HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1901-1-24, Page 5i r, BUSINESS CARDS, Y2 LO N 0 NATGI R O FA A .�_ out F 8, 800TT 1110 e M a ga la. ,NATII MoORAOREN— V V • issuer of Marriage Licenses, 01. 800 at Ge000ry,'1'urnborry 811001, 181081010. N. BARRETT— io • Tonsorial Artist, Shop—Noxi door North of the Standard flank, Ladies' and Ohl1181000 hair caning a epeolalty, Ii1ARMS FOR SALE --THE UN. DHnSIONE1 hag eeyefal good Farina for sale and to rent, easy termer in Townehlpe of Morris 011(1 Groy, F 8, 800PT,Brussels M. MORIUSON, Issuer of Marriage Licenses, WALTON, ONT, MISS JEAN M'LAUCNLIN, —TEAOH171t OF— PIANO - AND — ORGAN, O00. ROBERT CUNNINGHAM .1880881108, FIRE AND MARINE, GUELPH. MISS SARAH LOUISE MOORE, L. O. M.. Aoadenllc graduate of London 0oneerv0- tory of Musio,aleo Member of the Associated Mneloions of Ontario, is prepared to reoeivo e limited number of pupils for instruction o uthe piano, Qualified to prepare pupils for the Principal's Porto lu the Conservatory of Music. 8,11000 8 Ontario. ALEX. BUNTER— Clerk UNTER— Clei7r of the Fourth Division Court, OD. Huron ;. Conveyancer, Notary Public, Lend, Loan and Inearnuee Agent ; Auction- eer. Fuode Invested end to' loan. Collec- tions made. 011110 in Graham's Blook, Brus- e els, AUCTIONEERS. 1.-.0 S. SCOTT AS AN AUCTION• • 0033. will sell for bettor prices, to better men, in lees time and leas chargee than any other Auctioneer in East Huron or he won't charge anything. Dates and orders can always he arranged at this oface or by personal application. • DENTISTRY F. W. TWEDDLE, (ront1ERL'Y Or 8EASORT0), DENTIST, Graduate of R. 0. D 8., Toronto ; Post Grad - nate course at Basket's School, Chicago, in crown and bridge work. lag—Prices same as in surrounding towns. 21- 00100 over A.R. Smith's store, Bruseele. VETERINARY. D. WAIi.WICK— J• Honor Oradna:e of the Ontario Vet- erinaryCollege, is prepared to treat all dia• eases odomeethottod animals in a compet- ent manner. Parti^near attention paid to Veterinary Dentistry. Calls promptly at- tended to. Oflloe and Infirmary—Four doors North of bridge, Tnroberry et., Brussels. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. NT M. SINOLAIR— Barrister, Solicitor, 'Conveyancer, Notary Public, &o. 08Bee—S tewart's Block 1 door North of Central Hotel. Solioitor for the Standard Bank. GF. BLAIR, BARRISTER, • Solicitor, &o. Moe over Stand- ard Bank. Solicitor for Village of Brussels. Money to Loan at lowest rates. MG. CAMERON— • (Formerly of Cameron, Holt & Cameron) Barrister and Solicitor, Godorich Ont. Odlce—Ham,lton street, opposite Col. borne Hotel. MEDICAL CARDS. J. A. M'NAUGHTON, It. D., 0. IL, Trinity University, Fallow Trinity Modioal College, Member 0olle5e of Physicians and Surgeons Ont. Licentiate of the Royal Col- lege of Physicians and Licentiate of Mid- w,fery,Edinburgh. 18'Telopboue /40.1.1, Residence—M.111 street, Brussels. Important to Breeders and,Horsemou. EurVotlti 1•inat.y Can1Stic Balsam. A reliable and epoody remedy for Curbs, 8 lints, sweenSpavey,ins, --•:= eto,, etc.,in 1. Horses and ti Lump Jaw in Cattle. mn(1,0 MARS "See pampb• - let which aceompanioe every bottle, giving scientific treatment lu the various diseases. It nun be used 1n every case of veterinary practice whore stimulating applications aid blisters are prescribed. It has no 6UPERron. Every bottle so Id ie guaranteed to give Batts- footion. Price 75e per bottle. Bold by all druggists and country storekeepers, Pre. pared by Tnn EUREKA VETERINARY MEDICINE COMPANY, London, Out, Mc.LEOD' S System Renovator —Asp OTn88— TESTED REMEDIES SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE For Impure, Weak and Impoverished Blood, Dyepepeia, Sleeploeeneee, Palpita• tion of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Neur- algia, Loss of Memory, Bronchitis, Con• enmption, Gall Stupes, Jaundice, Kidney and Urinary Diseases, St, Vitus' Dance, Female Irregularities and General Do. bility, LABORATORY, GODERICG1, ONT. J. M. MoLEOD, Prop. and Manufacturer. 80181 by Jaa, Fox, Drngglet, Ittugge's The Business Ontario Listowel Cci].],®ge• EQUAL, TO ANY IN. ONTARIO,. A thorough, complete end preetianl train. Mg in all branehee of Oonameroiel work, at considerably lege than regular rates. For full information apply Rooms of College over Poet Office. L. HARTT LIS'POWk1L, PRINCIPAL. 19stxzxt !sagest Vie i vials it 881 J. B. Ferguson has been re appointed Treasurer of the School Board for 1001. The eleotion expenees of Dr. MaoDon. alis as published were $124.44 and E. L. Dioltineon'e were $80 85. Mise Delia Sperling has entered on her duties ae inetruotrose in the Conser- vatory of Mu.io, Spokane, Mich, W. G. Strong, 0. 0. F. organiz.r, is in town at present working in tbe intereete of Court Maitland, and ie meeting with 8000000. Thos. Armstrong, who recently moved to town from Whiteohurob, ie now on the Wingham market and is prepared to purchase grain. L. W. Hanson has disposed of hie beautiful property, "Sunnyside" to E. Bosman, of Morrie. Mr. Boemoc will have one of the best properties in Wing. ham, Mr. Henson hae pnroltesed the Borman House. The Ladies' Aid Society of the Meth°. diet oharoh has engaged Stanley Mc- Keown Brown, the Mail•Empire'e war correspondent in South Africa, to give a lecture here, Jan. 28. Ooun. Newton's home hae been shadowed by bereavement. Dire. Smith, another of Mrs. Newton, died on Monday of last week, at the advanced age of 81. The funeral took plane to Londeeboro' on Wednesday. The hardware business oonduoted by J. Clegg & Co. ie about to change hands. Mr. Burne, of Toronto, is the parohaeer and he gets possession ae Boon as etook is taken. Mr. Clegg hae not decided definitely ae to the future, but we hope he will remain a citizen of our town. The Presbytery of Maitland met in Wingham on Tuesday of last week. The call of Rev. W. T. Hall, of Belgrave, to Arthur was sustained. Mr. Hall preaohee hie farewell sermon at Belgrave on Jau. 27, and expecte to leave early the follow• ing week for hie new charge. We under- stand that he also hod a call from Pickering but preferred Ar bur. Blown To Atoms, The old idea that the body sometimes needs a powerful, drastic, purgative pill has been exploded ; for Dr. King's New Life Pills, which are perfectly harmless, gently stimulate liver and bowels to expel poisonous matter, cleaners the system and absolutely acre constipation and sink headache. Only 25o at G. A. Deadman'e drug etore. A GWOOrl. H Y. Hoar, formerly of Atwood, bolds a good situation at the Soo, at $2.50 a day, we understand. R. M. Ballantyne was in London, nego• tinting for the purchase of a hearse for his undertaking boeineee. John Peiton got the thumb of his lett hand badly smashed by a hammer scot. dentally falling upon it, ie the hands of Mr. Roe, of Elms. It will be Bore for some time. Mre. J. W. MoBain had the misfortune to get one of her fingers naught in the knives of a meat chopper she was using, crushing the finger so badly that it had to be amputated. The following officers and direotore were appointed for the current year in 000neotioo with the Public Library :— President, D. G. Andereou ; 1st Viae - Pres., Rev. Mr. McLeod ; and Viae Pres., Rev. Mr. Fear ; 3rd Vice Pres., Rev. Mr. Farr ; Seoretary, R. S. Pelton ; Librar• tan, J. A. Mitchell ; Treasurer, J. A. Mit. ohell ; Auditors, T. Fullerton and W. R. Erekiue ; Directors, Dr. Kidd, Dr. Lang. rill, Chas Reese, G. F. Tbomeoo, J. W. MoBain, Alex. Cameron, W. G. Inglis, Alex. Diekeon, John Roger. The annual meeting the Elma Agrioul- Curet Society was held on Wednesday, 9th inst. A goodly number of members and othere were present, taking an inter- esting part in the proceedings. After passing the auditor's report, the follow- ing officiate were eleoted :—Proe., Y. Coulter ; let Vioe, A. Stevenson ; 2nd Viae, Robt. Ford ; Direotore, T. G. Bal. lantyne, John Grahame, Jae. W. Diokeon, John Cowan, Thomas Smith, Wm. Wherry, H. Ronnenberg, Joe. Horn, J. B. Hamilton, jr. ; Honorary Direotore, W. 0. Hewitt, W. Johnston, J. B. Hamel. ton, er., Jae. Damian, J. W. MaBain, Mre. W. D. Aogue, Mre. T. G. Ballan- tyne, Blies Maggie Dickson ; Auditors, Thos. Fullerton and A. M. Sweeten. Resolved, that in the fakir° only one admission ticket be given eaoh member. Sept. 24th and 25th, 1901, were set for holding the Fall Fair in Atwood. Other Societies will please take note of this, and not olaeh dates. The finances of the Society are in a good healthy state and the membership for the past year was considerably in exams of theformer year. The Bee last week rigid '—DIED.—It is our painful duty thio week to chronicle the death of another member of the writer's family who has fallen a victim to typhoid fever. We refer to Bertha, youngest daughter of the late Gibson Pelton, of Innerilip, and sister of the pub- lisher of the Bee, who passed away Saturday last after a brief intim at the Woodstock hospital. Her death ie per. haps the saddest that has visited our en. fortunate family. The impoeeibility to obtain help during her father's and brother's illness, she was obliged to do the bulk of the heavy weakling, almost every day of the week for several weeks, and far into the nights, a task which ebe was not equal to, with the result that ber strength gave out and she fell an easy victim to the dieeaee. Her father's death also very much diebeartened her. Bertha was the baby and pet of the lam• ily, and her sudden taking away was peculiarly sad. She had nota serious attack of the fever, no hemorrhages, she died broken•beartod for those the gave her life to save, She was barely nine. teen, an amiable, noble spirited girl, and her death leaves a void in the home and hearts of her people which owe never be Ailed. Tho lnnartl took plane on Sun, day afternoon, interment being made in the family plot in tha Intierkip aematery, The oaeket Wes banked with 11810 tri. Mittel of affetrpiop, 'neat ling u h tod soma wreath of roeee and 801natione from the Iunerklp Y. P. 8, 0.17. of which Bertha was a moatber, Rev. Mr, Stealth 000. ducted the ear time at the grave, and also preaohed a funeral 'sermon et the ebereb, referring with 17111011 emotion to the sweet, in000ant lite of the deoeaeed and to the universal sympathy felt for the family in general. terrten. Wm, Dane shipped a oar of Alar to Queboo on Monday of last week. J. 0. Stewart, lumber merchant, of Rosenvelt, Man„ ie visiting his uncle, Major Keine. Mise Lettita Roe has returned home from Garman, Man„ where ebe has been visiting her sinter, Mrs. John Strong. B, Stafford, of the 13th oon„ has put Messed a thorough bred pedigree, Poland Lingua cow, from Wm. Isehe, of Sebring. vil 0. The Presbyterian oongregation of this village signalized the last Christmas of the century by givieg their peter a very pleasant aid neat surprise. Sae. Mo• Laughlin called at the manse and left, on behalf of the congregation, a parcel con- taining a beautiful good watch for Mr, Dobson and a fine carving eat and album for Mrs. Dobson. This is one of many other Rote of kindness shown the minister of the Pre-byterian congregation here. 131.w th. 'Merles Fraser left last week for Hol- stein, where ho will take charge of a eaw mill for Button & Feeeant, of Wingham. H. 0. Smith, who was one of the un- fortunates by the big fire one month ego, left for Toronto, where he will take a course in the Canadian Ophthalmio col. lege. 0. L. Shoemaaher, who recently die• posed of his interest in the Qoeeu'e hotel here, hae purchased the Dominion House at Kedah. The purchase price of the Dominion House property is $7000. Anniversary cervices will be held in St. Andrew's oburoh on Sunday and Monday, 27th and 28th inst. Rev. E. R. Hutt, of Ingereoll, will preach, and on Monday eveoiog will give hie lecture, en• titled "The Reign of Queen Viotoria." A large quantity of square timber is being shipped from Blyth elation, Jos- eph Fenton, of West Wawanosh, deliver- ed a pieoe of timber 47 feet long and ann. taining 165 square feet. It was the largest piece of timber that has been delivered here this Winter, At the inaugural meeting of Blyth Oounoil, Joseph Carter gave notice in writing that he would protest tbe eleotion of Reeve Sime for bribery and corruption. It is also reported that George Powell wilt protest the election of Conn. Milne on the ground of want of neoeeaary prop. arty qualification. A quiet, home wedding took plane at the residence of Mrs. Bainton, Wednes- day afternoon of last week, when her youngest daughter, Elsie, became the wife of James Leach, baker for R. R. Douglas. The nuptial knot was tied by ev. h Wm. Peahall in the re t immediate relativeen p s relatives. os. Amidst showers of rice and good wishes the happy couple left by the afternoon train for a honey- moon trip South. The shareholders of the Blyth cheese factory held their annual meeting at the Commercial Hotel. The old Board of Directore was re•elected, excepting 0. Taylor, whoreeigned. Ed. Kraehlingwas elected in hie place. The following re. port was submitted :—Total pounds of milk delivered at !eatery, 383,713, making 33,775 pounds of cheese ; average pounds of milk per one pound of cheese, 11 36. Total money paid to patrons, haulers and manufacturers, $3,329.87. Robert Mar. shall was appointed salesman for 1901 sed James B. Tiernay, auditor for the company. W roxe Lev. John Robertson, of town, Blipped and fell on the ice receiving Boase very severe bruises which laid him up in bed for a few days. The next meeting of Maitland Presby - tory will be held at Wroxeter on Maroh 5th. Maitland W. F. M. S. will aleo hold its annual meeting here at the same time. At the last regular meeting of Montana Lodge, No. 177, I. 0. 0. F„ the following officers were installed into office by Amoe Tippling, D. D. G. M., of Wingham :—N, G„ Geo. Laokie ; V. G., Geo. Paulin ; Sao., John Douglas ; Treas., Geo, Bar- nard ; W., Robt. Farrell ; I. G., Jae. Paulin ; R. S. N. G., Wm. Adair. The members had the great pleasure of pre - Beating Jae. Paulin and Geo. Barnard each with a Veteran Jewel, on having been members of the order for over 25 years. The Clinton Naw Era of last week says :—While back in Wroxeter the other day Iaepeotor Paisley was the gout of Thomas Gibson, ex. M. P. P., and these two old cronies talked over the earlier political experienoee of East Huron. Mr. Gibson ie now in hie 78th year, and while fairly in good health suffers with kidney trouble, which hae neoeeoitated three visits to Toronto hospital. Mr. Gibson has a remarkable and honorable politioal career to look beck to. When he first ran there was an adverse major- ity. of nearly 400 against him, but he turned thio in his favor and oerried each ouoceeding eleotion for 20 years, no allegations of wrongdoing ever being made against him. The first vote Mr. Paisley recorded was for Mr. Gibson, and having started on the right traok, has kept it ever since. [Intended for last week,) J. B. Vogt in on the aloe list and nob able to be out. J. A. Walker ie not very strong yet from hie attack lately. The paiutere will finish their work in the Gerrie school house this week. Mre. John Stook, of Turnberry, visited her parents, John and Mrs. Robertson. Two of Mr. Walker's daughter(' went to Lietowel last weak to visit their grand. mother. R. J. Rano and family attended a wed- ding on Wednesday. Rev, 0. V. Lake oflaiated, A number of young people of Gerrie and Bruseele attended the rink here last Saturday. Waldo Hastings, who is learning the shoemaking with Alt. Rann, is taking; a few holidays this week. The Reeve, Mr. Munro, end Oounoillors Paulin, Davidson, Smith and MoKelvie, wore duly sworn in and took their re• speotive planes 033 Monday last, The Weser! Xreland, of 13entiolt, form erly of Wroxeter, are at .present visiting e 1 i b thee 'monde in the ae gh a d, Rev, R. S. G, Anderson was on the sick flet with la grippe and was not ab' a to attend the services on Sunday, The sleighing has brightened up baol. nese. Noss, wood and grain are (teasing in and there lea good beetle unjust now, A nein and her husband of J. Cowan, of Manitoba, who were on their wedding trip, and Dr, Cowan, of Harriaton, paid J. Cowen, of this place, a visit fart wool`. The hand botluets for the groom and bride, for the wedding of Mr. Armstrong's daughter, near Fordwloh, to Mr. `terry, were supplied by the Wroxeter green• house. AGRICULTURAL —The annual meeting of the Howiak Branch Agl, Society was held at Donoghey'e Hall, Fordwioh. A report'tor past year's !mainsail was recei0• ed and adopted and the following cfBoere were then eleoted :—John H. Johnston, President ; James Downey, let Vice Pree. ; J. Brethaner, 2nd Vices Pres. ; Directors, A. Robertson, Or., J. Er. Wil. eon, Wm. Dace, Robt. Edgar, Wm. Evans, Wm, Brown, John Holland, Wm. Weir, Jamie McEwen ; Ant, Dir„ S. Vegan, John Lambkin, Alex. Strang, John Spence, Wm. Strong. Mr. Harding, who has been vice Pres. for a number of years retired. The Direotore will meet in Gorrie on the 29th day of June, for the transaction of the usual business. • The annivereary servioee in connection with the Preebyterion Oharoh was held lest Sabbath and Monday. Rev. Mr. Diokie, of Orangeville, preaohed moat appropriate discourses and gave his leo• tore "Common People," at the Tea meet. ing an Monday evening, Rev. Mr, Lake, Methodist minister, ales apake for a short time. The paetor ,00aupied the chair. A fine program of music, was rendered by Melville Presbyterian choir, Brussels, T. A. Hawkins, leader and organist, In addition to four good anthems, Mies Maggie Taylor and James Thomson eaoh gave well rendered solos ; a quartette was nicely sang by the Misses 18000 and Messrs. Hawkins and Thomson ; and Mr. Haw. kine contributed a very the organ solo, Liettowel. The boiler and engine have been got into position at the new Furniture fan tory, and Mr. Weber bee a force on this week bricking up the boiler. Moat of shafting bag been hang, and the steam pipes are being put in, andconnection made with the engine bailee. The fac- tory will be running in a few weeks. Robt. Cook, formerly of the .Listowel Marlboro' football team, now of Chat- ham, has been turning hie attention to hockey. In a match with Glencoe last week, Mr. Cook was goal -keeper for the Chatham team. The Chatham Banner, in its report of the match eaye:—"For Chatham, Cook in goal etas easily the star, as he etopped shot alter shot, and thereby saved bis team from defeat." The annual meeting of the congregation of Knox oharoh was held on Monday evening of last week, in the leotnre room of the church with the pastor, Rev. J. S. Hardie, in the their. The meeting open- ed with devotional exeroiees and Garin - tare reading. The report of the Clerk's session for theyear was o s read J C. y by Hamilton and showed that the finances of the ohurob were in a healthy and en- couraging condition although there had been several items of increased expendi- ture for the year, such as Gent of the minister's stipend, the insurance of tbe aharoh building, the stone walk in front of the church, the India Famine Fund, and the Patriotic Fond, in all amounting to over $700, and in spite of this the mort- gage debt against the church has been redacted by $1000 during the year and this with the reduction of the mortgage debt in the previous year planed the church finances on a very satisfactory footing. The statement showed that the overdraft in the last annual report had been redacted. The report of the Chris - Gan Endeavor Society was read by Mr. Beckett and of the Woman's Foreign Mission Society by Mies Nesbitt. The retiring directors for the years were Memo. Livingstone, Fleming, Foster and Perrin, the latter two are re-elected, and the Board filled by appointing Messrs. Hamilton and Beckett to the vacancy. Blue -vale. THRESHERS COUNCIL.—Minces of Oonn• ail meeting held in Cook's Hall, Blnevale, Jan, 14,1901 : Members all present ; the reeve in the °hair. The members having eubearibed their declaration of goalifioa- tion and office took their ewe at the Council board. The mientee of last meeting were read, approved and signed. Communications were reed from Robert Sharpin, re lamb killed by doge ; also from Sawyer -Massey Co., re rook crush- er ; also from Angus Stnitb, Stratford, re office of Township Engineer ; also from J. Rose Robertson, re Sick Childreos' Hospital, 'Toronto.—Filed. Coaplaod— Mitchell—That by.law No. 1, 1901, be read three times and passed, for the ap• pointment of Road Commissioners in this Munioipality for the current year.— Carried. Mangrove—Lovell— That by- law No. 2, 1901, be read three times and passed for tbe appointment of Alex. Mc- Ewen and Donglan Fraser, auditors of the acaonnte of 1900.—Carried. Coup• land— Musgrove— That bylaw No. 2, 1901, be read three times and passed, ap. pointing George Fortune a member of the looal Board of Health for three years ; also appointing Dr. Agnew, of W iogbam, Medical Health Officer for the current year and oleo appointing John Dement, 0r., Sanitary Impactor for the current year.—Carried, Lovell—Mitchell—That tha Clerk be inetrnated to get 3 assess. ment rolls of 30 sheets eaoh.—Curried, Lovell—Mitchell—That the Clerk be in• streaked to prepare a by.law for the exemption of doge from taxation to be laid before the Council at their next regular meeting.—Carried. The follow. ing amount° and subsoriptious wore passed and ohegnee on Bank of Hamil- ton issued :—Geo. Maeon, stationery, $1.15 ; }.t. B. Elliott, printing, $9; John Burettes, Registration B., M and D„ $14 ; John Burgess, postage, $12 ; John Bur- geeg, eleotion expenses, $16 ; T. 1i. Powell, eleotion expenses, $8 ; Thomas Netterfield, election expeneee, $8 ; Geo. Scott, °leation expense°, 58 ; Municipal World, paper, 55.75 • 8. 0. Hospital, charity, $5 ; McLean ca Son, lumber, 531.- 34; Young & Paulin, Haile and jacks, 450 ; Jos. W. Walker, repairing road, $1 ; John Marshall, repairing culvert, 50e ; John Porter, repairing culvert, 50o ; T, Musgrove, gravel, 51,26H. Cook, rent, $1, Lovell--Musgrove—That this meet. ins do now adjourn to meat in Clerk's office, Bluevaie, on Monday, Feb. 11, at 10 o'clock a, m,—carried. Jon Bonuses, Claris. 01ixf text. The el ttl'on oxpense0 of BIM. Mc- Lean w t,• 5125 ; of 10, Hoboes, $206, lire L Kennedy has been laid up by n it un o blood le 1'but 'e mild to f bl q at a Ian L l? g now belle'. Owing to a severe epidemlo of grip among the inmates of the Ranee of Refuge there le to be no visiting what. ever for the next two wooke, the super. intendent, matron and 66 othere hems among the viotima. At a meeting of the Weet Huron license commissioners here Jae. Stevene 8E0 re eetotod chairman of the Board, a position Ile late held for about 15 years. At the same meeting twit) lioness were transferred—one at Wingham and the other at Dungannon, The largest logs ever brought into town,at least for manya day,were thoswhich Richard Ba er took o the saw mill at the Organ Factory, They consisted of two very large loge twelve feet in length out from a soft elm tree talion off the farm of 1t. Jenkins ; their diameter was five feet or about sixteen feet in circumference. Close on to 1800 feet of lumber will be found in each The last regular meeting of Clinton Public Board for the year 1900, woe held on Monday evening of last week. The Librarian reported as follows ;—At•eald• entre for December, 1848 ; No, of books issued during the month, 1065 ; member- ship on Deo. 31st, 1900, 483, the re being eu increaee of 15 ; receipts, for evade, oatalogeee.and from linea, $5.31 ; ex. penditare, 80 cents ; balance for the month, $4.51. The fioaoce oommittee, per W. Goats, reported receipts of $6, rent of the hall. The following acoeunte were ordered paid ;—Harland Bros., 58.- 00 ; Thos. McKenzie, 5161 ; Eleotrio Light 00., $13 92. Mr. Hodgeoe was in- structed to get additional lights for the library and to have the switahee changed to make them more convenient for the librarian. _ A Wise Lady. CLEVELAND, Ohio, May 23rd, 1900. J, M. McLeod, McLeod Laboratory, Goderiob, Ontario. DEAR Seo,—Your liquid medicine, "Soak end Swab," has cured me entirely of the sore I had on my upper jaw. The doctors told nee that it was a cancer and that the bone would have to be out oat and the affected parte removed by the knife. It w0B this that frightened me and made me get the "Soak and Swab." I used only three pint bottles, I am well ever since, and it is three years since I used it. Having great ooafidenoe in your medicine I will recommend it to those in need. I am, etc„ Mae. J. Maxims. The following was received from the same lady ten years ago 1 I coffered for nearly four years from fits, and almost at the same hour daily, out of which no one could waken me, un• til I awoke of myself, weak and wearied after the tepee of from ten to twelve hours' time during which time I was wholly unooneoious. I was attended to end consulted no fewer than sixteen doctors without an benefit and no re- lief. I got to be abeeotmiuded, often an- ooneoione of my surroundings, took no notice of anything, until, in the good providence of God, a friend insisted on brioeing J. M. McLeod to our hoose. He took me out of the fit in nalf s min- ute's time. I began to ge10 rapidly after this in health and eoundnees of mind, and to this day 1 have net had any more fits. Yours, oto., JOSEPHINE E. MARTIN, Kingsbridge, Ont. Sold by Jae. Fox, druggist, Brussels. A Deep Mystery. It ie a mystery why women endure backache, headache, Nervooenese, Sleep• fewness, melancholy, fainting and dizzy spells when thousands bave proved that Electric Bitters will quickly Dora each tranbles. "I suffered for years with kid- ney trouble," writes Mrs. Phebe Morley, of Peterson, Is., "and a lame back pain• ed me so 1 could not dress myself, bat Eleotrio Bitters wholly oared me, and, although 73 years old, I am now able to do all my housework." It overcomes constipation, improves appetite, gives perfect health. Only 500 at G. A. Dead• man's drug store. REAL ESTATE. 'FOR SALE. — A BEAUTIFUL ▪ Home on Queen street, furnished or without, at a bar atn. Apply to MISS Al. CAMPBELL, Brussels, GOOD FARM OF 142, ACRES for sale, being Lot 23, Con. 7, Grey. House suitable for two families if required Schoolhouse, church and part of the Village of Ethel on part o1 the lot. Apply to JOHN OOBER,Ethel Carriage Works. 21. FARM FOR SALE.—BEING Lot 3, Con, 12, Grey containing 100 agree. Good stook or grain farm. Good frame house and bank barn ; two good wells; eight acres of Fall wheat and laud all in a good state of oultivation. Por particulars apPg. ly 10 JOHN MOFADDEN, 2U-tt Brussels 0, 0, FOR SALE IN ETHEL VIL— near•,.—The property of the late John Elliott, consisting of a solid brink house, with frame kitchen and woodshed, good stable and } core of land all in first•olass condition. If not sold will be rented. Poe - session at any time. For particulars apply to Wm. Srnnou, Ethel; ALEX. PATTEnsoN Galt ; or Da, MaREL3MT, Mt. Forest. 201f MIST - CLASS FARM FOR 8010,0.—Lot 17, eon. 9, Township of Grey. 100 acres more or lees, Situate 4.1 miles from. Brussels and 2 miles from village of Ethel, All cleared excepting 5 acres of hardwood bush. Buildings and fences in good repair, Good wens. All Pall plowing done. Price and terms of 00yment on ap- plioution to W. M. SINCLAIR, 29.01 Barrister, ,Bo., Brussels. FARM FOR SALE. -150 ACRES Consisting of the South 1 and South t of the North 4 of Lot 96, Con .3, East Wawa - nosh. This is au oxaallent stook farm ,being well eupplled with goodopring water. Itis situated about 8 miles from the thriving Vil- lage of Blyth. A large part of It is under gratia. Buildings and femme are in a fair state of repair. Easy terms of payment will bo given, For all information apply to 11-11 8.0, BLAIR, Barrister, Brussels, HARMS FOR SALE. — 100 1. aures in the Township of Howie'', bo. ing Lots 15 and 16, Con. 0 ; 80 acres are cleared and 20 soros is bush ; bank baro with stove stabling underneath ; and frame house with collar. A good thrivingorchard. Farm is situated 3 miles from roxeter, Aiso 50 a0ree in the Township of Turnberry, being North Ralf of Lot 7, Oen. A ; 80 acres iu grass, 20 acres of bush ; frame barn and log henna ; a good soring, For further par - tattlers apply to ALEX, $I8LOP, 21.4m Wroxeter P, 0, ail 14) :McKinnon e,.... STa� 1�r 'Winter Goods Must Go ! There are three months ofthe coldest weather in the year yet before you. Get in your euppliee at the low prioee we are offering. We bave oommenoed etooktaking and find that in some lines we have more geode than we should have at thin time of the year, but they muet all go if goad quality and low prices will Bell then Profit le out of thequeslion, All we look for now is to get hut poet, or is some cases lose, for the goods, Look at these prions Heavy all wool Kit hen er Tweed, regular ar ptiae 7Go, for G0c. Man's heavy Home-made Double Mitts, regular price 85a, for 25o, Meo'e heavy Wool Sooks, regular 18c, 2 pair for 250. Men's wool•l10ed Kid Gloves, worth 750, far 50e. Men's heavy Frieze Ulatere, lined with tweed, high storm collar, regalar price $5,50, for $3.95. Men's rubber•lined Frieze Uleters, high storm collar, bank strap and tab, regular price $9.90, for $7,95. Boys' Frieze Dieters, regular $4, for $2 95. Ladies' Beaver Jackets fa fawn and blank, lined with satin, pearl buttons, perfeot fitting, worth $8 00, for $5 75, Ladies' Beaver Jaokete, in brown and blank, lined with mercerized eatana, regular $5.50, for e3 75. Heavy Panay Dress Goods, regular price 40c, for 25o. Oar apace will not allow ae to quote prices in every department, but we would say if you want anything in Dry Goode, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Millinery and Furs, you can save from 15 to 30 per cent by buying now. Down go the Price of Furs. To those who have not purchased all they require in the Fur line we would say that anything we have now left on hand will be sold very much below actual value. Our assortment is still good so now is the time to make your selection before the Choicest articles are picked out. A. STRACHAN. HEATING STOVES COOK STOVES RANGES Do not forget to see our line of Base Burners, with or without oven. Every stove a double heater and guar- anteed a perfect baker. WE INVITE YOUR INSPECT/ON, Meat Cutters, Butter Moulds, Scales, Lan- terns, Hanging Lams and Lamp Goods of every description. Wilton & Turnbull Powder, Shot, Loaded Shells, Etc. SiGN OF THE HORSES' HEAD Call and see the largest and best stock of Blankets, Robes, Sleigh Bells, Etc., in the County, which we purchased for cash direct from the manufacturers and are telling them at very close prices. In IIarness and Collars (Our own make) we have a complete stock made from the best material, combined with good workmanship. Also a full line of Factory Harness from the best makers, from $7.50 up. A choice Selection of Trunks and, Bags. Ea Repairing Neatly and Promptly attended to at Reasonable Charges. Jno. Donaldson..