The Brussels Post, 1901-1-17, Page 1tee-... Vol, 49, No, 27 —...-.....,..sank New Advertisements. Coming—r,C, P. Smith. Harneee— I. U,Rih arae, Oleering Sate—D, 0, ,Bose, Galtfor o Sale—L. Hollipger. Ear Horeee—G. 4. Deadnoap, Jamestown Store—W. Innes, Cedar Poste—Sharpe & Wilbee, Goad Situation—Centrai Business Col. lege. • Winter Goode Sale—E. 0. Danford & Son. Sale by Tender—Toronto General Trost Oorporatioe. li)istrict W n l Lou. Don't forget the annual meeting of the Walton Obeese Factory next Tuesday afternoon, Several of oar residents have recently joined that open Society, of whioh the only distinguishing sign jie the "grippe." Sample Bros , of Bruseele, ere bare this 'week flnishing up the painting on the new buildipge and the Presbyterian church, Min, Maggie g e Wilson, who has spent a week with friende.Jn this vioinity, re. turned to ber home in Seaforth on Wed. needay. People were surprised laet week to hear of the deoegee of Mrs. Deese Oriob, of Grey. She wae a fine woman and will be a great loss to the community. The annual meeting of the Walton Soalee Co, was held at Sage's Hotel oil Wednesday of last week et whiob a eat iefaotory dividend was declared. Next Sabbath Rev, Mr. McNabb will be at Tilaonburg. Duff's aborob pulpit will be o0onpied by Rev. Mr. 'Anderson, of Tiverton. He le a retired minliner. 2ropare for a Goad Situation 15y taking .n Course to the CEIdTRRd.IStREe, r CIL Sir' ficl,. aria to Ile other for its own from a eriorewwo k.0 We place many of obr 8tudente in good situa- tions. Stedman admitted each week, baud- acme Catalogue Tree. W. X. ELLIOTT, Principal. Misr; Belle plai{fii, of Blyth, is visiting lrleede in Welton.. The annual meeting of Daff'a oberpb willet be held On Friday gfternoop of this B weak, L%XOKillgp. Mre. James WOW °, 14th gone has bean eeriouely ill with la grippe, but we hope she will loon be better. Towzentp CouNcrL,—Conn8il met in Aiwa' Hall, Leadbury, on Monday, 14th inst. Members all prevent cad took oath ,of quelii1oetion and deoieration of office before the Clerk. Accounts were passed for eleotion expenses, Colleotor's ealary and aherity %mounting to $171.65, All the old officiate were re.appointed, viz„ David M. Rove, Treaearer ; Wililam Beene, ABeeeeor ; Charles Dodds, Colles. for ; Adam Diokeon end George Mardis, Auditors. The Clerk wee authorized to ask tenders fur rook elm plank and sewer pipe for next meeting, Council adjourn. ed to meet to Joule' Hall, Leadbury, on Feb. 18th, at 1 o'olook when auditor,' report will be received. JNo. 0. Monnteoa, Clerk, . eeraxtbrQolc.. Mrs. Slemmen, of Barcarole, is renew- ing old friendships here. Alex. MoNair'e81. Bernard dog wee shot recently. He wae a fine animal and a very useful watch dog fur his master. The dog wae valued et $60, Cameron Bros., aro patting in a duster IMO theft Sex Mill, a thing very mach needed, as the duet from the flax must be very hard on the hands employed in the mill. Mrs, James Slemmon and four obit- drew, of Mooejaw, N. W. T., are vieiting at her parent's bore, John and Mrs. Oeeneron, of Cranbrook. It ie nine years sinus she left. for the Weet. She is'a wet. come visitor, A. Reymann has been appointed Aareseor for Grey Township. This will be his fifteenth year. Hewillstart about the middle of neat month 5o be sere and have your dog et home at that time. 81uewale. Mrs. Snell visited friends in Kinbnrn lase week. George Leeson, of Calgary, N. W. T., is vieiting relatives in the village. Mr. Hardy, of Oulroee vilified hie Runt Mrs. ' Rutherford last Wednesday. Fred. and Mrs. Mo0raoken, of Brue• eels, epent Sunday at John Gardiner',. James Stuart, of Rosenfeldt, Manitoba, ie visiting relatives in and around Blue. vale. Dire. George McDonald has resigned ber positron as orgauiebin the Presby- terian church. Much ie the regret of the congregation ae she filled the poet. tion very creditably. 30 DAYS' Clearing Sale. Our Fine Stock of Overcoats, Suits and Men's Furnishing Goods Must be Sold,.,. i TRUE, every day brings its crowds of satisfied buyers, but while things are going fast, they must go faster still. When we say our stock must be sold 'tis no idletalk—no advertising catch- phrase, The Entire Stock 'must go, and the Prices are going to make you take them away, so come early and get the choice This Sale also includes our Ordered Suits and Overcoats which is the most up-to-date stock in town. Now (Is the time to Clothe yourself at Cost Price. • • 311EKOS LEADING CLOTHIER. Fain Produce taken in exchange for goods. F3RUS$ELS, ONTARTo, THURSDAY, JANUARY 17, 1901 W. H.KERR, Prop, Joseph Leeoh, who bag been eloping in Nebraska mad eliohigan, returned home last week, W or to e m 1h n n ra r to ed to his farm In Morrie lest week, He bee bud the farm rented for the past three years, Wm. Mser d JamBu on Wedneeesdey toanat thees oonveutionrgessleft of the Westboro Dairymen's A•eooietion at London. Leadburv,' A large number from around here took in the big time given by Couu0illor O'Lauglelin'e, Jim's a jolly good fellow. Thos. Davidson is drawing home mae Serial these times for a large cottage reel denim which he parpoeea building next SAmmer. Jie S'anzal nae Int -abased property near St. Clair and will move there soon. Ws with him good luckin hie new quarters. A eeieot number of the youth and beauty of theneighborhood spent a very pleasant time at the home of J. J. Irwin one evening recently,. John Munn, who had hie ribs, broken and was otherwise badly shaken up, ie, we are pleased to say, able to take the level again in his saw mill. W. Rao B. A. who is attending ❑g On- tario Normal College at Hamilton, hart returned again atter having about three weeks holidays. Joseph Vance, a former resident of this locality bat now of Bright, Ont., has been calling on friends here for the past week. By the looks of Joe we would think be could give a deer a hot obese. ke tele tel. 0s0Aa poste for sale, from 6 to 10a. apiece. S3lANra & WiLOBE, 27 8 Ethel.. A new butcher shop has been opened here in the termer 000per shop. The pro- prietor domes from Monkton. It is reported that the farm of Mae. Rose has passed into the hapde of Jno. Lindsay. Mr. Lindsay will likely move trom'the 3rd oon, to it. Tbe Travis Debate 100 sore farm was sold last Friday to Jan. Gaynor for the UM of 53,500. F. S. Scott, of Broesels, was the as t a lunar. It is a tidy property and the parobaser will lose nothing ore his bargain. MCS, Those Taylor, wino matte kes her home withr M e. Osborne, of Ethel, is a remarkably emart old lady. She wae 91 years of age lent Deoember. Mre, Tay- lor was a native of gent Co., England, and comes of a long lived rags. A broth- er, who resided at Niagara Fails, attained 90 years and then his lite was shortened by a fall resulting in a broken oollar bone ceasing subsequent death. Richard reedier] is DOW the owner of the L dea y 60 morefarm, 4h 10017., haw. log traded with Thos. Vadat. 15Ir, Pearson will continue to live on the Elliott farm, 7th spa. Oar o os ' T w bap P'%there gaeembled here lent Monday for the statutory meeting. Connoillor From was the only new mem- ber and be eppeare to be welt able to fill hie chair. The Council is oompoaed of an agreeable company of men and attend °lonely to business. Mr• AfeDoneld, of Chesley, has taken. possession 0! the remade More, baying the stook. It is reported that Mr, Beattie and Mies Beattle will return to Verna. Their many friends to Ethel and surrounding armed), will wish them themes while regretting their removal,. We welcome Mr. and Mre, MoDoneld to Ethee Sons Or T0ttenesnoO.—The following are the offioere of the Sons of Temper. &nos for the current quarter :—W. P., Geo, Dobson ; W. A., Mies R. Spence ; R. 8., Mies Alice Davies ; A, 11, S., Miss Laura Spence ; F. S., Alex. Lamont ; Treas., B. Qbambere ; Conductor, John Lamont; Asst, Conductor, Mies 11. im- lay ; Chap,, Robt. McKay ; I. S., Mies Eva Cole ; 0, 8., A. Barri Organist, Mies E Milne. A 0ainaNua, — If "Mr. Friend of patrons of Ethel Cheese Co.," 18 not satin. lied with the a000unteaestated in Annual Report or from the aooroe be gets his information, I challenge bine or Mr. Barr (wbo is oironlating certain etudes that are not truto deposit $50.00 in Standard Bank, Brussels, and I will de. poeit same amount to pay for an investi- gation or auditing accounts again and let ae have the buyers of oheese come to Brunets, several of whom are willing. I also eek Mr. But to produce cot oheese book and give an account of all cheese sold to outsiders. H. OANNINaiA,i, Treasurer, Ethel, To the /editor of Tim Pose' Your correspondent 'from Ethel must be very ignorant or faletey informed, as he says the Treasurer of Ethel Cheese Qom• patty, cannot produce a voucher for $20,10 for Insurance. Now, "Mr, Friend of Patr one (which rah ie a min take) Mr. Can. nfoghwm does not insure the Ethel oheese, neither does he hold vouchers or pass accounts in connection with Ethel oheese Co. Bea s all p y amounts as they are presented to him from the Secretary, with the authority of the Directors, As re3arde the ealary, the patrons are quite diddled to give Mr. Cunningham a far- ther increase in ealary to keep him, whish is explanation enough of his worth as seeeetnen. Our factory ie and bas been in a flourishing condition for the Iaat 4 or 5 years, quite a difference from Sale by Tender hLAX•MILLS, FARMS,. DWELLINGS, ETC. TO CLOSE, AN ESTATE 1 Tenders will be received by the undersigned until the 8th day of February, 1901, for the purchase of the following properties, namely :— IN THE CITY OF STRATFORD. PARCEL 1.—Frame flax mill, lands therewith and buildings thereon, with eeigine, machinery, implements, eto. IN THE VILLAGE OF TAVISTOOIi. PARCEL L—Frame flax mill, lands therewith and buildings thereon, with engine, machinery, Implements, etc. IN THE TOWN OF SEAFORTH. PARCEL 1.—Brick flax mill, lands therewith and buildings thereon, with engine, maohinery, implements, etc. IN THE VILLAGE OF BLYTH. PAROEL 1.—Frame flax mill, lands therewith and buildings thereon, with engine, boiler, maohinery, implements, eto. IN THE VILLAGE OF BRTJSSELS. PARCEL 1,—Frame fax mill, lands therewith and buildings thereon, wibh engine, boiler, maohinery, implements, etc. PARCEL9.—Frame dwelling house and premises, with East half Village Lot 166 on James street containing one•fifbh of an core, more or less. PARCEL 8.—Farm containing 98 acres, being North half of lot 29 in the 6th con., Morris township, with frame dwelling house, stable, barn, oto. IN THE TOWN OF PALMERSTON. PARCEL 1.—Frame flax mils, lands therewith and buildings thereon, with engine, boiler, maohinery, implements, etc. PARCEL 2.—Farm containing about 85 wares in the Township of Wallace, compos. ed of part of Lot 18 in the 106h Con., and lots in the Town of Palmerston, with frame dwelling house and kitchen, eto. IN THE VILLAGE OF LINWOOD. PARCEL 1.—Flax mill, lands therewith and buildings thereon, with engine, boiler, maohinery, implements, eto. IN THE VILLAGE OF WELLESLEY. PARCEL 1.—Frame flax mill, lands therewith and buildinge thereon, with engine, bailer,-maohinery, implements, eta, IN TED TOWN OF LISTOWEL. PARCEL 1. --Frame flax mill, lands therewith and buildings thereon, with engine, boiler, maobinery, implements, eto. PARCEL 2.—Two Molt dwelling houses, with kitchens and lande connected there. With,fronting en Alma street. IN THE VILLAGE OF BADEN. PARCEL 1.—Lots 42, 48, 44 and 45 on the East side of Foundry street, with two briok one and a half storey dwelling homiest and bakery, situate on lot 42, TERMS—l0 per Dent, dash ; purchasers of flax mills to pay 40 per cent, in addibiou on obtaining oonveyanon ; balance payable in Iwo to three years, with in. tercet at 6 per cent., scoured by mortgage on premieea. The purchasers of farm properties to pay 80 per oent, in addition to deposit on obtaining oonveyanoe ; balance by mortgage on same terms, Above terms may be varied to suit purchasers. For further partioalere apply to the undsreigned, or to PHILIP ERBACII, care of ?, & J. LIVINGSTON, Baden; to 1tTo0ARTHY, OSLBBt, HOSKIN & CREEL• o f MAN, S 1 decors, Toronto, or to BARWIOK, 11YLx3SWOTiTH & WRIGHT, Sol• fcitora, Toronto, Dated January 10111, 1901. The Toronto. General Trusts Corporation, YONGE STREET. TORONTO. whet it seed to be when certain things Weare pleased to elate that Pere, D. were happening that need nob be men. MoQuarrie, 10th ton., wbo bae been on tithed d e a s her as they are free in he i bE ds a .i Minds the ak list or the eb f l a few Wee iteg is o of every patron, Now, Mr, Windy Mab, getting roupd nicely, She wae eke to Mr, Cunningham 15 willio g have g g to ave ao drive to Brussels on Wednesday. inveetigetion of all hie a000unbe a5 well rhe annual business meeting of the as Mr, Barre 001 oheese book and the Bethel Sebbatb School was held last too• nub of einem sold to onteidere as Tuesday evening when the old inflame well, if he pan produce one, as bheyowere were re eleoted, The tttsndanoe never not-fortbpoming ab audit, provided you was solarge as itle at preeeut and we will pat up a sufficient amount with him hope ihie will be a successful year in to Dover expeneee, whoever roues to pay every pertioular, the piper, Yours Truly, A PAMnoN, Tbe marriage of Miee Lizzie, daughter ofMae i Arch. D natation, to 31r, McKel- lar, of Detrotb, Abioh was to have taken plane en Wednesday of last weep bad to be postponed owing to the illness of the latter Man is now in a Detroit boepitel We hope Mr. M017s11er will soon be bet- ter. Onrr.—K. zia McDonald, be'oved wife of Eueas Crich, lot 11, con. 17, passed awry to her reward ou fiet,trdee morning of last week, it! her 42nd year. Deceased w ‘s a daughter of Hugh McDonald, of Tuokeremibb, and wae united in marriage to her now bereft partner 20 years ago. A daughter and a eon are ciao left to hold fond recolleetione of au affectionate mother. Dire. Oriole was a very bearty woman np to a few years ago. The ill- ness, resulting in bar death, was of shout three weeks' duration. The eobjeot of this notice was a. member of the Metho• diet church and wae held in higb esteem by a large circle of relatives and friends. Rev. A. W. Dever poudooted the funeral service.ou Monday afternoon, the burial being made at Brassie cemetery. Mr. Crich and family are deeply sympathised with in their bereavement. A peoaliar ooinaidenoe in °Generation with Air. Orieh's family history is that hie grand. father, grandmother, father and wife each died on a Saturday, '5$or•r Next Sommer Oboe. Proctor liven le Meek veneeriog his residence. He has the m'.terial bellied now for it. Mise Maggie Caldblok is visiting 'Irs,. Jo•eph Smitb, 6th line, the latter being ill, We hope the will thou be quite well 538110 s Jan:os Wilkineon, a resident of the 4111 line for many yearn, bas been 111 for the peat two weeks with erysipelas in hie face sod bead, He is improving quite nicety now we are glad to state, Rep, McKenzie is home from Portage la.l?rairie, Man., on a vieit to his par. ents and Needs, He is well pithead with the West and will return in the course of a month or se. We are p'eeead to beer that Mrs, OMB. Ritchie, who has been dangerously ill with bronchitis end pneumonia, ie mak. ing favorable progress. Her many Mende hope she will seen be oonValeaeent. Thursday afternoon and evening of next week are the dates of the East Heron Farmers' Institute at Brussels. In addition to local speeches Messes. Hallman and Topton wilt be present, A musical program will be 3fven et the evening meeting in addition to the ad- droeeea, The old friends of Jas. and Mre,Petoh, who were former residents of Morris, were pleased to welcome them back o0 a visit last week. They have been in the west for the past nine months and will probably retnrn in the course of a few weeks. Both Mr. and Mire. Petah had a ,bake me from typhoid fever during the Summer. Onrr,—rh r e eaeeed away you the even• ing of Deo, 81, at the home of her sonic. law, Mr. Scanlan, Formosa, en old and well known re ardentE o Morrie int lieP eC son of Marguerite, relict of the late Jas. Lynn. Doomed was barn in Ireland, coming to Oaoada in 1880. Mr. and Mrs. Lynn came to Morrie in 1852. 7 child. ren were born to them viz:— Petrick, of Sault Ste, Marie ; Wm. and Thos,, of Oaliforule ; Marguerite, deoeaeed ; Lean. ore, in a monastery, Toronto ; and Mies Mary at borne. Mrs. Lynn was only ill about 3'days before her death, Misname. tion of the lunge being her ailment. She was 80 years and 4 months of age. In. torment wae made at Formosa. Miss Maggie Bezel is home from Blyth. Mies Mary Mann, 16th one is visiting relatives in Barrie. Oliphant and Arthur Smith are away on aisit v with relatives at GRIL, Mrs. Geo. Sperain, of the 16th, was visiting her parents in Walkerton. Miee Bray, of Wroxeter, wae visiting at her anole'e, Wm. Bray, 16th oon. D, K. Livingston, Mrs. Livingston and Harold, are visiting relatives at Belmore this week. Wm. Bray was eleoted Trustee for S. el. No. 9, in plaoe of John n HieloP who o resigned. Loftna Stark and wife, of Seaford!, were visiting relatives and friends during the past week. Jno. Lamont and wife, of Thee -Ston, Algoma, are vieitingrelativee and friends in tine locality. Geo. and Mre. Harrison and eon, of Dereharn, visited with their cousin, Mar- shal Harrison, 16th 000. The Council sppoiuted John Molntoeb, 6th oon•, and George Dobson, of Ethel, as township %editors for 1901. Those who took part in the reoeption inhonor of Jas. and Mrs.. McKay on their return from their wedding trip, report a good time. Wm. Kelly, 14th oon„ and his sister, Tetra, Geo. Hndeon, epeot holidays with relatives and friends in the neighborhood of North Bay. Mrs. Oliver Harris, 16th eon., has been dangerously ill with inflammation of the lungs. Her many friends wieb her a speedy recovery., Mrs. McConnel, of Pittsburg, Penn., bas been ill with typhoid fever but is im- proving we are pleased to hear. She is a daughter of B. Laing, 5th con. David Weir, an employee of ale Saw• yer Massey Co— of Winnipeg, nae been visiting at D. K. Livingston's, 15th eon. He is a balf brother to Mee. Livingston, Don't forget East Huron Farmers' In. etitote meatinee on Thursday 8110 0oon and evening of nest week in the Town Hall, Brussels. 1113. Hellman and Mr. Totten will be the outside talent. Wm. Lowe, whose time has expired on the Reid farm, 6th line, has leased a farm near Lietowel and will move there about Marob let, We wish Mr. Lowe @rad family encases in their new !come. About 90 invited guests spent a moat enjoyable time at the reside0ae of Mal- oolm Lamont on Wednesday evening of heat week. Messrs. Eokmier, Lamont and Mu0artney fnrniehed the angio. Alf. Cools, 4th line, left inert week for Toronto where he will visit friends for a few weeks, so be says, but we rather think there is one friend in partionlar Alf. has hie eye on and some gay it is likely to result in a case of matrimony. Jno, and Edtnnnd Bedford, former residents of the 10th oon„ were renewing old aogeaintanoee here this week. The boyo are making their home at Landes. born'. Mr, Bedford, father of the above mentioned boys, is at Killarney, Mani. tuba. Friday evening of last week R. Mo. Calium, who built a new helots residence Net Summer, gave an invitebion to a goodly dumber of hie neighbors and friends to a 'house warming." A tip. top time was spent and Mr, and Airs. Motallam were voted 4rst'olaes eater" tainers. Cif UftUN CIi131E$. Regular monthly se- r- vice in the R. C. church next Sabbath morning. - Maitland Presbytery met at Wingbam os, Tueeday. Rev. John hose, B. A., at- tended, Tbe anniversary sermons of the Bens. eels Methodist oharohPr ill be wsashed on Sabbath, 27th lust., by Rev. Richard Hobbs, the well known pastor of Wing. bane. Oa the Monday eveoiog following the reverend gentleman will deliver his popular leobure on "The Triangular Man." A epeotal offering will be lifted on Sabbath, 572.50 being asked to liquidate the d year's interest on ohuroh debt. Meetings will be held in Melville ohnrob Brussels, as follows :-Thnraday, Jan. 17th, "The Obtainment of Spiritual Life ?" ; Friday, Jan. 18th, "The power and blessednese of Spiritual Life" ; Tues- day, Jen. 22nd, "What is it to be a 0hrietien ?" ; Wednesday, Jen. 23rd, "Why should I be a Christian ?" • Thursday, Jan. 24111, "How ,ball I be- come a Ohr1Btia0 7" ; Friday, Jan, 25th, "When and why should I join the church ?" 'Service begins each of the above evenings at 7.800'olook. Saturday, Jan, 20th, Preparatory service at 2.80 p. m. ; Sabbetb„Jen. 27th, Commaolon 5erviee at 11 a. in. Evening service at o'alook; Monday, Jan. 28,h, Thanksgiv. ing service at 7.15 p. m.; annual meet. ing of the congregation at 7.45. ANNiwAL Mn9TINo of THE W. A. M. A.— The anneal meeting of St. John's branch of the Woman's Auxiliary was held at the Reotory on the 8th feet. The follow• ing officers were eleoted for the rooming Year :—Pres., Dirs. G. J. Abey, Visa res P „Mre. Geo. Rogers ; Trace,, Mrs. Thos. Farrow ; Secs., Mies Maud Hoggerd ; Delegates to the annual meet• ing held in London in March, Mrs. Manning and Mrs. Meadows. Mrs. Abey submitted the following report :— Dear Be. A. Sisters. Through the loving kindness of out God we have nee more been permitted to meet together for the pntpose of re- viewing the work of the past year and to encourage and help each other to go for- ward in our work for the coming year. It my sad duty to record the death of our dear Secretary, lire, Pattand, who was an active worker in the Church and a most devoted W. •A. member. Always present, when at all able, and by her bright, oheerfal disposition she endeared herself to ail, I am sure her sadden death wae a personal lose to all oar mem. bere. Two other valved members, Mrs, W. F. Vanetone and Dire. R, Jobneton, have moved to the neighboring town of Mang - ham, Whilst oar Branch regret their lose, we feel that tbey are still working he our dear Society for the uplifting of the heathen from 8piritaal darkness into His marvellous light, Our Branch of the W. A. has been organized eight years and during the peat year had a membership of thirteen, the average attendants being eight. Twenty monthly Letter Leaflete have been taken, and while mentioning this, may eels that we all read more carefully thio little monthly messenger which has proved such a blessing to many in pre. meting interest in Mieeioee. This year we sent two hernia of guide, clothing and groceries to Mr. Disbrow, Jack Head, West Selkirk, Man, Our bale would have been larger but last April we Bent all the made up olotbing we had and all we mold walled, which filled three pecking boxes, to Rev. F. R. Smith, of Hull, for the eufferers from the great fire there. We have sent the entree,' away for the following pledges ;—Lay Missionary, Japan, 52; Lady Missionary, North Weer, 52; Lady Missionary, Hanyenjah, $2 ; Lady Missionary, Chine, (cent a weeks 54.68 ; Diocesan Mission Fund, $2 ; General Fond, W. A., $1.80 ; Thank. offering, 51.05 ; total $15.03. In submitting 11115 report I desire to thank you alt for your labor of love. At times know it has been hard to attend all the meetings tint Iklo Grape that gar• ing the coming year, the first of the new oentaey, we will all be more zealous in the work and diligent in prayer knowing. tbet'the time is abort, "The night nom. ebb when no man can work.” Huron W. A, motto, "The love of Obrieb constrain- nth nt." 0. H. AM. Free. W, A. M, A., St. John's Breach, Brumaire tv A I JRGE pU R anti CLQ' IN111311 G 3 There are those who would buy a rite' Coat 1fthey were sure if in get- ting one it would wear well, W a 50nee with the offer to any prospe0- tivo buyer bleat wo g0Rreneee0 all hue coats, any that turn out bad will bo replaced with a new 00bn And if a ami her 1 call 7in any grads tri whether bemire re of 117.00,blitg 6 go womor en e will ba sure of getttht$ga good women coat, Coon coats x180 at 325, 350, 305. and 340 will be ware to wear. In. Ladies' tJ'o .Jackets we Kaye prises consistent withuality any of our.$25, $28, 580, $25 or 540 Coate will befoun reliable. People are surprised et the fine "' materials and good.'work to be found !ug in our own make of -Men's Suite sell-. at 55 and 510. We a carry everything in the way of Men'5wear, Mitts, Glover, Hate, Caps, qq f� Ties made to order, Suibs, Underwear, tit Slnrts, Sox, Collars and puffs Over- alis and Smoolrs, Overcoats, ' Water- proof Coats and Umbrellas. All1l of gqy -1 which will be found in good qualitiaR, qq tltD GREW & MACDO A �N Lb sOObbWN ronr ,eit08 SheutS lata;it, y„�Gj]Q, GYt Sabbath morning last Rev. Jao. Ross, B. A., preached from I Samuel 11 and 22, "The Lord will not forsake hie people, &o," This was a Promise that was (1) Reliable ;(2)Qompreheosive ; (8) Per. petuee ; 4Pleasing ;(6)Iuepirin . Ecol. 8 and 11 wee the ening text, "Because 88015000 against an evil work is nob executed Speedily, therefore the hearts of the sons of men is fully set in them to do evil" Melville Sabbath School has purchased a new Library for the junior and intermediate papiis, some 260 books. A Sabbath Sobooleervie5 was held in the Methodist church last Sunday morn. ing. The Superintendent of the school e u ke to the ech children and P was followed b y Principal tai. H. Oameron P Superintendent of Melville Sabbath School, who gave an excellent addrees. Rev. Mr, Holmes pre. sided At the evening n gearvt e the pastor preached on "Amusements," dealfo3 first epeoially with horse rasing and the theatre and,.afterward referring to the moteldanos, and the card table, Christian people abould be guarded as to what they do (1) Because of the terms of their oon- version and consecration ; (2) Bemuse of a look of moral beroiem ; (d) Beoanee of what the world oalle inooceietent ; (4) Becauee of offending a weaker brother ; (5) Because of their own usefulness ; (6) Because of endangering their spiritual life. Don't exalt pleasure over spiritual enjoyment. Don't wound Jesus Ohriht. Don't do anything that will taint °bar. aoter, There were many things said that should make those who beard the discourse think. ENT&RToINUNNT: 1'heannualentertain• meat of St, John's B. S. was held last Friday evening. The children had tea in the Sunday School room at 6 whiob was followed by a sleigh ride at 7 A splendid program of choruses, recitations, Bolos and dialogues was given as followe :. —Hymn and prayer ; address by the Rentor ; opening thorns by school ; reel - Cation, Myrtle Wilson ; ohorne, "8 little girls from over the sea," Ida Mo0atoheon, Violet Cooperer and Bar ti a Dowding • Star exercise, GnirIe• solo, Con- stable stable; recitation, Ida MoCatchn, Ger. tie Zilliaz, Stanley Campbell, John element ; thorns, "Three. Kings," Fred. and Stanley Campbell and John Ament ; dialogue, R. Stevens and S. S. Superin- tendent; thorns, "Merry Belts," school ; oolleotion ; dialogue, "While shepherds watched," 7 boys ; display of pictures from magio lantern by Roseel Taylor. Alter the program the members of the Sunday School were treated to oandies and oranges, Mr. Farrow kindly eopply- iug them. TM teachers and officers of St. John's S. S. desire to thank Mr. Farrow for hie generous gift of oranges to the children on Friday evening. East Huron Agi. society. ANNUAL MEET/NG„ Wednesday afternoon of this week the annual meeting of the East Riding Agri- oultural Sooie4y was held in the Town Hall, Brussels, with the best attendance for several years. President Ferguson, who has had to do with Fall Shows for a good many years, occupied the chair. The auditors' report was presented ehowiug the receipts to be 5905.58 and the expenditure 51040.81, leaving a deficit of 5135 23 and $8.60 to be yet paid on Fall Show Prize list, The prize list, with- out epeoials, totals 5786.00. On motion of Jas. McCallum and W. H. McCracken the report was adopted. Election of officers came next and the result was as follows :— James Ferguson, President ; Alex. Stewed, let Vide Pres. ; Jno. Shortreed, 2nd Vice Pros. ; George Jobnsbon, B. Corley, Jae. Mo. Callum, A, Gardiner, J. Brethaner, W. Robb, Thos. MoLauohlin, C. Eokmier and W. H. Kerr, Directors ; A. 8traollau and F. S. Scott, Anditore. The offer of 5250.00 from Grey Branch Agl. Society to hold the Dad Riding Fall Pair in Brussels wae accepted, the dates to be Thursday and Friday, Oct, 8rd and 4th. Owing to D. Stewart having sold his farm and his expeotad removal, ib Was moved by Alex. Gardiner, seconded by Jno. Shoetreed, that W. E. Kerr be ap- pointed Secretary -Treasurer Whig plaoo, at a salary of 560 per annum. -Carded. Mr. Stewart has been connected with the Agricultural Sooieby here for the past 40 years and has had a wide acquaintance With both the management and the ex. hibitore. Meeting adjourned to meet on a date to be set by Preetdent Ferguson bo arrange Prize list and attend to other Pall Show. matters,