HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1900-12-27, Page 8TIIEUSS,EUd3 OI3T.
Wilitor Tom »00 ht, 2Acl, ra+1210110 042:tatiian. 313.1;4100 Singers
A. trotfordl,,Ovit
The demand made upon 00 Mating the last
three years ,by huatose enfilogee for our
•graduatee to Mire positione as teaohers in
their aohoole leo bee0 exactly six times the
• supply. Thieellowe that our Bohol enioye
operior roputetion for raelotle 1110
• grade 'week, fiend for otalogue.
W. S. ELLIOTT, Prindipia.
Letter from Rev, G. Howie.
My deer friends ond fellow Chrietiane,
—1i. letter dated Ayril 16th, enolosing a
draft for 090 00 has been delivered to ne
here in Darnasoue. This sum of 490 00
has apparently bon received by Mho Mc-
Arthur aim 000. 1899 and is made up of
sales of flower cards and photo which
some of yon hove kindly sold and we
would be glad to fiend rriore cards of
preseed flowers and photo to any who
may kindly signify a willingness to try
and Bell them in the interest of our evan-
gelistic) work here.
This letter le being written in Damas•
oue wbioh David garrisoned and from
veinal Poul fled, 01 Sam 8:6, Acte 9, and
wbioh the armlets of Mohammed 42,80013.
edin blood on many 000ssions, especially
in the year 635 A. D., and in the year
• 1800, A. D., and as we write this letter
we aro being interrupted by the voices of
the Muezzin who from the heights of
minarets about 100 feet high, are at this
moment proclaiming in our actual bear-
ing their deed, "There is no God but God
and that Mohammed is 1130 Apostle of
God," an eternal truth and a stupid lie.
tion proolaimed at the same time by the
Babas preaohers from the same heights
above oe and round about as. This truth
and this fiction are on the lips of every
Mohammedan nearly every hour of the
day and 5 times in the 24 hours are pro.
o aimed from minarets (high eteeplee or
tomere) by the offieiale of Blobammedan
Roreover, they are intolerant of
any doetrine wbioh does not assume
Bleharnmet,s supremacy and sometimes
tont to burning and bloodshed in en-
forcing their creed. Yesterday, while
addressing a mixed audience and to me
unkpown, a half frightened Christian
whispered in English tient there were
filehomtnedans present. I cold alter
nJ eouree very little. Trim, I omitted
ail referenoe to Mohammed 133 name and
o mid only insist that in Christ alone
rear and peaoe are possible. Blohern-
me lane do not banish Christ altogetbet.
They admit that he is a good man and a
great Prophet, so much so that on one
ocasion 48 woman half taunting me ask
erl if 1 believed I had a monopoly of
Chriet. "No moll thing, thank God," I
said. Christ's love is boundless as his
power. He said "Come unto me all ye
ch." The Jewe have no power to kill
anybody now here The Mohammedans
do not persecute me and the Greeks are
willing to hear me. Therefore I hope
you will not only excuse me but oleo
eympathise with and help me in my
mad efforts to remain in this eonntry
and preach the goepei of the Grace of
God. Indeed, I am profoundly persuad
ed that every Christian who loos the
truth of my circumstances and that of
the field here would hardly wieb 018
to return to Canada and leave a field
here so ready for harvest.
We are living in lodgings here and
tie beat and many other inoonviences
p48000t us from writing more individuol
letters and more details. We have no
table in this room (and no bedstead).
Mrs. Howie is writing this letter cm a
copy of the Methodist Magazine wbioh
eats on her lap. We hope to return to
our usual headvartere in Sbweir on or
about Dominion Day and we hope,God
willing, to eend you tr. more detaild re.
port of our sojourn in the city of Nauman
the leper. Again we say "God bless
you" and with the thanks of myfamily
and myself, I remain, youre in Christ,
G. HoWin,
Damascus, Syria, May 18, 1900.
Will be in the Town Hall, Brussels, on
Viednezday Evering, Jazuary
elatireh were Ondueted by Members ef
the Presbytery present, Itev. Jno. Apder.
On, J. Johneton wad 4. Fitznatt Mk 004.
Ing Pert, While 118°8. .A., Malted), and
Won, 101owet, 000eludea the eerviee
1120 5021800. 00 Sonday Rey, 3, Ander.
• eou, au old friend of the family and a
!overlie preacher of Kre, MoQuarrin'e
conducted appropriate peptide In bob
oberobee, improving the sad oeoaoion by
refereoce to the many gond qnolltiee of
• the departed. Wherever Aho.
lived, the had warm and devoted
friends, eV:oiled no doubt by ber kind.
nese of heart and sympathetic vatere.
Muoh sympathy is felt with Mr, MO-
Quarrie in hie lonelinees, on the part of
hie own oongregation and by many other
friends throughout the entire
AdlniBsiOn, 25c ; Children, 15c ; Reserved Seate, 35e,
This Is Me Only Canadian Company that has toured in Europe and Untied Slates
of losers following. Nor does the list
show the great lose to the town when fie
greatest tudnetry, the pride of Hanover,
lies smouldering in ashes. The los to
the workmen is great, many of whom
built fine homes for themselves, expect-
ing to pay for them with money earned
in the faceory. The loss to the businees
man is very large. The fire outing as it
did 5 days before Christmas, bae almost
ruined the large trade they expected at
at this noon of the year.
It is not koown whether the firm will
rebuild or not. If they do not it will be
e. bad thing for Hanover. If they do the
tow,' will stand by them and do all in
their power to aid them by bonuses, loans
or gifts.
Here are the losses,'witla insurance ae
cold b. obtained
The Kneebtel Furniture Company, loss
on building, m.ohinery and stook, 5150,.
000, ineuranoe 580,060, distributed among
the following insurance companies :—
National, A.etna, Mercantile Fire, Miller.'
Olfg„ British America Aesuranoe Co.,
Lancashire, Hartford, Royal, Gore D's,
triot Mutual Fire, Waterloo Mutual,
Economical, Wellington, Alliance Pire,
Queen's, Phoenix.
Groff & Weppler, dry goods and grocer.
iee, loss 65,000 ; insurance, 68,600
B. F. Ahrene, hardware, lope 0-1,000;
inenranoe $9,500.
Thos. Poehlman & Co., lose 09,000 ;in.
Entrance, 5800,
Oho. Doepel, storebouee, household
goode and stook of groceries and flour
and feed, loss 02 700 ; 108000008 $1,500.
Greurzner Furniture Co„ retailers, lose
$1,000 ; ineuranee not known.
E. H. Grentuer, undertaker, loss $1,.
000 ; inenranoe not known.
E. Greutzner, electrician, loss $600 ;
ineuranoe na known.
H. Maurer, blacksmith :Mop and wag-
gon shop and show room., Mee 82,000,
insurance $1,000 ; R. G. Vincent, invea-
tor, machine used for manufacturing
patent bed springs. He spent 10 or 15
384808 00 completing it and it is a total
lose of $500 ; no insurance.
The following places are damaged
F. Forster, residence and furniture, loss
5800, insurance 0680: J. Revere, lose on
furniture $200, insured ; Preebyterian
;Murrill, lose en building and sheds, prob-
ably $200, insured ; Disney
chair factory, windows badly damaged,
and many other buildings wombed and
windows broken.
No lives were lost in last night's fire
as was at first feared. The missing men
turned up safe and sound in the morning,
The Kueelatel Furniture Factory, the
largest furniture factory in the Dominion
of Canada, has gone up in smoke. At
6 o'clook Thursday evening it was dis-
covered that the KneehtelEurniture Fac-
tory was on ere, and in a few minutee
clouds of smoke and flames of fire leaped
out in every direction. The factory
covered about two ores of land and not
a, wall is left standing. About ten
million feet of lumber ha the yard and
the sawmill were nod. The clause of
fire is unknown. At the time of the fire
both Daniel Knob tel, bead of the firul,
and J. S. Kneobtel, Secretary and Treae
urer, were in Toronto, The fire spread
to adjohaing buildings, and the following
plane were completely eonsumed :—
Knecht& Furniture Factory, the Greutz
nor Furniture Company and undertaking
estobliehment, T. Poehlmen & Com-
pany's flour and feed, B. P. Ahren's
notdware, Graff & Weppler's general
dry good, W. Rolff's photograph gallery ;
adeturerle bloksmith and ottrriage
works, Chas. Doepel's floor and feed
store. The total loss is thought to be
about 008 01110101 dollars.
Mr. Pepler, one of the portnere, was
very badly burned. One boy had a leg
The town bae no fire -fighting up.
plionass, and Walkerton kindly sent their
hook and ladder oompany over to help,
also Palmerston and Mosley kindly offer-
ed to eend their engines, The vill.ge of
Nenemdt eent up their hand fire engine,
which ata good 800101 00 saving the• 'um
ber. It was a oalm night or else the
whole town town would have been wiped
out. D. Kneohtel hos spent a lifetime in
building up the factory, and it wee a
magnilleent struoture, failed with the
latest matabinery, and in about four hours
nothing ie left but a mime of crumbling
welle. Over two hundred men are
thrown Ott of employment by the fire.
As soon as 111r. Xneobtal heard of the fire
be hired a special train and arrived
home that evening.
Deo. 21, --Later reports of the des-
truotion by fire of the Kneelatel furniture
fotory at Remover planed the loss at
reueh lower figure than mentioned in
the report Of lost night. Nevertheless it
hi a tremendous loss, 08 shown in the lid
'I suppose,' says Clancy, 'they'll be no
change in th' Morality. I mane,' he
says, "wid regard to tit' Mayor. They'll
be lettin' him have another whack at it
guise." 'They will,' I says. "They
do. 'Tis a way they have, an' 'tie
a gad way. I don't see whey they don't
let the Onunoillors have two years at it.
Wan year ain't long enough. Befoor
they have their appriutioiship surved, au'
jist whin they're beginnital to lurn bow to
squander th' public: funds with precis.
sion an' dispatch. we go to wnr-rk an'
give thim th • Grand Boost. It's not
th. square ting. aist whin a man has
made up his moind to have a bit av new
granulated soidew8.1k in font ay his
rissydinoe an' a drain fram his oilier to
th' sewer 81 th' public ixpince, along
comes thl free an' indipindiut elector an.
he says, "Thus far shalt thou go, an' not
a Banged bit further," It's nat roigbt, so
it ain't. No wondher 11,' Alderman av
today goes into affice wid th' intention av
dein' all th' passible gud he can in th.
shortest passible toime. ,Av I was ren-
nin. fur councillor Da git up atth' 048011 -
nation an. I'd say, lGintlernin,' Pa say,
'giutlemin, ye've bin undher th' iron heel
av oprission hang enough. Ye've bin
ruled over by a lab av imply hidded nin-
compoops who don't know enough to
pound sand whin th' bags open. Ye've
bin t.rowital yer money away fur °inter.
'Tis hoigh toime ye wake up to thl
fent that Sayfort is gradually eloidin.
downhill by degrees. Ye thrip along an'
yer grannylated soidewalks whoile th•
poor farmer, th' poor farmer who kapes
ye all aloive, th' poor farmer, I say, can
say, can hardly dhrag his load t'roo Blain
street fur mud 1 Spina ye money where
ye ought to epind it I Ye want to go in
f ur improvemints, an' let comin. evints
pay fur tbim. More inoonragernint to
manufacturers 1 A paved Main street I
Th' annexation av Openin•
up av new industhries in Raxboro 1 A
bonus to a big bottlin. estriblishroint to
bottle up th' shtrong moinded effluvia
that eshospes fram th' sewers an Main
shtreet—• Hould 00 1' says Clancy,
lliould an I Wad ye throy to bring about
anny 8.48 these changes 4' he says. 'Wall
I guess nit I' I says. "But Pd have a
grannylated soidevre,lk down our ally, an'
Pd foind some way ay removinl th• back
wather from me °filar widout castin• me
a chat, an' don't ye furgit it. Th' Aldan
unn who don't know enough to grasp Ha'
situation an' ivrytling ilea he oan lay his
hands an isn't wurthy av th. =Ramos
av th' endure."
.'Whats th' matther wid our mooni.
oipal pallyticiana ? says Clancy to me th'
other day.' Sure 'twill be Ohrissymas in
a day or two, an' th' divil a war rd do we
hear about th' eliotions. Av coarse
there's a little bettinl goiffl an, but they
haven't begun to put up army money yet,
be says. "Whin I struck Sayfort' furobt
about the time av th' death av Hrerpur-
hey, they'd be amain ye fur yer yob° an
inilooince along about Cattle Show toirne.
But now a days ye don't hear a whimper
till jist two or three days befoor its time
to teat down to 0. 0. Willson's an' ax fur
a ballot. But they'll be round, don't ye
fret. 018 388 1 they'll be oallin' an us.
An' it'll be "Gud marnin' to ye Mishter
Clancy.' (Nat Pat, alp moind, nor
Clancy, but Mishter, Mishter Olanoy 0)
"Gud marnin' to ye Mishter Clancy, an'
how's Missus Clancy an' th' gurls ?
An' how' e th' twins cominl up?
Yet luckin' younger that ye did tin years
ago, ao ye ore. By th' way Mishter
Clanoy, I'm in th' field fur Councillor
this year, I hope ye can see yer way
clear to givin' nie yer support, Pa be
iver so much obloiged bo ye, an' if iver I
git a chance to ao ye e. gud tur.rn, you
can resht assured I'll do it av I've got to
set up all noight an' part ay nixt day to
do it." "Oh I yie I" says Clancy,
know thim Dang th' canyassinl Lenny -
way. I'm dead totted av th' whole bug -
n800. I hope Pli live to see thl day whin
it'll be wurt tin dollars an' oasts to ax ye
fur a vote, so I do. Av a man don't
know how to vote widout bei' tould they
ought to take it away from him an' give
it to a man who does. What do ye Vitals
Grogan 3" "Yeo roight, (Manny," I says,
"Th' way I fix thim,' I says, "I use thim
all oloike. Aquil roights to all, d'ye :me 2
I till thim they oan dipiad an me fur me
vote, 'case I don't loike to hurt annywans
faleins an' thin I go an' vote as I dang
pima. 'Tie th' way av wur-rld
Glancy. They'e onlY about wan man out
av a hundred that don't doll' same Ving.
Thete's militate AY rale who till th' tot'
whin they won't loge emnyt'ing by it, but
how muttony will tell tit' trot' whin it
wud pay betther to prevaricate ? They're
molghty Immo, Clancy, mighty scam,'
0013Nalr..—Oottnell met in Worms' Hall
on Saturday, Deo, 15th, Members all
preeent, Treasnrer and Collector were
both in atteudanee and had A busy day
in olleoting and paylog ammunts,, The
different truatees reoeived ohequee for
5588.26, oounoillors' salaries ; $230.00,
paid for work on drain ; roads and other
expeuditure, 51109 08. The oolleators'
time was extended ae there were about
$70.00 still to colleot and was authorized
to colleat the 5% on all unpaid tam. A
Splay?' wail posed for appointing 8 place
for nomination and pulling etations and
returning officer elections. Nominations
will be held in No. 0 school house on Deo.
31st at 1 o'clock, wben eeveral (potions
will be disoussed, snob ae statute labor to
be aboliehed, and appoint only for over-
seers in the township inetead of 120 as at
present. The building of e Township
Hall and where. All parties who have
township road scrapers in their possee•
Ilion are requested to leave Mena at the
Clerk's residence at once. A statement
by Rt eve and Treasurer showing a bal-
ance of about $1000 at end of year. All
therm with grievances attend nomination
and those wonting offices be on hand to
receive ratepayers, opinions on lixtures
for offioe. alto. 0. Illocution, Clerk.
It's Your Nerves.
It's the Condition of Your
Nerves that Bittter Makes
You Life a It01131d of'
Pleasure or a Use,.
less Burden,
To many women life ie one round of
sicknese, Weakutiell and 111 health, To
attempt even the lighted hoiteehold duties
fatigues thein, Many of the symptoms
acoompanying thie state of decline are : a
feeling of tiredpess on waking, faintoese,
dizziness, sinking feeling, palpitation of
the heart, shortness of breath, lose of
appetite, 0014 hands and feet, headaobe,
dark oiroles under the eyes, pain in the
book and side and all the other a000ni-
panimente of a run,down and weakened
All these symptonni and conditions are
simply the result of a poor quality and
defective circulation of the blood, with a
',voting away a the nerve fumes.
By leading the system with
You strike at the root of the disease and
lay a solid foundation on wbioh to build.
Soon the weight inoreoses, the eunken
oheeke and flattened busts fill out, the
eyes get bright and the thrill of renewed
health and strength vibrato through the
50 cents per box at all druggists', or
Toronto, Unt.
For sale by G. A.Deadsnan, Brunets,
K40 P.)
'VV ing-litt m.
W. H. O'Sullivan 18 in town establish-
ing a branch Brininess College, and has
engaged roome in the Shaw Blots.
David Lougheed, Winghamle soldier
boy on South African veldt, was expeot.
ed to emit for home with others of the
Canadian troops on Deo. 18th. '
The Y. P. G. of St. Pant's °Fantail Bleat.
ed the following officers for the ensuing
term :—Pres., Bliss Wade ; Vice -Pres.,
Miss 115. Sadler : Treas., Bliss A. Patter-
son ; Seo., 1'. Shore ; Oolleotore, Mime
Oorbould, Newlon, Ferguson and Rankin.
The "Kent Block," corner of Victoria
and Josephine streets, was sold by 00o -
tion and knocked down at $1850 to John
Sweets. The bnilding coat more than
twice this sum to erect. Mr. Swarte in-
tends fitting up the lower fiat for a show-
room for 080015588 turned out by Dore &
Joe. Haugh has parobased from Thos.
Black the property occupied by himself
and Chas. Knechtel. The iodation is
suitable for boniness pnrposee and ehoald
prove a good investment, as it was bought
at a reasonable figure. Thos. Bleak has
also sold hie Lower Wingham property.
J. 0. Gerrie is the purobaser. Mr. Black
will go into boluses in Durham.
Collector Robertson has an exoellent
record thio year in the matter of oolleo-
tion of taxes, as may be gathered from
the following figures : Tana on roll, 512,-
800.80 ; collected by Deo. 16, $12,485.85 ;
balance out Deo. 15 $414,54, Inoluded
in the moot collected were the exetep.
tions, amounting to 5255.80. On Mon-
day evening, Deo. 17, the Collector re-
ported furthet °allegations, leaving only
$244 °allowable taxes outstanding.
The following from the Port Elgin
Times will be of interest to our readers
"Early on Friday morning Mrs. Mo.
Quartie, wife of Rev. 10. leteQuarrie,
passed away at the manse, Queen Hill,
after an illness of 15 months. About a
year ago she went to Guelph Hospital
where a growth of many yeara' standing
and white] had developed cancerous
symptoms, was removed sumnefully.
Pot omit time she rallied nicely but the
eileote of the dread trouble brought :Mont
a steady astatine and resulted in her
death. The funeral took plan to Pont
Elgin cemetery on Monday and, despite
the severe etorm, was attended by a large
oonootartie of people. Serviees in the
Boys 11Giris
They need good,
strong, warm shoes—
. 720 paper in the soles,
nothin4 but solid leather and honest
Our school shoes are neat.
They keep their shape.
They please the parents because
they wear so well.
-6 xac...xxxxnziocxxxx-7r,_,L.ff mr.,,%xx4
Dom. 27. 1901)
ree:5•Wtf OW-4.Neg-t•eu
24 00 sometimes dlflioult to decide what to give ati A (Thristmue -
present. Below we qqote a number or artioles which will make useful
and appropriate presents for yong or old. Our etook 800,8 never in better
shape for the Chnstmas trade than at preeent, but as our epos is limited
We eau only mention a few !articles in eaoh deportment,
Black Fur Caperines, high storm collar, $2,95 ; Aetraohan (laminae,
high storm oiler, 55; Combination aaperinee,astraohan and eintrio eattl,
high oiler, 2 heade and 10 tails, very stylish, 015 ; Fur Ruffle, in blaok
and brown, 00 750,, 51 00, 41.50 and 42 00 ; Fur Ruffs, rook merlin and
obinobello, 51 86, 01,76, 5200 and 02 50 ; Ladies' bleak and grey imita,
than stared= Gauutlete, 750„ 90o, and 61.00; Blieseel grey aetraohan
Gauntlete at 500. ;
• Men's Silk Mufflers, 25o., W., 750. and 81.00 ; Men'e
Ties, fonr.in.laand, 10 Wee range of colors, 25o., 86o, and 60o. ; Men's Ties,
flowing endo, pure silk, NJ. and 75o. ; Mes'e Nook Boris, light and dark
colors, 25o., 85o'50i. and 75, ; Ken's Silk Tice, aseorted colors, regular
20o., 2 for 25e. ;Blen's lined KM (Hoven, dome fastening, regular 75e., for
60o. ; Men's fine Mocha Gloves, wool end silk lined, 750., 41, 41.25 and .
01.60; Menlo Emmy 13ra0es, one (fair in a box, a nioe present, 50e. ; Cob -
ion Covers, a large assortment, in tapestry and hand painted, 40o,, fifat.
and 76o, Fine Applique Sideboard Drapes and Dresser Covent, 280., 85o.,
600. and 76o. ; D'Oyliee and Centre Pieces, in new designe, 5o, 10o., 15a.
and 25o.; 3j toliciel Shetland Floes Fascinators, in pink,. white and blue, V.;
Ladies' Kid Gloves, genet fingers, 2 dome fasteners, In all the new colors,
500, 700, 41 anckitl 26.
Of floe Groceries for the Obrietmaa Seaeon, is now being shown by us, every
article being bright, Leon and fresh, and as quality is the first eseential 808 have
taken speoial ore to select only the finest gouda for your inspention. A. look through
our etore will show you that oar stock of Frtilte and Table Dellenalos is very 0010 -
plebe, and if you hove a single thought 06 80000203 we ilea you to examine our goode
before purchasing and whatever you seleat 112
or anything else for table use, you oan res
and give your orders our best attention.
Oysters by Dish or Quart.
Every honeekeeper will admit that the quality of the ingrediente of her Christ.
nuts Oake or Pudding lute a great deal to do with her emcee:re. We sell the Finest
Selected Cleaned Fruits. The best is cheapest in the end.
aesured, we will do our beet to please yon,
Fine Stock of Confectionery.
Sox and
• • •
No matter how
cold or slushy the
weather is, your feet
will be snug and
warm in a pair of socks and rubbers.
Thick, warm, fleece -lined socks and stout snag -
proof rubbers—that's a combination that can't be beat
for out -door winter work.
We have them in all styles and sizes. They are
priced down to rock bottom, too.
This is how we sell them :—
Finest Selected Valenoias,
Oalifornia (seeded, in paokaget),
Choiceet Sultanas (seedless),
Extra Choice Blue Clusters (layers).
The Choicest Selected Cleaned Yoe-
tizzas. The Beat Flavored.
Candied Peels
Crosse & Blaokwell'a,
Lemon, Orange and Citron,
Also 1 113, packages (assorted)
Shelled Nuts
We have something extra in Shelled
Jordan Almonds (the beet grown),
FinestotgaVlenoie, Almonds,
Grenoble Walnuts.
Finest Layer Figs
New Dates
Pure Spices
We'll guarantee everything we sell to
be abeolntely pure and of the beet quality.
Pure Ground Cinnamon,
Pare Ground Close,
Pure Ground Allepioe,
Pore Ground Mixed Spice,
Pure Ground Moe,
Pure Ground Nutmegs.
The Newest and Bast in the market,
Oranges, Lemons, &o.
Choice Barbadries Molasses
Dori/ MuSeavildo Sugar
rastry Flour (especially for cakes)
FRESH OYSTERS always in stook, sold by the quart or tiller ; cooked
Or raw at our Restaurant.
Men's, $1.00 per pair upwards ; Boys', 90c. per pair up-
wards ; Youths', 65e per pair upwards.
Repairs in Rubbers and Shoes clone neat and cheap.
HARNESS DEPARTMVNT,—Great reduction in Harness prices.
Blanketa—large stock—selling dose to cost, Robes from $4.60 to
$10.00. Trunks at cost te reduce our stock.
4lwazis the Lowest. Strictly One Price.
&lid New Trade Co Way.
ILTATURAL enouy ouciosgicirer'
gh too, "when n values
AM we're giving, in fact we expect each day to do its
share in bringing new and increased business to this store.
Impossible to help you 'very much with price suggestions,
just take it for granted that we CAN and WILL do just
a little BETTER for you than most stores.
You Can Look Here
Without Buying.
In a few more weeks the greatest holiday of the year
will be here. Now is the time for thinking and planning
what your Christmas Gift will be. It does not pay to
leave everything to the last week or two. By next week
our Holiday Goods will be all here, and this season you
will find that more than ever before we have prepared to
meet the wants of those who are looking for the useful as
well as the beautiful in Holiday Gifts.
Dry Goods and Groceries.