HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1901-1-3, Page 8U >T.A.N, .L 190 SCOPE Would you like something better than the 9edinary 7 I am Ore you would if you Duos had one of thoo. good ones aUOh.a8 wo have now—not eapeneiVe either. Call and Pee them. A TELESCOPE We handle them and would like to Dhow yon one 044 wilt make an object es plain at 10 miles as one Mile without, Every boy or man likes a telescope, A MIOROSOOPE A. good mi0r0800pe Is something every family should have. Itis in- structive and intereetiag. For the study of Botany it ie indiepensibie, and it is worth having if only to 860 the mites In obeeee, G. A. Deadrnan, Druggist, Optician and Bookseller, Wn bavo the nigeitthi06 in the Way of d e a ase n that a o mil o boa t 1.w bad r a, y g y Gey at 60, a package at Deadman'e dreg and hook #tore, DEADGrnli'e Cough Balm ie without doubt the beat all Armand Cough medtol e inthe market eitherror old. b ma et Mr Yonas Yon peed never fear Croup when giving a Child tide well known remedy, To be lead only at Deadman'e drug and book Moro. TOM whe prefer Can have Syrup of White Pine and Tar or Blood Root Dough Syrup at game price and plane a6 Dead. man's Cough Balm as we put all three kinds. They are all good. Ila mmal=N of Ood Liver Oil ie a good thing for deep seated oolde or when there is debility, &o, You Cap get tbe leading makes at Deadmen'e drug and book More, SYnur of Hypboephitee is also a good remedy, A new stook lately in at Dead- man's drug and book store. STRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. 000108188 EXTENSION W. el, & n.. Trains leave Brussels Station, North and Sontb, as follows: Goma SOUTH. GOING NORTH. 10xpren Toe a.m. I Mail 2.10 pan m Mined ...... 9.46 a.. Eaprese ...,.. eoe p.m rora1 Ram 11tems. A ohiel'e among ye takin' notes, An' faith he'll prent it. 1901. JANUARY. ROMEO up.. 2Umi Century. A, 0. U. W. Friday evening. NEXT Monday poll your vote. Puma Schools re opened on Thursday. HEAVY passenger traffic on the railways. MONTHLY Horse Fair on Thursday of this week. BT. Jonn'e ohnrah bell tolled 1900 out and (aimed 1901 in. New Councils will meet for organiza- tion on Monday, Jan. 14, THURSDAY John Soott shipped 2 oars of fine cattle from Brussels station. A can of hogs was shipped by Messrs. Best & MoLauohlin, Wednesday. A new butcher shop has beenopened in the Senate blook by a Listowel gentle. man named Mann. RENmwA,e and new eubeoriptione have been coming io at a lively rate. Tim Poo' gives the news ie what the people say. Lento' gold ring, set with three opals, alb Met last Saturday in Brueeele. It was attached to a small ring with a bracelet key. The finder will greatly oblige the owner by leaving it at THE Pon. CROWDED OUT.—This week We carry over a number of interesting mattere and have abbreviated Several reports ow- ing to a rush of news. Next week we hope to get everything squared away. Tim Maeouio brethren of Brussels cele- brated Se. John's night—Tbureday of laet weak—in conferring a degree On a candi- date and afterwards enjoying a social hour in their Lodge room in the Garfield block. MBS. JNo. Domino has let the contract for brink veneering her residence, Flora street, to D. A. Lowry. Other improve - mote will also be made and when Com- pleted the home will be as Comfortable as any in town. Tum Wingham Times WOE kind enough lust week to any The Times eongratu• nates W. H. Kerr, of THE BBUeenLa POST, on hie election by acclamation for County Oonnoillorfor Division No. 6. Mr. Kerr makes a good repreeentative. rem Ktornrxm.—A letter was received from Will. Hingston by his parents, Brussels. He sent his mother a fine gold ring end Mies Carrie a bracelet made of a chain of gold nuggets for a Xmas gift. We notice by a clipping from the Daw- eon paper that our old townsman was skipping a rink at a Curling match recent, ly. Mr. Hingston talks of taking a run home to vieit his relatives and friends in Brussels and locality. He is doing well in Dawson. Thomann Imo Reim— Last Sabbath morning at 8.30 o'clock, the spirit of Elizabeth Rolleton, relict of the late Robt. Holmee, Brussels, was beckoned away to a better world. Deoeaeed wee a native of Donegal Co., Ireland, where she was also married about 65 yeare ago to Mr. Holmes, who predeoeaeed het 16 yeare ago. They 05,m8 to Canada in 1844 residing in Dereham township, Ox- ford Co., Hibbert, Perth Go. and Tooker- emith loafore tbey located on the 8th line of Morrie 25 yeare ago, In 1880 Mre. Holmee and daughters Dame to Brnesele. The object of this notice was 83 years and 6 months of age and up to 6 yeare ago enjoyed comparatively good health, 3. stroke of paralysis, with the acoomponiment of advancing yeare, told on her and at times she had been real poorly. Death found her well prepared for the other world and her testimony was one of Confident trust in her Saviour. On Christmas she ate her dinner with the family but took ill about 8 p. en., pegging away as above Stated, like a ripe sheaf of grain ready for the garner. Mre. Holmes was a faithful member of the Methodist ohuroh for many yeare and her Christion life will not Boon be for. gotten. Three soma (Geo. and James, of Cyprsee River, Mau. ; and Robert, of Morrie) and els daughters (Mre. Agbry, of California ; Mre. Parr, of Dundalk, Ont. ; Mre. Travis, of Montrose, Miob. ; Mre. D, .Ewan and S9iesee Mary and Ra beaoa , of Brueeele) eurvive. The fuser. al took plaoe on Wedoeaday afternoon, Rev, John Holmes, aeeisted by Rev. R. Paul, oondaoting an appropriate service at the home, The pall bearore ware :— Jonathan and David Moore, Win, Ewan, Alex. Ellie, Rev, R. Paul and Geo.' Forrest:. Interment wail made at Brue wale oemetery. Among those present from a dietanee were Mre. Parr, Mrs, Travis, Mrs, Wm. Wolfitt, of Michigan, and Mre. Sas. Covetable, of Sealorth, "Olt I may I triumph so When all my warfare'e past, led dying find my latest foe Under my feet at laet," A LOAD of young people from town patronized Seaforth skating rink on New Year's day. Tina Sohool Board for 1901 will be D. O. Roes, Jas. Turnbull, Wm. Blaehill, J. G. Beene, A. Cowley and W. M. Sinclair. Sevenax, Brueselitee attended the New Year'e Sabbath School entertainment at 'he Methodist ohurob, Walton, Tuesday evening. Gem Brenoh Agl, Society will hold its annual meeting in the. Connell Chamber, Brueeele, on Wednesday afternoon of next week, Beet Riding meeting at the same place a week later. THE window of H. L. Jackson's store has been the centre of attraction owing to the display of South African ratios, brought home by Pte, Leon F. Jackson, in the shape of pipes, ballets, medals, &o. POLLING next Monday at J. J. Gilpin's eflice, Council Chamber and the"Revere" House. The Deputy Returning officers will he Ronald MoNanghton, Jae. Irwin and W. F. Boott. Poll open from 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. Tice Balt Works have Closed down for repairs. A new smoke etaok will be put op and renewals and repairs to pan and other sections of the block, They have had a very busy eeaeon during the past Fall and Manager Mooney has been kept hustling to fill the orders. DIED FRou OomeotirrioN.—The funeral of the late Edward dolline, formerly. of Brueeele, took plaoe on Monday after. noon from his father's residence, No. 28 Beaconsfield eve¢Oe, to Mount Pleasant Cemetery. Deeeaeed, the aeaond eon of Wash. G. Collins, Toronto, was born at Kincardine on July 3,1878. Be had been a victim of consumption, which ended fatally on Thursday of last week. Mr. and Mre. Collins and family were reef• dente of Brussels for a few years prior to Mating in Toronto and the many young friends of the deoea'ed in this locality will regret to bear of hie early demise. Gam—A crowded house greeted the Canadian Jubilee Singers Wednesday evening in Brussels Town Holt. People Dame for miles to hear the colored people sing. Their program ooneieted of plan- tation melodies, orchestral selections, mule quartettes and solos. They are well worth bearing and nobody asked for their money bank. Mise Dorsa, the soprano, can reaoh very airy altitudes with ease while the giant basso, E. B. Thomae, can go "into the Cellar" in a style that is seldom equalled. The tenor soloist, C. H. Frannie, is a good singer and quite antic io his renditions. Both soloists and Company were very liberal in their responses to the hearty applause accorded them and a warm welcome would be given should they return. The total prooeede were 9130 25. PERSONAL PARAJIIAPOS. Thos. Thomson and Kra, Tbomoon, of neet awe rwera vi iting P T1ea0la for Teas, age. apd Mra. Balianlyne andOn and M186 Raherton were at Loodeeboro' for New Yeere, Mre. Jae. Moquira, of Wipgham, wag the guest of Mre, Geo, Rogers on New D Year'sa Adam wad Mrs. Soott, of A1na, were visiting Peter Watson and wife( Prue. Bele, last week, Mise Fannie 'Friendship has been on the eiok Rot but we hope she will soon be all right again. Mre, McLean, sr., Princess street, wee quite low during the peat week but is a trifle easier again, Bert and Geo. Ferguson, of Teeewater, were visiting relatives and friends in 13t Resale and legality. Mr6, John Cousisy was vieiting role. Seep at Trowbridge and Silver Corners during the past week. Jas. Thomsen ate hie plum pudding on New Years at Robb. Bleck'a, Wroxeter, Mrs. Black ha hie sister. 111re. Neit MoLaunhliu was palled to. Mosley last week owing to the illness of her eieter, Mrs, Anderson. Mies delis` Bartliff was visiting the Mimes Vanetone and Mise Hazel John. eton in Wingham thio week. hon of Luoknow, James and Mrs. Nlo , were visiting at Alex, McNeil's, Edza• beth street, during the holiday. Mae Kate Wilson left on Wedoeeday for her eohool at Belleville where aha oommenoed work on Thursday. Aliases Martha A. Andrews and Ellen J. Woods, of Lacknow, were visitors at Mre. A: Goode, Frame street. We are sorry to bear that the three sone of John Leckie, Toronto, are ill with diptherie , but we hope they will soon be all right. R. W. Jewitt, of Cromarty, was here last week vieiting W. Jewitt and family, Mill street, Mr. Jewitt is teaching at Oromarty, a village in Perth Go. Miss Lizzie Sample intends returning. to London to pursue her mueical edam. tion. She is possessed of a fine voice and is also a natural inetramebtaliet.,. Mre. J. E. Howell and daughter, of Preston, were vieiting at the home of John Boott, Thomas etreet, Brussels. Mre. Howell and Mrs. Scott are coneiee. Mies Annie Young, of Moosemin, Man., daughter of James Young, formerly a wall known resident of Bi noels, ie here on a holiday visit, the first time einoe the family went West 12. yeare ago. Sbe is a welcome visitor. Albert MaCutoheon, wife and son, of Wiunipeg, Mao., are visiting at 0. Gerry's, Brussels. Both Mr. and Mre. Mo0utoheon were former residents of Brussels. Mr. Mao. went to the West 20 yeare ago. Fortune has smiled on him. H. J. and Mre Morden, of $ton&vilie, were visiting relatives and friends in Bruseele and locality. The latter is atill here. It is five years since Mr. Morden left town. He was teller in the Standard Bank and is now Manager of the Stoffville Branch. Miss Fannie Thomson is holidaying at Gal t. Miss Thema Gerry ie visiting at Bea. forth. Fred. Gilpin spent a few daye in Owen Sound. Will. Marr is home from Walkerton for a visit. Bert Johnston spent New Years Day in Listowel. Miss Fannie Rogers ie visiting friends in Wipgham. Mise Maggie Baeker is home from Lon• don on a visit. Binh, Roche was home from Listowel for New Years. Will. Good epent New Years Day with relatives in Wingham. Mies L. Lowrance left on Wednesday for her home in Guelph. Mrs. T, Dunford is visiting her son and his wife at Clinton. Misses Jo. and Mary Rose spent New Years with Blyth friends. George Haiete and wife, of Wingbam, were here for New Year's. Mise Downey spent the Ohtietmae boli - days with friends in Listowel. Mre. Fred. MoOraoken and Mise Eva visited in Blnevale this week. Obarlie and Willie Zilliax were visiting in Listowel daring the past week. Mise Maggie MoLauohlin was visiting at Ethel daring the holiday season. W. Boidee and wife, of London, were visitors at T. Snider's for New Years. Mre. John Tait was visiting Mre, H. Ball, Wingham, during the past week. Mre, (Dr.) Cavanagh epent New Years witb 0. E. and Mre. Tomball at Guelph. T. A. Hawkins aesisted Bt. Jude's church ohoir last Sunday evening in Tor. onto. Reeve Donaldson, of Atwood woe in town on Thursday and Called on THE Pose. Mre. Jae. Howell and danghter, of Preston, spent Sunday with Mre. B. T. Plum. Mie Annie Crawford and Walter Snider, of London, were visiting at T. Boider'e. Jae. O'Leary, of Petrolia, was renew- ing old friendships in town during the past week. Mr. McLeod, of Pioton, will succeed Mr. Murray as teller in the Standard Bank here. Word was received from Morris, Mau„ stating that Nellie, youegeet danghter of Alex. Potato, formerly of Boatels, was quite ill, We hope Boon to hear of her convgleeoenae. nappy New Year At all tlmos of the year yen will find tie Able to eatiefaotorlly All your regulreteente with anythingyou may want in the Jewel. ry, Silver, Ch'nnn or Speotaole line, We keep the largest mud heat oesorted stook in town. In 1.U# bus no ee v n' had tenexperiencet9 l Iiaj a to kppw just how lbuy to pleats our Dose tanners, We buy aur goodo direct free ane mapufgoturors and eau soil at of ,a0 a pyla a Duet now our 6took 15 larger awl more olicioe thanu1eRal 6011 you aro in need of auytlling at this d1riobmae time it will Pay Yea to eall on us, Our apeolaltioe are Ladles' and Gents' Gold and 0011 Pilled Watobes. Binge, Speotaele6, Ladies' [mug Chains, Charms, dull Buttons, Tie Pine, ate, We are sole agente for the Duke's Hampton Watch Movements end Oases, the beat rail- way time beeper in the world, hundreds are earrylug these Watobes bought of us. We curry 011 grradoe of Anterioap movemeote P, 5.--$artlet,17 jewels, at very low primo. 11-11 watch repairing guaranteed—have yet to see the watuhI cannot rop0ir, CIIUIOCII CHIMES. Oomm¢nion in Melville church next Sabbath morning. Today a voice for the opening year" will be next habbath evening's toplo at the Epworth League. Watch -night eervicee of more than nenal interest were held in Bt. John's and the Methodist churches on Monday night in welcoming in the new year. "Prayer" was the topio upon which Rev. Jno. Holmee dieoonrsed last Sabbath morning, and "For ye have not passed this way before" was the evening text. The annual anniversary of the Metho- diet March, Brussels, will be held on Sabbath, 20th inst. A lecture will be given on the Monday evening following of .which later announoeme¢t will be made. "As Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, &o." was Rev. Jno. Roes' text last Sabbath morning in Melville ohurob, It was considered under the following main divisions :—(1) Diarist the whole source of Salvation ; (2) The all e¢ffioient eonroe ; (3) The conspicuous source. In the evening the paseage Chosen was Dent. 4 and 32, "For ask now of the daye that are peat." The brevity of the past ; and the varied experiences of the past were dwelt upon. T Fletcher, Jeweler Issuer 08 marriage Liconees, All kinds of Chino bud Papal, Goode forp roseate. .. authority in the lorose of Her Majeety: has oome the most tletteriug testimony to the courage of our Canadien soldiers; demonstrating to the world, the unity of the Empire. In oouolusion on behalf of the citizens of Brnesele, we 'ruder you our warmest thanks and mire ' cion, for the moony eonrage which promoted you to offeryoureerviues bo the Qn "n, in a great crisis whiob tbreateu.d the 60. premtioy of the British Empire We ask you to aa00pt this watch and 1::0 ao0om• ponying purse, tie a slight r.:oognitio¢, of the eeteem in which you are held, by your fellow Miasma, in the vidage of Brueeele. Signed ou behalf of the Citizens by GEO. THOMSON, ReeVe 1 F. B. Boom, Clerk. The recipient made a brief, suitable reply, expressive Of his great pleasure at being home once more ; beiug honored with the enthusiastic we mane and the great kindness in the presentation of the address and the splendid gifte, pie would prime them very highly 1n the time to dome. .A shortdeeoriptioe of llie Boers and their taotioe was given and Mr. i a Jaokeon took. hie seat am d„ great pplahee. Rev. Jno. Holmes was next called upon and in happy mood heartill approved of the demonstrationand expressed his pleasure at the safe return of Pte. Jack- eon to his hie relativre and friends.- He oonoluded by speaking of some of the aharaoterietioe of the true soldier. During .the evening patriotic eonge were rendered in good style by A. dlraobau, W. M. Biooleir and Jas. Jonee, Mies Jean MoLauohlin-presiding at the fano. "God save tbe Queen" was Bung with a vim and then there was a race for the platform to shake hande with Mr. Wok. eon. The hall was decorated with flags and portraits of the Queen, Bir Wilfrid Laurier and Sir John A. MacDonald.. for Pte. Juokaoo hoe not wanted audi- tors o tore wherever be goes and tells many interesting stories of the oampaigo, some of which Toe POST hopes to repeat. He intends returniog.to Toronto shortly to resume hie eit0ation whioh the firma kept for him when he enlisted over e. year ago. Be looks fine and gained over 20 pounds after he sailed from Cape Town, weigh- ing more now than at soy previous time. Bitsittess Locals. PTE. JACKSON WARMLY WELCOMED. Presented With Cold Watch and Puree by Brussels Citizens. When it was learned that Pte. Leon F. Jaokeon was en route from Booth Africa our oitizene set abont arranging. for a re. caption for our soldier boy and the happy and enthusiastic demonstration last Fri- day evening showed what a popular movement it wee. The town Band and Reception Com- mittee accompanied by the parents of the returning soldier and a numberless con. tingent al young and old met the evaniog train from Toronto and on Mr. Jaokeou making his appearance, after hearty oheere end music by the Band a proces- sion was formed and a march commenced to the Town Hall. This large building was well filled before the arrival of the guest of the evening and sardine pecking was about the style in fashion after all got in. A mighty shout went epos Pte. Jaokeon, in khaki nob. form, reached the platform. Reeve Thomson presided and after all• propriate words asked the Band for the National Anthem. Rev. Jno. Rose, B. A., spoke very fittingly in welcoming our former resident home once more after hie long voyage and eventful experiences on Afrioa'e veldt. Clerk Scott read the following address and the Reeve preeented 'Mr. Jaokeon with a haodeome gold watch and a parse of money :— To Private Leon F. Jackson. 8T4XDoIRD J34XN',f' OF C4X04D4'0 =GT.a.mp: telxe:an=x< 072, HEAD OFFICE, - T,ORQNTO O1i1aAP18TE'AL PAID UP (One Million Dallare) 01,000,000 9700,000 Agencies 170 .alt principal pointe in pntnrlo, Quebec, Manitoba, United States c1.` England, ff4017446As BIST'C . 4 General Banking Business Transaoted, Farmero' Notes Dleoonntelll,, Drafts Iasutd and oolleotions made on all pointe, SAVINGS HANK DEPARTMENT. Interest allowed on deposits of $1,00 and upwards and compounded halt yearly, Bealeela ATTENTION caveat TO T8m 0or,LauTION oY FARtigss' SALE Noose. Ryery faoillty afforded Ouetomere living at a distance, payable at any bank Issued tinder Money Drdere at the following rates ;— $10 to J. N. GORDON, Ae5NT. Howiok—Reeve-John J Gregg and W Finlay. Counoillore—Robt MoLanglrlin, Arthur Spotton, Jae A Strong, B Vogan, Jno Ttenwiok, John Montgomery, Henry Sohurter, John Spence, JObn T Wiggins, Clinton—Mayor—Thoa Jaokeon, W 0 r ounoillore—B G Plummer, le O T McKenzie, Oliver Johnston, John Bell, A J Holloway, H B. Combe, 0 Cooper, T A Walker, Thos Beaoom and John John. eton. School Trustees—H E Bodging, W O'Neil, • J W Irwin, Isaac Jackson (elected by acclamation.) Goderioh— Nominations — Mayor—W Campbell, Robt Thompson, Dudley Holmes, Jae Wilson. Counoillore—T N Lewis, J 0 Martin, G 111 Elliott, John Knox, 0 A Humber,W L Murney, Cantelon, J T Bt'ydges, T 0 Naftel, Geo Porter, Oswald Carey. School Trustees —Aoolamation—St David's Ward, Ohae Reid ; St Patrick's Ward, J H Colborne ; St George's Ward, W A McKim ; 84 Andrew's Ward, John Oraigie. Bt. Mary's—Mayor—G. D. Lawrie, (aoo.) Councillors—R. S. Graham, 0. Myers, H. F. Sharp, J. eltafford, J. A. Humphries, R. T. Gilpin, W Wisher, Dr. Smith, B. Richards, W. Oookram. Pub. lio School Trustees—North ward, T D Stanley, (coo.) ; South ward, W WiHaines, (aco.) • West ward, one year, Dr 0 F Smitb'and J Longthorne, (two years) J Howard and J. Laing. Listowel—Mayor—John Watson (aco.) Councillors -J Seaburger, Chas Ander- son, John A Hacking, R Woods, A W Featheretone,-O Poaeter, W Pelton, B Bothwell, B T Kemp, John Bamford, F W Hay, D Sanderson, Thoe. Ainley, D Marshall, R Hemphill, and H Maloney. School Trustees—J E Allen, W Steven- son, J F Wilson, L W Thompson, H B Morphy, R Stanley, J f3 Gee, John Gabel, W Bradley, J 0 Hay, 0 Deitriok and B. Seamon. Wingham—Mayor—Wm. Clegg, (cool.) Councillors—W J Greer, Geo McKenzie, Wm Holmes, Robt Malndoo, Roland Beattie, Chas McLean, Thos Bell, Geo Newton, Dr Thos Chisholm. MANITOBA dour for sale. A. 0. BAERER. GASH for butter and eggs. A. Conley. None and feed always in stook and sold at right prices. A. O. Bamen. A.'0. HAE11ER received a oar of flour this we, k and now terries four brands of Manitoba. OARPnT WEAVING.—Am prepared to at. tend to the wants of the paella in the weaving of rag oarpet. Satiefaotion as - eared. Rom. ANDERe010, Elizabeth et. I HAVE a quantity of first oleos sawn for eale at a bargain or oan exchange for saws that are not in working order. Yours for business, T. MaGnmoon, saw grimmer and filer, Brussels. WANTED—Choice Coll butter, 190 oaeh ; 22o trade. There's quite a speedy span of dark steppers that oan take even Har. old H'e measure. No. 1 Mink or Fox, $3,00. G. E. KING, Wingham. ANY one wishing saws gummed and eharpeued and made to the latest to out fest and easy oan have this work done at any time now by eaw filer, T. MoGRE- eon, at the old stand I]aet of Brueeele. HOUSEHOLD furniture,hanging lamps, stoves, &o., by private sale. May be seen any Saturday. Having sold my residence I wish to dispose of the furni- ture also. Apply to Jona Ronn, 24.4 Broseele South. Dem Sm,—We, your fellow oitizene and fellow Oanadiane, assembled here to greet you with welooming hands upon your return from South Africa where you have been etanding Shoulder to thoulder with other soldiers of the Queen, fighting for the honor of the British flag, regard this de a favorable opportunity to give expression to our ad- miration, of your patriotic participation in the battles of the Empire. We desire 1.0 place oareelvee on record tie in the higbeet degree in sympathy with the spirit which animated you inoffering ri¢ g your eervioea in South Africa, and we feel grateful' to you for the manner in whioh you havedone your duty by your flag and country, From the highest Moons.—At Ethelbert, Man., to Mr. and Mre. R. J: Moore, formerly of Wal- ton, a daughter. DANnuoom.—In Atwood, on Deo. 21, the wife of Mr. James Danbrook of a daughter. FOBREBT.—In. Atwood, ' on Deo. 24, the wife of Mr. Wm. Forrest of a dough• ter. 2AgRR292p, TAemen—MaGAVIN.—At the residence of the bride's parents, Tuokeremith, 0n Dea. 26, by Rev. A. L. Russell, Mr. Be L. L. Tasker, of Hallett, to Mise Letitia A., daughter of Mr. and Mre. Henry MaGavin, of Tnokeremith. CUuumNGs-00001IN. At theresidenoe of the bride's parents, Wallaoe, on Deo. 26, by Rev. Geo. Ballantyne, Mr. Joseph Cummings, of the Township of Grey, to Mies Mary M. Ooghlin, of Wallace: 1) APER HANGING, J1,G 00R- smnia and House Paiuting done in Workmanlike manner and on short notice, Have bad three yeare' experlen00 In city Work. Terms reason able. Give me aoell, 26. W,3, JOHNSTON, Welton, GOOD GRADE COWS WO o W T for sale, Carrying their third Cali. Ona LC naive middle of January and the ether let of April. Cash or time, whichever suite WM. BH 10,GoN, Brussels P. 0. ,Lot 18, Con, 4, Morrie. GREY BRANCH AUL.. SOCIETY. ANNUAL M- EETING. The Annual Meeting - of the Grey Branch Agricultural Society ' for the purpose of. eleoting Oinoers and Directors for the en- euing year, will be held at the Town Hall, Brussels, on Wednesday Jen, 9th, 1001, ail o'elook p.m., when an abstract of the alfalra of the Society for the past year will be laid before the moetiug. JAS. 5P101R, Prest- deut; W. li. SERB, Secretary. EAST HURON Al4L. SOtililY. ANNUAL. 'MEETING. The annual meeting of the members of the East Huron Agricultural B0010ty will be held lu the Town Hall. Brussels, on Wednes- day, January 16th, 1001, at 1 o'clock p. m.., for. the purpose of receiving and paeein s the an- nual reports, electing Officers and Dime tors and the traneaetinu of other besinoet. JAS. FERGUSON, President; D, STIIWART, Sec- retary. eo- retary NOTICE ! M05100 15 hereby - given that a By -taw was pawed by the Donnell of the Village of Brueeele, In the County of Huron, on the 10th day of December, 1900, providing for tbeiseue of debentures to the amount of 951315 72 for the purpose of paying, tempor- arily, loan for Dement sidewalks built in 1900 and that such Bylaw was regletered io the fi.egietry Office of the County of Hnroo on the 20th day of December, A.D. 1900. Any motion to quash or eat aside the same or any part thereof must be made within one' month from the date of registration and cannot be male thereafter." Dated the 22nd day of Deoember.1000. F. B. SCOTT, Olerk. Rav New Year To all our Customers, Thanking you for the patronage of 1900 we ask: a continuance of your favors for 1901, sAs. Fob. f7 BOOMED COTTAGE WITH good stable, well, &o„ for sale or to rent. Pine 10e05100. ]inquire of 21.11 JOHN WYNN, Brueeele. THREE DURHAM BULLS for sale. Cue aged Ili years and two 11 months old. Took let prize as calves and year olde at 'intonate Fair, Pedigreed etas k. Prices right, PETr1R NOBIBB2808 Lot 8, eon. 9, Grey, Brussels il. 0. rrHOBO' BRED DURHAM! L Bulls for eale, aged 1 year and 8 months, respeotively. Good animole with good pedigrees. Tile first mentioned took gad prize at Hetet Huron Pall Show. 1900 In a elan of 0. Prloee right. JAB. SPEIlt, Lot 80, 008. Q, Morris, Brussels P.O. 28 - Winter Term begins dant 2nd, 1901, • CENTRAS i M�, Com° I L til J 71...'' ' 1X P.) ,11. - , �1Ta 'IIOr ,e•(ci f J The demand made upon us during the last three years by Business Colleges for our teachers in heir schoates ols o has been exactly sions ixtrwee the Supply. This ebowe that our Reboot enjoys a superior, reputation for strictly high tirade work. Send for catalogue. W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. SCOTCH \VAREHOUSE! GARFIELD BLOCK, • BRUSSELS. JANUARY SPECIALS. ig Discount Sale " of Dress Goods, CottJns, Flannels, Flannelettes, Shirtint s, tweeds, Underwear, etc. On Thursday morning we inaugurate a Special Discount Sale. The Bargainsare not confined to any special section or particular line but every department will contribute its share towards this great sale, and in all lines advertised there will be no reserve..• Note the prices :— NOMINATION DAY, Turnberry—Reeve, Wm. Cruickshank, Wm. Messer and Gustavus Barton. Counoillore-Thos. Lovell, John Ruther- ford, Wm. Mitchell, Peter Scott, John Mosgrove, Wm. King, John Coupland and Won. Bolt. McKillop Reeve, Daniel Manley and Joseph 0. Morrison. Counoillors—Alex ander Gardiner, John G. Grieve, James O'Laughlin, Archibald McGregor and Charles Little. The four former were the old Counoil, Blowhard—Reeve—Geo Spearin and John Fotheringham.. Counoillore—E McDonald, W Gowans, A Marriott, D. Bonis, 0 W Robinson,'3 Donald. Elma—Reeve—James. Donaldson, ac. olamatlon. Councillors—Thomas Smith, Wm Wherry, Wm Octets, B 8 Rothwell, James Holmes, Samuel Boyle, Samuel Currie and R S Pelton. Blyth — Reeve — Carter and Sime. Councillors — Bloat, Emigh, Mo) lroy, MoGommins, Milne, McNally, Finnemore, Powell, Exeter—Reeve—W G Bissett, acclama- tion. Oouncillore—J Armstrong, John Evane, W H Levitt, John Muir, 0 H Sauodere a¢d Wm Harding. Kinoardino - Mayor•—G M Maoken• driok, W 3, Henry and J H Scott..: Water Commiasionere—S Henry and Walter M Deck (eco.) Counoillore—John Moffatt, W A Quinn, W Arnold, W Hunter, P Fleet, P Battelle, Dr Marlyn, W Murray, R B Roos L J Temple, B. Wood G D Morrison, R Koyworth. School True tees --H H Bennett, (apo.) for Bt. John's Ward Dr lllaOrimmon, A. 0 Washburn, L R Collins, Thos 109108, John Queues, N McPherson, a23m1:)- Hol:ntee.—In Braese's, on Deo. 30, Blira-. beth Rolleton,reliot of the late Robt. Holmee, aged 83 years and 6 months. STomms.—Io Grey, on Sunday, Deo300h, Elizabeth McQueen, beloved wife of Thoe. Stokes, aged 69 yeare, 6 months and 27 daye. THousor.—In Henfryn, on Deo 18, Har rig, infant eon of Mr. and Mre. J. H. Thomson. CoLLrns,—In Toronto, on Deo. 28, Edward H., second son of Wash. G. Collies, in hie 28rd year. .AVCTIOLT TUMMY, JAN. 22.—Farm etook at Lot 8, Con. 13, Hallett. Sale, unreserved, at 1 o'clock. L. L. Tooker, proprietor ; F. 8. Scott, auotioneer. ONE CENT A WORD COLUMN. CoA, stoves for Bale—one large and one medium in prime working order for ease at, half price. Getting furnace in house—no use for etovea. J. D.BONALD. Bruno, open face watch, with Waltham movement, key wind, lost at the G. T. depot, Brunets. on August12, 1000. A suit- able reward will bepaid for its early re- turn to THE Pea, Brussels, THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. GOOD FARM HAND WANT - BD at once by the year, D. MoKEN- SIE, Lot 18, 000,18, Grey, Walton P, 0.. COMFORTABLE, WELL lighted and convenient rooms to het in toe Leckie blook over 0. A. Dead an's and Mro. Bogen' etoreo. Apply' to F. S. SCOTT. mIMBER FOR SALE.—A. FEW -L nares of standing hardwood, suitable for either stove or cordwood for sale. Bold in quantities to suit purohusers, JAS. BMILLIE, Lot 0, Goo. 18, Groy,o W alton P. 0. CtTRA'YED ON THE FRED/I- L, rens of the Undersigned, Lot 80, Con. 18, Grey, an aged ram. The owneri0 roqueat. ed to prove property, pito mimeos and take the animal away. JNO,MoNAUGKT, 20.4 Mo node P.0, 'WARM FOR OL1G SO e. Morris, I OFFER FF i R ing of 100. doroe, more Or loan, 01 cleared, GO mores seeded low u,80 tome Pan on had 8 sores in rwheat. Bora00E70, with atone underneath. do tb. Also dwelling house, Poto000os to enht n ar% For further Portlab apply o0 the pxeaeethe proprietor, Prim) and terms neanonable.ad. T1108.0l, 3011111183, Wingham P,O, Underwear. 5 doz Men's Scotch Wool Shirts and Drawers, regular price $1 60, eale prioe $1 00 8 11 " 41 41 1 26 " 76 15 11 11 " Fleece Lined " 95 " 85 12 Union" " 50 It 24 an'N 18 doz Ladies' Hygeieste and Drawers '' 60 1688 4 11 44 , 75 " 50 10 dos Boye' Shirts and Drawere at } price. 6 Men's Furnishings. 10 dozen Men's Linen Oollare, regular price 15o & 20o, sale prioe 10e b dozen Men's Ties, a 26o do 60o " 10e 4 dozen pairs Men's Gloves, $1 .60 " 91 16 5 41„ ” 1 26 "' 85o 6 " Suspenders, " 40o 8 600 " 25a' 8 " Boys' Suspenders, " 200 " 10o Handkerchiefs, Searle, Mittens and Box at out to clear. Two lines of Men'e readyto•wear Pante, were $1.25 and $1,60, special for this week at 850 and $1.15. Shoes. Men's Fine Shoes, regular prioe $2 00 sale,price 91 35 " 175 " 100' Men's Rubber Boots, beet quality " 8 26 " 2 98 600 pairs of Ladies and Mimes Fine Shoes to clear at 7A pride. All of oar Sox, Rubbers and Overshoes at Cost Price. Three Specials. —Ladies' Jackets for $2,00, worth $5, $6 and 19 each. -Groceries at Wholesale Prices to clear. —Crockery at Wholesale Prices to clear. Shop early and secure some of these Bargains THE SCOTCH WAR.EHOUSE