HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1901-1-17, Page 8For Horses
For Sheep
For Pigs
For Poultry
An animal will not thrive as it
should when ideated with floe, We
have what will remove tbie troublesome
Peet. Call in aed let us allow you our
stool(. Oan give you anything in the
market that ie sold for 91118 purpose.
Give Appetite.
.An animal will not thrive well if it
does not at well, aed not only this but
they alipoid digest well. Our Condition
Powder will do the work. We have also
Herbageum that many are 08108 if you
would like to give it a trial,
Rens Lay.
It pays to have Hens lay early. We
have Poultry Spioe and Poultry Panacea,
both for this purpose, and Instant Lnuee
Killer to remove any vermin. Won't
yon try a package?
Druggist, Optic tan and
Trains leave Brueeele Station, North
and South, as follows
Exureee 7:18 a.m. Mail 2.10 p.m
Mixed 6 a.m. Express 8:17 p.m
Taal Ntius 1 Jielres.
A chiefs amang ye takin' notes,
An' faith he'll prent it.
00. Cowen. meets on Toeeday of next
FOURTH Division Court on Wednesday,
Feb. 6th.
ANOTHER change of business is on the
tapie in Brussels.
MONTHLY Horse Fair, Brueeele, Oil
Thursday, 31st inst.
A, R. SMITH is moving hie stook to
Stratford this week.
$6.25 per cwt. was paid for hogs on
Brussels market this week.
JAS. TURNBULL is the new ohairman of
Brueeel4 Sobool Board. He will fill the
T. P. Snail, the eye specialist, will be
at Jae, Fox's drug store ou Wednesday,
30th inst.
Tug smoke stack at W. F. Stewart's
mill, that came down with a r,oeat wind
storm, bas been pot back in its plane.
D. EWAN has Bold 40 new cutters this
Winter and 8 set of bobeleighe. He ie
getting ready to boom the buggy baei-
nees and baa set 200 as the standard of
sates to be made daring 1901.
AN open skating rink is being prepared
at the corner of John and Market streets.,
the site of the former Maitland skating.
rink, by Geo. McLaao111in and Wm.
Murr. The weather is a trifle against ice
AT the funeral of the late Mre. Mo•
Lean Friday afternoon of last week, Rev.
Jno. Rose, B. A., conducted tbe service.
The pall bearers were Thos. and James
stra nt. Sam-
ohap, Rngh and Ina. Lamont.
u 1 Barr and Daniel MoLean. Among
friends attending from a distance were :
Mrs. Edward Dapple, of Tnokeremith;
J. K. Riohardeou and Geo. Smith, of
Seaforth; and D. H. and Mrs. Clamp -
bell, of Molesworth.
A mow bell will likely have to be par-
e/lased for the tower on the eohool house
as the old one has got beyond repair it ie
thought. Janitor Marr has to climb to
tbe tower every time it is rung these
days. The hell was manufactured by
the late W. R. Wilson and was a gift to
the town by the late F. 0. Rogers and
did duty et the Town Hall until replaoed
by the new one. Il the Property Com,
. mittee of the eohool find that the bell
cannot be repaired tbey have authority
given them to buy a new one.
ing of Grey Branch Agl. Society Direc-
tors, held on Wednesday afternoon of
this week, W. H. Kerr wag re-elected
Secretary Treasurer for coming year. It
was decided to offer the Riding Society
8250 to hold East Heron Fall Fair in
Broaeele, A Committee, coneieting of
President, Vice President and Secretary,
was appointed to report on aoet of en•
larging and repairing the present Agri.
cultural Hall, next meeting to be held on
Wednesday, Feb. 13, at 2 o'olook.
Bove os SaoTLAND.—At the annual meet•
ing of Oamp "Ben Lomond," S. 0. S., on
Tueeday of last week the following officers
were elected for 1901 :—Past Chief, D.
Stewart ; Chief, Wm. Martin ; Cbieftain,
A. Stewart ; Rea. -Sea., A. Strachan ;
Fiu.•Seo., D. 0. Roes ; Chaplain, J. H.
Cameron ; Marmbal, Angus Lamont i
Standard Bearer, Wm. Bobb; senior
Guard, A. Adama; junior Guard, John
Robb ; Piper, Thos. Ballantyne ; Med.
Examiner, Dr. Moblaughtoo ; represe0
tative, Wm. Martin. The Order is in a
healthy and proeperons condition and
gaining steadily in membership. Tbe
members of Camp Ben Lomond intend
holding a eooial meeting some time in
February. Grand Oamp will meet in
Toronto next June.
SHALL BLAIN.—The Stratford Beacon
of Tuesday, gays of a well known former
Brueselite :—A small fire broke out in
the dry goods store of Meters, Duncan
Ferguson & Co., last night about 11.
o'olook, which, had it not been noticed in
time might have resulted Seriously. A
sparkfromthe large are Lamp fell among
acme handkerchiefs and soaks which had
been placed on the end of the counter,
getting them on fire. Policeman O'Don-
nel while on his roaode notioed the blaze
end immediately sent in the alarm. The
brigade arrived in short order and after
ooneiderabl0 difhoulty forced an entrance
sod threw the burning artiolee out into
the snow. The door was damaged eon-
adorably, having to break off both looks'
with the pike. The damage amounted
to about $25, which 10 covered by inear-
anal. The firemen deserve oredit for the
judgment .whish they used in not break.
fag the glees in the doors although the
otowd 0ritlaized theta eomewbet severely,
for not doing c0 and in not aging ohgmi.
oale to extinguish Ilio blaze, both of
which would have caused ooneidetable
QUITn a blizzard was on deck on Wed-
nesday afternoon.
HRAa1Na bolts are coming in at a lively
rate to the Ament mill.
Tele new smoke stack for the Enter-
prise Salt Works name to hand this week.
h 0. RICHARDS ie etooli taking this week
so look out for epactal bargains when he
is through.
AN Incandescent electric light will be
placed in front of Melville ohurob to aid
in dispersing the darkness.
Bhossma curlers play at Wroxeter
on Thursday of this week. The result
waenot known when THE Pon want to
09101IEN Pox is making a tour in Brus-
sels and calling on a good many families.
La grippe and influenza ie also paying
oloee attention to businees.
A. M. McHox secured another new
hand on Thursday of last week. The
young gentleman's name is McKay and
he will board with Mr. A. Di„ for a time
at leant.
Ooe returned and returning Canadian
soldier boyo from South Africa have met
with wbat a genuine Irishman would
call "Coed Mille Faiths," What does
it mean ?
BY advertisement in Tom Poen it will
be observed that the J. J. Livingston
estate is offered for .sale by tender. In
the Bale is inolnded the Brussels Flax
mill, honee and lot and farm.
THE POST IS in receipt of a volume en-
titled "Esoulapiue," from the pen of Jno.
A. Copland, Editor of the Harrieton
Tribaue. He is quite a story teller,
having perhape a dozen real stories to
hie credit.
EAST Hamm Farmers' Institute will
0008808 in tbe Town Hall, Brut/eels, on
Thursday afternoon of next week. An
evening meeting will also be held. The
public cordially invited to both. Outside
speakers will be A. 0, Ballman, New
Dundee, and J. Totten, of Walkertan.
AN old friend in Indian Head, N. W.
T., remitting hie subscription to THE
Poor for 1901 writes, "We eojoy THE
Pose more than ever now au it is about
our only source of news from our
old Mends iu Braeaela and looality."
AladY writing from Detroit says•—
enjoy your p,per with its fresh Supply of
home news every week."
GooD Loans.— Last Tuesday Wm.
Bird and Wm. Meradzean hauled two
loads of maple loge from L. MoNeil'e
bush, 14th oon., to Brunets, a distance
of 7 miles. Bird's load weighed 18,900
pounds gross and MoFadzean'e 11,400.
The sleighs were made by D. Ewan.
The first mentioned load only laoked 100
pounds of 7 ton. Wboee team beats that
is the question ?
G. T. R. Noree.—Tbe pay ear was
through here on Wednesday,—Improve.
menta have bean made to the eeotion
honee in the any of new roof, door, do.—
Export grain ebipping ie lively.—Among
the shipments from Brueeele during the
past week are 7 oars of wheat by A.
Backer for Portland ; 6 oars of wbeat by
R, Graham for the same point ; oar of
cattle by A. C. Dames; Nod a oar of hogs
by Geo. Beet.
RAMUBA DAY. The days between the
18tH and 20ch of February, 1900, will be
memorable in the history of the South
African war. The part taken by the
Canadian troops on that day when "the
lion of the North"—General Cronje—was
forded to surrender will be spoken of as a
work worthy of any regiment. The poli
Hon they occupied is clearly depicted En
the victors which The Weekly Globe is
giving free 90 ite yearly eubearibere. A
Maple copy can be seen at tbi8 office.
It ie certainly worthy of a place in every
Canadian home.
HURON OLD Bols, A meeting Of the
Huron Old Boys' Association of Toronto,
was held in tbe Temple Buildiog, the
President, J. S. Wiilieon, presiding.
Very eatiefaatory reports oovering the
proceedings of the Aeeooiatioa during the
year were received and the following
officers were elected :—President, Hogh
MoDinth ; Viae President, W. R. Miller ;
Secretary, E. Fioody ; Treasurer, Dr.
Wm. Sloan ; Executive, Walter Scott,
W. E. Groves, T. W. Gibson, E. J. 13.
Danoan, Thos. McGillicuddy, John
Robertson, M. Parkinson, Roger Croaker, -
J. FL WEllEeon: D. Weiemiller, Gordon
Waldron, W. Prendergast, G. A. Smitb,
W. 0. MoTaggart, J. R. Lyons, Rev. J.
A Turnbull, R. A. Walker, R. H. Holmes.
It was deoldad to hold a sooiat reunion
Borne time before the aed of February.
I. 0. O. F, --The installation of offidere
in connection with Western Star Lodge,
No. 149, 1, 0. 0. F., Brussels, took place
on Thursday evening of last week, D. D.
G. M. Tipling, doing the work. Chairs
are filled for tbe term by the following
brethren :—J. P. G., S. T. Plum ; N. G.,
Frank Lambie ; V. G., W. 'Pbomeon
Bee. Seo., W. H. MoOraoken ; Fin. Seo.,
Elam. Wilton ; Treas., F. 8. Scott ; War.
den, Jae. Jones ; Con., J. Rae; Chap„ R.
Leatherdale ; L G., H, It, 13111099 ; 0. G.,
W. Martin ; Phyeioian, Dr. McNaughton ;
R. 8. N. G„ J. B. Humphries ; L. B. N.
G., W. Grewar ; R. S. V. S., R. Henden.
eon ; L, S. V. G., J. Thomson ; R. S. S.,
G. Mooney ; L. S. S., A. Hewitt. Tbe
Lodge is in a beaithy condition having 81
members on the roll and a balance of
$609.00 in their treasury. Meetings are
held every Thoreday evening in their
line Lodge room in the Graham blook.
T tU taELk$,iO$
T. P. Smith,
Graduate of New York, Philadelphia and.
Toronto Optloal Collogee, will be at
Wednesday, Jan, 30th.
Call early and avail yourself of
hie valuable eervioes.
E. 0. Dusaoan & BON, have rented the
store being vaoated by A. R. Smith and
will move there shortly. They purpose
enlarging their etook in the ready made
olothing and gents' furnishing line.
W. W. HAnoxe is away to London thie
week attending the Western Dairymen's
Aesooiation. Mr. Barrie ie the Superin-
tendent of the Dairy Exhibit, oomprising
both oheaee and butter, which are judged
and awarded prizes. T. B. Miller was
the judge.
LICENSE 0010MIaeIONeRe.—The appoint•
ment of the following gentlemen as licence
Oommieeionere has been gazetted :—
West Huron—Samuel Sloan, Jas. Ste
vena, Hugh MoQnarrie ; East Elurg—
George Fortune, George Mardis, Alex.
ander Littlejohn ; South Huron—David
D. Wilson, Peter Douglas, Henry Doyle.
1 07LAND'B Bijou Comedy Co. are play•
tag in the Town Hall this weak and
drawing large hooses. Berry Goa," was
given Monday evening ; "Woman agaioet
Woman," on Tuesday ; and "Exile of
Ban," Wednesday. On Thursday they
play "The Danitee," of Western oast.
A matineewill be given on Saturday
Brussels School Board.
The regular meeting of Brussels School
Board was geld in the Board Room on
the evening of tbe llth inst., all the mem-
bers present. Minutes of last meeting
read and passed. An account of R. Roes
for postage and stationery was presented
amounting to $3.24. Moved by D. 0.
Roes, eeoonded by Wm. Ellashill, that the
above account be paid.—Carried. In-
spector Robb's report of bis last visit to
the school was read and filed. The
Board then adjourned.
Wednesday evening of tbie week the
first meeting os the new Board was held
in the Board Room, Trustees Turnbull,
Rose, Skene, Oousley, Blashill and Sin-
clair all being present. On motion of .7.
G. Skene, seconded by Wm. Blaehill, J.
Turnbull was elected ohairman for 1901.
Moved by Wm. Sinclair, seconded by D.
0. Roes, that Messrs. Skene, Coueley and
Sinclair be Property Committee for 6
months and Messrs. Turnbull, Roes and
Blaehill Educational Committee for the
Same term, Committees to change places
for last 6 months.—Oarried. The quem•
tion of the bell in the school house tower
was discussed and on motion of D. 0.
Roes, seconded by W. M. Sinolair, the
Property Committee was instructed to
examine it and if beyond repair to see
about the purchase of a new one. Board
then adjourned.
Gordon Mooney and Dire. Mooney San-
dayed in Wingham.
Harry Bartliff and J. Reid visited in
Seaforth over Sunday.
Mise Jennie Doll is laid up with an
attack of obioken pox.
Min Ethel Creighton is visiting the
Misses Ball, at Wingham.
Mrs. Lowry, of Guelph, is visiting ber
dieter, Mre. E Lowry, Brneaela.
Mies J. Grille, of Elora, ie visiting her
cocain, Mies Lizzie Leatherdale.
Mre. Will. Ainley is on the sink Piet but
we tract robe will soon be oonvalesoent.
1. J. Ball, of Wingham, was renewing
old friendships in Brueeele on Tuesday.
Mre, (Dr.) Holmes returned laat week
from a visit to Port Elgin and Walker-
H. F. Haiste wee away to Saginaw and
Marlette, Miohigan, on a visit to rale•
Mra. Gipson, Elizab.th street, is on the
sink list but we hope she will soon be well
E. Searles and wile, of Auburn, were
vieiting at I. 0. Rioharde for a few days
last week.
Jno. Barnhill and wife are spending the
Winter their daughter, Dire. Laidlaw,
near Heafryn,
Mre. S. H. Jackson has been quite ill
during the paet few weeks but ieimprov-
ing now we are pleased to state.
Mise Inman is borne on a holiday visit
for a couple of weeks from Guelph. She
is a welcome visitor to more than her
own borne.
Mr. Maimed, whose name woe men-
tioned as coming to the Standard Bank
here aa aaaietemt, haa gone to the Chat.
barn Branch.
Mre. Addie, of Stratford, i8 visiting
her father, John Roddiolt, and her dieter,
Mre. Hannah Ballantyne. Mr. Roddick
has been quite poorly einoe New Yeara
but is improving quite nioely again.
Alex. D. Grant, formerly of this local.
By, was chosen an elder of Egmondville
Presbyterian ohorah recently. Mo. Grant
is pommeled of qualifications that will
enable him to render good 80rvi0e.
Jae. Ford, wife and three children, of
Grafton, North Dakota ; Mrs. John
Paaoh and daughter, of Eden Mille; fico.
Geo, and Thos. Ford, of Gnelpb, were
ashen at Jno. McKenzie's reoently.
THE Poer welcomes. John Howard and
wife, of Grey township, to Braggart as
residents. They moved bare on Wed.
nesday, taking up house in the residence
recently purchased from John Putland,
John street.
Look Kennedy, known to a good many
in town, bag taken a position as traveller
for The Consolidated Pulp and Paper
Go., Toronto, and was in Broteele on
Wednesday pushing bneineeo. Ho will
/ 019110 a tip-top drnmrnar,
Ricbard Cardiff, ?flee, Cardiff sod.
Miae Gladys, of Torgpto, are visiting
relativee in 13rneee,e and vicinity,
Bir. Campbell, of the Garfield Herten,
is ill at the American Hotel but we hope
bdwill Boon be all right, Mrs. Campbell,
of Fingal, and Air, Campbell, of Ganging,
Briar,, were here this. week owing to the
above mentioned illness. They lire wife
and brother reepegtively to our towns -
Meg, Henry Taylor, Brussels South, in
very poorly and has been for some time.
She ie pearly 80 yearn of ago and has to
be lilted in and out of bed owing to
rheumatic and nerve ailments. Mr. Tay.
for has paeeed hie 80th birthday but gete.
about quite nimbly for a gentleman of
hie years.
We are pleased to hear that Reginald
Fletoher, ono of our town boys, luta been
peomoted to be assistant manager of the
Watch Material Department in the
wholeeale house of Benj, Allan & Co,,
Chicago. Reg. Ilan been 2 years In their
employ and is destined to get to the top
we believe. (decease to him.
Brussels Council.
The regular statutory meeting of the
Muototpal Council was held lest Monday
at 11 o'clock.
Reeve Roes and Councillors. Henden..
eon, Wilton, Gerry and Doaaldeon were
present and took the a.oal declaration of
Minutes of last meeting read an pass-
The following accounts we r'preeent
ed :—
Elentrio Light Co $101 26
A Ooueley, selecting jurors...A 4 00
G. T. R., rent 60
Robb. Inglis, rent Mre. ' W 0118004 50
Eleotion expenses 37 50
G. Thomson, wood for Town Hall 8 76
Moved by Samuel Wilton, amended by
N. F. Gems, that above accounts be
Moved by N. F. Gerry, seconded by
Robt. Henderson, that W. H. lllo0raoken
and J. Y. S. Kirk be appointed auditors
for 1901. at a salary of 96 00 eaob. Oar.
Moved by N. F. Gerry, seconded by 8.
Wilton, that Rev. R. Paul ha re.appaiot•
ed member of the Board of Health.—
Moved by S. Wilton, aeoonded by R.
Hendereon, that Jae.Irwin be re appoint-
ed member of Public Library Board.-
Bylaws Noe. 1, 2 and 3, 1901, were
read and passed ooufirming the above
Ftnanoe and Property Committee will
be the Reeve, Gerry and D.alaldeon.
Street Committee, the Reeve, Wilton
and Henderson.
On motion of N. F. Gerry, seconded by
Samuel Wilton, six copies of the Mu-
nicipal World were ordered for 1901.
Tenders will be reoeived at next meet.
ing for printing contract for next year.
Tax Oolleotor Creighton reported 9244.-
46 uncollected and he wail instructed to
oolleot the same forthwith.
Connell then adjourned.
Business Locals.
Man for butter and eggs. A. Ooneley.
(1ARPET WEAVING.—Am prepared to at-
tend to the wants of the pablio in the
weaving of rag carpet. 8atietaotion as-
sured. ROBT. ANDERSON, Elizabetb et.
WANTED—Ohoioe roll butter, 190 oath ;
22o trade. There's quite a speedy span
of dark steppers that can take even Rar-
eaenre. No. 1 Mink or Fox,
93.00. G. E. MVO, Wingham.
Housenorm furniture, banging lamps,
stoves, &o., by private Bale. May be
seen any Saturday. Having Bold my
residence I wish to diepore of the furni-
ture also. Apply to JOHN ROBB,
24 4 Brussels South.
sort r: .
MOKAY.--.In BCOeeele, on January 10th,
to Mr. and Mrs. A. M. MoKay, a
ORIon. Ia Grey, on Saturday, Jan. 12,
Kazis, McDonald, beloved wife of
Eneae Grioh, aged 42 years.
AVC'TxON' ni A. 1.
TUESDAY, JAN, 22.—Farm stook et Lot
3, Con. 13, Hallett. Sale, anreeerved, at
1 o'clock. L. L. Tasker, proprietor ; F.
S. Scott, auctioneer.
78817877 88 I.0 .ar A.1Zgazax, ,
Fall Wheat 02 62
Barley 35 96
Pena 56 57
Oats 25 26
Butter, tubs and rutin 17 18
Eggs per dozen 1.4 15
Flour per cwt. .. 2 00 2 00
Potatoes (per bush.) 26 26
Apples (per bag) 60 50
Sheep skins,saoh 80 1 00
Lamb skins each 25 25
Salt per bbl., retail 1 00 70
Hay per ton 7 00 8 00
Hides trimmed 6 Oh
Hideo rough 5 5
Hoge, Live 0 50 6 60
Wool 15 157
1u the surrogate Cauca of the County
el l ni•on.
Notice to Creditors.
All person e. baud; g olnlms against the
estate of Dacha Spence, late of the village
of Ethel, h, tbe County of Huron, widow,
(domino) who died un or about the seventh
day of December. A. 13.,1000, are notified to
send or deliver to Wm, Spence, at Ethel P.
0,, the Exoautor of the aerate, on or before
the 20th day 0f January, 1001, a statement. of
their elaime, duly verified, and after the
laetmontlor.ed date the Exeoutor will dis-
tribute the mots of the estate among those
entitled theretohaving regard only to such
claims as shall have then boon received,
And the Executor willnot be liable for the
aesete of the eaten or any part Moro/ to
any por80u of whose chain notice shall not
then have been received. Tins notice 10
pennant t0 the Statute to that behalf.
Agent for Executor.
Dated 8ru8sola Jan.10, 1001,
2 swan colt for
t . llozoonoEn, Lot O, 009. 10,, Grey.
27—„la Dreamt a P. 0,
COAL etovoe for sale --658 large and one
medium in primo working Order 108 sale at
fort stay 8, 0 an, Ro i6Lri in house—to use
ST4.7YD4RD .B,4X.EC O, ' OdI X4D4,
CAPITAL PAID TTP (One Million Dpllare) • 91,000,000
REST • $700,900
elyeneiee in all principal pointe in Ontario, Quebec, Manitoba, United Staten & England,
dtres+id'iei I*1d9ea.
ADrafs lentil and Oolleotiona Made oeo all pointe. d.
General BankingBusinoge lraneaoted. rammer& Notes Dieoounte
Interest allowed on deposits of $1.00 and upwards and compounded halt yearly.
Every facility affprded Customers living at a dietanoe,
MGn97 Orion patahbe loaltowgba,naraee•:-4ed 9118::::1/g
lJf Ea et opee by the your, D. Ino,1C"'
ZlE,Lot18,0on.18,Grey, Walton_P.0STRAYED ON THE PREM -
a underafgned Lot 80, don, le
lighted and convenient ronme to let In
the Lookie block over G. A. Dead mau's and
Mrs. Rogers' stores. Apply to P. 8.8007T,
Butte for sale, aged 1 year and
months, respectively. Good animals with
good pedigrees. The first mentioned tonic
and prize at East Huron Fan Showa 1800, in
a ohms of 9. Prises right. IAS. SPE11t, Lot
80, Don. 8, Morris, Brussels P, O. 28 -
Walton Cheese and Butter Factory.
The annual meeting of the Walton Union
Cheese and Butter Oo. will be held at Mr-
Eim'e Hotel, Walton, on Tuesday, Jan. 22nd,
1001, at 1 O'oloek p, m. Every shareholder 10.
partioolarly requested to. be present as the
question of oiling the factory will be die -
cooed. THOS, Mo6ADZ0AN, President;
H. 8. L'EBG1J8ON, Secretary. 20.2
The Council of the Corporacion of the
County of Huron will meet In the Council
Chamber in the Town of Goderlob. on Tuoe-
day, the 22nd day of the present mouth, at 9
o'olook in the afternoon.
WM. LANA], Clerk..
Dated at Godorioh 8th day of January, 1801
The annual: meeting of the Brussels Driv.
Ing Park Aeeooiatlon for the election of oaM-
oere, the receiving of the report of the Dir-
ectors for the past year aed soh other busi-
ness ae may be lawfully brought before the
meetiog, will be held at the Amerle nHotel
on Friday evening, January 26th, 1901, at 8
o'clock. F. 8. SCOTT.
• Notice of Transfer.
N0T6010 is hereby given, pursuant to the
regulations in that behalf, that I, the un-
dersigned, have applied for a trap afar of the
Hotel License granted to Moses Henry, and
that the said transfer will be complied and
signed to by the Commissioners after the
second publication of this notioe, as requir-
ed by 1aw. P. G01:DNEB.
Dated at Ethel, January lith, 1901.
miss of th
Grey, an aged ram. The owner is equst-`
ed to grove property, pay expenses and tate
the annual away. JNO. MoNAUO$T
22.4 51onorlelf P. 0,
ATIN0 and House Painting done in
Workmanlike manner end on short notice,
Have had three yeare' experience in city
Work. ' Terms root able. Glye 1n0 a call,
20 W.J. JOHNSTON, Walton.
17, 19Qj
Use Herbageum
If you want your animals to
thrive well, work well and look
well, feed
If you keep. Cows for milk, butter
or cheese and •axe fattening
Calves, Cattle or Hogs, use
50a, per 4 lb. bag
Fog's Drug Store.
1 for Bale Lot 15, Con. 5, Morrie, minim
ing of 100 sores, more Or lees, 95 cleared, 60
one seeded down 80 mores Fah ploughed,12
awes to Fall wheat. Barn 6000, with stone
stabling underneath. Also dwelling house..
Possession to suit purchaser, For turner
particulars apply an the premised or to the
proprietor. Pries and terms reasonable.
28- TH08, FORBES, Wingham P.0,
acnes town Store
to the Front in Prices and
Quality of Goods.
Tbie ie the time of year the people expect Bargains, and thie is the plane to get
Olson. We do not want Spring to overtake tie with Winter Goods on hand. In
order to avoid this we will Bell the balance on hand at Wholesale Prides. The
undermentioned goods are all fresh from the manufacturers so in that way we ere
able to sell Cheaper than ever.
let—Meo'e all wool Fleeoe Lined Under-
wear, full suit, regular 92.00, now
2nd—Men's Tinian Shirts and Drawers,
regular 91.00, now 755
Sod—Boys' Fleece Lined Shirts and
Drawers, regular 850, now 70a
Loather Faced Mitts, reg. 50,, now 40o
Woollen Mitts, " 26 " 18,3
Woollen Cape, " 50
Woollen Sooke, " 26
Frieze Overcoats, " 7 00
Drees Overcoats, " 0 00
A11 wool Bed Blankets, 8 50
A few of Granby's Snag
Proof Rubbers 1 80
Men's Snag Proof Sooke, 75
4 50
8 50
8 00
1 40
The above is only a few quotations.
WIPE) take Eggs at 16o per dozen in trade, and Butter at 19o, also Dried
Apples and Fowl.
A fall supply of Sobool Books and Patent Medicine kept on hand.
Winter Goods
N order to make room for our Spring Stock which will arrive
next month we are offering our entire stock of Winter Goods
for sale for the next SIX WEEKS at Wholesale Prices.
Tweed Suits
Regular 913 Snits made to order for 910 76
" 15 " " 12 50
gg 10 " " 13 76
" 18 " 1450
" 20 "t " 16 00
22 " 17 50
Ready-to-wear Ulsters
Uistere'regularly sold at 96 76 for 94 25
" " 8.00 " 4 50
6 60
8 00 0 00
850 650
10&1050 800
Beaver Oloth Coats, Chesterfield style,
velvet oollare, in blue and blank
oolore, regular 910 coats, sale pride
97 50
Beaver Cloth Ooate, Chesterfield style,
velvet oollare, in blue and blank
oolore, worth 99, a bargain at..97 00
Blaolt and Grey, Cheviot Coate, Chaster.
field style, velvet collars, regular $14
and 915 agate, on sale at . ,.911 00
Ready-to-wear Suits
Blue Serge Suits, eines 86, 37 and 38, well
worth 910 far 97 50
Double Breasted Coats
Heavy Tweed Coate, waterproof lined,
regular $6 00 for 94 50
Heavy Tweed Coate, Italian lining,
regular 96 50 for 94 75
Smocks and Overalls
Blue and Grey Derry Smocks, regular
OOa, now 700
Rubber tined Smocks, regular 9150,
now .. 9125
Overalls, regular price $1, sale pride 75o
Regular 91 50 line for $1 00
" 2 00 " 1 50
250 " 176
800 " 225
Regular 50o line of Underwear for 90 377
1 00
1 25
1 60
1 00
Only 1 Coon Goat left, regular 940 for 995
" 1 Wombat Coat " 18 " 15
" 1 Wombat Coat " 16 " 14
$4 00 Far Caps -for $3 00
2 50 end $2 75 Caps for 2 00
2 00 Caps for ... 1 50
Hats and Caps,
Shirts, Gloves,
• Woollen Milts, &c.,
All at
Cost Price.
These goods must be all cleared inside of the next six weeks as our
premises are too small for our stock,
Terms Strictly Cash while Sale lasts.
E. C. Dunford II Son,
Tailors, Clothiers and Furnishers.