HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1901-1-10, Page 1Vol. 29. No. 26
W. H-1. KERR., Prop,
New Advertisements.
Garde of Thanks.
Furs -A. Struohan,
Reebageum-Jae, Fox.
Lobel.• -Thos. itloGregor,
Oognty Counoil-Wm, Lone,
Annual meeting -0'. S, Scott,
Our corner -G, A. Deadman,
Kidney Tablets -Dr. Pitoher,
Notioe to Oreditore-A. Hunter,
Winter Goode-MoKinnop rk Co.
Notice of lranster-P. Gorden.
Annual meeting -R, H. Ferguson.
Children's eyes -Mrs, T, Flambee.
Ferguson January nein -J 1 er neo o
a b esu a & O ,
Fun wad to h'n - e' M
Rr 0 b t g Grtg & ao
W,H. Hamphriee & Son have scoured
a new wood•workee.
Mrs. Bimini, of Langside, Bruce Oce, is
a visitor et Rev. A, MONabb s.
F. Ryan and A. Hodgins, of Lucian,
were visiting town a friends in to lastweek,
Wii1. Blair, of Chicago,' paid a abrt
visit to hie sister, Kra. (Revs) Dever, last
Last Sabbath a Covenant service and
movement was held in the Methodist
ohuroh, Sacrament was also diapeneed
in Dnff'a ohuroh.
Tbe annual meeting of Welton cheese
faotory will be held in Meli:im'a Hall, as
per notice in another column, ou Tem -
day, 22nd inst., at 1 o'ol.,ok. L trge at-
tendance of ebarebolders asked for as the
goeation of Belling the factory will be
discussed. Phos. McFadz-an ie Preei•
dent and R. H. Ferguson, Secretary.
ORrr.-On Wedneedny of this week
Robert Bhiele passed away a victim of
lung and kidney trouble, aged 33 years,.9
months and 9 days. Ho had been ailing
for the past 2 years bnt was only oon8n•
ed to bed for about a week. Deceased
was the mooed non of Geo. Shiele, an old
resident of the 15th con. of Grey, and
was born on the present homestead,
Mr. 8hiele was married to Mies Annie E.
Combs of tbie locality and she and 3
children survive. They aim buried 8
obildren. The anbjeot of this notice was
a Presbyterian and was also a member
of the Canadian Order of Foresters.
Bob, as he was familiarly palled, was a
decent fellow and his large chola of
friends will regret to bear of his deoea•e.
Funeral will take pleoe Friday afternoon
at 1 30 o'olook; servioeat 1. Iuterment
at Brussels cemetery.
I.Jt ,4t1 -
Kiwi Milne has returned to her sobool
in Wawanosh.
Mien Lizzie Hall, who has been visiting
in Dakota, is home. She ie a welcome
S. 0, Howlett, of Wingham, moved last
week to hie farm near Ethel, in Grey
Mine Wardiaw, who has been on the
sick list, returned to her home in
Stratford. She will be missed by ber
friends here.
Mn. EDtxon,--Your Ethel correspond.
ent moat bave been mieinformed ae I
do not think the Treasurer oan prodnoe
a voucher fore20.10 as paid for inenranoe.
At the annual meeting the Salesman
might also have explained the bole and
corner system need in selling Jane and
July geese. I think the Ethel faotory
Cards of Thanks.
Accept my beet thanks for the high
honor you did me last Monday in placing
me at the head of the poll as Councillor.
S will make a vigorous effort to prove
thee your confidence has not been mie
placed by trying my best to advance the
interests of Brussels, Again thanking
yon, I am,
Your obedient Servant,
Last Monday yon honored me with a
seat at Brussels Council Board and I
wish to record my thanks to you for it.
Along with the other members of the
Board I hope to be able to protnote the
forward movement of Brussels.
Yours thankfully,
ELEaPORS of BROSslie e.-
I take this early opportunity of return
ing my thanks for re electing me to Brue-
eels Connell. Owing to illness I was not
able to do scarcely any oanvasaing and
oonsegnntly depended on my friends
who served me generouely. I will en-
deavor to do my very beet in your inter
este. Yours truly,
School Children's
Many lives have been ruined
through neglected eye strain in
childhood, The eyes of every child'
should be examined. We have made
te epeeist etudy of this breech of
Optica and tae guaranteesatislaotion.
We carry a very heavy stock and no
money or time has been spared to
make this depattmnte moven and
give the publie good honest results.
as our elastomers will tell you.
Oousbltatfon and Eyes tested free,
Also 4ratluate of Retina wetly,
meet be on a beeleese bugle when, it taps
14 tripe at 112.00 s trip and $5,10 for
telegraph and telephone meaeeges to
offset seven antes, It weals be more
satisfactory to Elbe patrons to have the
Treaearer'e books audited each year.
David Dobson end eon, of Manitoba, ie
here ona holiday visit with relatives and
friende. It is 9 years sauce he went
West. Re weighs about200 pounds and
looks as If there was good feed in Mani
tuba, Mr. Dobson will remain here for a
Ono tberotbred oabtle dealer, D. Milne,
was presentedwitha fine. Sonde Short
Horn oalf onNew N w Year a day and has
already had it rsgi5tered. This ie rush-
ing the ammo and the new'arrival is oat.
led the "20th Century Duke."
Don't forget the Administrator's sale
of the Travis Estate farm property at
the hotel here on Friday of this week at
1 o'oloak. Be S. Snott will be the
auotioneer. Elizabeth Gaynor is the Ad•
minietratrix and G. F, Blair her Solidi•
Cc: rev.
Additional Grey new on page 6.
Will. Bays, of MoKtt
1ap. has belie
visiting at D, MoOallum's, 10th oon.
Miss Jessie Livingston and Archie were
vieiting friends at Palmerston last week.
Mica Maggie Bielby returned to Sea.
forth Collegiate last Monday atter a holi-
day visit to her home.
Mrs. Wm. Hoy and Mrs. ,Tae. Bishop
and daughter, who bave been visiting
hara, returned to their home at Trout
Oreek last Friday.
John Blake, who bas uttoaeesfully pass.
ed the Model sobool examination at
Goderiob, has secured the prinoipalehip
of a sobool near Belle River, Kent Co.
He was a smart student and should do
won as a teaober.
Mrs. Jae. Yaill, Mb oon., who bee been
visiting at Vanderbilt, Mioh., for the
past en months,, arrived home on Thum
day of last week. She enjoyed bereelf
Moe and for a women of her years, over
70, Elbe is active. Mrs. Jno. Ynill, her
daaghter•in.law came home with her and
will visit for a time.
Blue vale.
Edward Jenkins has gone to Manitoba
on a visit.'
John Reading, of Winghatt, spent San•
day at John Bargees',
Mise Minnie White, of Galt, is visibiug
her sant, Mre. Frank. Scott.
Mrs, West'retorned on Saturday from
avieit with her parents at Whitby,
Mies Frankie Clegg, of Wingham,
spent New Year's at Mr. Smeltzer's.
Mies Robertsoe, of Oweu Sound, visited
her grandfather, Samuel Auderaon, last
Quite a number of the young people of
Blnevalo attended Jae. Orr's house warm
ing in Turnberry last week.
Mrs. Mnlheron and daughter, of Mit.
shell, visited Mrs. Malheron's brother,
Robert Maxwell, last week.
Thomas Stewart and Alexander Mot•
fat were the appointed delegates to attend
the Canadian Order of Foresters' Bigb
Court to be held in Sarnia eomgtime fn
CHEESE FACTORY: The anneal meeting
was bald IastFridey, The number of
pounds of milk received, 1,768,087 ; cam•
ber of lbs. of oheesa made, 160,081 ; aver.
age ponnde of milk to pound of cheese,
1105.100 ; average price sold at 10 551100
oto. per Ib. ; average met of drawing
milk, 91 mins per gallon, or $1632 09.
linseeNARx,-At the regular meeting of
the Miseiouary Society of the Presbyter•
inn ohuroh the following offio»re were ap-
pointed :-President, Mre, (Rev) West ;
viae President, Mrs. Geo. boDaoald ;
Secretary, are. Wm. Messer ; Correa•
ponding Secretary, Mr, Weet ; Treasurer,
Mies M. Collie ; Counoillora, Mrs. John
Dianne, Mre. 11. N. Duff, Mre. Wm.
Maxwell, Tbe topic) for the next meeting,
"India in 1899 and 1900,"
Cnonae Femme -At the regular meet•
ing of Council No. 377, Chosen .Friends,
the following officers were appointed :-
Obief Coanoillor, A. Patterson ; vice
Councillor, John Black ; Recorder, Wm.
Bailey ; Aseiatant Recorder, W. J. Duff ;
Prelate, Mre, John Diment ; Marshal, D.
Jewitt ;- Warden, Mre. Aitchison ; guard,
John Diment ; sentry, W. J. Dull ; true.
tee, A. Craig; ,repreeentatfve to Grand
Counoil, which will meet in Hamilton,
Sohn MoOraokeu ; medical examiner, Dr.
Agnew. They have 65 members on the
roll, 0 being added last year,
John Brawn returned to Toronto aloe -
Mise Recent Willie has returned from
Mine Courtioe, of Goderiob, viand at
Dr, Brawn's,
S.B,MoKelvio Wee in Toronto this
week on basinese.
The painters expeot to finish the Gerrie
school bonee this week.
H. Snell, of Goderioh, has been visiting
hie and, Mrs._ F. F. Miller.
Mise 011ie Afiller, of Gerrie, called on
friende in our village last week.
Master W. McLennan, of London, Visit•
ed his anale, It Black, last week.
Remember the anniversary services in
Presbyterian 0bnroh next Sabbath.
The Bijou Concert Company held forth.
last week and gave good satisfaction.
Mr. Rogers, brother -fn -law of R• R,
Smith, visited at the letter's last week.
Louis Pink, of 'Listowel, was the guest
of Jno. and Mrs. Bretbauer last Sunday..
Mies Bertie Gibson, of Molesworth, is
visiting her eieter, Nailie, Maitland Bene,
John Wendt and G. Calder visited the
foriner'eparelate in Mildmay, New Year's
Riobard Miller; of Toronto Jnnotion,
spent New Year's Day under the parental
G. Daeideon bas sold out his busineea
in Belenore and will now be a oitizei of
our bar.
R, Miller was re-eleoted Co. Connoillor,
polling the splendid Vote of 1,005, Con.
Charles Wallace, of the Walker house,
ie on the sick het and has been confined
to hie bed for a week. -
A number of young people of Goole
an4 idreeeele atteuded the ekating rink
here on Thursday oveuing ls08.
1Ire. Stephen Playford, lately of Kapf
tobh, le lying Sick at ber parents, James
Stafford and wife, of this place.
Mrs. Belden and family, who have ben
visiting at Mrs. T. le. Haller's, returned
to their home in Toronto Betoodey best,
John Rarely has best engaged to teach
the school here and oommenoed last
Thursday, 13e comes well reoommeuded.
James Wiliam, formerly riucigat
our Public School, now attending
University at Toronto, oalled ou Mende
in teen Iasi week..
Geoga holt, who has away soont
Mount Forest, returned Satarday and
bonght valuable bird -a oanary-said
to be an A 1 singer, at a good pride.
H. A. Raley, of Bl nevalo, has purchased
the bneineee of the Walker Honed. It is
said he will nee poseeesion tide week.
Mr. Walker is both enterprising and an
agreeable citizen and has made himself
many friends while here.
Wm. and Mrs. Ringlet bave returned
from their wedding trip. They went to
Dashwood last Saturday to peck up
Mrs. Riogler's household effects acid re-
turn Monday. cadaY
Ben. Wallace brother
of Mrs. R IR r will
R le w l bring i this week to
to their place on the 6th f Rowlett.
Mre. John Gotten, of theGuftou Hoaae,
passed' away Met week. Her remains
were laid to rest in the Episoopal Onme
tory, Rev. Mr, 'Forney 000duoting the
funeral eervioe. Those present from a
distance were John Manro, of (hicago;
Mr. and Mre. Thompeoo, of Guelph; and
Mrs. Wtn, MaBride, of Loudon.
OOIINom,-Tbere were more people in
the village on,Monday than on any Goan.
oil Election day in the past. The follow•
Mg is the remit in Our village :-Reeve,
A. Munro, 84, W. 0. Rez'ewood, 36-
Majority for Munro, 48. Councillors,
Davidson, 76 ; Paulin, 76 ; 0. Smith, 74 ;
MoKelvie, 68 ; Leckie, 61, For Trustees
-Thee. Rae, W. S. MoKelvie, Wet.
Sanderson. For County Counoil--R,
Miller 115, W. Weir 62, Fergaeon 12,
Doig 92.
1S1.0rtt 0,0.
Lagrippe is going around again.
Mre. Geo. Parker got a lot of wood
split the other day.
Mrs. David Breckenridge is ou the
siok list at present.
Mies Mary Michie is away in Turn.
berry township on a visit.
Mise Annie Agin is visiting in Huron
Oo Her home is in St. Thomas.
Oar good sleighing tools its departure
op Tuesday but we hope for more again
Mise Lizzie Hell, of Dakota, is visiting
ber sister, Mrs. Geo. Eakmier, at James.
town this week.
Joseph Smillie hes gone back to Teton -
to where he will farther pursue his
stndieefor an M. D.
A sleigh load of young people of the
let con. spent a very enjoyable evening
last week at Jas. Aitoheson'a, Bluevale.
Wm. Thoroton and wife, who have
been at Dereham for the last two or
three years, have returned to their farm
on the let coo.
OaRDS or TuANRo.-I wish to return my
thanks to the electors of Morris for the
splendid' vote accorded me last Monday
when running aa Councillor for the first
time. Although nob eleoted I believe
everybody thonght they were supporting
the beet men and hope the new Council
will do better than ever for the township,
I may ask your vote at soma Detain time
but in the meantime wish you all pros•
parity. Yours traly,
W. H. nitoommmoti.
lowing address accompanied by a beauti-
ful gold ohain and elide with settings of
torquoise was presented to Mies Mary
Findlater upon the oceaeion of her leev.
ing Union School Section, Turnberry and
Morrie, where elle has been tesohlug for
the past three years :
DEAR MIesITINDLAT}1R - We, the pnpplle,
residents and trustees of this School SeoEion
U. S. S. No. 8, Turnberry and Morris, cannot
allow you to sever year connection with us
without attemptingto express, however in-
adequately,the higs esteem in which yon are
sld.chool. . .4a ty all inho lfirstn way identified
Four neith w
ample we hope will betfollowoed by ll
your su0oessors. You have spared no pains
in. preserving the school property committed
to your care and in beautifying the house
and promisee in every way so that the school
housebas the appearance of a beautiful and
comfortable home rather than the usual Pour
bare walls of the ordinaryschool. Your
pleasing manlier and 1dndiy disposition has
kept the average attendance higher than in.
most choola, your pupils remaining away
either through .stress or weather or siolntest'.
The progreas of your pupils has always bean
perfectly satisfactory to all concerned and is
a' standing evidence of your untiring care in
promoting their mental, moral and religious
welfare. As a visitor to our homes you were
alwayswelcome because of your ladylike
beariand the kindly interest you took in
all that related to our children and the affairs.
of the section generally. In saying "Good-
bye,' we earnestly hope that in the future
your welfare and happiness niay be meted
out to you as you have dealt with us andour
children in the past. In oonolusion allow ns
to preeent yonwith thisold watch chain es
a very small token of the ap,prociation in
Which you aro held by all in this Section.
Signed in behalf of the Section Gavin
Davidson, John Nicholson. Richard Hogg,
Benin Vanatmte, John J. Moffat, residents;
Ethel Ferguson, Geo. Alliott Mary Davidson,
pupils; Amos Tlplittg, W, J. Henderson, G.
Oruioltshanit, Trustees,
Although taken, oompletely by stir
prise Mies Findlater made a suitable
reply, warmly thanking the people and
obildren for thele kindness to her daring
ber work among them. The addreea and
preesutation was made by W. J. Render.
eon in a very competent manner.
Speeonee were given by Messrs. Richard
Hogg and Mendereon. The chairman
was S. Vauetone.. An excellent program
vine rendered by the eoholare, intermixed
with selections of music on the violin by
Mies Annie 'Findlatee and patriotic
diorama by the salted after Whish an
abundant lunch aOceisting of deiioioue
cake, pie, sendwioh, mhple dream candy
and coffee was served to all. To her
pupils Miss Findleter gave an a parting
remembrance beautiful 'Xmas Dards.
After; many regretful goodbyes were said
all departed to their several homes ex-
pressing themselves ae having had a
plummet time,
Mies Olenpan, who has been nursing
the two duughbero of Nara, Parker, left for
ber home on Monday. Under her care
fol attention the girls are gettin along
Dm Mckenzie has genie to Hamilton
0ollegiate where he will pursue hie
otgdiee looking to the tnedie+tl profession,
Mies Merlon hoe elao'returnd to Hemil.
John Parr, who liven i1 miles North of
Bruoeobs, le in very' poor health• Be is
over 80 ears o a o t e old time vigor
R es h 1 e t r.
y g
neoeseary t throw off dieeaee fa no long.
er there,-
here.Morrie badsbigelection, thefi res '
e p
% a tin elsewhere. The d, a doe
Pf' n g b day wa
and with good sleighing a very large vote
wee polled. A good many were ill and
maid not go out to vote.
Man OF TnANRt..-I wish to tender my
thenke to the electors who met their bal.
lots for me last Monday. Although not
among the eleoted number I feel grateful
for the vote given, particularly in my
home division where I beaded the poll,
Wieh tate new Ooanoil moose and on
some future 000asion may eolioit your
assistance, no . Yoare truly,
JAS, Sammie
HnaT Dhe DPTIALe.-
N T mar
riage of Mea Amy H. Hunted, daughter
of Mrs. E. Rusted, Paisley street,
Guelph, and Thomas A. Reid, Priooipal
of Publio school, Owen Sound, was
solemnized in the Oongregational church,
Gnelph,, Wedneodaymorning, Deo. 26tb,.
in the presence of immediate friends of
the family. The happy maple spent a
brief honeymoon in Buffalo and pointe
East when they returned to their future
home in Owen Sonnd, He will be re.
membered as a former pedagogue in this
township, teaching in Browntown &oMoot.
His old friends here wish him and his
bride many happy years.
The following is a list of those who
were eleoted to stats of honor last Mon-
day .-
REEVE- Div.No,l 2 8 Total
R. Leatherdale 28 47 46-120
Jas. T. Rose53 60 44--157
Majority for Ross 37.
Fred, Adams 36 56 47-139
Jno. Donaldson 52 76 65-193
Noble P. Gerry 54 65 46-165
Robe. Henderson, • 64 80 78-217
Saml. Wilton 46 74 60-180
The Council will therefore consist of
Reeve Roes and Councillors Henderson,
Donaldson, Wilton and Gerry. Next
Monday they will convene for their in-
augural meeting.
R. Leatherdale eat 'at the Board as
Counoillor for 4 years ; J. T. Rose for
2 years ; S. Wilton, 3 years ; N. F. Gerry,
1 year and the other candidates were new
900000 HOARD.
Jno. G. Skene, A. Cousley and W. M.
Sinclair were eleoted Sohool Trustees by
aoolamation. The other members of the
Board are D. 0. Ross, Jas. Turnbull and
W m. Blaehill,
BRn88EL9 ItEEVEauxp.
Bruseele WAS incorporated in the year
1872 and the following gentlemen have
occupied the Reeve's chair since that date
for the following terms :-
J. Leckie, 1873
F. C. Rogers, 1883.
J. H. Yonug,1886
W. H. Mo0raolten,1887
R. Graham, 1889
J. AI McIntosh, 1892....
W. H. Kerr, May 1802
Geo. Backer, 1899
Geo. Thomson, 1900
8 years
1 "
2 "
3 mos.
7 yeare
1 "
1 "
When the news was received that Mr.
Ross was elected a ohair was obtained and
he was carried from the Town Hall to his
store amidst the oheera of his supporters.
q m
m me q w o
'm chi 6m m o A
tJ 5 W H
98 79 80 41 9 48
54 75 42 48 47 40
Belgrave ..... 69 83 43 40 25 72
Town Ball , . , . 42 34 48 39 58 84
Stone S. House 67 21 45 49 21 37
Jameetown ,... 62 37 51 89 87. 42
Totals ....876 279 254 306 197 273
The Council for Morrie for 1901 will
therefore cousin of Reeve Iebieter and
Oounuillore Code, Shaw, Jaokson and
Taylor. The latter is the only new mem
Division- f4 0 •a al o 8 m E
SS ffi
No 1 1'a
1y,,vvttyv 46 27
2 8fiino's 12 20 17 21 43 6 43
B Turnbieles - 6 10 49 16 70 8 4D
4 Sq erain's 2529 86 89 50 9 88
6 Ethel 46 78 65 65 61 22 60
6 Duke's 25 81 17 20 22 79 15
7 Oranbrook 20 99 83 49 88 18 55
Totals 162 828 828 322 868 179 262
Reeve bacclamation.
Councillors- 1 2 8 4
R Armstrong... 67 52 18 27
R FOm't'ae 40 111 25 85
Wm Moon 85 58 15 101
Wm Patterson 50 82 13 70
D Shanahan,,. 60 27 74 28
H Warren - 88 28 20 68
21 16-219
40 84-874
68 42-110
65 7•-887
9 40-251
48 24-206
Co, Connell -
he Connolly 82 17 11 47 27 20 80-196
David Oantelon 01 51 21 47 22 9 27-288
Snot Cooper ... 52 87 55 48 16 4 28-390
Jae Snell 02 128 08 102 88 181 50-588
Oonnnutation of Statute Labor-
For 46 90 28 68 21 61 40-288
Against 01 88 55 72 85 04 00-870
Daniel Manly1 2 3 4
, , , 142 64 06 64-856
Joe 0 Moteleon , 19 93 56 74-242
Majority for Mately, 114
Gltrdiner ,.,..... 81 106 106 98-890
Grieve 96 114 91 121•-422
McGregor., 147 130 99 74.460
O'Laughlin'....,, 167 72110, 79-414
Kittle 65 91 72 87-005
Old Coupoil eleoted,
Co,. Counoil-
Baye 68 128 104 116-461
MOLean 17 08 24 42-161
Melfay 0 '.58 23 86-118
O'Connell 207 67 95 92-511
Wroxeter -Reeve,
A Munro.
Teeewater-Reeve, L A Brink.
Rowell -Reeve, Arnold ; Coinollbnt'a,
Rehm, Miller Smelloo b an Ooel
Olinton-Mayor, Thos Jaoks n, se, ;
Oouooillora, Thin McKenzie, .R 13 Coulbe,
8 Plummer, Thos Walker, John Bell, 0
Exeter -Reeve, W B Bissett (scot) `
Councillors, him Evans, I Armstrong, W
H Levert and J Muir (all by cool.)
Toronto -A Howland, Q 0, was elected
by a plurality of 4280 over Controller
Spence, the emend in the race,
Mitchell -.Mayor, Fred Davis ; Omni.
oillore, Gen Larkworthy, Wm Mertyn, G
E Sawyer, Jae Brooke, Fred 0 Hord,
Adam Koenig.
Listowel - Mayor, Watson (aool)
Councillors, 0 Anderson, F Wellington
Hay, W Pelton, Harry Maloney, 0 Prue -
ter, J A Hacking,
St Marys -Mayor and Council eleoted
by acclamation.
Palmerston -Mayor, W J Ward (soul) ;
Oonnoillore, J M Skellin, T G Burns, D
W nutmeg°, Thos Best, G MoOtelium, 0
Milverton-Roeve, W M Appel (Iooi
Councillors, ZImmerman, Smith, Well-
derhold, Bandeoho.
Downie -Reeve, Kaetner ; Councillors,
John Murray, W W Ballantyne, Thee
Steele, H Hannon.
Blanchard - Reeve, Fotheringbam ;
Councillors, Bonie, Donald, MoDonald,
Ellice -Reeve, Mr Sohenok ; Connoii,
Messrs Foley, Kelly, Smith and floury,
North Eaethope-Reeve, Julius Gook
(cool) • Counoil, A MoDonald, John 0
Cools, John A Fraser, Jas Hastings,
South Eastbope- Reeve, P Herold ;
Council, L Arnold, J Weioker, H Vogt,
J Harbleib.
Logan -Reeve, McKenzie; Councillors,
Bohan, Thomson, Rudolph, Moffatt.
lfullarton-Reeve, he Remelt ; coon•
oillore, Con Batz, P Arbogast, C L Tur•
ner, 0 Barris,
Mornington-Reeve, (by sod); Conn-
oillore, Grieves, Davidson, M0Cloy, All-
Elma-All the Council elected by ao-
Bayfield - R. Sbanbury, re-eleoted
Ueborne-W D Eldridge, Reeve ; Coun-
cillors, Jos Hawkins, R Oamm, John
Moir and Jas Ballantyne (all by accla-
East Wawanosh-Reeve, Jno T Carrie.
Oounoillors, W Beecroft, Alfred B Clare,
W Dobie and Jno E Ellis.
Turnberry- Reeve, W Cruickshank.
Oonnoillors, Jno Mosgrove, Wm Mitchell,
Thos Lovell and Jno 00901a -ed.
Three of the Former Councillors Recite
oil -Complexion Changes.
Subjoined are the results of the elea-
tion for the County Council of Perth.
The returns show that there will be con-
siderable new blood in the new Council.
Amongst the defeated are Messrs Poole,
Jaokson and Kuhry, whose places have
been taken respectively by Messes Kemp,
White and Armstrong.
Div No 1, Wallace and Listowel -T E
Hay and Arohibald Kemp.
Div No 2, Elam and Mornington-0 H
Merryfieid, Jae Dickson (cool.)
Div No 8, Fullarton, Hibbert and
Mitchell -Thos Ryan and William White.
Div No 4, Downie and Blanchard -W
F Sanderson and Jos Mountain.
Div No 5, North and South Easthope-
John Sheeler and Andrew Falk.
Div No 6, Morningbon, Milverton and
Ellice-Robt Armstrong and Jas. Tor-
Grey Crouch Agricultural Society.
The annual meeting of Grey Branch
Agricultural Society was held in the
Town Hall, Brussels, on Wednesday,
January Mb, President Speir in the
Minutes of last meeting read and ap•
The Treasurer's report was presented,
as audited, showing receipts to be $1385.-
99 ; expenditure, 2858.26 ; balance 2977,-
Moved by W. R. MoOraoken, seconded
by Robe. Niohol, that the report he
Following offioers were eleoted for the
current year ;-
President, Jas. Spear ;
Vice President, J. D. Warwick, V. S. ;
Direotors, Robb. Nichol, Jno. Mc-
Kinnon, David Milne, Jae. Evans,
W. H, MoOraoken, P. Scott, Geo.
Robb, Juo. McGavin and Robb.
McDonald ;
Auditors, F. S. Scott and Alex.
Meeting adjourned to meet on Wednes-
day,16ti1 inst., at 1 o'clock, to elect ofll.
oera, decide on grant to Riding Society,
The three Bellevue nurses, Dean,
Marshall and Davis, have been indicted
for maneianghter in killing Louis Hil-
liard, a patient,
Edward Obarbonneau, the eon of a
Dover farmer, fell beneath the feet of a
horse in a box stall and was terribly in-
jured by the animal stepping upon his
Frank W. Wright, a teacher at Card.
stos, Alberta, was ehob and fatally
wounded by s revolver in the band of a
friend. Mr. Wright belonged to Smith's
Falls, and the remains are being brought
horn for burin!'.
The following persons will constitute
Huron County Council for the term 1901.
1902 :-
-Div 1-Aehtield, Colborne and Gotle-
P Holt and Hugh Chambers, acct,
Div 2 -Mullett, Goderfoh townebip and
Clinton -
ha Connolly and *D Cantelon.
Div 8-H
aY, St n
1o , Reynold anO
Juo Toren:oe and *Wm Lamont,
Div 4 -Stephen, p n, Usbarne and Exeter-
*13ugh Spaokmen, and *Rich Hioke,
Div 5- Moliillop, Tu'keramith and
T E Hays and J B McLean,
Div 6 -Grey, Morris and Brunets -
he Bowman and W H Herr, acct.
Div 7- neat and West Wawanosh,
Blyth and Wingham-
D Patterson and 01,1 Lockhart,
Div 8-Howick, Turnberry and Wrox-
Robt Miller gad *Sam'1 Ferguson.
The six names marked with a • are
new members. Jae Scall in No 2 and
Alex Stuart in No
7, who were in last Co
Oonnoil were defeated on Monday. They
were both good men, Messrs Cantelon,
Spackman, Rinke and Ferguson were
former membere of the Council under the
old regime,
The following is the total vote oast On
Monday for Co Oounoillors in three of
the Divisions :-
Div No 4-
Bobier, A Q 832
Delbridge, Juo 712
Hicks, Rich 910
Spackman, Hugh 1252
Div No 7 -
Lockhart, M 840
Patterson, D 846
Stuart, Alex 631
Webster, J 644
Div No 8 -
Miller, Robt 1005
Ferguson, Sam'1 793
Weil, Wm 738
Doig, Andrew 296
There was 0erdoe in the R. 0. ohuroh
on New Year's day,
See Sabbath school lesson for next
Snoday on page 3. "The Triumphal
Entry" is the topic.
A series of pottage prayer meetings is
being held in conneotion with Melville
ohnroh. After thio week the meetings
will be held in the ohurob.
Mr. Ham, the G. T. R. agent, has been
appointed teacher of a elan of boys in
the Methodist Sabbath school, He bas
bad oonsiderable experience in Bendel
eohool work.
Rev. R'. T. Heil has resigned the pas-
torate of the Presbyterian ohuroh at
Belgrave and Calvin and will remove to
a charge in a more Easterly nation of
the Province. Be has done splendid
work sauce going to Belgrave and hie
plane will be hard. to fill.
A special Sabbath school eervioe will
be held in the Methodist ohuroh next
Sabbath morning, oommenoing at 10.30
o'olook. Short addreseee will be given
by Principal Cameron, Superintendent
of Melville Sabbatb school ; Rev. J.
Holmes, and W. H. Kerr. Singing led
by a ohoir of pupils,
"Tbe Unity of the Oharoh" was Rev.
Mr. Rose' topic last Sabbath morning.
It was pleasingly dealt with Hader the
following main divisions :-(1) The Or-
ganic, Unity ; (2) The Spiritual Unity
(3) The Triumphant Unity, Hob, 1 and
8 was the evening text, the subject being
"The King of Ages." At the close of the
morning sermon a epeeist eOmmuDiDo
sarvloe Wile bald,
LITTLE STARS MIearos BAND. -The fifth
anniversary meeting of the "Little Stars"
Mission Band was held in Melville rhumb
ached room on Saturday afternoon, 16th
ult., with a large attendance of pupils
and a commendable representation of
parents and friends. A Committee of
the larger girls of the Band; with Mee
Bate Smith as Convener, had made all
necessary preparations for an enjoyable
entertainment. The Presidents, Mrs. el.
M. Richardson and Miss Lizzie Ross pre-
sided over the meeting, and the following
program was oredibably rendered :-Sing
ing and prayer ; rooitation, Roger Dead.
man ; eong, "What little girls oan do,"
five gide ; Treasurer's report, Ada Ross ;
song, Isabel Straohan ; opening mite -
boxes ; reoiteeion and song, eight girls ;
recitation, Annie Martin ; song, Anna
Richardson, 3. Elliott, L. Cardiff, E.
McKinnon and J,, Cunningham ; reo.,
Bessie Davidson ; Secretary's report,
Maggie Soott ; gon, Nellie Fox ; song,
'Onward Disrobing," ten girls ; reading,
Herbert Brothers ` song, "Endless
Glory," eight girls ; plea for the Gospel,
even different nations ' song, Anna
Riabardson, J. Elliott, L. rardiff, E. Mo.
Kinnon and Jessie Cunningham. Abrief
nitable address was given to the "Little
tare" by Rev. Mr. Ross, and Mrs. Barn.
hill spoke very enoonragingly to them RS
o their numbers and ena0085 in the
Master's vineyard. The Seoretary, Mag.
ie Scott, gave a detailed account of the
ear's work. Meebinga had been devoted
o Missionary literature, and sewing
lternately, the former we trust to show
he affect on the youth of our ohuroh as
the years go by, and the latter resulting
n a supply of three quilts, eleven scrap
ooka, and two dozen dressed dolls, total
slned,at $10.70, Which were forwarded
o theortliw
N eat and India.
"So oannoe our Band, though little,
With willing hearts and hands,
Do something for the heathen
In those great dark, far off lands 7
We may not Bail the ocean,
There es work at home, right here,
To teach the little children
Who know nothing of Christian
The Treasurer, Ada Rose, reported the
monnt of oontributiono for the year,
Imes minutiae, to be 321,31. A special
vote of thanks was given Miae $elle
mith, for the pleasure contributed by
er trained kindergarten dam,
IVR and C THSN.G 111111
7J1 7
There are those who would buy a 4a;
rue Coat if they were sure if ingot.
tfn5011e it would Well well, We
opine with the offer to any piospe0-
tivo buyer that we guarantee all .cul'
coats, any than turn out bad will be `(
replaced with a new coat: And if a
s a°ale coat in nnY
Whether ,1tl,` ,1 64 1 a , `
$ 00 8,G9 r 0115
7 tb
V'( 00 1 he sure of gat ei o good 8110,9
11Ji W *
oat, oon e a
o t7 coat oat , $6l; logo
and 40 tvillba sun to wear,
' u sleet lc
1 Ls lfnr Jec qts y, have
pukes 626, 6110, with Go, any of
our 925, 628,6110, e85 or 940 Coats will
be Yo ole ere eq.
People and good
at bled Roo
materials and Brod work to bePoseld
in oma own malts of Men's Suits "doll.
heron 48 and VS.
WB Corry everything in the way of
Ken's wear, Mitts, Gloves, Hats, Gaps,
Ties made to order, Suits; Underwear,
Shirts, Sox, Collars and Cuffs Over -
ails tied Smocks, Overcoats, 'Water•
proof a n
l I Coats and T7mbrolaS All Of
which will be found in good qualities, yb
On the Wrong dada of the
Strongoak, sweetie at. .,..
w -a 1
"The League and the Sabbath Sobool"
will be next Sabbath evening's topic at
the Epworth League.
Rev. Mr, Baker, Methodist minister,
Stratford, fell last Sabbath eve0ing'when
going home and broke his collar bone.
Io St. John's ohuroh lest Sunday
morning the Epiphany appeal for Foreign
Missions was read. At the evening ser.
vioe the incumbent preached an interest-
ing dieccoree from I. Tim, 1-1 "Jeans
Christ whiob is our Hope."
Rev. 0. W. Brown, who has been
pastor of James Street church, Exeter,
for two years, has been given a unanim-
ous invitation to remain for a third year.
Mr. Brown has accepted and will not
therefore go to Aylmer, to which plane
he woe invited,
The first regular meeting of the "Little
Stars" Mission Band for the new year
was held on Satarday. The following
officers were eleoted :-Pres., Mise L.
Rose ; Vice Pres., Mre. Kerr Finney,
Mise Kate Smith ; Asst. Beot'y, Miae
Barbsea McKelvey ; Treas., Mimi Maggie
MoLauoblin ; Organist, Mise May Skene;
Asst. Organist, Miae Ada Roes,
Last Sabbatb morning Rev. J. Holmes
took for his text in the Methodist Mamie
"Then they that feared God epake often
one to the other." The theme was
"Christian Fellowship" and was well -pre.
seated, In the evening a special die.
mane was preaobed on the subject "Can
a man control his own actions." The
speaker demonstrated that with the
Almighty's help he may. Next Sabbath
evening obe pastor will deal with the
qut'otion of "Amusements."
ST. Joart's SABBATH SCHOOL. -The an.
anal Entertainment of St. John's Bon -
day Bohool will be held on Friday even-
ing of this week. Tea will be served to
the members of the school at 6 o'olook in
the sobool room. At 7, if the weather is
favorable, there will be a sleigh ride and
at 8 a good program of oborases, solos,
recitations and diatognee, rendered by
the children, to which the parents and
friends are invited, There will be no
admission fee bat a collection is asked
in aid of the school.
MELVILLE SABBATH S011001.. -The an.
nual eleotlon of officers in oonnectioe
with Melville Sunday School wee held
last week and resulted as follows :-
Superintendent, J. H. Cameron ; Ante
A. M. McKay ; Sea,.Treas,,.L. Danford ;
Librarian, G. A. Deadman • Assts.,
Milton McGuire, Willie Good ; Organist,
Mise Jessie MoLanalelin ; Asst., Miss
F. "Thomson ; Mneioal Director, T. A.
Hawkins. An able staff of teachers was
re•eleoted. The ached io prospering.
CJi1v.114$k6 ,1..Rle v,Fa.
F. A. Knapp, inventor of the roller.
boat, is negotiating at Montreal for the
menstruation of grate barges on the same
A by-law for the taking over by the
town of Blenheim of the electric light
system was voted on, and Carried by a
large majority, on Monday.
The death occurred at Toronto Monday
of Wm. Polson, euperiotendeot of the
Polson iron works. Tbe deoeseed was
born in Montreal 67 years ago.
Master .Eugene Lockhart, Highland
danger, has been engaged for a tour of
ten weeks with the 48th Highlanders, of
Toronto, leaving Monday, Jan. 140h.
The robbery at Moncton of a mail bag
containing 31,200, of Interooionial Rail.
way checks bas been reported to the
Postoffiae Department, end efforts to
trams the thief are now being made.
A Vancouver despatch says theca is a
famine of hard noel ; not one ounce oan
be got in the city. It is reported that
the anthracite coal which has hitherto
eapplied this market is going to Winni-
A petition hoe been preeenfed to the
Minister of Jnetioe asking for the pardon
of John Pryor, who was aenteuoed to 4
years in Kingston peuiteutiary for per-
jury. Pryor married a Detroit girl in
Windsor and made affidavit that ebe was
18 years old. It was afterwards proved
that she was under this age. Re was
tried and eentenoed by Judge Horne, of
Thos. Weide, the 8•year•old and only
oon of Thoa. Wride,.farmer, of Shedden,
died Monday leveeing about 8 o'oloak.
Mr. Wride'e dwelling is on cue Bide of the
M. 0. R. traoks and hie farm buildings
on the other side, and the boy, whiten
atoning the necks, fell, striking hie
head against one of the steel rails. A
donee was called and several etitohes
were put in the wound. The boy did not
seem to be dangerously injured, but a
couple of bouts after he was taken mneh
worse and wibbiu five boars of the asci.
dont he was dead. The base of the ekell
being injured caned the death, so the
dock= claim,