, with stabling underneath, and a log house 18x24, with a frame kitchen moureLor. at the rear 14018, the fences also are in a 1 Fenella Kidd fair condition. There is an orchard upon the premises of about an aore in extent, 2 James T. Dodde fLeaaffoorrtit T he soil is a slay loam ; shout seventy notes 3 Margaret Deverenx ....St. Columban of the land is cleared and with the exception of about fourteen acres. is seeded down, and 5 Toe. L. Dorsey Belehawfoorn land, this property is exceptionally suitable 4 Isabella H. Waugh as there are never falling springs upon the 6 George Buchanan Winthrop as a grazing farm ; the balance of the land is timbered with bard and soft wood. The Dublin 7 Christopher White BLe oeoakdwb uo or dy above described property is situated bo a 8 Violet Simpson firstmlass farming locality, on a good gravel 9 Annie McLeod 11 Lizzie Kinney Walton rlo achgatd1, . oh slble to hools d tree'Ear''i..Bee, oud }Myth, and NUT miles Ya siaXmecGiales 0, 10 Lizzie M. Dorrance Winthrop distant from the vit- Winthr013 from the village of Walton. a Isabella Aitchison Seaforth ‚[811810 or SALE —The purehaser will be U . 2 Clara McKenne. required to pay Ten per cent. of bis pur- chase money on the day of sale, to the Ven - MORRIS. dor'a Solicitor, and shall pay the balance ,1 Lille B. Mister thereof into court, within till rty days there. ---Blyt,h after, ivithout intereet, and at the time of 8 Malcolm Black Brimfield; sale sign an agreement for the completion 4 Lizzie M. McIatuchlin 5 Peter S. Stewart Brussels of his purchase. The property will be afered for sale subjeot to a reserved bid, Belgre,ve Brussels to be fixed by the said Master. The other 6 Nellie Jamieson ... ..... . conditions of sale will be the standing 7 Wm. Aberhart Wingham conditions of the High Ouurt of Justioe. 8 Belle Murdie Bluevale Further particulars may be obtalu 86 00 application to john Hoskin, Esq., Official 9 Janet Kirkby W esa tol two nn Winton ; or to the undersigned. II. 11 Annie Simpson Guardian Toronto; F. S. Scott, Esq., am - 10 Wm. E. Bryans Jam Welton W. M. SINOLAIR, B. L. DOYLE, U. 3 Fanny E. Steer Blyth Ven28dotrr's Solicitor. Local Master at Dated this 23rd day of Janu9a°ady°,1e0h01:. Londeeboro' Auburn Auburn TIICEIMSHITIL 1 Jennie Murray 2 Thos, N. Forsyth 3 Andrew Scott 4 Jennie Grant 5 Robert J. Beattie 6 Maud H. lefartry 7 Matilda Fowler Egmondville 8 Walter H. Baker Egmondville Florence Chrysler Egmondville 9 Thos. G. Shillinglaw Egmondville 10 Mary J. Morrison Ohiselburst 8001010001058. 1 Elsie Allen Wroxeter 2 Maggie Roadhouse Wroxeter 3 Bella 7, Pearson Glenannan 4 Alex. MoEwen Bluevale Jean Blank Bluevale 5 Lizzie Vanetone Wingham 6 Lizzie Wilson Wingham 7 Ethel Scott Wingham 8 Nina 7. Mister Wingham 9 Douglas Framer GlenFarrow 11 Henry Ansley Wingham CLINTON. Heneall Kippen Seaforth Clinton Seaforth Clinton m. R. Lough Maggie O'Neil Janet Wilson Minnie McKay Annie C. Taylor ......... Evelyn Turner Jeanette Combe REAL ESTATE. ..110H SALE. — A. BEAUTIFUL ... home on Queen street, furnished or without, at a bargain Apply to MISS M. CAMPBELL. 33ru5sels. GrOO- D 'FARM OF 142+ ACRES for sale, being Lot 23, Con. 7, Grey. A01130 imitable for two famillen if required, School house, church and patter the Village of Ethel on part 00 008 lot. Apply to JOHN 0018118160. Ethel Carriage Works. 24. i ARM FOR SALE.—BEING Lot 8. Con. 12, Greycontaining 100 Bores. Good stook or grain farm. Good frame house and bank barn ; two good wens; eight acres 01 108.11 wheat and land all in a goodettate of cultivation. For purtioulare apply o 20-0 30113 010178801) 8, eP. 0, pOR SALE IN ETHEL VIL— A.. Lclio.—The Property of the late John Clinton with1if,ott,ftnieoneisting of a solid brick house, a kitchen and woodshed, good stable and i aore of land, all in lirstmlass condition. If not sold will be rented. Pos- session at any time. Per pa,ticulare apply to 'WM. SpitNOE, Ethel ; ALBX, PATTERSON Galt ; or 8001,0101511111108, Mb. Forest. 200 .....— ..... FArim FOR SALE.—I OFFER for sale Lot 15, Con. 8, Morris, Gonad - L. L. MoPaul ing of 100 acres, more or less, 06 cleared, 80 es seeded down, 80 acres Fall ploughed,12 Annie Watson Seafo.rth miresmirin Pall wheat. Barn 00x70, with atom g underneath.m Este Cowan ,, stabling Also dwelling hoe. PossessMn to suit purchaser. Isor further Kate Killoran particulars apply on the premises or to the Belle Watsonproprietor, Price and term reasonable. Mrs. J. Campbell e _20• _TI.1.08, 170601339, Wingham P.O. Mrs. lel. Coulter IIIIRBASt,To.—.LCiotrjA1.7S, Boon.F8A. RT1121p0R01 WINOBASI. Grey. 100 acne more or less. Situate 4j A II. Musgrove Wingham ne mifrom Bitumen and 2 ruins from village fiery Robertson at Ethel. All ideated excepting 5 sores of Mary Cornyn e hardwood bush. Buildings and fences in I3ernioe H. Reynolds good repair. Good wells. All gall plowing r, one. Price and terms of payment on en- amel() Farquharson " plioation to W. M. SINCLAIR, Hattie Reid e20-0 138.8815010, 80,, Brussels. — - It J.AN, $1, Jol • Clearing •Sale. Our Fine Stocx of Overcoats, Suits and Men's Furnishing Goods Must be Sold ... SEAPORTIL Margaret Vonstone Edith A. Matheson 11118 1101. Wm, J. Soolt Blyth Gertrude Graham Annie Hamilton •• Edna Lee Carder BRUSSEL% Z. 15. Cameron Brunets Maud Brook Mary Downey Jean Ritchie ............, wacnotTert. john Hartley ...... . Weoxeter Edith Gibson . Benj. Schneider, of Milverton, was kicked in the head by one of his horses and received fatal Winne. 14 FARM FOB SALE. -150 ACRES 00051501108 01 the South 1 and South 1 of the North 1 of Lot 10, 0011.2, East Wawa. nosh. Tina is an excellent gook farm ,being well supplied with good tipping water. 20 11 situated about 8 miles from the thriving Vil- lage of Blyth. 881050 part of It la under gram, Buildings and tenon are in a fair Mete of repair. Easy tormirof payment will be fatten. Por all information apply to 11-0 0,15,600.8115, Barrister, Brunelle, VARMS FOR SALE. — 100 8.0105 in the 'Township of Howlett, be - Ing Lots 15 and 10, Con. 0 ; 80 acres are (geared and 20 norm in bush ; bank born With stone ambling underneath ; and frame house with welter. A good thriving orchard, VaTin in situates 2 miles Froin tVroxater. Aleo 10 awes in the Township of TumiberrY, being North Half of 1101 7, Con. A 1 30 acres grilse, 20 acres of Inudi ; frame barn and log bowie ; a good spring, For further par. tutelars apply te ALEX. 11/SLOP, 81 -fin WtOlotor 1,, 0, TRuE' every day brings its crowds of satisfied buyers, but while things are going fast, they must go faster still. When we say our stock must be sold 'tis no idle talk—no advertising catch- phrase. The Entire Stock must go, and the Prices are going to make you take them away, so come early and get the choice This Sale also includes our Ordered Suits and Overcoats which is the most up-to-date stock in town. Now is the time to Clothe yourself at Cost Price. 112110. . MEILOSS LEADING CLOTHIER. Farm Produce taken in exchange for goods. Bargains miniosissamosmismsomm Both heavy and Light, all our own make and composed of the best of stork and workmanship. ROBES and BLARIKETS. The season bas not been cold enough for Robes and Blan- kets, and as we bought heavy in them and do not want to carry any over, if prices can move them notice the following --Large Dark Grey Goat Robes, regular $9.00, reduced to $7.50 —Large Grey Goat Robes, regular 8.00 4, 6.00 —Blankets, Best Dutch Kersey, regular 1.75 ff 1.25 —Heavy Unlined Blankets, regular 75 ,4 55 Repairs promptly attended to in Harness, Collars, Boots, Shoes or Rubbers. L. C. RICHARDS. McDONALD Ready for ETHEL I Business at .••••••O Having bought out the business of Wm. Beatty (36 CO., I invite all old customers of the late firm to give me a call, and as many new ones as may silo fit to favor me with a share of their patronage. I have added a large assortment of new up-to-date goods to the already well bought stock of Beatty & Co., which I will sell at very reasonable prices for reliable goods. My motto will be "Small Profits and Quick Returns,: and as my expenses are low I will carry out the above motto in all lines throughout the store. It's never too late to mend your ways. Be on the safe side and make your purchases here. Joh McDonald4 P. S.—Highest market price for Butter and Eggs. ei r