HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1901-1-3, Page 5AN, S, 1991 BUSINESS CARDS. MONEX TO LOAN AT 5 nu4-T.L net. F. e, SOOTT, Brunele, I?, IY.foO.11r,„OI'fEN Issuer of Marriage /AMMO, Of. Sou at Grocery, Turnberry rtreet, 13rimful9. N. BARRETT.- ToneO !al Artist Sh >- ' North of the Stundnrd 13'000.of 400.xtt fico' 071 (mod.. hair Duffing a epeolalty, T1 RMS FOR TALE --THE UN. pnnero1no late several good Emma ler Balo and to rant, easy terve In TPownehipe of olcrrls and Groy, It S„ SOUTT,Brussele M. MORRISON, Issuer of' Marriage Licenses, WALTON, ONT. MISS JEAN M"LAUCHLIN, -'rEAQIIER OF - PIANO AND - ORGAN. 63re'v'SM=ITJS, .oNT.. ROBERT CUNNINGHAM- 114001801300, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH. MISS SARAH LOUISE MOORE, L.. C. M., Aoadeniioraduate of London Oo e tory of Kurile, also Member of the Assooi t0. ed Mnsiolano of Ontario, is Prepared to receive a limited number of pupils for instruction on the piano. Qualifiedto prepare pupils for the Principal's Form in the Conservatory of Music. Brussels, Oratorio. ALEX. BUNTER - Clerk of the Fourth Division Courb, Co. Huron; Conveyancer, Notary Publta, Land, Loan and Insurance Agent; Auction- eer. Fands invested and to loan. Collec- tions made. Office in Grabarn'f Blook,Brue- eels. AUCTIONEERS. FS. SCOTT AS AN AUCTION- • BER, will Bell for better prices, to bettor men, in lase time and lege charges than any other Auctioneer In Boot Huron or he won't charge anything. Dater' and orders can always be arranged at this omoo or by personal application. DENTISTRY F. W. TWEDDLE, (POnMERLY ON sneronTa1) DENTIST, Graduate of It. 0. D S„ Toronto ; Post Grad- uate course at Haskel's School, Chicago, in moth and bridge work, t3Prlcee same as 7n surrounding towns, 21• Mee over A.R. Bmith'e store, Brussel& VETERINARY. D. WARW10K- J• Honor G,ndua:e of the Ontario Vet- erinary College, is prepared to treat all die - eases of domesticated animals .in a oompot- mit manner. Portithlar attention paid to Veterinary Dentistry. Calls promptly at- tended to. Oahe and Infirmary -Four doors North of bridge, Turnberry e4., Brussels. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. VVM. SINCLAIR- • Barrister, Solidit0r, 'Conveyancer, Notary Public, &0. teWarBIOOk 1 door NnrtU of Central Hotel. Bolloitor for the Standard Bank. G• F. BLAIR, BARRISTER, Solicitor, &o. Office over Stand- ard Dank. Solicitor for Village of Brunele, Mousy to Loan at lowest rates. Aiir G. CAMERON- . (Formerly of Cameron, Holt & Cameron) Barrister and Solicitor, Goderiob Ont. 011loe-Hamilton street, opposite Col- borne Hotel. MEDICAL CARDS. J. A. M'NAUGHTON, M. D., C. 28., Trinity Uuivereity, Fellow Trinity Medical College, Member College of Physicians and Surgeons, Out. Licentiate of the Royal Col- lege of Physioione and Licentiate of Mid - lei tory, Edinburgh. tsTe1ophove 140,14. Residence -Mill street, Brussels. Important to Breeders 00(1,E07000100. Eureka rinary Caustic Balsam. Vete A reliable and speedy remedy for .•e• Curbs, Splints, Spavins, Sweeney, r 7 etc., ote.,in •l Horsoe and ` ,l Lump Jaw ,i..,:.\- SSSan y in Cattle, TRADE OIAnx --"See pamph- let whieh accompanies oyery bottle, giving scientific treatment fu the various dieeseee.' 1 1 can be used in every case of veterinary preotloe where stimulating applications and blietere are proscribed. It has no 00rOnron. Everybottle sold is guaranteed botte eco' t satis- faction. g 1v e s t, druggis Price o 7Sotau per bostortle.ekeepers, bold by all pared and on 100j3 store keenere, Pre• cparo) by TnE EUREKA VETERINARY htEDICINE COMPANY, London, Ont. McLEOD'S System nenovator -AND 0Tn811- TESTED REMED, 1Fb SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE For Impure, Weak and Impoverished Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleepleeenese, Palpita. tion of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Near• algia, Lose of Memory, Brouchitie, Con. sunaption, Gall Stones,Jaundice Kidney and Urinary DiseaeesSt. Vitus' Donee, ' Female Irregularities and General De. bility. LABORATORY, GODERiCH, ONT. r. M. MCLEOD, Prop. and Mnnufaoturer. Sold by Jas, Fox, Druggist, 11Craesel1 The noes Listowel College, r Ontario EQUAL TO ANY IN ONTARIO. A thorough, complete and preetioal trains ing in all bradohoe of Oommereial work, at aoueidorably lend than regular raise. For full information apply 1116011016 of College 000r/'est °tare, L. HARTT, LIS'1'Oww., PRINCIPAL. illistritt kittrts, W1fl4Iiittn. Bell's and Button & Ferment's taotories are oloeed dowel for the holidays. Mies Carrie Maedenald is home from 'Varsity, Turooto, for her holidaye. Mise Maggie Macdonald has returned after oponding the poet six menthe with Mende in Vancouver, B, C. The Bylaw to lend 'Galt & Bullook 317,000 to eotablieh a braes foundry in Wingbam was carried by the ratepayers by a vote of 332 to 4. Each of the married men in the Union furniture factory { Button & Ferment's factory and in Chepman'e glove factory were presented with a Chriotmae turkey. Swans & Dore, of the Wingham Our• riage tVorke are very busy at present and their workmen are compelled to work at nights in order to keep up with the rush. Tbe firm shipped eleven rigs to the Soo. A happy event took place at the home of Wm, Martin, Bluevale road, on Wed nudity evening. Deo. 19111, when late daughter, Mite Maud, was married to Jae. Henderson, also of the Blaevsle road. The ceremony wag performed by Rev. D. Perris in the p'eeedoe of a number of invited gueete. At a regular meeting of Wingbam Lodge, No, 186, A. 0. U. W., the follow. ing officers were eleotod for the enuring year ;-Master Workman, A. H. Mue grove ; Foreman, Robt. Allen ; Overseer, B. Vanetone ; Recorder, R. Vanetone ; Financier, H. 0. Bell ; Receiver, C. N. Griffin ; Guide, Jno. Cummioge ; Inside Watch, Robt. Weir ; Outside Watch, Jno. Huffman ; Rep. to Grand Lodge, J. E. Tamlyu ; Alternate, E. C. Clarke. A.tow ooli, W. T. Hollis, obeeeemaker, of Hay Bay, is here for the Winter months. Mre. Arthur Robb had the miefortuue to fall and break her ankle severely. Wellwood Wynn, eon of Arthur Wynn, of Newry, ie home from Neepawa, Muni• tobo, on a holiday trip. Remember the Farmers' Institute meetings to be held in Atwood on Jan. 8113, and Miilbank on Jan. 9th. The famous Canadian Jubilee Singers will give an entertainment in the Metbo. diet ohurah, Atwood, on Thursday, Jan. 8rd. John A. Johnston, who was learning watohmuking_in Toronto for the past two menthe, returned home for the Xmae holidaye. At the school trustee election R. M. Ballantyne was elected a trustee for the ensuing three years. The other two are W. H. Jolly and Wm. Blair, The Canadian Foresters held their annual oyster •upper last week in the Town Hall. As usual a very enjoyable time wag spent by the brethren and their lady friends. Fred. Collins, for some years engaged in mining at Roseland, B. A., is home for Winter. He has been quite s000eee. ful, and owns a large number of shares in some of the Slooau minae. George Strother, or., had the good luck to shoot a bear one day, some two miles Eaet of Modkton, near the boundary. Bruin was a yoddgeter evidently, as it weighed only about 160 pounds. L. Peltou received word tbst his brother John, of San Joee, Oal., formerly of Wingham, ie hopeleeely affiioted with noon of the stomaob. The doctors bold out no hope whatever of hie recovery. The Bee editor has received tbe gad intelligence that both his mother and Dia. ter Bertha are seriously ill of typhoid fever in the Woodstock hospital. Some four weals ago his father died of the same disease. His brother, Arthur E., ie making progress toward recovery. Mre, D. G. Anderson is waiting upon the latter. Mr. Anderson left for Inuerkip. It Girdles the Globe. The fame of Baoklen'e Arntoa Salve aa the best in the world, extends round the earth. It's the one perfeot healer for cute, Borne, burns, braises, sores, eoalde, bolls, ulcera, felons, aches, pains and all akin eruptions. Only infallible pile pure. 95a a dox at G. A. Deadman'o drug store, Teistow el. George Loree, of Goderiob, hag taken a situation with tbe Morrie Piano Go. The Methodist Church unanimously decided to hold epeeist eervioee for the three weeks beginning January the 7th. Benj. Bothwell, jr„ is home for the holidays from Winnipeg, where he ie taking a graduating course at the Uoiver• airy, The BeP tier Church in town will bold its anniversary eerviaes on Sunday, Jan. 18th. Rev. B. W. Merrell, of Guelph, will preach the anniversary eermou0. Three of the employees of the Knetobel Furniture Co., whose facloty was des. tinged by fire have been engaged by the Listowel I Chair Co. Theyere e eaP erE panda. At the Nomination for Division No, 1, including Walleoewed Listowel, held at Gowanetown on Monday of Net week, T. E. Hay, Geo. V. Poole and R. T. Kemp were nominated for County Oounoillors. Alex. Kennedy was Cleo nominated, but declined to Blend, As only two earl be eleoled ao p II will bo held, and the oleo. tion will take plane on the 7113 of Janu• ary, at the same time se the Municipal elections. Wednesday evening Deo. 26th, an ex. oeedingly pleaeant time WAS spent at the home of 3. and Mre. Seberger, it being the anniversary of their wedding. About forty of the'•happy couple's" friends eat down to a magnificent a t ad which e g P wa not only highly appreciated by than pros• act, but wag a credit to Mrs, &burger and her daughters, who prepared it, When the clothe had been removed, Obarlee Anacreon was palled upon to occupy the chair, when an impromptu program, consisting of speeohee, singing and recitations, was rendered in a very pleasing matinee, and tnauy were the panegyric attera1OBO in reference to mine THE flZULJSSEL S T 5 hoot and hostess. At a reasenab'e hour the program watt brought 4/ a elm by 0ingteg the Natlonsl Anthem, and the benediotien being prtononnoed ley Rev, F, R, Mayen. Following ere the o0loere eleotod io the A, O. U, W. lodge, No, 199, for 1900 ; Geo. Stratb, M, W,; B, A. Adolph, Fere- man ; Wm. Fritohley, Overseer ; W. E. Blaring, Recorder; Wm, Bradley, Fin. ancien ; J. W. Bmott, Receiver t 8, Dar. rant, Quide •, Mark Mimeo, I. 1V, ; B. F. Gibson, 0. W. ; Medioal Examiners, Drs, Philp and Tbompeon ; Representative to Grand 'Lodge, Gee. Strath ; Alternate, Lewis Bolton ; Trustee for 3 yearn, .3ea4herotone. The Lodge ie in a flonrieh• ing condition, numbering 121 members, itol, Bagoon Reeops.-Jr Dept, Jr I -L Henry, E Dunbar, J Cooper, R Witbee, W Eokmier, I Heath, V Pearson, Sr I -.0 Heneuld, A Cooper, R Eokmier, H Eoltmier, J Pearson, G Badgley, R Fra- ser, W Barr, V McLeod, A F etober. Pt II -le Imlay, L Cooper, N McAllister, G McAllister, P Bremner, E Oober, J Mo. Callum, 13 Bateman. Jr II -I Sharpe, E Eokmier, 11 McLeod, M Slemmon, D Wanner, M Cameron, W Pearson. Sr 1I -B Eckrnier, M Imlay, N Simpson, L Chambers, l3 Wilbee, I Hogarth, T Mo. Allister, E Freeman, 0 Cameron, M Pbompeon, M McCallum, T Bober, L Eokmier, H i Coates. ea M. U. Calder, Teaoher.oats . M A Deep mystery. It is a mystery why women endure backeehe, headache, Nervoueneee, Sleep leeeneee, melancholy, fainting and dizzy epelle when thousands have proved that Electrio Bitters will quickly core such troubles. "I Buffered for years with kid- ney trouble," writes Mrs. Phebe Cherley, of Peterson, Ia., "and a lame back pain• ed me eo 1 ouuld not dress myself, but Electric Bitters wholly oared me, and, although 73 years old. I am now able to do ell my housework." It overcomes aonetipation, improves appetite, gine perfeot health. Only 50e at (3. A. Dead• man's drug store. W rex eLer% Mao Belden, of Listowel, spent Xmae with Mre, T. F. Miller, Tbue. Appleby, Turnberry visited hie parents our Christmas day. George Brown, of Ottawa, was home to eee hie mother on Chriatmae. Mre. Daniels, of Preston, was 018114ng Mre. Tboe. Henry, 4th of Howiak. Howard Snell, of Toronto, was the guest of her sister, Mre. T. F. Miller. Misses Jessie and Maggie Robertson were holidaying with friends in Bluevale. ,PTwo loade of young people tweet to Salem Xmae Tree Entertainment ou Monday evening of lest week. Mr, and Mre, Belden, of Toronto, and Mre. Tipling, of Goderiob, were visiting Mre. T. F. Miller on Christmas. Fred, Vogt, of Detroit, was the guest of his parents at Christmas. The climate appears to agree with Fred, ache looke well, Robert Miller should" be eleoled next Monday lie Co. Councilllor, He attends carefully to hie work and the intonate of Division No. 8. Mts. Daniela and children, of Preston, were the guests of Mre. T. Pitmen, her eieter, on Christmas, Owing to press of badness Mr. Daniels watt unable to Dome. The Methodist Sooday Sobool Enter. Merriment held ou Friday evening of last week wily a aoocees in every respect. The selections were good, Among the many presents that were on the Xmas tree was a silk dress from Buffalo for ono of the children. Thos u Those present pronounced it an A. 1, entertainment, Proceeds were $25,30. Co, COUNCILLORS NOMINATED. - Wm. Weir was nominated for Abe officio of Co, Councillor for this District. When on the platform be objected to we item grant. ed by the County Counoil for the Huron Old Boys' demonstration at Goderiob. S. Ferguson was the second candidate. He tonohed on a few items and declared himself a Candidate having always taken an intereet in Council work. Robert Miller, late member of the Co. Counoil, took the platform and gave a rebeareal of the county standing. A number of quee. bone were put wbiob Mr. Miller answer. ed. He appears to be well informed on Co. Council mattere and delivered his epeeoh, in an able manner. Andrew Doig declared himself a candidate and would do the best he weld if elected. John Stewart was nominated and after thank. ing his mover and seconder otated that be was not in the field but found fault with the committee on the House of Refuge. B. S. Cook gave the closing addreoe thanking the eleotore for their confidence and stating that be was retiring. G ode rioh. Lester Robertson, formerly of Gode. Hob, was successful in the repent exam. illation of the College of Pharmacy. J. P. Brown has Bold his agricultural implement bueinese to Robt. Smith, late of Toronto, who bas moved to town with his family. Wm, Mamie!, formerly of Benmiller, has parobaeed the Sanford tannery from Major Beak, and will parry on the bugle nese atter the fret of January. Rev. Father West was presented with auree of money on Obrietmaa Dayb the Young Ladies' Sodality of St. Peter's (March, which was ranch appreciated, A maven-month•old calf raised by Stew. art MoDougall, of Porter's Hill, furnish- ed a portion of tbe Christmas display at Wm, Andrew's butober shop, It dressed 400 pomade. Phe town Counoil ingivingopportunity for a vote on tbe now question, and every voter who wiebes to keep oar streets clean ehoald po I hie vote to abut tbe coven 0p, The, Goderiob Organ Co. distributed Oltrietmae cheer among their eighty or more employoee in a eubetential manner, Eaoh of the older employee,, to the number of fifty, about Saturday o y, on SAEu day night received a turkey of generoue proportions and the younger heads eaoh received 75 nests in Dash. D. D. Sallows has been notified by the Wilkeebarre, Pa„ Wherein -tau that he has been awarded the third prize, 36 00, in a photographic oompotition conducted by that journal. The decision was given by the readers of the paper, who voted for the piettme of their ohoiee. The photo. graph which won this prize wee Ike end. get picture, entitled "Just art the Son Went Down," which has been eo much admired ever einoe Mr. Bellows modem ed it. In the Metropolitan Magazine for January to a piolnre taken by R. R. Sal. lowe of ono of Mr, Warnock's mammoth squashes, in which Mr. Warnock's five• year.old daughter is eneooneed, with her head appearing above the hollowed ohell of the Mg vegetable, It mak05 43 nnigqa pioture, Goderiob leaped soddenly Item the ordinary boelaeoe life to that. of holiday attire when the humming train arrived with our hero from Africa, Austin Ohio. holm of the first Canadian contingent, An immense oonoonr00 of oitioana ae. eombvod at the station, The town bond led the proeeosion, and the Collegiate In. statute Cadets formed a guard of honor. While the young soldier was being Crane. (erred from the train to the Mayor's oar. rl, bells we wereago0ending fandorth,histles notes of et rejoloingverytone, Plage were in ovidenoe ovorywhere, guns boomed in ell parte of the town end even en 01d eann00 from the Oilmen, that bad Membered for half a century gave vent to the general reoperate of joy and merry. making. It looked as if the entire pope. ;anon had turned out when the pronely. Ilion took marching form to the court boase, headed by the band. The Mayor and Coupon followed in oarriates with our hero, Otliutale (+onduoted Private Chisholm to the platform, where so ad- dress of welcome was read by the Mayor to which the young soldier made reply in a very neat, manly epeeoh. Judge Doyle, Hon. J. T. Gerrow, Jae. Mitchell, M. 0, Cameron and Col, Varooe all delivered eloquent orations, referring to the war in South Africa and the part our oogntry took it I' 01) in All the a eakere pointed with pride to tbe feet that Private Chisholm took part in nearly every engagement, and although often re the tore front of battle, had escaped without a wound. The oi,izsne showed their appreciation of the many descriptive lettere Private Ohieholm Bent for publication during his eojonrn, and preparations:are completed for a oonoert i0 his honor at an early day when aa1) h deome presentation will be made. Thousands Sent Into Exile' Every year a large number of our poor sufferers, whose lunge are ears and rack- ed with ooaghe are urged to go to another climate. But this ie costly and net always sura, Don't be an exile when Dr. King's New Dieoovery for Consumption will mare you at home. It ie the moot infallible medicine for aougbe, oolde, and all throat and lung dieeseee on earth. Tbe first doee brings relief. Astounding cures result from persistent use. Trial bottles free at G. A. Dead. eran'e drug store. Pride 60e and 31.00. Every bottle guaranteed. Substitution is the Fraud of the Day. Dome Druggists Will Not Try To S.ebsll. lute Anything. For Dr. Pitcher's Back- ache Kidney Tablete Because They Know more Abort The Local Testi- mony Ot' People In Brussels Cured By The Iledlchre. Wilber Baker, tinsmith, Turnberry St., Brussels, Bayo, -"Some time ago I had a severe baokaohe or lumbago, eo palled, due to a sold that settled in the small of the beak and bothered me in moving dot a little. I seamed a bottle of Dr. Pitoher'e Baokaobe Kidney Tab. lets et the drug store of Jae. Fox and am glad to say lass than the one bottle stop. ped all the ooreneee and pejo, I have bad no return eines using them." Robert Menziee, William St., Broeeele, Bayo, -"Some time ago I contracted a heavy cold and it settled in my bank. The pair) and ooreneee wee eo great I n 0 old notP ❑ t oneh my lye 0 or bend over, the kidney showed trouble. I got a bot• tlo of Dr. Pitoher'e Baokaobe Kidney Tablets et Jae. Fox's drug store and be. fore 6 bad taken one ball the bottle I was well but finished the bottle to be Bore. I have had no trouble since, a8 eonnd as can be and oadnet say too ranch for the medicine. Thee is the only medioine that ever did me any good." Ie you have the slightest symptom of Kidney or Bladder trouble, you can teat this great medicine free. Arrangements have been made whereby every reader of this paper can obtain a trial package of Dr. Pitcher's Backache Sidney Tablets absolutelyfree by enoloeidg two caul stampfor postage to The Pitcher's Tab. let Go., Toronto, Ont. When giving ad. dress mention this paper. If you are convinced Pitcher's Tablets are what you want, you can purchase regular eine for 50 acute per bottle. If not obtainable at draggiet'e, mailed free of postage on receipt of price. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE -OF- Valuable Farin Property let the Township or Groy, In the Comity of Huron. Pursuant to the authority vested fu the undersigned, as Adm iniotratrix of the estate of James Travis, lata of the Township of Grey, Farmer, deceaeod, and with the con- sent and approval of John Hoskin, Esq., Official Guardian, there will be offered for Bale by Public Auction at HENRY'S HfTEL 1N 1'13E VILLAGE OF E4'HEL, on Frklay', the 11111 day or January, A T„ 1901, at the hour of l o'clock in the afternoon, by Scott, Auctioneer, the follow farm F. B. t nu r o in t m g r1) t P reel number noconsisting p pot tl a n o lot the North halt of Lot 26 in the fifty conces- sion as- clon of cleared To 00001 of Groy, fifty brat sl. Clea soil and In Boa state of orals abo t 20 n r es is a good clay plowing gohon Tb On spar. eelother ofFall bah darn. 0 this par. Del theta bI a good hank born GO x GO with atone g stabling frame in a flood state of repair. Also a good Prams I house suitable for Ino or har Ile and term, st toemail orehard of tau tr e good. failing spring. The nonce are rainy good. Parcel bomber two coreipte of the the saidaTowneliip fifty 26 in the end soloed Meer - ed and In good stale of cultivation. The soil a 010yloam, On this parcel there is a good bank barn 00 x GG 1 a log house and a good orchard of about one acre. The footles are fairly good, Both parcels aro well suit- ed for rafted farming, They aro eaoh about 24 miles from tho thriving ng Village of Ethel and about Tiro miles from the No.1 of Bruold is Terms of rale t 0ePaol 200. win five pe cent. Ito a mortgage for ase t 0 et flue per flout. Parcel No.2 to a lanae there- of for two years ata rental of $100,00 0 year, purchaser to receive an aaeignment of lease, Ten per cent of the peroha00 money on the day of sale to the Vendor or her solicitor and tbo balance of the purobane money within thirty days thereafter without inter- est,700000se money to be paid luta the Canadian Bank of om o e at Toronto to joint credit of Ad Immediate possession and Oiorlel No.Gua0110 w Imm000 o01pol of parcel enbDuo o said given and of panel ;No, two e offered 01) baod lease, Tho lands It 0. bner . bloc, rO a panels a to esub. toe. The property yor l t r offeredaslays loot to n reserve bid. For Luther particulars apply to the Apotloneer, F, S, Scott, or to t 'Vendor or or her 3.014 14 ELIE ABE' H GA YNE11, Adminletratrix, G, F.13LL1R, Solio(,',or for Admiutotratrlx. Dated the 241h day of Deoombor, A, D, 1000, REAL ESTATE. POP, c'ALP, - A BEAUTIFUL 1101!1„ 0a Qeepn atreot, faratelipd Ok wlth6nl, ata bargain. Ap lY to 111,14(11 OAMPlsBLL, Iituoeoie, 001) FARM Or 1424 AWRES for sale, being Lot 28, Qon, 7, (key, hWIN suitable for two families if required, School house, eburatl and partol the Village of Ethel ea part of the lot. Apply to sour; 00Bt11t,Ethel Qarrlaee Works, 2t. Tj1ARM FOR SALE, -BEING L Lot 0,don, 12 Grey,containing agree, God stook orr ven Pa. - oo frame house and bank burn; two good rvelle1 eight sores of Fall wheat and. laud 011 in a good state of cultivation. For ppartioulare applyy to JOHN M4*'ADDEN, 28.11 Brussels F, 0, 1'QR SALE IN ETHEL VIL- LAOS, -The property of the late John 011iott, oousttting of a 0011d brink house with Imine kitchen and woodshed, good and •1 Core of land all fu Bret -class condition, If not sold will be rented. Pos. Ooeoion at any time. For pa, Oculars apply f0 WtI, SPENDS, Ethel; ALltx, PATTERSON Galt; orl>n, MoKELver, Alt. Forest. 21)11 Pi IRST • CLASS FARM FOR SALE, -Lot 17, Don.. e, Township of Grey. 100 moms more or less. Sitio 1a 4t miles from Brussels and 2 miles from village of Ethel. All cleared excepting 5 flares of hardwood bush. Buildings and !entree in good repair. Good wells. All. Rall plowing done. Price and lid terms ofm t 00 a plication to W. M. BINOLAIItQn p 20.41 Barrister, &o„ Brussels. FARM FOR SALE, -I50 ACRES Consisting of the South i and South t of the North t of Lot 0O, Con 2, East Wawa, nosh. 't'b,e is an excellent stook farm, being well supplied with good spring water. 11 is situated about 8 mites from the thriving Vil- lage of Blyth. A large part of it, Is under grass. Buildings and fences are io u fair state of repair. Ens ter n (Y mi nof 10 will U1 giv-11 For all B l AIR, Itarr, apply,r1) 11 -ti G. F. BLAIR, Barrister, Brothels. ARMS FOR SALE. - 100 acres in the Township of Hawick, be. fog Lots 15 and 16, Con. 0 ; 80 mama lire aliened and 20 agree in bush ; bank barn with atone stabling underneath ; and frame house with cellar. A good thriving orchard. Farm is situated 9 miles from Wroxeter. Also 60 Berea in the Township of Turnberry, being North Half of Lot 7, Con. A ; 30 acres in grass, 20 aches of bush ; frame barn and log house ; a good spring. For further par- ticulars apply to ALE/I. BMW?, 21-4m Wroxeter P, 0. Patents Guaranteed. Our foe returned if we fail. Any one send- ing kebab and description of any invention will promptly receive our opinion free con - frothing the patentability of same. "How to obtain a patent" sent upon request. Pat - ante secured through us advertised for sale at our expense. Patents taken out through us receive SPECIAL NOT00E, without charge, in T„E PATENT RECORD, an illnetrated and widely circulated journal, consulted by Man- utaoturere and Investors, Send for sample copy FNMA. Address VICTOR J. EVANS & Co., (Patent Attorneys,) Evans Building, Washington, D, C. Sleighs AND Cutters If you want good valve fur year money in Sleighs or Cotters call at Juha Wynn's Carriage Shop, Brus. eels, I have A. Large Stock on hand to select from. No better elan of work in town, a d all the time you want to pay fand what you buy. JOHN WYNN. SHINGLES British Columbia Iced Cedar Shingles AND -- North Shore Pine and Cedar FOR SALE AT THE Brussels Planing Mills Also Doors and Sash of all Pat terns on hand or made to order at Short Notice, Estimates Furniohed for all kinds of Buildings. Workman. ship and Material Guaranteed. P. AMENT. CROKONOLE Is a fine game for the long evenings. A fine lot of boards received at The Post Bookstore Will be sold at Low Prices. -e) McKinnon CASH CHRISTMAS GIFTS cT ......: ! 1 1 U4 t It ie eom0Eimee difficult to decide what to give as a Christmas preeent, Below we quote a number or 4rtieles which will make useful and appropriate presents for young or old. Our Moak wee never in better ebapo for the Christmas trade than at planet, but as one space is limited we owl only mention a few articles in each department. Blaok Our Caparinen, high storm Dollar, $2.95 ; Astrachan Caporiaee, high storm golfer, $6; Combination Oaperiuee,a040000an and eleotrioreal, high collar, 2 beads and 10 tails, very etylieh, $16 ; Fee Ruff'%, in black and brown, at 760., $1.00, 31,60 and 32 00 ; Fur Ruffs, rook martin and ehinohella, $1 35, $1,76, 32 00 and $2.60 t Ladies' Meek and grey invite. tion aatraohan Gauntlets, 76o,, 900. and $1.00 ; Mieeea' grey 140tra0llan Gauntlets at 50e. ; Meo'e Shh MuSfere, 25o., 600., 760. and $1,00 ; Meu'e Ties, lour•ilt-hand, a nice range of colors, 25o., 86e. and 60a, ; Men'% Tree; dowing ends, pore etik, 600, and 75e, ; Menet Neok Smarts, light and dark eaters, 26o., 35o., 60-5, and 76e, ; Men's Sl111 Tiee, assorted oolore, regular. 200., 2 for 260. ; Men't lined KW Gloves, dome faelening, regular 75o,, for 60e. ; Menet floe Mocha Gloves, wool and silk lined, 750., $11 31.25 and $1.50; Men'e'Panay Braces, one pair in a box, a nice present, SOc, ; Coatis Ion Covers, a large assortment, in tapestry and hand painted, 40o., 4320. and 760. l Fine Applique Sideboard Drapes and Dresser, Covers, 26o,, BSD., 00a. and5" 7 a, ; D'Oyliea and Centre Pieces, in new designs, 6a., 10a., 160. and 250. ; Ladies' Shetland Floes Fascinators. in pink, white and blue, $1'; Ladiee' Kid Gloves, gusset fingers, 2 dotne fasteners, in all the new colors, 60e, 750, $1 and $125. i++. pp1 VlI t,, tl C, WISHING ALL A Very Happy Christ- mas, a Bright and Pros- perous New Year, and extending a cordial in- vitation to all our Cus- tomers and Friends to visit us often before the close of the year, We remain, Yours Faithfully, A. Strachan. P. S. -January Designers, Patterns and Fashion Sheets have arrived. AlluonuceJelltti 1Dti And then if yon require any of the following linea (which yon undoubtedly must) it will be to your interest to oall and see our goods as we are in a position to offer you the best obtainable on the market at the very lowest possible prices. Here are eome of them :- -Highest Grade British Columbia Salmon at 13o per can. - Special lines of Blue Ribbon Ceylon Tea se rednoed prioee, -Cold Blast Lanterns al 75a. - Call and see our Lampe just arrived from Montreal at prices from 20a to $2 -the greatest bargains of the day. Iu our Boot and Shoe Department you will find everything op -to date and at the very lowest prices ever quoted :- -Ladies' Fine Shoes from 25a up. -Med'e Fine Shoes from 90o to $3.00. -We have in stook the very latest in Men's Leather Leggings. -We also carry a well assorted line of the Celebrated Granby Rubbers and Overshoes at the very lowest prides. Me -Bring on your Butter, Egge and Fowl. You will get the beet valve for them you ever received. W. INNES, Jamestown, XXzrzxxxg XX XX We11®FDR e11-Slin $ g y a Cv ly 0 IGith m M They need ,good, strong, warm shoes - s n0 paper Z72 the soles, nothing; but solid leather and honest stitchin d. Our school shoes are neat. They e,/ Iireep their shade. They please the parents because they wear so well. DOWNING BROS. 14 20c xxxxxx,xxxxxxx14 rl_. rl .- lMtiit@011it-