HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1901-1-10, Page 8T R ,w $ a 111 S $ s A•i T
his is
.- SMB cruet.
In the last ieeue of TRE Post' sve
drew your attention to Oor White Pine
and Tar Cough Drape in paekagee of Q.
oaett, We have sold several aiaoe then
which assume as that when reading Ton
Paax the edverti90mente Of Deadnean'e
Drug and Book Store are not overlooked.
Advertising is oxponoive at the beet
noleoe wework it as did a certain one:
who advertised to the extent of $20,000
and aompromioed by paying only $5,000.
We want, however, to pay 100 onto on
the $ and wish to make the beet nee of
the money we ,upend inadvertising eo
would like tome blots on this subject
Prem anyone willing to give it,
I rather favor an advertisement that
tae something that will attract the at.
tention at Ohee-some part of it in large
hold type—but aeeut*iug this to be e
good way if not the beet, and within); in
advertieo Deadman's Cough Balm fol'
example, what would yon select as it
heading far the advertieemont, For in
stance you could take "Children Olin it"
ae they invariably do ;,or we 00014 say.
"No fear of Omni)," ae whoa using this
remedy there ie not the least danger from
thie,dread complaint. Or we could give
testimonlale from those- who never nee
any otherCough remedy. Whish or
What shall it be 7
I would willingly give prizes' for the
best hints on this if I knew how it could
be decided satiefagt'orily. Could you not,
Mr. Editor, have a space for hints for
advertisers from the readore of your
paper eo that when we advertise in Tun
Donn we can get' the beet value for our
money by having our advertisemeute
always read.
G. A.
E A D A l 17 Druggist, Optician and
000THER01 ESTENOION w, 0. & B,
Trains leave Brussels Station, North
and South, a01oilowe :
GOImo BooTn. Gerrie NORTH.
Express 7:18 a.m.I Mail 2'10 p.m
Mined ewe a.m.. Express 8:17 p.m
otaI Erbas heirs.
A ohiel'e among ye takin' notes,
An' faith he'll prent it.
Bono Roam.
Baxnw for THE Posr.
DAYS are lengthening.
Soox.n blank shawl found. Ask et THE
Alonz than the winked stood on slippery
planes this week.
A aaw general store may be opened in
Brussels, so rumor says.
A. O. Da>nae shipped a oar of cattle
from Brussels on Thursday.
RowLAND'S Bijou Comedy Co. open for
a week in Brussels Town Hall next Mao.
Tan annual meeting of the Canadian
Press Association will be held at Montreal
on February 141b and 15th.
RUMOR has it that "grog" WAS on tap at
a few places last Monday and some of
the interested parties may yet hear about
MELVILLE Church choir will resist it
the reueival exercises at Wroxeter Pres-
byterianCbnrch anniversary on Monday
evening next.
INSTALLATION of nfflaere in the Odd Fel-
lows' Lodge Thursday evening of tbie
week by A. Tipling, D. D. G. M. Some
Wroxeter members will also . receive
HURON Co. Council will convene et
Goderieb on Tuesday, 22nd inst., at 8
o'eloak. The expectations are that Bar.
rioter Halt, of Goderiob, will be Warden
for 1901.
A Pox hunt was on the tapie teat Mon-
day. Baynard reached his barrow be-
fore the bounds, however, and ae none of
the huntsmen were Irish enough to want
to dig Mr. Fex'e life was epared for that
CHRISTMAS GIFT.—Will. James, of See•
forth, formerly of Brussels, was the reci-
pient of a fine Christmas gift in the ehape
of a baby boy. Our congratulations are
extended to the parents and a welcome
to the young gentleman aforesaid.
TaouonoiUL.—Wednesday of this week
the members and adherents of St. Johne
ehoroh, resident on tbe 6th line of Mor•
ria, presented Rev. G. J. Abey, inaum•
bent, with a load of oats. It was a time.
ly as well as a thoughtful gift and will do
ell concerned good.
CunLmo.—Ia group 3 of the Weeteru
Ontario Tankard the Yollowiug games
have been arranged Wingbam will
play Kinosrdiue at Laaknow on Tees -
day, 1601, inst., at 1 p. m. Brussels plays
Wroxeter the name date at Wiagham.
Luokoow nae the bye. The finale will be
played at Wiagham on the 22ud. Brue-
eele rinks have not had a practice gems
yet but will no doubt make a move now
if suitable ioe can be secured.
A LADY'S white kid glove was fonud in
the Town Hall Wedneeday evening of
last week. It may be had at Ton Poem.
Eaeo Hume Agrioaltural Society en.
noel motion Wednesday afternoon of
next week at the Conniff! Chamber, Brus-
THE Rowland Bijou Comedy Co, will
be in Bruesele Town Hall all next week.
They are playing to good boaeee at
Windham this week.
THE annual meeting of Braseele
Driving Park Association will be held at
the American Hotel on Friday evening,
25th inst., at o'clock.
MONDAY LAST DAY,—Next Monday will
be the last day of A. R. Smith's sale ae.
be will commence to pack hie stook after
tbet for removal to Stratford.
De. J. A. McNetteamox hoe been regu-
larly appointed physician for the Grand
Trunk railway for this district, es mimeo -
nor to Dr. Snider, removed.
JAS. CORBETT, expreoe meetauger oo the
W. G. & B., bad the misfortune to have
the thumb andfinger of the band crushed
at Kincardine on Wednesday of laet week.
BRUSSELS Bohool Board will meet for.
organization oo Wednesday evening of
next week, The last meeting of the old
Board will be held on Friday evening of
this week.
SAW FILER lticonRaoa owns the latest
models and patterns and can get a line of
special new eawe made now for any one.
They will figure high, at the raise. T.
MOGaEGOR, saw gnmmer and filer, Brue
eels East, or McKay & Oo'e. hardware
K. 0. T. M.—The following offioere
were installed by Past Com. Somers, of
Brussels Tent, No. 24, ou Tuesday even.
ing :—Past Com., Peter Hogg ; Com., S.
Ouster ; Lieut. Com., J. Wright; Record
Keeper, A. MGGuire ; Finauoe Keeper,
L. Duoford ; Chaplain, B. Dark ; ser•
pent, R. Deabow ; Master at arms, John
Glaeeier ; let M. of G., W. R. Mooney ;
god M. of G., Wm. Griffith ; sentinel, A.
J. Somers ; picket, Geo. Colvin ; J. A.
McNaughton, ploys. This Tent hen over
100 members in good standing.
ADrAraoa PHOTOGRAPHING.—This inter-
esting and fascinating pursuit has quite a
number of followers in Braseele. If you
would 711,8 to join -the olub or wish to get
a Gamer* or anything in connection, by
calling at G. A. Deadman'e drug and
book stole yon can get fall inetruationa.
At the Met meeting of the club Rev, R.
S. G. Anderson, of Wroxeter was re -ap-
pointed President; and Rev. Jno. Ross,
B. A., vice President ; with Jae. Jones,
jeweler, as Secretary and Treasurer. It
may cost 25c to join the slab but as they
do praotioal work at their monthly
gatherings the information received ie
worth many times that amount,
L. 0. T. Al. OPPIOaae,—The following
officers were installed in oonneotioe with
Riverside Hive, L. 0. T. M., No., 815,
Bream's, on Tuesday evening of this
week :—Paet Lady Com., Mre. N. Mo.
Lauahlio ; Lady Com., Mre. A. McGuire t
Lieut. Com., Mre. P. Ameot ; Record
keeper, Miee Jean Ritabie ; Aeet. record
keeper, Miss Joeie Buchanan ; Finance
keeper, Mre. W. F. Stewart ; Chaplain,
Mrs. D. C. Rose ; physician, Dr. Mo -
Naughton ; sergeant, Miee Maggie Mo.
Arta ; Mistress et Arms, Miee Leather.
dale ; Sentinel, Mre. G. Colvin ; picket,
Miee Dolly Beaker ; organist, Miee Jean
MoLanoblio. Hive is doing well.
DIED.—Last Sunday Amaryllis Lenore,
infant daughter of Eli and Mrs. Moore,
died at the residence of her grandfather,
Elmo, where she was taken ill a short
time ago with spinal meningitic. The
little girl was 9 months and 8 days old.
Funeral took place on Monday afternoon
to Elma Centre cemetery, Rev. Mr. Mo.
Lead, of Atwood, conducting the service.
Sympathy is felt by relatives and friends
with the parents in the decease of their
daughter. Mre. Moore ie a daughter of
Divtelon Court Clerk Hunter, of Brae
eels, and Mr. Moore ie a brother to M. H.
Moore, V. 8,, of this town, Both Mr.
Hunter and Mr. Moore attended the
Wm: high wind. Wedneeday night Bob,t3ohnetgn wen Isere from Wing•
brought down the emOke stack at W, z', ham on Monday.
Pitewart'e flour Mill.
Mise Mat eohlan le vlolting her oonein,
Iv 14 reported that B. B. Swale beadle, Miee Lizzie MoNeughtoo, John street,
posed of the Swale property on Turn. Brneaele.
berry atreot to Lewis Helton, Of Listowel, Mr, MnDiarnlid, overener of the Wand.
for something over $1500. 0000)1 College, wee visiting tit ANL Boott's
Nen Monthly Horse Fair WOE be bald Wednesday,
in Bruesele On Thursday, January net. J, E Brethaar, Ilia well known stook.
man of Burford, was bore last week on it
businesa trip.
Mies Ethel Creighton is Lome f.ir a
holiday vieit from her millinery situation
at Grand valley.
Mr. Campbell, of the Garfield Boogie,
wee in London for a few days thie week
On a hueineea trip,
Mrs, Donald Scott is Rome better since
about a pint of matter was removed by
the doctor from her right hip.
Miee Polly Sample, Milliner, ia, here
from Manitoba on a holiday visit. Bile
will attend the Spring 'Millinery Open.
ing* before returning,
Miee Mary Oliver ie 111 at the !tome of
her deter, Mrs. 300, L80ki0, . Toronto,
Diptkeria 18 the ailment. We. hope .ebe
will Boon be all right again.
Mre. Barbara. Straohan is back tome
after an absence of several months at St.
A number of sales were made at last Fair
and the attendance was large.
WE understand that the Bale Of the
Button property wbiob wee advertised in
our aolumne to take plane on Deo, 22nd
loot and at that timeadjourtted until Jan.
12th, will Dow eland over until further
natio() has been given,
CEAs, KAnconand wife will move to
Brueele this week from London, Mr.
Bargee will insist hisfather.in•btw, Wm,
Bittern'', in the butobering bosinees, help
being neeeeeary owing to the recent re.
moval of Jae. Bleabill to Ypeilanti, lYlioh.
Ton grocery and bakery of Mre, Bal.
lantyne will shortly be taken over by her
con, James Ballantyne, who is now in
the employ of A, R. Smith. Mr, Ballon •
tyn8 will go to Stratford with Mr. Smith
and help get the stook in shape before
leaving him.
DENT DIES,—Early'rueeday morning the
spirit of Mary Maisel), relict of Neil
McLean, wee palled away. She had at.
tained the royal age of nearly 88 years.
Mre. MoLean was born at the Isle of
Mull, Scotland, where she was also mar-
ried. They came to Canada in 1849,
locating at Bullook'e Corners; near Dan
dao, Her husband died a week alter the
arrival, of inflammation, only being ill
three hears, leaving tbe widow with three
little children, the fourth being born a
few months after the degrease of Mr. Ma.
Lean. Io 1857 Mre. MoLean took op lot
'2, eon. 7, Grey, her eldest eon, Murdoch,
dying the same Fall, aged 13 years.
Donald MaLauehlin purchased the farm
in 1877 and atter a sojourn in a home 11
miles North of Braseels, Mrs, McLean and
her daughter-in•law, .Mre. Neil MoLean,
(whose husband paid Nature's debt 26
years ago, being ill for 14 months,) took
up their residence on Prinoese street,
Brussels, 9 year* ago. The euhjeot of
this notice had been in poor health for
the past 23 years, the ailment at the first
being hemorrhage of the longe. Through
those long years ebe hem been carefully
and faithfully nursed and attended by
Mre. MoLean, mentioned above, whose
devotion was a subject of remark many
times. Deceased wee a faithful member
of the Piesbyterian Obnroh for many
years and was pronounced of a sterling
character. In health obs was a pattern
of industry end few would have had the
perseverance she had in fighting life's
battles. Coneomptioo took away her
four children. Flora dying 29 years ago
aged 24 years and her eon, Hector, passed
away in Feb. 1877. For a few days
before Mre. MoLean died ebe was io o
comotoeecondition bet had more than
once expreeeedher willingness to depart.
The funeral will take place from her late.
reeideooe on Friday afternoon of this
week at 2.80 o'clock. Service at 2,
MAgractoNIAL.—By notice elsewhere in
this ieece it will be observed that Mise
M. A. daughter of Jae. and Mre. Kelly,
Mill street, Brussels, was united in mar-
riage on Christmas Day with James Me
Dole, of Cypress River, Manitoba. The
eeremooy was performed at the home of
W. E. McLeod, brother•in.law of the
bride, Cypress River. The many old
friends of hire. MoDole in this locality
will heartilyy unite in wishing her and her
husband many happy, prosperous years.
GOING To STnaraoRD.—After a 0000088•
fel business career of nearly a quarter of
a century in Bruneele and locality A. R.
Smith, the well known merchant, has de•
aided to remove to a wider Geld and tae
selected Stratford as the base of oper-
ations. He will remove next week hav-
ing rented a large store opposite the Al-
bion Hotel. While sorry to Bee Mr.
Smith remove from Brussels THE POST
believes it expresaeo the eentime010 of his
many frieode in wishing him every enc.
0808 and also commending him to the
good people of Stratford add surrounding
country. •
BHELDnx'e Nnw Boow.—A new book by
Charles M. Sheldon, the famous author
of "In Hie Steps," never fails to excite
the interest of thousands of readers.
"Born to Serve" is the title of the latest
book by Mr. Sheldon, and the advanoed
oheete indicate a very strong book indeed,
one of thrilling botanist to the thoughtful
reader, one in whioh with a master's
band many of the bankers of Boatel life,
of domeetio onhappioeee, of the broader
woman problem, of ebeiel redeem at the
vitals of eooiety—are laid bare, with onl-
tared delioaoy, hot none the 'esti with
graphic uoflinohiog truth. The Cane.
diem righte.have been sectored by The
Poole Publishing Company, Toronto, but
a8 the etnry will not appear In book form
for Dome time the publiehere will run it
as a eetial.in The Presbyterian Review,
beginning with bile Moue of the 3rd fret„
time enabling the readers of that paper to
have this Moet intereatiog work in ad.
People We Know.
S. B. Smale, of Listowel, was in town
on Monday.
Mise Blakeman ie visiting at Drayton
and other pointe.
Mise Mildred Soott returned from Tor -
001O legit Monday.
Dr. J. M. Moore, of Toronto, was here
for a few days last week.
We congratulate Co. Connaillor Miller
on his re-eleetioo in Div. No. 8,
L. J. Nisbet, of New Hamburg, was a
visitor at S. T. Plum's last week.
N. B. Gerry and John Patlond, of
Blyth, were in town on Monday.
Rev. and Mre. Holmes were vtelting at
Wingham for a day or so this week.
Rev. Jno. Rase, 13. A., was in Toronto
for a couple of days this week on bees
Roy Clemente, of Blenheim, is in town
having taken a position in A. R, Smith's
Robert Downing is able to be down
street once more bat is not fully rebover-
ed yet.
George Olvar, wife and ehild were
visiting friends in the locality of Gorrie
this week.
Richard Hill, teacher in Dundee, was
bare for a few days visiting hie father,
Jno. Hill.
Mrs. Mitchell, Mill street, tae been on
the eiok list but we hope she will soon be
ae well as ever.
Fred. Gilpin returned to Ohioago Den•
tal College last Saturday after his Christ.
mac holidays here.
R H. and Mre. Green, of Trowbridge,
were in town for a few days vielting the
latter's mother, Mre. Barrie.
Mrs. Walter Jaekeon bee been on the
sick list this week with bronchitis. We
hope she will soon be all right.
Leon F. Jackson left for Guelph on
Tuesday intending to visit there for a few
days before returning to Toronto.
Miee Hattie Downing rammed her
studies at Goderioh Collegiate last Mon•
day after an enjoyable holiday in Bras -
August Kabel and Mies Carrie, of
Hartford, Mich., are visiting at P.
Ament's. They are nephew and nefae
of Mr. Ameot.
Harold, youngest son of Councillor and
Mrs. Gerry, has been on the sick list bot
the little lad is now doing firet.rate, we
are glad to report.
Ira Parker, who is ill with typhoid
fever at Guelph hospital, bas been very
eiok bat is doing better now and we hope
will soon be convalescent.
James Baker, of Michigan, was visiting
hie brother-in•law, Jobo Hill, Queen
street. It 83 years since he was here and
be notes many changes,
Mies Lizzie Sample left for London
Conservatory on Monday. She went to
Ohatbam and attended the wedding anti•
vereery of a cousin before resuming her
Robt. Mainprizo and Miee Olive at.
tended the funeral of Oliver Gilobriet, of
Winghom, on Monday of this week. The
dmoessed and Mr. Mainprizs were old
James Innee, eon of Poetmaeter I0ne0,
Jamestown, ie spending `a few days in
Brne0ele poetoffioe acquainting himself
with the Money Order Department as the
Jamestown office is to have a Money
Order branch added to it in the near
Tne Poo is pleased to beat that Harris
Hamilton, who has been the junior in
the Standard Bank here,.bas been pro-
moted to be Teller, &o. It is certainly
to hie credit and we wish him oontinned
su00008. A junior will take Mr. Hamil.
toe's former place.
Gnaxn Tnuno ENOIxns.—Advioee have
baso received. at tbe head °Moe of the
Grand Trunk Railway Company, that
the twelve sample mogul freight l000mo
tives now betiding at the Brooke and
Dixon Com anieo' ebope in the United
States, will be ready for delivery in about
three weeks. The engiOBS are of the "900
olaee,' similar to the moguls built at the
company's Point St. Oherles shops.
They were designed by Frank W. Morse,
superietendant of motive powers, the
d,meneione being es follows :—Cylinders,
20 by 26 inches ; total weight of l000mo.
Live, loaded, 161,970 pounds ; total weight
of tender, loaded, 112,000 pounds, with
driving wheels sixty-two inches in diem•
eter ontside of tire • water capacity of
tank, 4,500 U. 8. gallons ; coal capacity
of tender, 28,000 pounds, working steam
pregame, 200 pounds. The bailers each
contain 288 tubes, two inches is diameter
and eleven feet, eleven inohee in length.
The engines are eqipped with Weetiog•
house•Ameri0an brakes and train signals.
The twelve engioee mentioned in the
foregoing, together with the twenty.four
of the same series now being completed
at Point et. Charles, will be put into
service on the Western and middle dials -
ions of the eyetem, where, by the im•
provements made on the roadbed, it is
possible to inareahe the train loads from
26 to 88 per pent.
Catharines. She also visited at Guelph
and Elora. We are pleased to state that
her health has greatly improved,
Will. Halpenby has taken a position
in A M. McKay & Oo'e hardware store.
He should make a oompetent band. all,
Williamson will take Mr. Halpenny'e
pleoe at the sale stable, John street.
A. MoCuteheon, wife and eon. of Win-
nipeg, who were visiting here, 1. •ve gone
to Buffalo, N. Y., to visit 'Tit -. Town,
Mre. Modutobaon'e father, and they will
ales go to Ottawa calling at B"easels on
their return trip.
Misses EdithllfoLaaohlio, Mary For•
bee and Biala Straohan have returned to
Listowel Bosineo College and Miens
Georgie Roes and Mabel Zimmer to the
Collegiate in the same town. May 800.
cess attend every one of them.
A. Koenig, formerly of Brussels, was
Mooted n member of Mitthell town Coon -
oil last Monday. He will make a careful
alderman and the Kimbell peop'e most
think sotoo ae he headed tbe poll, His
bid friends in town wish him 0000005.
Business Locals.
MANITOBA flour for Bale. A. C. BAEICER.
CAea for butter and eggs. A. Ooueley.
FLOUR and feed always in stook and
sold at right prices. A. 0. BAEREU.
A. 0. BANKER received a oar of flour
this week and now o,rrieefour brands of
CARPET WsAvx , Am prepared to ot•
tend to the wants of the militia in the
weaving of rag carpet. Satisfaction ae-
Bored. BORT. ANDERSON, Elizabeth et.
I UAYS. a quantity of first clave saws for
sale ata bergoin or eon exchange for
towe that are not in working order.
Yours for business, T. MOGREGOR, Sow
gummer and filer, Brneaele.
WANTED—Ohoioe roll butter, 190 cash ;
22o trade. There's quite a speedy span
of dark steppers that oan take even Har-
old H'e measure. No. 1 Miok or Fox,
$3.00. G. E. KING, Wingham,
ANY one wishing eawe gummed and
sharpeued and made to the latest to out
fast and easy can have this workdone
at any time now by saw filer, T. McGurn -
eon, at the old stand !last of Brussels.
HOUSEHOLD furniture, banging lamps,
stoves, &c., by private sale. May be
eerie any Saturday. Having Bold my
residence I wish to dispose of the brut.
tore also. Apply 00 JOHN Ronn,
24.4 Bruesele South.
8T74X.D4., .D LUXE 07 c./I,Nt/L .
OgSs'S.A,=7.4SO*r;4a: d.t37ree
CAPITAL PAID UP (One Afillion Dollars)
BUST . .
Agencies ill oil prineipal pointe in Ontarie, Quebec, Manitoba, Ilnitod $tater (E' 1Tngiand,
RIPOWI M8 NelOr7it'',.
A General. Banking Bueineee Transacted, Farmers' Nettie Dieoounted.
Drafte Iesurd and Collections made on all pointe,
Interest allowed on deposits of 31,00 and upwards and (impounded half yearly.
Branum ATroNTIgN man TO Tax OOLLEOTION or FAnooao' BALE NOTES,
Every facility afforded Cuatomere living ata dietanoe.
payable at any bank issued Under
MO:07 011101/0 at the following rates ;— $10 to
$10,.., 80. 120 to Vie..,.12o
$20,.,,1Qo, • 80 to 40....140
.om.,®® _.
BoLuan --Io Grey, on Jan. 9th, to Mr.
and Mre. John Bolger, a daughter.
COOPER.—In Brussels, on Jan. 2, to Mr.
and Mre, Jae. Cooper, a daughter.
James.—At Seaforth, on Deo. 251b, to
Mr. and Mre, Will. James, a eon.
MODOLE--KELLY.-At the residenoe of
Mr, W. E• McLeod, brother•in•law
of the bride, Cypreee River, Man.,
on Christmas Day, by Rev. W Clark,
B. A., incumbent of Cypress River,
Mr. James MaDole, of Cypress River,
to Mine M. A. Kelly, daughter of Mr.
and Mre. Jae, Kelly, of Brneaele.
872'CTSSFa2.,S SO AR=> 0S..
Pall Wheat ... 62 62.
Barley ...... .. 86 87
Peas 56 67
Oats 26 25
Batter, tube and rolls 17 18
Eggs per dozen 14 16.
Floor per owt. 2 00 2 00
Potatoes (per bash.):..,25 25
Apples (per bag) 50 50
Sheep ekino,each 80 1 00
Lamb skins each 25 25
Salt per bbl., retail 1 00 70
Hay per ton 7 00 8 00
Hideo trimmed 6 6;}
Hideo rough 5 5
Hoge, Live 8 00 6 OD.
Wool 15 131
In the Surrogate Court of the County
of Huron.
Notice to Oreditors:
Cat nttdian N ewe.
Hamiota, Man., was vieited by a dee.
tractive fire.
London Liberals will banquet C. S.
Hyman, M. P , on January 81.
Alexander McQuaoket', a young Soatoh•
man was found dead near D. Armit's.
oamp, Manitoba, frozen to death.
A sale of 42 heavy draught colts was
held at Guelph by Meeare. R'ewart &
Burton, of fort MacLeod, Alberta.
The women students of the Weeteru
'University, London, are to give a play 0u
the evening of Jan. 17 founded on Tenny
son's "Princess."
Canada will have 19,761 square feet of
epaae at the Glasgow Exhibition. 8,961
feet in the main building and 10,800 feet
in the Canadian building.
The Toronto News, speaking of the
open gaming that is carried on In that
city, Saye that "Toronto has become a
sort of gamblers' 'parodies."
Mre. Wm. Thornton, of West Oxford,
was killed at Woodstock. She waedriv•
ing up a.hfll, when a trolley oar ran into
the buggy, throwing her under a load
of wood.
Looking over the poet office statistics,
it ie to be Been that of the seven Provin-
oes, Ontario contributed the greatest
amount to the mail matter posted during
the year, its record being as follow, :—
Lettere, 90,062,500 ; poet Dards, 17,800,•
000 ; regietered lettere, 2,062,600 ; free
lettere, 4,750,000 ; paellas of meroban-
dive, 1,960,000. Qnehee Dame second,
with the following florae :—Lettere, 46,-
260,000 ; post north, 4,860,000 ; register.
ed lettere, 1,060,000 ; free lettere, 585,000;
packets of merchanise, 475,000.
La grippe has reached Toronto in epi -
demi() form. Many family physicians
reported Wednesday that its presence
was no longer denied. It isnot, however,
nearly so malignant es in 1891, the last
year whenit became epidemic, and few
evil effects are anticipated. Dr. Powell,
a prominent pra0titioner, gays that in a
number of oaeee obeervedby him, lagrippe
is accompanied by jeuodiee, a dram.
stenos that be tae nor noted elsewhere.
In the East end of theoity doatore say that
that infiueenza i0 not accompanied by
luog affection, while in the West the ex.
pedants is the opposite. This would
seem to indicate that the
disease was introdnoed in the
East by a different germ than that
which Gauged it in the West End. The
big departmental storms have escaped so
far but a good many mercantile oetab.
lishmente are crippled,
All person a havirg claims against the
estate of Rachel Spence, late of the village
of Ethel, in the County of Huron, widow,
(damaged) who died on or about the seventh
day of December. A. D., 1900, are notified to
send or deliver to Wm. Bpenoe, at Ethel P.
O., the Exeeutor•of the estate, on or before
the 20011 day of January, 1901, a statement of
their claims, duly verified, and after the
last mentioned date the Executor will die.
tribute the assets of the estate among those
entitled thereto. having regard- only to snob.claims as shall have then been reoeiaed.
And the Executor will not be liable for the
assets oI the estase or any part thereof to
any person of whoa° claim notice .ehall not
then have been received, This notice is
pursuant to 'the statute 111 that'behalf
Agent for Executor.
Dated Brussels Jan. 10, 1001.
Moonu.—Io Elma, on Jan. Oth, Amaryllie
Lenore, daughter of Mr. and Mre.
Eli Moore, aged 9 months and 8
MOLEAN.—In Brussels, on Jan,' 9, Mary,
relict of the late Neil MoLean, aged
85 years, 10 Menthe and 25 days.
Funeral Friday afternoon at 2,80
Bnnans,—In Winthrop, on Wedneeday,
Jan. 0th, Robert Bbiele, egad 83
years, 9 monthe and 9 days.
3. 10, GORDON, Amen?.
.H.'C'lCTxoro SAT+n7,
TUESDAY, JAN.. 22.—Farm stook et Lot
3, Con, 13, Hallett. Sale, unreserved, at
1 o'clock. L, L. Tasker, proprietor ; F.
S. Scott, auctioneer.
0040 otovee for Bale—one large and one
medium in prlme working order for cele at
half prion. Gatti:lemaeo to house—no use
foretovee. J. D. RONALD.
ED at ones by the year, D. Ma$EN-
Z110, Lot 18, Con. 18, Grey, Walton P. 0.
lighted and oonveulent rooms to let in
the Leckie block over G,.A. Dead man's end
Mrs. Rogers' Stores, Apply to F. S.800TT.
1 -aoree of standing hardwood, suitable
for either stove or cordwood for sale. Sold
in quantities tosuit ppurobesers. JAB.
BMILLIE, Lot 6, Con. 18, Grey, Walton P.0.-
0005 of the undersigned, Lot 00, Con. 18,
Grey, an aged ram. The owner is request-
ed to prove property,pay expenses and take
the animal away. JO. MoNAIIG13T,
28.4 ' Monerleff P.O.
ATENG and Hones Painting done in
Workmanlike manner and on short notice.
Have had three yearn' experience in city
work. Terms reasor able. Give me a cell.
26 W.J. JOHNSTON, Walton.
Balls for sale, aged 1 year aid 8
months, respectively. Goodanimate with
good pedigrees. ..The first mentioned took
god prize at East Huron Fall Show. 1900.in
a eloee of 9. Prices right. JAS. SPEIIO, Lot
80, Con. 8, Morrie, Brieselo P.O. -28•
Walton Cheese and Batter Factory.
The annual meeting of the Walton Union
Cheese and Butter Co. will be held at Me -
Rim's Hotel, Walton, on Tuesday, Jan. 22nd,
1901, at 1 o'olook p. m. Every shareholder le
particularly requested to he preeont as the
question of Belling the factory will be d1s-
eueeed. T110e. M0PADZBAN, Proeldentl
R. H. FERGUSON, Secretary, 20.2
JrA. '10, 1901.'
E nterpris in
Use H.erba. earn
If you want your animals •to
thrive well, work well and look.
well; feed
If you keep Cows for milk, butter
or cheese and 'are fattening
Calves, Cattle or Hogs, use
60o, per 4 lb. bag
.—AT -
Fox's Drug Store.
The Council of the Corporacion of the
County of Huron will meet In the 0ounolf
Chamber in the Town of eoderioh, on Thee -
day, the 2204 day of the 90800nt mouth, at 8
o'olook in the afternoon.
WM.LANE, Clerk.
Dated at Goderioh 8th day o1 January, 1901
The annual meeting of the Bruesele Driv.
ing Park Association for the eleotion o3 0111-
eers, the receiving of the report of tui Dir-
ectors for the p eat year and such other bust.
nese as maybe lawfully brought before the
meeting, will be held at the Amerio.nHotel
on Friday evening, January 25th 1001, ab 8
o'olook, P. a. SCOTT.
The annual meeting of the -members of:
the East Huron Agricultural Society wilt be
held in the Town Hall, Brunets, ea Wednee-
day, January 30011,1901, at 1 o'olook p. m., for
the purpose of receiving and passing the an-
nual reports, electing Omaers and Directors
and the transaction of other business. JAS.
for sale Lot 15, Con. 8, Morris, omelet.
Ing of 100 gores, more or lees, 05 cleared , 60
acres seeded down 90 acres Fan ploughed ,12
Korea in Fall wheat. Barn 00x70, with stone
stabling underneath. Also dwelling house.
Possession to suit. purchaser. For ,further
particulars apply on the premises or to the
proprietor. Price and terms reasonable.
440- THOS. FORBE8, Wingham P.O,
Notice of Transfer.
NOTICE is hereby given, pursuant to the
regulutione in that behalf, that I, the un-
dersigned, have applied for a transfer of the
Hotel Lie en OP granted to MONS Henry, and
that the said transfer will be oomplied and
signed to by the Commissioners altertbe
second publication of this aotioe, as requir-
ed by law, P, GORDNER.
Dated at Ethel, January 9011, 1001.
We are looking for a big January turn -over. With the three coldest months
of Winter yet to come there is bound to be a big demand fur heavy goods. Stocks all
over the store are ready for all demands that may be made upon them and there will be
many a bargain for careful shoppers in Winter stuffs that we want moved out before the
stock taking. You'll get your money's worth and more buying any of these—
Dress Goods
for January.
Drees Goode Buyers will save
money here in January ; there is
many a line of seasonable and at.
traobive Drees Strife that we would
like to Bell the last of ' them before
the month i0 out. Here are some
of them :—
Dress Goode at 210—
New Fancy Plaid Drees Goode,
suitable for Children's wear, or
Ladies' Waiete, 36 inches wide,
tegolar prioe 30e, January prioe 21o.
Drees Goode at 22a-
10 pieces only 86 limb pure wool
Coating Berge, in Bleak, Blown,
Navy, Green, Garnet, Cardinal, real
value 80o, special January price, 22o.
At $8.25 per Costume of 6 yards -
6 only dress lebgthe, Fancy Blank
Drees Goode in small, neat designs,
regular price $4,50, January price,
At $4.50 per Costume
20 only areae lengbhe 6 yards nob
in Black Bilk and wool Figured Cre-
pouoe, all new degigne this season
and worth regular, $6,00 and $7.00
per costume, January pride $4 50.
Mantle Goods
for January.
We have sold more &Iauble Goode
than ever before. It will pay us
to sell what we have left in stook
now, even at a loos, than Garry them.
into next season. That's why we are
quoting prions like the following for
January :-
3 pieces heavy Nigger head mantling in
Brown, Navy and Blaok, extra value
at 9126, for January selling No.
2 onde, Fawn and Black fine quaint'',
Beaver Mantling, real value 91,76,
for January selling $1.25.
1 piece heavy Ourl B1aolr Mantling, good
value at $1.50, January selling 91 25.
8 pieces fanny fine Curl Mantling in Grey,
Cardinal and Cream, real value $1.•
76, for January selling 91 35.
Before stock taking we have placed every short end on hand in the Rem-
nant Pile and on Friday morning we will offer them at prices that makes buying easy.
Besides ends of Prints, Cottons, Wrapperettes, Flannels, Plaids and Flannelettes, there.
are 60 or 60 pieces of Dress Goods which will be cleared out at almost one -half their
regular prices:
You'll find unusual Bargains all over the store.
J. Fier son ttS CoA