HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1900-12-27, Page 5-3
r i 5
Ric Hoorn.All direr] nut :gilllary Saralee rT+ ,�gp
ilea Agelimit ers. 1 11 a.;r FARMER.
ul, Turk third's it the meet natural `ir r �Ft•Li .
in e world to Moe a province,
and, hilYing Fret It to t Sons farmWrn 0.r4 eat mora n a
elsewhere, Ao talks quite oomph- fel in their beslfeee Ear want .ot in-
eoaMl,i af lane( Cmistantinople dome talligent attention. to details, TIM
day wt':1 go Dyad. to Aija an l fotnnd farmer tans tot do Ida work in season
"sobertber capital, IIo originates noth- bceause the tenni is disabled, the
emanti, Ivo a ovse-
fug; he talars .what he finds without mauliine brakan down, seed ur fcrtlliz-
aaslmilating 11; ted remains profound.es not on hand at the proper time, or
ly Turkish. 11e leaves no trace of his trema other thing Ls being nogleeted
oeoupatl°n except ruins, Praatica;ly tvhloh sliauid have been attended to
there fa i1otl.isij a1. 1361grad°, Sofia, weeks £b before. jr d onetcang is age
and Athens to 'how that for ren_ £gmor° h is needed one can manage o
turkey thee were Tu kish cities, fare] pt ate army muoh betterwoofs
than to
aetumpU bo poietin for waatn when'
a k st tui Lxeoutive ability 1s lacking A man
productive, apnoea In his holds, lit ie
tasy to take Out sliperflueue plants,
but 1f only geed need is used there will
be More and better' prtfn.s creed a lit-
tle theei teens a large ateetrnt of poor
eetica •
Tho aeoret of fleet/03S in tanning is
first tomonves't manure, the westoe of
the farm, into profitable crops; to
change bulky and heavy forage crops
lnto sudh pr0deets es will produce the
moat Nellie at the Joust meat of transs
F0003011 to mai'katotted to give pro-
lilaolo employment to labor, .which
alone is the real Creator under Diving
Providence of the farm produote, And
When eller Le drone it only romaine to
prepare the products a1l:raotively for
me.kct, and erste the best market for
hem. ,
A 1 occupations, except agriculture they are urgent,
nil m;lltary se.'vece are illac !
to h ne Yet there are tem other, nia,7 be inaustrioes himself, het it he
characteristics even more important do,s not possess ability to have those 1HL' CL EAM.
than these, The first le his sense of whom he employe carry oat his wishes The good dairy cow is a comparative -
discipline. It in this weigh keeps to. properly land promptly, Ile cannot 111 lain one.
gather the apparently tottering fab- handle a form any larger than he gun DM.lk pt'odaoLng food eIould bo fed
rim of the T(.k.sh empire, It make, work (ajane. 'there will be loss tit Lairy sown.
the half -fedi half -method soldier rostella (e Profit on all the help hired. I'r'oieT feeding is on° of the prima
ready to endure every privation, and while, the may {oho furajahee uapttal, facture in dairying. .
Prevents the corruption and inatpa. experience and ability( to direct others' 'hh° 013W that drinae tout water can,
city of the officers from prodm:lug the ehoold make their labor more profit- net mak° the matel•101 for Ei,et-epees
anarchy which would be inevjtaule 1n Liam Lo 11,msdb. mud Lo Lu. 111 Lima they ''utter. I
any other country. Sedition is could make it without hie assistance. I Seethat the churn is not too cold to
unknown; even complaints are 'rare Many tall to keep up !hu fertility of • °hill the Dream when it is poured into
and were a holy war pro;la'med Ib re' their .aatd. They) du nut study the it'
is nota man who would not be pre- needs of the SO41 or of the crops they 1 Dr, not allow, the careens to get thick
pared to die in defense of illi system grew. They neglect the possibilities sour, but onurn whoa slightly amid•
of extortion which grinds him down, theca are in certain crops to fure.sh 1 At,x the diiLaren t ek.mmunas thor-
BIs second characteristic 1s his last
nosy, In ep to of . he lab, rio_s fed, a
_ veg.lLaale mutter and nitrogen to the °U1illly and keep'w,all stirred while
soil ac lass cost than it can be per. riP at,ne•
try of the 'Turkish peasant. The tnct ceased in chemicals, and the use of I .l 0003) cow when in milking order
is that the Turk Is too is to make' aralluole the plant food is u°itnen LIOsay mir• nete'iny„
proud to do elements in the soil. Theyp m,.k,ug knitter at Lome en -
many things, too stupid to do others. bap no at- Ls .n l
His religion inculeetes a fatalism to tienono toie a menti rotation at clops :a. s m re" asperse tune milking It in
which lends to a conviction that ef-
fort Samu iiia mousy by wl nt a called a mruumaryy
fort is useless, m,suirocted economy, They Lvi,t net . Iiv101e condemning a cow se worth•
employ extra Taber to give a crop sof- , less try what en inoreeso in her
�,__ 1ficient eulteatioa, or to harvest it 110- rations will do.
fere it tak.a htjary. They nee old and Breed i0 well' enough, bat it will
PRICELESS GEMS. haymow. machinery, and let crops go tem. Toed be suaw went there is In
to Lt este. the bread,
they Arm Kept untidy so They Amy T,Irkle I It is card for some to adopt them- i The, good dairy mow has the eapaeity
The. ea urs Seegers. selves to new, methods, Crepe whie), , Le 'maize gtrod, mak out o, einem feed,.
The Shah of Persia has more pre- paid well five, or ten years ago fail to in luomine fur nutter an7thtng that
Mous stones Chan an.
111 Japan teas are colored,
is pure and uncolored.
The Lancet Ray, :tae Wee 1115 D0111011.
stented 'Iliet .t Plate ,ut linporttu+t
Part 1n n bel Iter', LI e,
'An' interesting ollango has taken
place cn withle a tow years in the pre
va.ltng opinion among L11811211 madicul
men with regard to the use of tobacco
The. th.ory tha. Moderate smoking in a
vies and always deleterious long ago
die:se :aced tram the medical prates
sem to ling;aad. There followed a
period whoa the proraiJing view of
English pbya;c nos was that the phy
seal and m•, rral satisfaction which
smokers derive from pipe, cigar or
ol,aret te practically offset the
eaeeers of nicotine?. Thin opinion has
in turn babe• modified until now the
a /erase, L1tgl:su drebor thoroughly
a.+pro oo tele d.i3 01• .tobaoao as not
only Larml..ss, bolt ,wholesome fn
(menteractins a,ms of the tendencies
of high-proesure modern life. This
a- tltuue u< uu,, 1.0001Ual I,lwt..asuon may
La.r something to do with enormous
inmr_ 8,13 in the per capita oonanmpticn
of toineoo in England during recent
y.a:s, but test true explanation will
be round in'the amazing spread of the
cigarette habit among taenia,
Thin is one oil the burning questions
of the hour in England. Social argu-
ments enter into the discussion of
much as physical once, and I do nut
In the IA( note, yet many have not and seem- tones to better digestion and assonaa- intem! to enumerate them writes a
world. in his palace at Teheran he ingly will not change crops or their tion rot the food gives a better profit, London correspondent. In fact, the
/reaps $10,000,000 worth of them in a methods of growing them. and to a oenelueraule extent it ,s lees suojudt hen reached the oontrcyversial
glase jar, and loves to let the almost • They k. ep other unprefitaele stock helping °r' increae.ng tmo usetuluess stage in America also, if one can be-
priteless gems trickle through his btaides their (Meisel horses. They full °L other reed ,luau su00nient feed /ewe the confessions of American visi-
finget's. . to aoleot. oows and sires for their often perfumes au important part, and tors rot th,.t
the crowns and his thrones are mar-psme
two or three :seasons,
calves whish are boat fitted for the thin is especially the Dean during the and it would :nbg, superfluous for mto
vele or Oriental magniticanoe, The P4rtme0 for which they want them, be winter when the stock are fed so s,ac,• the ease pro and eon,
1;anjanran crown is shaped like a it dairy or' beef purposes, They try to ,aigety upon dry lee.q, Mut w,auld the doctors approve of
fluter -pot, with the small end open combine the teed so that they have i rue cow which Sirius a generous re- ci• areae smoking by LNGmungeaen have eat yore thoughts dwell on the
and the 'other °lased, having at the animals not profitable in either lino. turn for the feed consumed fa the one air 4 The qu.sa,tin ]vas suggested the dear abient ones in Africa. Your
top an uncut, flawless ruby as big They do not ascertain which are their Tai' protne, And Mee ono last it will pay eerier clay by ley noticing the evident tears havees r] fetors, your prayers and
as a hens egg.boat animals, and if the have an idea to lead geueruus. and the cow which re 1u La:rc3 with which a oonservutivegent forth to them And
Two Persian Iamb- Y y, 1 g was hot that the hour nt afternoon
skin cups are adorned with splendid they aretoo easily tempted by ft1i1- will prof Laoly convert ,the largest young Lngl:sh matnon consumed an Leu?
aigrettes of diamonds, and there are tea extra price to pert with the beet, a+llouut of fool into milk or butter is a. ter -dinner cigarette. I asked her Your aoliLers' oomracles-the il3ri-
gauntlots and Volta innilmarable co,- Thety do not remember that 11 cow the must p503(,a.1,3 to kee But such a she r a,l enjoyedtush Planters -make the d6 leid° .
p• y trobaoco. CeeEEN teas of Ceylon and In la.
eyed with pearls and diamonds, the eehieh Lessee Nye the cost of keeping ca,Ls guest t.At, .. the row material out "I heed it," she replied frankly, and This alone bhould incline you to tr
Ilentls°west being the Kansan an b 1 , bores wortle nethiug, and that the 00 which ,no manufacture milk. It then she expeeined that her doctor had their tens. eap1ns have no such
about a Coot deep, weighing about 18 only profit is in one whose product takes a certain amount of the food'oomma.lded her to smoke a cigarette dL1Lm O0t you' un1 are, b05idss of ta-
g' 51116 gbbou b, 1101180013,a alt good. -
.a and
pounds -ono duaziing muss of die_ exceeds the vaiue of her toed, and owsumud to ma.ntltia tbo life of the a ter uinner and at bedtime. She had Blue Ribbon branals era all CG1oni.st.
who broke down' and aiso of their In-
dulgence or nen-indulgence Ln tobacco,
We are inclined to believe that, aged
with dos Wedern:Wen, tobaoao ie Of
valets second only to food itself when
long prlvsutlons and exertions are to be
endured. Twig feature; are to $1e
noted 'with regard :to the smoking
practised on active service. It is al.
most entirely in the open air and it
is largely on an empty atomaeh, The
former Is always) an advantage: the
latter, we generally reckon a most
is Rheumatism of the face.
Uric Acid left in the blood
by disordered kidneys
lodges along the nerve
which branches front the
eye over the forehead, and
across the cheek to the
side of the nose. The
cause is the same as in all
Rheumatism- disordered
Kidneys, The cure is like-
wise the same-
un-arorablot condition. Shall we see in
the n ar future patients with tobacoo
amblyopia or smoker's heart acquired
while the trusting, friend of toLs000
thought thatho was enjoying unharm-
ed the well earned Moises of a bard
''a; s march 4 We believe not, and that
tee open air will have saved what
might ha.o been the untoward results
of- smoking when unfed."
Dear Ladies ;
What to you has 1)0011 for many
months the saddest, yet sweetest
hour of Lha day? Surely that 'when
silence, alone, or in sweet commun-
ion with relatives or friends, you
mends, pearls, emoralds and rubies.
. eau a kept. as not ow much a love this truce which a profit is pos-
m t t
any ry o aye at how small a cost crow„ and it is the surplus over and
bls slm;tued with jaw." they' b ktd h i'
they ca
swords, one or two of anion are worth rt safely consume and change skits.
a quarter of a million each, epaulets
into that which is at greater value, •
Many farmers stook thou• falls DYSPEp5Ir1 N..1) lir.ADAC IE.
of diamonds and armlets so contrived
that the brilliants revolve, and k, op only. up to the capacity 04 furnishing -
up an over -changing fo3d at the pooruat part of the poor An RederIy lady 9,., 'rrlltl+.f Flee Cure 11.. £fare am no mare+ reconciled to it now than
ne g srs reveals , a aeon, or it they exceed that, make no tar ll"'"ru^ eu ,' 3 emit rub loner
seem to realize the wonders revealed .t Srnrv• o o.3rr Resect t •. nen. tllttetl, a. first."
by Aladdin s hemp in the cave. There p.aes for supplying the detieienoy by Out this case hardly suggests' the
aro dresses embroidered thickly with growing extra fornee, orops, thus fail- Dyspepsia causes more genuine (Da-
treas than most diseases that afflict sunwcr, the medical profesawn would
jewels, trays of pearl, ruby and cm. tag Lo keep produotionup to its full g,ve to the sweeping question, "Should
mink td t women smoke?'
tried everything for insomnia and
firm:ly her phyecoiam .8lresoribod
to,.asoo, saying that he had found it
effttamioaO in a number of eases. •
"1 do sleep better, she added, "but
I detesttotesera. in every Corm andl
rapacity, or being obliged to sell ani-: t.z In his country from one
areal necklaces, sad hundreds et iia- Dau. 0 or another, its victims are num-
tete3 when they aro at a low prise, •
mond, ruby and turquoise rings, leered by the hundreds of thousands,
The fust place among the gems be- a:t.l whoa Chair Products aro at high and those afflicted always feel tired,
longe to the famous Draya-ir-blur, prices. They Lao in this way lose u Learn cruC and miserable, and are sub -
Sea of their crop in the 0104,1 favor-'
Sect of Light, sister diamond to the a,
11e 0ausud teem a luck of animals °t t° fits of melancholy or ill tem-
Koksunor, it is an inch and 0 halt tet pm3 It when must ta:uuble, 1'hoy Por wabout apparent cause. It is
long, an inch broad and three-eighths abvj
have not variety of stook °Hough to nus that the human body, in or -
of un Inch think. 083 such unmurchaalnblo crops as der to perform its functions, must be Peruses 'nothing time it has demon-
--�---- they hare, and much goes to waste. properly uouriohed, and this cannot stetted has been more marked than
mite.) earners could out tiny increase be le done when the food Ls improperly the important part lwlhiah tobacco
th., Suttle kept, but the sheep, swinedigested. Those who sutfor from in- p ays in th- s„ddi_0 s ex sirocco. Wheth-
The lancet is outspoken upon the
eubjeot et toLa.00's advantages in
°ienpaigning. "The war in Soath Af-
rica,' it says, "pias taught many things
of grater and of less importance.
The, measures adopted in Contin-
ental elementary schools with a view
to the preaervation of health and the
checking of disease among the pupils
are described by Mr. Wyse, one of the
inspectors of the Irish National Ede,.
cation Commissioners, in a report ho
tuned recently.. In Brussels, for
example, each State 00hoa1 has three
visits of inspection every menLb from
the dispensary dootor, belonging to 'l'a'rd 'a'rd of the city in which the
801(001 is situated, ilio inquires into
the general health of the pupils, and
incipient cases 0/ infectious disease,
if detected, are at °nee iso-
lated. Careful suporviaion of the
scholars' teet'h•i3 also exercised by the
doctor, who, besides noting the condi-
tion of the school as regords•warmth,
ventilation, and sanitary arrange- la
monis, is required to address at each q
visit a Cow remarks ,to the senior
pupils on the/ caro of health,
and poultry, without adding much to gostion should exorcise care as to L+11 this is to be reckoned av a great
their ,expenses excepting for +auor, diet, and only easily digested foods Last or 0 small one, there can be no
and perhaps to some extent ler groin, • ohould Ire taken. But more than this doubt about the truth of it. Yet the
The extea prolit would well pay for I is required -the blood needs atten- Duke of Wellingtons armies had no
both' it they were properly cared for, , Llan in order that the stomach may to.a'aed worth ;Sp.;akingi of. If they
while the increase it, emeont al grain- be strengthened, and the seereticn of did not forbid its use, at any rate, the
fed stock would mid to the fertility ofthe gastrin juices properly carried on. Iron Duke's elftoers were directed to
the. Lara if the manure was prop y eel 1 There is no other medicine offered the a irise their men strongly against it.
cared for, nubile that will act so promptly and W. tet a outgoes eoutrust With the
1tt this, however, Is another leak. effectively as Dr. Williams' Pink P111s. campaigning in South Africa, where
Tho manure 10 so handled on many Proof of this is given in the ease of marches tied privations as long and as
p,asa0 that the sun and ;ruin mouse Oars. F. X. Daddridge, St. Sauveur, 01.,1(3 as any auffored by aur grerlt-
It to lose inueh of its value,
which eta,+orates into the air or wash- Quo. AL conversation with u report- Srayrt:uth •rs tvera bo;nil b� the volun-
er, Mrs. Doddridge said;-" For quite Suers and soldiers of to -day with o
es, down into illi alr'.snns, .10(en a number of years Ibave been a ter- Pruner:. ono' en•,ri 117.'ir smokes• iil-
weat is left Is aflou not so handled us rible aufferer from dyspepsia, mem- ed teem. We here it from many who
to give the beat results, It may be l anted by the seek headaches that al- took sae. in the forced marches lead -
put on crops to which it is not adapted, mos[ in,eria bly coma titin this tram- ing to laardeb°rg, to Bloemfontein,
which is e. result of ignorance o1• It ble, 1 suffered from terrible i.ains in i to Pretor,u and beyond, that when
the stomach, bloating and belching laeion5 were butstwwo or throe blsouits
wind. A11 food seemed to diengreo it day the only reel physioal content
with me, and ea u result: of the of .call twenty-four hears came with
may be, su scantily used as to proclaim
my a half orop at as much `cost for
bar 1180 a tall prop would have re-
611 few fall to see what crops their
Il is bust litted Lo grow though
must ha've Learned that to some ex-
tent, perhaps by costly experience, but
there aro many who do not see 00 fail•
Assuming that Loyd Salisbury re-
lalns the Premiership he will next
year -have held the llanou.rablo po°L-
tion of Prime Minister of. England for
It longer !Period than any other, states.
mays oP, this century, tviLh only one ex-
ceplion,, and should he continue in
office until the (end of the term of the 1
new.; n as
L Parti m t
have redu..od
oven that nolltaryl entst0nd ng record, s
At; present the brei of cr f
s v 1001'
x a
Prenlir,rshie heads the list, as be re -
trouble, I Leas very muoh run down,
and at times I WAS unable to do
even light housework, .1 am sure I
trice[ a scorn of dlfteront medicines,
butt without 0u00ess, and 'as I am
00 y°a.rs of age,
revtlj00 alt the orops that they may neve that it
wi13 h
Produce. They limit themselves to a A friend who had used Dr,
fele leading crops, and purchase or go Wjtliams' Pink Pills with gond re -
without many things of which they cults, urged mo to try this medicine,
might pr'odueo an abundance and and my husband hrought home a
enough to spare to add on couple of boxes, Before they were
their income considerably„ This unlined, I folt much batter, and tee
s 1artloulat1 true of fruit, large e a
Sat anotherhalf dozen
mall, and the garden vegetables. ,Q. and thew have completely resbored
armor should grow enough of thea° my health, and I not only feel better
L0 L'wen a 8arplus over the borne wants than I have done for years, but ac -
1had C"am° to
op les to expect
maned' in office for fourteen years
and 810 days. t Neat comes
Mr. Glad. ]ass
stone, with a totals Premiership of
c year.
Economy in
y anode is
nearly always a
We do net mean that the farmer
e •
y0.1a end d I8'fdn'a
days, up to .•
the d asoluti.na of dist September !,old a
Fa!•.'1ut '.3 rrlgyd :1145 elnvon yoars
Sea 528 rave
limey feel younger. I very cheerfully
mendDr Williams' . � ilLams'
to similar Sufferers,
the pipe smoked by the smouldering
(Limbers of a campfire. This pipe cased
the tray ho sleep that might other-
wise here lingered, delayed by the
011001; bodily fatigue and meatal rest-
lessness ca:leed by prolonged and
monotonous exertion,
"I.1' is diffioullt then Lo believe that
tobacco tis anythiagi but a real help to
moa who are suffering long labors and
receiving little e food, and probably the
'way h'wh i
helps is
by quieting
ocrobrUti rat -
t c mo
ix one doubts its
mediallve qualities -and thus allowing
Moro r i s
as 1 sleep, which i
1. s so all -lm-`
portant when semi -starvation has to
bo endured, The caetoe of aomte mental
in the coarse of xam-
re gns such as the present aro many.
lould invest in all the high-priced If your dealer does not keep these There have indeed been many in Soteih
•^r s
1 that are offered, bet that hapilin, they w[il be sour postpaid d nt Africa. It tv+o4ld be mlclet 1rr'otj,tnblo
lion 1 opiate Lha very BMi: elinin, of GO cents a box, or nlx boxes for and. interesting oould medical otfice-o
„too ar h, ns -'s, and nen caou h to it:. $2,50 by addre0sing the Dr. Williams have taken special note of ill
l ,.
s Irn
x311 lh'ra aro ° vacant and un- M; dialna !a„ R•rnrltvdifor sleep previously evidencedthese
le, Out. a by thoeamteity
T ss -Jack tried to kiss me last
.1 as -Indeed? Of course you resist.
Tess-Certsinly;. every time.
An ordinary horse men +draw a
barge of 25 tons at two and ono -half
miles an hour, or it wagon weighing
half n ton, with a load of ore ton,
at the same rate on an ordinary road,
irbINIRSAt i:o,.- u1H•,:.. w Y.
the" Balmoral," 1ra•.e mus t,yg',u
AVita l 'siSR•.:—M,A tl -Colle
ear may.
Bighead -You] are too set in your
own opinions to be a good reasoner,
Thickened -L don't see how you can
sal that. I hold myself open to con-
viction even whoa( I know I am right.
'$-,o- 31 '41
C: uy7toaga,.
will Suit you,
Wawa. We do es feeling confident that Its excellent &Wale
Lead Packetor 25, 30, 40, 3y(, OF*
Poultry, Butter, Eggs and other Produce.
If you have any correspond with us. Wo want 100 OARI.OND0
to supply our tr ade.
Th® Dawson Commission Co,, Limited, Toronto.
VO' . D
It's something new
in the field of medicine
to meet with a man
who positisely knows
what his remedy will
do, and is willing Ue.
wait for his fee until
the work is done. I
am that way. I know
that my Electric Belt
will cure where : every
other treatment fails.
To make you feel se-
cure I don't ask for my
pay until you are cured.
The Dr. McLaughlin Way.
11 took me twenty ysans to parteot If you are broken down from bard
my appliance and the way I now use work or any other reason; if your
it, but there is no guesswork about it nerves are shaky; if you have those
now. .Ass stra'e as an engineer knows "'creme and go," pains in your bank,
that he can pump steam into his boil- shoulders and hips, if your stomach
ens and make his engine go, I know is weak, your kidneys and bladder aIl-
that I can pump electricity into your ting, or if you are n man or woman
body and make it go, and go right, with any trouble which you have
There's no guesswork about the on- tried in vain to mere with drugs, I
grocer's task, as he hens learned bis will cure you first and you eon pay
trade. I have learned mine in the me afterward.
same way -by experience, and know My appliance cures' while you sleep,
what I can do. and causes n0 bother.
SPECIAL IOTICE_-If you have a belt of the burning kind or a "nb
electricity " band which has disappointed you, bring it in and I will al.
low you half price of mine for it.
CALL TO -DAY and get a free test of my Belt. If you can't call write
for my beautifully illustrated So -page book, which I will send, sealed,
FREE, Address, enclosing this ad.,
Germany and Switzerland produce
over 2,000.000 glass eyes in a year ;
and `a Paris manufacturer, with a
reputation for finer work, some 300,-
000. Tiley are made in the shape of
a hollow hemispllers, and the utmost
skill Is remixed in forming the sepia
out of colorer glass. The great ma-
jority of artificial eyes are used by
workmen, especially those in iron
foundries, where many eyes are put
out by sparks. It is seldom that a
woman has a glass eye,
Ladies of Canada;
Love of ooum.try is the strongest
characteristic of the average Bri-
tisher. Nor is it developed Loss in
the fair Colonist. See her bosom ex-
pand with pride, as she speaks of the
o1,1 country. hear her dilate on the
pleasant time she had when last
'ilhere was nothing she enjoyed so
107101 as the pleasant afternoon tea,
And w'hy? Because she sipped the
pare product, GanCN'010 BL1,01(, a€
Ceylon 31x113 India. Sha can buy both
in (lanais. now. The delicious Sal-
uda, Blue Ribbon or Monsoon
packets await hex pleasure.-0olanist,
Did you say yeti would let me in on
the ground floor in this investment?
Ttat is my proposal, replied the pro -
Well, you needn't mind. You allow
he thing to run along until you Can
et me. in OOmeWltere near the third or
faarth story', Tho man who IS let in on
happens to drop out.
118 WINSLOW'S 000Ti1183 SYRUP h'e bean t
sad by mo- horsfor choir oblidres teething. 11 seethes
d l a ]a. the best re the
y gums,r ,.rrboe stn °u b . I co es 1
II doiggtete throughout ate world. go cure sed eek
e' 01m. WWemw'e Soothing 87run."
Lawyer -What ie your business?
,Bankrupt -Well, I suppose I might'
be ca'led a bill collector, ,
La vyer-A. bill collector
,Bankrupt -Yes, At tenet, I have a
large collection of unpaid bills,
Tele etgnetare le on every box at the zonnlno
Laxative BrofnooQuinine Tablets
She nasty that erares a 0816 tau este claw
I -understand shay loved him at first,
Yes, • that was before.
Before what?
Before she had found out that elle
hail mistaken him for his rich cousin.
Teat confounded life, insurance com-
eany refused my application for a
policy, said Hanker.
Why, I should think yen were a fine
risk replied Spetts, What made
them ranee your arplication 4
Well,- they found out in some way
that I am in the habit of eating mush-
rooms that I gather myseif.
®'p C j 1035
For all skirt ailments,
,1. 0. Citlyert & Co., fdancheater, England
sausage oesings-Nov rmportatrcoe finest Eng lab
Sheep and American Hog 0 sines-reaable goods at
right prices. PARK., BLACKWELLa CO., Toronto..
Metallic SKYLIGHTS oou�tasd'°8••
htnocilmo, 015
PILE CUIIE Atrial package of CLoea Posints
Cure for Piles 100 50 sent free to •
any address on receipt of two cent stomp. No knife, no
greasy aalra. Address, THE HHT073I201 Fug.
htED1(1\E 00,, Toronto, Dna
ho ground floor is Lha one wh° TORONTO CUTTING SCHOOL 113
Yongo at,
atahca all the debris 14 oho bottom Latest, ap•to-dote, reliable systems taught Fur genua
eu a gamont'. Terms moderate. Write ler Pantie.
i loss.
To send for our
Complete Cate.
10-- we of Shoot
leu .lo and Boole,
warn Special rate.
or dleooutlt.
108 Yongo St
Toronto, one.
There is mere °seine to tea seinen or oho
rourtry than all ether dlacovt.s taut toroth»r,
and nn Ll the last fon, i'eare Was,nitposed 10 bo
In• arable. Per a,rrent many ye, re donors pro.
nounteit io a meal dteeteo, and pregerlbod lo.al
remedies, and b7 co ntaatly t. holo tart] -With
100 pronounce
oneallpk�in{ds of house Haugh,ge, also
Write tons about yours.
BRITISH AM1E1110AN OYEINO CO„ Dox 158, Montreal
al Uontnttent.die incurable. 9oi- ---
rneo hes proven catarrh to bo a roll.tarut•innul
11008.5, end thoretoro requires mnstuutinnal
trenttnont. Roll's Catarrh Cure, mann fabturod
by F. J. Cheney & 03'•. Toledo, Ohio. i• he , nlT
o n-t'l'rlional ret0 on t',emarket, Itis taken
internally to doses trout 18 drops to a 1e''pnnn.
fnl, ll net* directly on the lilacs nod raucous
,nrreees nt the systete. They oder ono heed -
ren do tact for 1117 case 11 0 Ito to nuke, end
for Aiidiroay aura.
7.gkiiflNm19Y8cCO.,Toledo, O
Seed by Drawler- 3.3a
Rail's Family Pills aro the best:
Cary, ma I
What is it Freddy?
Are these cold -storage eggs or he
YL//' cp, f
‘-‘771; Lin"
Hayrilinre, etc.
Romeeed to Wesly n,llidings,
Riohnto:.d 8t, {S., Toronto.
Catholic, Prayer 00oks,Ronarlca, Orn.
,r 11$Ioos, Saopultre,
Rnheatio Pictures, StHail o, and Church On smontb.
t•:ducanonal Works 31$1 orders main) prompt Montreal.
D. a d, 8(3001513 & 00., Montreal.
"00397 F0t0S'D CARES II
11'oa ger ortne asEtr , Atop; 07988
Laundry, Washing C9othes,1 ening, Sealing Pro oovea,
2551 00751820 OITY OIL 00.• ,t,imitotte
Sam'' ]Rogers, Preet., Toronto
en year neer for it
t," 9