HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1901-1-17, Page 4(T.)1.t Vnvostio Algot. THURSDAY, Ja'1N, 17, 1901, A rage ie propooe4 of re foreeting the Pa . OP 0 a wlnde and thereby aid in bringing about a change of climate, Oont PAvz. lo oaid to be dangerouoiy ill With double expressed as to his eonvales. canoe. The turmoil of the past year is 00 doubt telling on the old gentleman. Mo. WnITNEX, leader of the Opposition forme to the Local Legislature, its wand. lug the tocsin in-aonneation with outlin- ing a oampalgn for the neat Provincial elections. AN effort is being made to eetablieb a line of ice breaking boats on the river St; Lawrenoe that would permit of Winter navigation. Ib is a big scheme and if successful would mean a genuine boom to Montreal and Quebec, TEE London Free Press (Conservative) says : It is currently reported that Dr. MoDonald, the well-known M. P., for East Huron, will be appointed Deputy Speaker in the Commons, suooeading Mr. Brodeur wbo will be voted to the Speaker's obair. The Dr. will fill the bill to a T. THE slow poke town of Goderiob really gave a majority on Jan. 7th for an anti- run.at.large oow Bylaw. Some of the people of that town are already wonder- ing if the By-law can ever be enforced, as so many people love "the poor man's oow." It they have it really bad a small contribution of gold oash would soon pro- vide pasturage for these poverty stricken oow ownere. Wren thousands of dollars invested in granolithic walks and the fact that the m •et of the sidewalks are outside the shade trees and "geb-at•able" with a snow plow, a Bylaw should be palmed making it compulsory to keep the walks clear of snow. In a number of tame the prop- erty owners have until 9 a, m. to do this atter a snow fall and then a man is pot on who does the work and the delinquent in addition to paying the expense in- curred ie fined ae well. Other places have corporation snow plow, run by a town employee, a rate being etruok on the tax colleotore: roll to meet the ex- pense, which is trifling ae the plow might not be required more than a dozen timee in a winter, Sometimes the snow plow- ing is let by tender to the lowest bidder and paid for by the town. However the work is done it is a matter that should be attended to. Two young men of this town were fined before A.. Hunter, J, P„ for asking for liquor at a Hotel during prohibitory hours. License Inspeotor Miller laid the information end will "pinch" some others if the business is attempted again. There may be a ease tested ae to the Bale of cigarettes to minors as the law is oaid to be openly violated by both sellers and bnyere. It is no nse to be mealy. mouthed about these offenses ae many a heartache ae well ae a headache are oo- oasoned by the above mentioned trans- gressions. If young people would occas- ionally ooneider the feelings of the "home guard" many a foolish action would never obour and if fathers would think bow their unworthy example 0a0Be0 a blight upon their eons and daughters they would adopt 8 very different course along the line of morals. The opening of the 20th century should be a good time to brace up and thereby givepractical help to developing the good fa the youth of our land. Gonzelcn, Hallett and Culross town. ships in this section of the country voted on the question of abolishing statute labor and deoided to stay with the system already in vogue. Several municipalities in other notions of the Province have a- greed;lo commute however and will go in for a low assessment iaetead of doing the work as at present. Whether one or the other fe decided npon the agitation is care to do good and more attention will have to be paid to this department of munioipai work than ever has been. Ratepayers will see that both Councils and Pabbmastere adopt modern methods and thereby the same end will be attain• ed. At Morris townohip nomination Jae. Bolger scored a bull's eye when he called attention to the stern neeeeeity of every road -beat having a atone hammer to break up the coarse stone. Milan this is dons these rooks are a thousand timee better left in the pit. Road goading machines soon pay for themselves in the saving of gravel, for unless the road bed is well graded up and proper drainage arranged for, it is almost• throwing money away to put on gravel with any expectation of permanency. In another column this week we give an outline of a new pro• poeal'regarding road making that would teeolUbionize old methods if adopted. Blown To atone. The old idea that the body sometimee needs a powerful, draebie, purgative pill has been exploded ; for Dr. Ring's New Life Pills, which are perfectly hermieee, gently etfmalate liver and bowels to expel poleonoud matter, cleanse the.eyetem and ab001010lyeuro constipation and idols headache. Only 261 at G, A, Deadmau'o drug store, gtriet Orange Lodge ItOLI '1'H 1;1E ANNUAL dIGG'1'IN(>a 4: {YINeaAIS 01000133. Tile semi Anneal .meeting of the Dien triot L. O. L, was beld in Wiugham on Tuesday of last week. The following (there were eleoted :—D. M., J. J. Mo. Manaus ; Deputy, E, 0. Clarke ; Seo,, D. Johnston ; Fm. Seo., Thee. Stewart ; Qhapleiu, W. 1I, Stewart ; Treae., T, Abraham ; D. of 0„'0, Barber ; Lecturer, W. Bond,. nowiml ero3a1CT. The Howlett Dietriot L. 0. L. held their annual meeting in the Orange Hall Fordwiole Tueeday afternoon last week. The meeting was largely attended, every lodge in the district being well represent- ed. The old ofaaere were all re•eleoted except the Chaplain, 3. Gregg, the newly eleoted Reeve of Howlok, Rev. A. B. Farney being Bleated in his plane. Over $30 was raised for benevolent purposes and it was nnaoimously deoided to cele• brate the ooming 12th of July in Ford- wiob. The next district meeting will be held in the Orange Hall, Gerrie. ELIIA Dt5311I03, The annual meeting of the Elms din. briot L, 0. L. was held in the Orange Hall, Listowel, on Tueeday afternoon of last week. There wse a good attendance of delegates and the ordinary routine business of the distriat wse dieoharged. The report from the lodges showed that satisfactory progress was being made. The following officers were eleoted for the year :—D, M., J. R. Wileoo, Car- thage ; D. D. M„ Jared Cosmos, Trdw. bridge ; Chaplain, Benj. Faulkner ; Reo. Seo., John Allan ; Fin. Seo., D. Fritohley ; Treas., R. Stanley ; Dir, Oeremoeiee, Thos. Sproule ; Leoturere, Messrs. White and Hill. HOIS,ETT DISTRICT. The annual meeting of Hallett Dietriot L. 0. L. was bald et Clinton on Tuesday afternoon of last week, with a fair at- tendanae, among those preeeotbeing Jno. Scarlett, W. T. Kinney, R. Wardle, W. 1'rewarthe, MoKillop ; T. Stevens, J. Marshall, F. Welsh, Seaforth ; D. Barr, R. J. Draper, O. S. Lowery, 11' J. Miller, J. Bullard, Summerhill ; W. Crooke, No. 189, Goderiob township ; W. G. Smith, P. Can:aloe, E, Robinson, Clinton. W. G. Smith, District Master, presided. The different reports presented were of a satisfactory nature and showed that the organization is in a flourishing condition in the District. The next meeting will be held in Seafortb. When the meeting closed the members proceeded to the Mason House, where ea the guttate of the Clinton brethren, an appetising spread of good thinge awaited them. The officers for the current year are as fol- lows ; blaster, W. G. Smith ;tDeputy, W. J. Kinney ; Rea.•Seot'y, R. T. Draper ; Financial -Secretary, 0. S. Lowery ; Chaplain, S. Lowery ; D. of 0., R. Mar. die ; Lecturers, F. Welsh and J. Mar- shall. Huron County Council. • The following is the offolal statement showing reealt'of Huron County Oounoil election held January 711, 1901:— Division No. 1— Ashfield, Colborne, Goderiob—Philip Holt and Hugh Cham- bers, eleoted by acclamation. Division No. 2 a � G qo8 q o e = o Jas. Connolly.... 198 97 134 906 D. Cantelon .... 238 281 410 929 S. 8. Cooper .... 240 222 882 844 Jas. Snell 589 81 131 796 Division No. 8—Hay, Stanley, Bay. field, Heneall—John Torrance and W. Lamont, elected by acclamation. O Divieion No. 4 a c g m A. Q. Bobier .... 508 123 J. Detbridge .... 123 493 Rick. Make .. 718 117 H. Spaokmaa 651 238 Division No. 5 F1 7 p T. 17. Hays 4461 167 J. B. McLean 151 622 Peter McKay118 220 B. O'Connell511 187 166 fa 198 84 82 492 .n 0 to 253 185 99 827 700 917 1276 871 959 437 814 Divielon No. 6—Grey, Morris, Brussels —Jas. Bowman end W. H. Herr, eleoted by aoolamabion. Div. No. 7 am it' 9 ot Q a m r a a, M. Lockhart ..325 211 2 9 b D. Patterson ,.200 280 144 281 A. Stuart 811 168 116 67 J. Webster .,.,269 207 131 24 Division No. 8 0 O O S. Ferguson ....071. 118 12 And. Doig 268 22 22 Robb. Miller 880 481 115 Wm. Weir 405 294 62 Witt. Lees, Go. Clerk. w it a 850 865 662 881 801. 307 982 761 MefiUop. Wm. Kaabele, who loot his band in a straw cutter some weeks ago, is making good progress. Joe. Vance, of Woodetook, was visiting with Samuel McPherson and other relit. tives for a few weeks. He was a former resident of the 14th oon. A fine matched team of coach horses has been purchased by Jno. MoPhereon, 14th con., from Jas. Arohibald, of Sea. forth, paying a good price for them. On a reoent Sunday a gentleman viei. for at a certain home went to put his horse in the stable when a calf got in the way. The host, to bead it off, gave it a tap on the head and the young bovine went suddenly to oalfdnm. As it was in good order the animal watt bled ; the hide removed and first•olaes veal was on the bill of fare. It looks likes repetition of a former event when the fatted calf was killed. R BF1 S 010 Cheese Factory Annual Meeting, QOot7 REPORT. The annual meeting of the Hraesels Cheese faotory held in the Tarn Hall on Saturday, Jan. 12111a, as advertised, with good%Oendsnoe. Jas, Turnbull, Reeve of Grey, in the Chair, Moved by D. Orerar, seconded by Jas, Sheri), that M. M. Cardiff be Searebary, —Carried. The e0nual report was read by the chairman, and, after being fully dteonssed to the eatiefaelion of every one, woe adopted on motion of 8f. M. Cardiff and Jno, Broadfoot.. Moved by Jae. Sharp, seconded by Jno. Broedtppb,that A. Ooueley be auditor for 190L—Carried,. Moved by M. M. Cardiff, seconded by JAB. Sharpe. that Jae, Elliott, Jno. Cnn- ningbam and Jae. Ternbali be committee to look after t1,0 interests of the patrons for 1901ed, Movin amendment by Jno. Cunning- ham, eeaonded by Jas. 17 iftt, 4180 D. Creme, e. MoArbbnr and J. Ireland be committee. Gloved in amendmeot to the amend meat by D. Orerar, eeaonded by Jas. Burgess, that Jae. PSlliott, Jno. Cunning - bans and P. MOArthnr be committee, Amendment to the ameedment parried. Committee will therefore be Jae. Elliott, (obairman,) P. MoArtbar and Joe. Oun- amgham, Moved by Jae. Elliott, seconded by M. M. Cardiff, that W. W. Barrie be sales- man,— Carried. Moved by Jno. Ounningbam, seconded by Jae. Sharpe, that Bylaws be printed and a copy sent to eaohpatron.—Carried. Jas. Turnbull was re -appointed Trees• urer, Moved by Jno. Broadfoot, seconded by D. Orerar, that the annual meeting be. held on the let Saturday in Jauuary, ex- cepting when lei of Jan, comes on Sat- urday. —Carried. W. W. Harris' offer to make obeese at 92.00 per 100 lbs. up to 50 toes and to drop 2i Beate per 100 lbs. for every 5 tons over 50 was templed, Mr, Harris to pay all expenses in non:motion with runnieg faotory, also to insure the obeese for 91,000 on the let of Jane and 91,000 on the tat of Sept. The following is the annual report :- 1E0E1PT5. Cash from last Audit 9 1 91 May cheese, 1873 lbs. et 99o175 84 5708 91a520 88 June 8874 ” 1010898 64 8807 " 9 o,820 60 July " 7731 91c763 61 " 7988 1090809 42 Aug. "' 5472 ' 110 602 03 " 8560 " 11 5/16o 968 89 Sept. and Oot. cheese, 20928 lbs. at 1090 2187 58 Total 97808 60 EXPENDITURE. Paid auditing, 1900 May, paid patrons teaming " ' making 9 3 00 185 92 2 00 37 47 ' patrons 406 77 " making 114 16 " patrone 720 78 ' making 177 48 " patrons 656 67 making 168 14 July patrons 608 24 making 154 62 July t " patrons 1201 58 Aug, j making 269 21 patrons 796 48 II " making 171 20 Sept. " patron's 1764 92 Oct. } " making 418 67 Oash to balance 3 89 „ June Total $7808 60 AMOUNT PAID EACH PATRON. James Straohan $ 173 70 John Streohan 187 39 D. Richardson 29 29 D. Taylor 102 86 J. Turnbull 129 66 Alex. McDonald 100 96 A. R. McDonald 75 65 Mrs. Wm. Hogg 61 18 T. Savage 100 92 A. Bishop 55 71 Wm. Fraliok 14 70 A. Foreythe 132 67 D. Agar 134 82 G. W. Turvey 57 76 S, Paul 42 56 Jae, Robinson 42 08 S. Shines 26 92 H. Dookett 76 88 Wm. Moses 39 11 8. Oaldbiek 97 69 G. B. Turvey 82 55 Wm. Turvey 18 69 Mrs. Sellare 61 89. A. Shaw 17 91 J. B. McLauohlin 57 17 0, Smith 75 84 A. Smith 108 04 T, Ith 77 62 P. 1oArthur 224 82 Jr Lowe 66 61 Wm. Bateman 66 51 P. J. Biebop 70 13 M. Mitchinson 71 79 H. Bateman 49 15 W. Ynill ..... 103 19 J, Bateman 28 80 Wm. Bowman 65 82 Jas. Ireland 32 07 Jno. Mason Wm. Brewar H. Lamont J. Elliott J. McKinnon N. Richardson J. Cunningham Eli Smith Jae. Cardiff Jno. Cardiff G. McFarlane T. Bielby D. Omar 3. Crerar J. Burgess Mrs, Livingston R. McCallum J. Armstrong Wm, Armstrong J Ferguson J. Little S. Barr R, Cardiff A. Bradshaw Wm. Wilkinson J Duncan . Wm. Bryane F. McCracken R. Holmes Mrs. Came Mrs. Plabt J. Sharpe J. Davie 43 80 149 28 270 44 128 14 82 65 213 78 162120 08 02 101 20 49 47 84 68 9212 194 45 72 66 54 69 87 14 104 8276 64 52 17 45 88 142 71 67 08 7419 99 88 67 77 109 51 82 81 6555 • ��� 1698 0018 Wilton Turnbull 109 84 82 681 Powder, Shot) Loaded Shells, Etc. ID .11* 8 .00.s''1' J. Mooney 189 70 J, Broadfoot 00 68 M, Cardiff .......... 00 00 5ECtn1TARX'e at'A'IunION'r, Lbs, Mflk reoeived.,, ,.,898,842 Tabs, Cheese made 75,441 Average lbs, milk per, db cheese 10.07 Average price per 11), obeese,,,,,, 10.86 Beeeived per 1000 lbs. Milk ,,..9 9.42 Paid patrons per 1000 1bs Milli 7 02 Qoal 01 melnng per 1000 lbs A111lt 1 F0 Caeh ou hand ................. 3.80 Th41otmse gent Imo Tulle. ):very year a large 11010190 91 our poor 591101ere, whose lungs are sore and rack. ed with coughs are urged to go to another climate. But We is eoetly and not always 'euro. Don't bo an exile when Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption will aura you at home. 11 is the most infallible medicine for coughs, cnida, sod all throat and lung diseases on earth. The first dose brings relief, Asteuoding owes result from persistent use. Trial bottles free at G. A. Dead, eran's drug store. Prioe 50o and 91,00, Every bottle guaranteed. It's Your Nerves. It's the Condition of Your Nerves that dither Makes Your Life a Round of Pleasure or a Use- less Burden. To many women life is one round of sickness, weakness and ill health. To attempt even the lightest household duties fatigues them. Many of the symptoms acoompanying thio state of decline are : a feeling of tiredness on waking, faintoese, dizziness, sinking fteliog, palpitation of the heart, shortness of breath, loss of appetite, oold hands and feet, headache, dark airoles under the eyes, pain in the book and side and all the other aoaom-. paniments of a run down and weakened constitution. All tbeee symptoms and ooaditions are simply the result of a poor quality and detective circulation of the. blood, with a wasting away of the nerve foroee. By feeding the system with DR. WARD'S BL000 AND NERVE PILLS You strike at the root of ibe disease and lay a solid foundation on which to build. Soon the weight increases, the sunken cheeks and flattened baste fill out, the eyes get bright and the thrill of renewed health and strength vibrateethrougb the system. 60 Dents per box at all druggists', or DR. WARD Co., Toronto, Ont. For Sale by G. A. headman, Brussels. JAN. PT, 1001. STRICTLY ONE' PRJQE. THE LOWEST.. j"..131-1\1-1.71.A.IVY" Bvs=ivMss We are looking for a big January turn -over. With the three coldest months of Wintery yet to come there is bound to be a big demand for heavy goods. Stocks all over the store are ready for all demands that may be made upon them and there will be many a bargain for careful shoppers in Winter stuffs that we want moved out before the stock taking. You'll get your money's worth and more buying any of these -- Dress Goods for rJanuary. Drees Goods Buyers will save money here in January; there ie many a line of seasonable and at traotive Drees Stolle that we would like to sell the last' of them 'before the month ie oat. Here are some' of them :— Dress Goode at210- New Fanny Plaid Drees Goods, suitable for Children's wear, or Ladies' Waists, 86 inobee wide, regular prioe 80a, January pride 21o. Dress Goods at 22o- 10 pieties only 36 inch pure wool Coating Serge, in Black, Brown, Navy, Green, Garnet, Cardinal, real value 300, epaulet January price, 22o. At 98.20 per Costume of 6 yards - 0 only dress lengths, Panay Blaok Drees Goods in small, neat designs, regular price 94,50, January prioe, 98,25, At 94.50 per Costume - 20 only dress lengths 6 yards each in Black ,ilk and wool Figured Ore• poane, all new degigne tttie eeasnn and worth regular, 96.00 and $7 00 per costume, January price 34.50. Mantle Goods for January. We have Bold more Mantle Goode than ever before. Ie will pay us to sell what we have left in stook now, even at a Iose, than oarry them into next season. That's why we are quoting prices like the following for January :— 8 plea's heavy Nigger head mantling in Brown, Navy and Black, extra value' at $1 25, for January selling 95o. 2 ends, Fawn and Bleak fine quaitity Beaver Mantling, real value 91.75, Inc. Jemmy eelling 91.25. 1 pieoe heavy Onr1 Black Mantling, good value at 91.60, January eelling 9126, 8 pieces fanny file Carl Mantling in Grey, Cardinal,aud Cream, real value 91.• 75, for January selling 91 86. BIG REMNANT SALE ! Before stock taking we have placed every short end on hand in the Rem- nant Pile and on Friday morning we will offer them at prices that makes buying easy. Besides ends of Prints, Cottons, Wrapperettes, Flannels, Plaids and Flannelettes, there are 60 or 60 pieces of Dress Goods which will be cleared -out at almost one half their regular prices. You'll find unusual Bargains all over the store. J. Ferguson & Co, DRY GOODS and GROCERIES. Bargains in.,.. Both heavy and Light, all our own make and composed of the best of stock and workmanship. ROBES and BLANKETS. The season has not been cold enough for Robes and Blan- kets, and as we bought heavy in them and do not want to carry any over, if prices can move them notice the following :- -Large Dark Grey Goat Robes, regular $9.00, reduced to $7.50 —Large Grey Goat Robes, regular 8.00 6.00 —Blankets, Best Dutch Mersey, regular 1.76 1.25 —Heavy Unlined Blankets, regular 75 " 55 Repairs promptly attended to in Harness, Collars, Boots, Shoes or Rubbers. I. C. RICHARDS. HEATING STOVES COOK STOVES ' RANCES Do not forget to see our line of Base Burners, . with or without oven. Every stove a double heater and guar- anteed a perfect baker. WE INVITE YOUR INSPECTION. Meat Cutters, Butter Moulds, Scales, Lan- terns, Hanging Lam/s and Lamp Goods of every description. vermamemmamagoommw SCOTCH AREHOUSE GARFIELD BLOCK, BRUSSELS. JANUARY SPECIALS. Big Discount Sale of Dress Goods, Cottons, Flannels, Flannelettes, Shirtings, Tweeds, Underwear, etc. On Thursday morning we inaugurate a Special Discount Sale. The Bargains are not confined to any special section or particular line but every department will contribute its share towards this great sale, and in all lines advertised there will be no reserve. Note the prices :— Underwear, 5 doz Men's Scotch Wool Shirts and Drawers, regular price 91 50, sale price 91 00 8 1 26 II 75 15 " " Fleece Lined " 96 " 65 76 i 45 12 " Union " " " 60 " 24 18 dos Ladies' Bygeien vests and•Drawere " 50 " 88 4 " ' " " 76 " 50 10 don Boys' Shirts and Drawers at 1 -price. Men's Furnishings. 10 dozen Men's Linen Oollare, regular prioe 15a & 20o, sale price 10o 5 dozen Men's Ties, 26o & 50a " l0o 4 dozen pairs Men'e Gloves, ..$1 60 91 15 6 ' " " 1 26 " 850 6 Suspendore, " 40o & 50o 26o 3 " Boys' Suspenders, " 20o " 10o Handkerchief's, Soarfe, Mittens and Box at Dost to clear. Two lines of Men's reedyto-wear Pante, were 91.25 and $1.50, epeoial for(bbis week at 85o and 91.15. Shoes. Men'o Fine Shoes, regular prioe $2 00 sale price;$1 85 1 Men's Robber Boole, best quality " 8 25 " sete 2.98 500 pairs of Ladies' and Misses Fine Shoes to clear at 1 prioe. All of our Sox, Robbers and Overshoes at Oesb Prioe, Three Specials. —Ladies' Jackets for $2.00, worth $5,/$6 and $9 eacll.S —Groceries at. Wholesale Pricesl(to clear. geitZla —Crockery at WhoIesalei Prices to clear. THE SCOTCH WAREHOUSE BRUSSELS. G)