HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1901-1-10, Page 5• e JAN. TJ.JE .J) USSTELS BUSINESS CARDS, 1ONE'Y TO LOAN AT !f PER 1141. sent,. F,1i, 8002Y6, Tiruoeeta, MoQRAQKEN- 7 I . Klause .of Medago 14000101. 0f. neo at 0y nuz»o'oy ttroot, Brussels, ..vN• BARRETT- • Touoo,ho14itlot, 9bop-,-Next doer NOM of the Standard Bank, Lathes' apd Oblidten'e hair nutting a epeojalty, Y \ARMS FOR SALE -THE UN. Dimmer= Liao several good Fauns for Palo apd to rout, easy term, in Townships otMerrit and Grey, 0 8, SC OTT, Brussels M, MORRiSON, Issuer of Marriage Licenses, WALTON, ONT. MISS JEAN M'LAUCHLINJ -TB ACHIM OF- PiANO - AND ORGAN, azvras 7=,s, oris. ROBERT CUNNINGHAM: 1NBURANa6,. FIRE AND MARINE, GUELPH. MISS AH LOUISE R L E MOORS t L; O. M.. Academic graduate of London Conserva- tory of Music, also Member of the Associated Mueiolane of Ontario, le prepared to roceive a limited number of pupils for instruction on the piano. Qualified to prepare pique for the Principal's Form in the Conservatory of Music, Brussels, Ontario. ALEX. BUNTER - Clerk of the Fourth Division Court, Co. Huron; Conveyancer, Notary Public, Land, Lean and Insurance sot • Auction- eer. Fund e invested and to loan, Collec- tions made Office in Graham's Block Brue- 0 AUCTIONEERS. FS. SCOTT AS AN AUCTION - • nun, will sell for better prices, to better men, in lees time and loos chargee than any other Auctioneer in Bast Huron or he won't charge anything. Dates end orders can always be arranged at this orrice or by personal application. DENTISTRY F. W. TWEDDLE. (ronaxERLY OP erAFORTR) DENTIST, Graduate of It. 0. D 8„ Toronto ; Post Grad- uate course at Hoslrol'e School, Chicago, in crown and bridge work. tat -Prices same as in surrounding towns. 21 - Office over A. R, Smith's. store, Brussels, VETERINARY. D. WARWICK - Ey • Honor Gra,1nace of the Ontario Vet- erinary Collage, is prepared to treat all dis- eases of domeaeloatod animals in a compet- entmanner. Partl'ular attention paid to Veterinary Dentistry. Calla promptly at- tended to, O1hoe and Infirmary -Tour doors North of bridge, Tarnberry et., Bruosels, LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. NAT • M. SINCLAIR- Borrister, 8olloitor, 'Conveyancer, Notary rube%, &o. Office -8 tewart's Block I door North of Central Hotel. Solicitor for the Standard Bank. G• F. BLAIR, BARRISTER, Solicitor, &o. Office over Stand- ard Bauk. Solicitor for Village of Brussels. Money to Loan at lowest rates. M• G. CAMERON- • (Formerly of Cameron, Holt & Caworou) Barrister and Solioitor, Goderiob Ont. Office-Hamilteu ;Arent, opposite Col- borne Hotel. MEDICAL CARDS. J. A. M'NAUGHTON. M. Ir., O. D1., Trinity University, Fellow Trinity Medical College, limber College of Pbymciano and Surgeons, Ont. Licentiate of the Royal Col- lege of Physicians aid Licentiate of Mid- wrfery Edinbur h, t.'Tolephoue No,11, t Residence -Mill street, Brussels. rmportaet to Breeders mid:Horsemen, Eureka veterinary Caustic Balsam. A reliable and speedy remedy for Curbs, Splints, Spavins, Sweeney, ata,, etc„in HOC809 Jaw ;•ri,i'"'+'-6--`.:.-T .;t' in Cattle. TRADE :RARE "See pampll- let whioh accompanies every bott]e, giving scientific, treatment in the various dieeasee, It can be used in every case of veterinary practice where stimulating applications and blisters are prescribed. It has no e0PEnron. Every bottle sold is guaranteed to give satis- faction. Price 76o per bottle, Sold by all 1ld��rug druggists country storekeepers, Pre- pared COMPANY, London, VETERINARY 114cLEOD'S System Itonova,tor -AND 0211011 - TESTED REMEDIES SPECIFIC ' AND ANTIDOTE For Impure, Weak and Impoverished Blood, Dyspepsia, Bloepleeenees, Palpita• tion of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Near. algia, Loge of Memory, Bronohitie, Con. enmption, Gall 8tone9, Jaundice, Kidney and Urinary Dienoee, St. Vitue' Dance, Female Irregul!tritiet and General De. bility. LABORATORY, GODERICH, ONT. J. M. MGLEOD, Prop. and Manufaotarer. Mg by Jimenez, Draggles, Brunch, 'i'he Business Out'''do Listowel College. e. t>=Q1/A4 To ANY IN ONTARIO. A thorgugli, complete and praotiaal train• ing in all template of Qgmm9reial work, at 0029iderebly lope than regnlae rates, For full information apply Itemise of Indite a Over .Pest Ulllee. L, HARTT, IiXSTOw!L, PRINCIPAL, stria It dos, 9Xole alwo r ttea. John Meiklejohn, blacksmith, met with an accident to his eye, he having a piece of steel 8y into it. While proceed. ing to Listowel to have it removed the steel dropped out, leaving an inflamed orbit.' L Walker, son of John Walker of the town line Rowlett and Wattage, nat.. newly escaped toeing the eight of one of hie eyes. While in the act of loading a guq at hie home, it went off, one of the grains of shot striking the corner of hie eye and piercing the eyelid. Fortunately they eyeball wag not injured. orad. 7 tea . Some fiend poisoned Edward Haggitt'e St. Bernard dog and 11 hene a few days ago. Thou. Shobbrook, of Hallett, -killed a three year old sow that weighed 630 pounds when dreeeed, Miee Maud King left lest week for an extended visit with friende in Detroit, Rochester and Edint, Mich. The firet monthly fair of the 0eaeon for the sale of horses o ee n nit1 a rhea d P an i a e w she' g d at BI th P on TUPe y da Y• It .v. W. Rigsby, of Kincardine, former• ly of Blyth, preached missionary someone in the Methndiet oharoh here on Sunday. Isaac Brows bee purchased the house and lot on ]ling street owned by Alex. McKenzie, of Heneall, and occupied by C. Hamilton. The price paid was. $875. The anniversary eeryioeg of St. Andrew's church will be hold on the 27111 inet, Rev. E. R. Hatt, of Ingersoll, will officiate and on the Monday evening fol. lowing will deliver a lecture on the 'Reign of Queen Vidtoria," A royal welcome was being arranged for Archie MaQuarrie, who, it was ex petted, was returning from Bouth Africa on the Rossiya Castle. His father re- ceived a letter from him Monday after. noon of Net week stating that he bad en. listed for naother six months. IA into w el . Influenza sad grip are becoming preva- lent in town. The engine and boiler for tbe new furniture factory have arrived and are being got into position. Oswald Scott, of the Sohool of Mining Engineering, Kingston, spent the bolt• deem with his parents in town, Miee Annie McKenzie, who bee re- cently passed the Normal at Toronto, has been engaged to teaoh in the P,atte. vine public ached this year: The annual Missionary eerment' of the Lietowel Methodist 'thatch were preach, ed by the Missionary Secretary, Dr. Sutherland, on Jan. 6, morning and even. fug, J. K. Brinker has given up business in town, end the store which he occupied on Wallace street is being taken possession by M. McGillivray and 3, R. Grant, wh i are opening out a general store. Atter an illness of about two years, Hugh Hamilton, of the Eton boundary, East of the town, passed away on the last day of the old year, Deceased was in hie 47th year and was unmarried, having lived with Pie brothers John and James and sister Catherine on the bome- etead, where hie father, the late Bugh Hamilton, died about 18 years ago. The fire brigade was oalled out on Mon. day evening of laet week by an alarm that tbere was afire at the flax mill. Fortunately it was not very serious, some of the ehievee used for packing around a tank outside the building having become ignited. The fire was eoo0 extinguished after a line of boas had been laid to the mill from the hydrant at the tannery. How the fire started is a myetery, Flown To Atoms. The old idea that the body sometimes needs a powerful, draetiu, purgative pill ben been exploded for Dr. King's New Life Pills, which are perfeotly barmlese, gently stimulate liver and bowels to expel poisoupes matter, oleanee the system and absolutely cure aonetipation and sick headache. Only 25o at G. A. Deadman'e drog store. .8.twoort. A sad accident happened to the infant child of Wm, Holmes one day recently. It fell ont of bed and broke its collar bone. Jae. and Mre. Baker, formerly of the 9,h eon., Elrea, and now of Brandon • Hills, Manitoba, oelebrated their golden wedding on Deo. 21. At Napoleon, Va., on Deo. 15, a sea was bora to W. S. and Mre. Bowman. Mre, Bowman was formerly Miee Eva Hastings, of Atwood. William Wherry has been eleoted truetee for a third term for S. S, No, 7, Elma. The other trustees are Wm. Bell and Thos, Smith. ' Mre, D. G. Audereon ie i11 in the Strat- ford Hospital, It ie said:to be typhoid fever contracted from waiting upon her brother, A. E. Pelton, at Innerkip. At the annual meeting of the Elma Re- form Aesociation the old offioere were re. elected, viz t Pres., T, G. Ballantyne ; Viae Prea„ James Dungan ; Seo.-Treae., Jae. W. Dickson, John Brown, M, P. P., wag present and addressed the moat• At the annual meeting of the Elma Conservative Aesooiation the following officers were re.eleotnd for the ensuing year: Pres„ Wm. Bell ; 1st Vitae Pres., Hugh Richmond ; 2nd Vital-Pree., L. Luoae t 8eo'y.Treae,, Wm, Graham. The various committees were also re. elected, The Independent Order of Foresters have elected °Moere for the ensuing year as follows : C. R., T. G. Tennant ; V. C. R., M. Miake ; F. S., E.'Ternbull R. 8„ A. M. Sweeten ; Chap., Jno. Cuthbertoon ; S. W., D. Smith ; J. W., Alex,awren e ' L o S. B., Robt. Nesbitt ; B., Wm, Malley; Anditore, R. S. Pelton and M. C0rei0, J 0 T gte9 Code, of Trowbridge, oop1meueed her third year ae letlolter ut H. S, No, 7, ata ealary of 3810, Mies Oodo f0 e good teacher and has given general sat• iefaotion througho.t title oeetlen. ',Pbe Opunojl et Blum for 1901 will stand ao :entree t -.-•'leave, Jae, Denalds eon ; Coun8illore, Wm, 0oatee, S, O. Rothwell, Wm, Wherry and Thoe, Smith, All elected by ecelamation. The anneal meeting of the Presby. tartan shush wee held Saturday afternoon, 29th ult. From the agditore' statement we learn that 31,578,16 were raised during the peat year from all 9008080, including $869 from pew rants, $618 84 trope collections, apd 3103 ter Century Fund. Expenditure, 31,573 15 lees $73 76 tenth on band. Rev. Mr, Me. Leod'e stiplud ie 31,000. Grew. Next Monday the new Caution will meet for organization, Jam. Brown ie rushing 'things Along with hie grain chopper and etraw cutter this season. Jno. Grant was re-eleotodtrustee for Shine's Boltool fur tbie term at the reoeit school meeting. Jno, 8. Crerer, who was home from Stratford Collegiate for the holidays, re turned to hie work last week, The Trowbridge butter factory Bold its Jamie,y make to %ere, Ballantyne, of Stratford, at 21e cent Ifper pound. The T n h manual meeting of the Silver r Corners cheese factory will be held on Friday, Jan, 11, 1901, at 1.30 p. m. Silver Corners' cheese factory bait dia. posed of ite January batter to Ballan. tyne & Bone, Stratford, at 22o per Ib. Samuel Lamont, 7th eon., returned to Seaforth Collegiate last Monday after a holiday visit home. He will write for a 2nd dam oertifioate neat Summer, Grey farmers are dropping into cattle feeding at a rapid rate and are realizing that it ie the proper paper both for the good of the land and thei r o k P o ate ae. well. Calder Bros sold a two.year-old Dar ham heifer to an American rancher for. the tidy sum of $100 00. She wee bred from Andrew Hislop'e Durham bull. It pays to keep good stook. A little daughter of Jae. Armstrong, lOth000., has beeo quite ill with en at. took of paralyeie of the limbo, but ie making favorable progress and we hope she will aeon be fully restored to perfect health and vigor. ReozenoN•-Geo, and Mre; Longmire, who were married on Deo. 26th, were given a most enjoyable reception Friday eve at the home of the bride's pareote, Jae. sod Mre, Longmire, Heufryn. About a hundred gaeete were preeeot to welcome the young maple, who are gen. eral favorites in the oommanity, A pleasant evetting was spent by all and a dainty and eamptuoae eupper was par• taken of. Mr. Longmire and bride will make their borne at Minnedosa, Man„ where he holds a good position on the C. P. R., and ie esteemed alike by employers and employees. A Deep Mystery, It is a myetery why women endure back•tehe, headeobe, Nervooeneee, Sleep. baseness, melancholy, fainting and dizzy spells when thoneande have proved that Electric Bitters will quickly enre snob troablee. 'I suffered for years with kid. ney trouble," writes Mre. Phebe Charley, of Peterson, Ie., "and a lame back pain- ed me eo 1 could not dress myself, but Electric' Bitters wholly cared me, and, although 73 years old, I am now able to do all my houeework," It overcomes oonstipation, improves appetite, gives perfeot health. Only 50e at G. A. Dead. man's drag store. <7rie.nbciao fr. Miee MoDonald is home from Calgary, N. \V. T., on a visit to relatives and friende. The 12th con. is going to get a hustle on next Beason in the building line. A. mo0g some of those who are to engage in thio kind of work is Philip Ament who will raise the baro on hie farm, East of here, and pet atone stabling ander it. Ohne. More ie working the farm and look. ing carefully after it. Mre. Gorealitz will bave a barn built, 40x52 feet, with modern stone etabline and is making preparation for it. A 50 foot square barn and dement stabling will be put up by J. Knight, the oontract being in the kande of John Molrter, of Brussels. The old barn will be pulled down and timber utilized for the new one. ADDRESS AND PRESENTATION. - New Year's eve 0 jolly company, to the num ber of about 65, drove over from Ethel arriving at the manse about 11 o'olook. They were the members and adherents of the Presbyterian oharoh of that place. Although heavily armed (with baskets) their invaeion was one of goodwill and pease eo that a hearty. welcome was their portion from Rev. Mr, and Mre. McRae and family. Shortly after their arrival Mies It, Spence read tbe following kind ly worded address and Mies E. Welsh presented the pastor with a floe won far coat and Mrs. MoRas with a puree of money : To The Rea. D. B. McRae. DEAR PASTOR, -We, the members apd adherents of Etbel Presbyterian oharob, wishing to show in some tangible form our sincere appreciation of year eervioee se our pastor during the past 24 years, take mush pleasure in presenting you with this coat, hoping you will reoelve it in the spirit in whioh it ie given, and that you may enjoy it to its full extent. We sincerely hope that your labors smong 00 will be crowned with 9000090 in the future as they have bean in the past. And to you, Mrs. McRae, we have felt that you have ehown a deep interest in our epiritoal welfare, and although domestic dutiee have palled you home, we have been remembered et the throne of Grace and the results have been cinch ea ?Italy a praying pastor and hitt wife can nave with his people, and we beg you to accept this email sum of money ae e alight token of our regard and esteem for you. Oar prayer ie that you both may be long spared to be the instruments in the hando of God in winning many more peeoioue eoule to Christ. Signed on be' belt of the members and adherente of tbe Ethel Presbyterian obarob, R, H. Croon, &01000 OAnPRELL, Soma Wnee$. The reply wag full of those sentiments that are likely to be the outcome of gen• eroeity and good fellowehip on the part of the donors and the hearty thanks of the re2ipiente. It did all preeeot good and will abide, The night was very pleasant- ly paused in vocal and instrumental moeio, carpet ball, eco , and ae the de PP (to 0f the olil year w:rya t balm the oompany gang it out and9100med lu the POW year and New Centwith 1909, A flue repeat wee served and the well pleaeed vieitoroleft for their respeo1ive homes withimany good wishes ler filo pee. for and hie estimable family whish were veryjheartily reciprocated, It Wen oely e few worke ago that the Oranbrook young people bad donated Rev, Mr. McRae a brand new Perinea Iamb 041160 pale Of.• gaantlete so that he can bid defanoe to Jack Frost ee he attende to the daalee of his parieb. The reverood gent'epean weenie to thank the kind friends of both Cranbrook and Ethel for their highly ap- preciated and tjdely gifts and wiehee for ell the blessing of God which moketh rich and addoth no sorrow. Your eorrae- pendent expecte the pastor will preach better than ever now. t WEDDnion an Bs, -The Deming, (Wash Proipector 'nue :-They merrily ohimed for another couple--Inman-MoDougall A very quiet wedding was solemnized s the home of Dan. McDougall; Deming Washington Ter., on Tuesday evening Dee, 18 at 5 p. m. The 0ontraoting per. sone were Earl J. Inman and Miee Lizzie McDougall, both' of Deming, Rev. W. A. Sample, D. D., ohl:dating. Those prep• ent at the ceremony were : Mre. Inman, Mrs. Crisman, Dan. MuDongall and Dr. and Mre. Sample. Immediately after the happy couple were united a delectable weddin g dinner was tweed to which ample justice doge. At 8 80 p. m. the door bell rang end the Ladies' Aid of the Presbyterian church watered in the following gusts ; Mr. and Mrs. Zwick, Mr. and Mre. Green, Mr. and Mre. Marshall, Mr. and Mrs, Bell, Mr. and Mrs. Baldwin, Mr. and Mre. Shupe. way, Mr, and Mre. Johnston, Mr, and Mre, Mitchell, Mr, and Mre. H, B, Niles, Mr, and Mrs. Neville, Mr. and Mrs, T. Jones, Mr, and Mre. Hoig, Mr. and Mre. Garvin and Mr. and Mre. D. A. Griffin. After congratulations ratalati one tb e evening wa e pleaeantly apent in mueia on violin and guitar by bride and groom, sued shat and games. Supper was served at 11 p. m., after which the guest(' departed wish- ing ear. and Mre. Inman much happiness and prosperity. The bride ie one of our most popular young ladies having been organist to the Presbyterian aharab eiooe owning here. She wag also teacher of the Juvenile choir. The groom ie a prom inent busioeoe mac of this place, coming here a year ago from Sao Francisco. Mr, and Mre. Inman will make their future home here and have the good wishes of their many friende and ao• gaaintanoes," The bride ie the yonngeet daughter of Donald MoDougall, of Oran. brook, and her many old friende, Ton Poem included, will be a unit le wishing her and her husband many years of bappioeee and prosperity. ZVI orr.ee. Miee Lizzie Sellere apent Sunday on the let non. New Council will meet next Monday for organization. T. Pepper, of Grey, visited at Eli Sellers' Leet week. Geo. Pierce, jr., is home from Mani• toba for the Winter. T. Holmes, of Turnborry, Melted at I. Ferrand'e on Sunday last. W. J. Lough, of Bayfield, called on friende on the 8th line last week. Robt. Garniee ie home from Hyde Park and ie spending a few weeks ander the parental roof, Mre. J. 3. Lynn, an old and well-known resident of Morrie, died suddenly at Formosa on Dec. 29. Mre Jno, McCall, of Holyrood, Bruoe Co., was Melting her parents, Win, and Mre. Marshall, last week. Duncan Allison, of Belgrave, leaves for Goderioh this week where he will at. tend the Collegiate Institute. Mr. and Miee Benner and Stanley Oode,•ot Alvineton, were tbe guests of Councillor and Mre. Code feat week. Chao. Rattan, who has spent the past year on the let con., lett last week for Chicago where he has secured a eituetion, May aimless attend him is the wish of hie many friends in Morrie. Miee Carrie Soaoh, who has been visit. ing at her home, con. 8, for the past three weeks, returned to Toronto on Tuesday of this week. Her mice, Blies Martha Ingram, a000mpanied her and will take a position in the Queen City. No doubt in some parte of the world the days of bravery have indeed expired, bot not ea in Morrie, for here the air ie pregnant with that famous ballad "I want to be a Soldier" Bung by a number of our noble young enthusiasts. How- ever, one of these young enthusiasts is not eo brave RS he would have ue believe for Doe evening not long ago while 901 in a sleigh with a number of other young people, and while the air was yet vibrat- ing with the notes of the song, be Celled to the driver to stop the sleigh until he had time to pat in his feet. 1109EnT TRAouArn DEAD. -A former reeideot of tbie township in the person of Robert Simeon' Tragnair died at hie residence, Glen Morrie, Welwyn, Aseini. bola, on Deo. 22nd. He was a native of Scotland and resided in Morrie for a number of years with hie father's family on the farm now owned by John Rich. mond. Re went to the Northwest 18 years ago but returned two years later and married Margaret, third daughter of Won. U. Scott, of Morrie, who survives him w ith six children. Por tbe last few years he had been ailing with kidney trouble, whioh was the cause of hie death. He lett many warm friende in this gelation who regret to bear of hie death. HYMENEAL, -One of the most pleasing events of the season took plaoe at the residence of Thoe, and Mre. Code, of Morrie, on Wednesday, tan. 2ad, when their eldest daughter, Mies Sadie, was married to W. 0. Laidlaw. The sere. mo0y wee performed by Rev. G. MoQnil. lian, of Blyth, in the presence of a few of the relativee and immediate friends of the oontreating parties. The bride, who is one of the fairest of the daughters oe Morrie, wag beautifully dressed in white organdie and was given away by Duncan Allison, of Belgrave. The Wedding Marob wee played by Mies Annie Laid. law, sister of the groom. The bride re- ceived many beautiful and costly gifts, fn evidence of the high esteem in which ebe le held. The young 000ple will make their Home on lot 8, con. 9, Morrie, TEE POST joine with their many friende in wishing them many happy, proeperoue years. Wm. Bernard Wallace has been tip. pointed Judge of the County Court for Halifax County, in plane of the late Judge John eton. REAL ESTATE, j'0B :.ora : - A BEAUTIFUL hi„noou queen etroet, fur010Liod or wi0110818, at a hoogain, A ::pply to At194 7891, OAAII I3BLL, Bruise's, GOO!) FARM OF 142i ACRES fol• sale, being Lot 81, 004, 7, Gro Boole attitude for two /aniline: it required, 8ehoolhouse, eburoh anti tweet the Villagpe of Ethel on part of t11dm lot. Apply to JOHN 00Bf71t,Bthel Carriage Werke, 2M .(`FARM FOR SAL +,--l3EINf 1,01 2, Oen, 12, Rimy centalnin 100 neves. Goad stook or grain farm, pond frame hoose and bank barn ; two good wells; eight wee of Fall wheat and laud all in a good state o1 cultivation, 11'or particulars apply to 10219 A10FADDLr8, 20.11 Brussels' P. 0, FIOR SALE IN ETBEL "Y1L- 2409.-The property of the late John Blllott, uoneieting of a solid brick house with frame kitoheu nuc'. woodshed, good stable and d Pore of land, all in 0r0t.olase condition, Ifnotsold' will be rented, Poe• session at any time, Icor pa,ttoulere apply to Wee 800000, lethal; ALEX. PA''TEngoN Galt ; or not, Afa2Epver, Aft, Poroat• 2000 -1 . CLASS FARM FOR BALE, -Lot 17, con. 9, Township of Grey. fromai;4ueeele and or tailes from v111u0e of Ethel. All cleared excepting 6 acres of hardwood bush. Buildings and fences in good repair, Good wells. All Fall plowing ,lona, pride and terms of Deyment on ap- plication nn to W, M BI AIB 29-1,0 G f Bay rrister or !Go Tirusee Ie. VARA,/ FOR SALE 150 ACRES o1 the Consisting of Lot 80, South¢ and Wawa• nosh. ell aopp This with god spring water.r.'blt le situated about 9 miles from the thriving Vil- lage of Blyth. A largo parte( it le under melee. Buildings and fenoee aro to a talr state of repair. Easy terms of payment will be given. For all information apply to 11-tf G, F. BLAIN, Barrister, Brussels, FARMS FOR SALE. - 100 acres In the Township f b! o H p owtok be- ing Lots e IS and 1 8 a Con 0 ; 80 sores aro with and 20 mires o buh ; bunk acre with ewue stablcollar, uuoodu thriving n g o hams Farm with bolted, A good thriving orchard. Farm le situated in S mhos from 4Vroberry, beim; North oatiu the Township of Turnborry, an gra0, 20 Half of of bush; ] frrame burn and log house ; a good spring. For further par- t:oulate apply to ALEX, HISLOP, 'L1.4m Wroxeter Y.0. Patents Guaranteed. Our tee returned it we fail. Any one send- ing sketch and desoription of any invention will promptly receive our opinion tree con- cerning the patentability of same. How to obtalu a patent" Bent upon request. Pat- ents secured through no advertised for sale at our expense, Patents taken out through ne receive 90E0IAL 1401I00, without &large, in TREE PATENT ItnooaD, an illustrated and widely circulated journal, consulted by Man- ufacturers FREE.and Addreee Investors. VIDTORn J.Send for mple EVANS & (M., (Patent Attorneyej Eyans Building, Washington, D, O, Spectacles S'7"CJRtE'r 131.17'1111-1, Winter Goods Must t Co I There 0200 three menthe of the coldest weather in theeat• yet before yea. Get ie year supplies at the low priest' w0 are offeri g, We have oomtueooedetookteking sod find that in some linea we have More gouda than we slimgld have at this lime of the year, but they must ell go it good quality and low prioee will Bell them. Profit leant of thequestiop, All we look for now ie to get first coat, or in some 00900 lees, for the goods, Leak at these prises ; Heavy all wool Kitchener Tweed, regular prise 75o, for 500. Men's heavy Home -merle Double Mitts, regular price 85o, for 250, Meu'e heavy Wool Books, regular 180, 2 pair for 23a, Mee's wool -lined Kid Gloves, worth 75a, for 60e, Men's heavy Frieze Ulotere,'lined with tweed, high storm Dollen, regular price 35.60, for 3395. Men's rubber -'iced Frieze Ulster's, )sigh storm collar, bank strapand tab, regular prise 39 60, for 37 95. Boys' Frieze Dieters, regolar $4, for 32.95. Ladies' Beaver Jackets in fawn and blank, lined with satin, port buttons, perfect fitting, worth 38 00, for $5 75. Ladies' B. aver Jaokete, in brown and blank, Hoed with mercerized eatana, regular 35 50, for 33 76, Heuvy Pitney Drees Goode, regular prioe 40a, for 25o. Oar epaae will not allow 0e to quote prises in every department but t1I we would say If you wont anything in Dry Goode Clothing Boots and Shoes, Millinery and Fore, you can save from 15 to 30 per cent buying g now. Read 11118 Alluenilceeu1wree I And then if you require any of the following lioee (which yon uudoubtedly met) it will be to your 10190081 to pall and see our goods ae we are in a position to offer you the beet obtainable on the market at the very lowest poaeible prices. Here are some of them :--- -Highest Grade British Columbia Salmon at 13o per oan. -Speoial lines of Blue Ribbon Ceylon Tea at reduced prices, -Gold Blaen Lanterns at 750. -Call and see our Lampe just arrived from Montreal at prioee from 20a to 32 -the greatest bargains of the day. In our Boot and Shoe Department you will find everything up-tad/de end at the very lowest prioee ever quoted :- -Ladies' Fine Shoes from 25o up. -Men's Fine Bhoee from 900 to 63.00. -We have in stook the very latest in Meo'e Leather Leggings. -We aleo oarry a well aeeorted line of the Celebrated Granby Rabbere and Overshoes at the very lowest prices. TR -Bring on your Butter, Eggs and Fowl. Yon will get the beet value for them yon ever received. W: INNES, Jamestown. -OF ALL HINDS - Fitted to Correct all Failures of Eyesight, and your Eyes tested FREE by latest Optical methods at Division Court Office, BRUSSELS, SHINGLES British Columbia Red Cedar Shingles AND -- North Shore Pine and Cedar FOR SALE AT THE Brussels Planing IIills Also Doors and Sash of all Pat terns on hand or made to order at Short Notice. Estimates Punished for all kinds of Buildings. Workman. ship and Material Guaranteed, P. AMENT, CROKONOLE Is a fine game for the long evenings. .A. fine lot of boards received at The Post Bookstora Will be sold at Low Prices. xxxx.x e11Shod� Buys and Girls ,,. They need good, 11 strong, warm shoes • - 720 paper in the soles, nothins but solid leather and honest stitching. Our school shoes are neat, 13 They keep their shape. They pease the parents because they wear so well. DOWNING BROS. 511 mx:rocxaccrr.x..:167.xxxxx14 Down go the Price of Furs. To those who have not purchased all they require in the Fur line we would say that anything we have now left on hand will be sold very much below actual value. Our assortment is still good so now is the time to make your selection before the Choicest articles are picked out. STRACHAN,