HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1901-1-17, Page 57, 1901 TUN i3 LIS/SEIAS .708T BUSINESS BARDS, r Troxil ' I Q LOAN A7,1 G PER pout, 1',8, SCOTT, Bruesele, MOOR A.OKEN_ .� r r • former 0f Ylal'rtage 1.4011Be8,'-0 Doe at Grocery, 0:urnberry street, Brusaele,! t• N. 13ARRETT—•, Tonsorial Artist, SheP^Next 000r North of the Standard Hank, Ludiaa'. and Phlidrea's hair Danlos a apeolalty, TMiARMB FOR BALE —THE,UN- nnneiGN7tn bee several good Forme for gale and to rent, easy terms, in TRwnehipe oflitorrie and Grey, 0' S, SOOTT,Brussole M. MQRRISON, Issuer of '.Marriage Licensefa, WALTON. ONT, MISS JEAN M'LAIICNLiN, —TEACHER OF- PIANO - AND — ORGAN, amr v asaz,s, oww. ROBERT CUNNINGHAM: *Ns0a0AOa,. EIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH. MiSS SARAH LOUiSE MOORE L., O. M., Academie graduate of London Conserva- tory of Mublo, also Member Of the Aseoot0ted Musicians of Ontario, is prepared to receive a limited number ut pupils for instruction on the piano. Qualified to prepare pupil for the .Principal's p!arm iu the Co00ervatory of Mugio. Brueoels, Ontario. A, LEX. HUNTER Clerk of the Fourth Division Court, Co. Huron; Conveyancer, Notary Public, Land, Loan and Insurance Agent ; Anotion- ser. Funds invested and to loan, Collec- tions made. Office in, Graham's Bloek,Brus- eels, AUCTIONEERS. SCOTT AB AN AUCTION. •. nun, will sell for better prices, to • to better men in lass time and less chargee than any other Auctioneer in East Buren or he won't charge anything. Dates and orrlore n always arranged ed at this office or by personal application. DENTISTRY P, W. TWEDDLE. (POBA*ERLY o8 eEABonin) DENTIST, Graduate of R. O.D. 8., Toronto ; Post Grad- uate oouroo at Baskel'e School, Chicago, in Drown andbridge work. I Prioee same as in surrounding towns. 21. Office over A. R. Smith's store, 13 teasels. VETERINARY. JD. WA1tWIOIL-. • Honor Gin,luato of the Ontario Vet- erinary Oollego, is prepared to treat all dis- eases of domesticated animate "in a compet- entmanner. Particular attention paid to Veterinary Dentistry.. Calle promptly at- tended to. Office and Infirmary—Pour doors North of bridge, Tornberry at., Brussels. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. M. SINCLAIR— ♦ Barrister, Bolioitor, 'Oooveyanoer, Notary Public, &o. Chloe—S tartan's Stook 1 door North of Central Hotel. Bolioitor for the Standard Bank. G• F. BLAIR, BARRISTER, Solicitor, &o. Office over Stand- ard Bank, Solicitor for Village of Brussels. Money to Loan at lowest rates. MG. CAMERON— . (Formerly ihCameron)arrieand ioorGadofo Ont. OOBoe—Bun tteu street, opposite Col- borne Rotel. MEDICAL CARDS. J. A. M'NAUGHTON, M. 1►., C. M., Trinity tloiversity, Fellow Trinity Medical College, Member College of Physicians and Burgeons, Ont, Licentiate of the Royal Col- lege of Physicians and Lioentiato of Mid- wifery Edinburgh. t&'Telephoue No.14, N.. BiResi'denoe—MBI street, Brussels. Important to Breeders and,Horsemen, Elm aka Caustic Balsam. Veterinary A reliable and speedy remedy. for (babe, Splints, Spaying, r 8lveohey, t„ Horses andi LumHorsps w Lump Jaw iu Cattle. TRADE MAnn Soe pampb- letwhiohn000mpanieo every bottle, giving scientific treatment is the various diseases. It oan be used in every - Daae of veterinary practice where stimulating applications and blisters are prescribed, I8 has no Bergeron, Every bottle sold Is guaranteed togivesatis- faction, Price 750 per bottle. Sold by all ppdrug tats and county storekeepers. Pre. MEDICINE Ten EUREKA. L ndonn.O b. , McLEOD'S System renovator —AND OTHER— TESTED REMEDIES SPECIFIC AND •ANTIDOTE For Impure, Weak and Impoverished • Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Patpita. tion of the Heart, Liver. Complaint, Deur. algia, Loge of Memory, Drouobibie, Con. oumption, Gall Bteneo, Janndiee, Kidney and Urinary Diseaoee, St. Vitus' Dance, Female Irregularities and General De. bility, LABORATORY, QODERiCN, ONT. J'. M. MOLtf OD, Prop. and Manufacturer, $ottl 83' .Cal, Fqu,. Druggist, Brunelle The B . cc7 n sv Q ltakl4? Listawel College. EQUAL TO ANY IN ONTARPG. A thorough, complete end practical train. ing in all brauohm ( of Oommeroial work, at ooasiderably 188, than regular rabea, For full lntormatien apply Roome or College ever rust Duce, L. HARTT, LIS'VO' .EL, NR1NOli'AL, AGRICULTURAL SOCIETIES, ANNUAL MEETINGS, easy 1)16'1'x100. Tilr annual nieetingof the Grey district L. 0. L. was held in the Orange Hall, Brussels, on Tuesday of last week. Tire following were the officers elected for the current year ;-Wm. Smith, 35. D. M. ; J, Hamilton, D. D. M, 1 8. T. Plum, Chap, ; J, Morrieou, R S. ; T. Oakley, Trees, ; M. H. Moore, D. of 0. ; B. Gerry and 3. Mooney, Auditors. Dlomna moon. The annual roasting of Morrie Branch Agrioultural Society woe bald at the Oommeroial hotel, Blyth. From the Treasurer's report we take the toltowing information Legislative grant, 5117 ; County grant, $20 ; member's tees, $194:75 ; donations, 575.95 ; gate reoeipte, $785.86; rents, $72 ; total reeeipte, $1216.. 55 ; prizoe awarded, $766 50. The fol- lowing officers ware eleoted for the ensu. fag year ;—President, 3, B. Tiern0y ; first vige President, R. Ferris; aeoond viae President, W. Cookson ; direotore, J. Sherritt, W. Mason, G. Taylor, T. W. Sloan, It, Corley, M. Lockhart, W. Moon and Win. Taylor ; auditors, A. Elder and J. M. Hamilton. After paying all ex pensee, the Saalety bas $200 snore in its Treasury this year than it ever had any previous year of its exieteoee. TORNE0000 BRANCH. The annual meeting of the 'Parnberry Agricultural Booiety Was he'd In the (J000ail Chamber, Wingbam. Thera was a fair attendance of members. The auditors' report for the past year was read, wbieh showed that the reoeipte of the year had amounted to. $990.05 and the expenditures, $93588, leaving a bd• auoe of $53 22 The Society is in very good shape. A few minor ohsnges were made in the rules and regulations and following officers were elected for this year :—Hoo. President, Chas. Bender. son ; President, J. Currie ; let Vice. President, Jobo Moffatt ; 2n1 Yioe Preei. dent, A. Tipling ; Directors, S. Kerni- gnan, W. J. Henderson, Jae. Scott, R. Mo2eloo, D. Andereon, Roland Beattie, Peter Pewter, W. J. Currie, 3. B. Tyer- tun ; Audiburs, Robt. Currie and John MoLsan. At a moetiog of the Direotore Wm. Robertson Aae re-eleoted Secretary - Treasurer. T001t7R011ITB *RANCH. The annual meeting of the members t the Tuokeramith Branoh Agrioultural ooiety was held at Seaforth. There was larger attendance than usual. The oanoial statement shows the financial ondition of the Society to be very fay. rabic. The new grounds and building, Web cost over $1,100, have been paid r, and the other liabilities of the year rovided for. The delimit amonota to my about $200. There were 401 members et year, end the gate and booth reoeipte r the Fall ebow amounted to $490, he following officers awl direotors were voted for the current year '•—Robert barters, President ; D. D. Wilson, vio0. resident, ; Direotore, George Sills, M. oderiok, Seaforth ; Arehibeld MoGre, r, James Smith and James Evans, oEttlop ; John Dale and John Britton, alien ; John Walker and George Dale, ekeremith ; 3. 0. Rose and A. Young, ditore. 11 11 0 to p 0 la fo T el 0 P Br go M H aft OLIATON aolt5I001.01080L. The annual meeting of the Canton Horticultural Society met in the Commit Chamber, Clinton, to consider business in connection therewith for the current year, A goodly number of the lovers of the beautiful were present and President, Alex. MoKeszie, presided. The flounces of the Sooiety are :—Reoeipts, balance on band, $204.59 ; members' fees, $63.75 ; Gov. grants, $66 00 ; total, $834 84. Pay, menta, Hortionitural papaya, $26.00 ; seeds, planta, &o., $87.00; iooidentmie,. $4.81 ; total, $117.81; balance oo hand, $215.63. The following oflioere were eleoted for the present term :—A. Mo - Kenzie, President ; J. Oaninghame, 1st vice ; Thos. Holloway, 2nd vice ; Jos. Wheatley, D. B. Kennedy, W. H. Man. sing, A. Rontledge, Jabez Rand, Thos. Cottle, 5. Davie, R. Agnew and W. Coate, Dirtotors ; W. Coats, Seg.-Treas ; A, MoKenzie,T. Holloway, H. Routledge, T. Cottle and Jos. Wheatley, canvassing Committee. EAST 0AWAN0811 0000011. The annual meeting of the members of the above Sooiety WW1 held at Bruoe'a Hotel,"Belgrave, on Wednesday, the 91.11 inet. An number ber of mom beta were in attendance. The anneal report of the Directors we read showing receipts to the amount of $425.61 ; payments in prizes, &o., $321.88, leaving a balance on hand of 5103,73. On motion the report was adopted. J. Cole was appointed 01airmau when the following ofiioere were eleoted 1—President, Walter Scott •, las vies, J. Owens ; 2nd vice, Richard Proctor; Direotore, R. McMurray, R. Soots, 3, Cole, 3. Oodles, H. Edwards, D, Sproat, A. Kerr, Geo, Taylor, and P. Gibbons t Treasurer, Chas. Mo010114nel ; Auditors, 3. S. Scott and Isaac Stubbs ; Secretary, 2'. Anderson. L1000WEL AND 600111 %thrown. The annual meeting 'of abs Listowel and South Wallace Agrioultural Booiety was held in the Town Hall, Listowel, President Hetneworbh took the char, and the Seoretary preoentad the annual report, whioh showed reeelpts for past year, $672,15, expenditure iu prizes, eto,, $647.85, leaving a balanoe on hand of $24.80. H. Betnoworth, who has tilled the position of Preeideut of the Sooiety for the pest three years very satisfactorily, was prevailed upon to aooept the position for'anotber year. H. Goddard war re. eleoted 1st vioe•Preeident, and Henry Minn, 2nd vine President: Following are. the Direotore : Louie Snyder and Wm, Landerkin, Wallace; Wm, Hewitt and A, 3, Hamilton, Elms ; Robt, Pirie, Grey ; John Watson, J. P. Wilson, Jae. Perrin eeriiyq and Mallard Long, Listowel, The hon•roadie (Wary Direebots ere( S. Daily, 3, W. Scott, 0. Planter, 1. I3, Stuart, 0, Tabbernor and A., St. Geo, Hawkins, Lady Dirt more l fibs, A, r7, Collins, .Kra, Tabbereer, iildrs, R. 0, Bali, ford and Mies Bolton, A. J. (Mlles and T. Male were appointed auditere, and W. E. Binning woo subeequeotly reappoint, ed Seeretary.Preaeurer, HON, G. W, ROSS, 'lyheii he wee only Minister of Edo. nation, we eonoeded that Mt. BOO was the most eloquent man is Ontario, per. haps in Oanada, There Were men Who npolte oftener, and made more noise, but we saw through their hollowneto, quently these fellows dressed a thought in very smart words, T11 nothing that offends an Ontario e more, We are hard thinkers ours and often we hit on a opticians idea. know a grand thought when we he and Mr. Rose tallilled our oonceptio roan with big thoughts adequatel pressed. But praise is always grudging. It paid that. Roes could embalm an 000 or adorn it, but that he had no initi and when it came to live issues he w be found wanting. The critics vow WOO academia They couldn't im hint doing anything but panegy They forgot that Mr. Rose was a sty qua politician before he settled into easy grooves of the Eduoation De meat. There is a tradition in that pattenent that the Minister must be etoal in speech and gesture. Mr. came under ire influence ; Mr, Hare is getting into the way of 111. Clear the model, but Cicero, you will rem her, was a pretty shrewd man of aff Other people said actions speak lo than words, and they feared Mr. wag merely a dreamer, because he such a large vocabulary. Tide is a common mistake. HOW oan a man the deed in worde unless he himself, accomplished it in his mind ? Words the symbols of thought ; thought is ao in the germ. There are too many n Canada distrusted becaoae they well. We suspect fluency, linking it 'slimness." On that line Tennyson m have been a rogue ; Burke a fakir ; Pi villain, and every great wordmong oneummabe rascal. We must try to ember that statesmen are not sal ayforks. Nothing succeeds like success. r. Ross held a minor portfolio, be of obtrude hlmeelt. He effaced him ruefully, That was hie role. It any to see now how he could h camped Sir Oliver Mowat with hie o ory—Sir Oliver, a' bland, wiaeome li remier, who halted in hie speech, poke with timid depreciation ; bow ould have eolipsed Mr. Fraser, who a sort of fiery longiloquence, not of igheeb order ; bow he might even 11 rowned the thunders of Mr. Har he Minister of Education did none hese things. He kept his place, bid is time. All the while he had it im to wake up the whole country. ad arts of pleasing, gifts of oamarader oldness of design, firmaese of exeouti bion he kept in ohook many years, hese qualities he gave to the work of apartment, and there he boa up plendid edifice. All this shows the m elms patience of the man. At last urn came, and Be bourgeoned for andly. His thought had lost no par e of bloom ; his language showed go of jadedness ; he himself was ea for affairs as if he had been t preme authority all his life. Premier Ross has shown himself it le moo of affairs ; an enterprising, 1 hied premier ; but he is still an o r. He has not forgotten the graces nguage in the activities of his premie ip. In Ontario We think less of el enoe than they do in Quebec. Th evince, probably because it does n d many newspapers, nae always bee ayed by the spoken word. The aaree Ohapleaa, Mercier, Laurier prove tha spite of a certain banal way of lookin things whioh this Province has, M ss has held fast to hie ideals, dignifyin at events with adequate langoag a man is making history he ougb be able to mull ft well. n after dinner speeches, at cornet re functions, on the hustings, on 111 tura platform every plane Wier aches are made Premier Ross ha ried off the laurels. We admire hi Mon more than Sir Wilfrid Laurier's makes smarter epigrams than Si hard Cartwright ; he is incisive, Wirt spacious ; and above all, he has th ing grace of humor, a pawky, Dori d of humor that has wisdom and a ni t. It has fallen to Premier Rose' to speak at many banquets in the Ise months. Toronto people look #pr War to these utterances es a treat. The sel that llolibioal orators must Che •a -days is imperialism. Who does it well as Mr. Rose ? Who oan roll it at, bathing it on all aides, seasoning it new Sgures and metaphors ? We a h dish every time. We oan easily be. now that there are two hundred s to cook potatoes. Premier RoBB has overed the seorot of cooking political toes variously. Ib must be the good oh thrift him. im. is interesting to look book et the ing of an orator. The life of mist Rose is G model and an inepir. r. Ross is largely self-educated. He red upon hie career a0 a teacher at 16 of age ; subsequently took a course s Toronto Normal School ; he also ared himself for mabrioulation in and passed the examination for the e of L. L. B. at Albert University. 00 Riways 13500 a studious reader; engaged as a teacher, he resolutely apart two or three hours of the long rata and Winter evenings, following aboral tastes and availing himself of literature as was within his reach. most available works on science, utarly astronomy and geology, that publiebed at the time were closely Hugh Miller was a favorite author logy, sad the Rev. Dr. Diok in omy ; other authors oleo found way to his hands. Of history, gen. terature and poetry, he Was a close Twenty years ago he was ar with all the great events m t history ; the groat soldiers and re of Greene and Rome were well - to laird ; and the causes whioh led downfall of ancient nations were 11y studied. liob history was thoroughly taught, a these days in the publio schools aria, and as a teacher he was ne0e8- Fre. poor ere is lector *sleet), We ar it, sofa y ex: was aeion alive, ould ed he agine nos, eon the part. de. Dias. Rose curt o is am - airs, uder Rose had very put has are tion men talk with net tt a er a re- ling Wben did self is ave r0• the and he 1101 the ave dy. of ing io He ie, on, All his a ar• his til Li- no as he Dap• fa or h h M p 13 d T ti b b h b w a gr of si ka su ab sig to la all go Pr res sw of In at Ro gre W to I Bto lea ape ear die 118 Rio Dai, env kin in i to two Wa mor BOW 89 abo With free Neve way disc 'iota Soot It train Pre atMion ante years ab tli prep law, degro He h when aoE Luta hie n snob The portio w010 read. in gee patron their eral 11 reader farnilf ancien whole, known to 1110 oarefu Eng 0000 1 of Ont of r- o - at of u re t. g r. g ge. • re 0 p w familiar with its great events, Ills g, however, Was not onnl/aod to the text Woke. "Hamilton'o Consaltutiooal 2Iistery of England" and '"11ia0altlaye History" were favorite text books, Iu literature,, ofdaoaulay's Essays," "Mo. lntesh's Essays," Christopher North's Writing0, and works of a similar char, anter were carefully read ; sod, in liters. *tire, Carlyle has been over on hie library table, It is possible he has absorbed some of 'Macaulay's smoothness of expree. Bion, and peri,afte 00100 of Oarlyle's olaivenese, although it cannot be said Mat be ie imnticuat�yle, He hasau reaitatord alt theofaAmeryparican sadlreI7ng. lieh poets. Burne would naturally a peal to him with partloplar pleasure 0 account of hie Botch aooestry ; Cowper was a great favorite ; Thompson 1000 so, eitllough read ; Miltoa'a lofty eenten008 were greatly relished ; Byron's heroic style much enjoyed ; Wordsworth's . pas torah, and Shakespeare's dramas always a Rome of delight. All thsas, and acorea of other books of a general ebaraote11, ars pow to be found 00 hie library shelves, Mr. Rose male a general practice, which he keeps up still, of nulling in a note book choice sentences and phrases, or it may be words, of the authors he read, or ab other' times made a note of some atrik. hag magazine article for future reference, or some poems to be reread when the op. portunity offered. He bas perhaps memorized as mach poetry as most busy men have done. Longfellow and Whittier, and Ruseell Lowell have given him interne pleasure and are frequently quoted by himtu. Light literare perhaps Mr. Ross has negleoted, except the standard novels— Scott, and Dickens, and Thaokery—hie reading bas been somewhat limited in light literature ; perhaps it is a matter of time, but aleo we think a matter of temperament. He tells us that such literature is neither refreshing nor etimu. luting. Matters of fans or of sentiment he oan find in a more satisfactory way elsewhere. As might be expeoted from his early training, Mr. Rose has read largely of the best authors on theology. knife. It was *hie that frightened me and made me get the "Soak and Swab." d used oy1 three pint bottles, 1 am well ever bitter, and it la three flours Willal used it. Iloving great oonfldesye in your medieine1 will recommend it to those IP need. I am, eta, Mus, J, HA1 anr , The, following wee received from the same lady ten years ego ; 1 suffered for nearly four years from fits, and -impel at the same hour daily, ons of whish no 005 could waken me, un- til 1 awoke of .myself, weak and wearied p' !atter the lapse of from ten to twelve n hours' time during whioh time I was wholly unuonsoious. I was attended to end ooi suited 1)0 fewer than sixteen doctors without any bench and no re- • Iiaf. I gut to be absentminded, often on- oontoiono of my surroundings, took t)0 nottee of anything, until, in the Rood providence of God, a friend insisted on bringing 3. M. McLeod to our house. He took me out of the fit in half a min- ute's time, I began to gain rapidly after Ibis in imolai and eoundnose of mind, and to this day 1 have not had any more lite. Yours, eto,, JOaarnlNE E. Mamie, Kingsbridge, Ont. Sold by Jae. Fox, druggist, Bruser'e, A Beep Mystery. It ie a mystery why women endure back robe, headache, Nervooeuese, Steep - lemmas, melanoboly, fainting and dizzy Apollo when thousands have proved that Eleatic Bitters will quickly euro soon troubles. "I soffered for years with kid. oey trouble,' writes Mrs. Phebe Charley, of Patentor!, Ia., "and a lame back pain- ed me so 1 could not dress myself, but Electric Bitters wholly Cored me, and, although 78 years old, I am now able to do all my bonaework." It overeating constipation, improves appetite, gives perfect health. Only boo at G. A. Dead- man'a drug store, MISSIONARY GIVING -B. The following statement of oontribn Dons to the mission (mase, by the Metho. di.t churches in thio county for the year 1900 will be of interest 00DLIRIOH DISTRICT. Godorich North St 800 08 Goderioh Victoria 8t 8 888 08 Clinton R attenbnry 81 852 51 Clinton Ontario St 224 Seaforth Holmes rifle 8 167 12 Sharon 14 83 )' 187 70 Ebenezer 15 78 Blyth 110 18 Jackson's 44 80 Denaannou 140 75 NBt0rewe 25 2 1' 170 00 Ebenezer 17 82 18.2 85 Sheppurdtooe 24 68 Benmiiler 68 00 90 10741 80 00 80 142 22 802 82 70 828 8273 116 10 47 I0 45 58 Alma 25 71 BayfieldCole's 10 85 (, 80 53 I3heVarna 55 04 Goshen 06 OS 11)) 185 87 Bracsfield 14 83 A total for the oh0rohes of Gaderich district of $2754.25 of which amount the Epworth Leagues contributed 5000.72 whioh went diraotly towards the aopport of a missionary in British Columbia, EXETER, DISTRICT. 154 78 Boll's Zion Auburn Westfield Donnybrook Walton Bethel Providence Londesboro' Sinburn Tuckersmith 101 20 71 04 Exeter Main St 218 78 EExeterBmvillJeames St 5 80 88 806 20 BSunoklne 85 20 311 48 Son 88 82 Freewill 24 80 Centralia 178 18 Mansell Bethesda 94 74 144 24 Bexemith Rippon 88 8026 85 Ohiselhuret 27 OO 65 70 OraHill's ton Greet) 14 050 Ebenezer ,. 06 20 98 Eden 12 29 Grand $ nd 55 0220 000 sMt. P oaeant 15 00 10 0 124 40 P A total of $1471.41 for those ohurchsa whioh are in Huron only in the Exeter district. WINGHAM DISTRICT. 154 50 'gingham ,03881182 Brussels Ethel .,. 0 22 22 Roe 2110 Whitfield's 12 14 IIS Cranbrook 17 58 Bethel 15 24 Fordwioh 70 68 Newbridge ..........,20 00 118 98 Gorrrllo�e 12117 Oe $ill 88 04 Wroxerangter 9 25 Belniore B BO 34 72 Salem 16 87 B1uJohuston's 0 25 184 65 EO;onezer. 80 55 Aahflold—Blake'a Iib 50 Ziori ell's ,...... 28 114 76 WilibHope Bel nveoroh—Bethel 21 55 95 40 eunahine - 46 04 114 04 Brick church 88 87 A total of 51366.66 for that portion of the'Wingham district in the county of Hulot], making a total from all the Methodist churches of the county, to. wards the cane° of missions alone, of $5692.32. 150 50 A Wise Lady, Canvatoom, Ohio, May 28rd, 1900. J. M. McLeod, McLeod Laboratory, Goderiob, Ontario. Ditto Sra,—front liquid medicine, "Soak and Swab," has cared ma entirely of the sore I had on my upper jaw, The dootore bald me that it wee a (lancer and that the bone would have to be out oat ant/ the affected parte removed b the Y • 41. It Girdled the Glebe. The fame of Buoklen'a Arnica Salve as the best in the world, extends round the earth. It's the one perfect beater for outs, corns, burns, broieee, sores, soalds, boils, ulcera, felons, aches, pains and all akin ernptiona. Only infallible pile cure. 25e a dox at G. A.Dead man's drag store, REAL ESTATE. _FOR SALE. — A BEAUTIFUL home on Queen street, furnished or without, at a bargain. Apply to MIS o k1, CAMPBELL, Bruesele. (1 OOD FARM OF 142i ACRES Vt for sale, being Lot 28, Ooo. 7, Grey. School sellable Chet 4 afamilies d pn tolithe Village of Ethel ou part of the lot. Apply to JOHN COBER, Ethel Carrillo Works. 24 - FARM FOR SALE.—BEING Lot B. Con. 12, Grey ooatainin 100 s sore . Good stook or grain Grey, farm. g Good frame house and bank bora ; two good wells; eight scree of Fall wheatation and land all good state of cultivation. For particulars1031, apply to JOHN MoFB Brussels 20•tf Brussels P. 0, FOR SALE IN ETHEL VIL— of the late John Elliott �ootiols fog of 0a solid brick house. with frame kitobeu and woodshed, good stableand d acre Of land, all 1n first -clave condition. If not sold will be rented. Pos- session ab any time. For pa, Heelers apply to Wit. SPa1OE, Ethel; Arms. PATTEn800 Galt ; or Da, MoKELvsx, Mt. Forest. 20tf FIRST - CLASS FARM FOR Grey. BA 100 acres ot more eon. less. Situate 41 miloa from Bivasels and 2 miles from village of Ethel, All cleared excepting 0 aorea of bardwood bosh. Buildings and fences in good repair. Good wells, All Pa11 plowing done. Price and terms of payment onap- plication to N. Al. SINCLAIR, 29.11 Barrister, &o., Brussels. FARM FOR SALE. -160 ACRES of the Consisting of Lot 9th6, Cont 2t) East Wawa4 - Wawa - nosh. This is an exeellent etook farm, being well supplied with good8priu water. itis situated about 9 miles from the thriving Vil- lage of Blyth. A largo part of it le under green. Buildings and fences are in a fair state of repair. Easy terms of payment wiii be given. Far all iutormatlen applyto 11-tf G. F, BLAIR, Barrister, Brussels. FARMS FOR SALE. — 100 mores in the Township of Howlett, be- ing Lots 15 and 18, Con. 0 ; 80 acres are cleared and 20 aoreo fn. bush ; bank baro with stone stabling underneath ; and frame house with cellar. A good thriving orchard. Perm is satiated 8 miles from Wroxeter. Also 50 acres in the Township of Tnrnberry, being North Hal! of Lot 7, 000. A ; 80 acres In grass, 20 acres of bash; frame baro and log house ; a good sprigs. For further par- ticulars apply to ALES. BI8LOP, 21.4m Wroxeter P. 0, Patents Guaranteed. Our fee returned if we fail. Any one send - fug eketsb and description of any invention will promptly receive our opinion free con- cerning the patentability of same. How to obtain a patent" sent upon request. Pat- ents secured through ns advertised for Bale at our expense. Patents taken out through Ile re0eive 0Pag1AL NOTI0E, without charge, in THE PATENT 11800nD, an illustrated and Widely circulated journal, consulted by Man- ufacturers and Investors. Bend for sample oopyreme. Address 'VICTOR J. EVANS & Co., (Patent Attorney%) Evans Building, Washington, D, 0. Spectacles —02' AL1, s1ND8— Fitted to Correct all Failures of Eyesight, and yonr Eyes tested FRED by latest Optioal methods at Division Court Office, BRUSSELS. SHINCLE$ British Columbia ANn_ lied Cedar Shingles North Shore Pine and Cedar FOR SALE AT THE Brussels Planing JIiils Also Doors and Sash of all Pat terns on band or made to order at Short Notice. Estimates Fnrniahed for all kinds of Buildings. Workman, ship and Material Guaranteed, P. AMEITT, • 17) • There are three months of the coldest weather in the year yet before you, Get 10 your complies at the low prices we are airing. We have commenced stooktaking and tied that in some 'Mee we have More goods than we eboald have at this time of the year, but they moot all go if good quality and low prime will sell them. Profit is ous of thequestion. All we look Mr now is to get first eget, or in eomo eases lege, for the geode. Look at these prioes Heavy all wool Zitehener Tweed, regular price 7,6c, for 50c, Mon's heavy Elorne.made DoulNe regular price Ho, for 280, Mou'a heavy Wool Bootie, regular 18c, 2 pair for 250. wool•lined Kid Gloves, worth 75o, for 50e. Alen'e heavy Prisaa Olsten, lined with tweed, higb storm dollar, regular pries $5.60, for 58 H. Uwe rubber.lined Frieze Dieters, high storm oollar, back strap and tab, regular prioe 09.50, for 57.96. Boys' Frieze Uistera, regular 54, for 02 95. Lathee' BeliVtir Jaokete to fawn and blaok, lined with satin, Pearl buttons, perfem fitting, worth $8 00, for 65 75. Ladies' Braver Jaokets, brewn and bleak, lined with mercerized Batons, regular 55 50, for 58 75, Eleevy Fancy Dress Goods, regular prate 40e, for 260, Our opaoe will not allow us to quote prieas in every department, but we would aay if you want anything in Dry Goode, 010Shing, Boots and Shoes, Millinery and F009, you oan save from 15 to 80 per cent by baying cI tI 1111 A.nd then if yen require any of the following lines (which you undoubtedly mut) it will be to you interest to toll a,nd see our goods as we are in a position to offer you the beet obtains,ble on the market at the very ioweet possible prioes. Here are some of them :- -Highest Grade British Oolumbia Salmon at 18o per Oen. —Speoial lines of Bine Ribbon Ceylon Tea at redeoed prices. —Cold Blast Lanterns at 750. —Oall and see our Lampe just arrived from Montreal at prates from 20o to $2 --the greateet bargains of the day. In oar Boot and Shoe Department you will find everything op -to. date and at the very lowest prioes ever quoted :- -Ladies' Eine Shoes from 25o tip. —Men's Fine Shoes from 90o to $8.00. —We have in stook the very latest in Men's Leather Leggings. —We also oarry a wall aseorted line of the Celebrated Gromby Rubbera and OVe08110(18 at the very lowest prime. LW'Sriog oo your Butter, Egge and Fowl. Yon will get the best value for them you ever received. INNES, Jamestown. Down go the Price of Furs. 1 To those who have not purchased all they require in the Fur 1.n.e. we would say that anything we have now left on hand will be sold very much below actual value. Our assortment is still good so now is the time to make your selection before the Choicest articles are picked out. 1 A, STRACHANI SIGN OF THE HORSES' HEAD Call and see the largest and best stock of Blankets, Robes, Sleigh Bells, Etc., in the County, which we purchased for cash direct from the manufacturers and are selling them at very close prices. Eamon and Collars (Our own make) we have a complete stock made from the beat material, cotnbited with good workmanship. Also a full line of Factory Harness from the best rnakers, from $7,50 up. A Choice Selection of Trunks and Bags. Repairing Neatly and Promptly attended to at Reasonable Charges. ern°. Donaldson.