HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1901-1-24, Page 8or Horses
For Cattle
_ O
For Pigs
For Poultry
Itemeve Lim
An animal Will mot thrive ac/ it
should when infested with thee, Wei
have what will remove this tr0ableaome
peek; Call in sad let qe chow yott our
at00k. Oan give you anything fn the
Inerkst that le mold for tole parpeee.
An animal will hot thrive well if ie
does not eat well, and not only this but
they should digeet well, Ono Oondition
Powder will do the work. We have also
Herbage= that many' are neing if you
would like to give it a trial.
Eons litlia3r.
It pays to have Hens lay early. We
have Poultry Spice and Poultry Panacea,
both for this purpose, and Instant Louse
Kiper to remove any vermin. Won't
you try e package ?
G. A.
Druggist, Optician and
eOMrnirO Exether0N W. G, & B.
Trains leave Brunets Station, North
and South, as follows;
GOINm So exec, Goma Noumea
MixSas 9 a.m.
:42 I Exprees 8:17 Mail 2 Id p
Mixed m
rug :Z azo 4tnns,
A ohiel's amang ye Lakin' notes,
An' faith he'll prent it.
LA GRIPPE is boas.
11oae1 Fair Thursday 31st.
TnI ice harvest cornea next.
Pouwvn Division Court on Wednesday,
Feb. 6th.
'fug Bijou Comedy Co. went to Milver-
ton from Brunets.
1'. AMENT is receiving a good share of
sawlogs at hie mill yard.
T. P. Seam, the eye speoia1iet, will be
et Jae. Fox's drug store on Wednesday,
30111 inst.
A ammo quantity of cordwood is being
reoelved by R. Maioprize at the Electric/
Light Works.
Aar. BAExE11 will be an exhibitor at
the Poultry Fair to be held next month
a1 Gaderioh. He has a lot of fine birds.
ANNDAL meeting of .Brussels Driving
Park Association will be held at the
Ametioan Hotel on Friday evening of
this week at 8 o'olook.
A. MEETING of the Director's of East
Heron Farriers' Institute was held at
Wroxeter on Wednesday of this week to
discuss the question of affiliation with
the Provincial Fair.
SEE the moving pictures in connection
wiib Stanley McKeown Brown's lecture
in Br0eeet8 Town Hall Wednesday even•
ing of next week, under the auspices of
the town Public/ Library.
CHANGE Or B118INESS,—The photo. gal-
lery of Ed. Bart has been sold to Lorne
end Hilton Hunter who will take posses-
sion at once. Mr. Hart will remove to
Southampton, it ie said, where he will
conduct a studio. He has been in Brae -
rt 's a
t ears Mr. Ha t
Brae -
eels m Eor ab n two y
member of the Methodist ' t ahnroh choir
and leader of the Epworth League choir.
Ac0I0ENT.—Tbursday afternoon while
working on the boiling pan at the Enter-
prise Salt Works A.D. MoBay, of Sea.
forth, met with an accident that might
easily have had fatal malts. The head
of an old rivet that was being ant off fiew
T II ;E ,i3 R U $ E;
.tl 0 T
2111 1901
h1. EwAN Iles gold 40 ueW.000erg this
Winter and 6 set of bobslelghe, He ie
getting reedy to boom the buggy baei.
0008 and bag eel 200 all Abe standard of.
galea to be made daring 7901,
The Ladies' Ald of tbo Meths/diet
oharoh will hold a Social In Grey at the
reeidenoe of Wm. Armstrong, Teeeday,
Feb. 501, op "the old Hill Wm," Riga
will leave Tuts Posx Publishing House
between 7 and 8 o'olooli,
Nomon.e-W8 paid a postal note far
(14,00 to some one on the 8rd of January
end paid another for $5 00 on the Rh oe
January. Will the parties who got paid
let ua know ea these notes Were Met In
Bending to Ottawa, Poem1s/8TE1t,
Time, BTRaa2AN will be the Commie -
Moiler for the East Rldiog of Herten in
00mn80210n with taking the Dominion
ethane. He will be aeeieted by simmer•
atore from each 'municipality, The work
willoommenoe on April let and the
enumerating le expected to be completed
in two weeks.
Err IN TEE BEE.—while working at the
Balt Works Friday of feet week Gordon
Mooney woe struck in the nye by a pirate
of flying dirt from a rivet be was be.
beading. He has had a very sore optic
but we 1•,ope with mare that be will Boon
be all 0. h. again. The trouble with Mr,
Mooney he never wants to take time
enough to give a wound e good ohaace to
get completely well.
MOOING TO W000sxomt.—Jno. Boots end
family intend removing to Woodetook
where Mr. and Mre, Scott will have poet
tions in the Boptiet College. Their
duties will oommeuoe on Feb, 16112.
They have beenresidents of Bru8aele for
the peek 20 years and their many old
frieude will wish them and their daugb•'
Mrs heppineea and prosperity lo their
new home. They will live in the College
building where some 100 students also
make their home.
GEo. Axton, a well known traveller for
the firm of A. M. Smith & Co., London,
died suddenly at Wingham Monday even-
ing last about 8 o'olook. He aompleined
of a pain in his head and went to a bar
bar shop where hot clothe were applied,
but afforded no relief. While seated in
the dinar Mr. Axton lapsed into anoon•
80ion8ne80 and never regained hie eenses,
dying of paralysis of the brain at the
hour stated. His remains were takes to
London. He was 47 years of age and
leaves a widow and six ahiidreu.
OYSTERS, &c.—At the conclusion of the
Odd Fellows' Lodge, Thursday eveuiug
of Met week, S. T. Plum, the retiring
Noble Grand, invited the members to hie
oommodioua reeidenoe where Mrs. Plum
bad an oyster supper in readiness. Tbe
bivalves were well flanked with many
other dainties known to culinary art
and all heartily enjoyed the spread. Be•
fore leaving the table W, H. Mo0raoken
and Wm. 1iiarbiu, with Irish and Scotch
compliments, expressed the thanks of
the brethren for the hospitality evidea•
sed by ear. and Mre. Plum.
A REcoMMaxn,—Iu leaving town agreat
many of nay old onatomera are asking me
from whom they should buy their cloth-
iug. I have been in badness in Brussels
for about 20 years and the keeueet op.
position I have had in clothing is your
worthy citizen, D. C. Roes. He handles
the very beet clothing, each ac/ Shorey'°
and W. R. Jobneton'e. which are two of
the beet firms in Canada, although you
can easily see D. 0. Roes has given me
keen opposieloo, yet I oa0 say this much,
hie opposition hue been fair acid I bate
never kuown him do a mean act, there-
fore I ono reeomeod my numerous one.
tomere to bay their geode from him.
CHOSEN FRIENDS.—The following offi-
cers were installed in conception with
Brn88ele Oounoil of Chosen Friende on
Tuesday of last week by Dr. Toole, Pastt
Councillor • P. 0.,Bamus 1 o gg
ard r
0., Truman Smit ; Reo..feea, B.T.
Pinm ; Treas., H. R Brewer ; Prelate,
H. R. Elliott; Marshal, Geo. McNichol ;
Warden, Wm. Bird ; Guard, W. H. Mc•
Cutoheon ; Sentry, A, Bird ; Medical
Examiner, Dr. Toole ; Representative to
Grand Council, S. T. Plum. The Lodge
night hE hue been ohneg ed from the 8rd to
the let Tuesday of each month, meetings
being held in the Blaebill Hall. Grand
Council will be held at Hamilton next
OBIT.—An old and highly reepooted
resident of Kincardine departed tbie life
on Jan. 4th, in the person of Jane Arm.
etroog, beloved wife of A. Maoklem, aged
72 yeare and 7 mouths. She had been
in failing health for the past few yeare
and her d00888e was not en unexpeoted
event. Mr, and Mre. Maoklem went to
Kincardine 30 yeare ago, moving from
Waterloo 0o. In addition to the husband
there are 8 children surviving, hire, Ino.
Long, of Bruseele, being one of the
daughter's. Deceased was a worthy
member of the Methodist oharoh for
yeare. The following relatives from a
distance were preseob at the funeral
Mr. and Mre, Long, Bruasele; Mr. and
Mre. Tremain, Detroit ; Miss Armettong,
London ; William Ma0klem, Buffalo ;
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Maoklem, Ripley. ,
death of John White, of Exeter, on Jan•
teary 11th, removed from that town an
estimable citizen, and from journalism
one of its pioneers. It yeas in 1873 that
Mr. White came to Exeter and establish-
ed the Times newspaper. It was a
Conservative paper, and Mr. White was
a staaneh advocate of the principles be
believed in, but his views were fairly ad-
vocated and the presentation of other
opinions allowed. From the Times
office hie eon, Tbomae M. Wbite, went
out to establish the St, Marys Journal,
and afterwards the Windeor Review,
wbilet another eon, William White, es-
tablished the Brandon Sun, Mr, White
was born on July 17, 1827, in Nowton•
stewed, County Tyree°, Ireland, and
descended from an old English family
that settled in Ireload about 100 yeare
before his birth. He was of sturdy fight-
ing Stook, one of hie unalee being killed
at Ooruona. The decimated came to
Montreal in August, 1848, eteyed there a
year and a half, going thence to New
York, and eubeequently to Philadelphia.
Doming back to Canada he reeided in
Btoaffville for a while, where be held the
position of postmaster. Resigning Chia
position be opened a general etore in
Unionville, removing therm to St. Mateyo
where he kept a store until hie removal
to Exeter. In religion he was 8 Meth°.
diet.' He Was also a p1omioent Orange-
man, occupying leading position in that
Order. On April 16, 1860, he married
Mies Margaret A. Miller, of Newton-
8tewart, who 8urvive8 him. The obit.
dean of this marriage wets William, in
Ottawa ; Humphrey, deceased ; Time.
and Jeleo, in Windsor ; Miller, now
oondaating the Exeter Times, and Mag.
BRUSSELS market' le hard to beat the
year round.
IT was 17 0 below zero last Saturday
morning et 7 o'alools.
MONTHLY Horse Fair, Brussels, on
Thursday, 31st inst.
TUESDAY evening of next week the
monthly program will be presented at
the 0. 0. F.
Font peddlers have been calling on
Brneeelites. A. Oonaley has arranged to
bave fresh salmon trout shipped to him
each week and may be had at the expreea
0. B. ARMSTRONG, 899ign88, of London,
is In obarge of the Scotch Warehouse,
Garfield Block, Brussels. He arrived
Thursday afternoon of last week. Tbey
are busy stook taking.
A DEBATE is being 0019080 for in Oon•
neotioo with the Epworth League of the
Methodiet ahnroh in wbiab both ladies
and gentlemen are expeoted to take part.
Date and subject announced later.
0. T, R. Norm—The shipments from
Bru8aele during the past week are :-4
oare wheat, A. Basher ; 8 oars wheat, R.
Grabam ; 2 oars hay, Backer & Vanetone ;
1 oar peas, A. Baeker ; 2 care bogs, W.
F. Vaaetone ; 1 oar oar cattle, Clegg &
Dames ; 1 oar salt, Enterprise Salt
Works; 1 oar dry goods, A. R. Smith ;
1 oar of peas, R. Grabam.
EAST BMW Farmers' Institute meet.
Inge Tbursday afternoon and eveuiug of
this week in Brussels Town Hall. At
the evening meeting, in addition to the
chairman and Messrs Hallman and Ted-
otton, short addressee will be given by Rev.
J. I,Imee and Rev. J. Ross, B. A. In-
atrameutal duets will be contributed by
Mrs. Geo. Thomson and D. Ewan and
eolos are expected from Barrister tile•
Clair and Jae. Tbomeon. Tboe. McMiI-
Ian is the Preeident and George Hood
Seoretary•Treaeurer. There is no ad.
mission tee charged and all will be wet.
WE are sorry to state that Mies Lizzie
Leatherdale has been uoconeoione the
most of this week. Last week she was
taken sick with toneilitie, then complain-
ed of a pain in the glands in the back of
her bead, followed by erysipelas on her
forehead. It has since spread down ac/
far as bsr breast. Erysipelas went to
the brain and the dootore hold ant no
orr in fami .
s at to the s ow I
hoe a y
Wee Lizzie has always been a moat
estimable young lady and a general fav-
avorite with old and young. Dr. Gaon, of
Clinton, was called to a consultation on
Tuesday night. Since the above notice
was written Mies Lizzie has premed away
to the Better Land, at 12.30 Thursday
Her death will
n d
'him on ha
with violent force striking
t mm nit
throughout 118 ao n
cheek and plowing its way into hie jaw. mourned thro g n y
A physician was soon sammooed and the sympathy will be extended to
wound was dressed. Mr. Maxey to
getting along nicely but will probably
feel the effects of the anoident for some
time to come.
THE London Free Prete Bays :—Ib is
semi•offioially aanoanoed, as it has been
for some time generally aodersbood, that
Mr. Brodeur, the late Deputy, will be
the Speaker of the next House of Com•
mons. Dr. McDonald, of Huron, it is
annonnoed, will be the deputy. On per
conal groundsthere oa0 be no exoeption
taken to either gentleman, and Western
Ontario generally will be gratified that a
Huron man is selected. The Free Press
extends its oongratuletione to Dr. Mo.
THE Traction GETS EI3 MONEY.—Chief
Juetioe Meredith enntained hie reputation
for ewaopiag aside teohnloalities is a
judgment in the division then, Toronto,
Tuesday. Mr. MoPhareon, formerly
Mather in 'Osborne township, Huron,
who bad been got rid of because the
Trustees wanted to engage a cheaper
teaober, was suing for $160 of salary.
The school Trustees, in their defense,
claimed that the school ebonld not pay,
beaaase the agreement with MoPheraoo
did not bear the corporate Beal of the
board, and was not entered in the min-
utea. The Chief Justice featured bhe
representatives for entering snob a plea,
ated said the law was not so abeard as to
defeat jnetiae by tektitg oognizanee of
each teohnioalitiee, The teacher gets hie
patriotio oitizene of Bruesele ebould not
mien bearing Stanley McKeown Woven,
the Mail and Empire's war correspond•
ens, deliver his illustrated 1801ate on
Wednesday evening of next week under
the anspioee of the Pablio Library. Mr.
Brown has meb with crowded houses on
hie tour through Oanada. He describes
the trip from Quebec to Paardeburg.
He wan the yonugeet correspondent at
the front and was the only one wounded.
Mr. Brown Ilam moored the Edison oine•
matograph, the same machine and
pio2ureathat were exhibited at the milt-
tary oonoerte in Meesey hell, 'Toronto.
His leoture is illustrated all the way
through which makes it of great interest,
A matinee will be given for the eohool
children at 4 o'elook in the afternoon.
The Toronto World says t—"A eplendid
andieneelletened with rapt attention to
one of the beatleoturee ever delivered in
8itaeaey hall. It was given by Stanley
MoBoowe Brown, the war oorreep indent,
under the aaeph/ea of the 48th High.
Widen and an audience of over 2000 pee -
pie Was present, Plan of Hall ac/ FOPS
Drug eters. Admission 25 and 86 oaths.
the bereaved family.
STONE AND B80011.—The first ourling
match this season for Braeeele was played
at Wroxeter on Tbureday afternoon of
last week and resulted in a victory for
the home team. Lae was good and the
game enjoyed by all. Following were
the rinks and saran ;—
Beasszae. WBOxETEe.
N. P. Gerry, W. Sandereon,
J. Hewitt, Geo. Town,
W. Thomson, A. Paulin,
J. T. Ross, skip,.. 8 T. Rae, ekip..15
A. Coueley, Jae. Allan,
A.. Carrie, Jno. Bray,
Dr. Twaddle, Geo. Paulin,
D. 0. Roca, ekip..11 R. Black, 8kip,..16
Totals....19 Potaie....31
Majority for Wroxeter,12
Brussels hopes to return the oompli.
meat before the Winter is over but labor
under the disadvantage of not having a
regular rink.
WORLD WIDE.—A weekly reprint of
articles from leading jenr0als and re
views refleoting the current thought of
both hemispheres. A8 many of the
ablest writers are now engaged in
jonrnaliem, math writing of the highest
quality in matter and style is fugitive,
seen only by the readers of eaoh partion-
lar newepaper, and often lost before it is
read. Math of nob writing is only of
local and very transient import, but
mach ie of more permanent and world
wide interest. It is proposed to fill the
pages of World Wide with articles and
extraote of thio latter rlaes, with 000ae-
ional selections from notable books and
0000e8 from ebriking etoriee. An effort
will be made to select the articles eaoh
Week go that doe proportion will be given
to the various fielde of human interest—
to the ideating eosnee of the world's great
drama, to lettere and science and beauti-
ful things. It was at firer intended to
publish World Wide upon fine paper at 8
higher that, bot reoalling the long list of
elegant publications whioh in the past
have been etarted in Canada, only to fail,
and reflecting that good taste in liters•
tare does not always imply the means
to pay for neatly joutnale, and that Deo•
pia of taste can be relied upon to appreoi•
ate literary ex0811en09 On the plainest
sheet, it has been deoided to offer World
Wide at the lowest possible pride, in
order to give all who desire good reading
en egnal opportunity. Pabliebed week-
ly. Sixteen pages. Two oeut8. 760,
per an0trm, postpaid to any addreee in
Canada or 'C. B. 26o. additional for de.
livery in Montreal or to foreign ann.
took 'liege to EEoter oe,roetery so Mau•
day, the 8erviee at the house being con•
fleeted by Rev. Mr, Ffillyard, stud at the
grave by the Orange Order. Of the de,
mead 10 may he said that he served hie
geperattott faithfully, woe reeneeeed by
all who knew him, 904 leevea to hie
Children the record of a 11012bful citizen
and the legacy of a (;nod nnma.
eIll'R(11 Olif tl l' is
Report of Melville Presbytery:' may be
read in another ooimmn of tbie nestle,
Next Sunday evening 6110 topic at the
Epworth League will be "Aro vro good
82820140 ?"
Annual meeting of Molvllle pongrega•
tion will beheld next Monday evening,
following it short religions service.
The Presbyterians of Pine River can.
geagation kiodly presented t Rev. Drs
Murray, of Einoardine, with a load of
oaten lately in reoognitloa of past favors,
Iu oonteotlon with the Communion in
Melville church Rev. Mr. Dunn, of
Whiteohproh, will preach on Batardey
afternoon and the pastor will offiniate on'
There was no service in St. Johne
eburolelast Sunday owing to the in.
oombent, Rev. Mr. Abey, takipg 111 With
appendicitis on Saturday night. He Ices
been bothered with this ailment on
former 000aeione but we hope he will
soon be quite well again,
Last Sabbath morning Rev, Too.
Bolmes ehoee as hie text "Grow in
Grace," from wbiah he gave a very
profitable die000ree. At the ev icing tier•
On the Scripture chosen wax i)eut. 22
and 8, "The Home" wa8 21,8 topic.
The pastor oondeobed a Conference at
the Epworth League on the q'toetioo of
"Consecration" which was Interesting
and inetroative.
Rev, Jno. Rosa' 88rmoue last Sabbath
were on Felix and Dreeilla, the test be-
ing, "And be sent for Paul to bear about
the faith that was In Christ Jeans." Io
the moruieg the mein divieione Were
(I The Preaober ; (9) The Andienoe ;
(3) The Sermon (4) Ile divisions,
Rigbteouenese, Temperance and Jndg-
meut. "Felix'° Fatal Folly" was the
evening topic from which mauy praotioal
Marione were oleo given.
Annivereary sermons in the Methodist
ohurob next Sabbath, Rev. )t Hobbs, the
well known Wingbam pastor, will preach
at both eervioee. A epeeist offering of
$72.50 is naked to meet half yearly inter-
est. Monday evening Rev. Mr. Hobbs
will givehispopular Leoturo, "The Tri•
angular Man." The admission fee of
10 oeute puts it within reach of all.
Musical eeleoti0ne Interspersed. Rev.
Mr. Holmes will take Rev. Mr. Robbs'
work on Sabbath at Wingham.
The annual meeting of the W. F. M. B.
of Melville Cbnroh woe held in the lecture
room a week or so ago, to reoeive the
annual resorts. Laet year the Booiety
raised $131, besides 1140 whioh. was sent
to the Indian FemioeFund. During the
paet year there were 84 membere with a
good average attendance. Tbe following
officers were elected for thio present year ;
—Hon. Pree.,'Mre, Barnhill : Pres., Mre.
(Rev.) Roee ; Vice Pres., Mre. Deadman ;
Treas., Mre. Skene ; Sec., Mre. R. K,
Rose ; Organist, IYtre. A. Straoban.
Two large sleighloade of hie parish-
ioners drove oat from Mitchell Taeeday
evening, Sao. 10, to.reoogoiee Rev. Father
Downey's good work and faithful eervioee
by presenting him with an addreee and a
handsome gold watch. On the outside of
the watab nee ie cicely engraved a large
orose and the words, "Presented to Rev,
D. J. Downey by hie Mitchell friends,
Jan. 16, 1901." The addreee was read
by John Broderiok, and the presentation
made by Miobael King, and to suitable
reply followed by the esteemed paetor,
whom removal from the neighborbood is
deeply regretted by all classes of people,
tx188. o h J Deegan & Bou, Publieber8
,s'T,f .7v7mzen B4.N'Ec or ' 0,4Xa4D4.
XMT.,A.02/X4P-T:Z241 2-072,
CAPITAL PAID UP (One Million Dollars) 61,000,000
REST , $700,000
Agencies in all prittoiyal pomp in 0ntorio, Qnebee, ifaniteba, Anfted Stades.eEeolattd,,
A Genoral Banking lhueineee Traneaeted, Farmers' Notes Dleoounted,'
Drafts Issued and Oolleotlons .made on all pointe,
IO2er982 allowed 00 depoeite of 121,00 and upwarde and compounded half yearly.
Snow. ATTENTION 0101EN T0' THE COLLECTION or P10099as' BALE Nom,
Every facility, afforded 0081001818 living at a dietanoe.
payable at any bank leaded Under $10 . , , 8o, $20 to $80. , . •120
Money Orders at the following rates $10 to $20....10o. 30 to 40„.,14o
o3 v98.8:cl.s s1. 28 m'z's. DAPER HANGING, DECOR.
L 8TINet and House Fainting done fe
Pall Whnat..,, •............ 11 8$ ___A-
ve hadl tbreoannr8'a expd nrlsRor ih notice. Ro, "y • • • • • • • •66 7 Work, Termoe 008801 8ble, Give m011.1
a calf.
Pon,. 26 e, 20 W,7,, JOHNSTON, Walton.
Batter, tabs and cone 17 18 �AIi,UI FOR BALE.—I OFFER.
Eggs nor doznn 14 16 LT for 8810 Lot 15,00n. 8, Morris, ooneist-
Flout' per owl, , 2 00 2 UO ins of 100 80188, wore ar loos, 90 cleared; 50
Potatneo (per hash.)' 26 26 aoree seeded down, BO acres Pall ptou hed,12
Apples (per bag) 60 50 aurae in Fall wheat, Burn GOx70, with 81000
Sheep °kine, oath • 80 1 00. 818
underneath. Also dwelling house,
Leb akine oaaoh25 26
Balt per bbl., retail 1 00 70
Hay per ton .. 7 00 8 00
Hides trimmed 6 6�
Hides rough
Hoge, Live 6 00 61050i
Wool 16 16
A. Physical Wreck
Ie very fregnently'the condition
following an attack of the grip, We
find oar
Beef, VIM & Iron
An excellent stimulant and Nerve
Tonic in cases of this kind, Give it
a trial and be convinced,
For sale only at
Pose eaelon to salt p'arcbaeer. BO. further
part feelers apply on the ee m' the
20. THOS. PORS18 WIngham P.O.Fox's Drug tor8.proprietor. Pterms reasonable.
Business Locals.
CASH for butter and eggs. A. (Mosley,
CARr1T Wasemm.—Am prepared to at-
tend to
in the
e want of thepublic
t tb 8
weaving of reg carpet, Satisfaction a8.
cured. ROUT. ANDEIte08, Elizabeth et.
WANTED.—Roll butter 22o. ,Feed those
cows, butter will be good for months and
cora is the beet market in Canada the
year round. G. E. 8000, Wingham.
Bow FILER MCGREGOR owns the latest
models and patterns and can get a line of
epeoial new saws made now for any one.
They will figure higb at Ole races. T.
MoGREGol, saw Rummer and filar, Brus.
8818 Earn, or MoKay & Co's. hardware
e tore.
a e de,. '1
Montroal, Oaaagis and Tillie at home. Tbo Moore'
In the Townehlp of !Norris, In
the County of Ruron.
Ferment to a Judgment made in a certain
pause or matter, le bbe High Court of Jus-
tice for Ontario, of Batton ve, Smith, bear-
ing date the Nineteenth day of Jaonary A,
lin Auotion,,w e bhlbe theapprobation red ofle ems d
Louie Doyle, lOeq^ire, Local Master of the
High Court of Juetioe at Godericll , bvFinlay
Stewart. Soott,Auotioneer, on WedisCatisy.
the Sixth- day of February. A.0.1900, at
the hour of one o'clock p. m.. a,t the Q..een's
Hotel, in the Village of Brussels, the follow-
ing valuable farm property, . namely
1 nd andapremises,t situate lying mud being
in the Township of Morrie, in the 0o11nty of
Huron, and Province of Ontario being eem-
posed of the South Half of Ontario,
Twentyin the eighth Concession of tbo
aforesaid Township of Morrie, containing by.
admeasurement one hundred eons of land,
be the same more or lose. Upon the prem.
ices there are °rooted and in good repair, a
frame barn 28808, with stablingunderneath,
and a,loghouse 18x24 with a frame kitchen
at the rear 14x18, the Tomes also are in a
fair condition, There is an orchard upon
the premises of about an sere in extent.
The soil is a Olay loam ; about seventy acres
of the land la cleared and with the exception.
of about fourteen aoree, is seeded down, and
as there are never ;failing springs upon the
land, this property le exeep01088lly suitable
as a grazing farm ; the balance of the land
is timbered with bard and soft wood. The
above described property is situated in a
first -Class farming locality, on a good gravel
road, readily accessible to schools and
churches ; is six mile- distant from the vil-
lages of Brussels and Blyth, end four miles
from the village of Walton.
Tanta of SALE —The purchaser writhe
required to pay Ten per cent, of hie our.
Oboes money on the day of sale, to the Ven -
thereof into court, within thirty days there-
after, without intermit, and at the time of
sale sign an agreement for the oompletion
e n The property will
purchase money. p
of s y P
reserve tit
Bale nub ecE to a eeery d
,flared for
to di fixed 1 the said Muster. The otheti
conditions o[ the High Court of obtain.
Further pro John may q.. Oedon
Guardian, o nto 1 7,1Hoskin, Esq., Official
Guardian, Toronto ; P. S. Boort, Esq., sue -
Moaner ; or to the undersigned.
Capt. 0. W. Nordin, a Norwegian mar.
iner, and J. E. A. Dubuc, of Quebec,
and have submitted a proposition to
the Government for the eetebliebment of
an ice breaker and salvage steamer on the
Bt. Lawrence and a Winter ateamehip
service between Europe and Quebec.
It Wadies the Globe.
The fame of Booklen'e Arnica Salve as
the beet in the world, extends round the
earth. It's the one perfeot healer for
nate, earns, barna, braieee, sores, scalds,
boils, alders, felons, ached, pains and all
skin eruptions. Only infallible pile tare.
25o a dox at G. A. Deadman's drug store,
MoGowo8.—In Rata Wawanosh, on Jan.
111h, to Mn and Mre. Alex. Mo.
Gowan, a son,
BvoHANAN.—In East Wawanoeh, me Jan,
16th, to Mr. and Mre. Robert
Buobauan, a daughter.
LEACH—BAINTON.—At the residence of
the bride's mother, ou Jan, 16th, by
Rev, Wm. Penball, Mr, James
Leah, to Mee Elsie, youngest
daughter of Mre. Bainton, all of
RATHw1LL —SHINE. — At A11 Beinte'
(north, Wooleely, on January 1611,
by Rev, Mr, Franklin, Mr. Thomas
D. Bothwell to Ivliee Olata Shine, all
of Anabel township.
9I ]Om.
MdtlBLEAi: —In Kieoerdine, on Jan. 41h,
Jane Armstrong, beloved wife of A.
Muokiem, aged 79 yeare and 7
Wmers.—In Exeter, on Jan. 11th, John
White, Editor of the Exeter Timms,
aged 78 years, 6 months and 6 days.
lliatww.—In Grey, on Jae. 210, Joust
Matbeeoo, raliot of the late Jame
14181op, aged 62 yeare, 8 months and
80 days.
1 0Rnnotwar,—In Stratford, on January
10th, Arthur Reddaway, aged 46
Vendor's Solicitor. Looal Master at
28•tf Goderich,
22rd dayof Jaoaaa
Dated Ghia, 1901.
Bargains in.,..
Both heavy and Light, all our own make and
composed of the best of stock and workmanship,
The season' has not been cold enough for Robes and Blan-
kets, and as we bought heavy in them and do. not want to carry
any over, if prices can move them notice the following:—
—Large Dark Grey Goat Robes, regular $9.00, reduced to $7.50
—Large•Grey Goat Robes, regular 8.00 ” 6.00
—Blankets, Best Dutch Kersey, regular 1.75 lr 1.25
—Heavy Unlined Blankets, regular 75 I 55
In the Surrogate Court of. the County
of (Huron,
Notice to Creditors,
All persons having olalme against the
estate of Rachel Spence, late of the village
(deeeneea) whohdied ontor aboHuron, seventh
day of December, A. D., 1900, are notified to
Bend or deliver to Wm. Spence, at Ethel P.
(t„ the Executor of the .estate, on or before
the 20th day of January, 1001, a statement of
their claims, duly verified, and after the
tam manta ,,ed date the Executor will dis-
tribute the assets of the estate among 1boae
entitled thereto having regard only to Muth
(deign as than have then been reoeived.
And the Executor will not be Liable for the
aeeets of the eetaae or any part thereof to
any p00000 of whose claim notice shall not
then have been received, This noticeis
pursuant to the Statute in that behalf.
Agent for Executor.
Dated Brn Seel¢. Jan.10, 1001.
Repairs promptly attended to in Harness, Collars,
Boots, Shoes or Rubbers.
30 DAYS'
2 YEAR molt for sale.
L. ReLLuNGER, Lot 9, Con.10, Grey,
37—tf Bruseele P. 0.
Two oowe for sale, one to malum Feb. jet
and the other April 180, ROBT, BITUMEN,
Dot10, Oon. 4, Morris, Brussels P.O. 2820
Com stoves for Bale—one large and one
medium in prime working order for Balm at
half price. Gettingfuruaoe in house—•no use
for stoves, J. D. RONALD.
no at once by the year. D, A RdiDN-
lriE, Lot IS, Con, 18, Gray, Walton P.O.
lighted and oonvenient rooms to lot in
the Leokio blook over G. A. Dead man'a and
Mrs, Rogers' Mores. Apply to F. S.800TT.
IeE9 of the undersigned, Lot Bo, Oon. 18,
Grey, an aged ram. The owner is xi/guest.
8d to prove property, pay expense8 and tape
Cie animal away. JNO, MoI6AVGHT
20.4 Monarioil 'P. O,
for sale, aged 9 9114 20 months. Good
eine and chanty, and withgood predigreee.
Price( right, Also some well bred young
0098 with calf, 0, T0Lt1BULL, Lot 10,
Oon,10, Grey, Walton P. 0. 28.10
Bulls for sale, aged 1 year and 8
Months, respebtively, Good' 981004ls witti
good pedigrees, The first mentioned took
end prize at Dad Baron Pall Show, 1000 In
8 014188 of 0, 'Prieel right, JA8, B71+1R, Let
80, Con, 0, Morrie, Brussole P, O. 20.
Our Fine Stock of Overcoats,
Suits and Men's. Furnishing Goods
Must be Sold,...
RUE, every day brings its
crowds of satisfied buyers,.
but while things are going fast,
they must go faster still. When
we say our stock must be sold"tis
no idle talk—no advertising catch-
phrase. The Entire Stock must
go, and the Prices are going to
make you take them away) so
come early and get the choice.
This Sale also includes our.
Ordered Suits and Overcoats -which
is the most up-to-date stock in
Now is the time to Clothe
yourself at Cost Price,
Farm Produce taken in exchange for goods.