HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1900-12-27, Page 3Ma, '27, 1900 TUs IU UB8ELS ,POST
thew Advertisements.
Tamale—Tint Puna .
Nptiae•--le. 8. Soot!).
Coal oil - N,,a^, Gerry.
Man wanted—D. MaKeizig,
Happy New Year—Jas. Fox.
Lest chance—W rn, 13. etty & Co,
Administrator'ssale—G. l'. Blair.
Late lir bpyere—Greig & Macdonald,
Dionatialledou8bomer—G. A, Deadman.
..e W oodd.
Poetmaater Knox has reoeived notice'
from the Department that Atwood will
be made a savings bank offioe on and
after Jan. let, 1901.
Nomination day ies on Deo. Stet; elec.
tion, Jan 7th, 1001. • Mr, Bayle ie spoken
of 00 an aspirant to munioipal bonore.
Mr, Scott of the boundary is also mention-
The Reeve's 'topper wan ae usual, a
very pleasant all'elr. Au elegant supper
of oysters, fowl, eto„ was spread for the
townehip official.' at Inc Elmo House, to
which all did juetiee, The following
municipal officials eat around the board ;
Reeve Jas. Donaldson, Counoillore Roth.
well, Wheery, Smith and Coates, Trea-
surer M. Hervey, Clerk Thoe, Fullerton,
Collector Jamee Duncan, R. S. Pelton,
T. G. Ratcliffe and A. M. Sweeten. Sup•
per woe followed by a toast list, which
was introduced by Mr. Fullerton, oheir-
mao, and responded to by the gentlemen
C. Herbert has esoured a situation with
J. Warder.
R. Muegrove has returned the gasoline
engine to Galt,
The Methodist S. S. held their Xmae
TreeEntertaioment on Tuesday and the
Presbyterians on Thursday evening.
Rev. W. J. West and wife spent Xmae
at the latter's home in Whitby, Rev.
Ballantyne, of Molesworth, a.'minoted
eervioe on Sabbath last re the Presby.
terian March.
Oniextiee Visr'rona.—F,ank Booth spent
Christmas with tie pareat9 at Seafortb.
—Mrs. John Burgess, Mre. Adam Cleg-
born, Mise Mabel Oliver and Mira Aggie
Herbert with relatives in Toronto —
Blaster Fred. and Clifford Pdglr with
friende in Clinton.—Master Fred. and
Mise Mina Haney with their uncle David
Fell, of Clinton.—Misses Anna May and
Jessie Holmes with relatives in Palmer-
atoll—Joseph Smillie, of Toronto, spent
Uhristmae at his home.—Martin Farrow,
of Calgary, visited friende in the village
last week. -McKenzie Messer, of Detroit,
spent Christmas at hie home in Bluevale.
—Wm. and Mrs. Gardiner, of Owen
Sound, Christopher and Mre. Thornton,
of Wingham, John and Mrs. MaoDoneld,
of Goderieb, and Fred. and Mrs. Mo.
Cretaken, of Brussels, spent Christmas
at John lardiner'e,—Miseee Maggie and
Jessie Robertson, of Wroxeter, epeot
Chrietmae with tbeir sister, Mre. Robert
Blaok.—D. and Mre. Lewis have gone on
a month's visit among friende at Bras.
eels, Mitchell, &a.—Mr. and Mre. Droet,
of Boiseevain, Mao., are guests of James
Caeemore.—Mr. and Mre. Etty, of Mit.
ohell, spent Obrietmae at J. Weeman'e.—
Miee Brinker, of Berlin, arrived on Sat-
urday last to spend the holidays with her
brother, 0. R.
WAS a betMutt ful ell ea tee 50f v105, Friends
were preaeat from .Gland Yellen, Wear -
Water, Wingham, Zineerdine, Goderioh,
Chicago end eleewhore, Shortly after
one o oloele the wedding party, a000mpan.
ied by a number of the plata, drove to
Ripley where, amid abowore of beet
wiehee and rine, Rev, and Mre. Dever manning at 8 o'ploek, The progrem Mel
took the train en route for London end tie follows t—Opening ooleetlon, Hail I
Dresden. Bev, A. W. Dever to a mem
ber of a oleos of nine young men who
were ordained to the minietry of the
Methodist thumb in June. He is now
looated' at Walton. We extend to Kr.
Dever and hie estimable bride our hearty
oongratuletionsand beet wiehee for a
long and eaeoeeeful career in their eheeen
VW tea Les . •
Walton Bible Society re elected the
effioere of lost year.
Rev. Mr. Cranston preached in Defier
°bnroh last Sunday.
Mies Maggie NoDonald ie home from
the Toronto University for the holidays.
Ohae. Turnbull, who has been in Tor.
onto nearly two moothe, arrived home on
Thursday of this week.
High School students Robt. Humph-
ries, and Lewis and Ida McDonald are
home for the Ohristmaa vaoation.
At the annual pubtio school meeting,
held on Wednesday, Relit. Mnrray was
re•eleated traetee fur the next term.
Jno. Lamb hae purchased a house and
lot from Jno, Oampbell. He will move
the hone° to hie farm, West of Walton.
This week R -v. C. M. Filer left for
Indianapolis. We are sorry to lose him
from Walton but wish him abaodaot
Miee Loa Wray ie here on a visit to
her parents. She hae not had very good
health but we hope she will soon be ae
well ae ever.
Next Sunday afternoon St. John's
church choir, of Brussels, is expected to
sing Christmas carols in 8t. George's
church here in connection with the reg&
lar service.
A New Year's Arab entertainment will
be given is connection with the Sabbath
eohool of the Methodist oberoh next
Tuesday evening. The officers and
teachers in oonjanotion with Santa Claua
will put up a good bill of fare.
HAND TAtrnN Ors. — Last Saturday
Will. Keohnie while working at a straw
natter at Uoanail!o r Gardiner'e MaKil.
lop, got hie left band caught in the
machine and before the power was
thrown off the band was literally ground
or chewed off. Medical attendance was
secured as speedily ae possible and the
patient ie getting along ae well ae could
be expected. Thie ie the aeoond aooident
of this kind that hae 000arrad at Mr.
Gardiner's, Ad.,Vereoe losing one of hie
bands in a somewhat similar manner.
Wennieo Boma.—On Thursday, Deo.
20, at 10,80 a. m., there occurred at Pine
River, an event whioh will be of interest
to readers of Tan Pose, when Rev. A.
W. Dever, Methodist minister of Walton,
was united in marriage to Miee M. Blair,
of Pine River. Ceremony took plaoe in
the Bethel Methodist Churob, wbicb was
tastefully decorated for the omission.
The bridal party prooeeded to the altar
while the Wedding March was played by
Mre, (Rev,) 0. 0. Raine. Rev. T. E.
Sawyer, of Belem, acted ae groomsmen
while the bride was assisted by her sister,
Miee Ella Blair. The bride was 000om
paeied to the altar by her father who
gave her away. Rev. 0. 0. Keine per-
formed the ceremony acelated by Revs,
Swann, of Ripley, and MoQ'erlaue, of
Amberley. W. Blair, of Obioago, and
Ern. Button, of Wingham, acted ae
ueber9, After the oeremuoy the happy
couple were the retsipleuta of many hearty
congratulations tendered by the gtteate
present. The party then returned to the
home where a oplendid wedding dinner
was served and enjoyed by ell, The
wedding preannte were very suitable,
refleoting great credit on the taste of the
dollars, The groom'e gift to hie bride
Jno, Fell, who has been In !Manitoba 1
for the peat three years, a8 apoedipg /lie •
Xmae vaoati00 with Jet), MoVety and
Wife of the 2pd, 1
NNTlellTArNtr0N'r--Tile Sabbath S0110o.
of 13rpwptown held their Obrietmae An.
tectainment on Friday evening last nom•
Mies Flora Platt /e visiting at Lon.
Mise Aggie Forrest ie visiting relatives
in Grey.
Beneon'Wheeler spent Chrietmae with
hie 0008188 at Alma.
Mise Sarah Manning le home on a
visit to her parents, 5th line.
Mre. A. I. Mo0ell and obildren, of
Chatham, are visiting at Wm. MoCall'e,
Mies Carrie Soaob, of Toronto, ie
spending ber holidays under the parental
roof, 3rd line.
Mise Aggie Smillie, who hae been at.
tending Goderioh Model school, ie home
for her holidays.
Simnel Walker and Mre. Walker, 6818
line, were away this week to Tupper-
ville visiting relatives.
Joseph Smillie is holidaying with hie
parents, let oon. He bee bean attending.
the Medical College at Toronto.
Mre. Robt. Blathers has been on the
Bink list last week. We hope she may
be speedily restored to health.
Don. McKenzie, who has been teaobing
in Manitoba, arrived home on Tueeday
on a vieit with hie parents, 4th line.
Riohard and Mre. Miller attended the
wedding of Mrs. Miller's mein, Jae.
Henderson, Blnevale Road, last Wednee.
Chas. V. Fraser, who bee been at
Toronto going to eohool, to spending his
Christmas vaoation with Ilia mother and
Jae Breckenridge is spending Xmae
h'Iideys with relatives and friende in
Morris. He has been attending College
in Michigan.
Peter Barrie making a number of im•
provemente about hie residence, 5th
lino. Coming events are said to east
their ebadowe before.
Miss Minnie McCall, who hae been
keeping hoose for her brother, James, at
H.,lyrood. Brace Co., le here on a visit
under the parental roof.
John Johnston, of Stratford, who hae
spent the last three moothe with hie
unole, Wm. J. Johnston, returned to his
home on 8atarday last.
Last week N. Flatt arrived home after
a sojourn for eeverel months in the North-
west. We understand he intends return
ing to the West next Spring.
A. family reunion wee held at 3.me8
Ireland's on Christmas day, ell the mem.
berg being preeent except Jae. Ireland
and villa who are at Dauphin, Man.
Wen. Wilson and wife, of Hallett, were
among the visitors,
John Mooney waa re•eleated trades
for Barrie's eohool section on Wedges.
day and with John Robb, jr., and John
•Manning will look after the Mutineer..
W. H. Mo9ntobeon will supply 8 or 10
Gorda of stove wood at $1.50 per oord.
Rev. A. H. Brown and wife, of Bel -
grave, were away spending Christmas
and attending Dir. Brown's eieter'a
wedding. J. Kerr, of Wingham, sup-
plied the pulpits of the Methodist
ahorohee on Belgrave circuit last Sab-
Jae. Evans was Orogen trnetee in 8. B.
No. 9, on Wedneeday of this week ae
800099sor to D. McLean. 12 porde of
wood are to be impelled by Alfred But.
ton at $1.50 per cord and Rose Stubbe
the cedar. Wm. Jackson was elected
Secretary of Board.
Miee Nina Iebieter, who hae barn at.
tending the Normal eohool at 'Toronto,
arrived home on Monday. She will
teaoh in Union 8. S. No. 8, Morrie and
Tornberry, next year. The trustees and
notion are to be congratulated on eeaur•
ing eo competent and anooeeefni an in-
Will. MoOail, who hae been attending
the Chatham Collegiate, hae euoeeeefully
paeeed the metrioulation examination
and after a holiday here will return to
Chatham to pursue his oouree in conned.
tion with pbarmday in the drug store of
A. L McCall. We wieh him the success
he deserves and expect he will "get
Nomination for Manioipal 000001) will
be held next Monday at the Townebip
Hall. There promieee to be some lively
times for the Doming week if all the
oandidatee remain in the field. It is said
Geo. Taylor, Biala. Proctor, Jae. Sherrie
and W. H. MoOntabeon and the members
of last year's Connell, excepting M. M.
Cardiff, are in the oonteet.
A family gathering wee held at tab's.
Sheep's, 5th line, Christmas Day. All
the members were home ooneietiog of
Joseph, of Toledo ; Alex. and Jae., of
Cleveland; Jno., of 8t. Thomas; Mrs.
Kingswood, of St. Thomas ; Mre. W.
Lowry, of London ; Miee Julia, of Lon.
don ; Mre. Alfred Lowry, of Brussels ;
and the children at hotne. Mr. Kings.
wood and Roy were also here and Mr.
Lowry. Two easy chairs were presented
to Mr. and Mre. Sharp by the obildren.
A Chrietmae tree was unloaded, A. J.
Lowry filling tbe position of Santa Olane
and a ebort program was rendered with
Mr. Kingswood in the chair. A family
group was taken on Wedneeday by a
Brneaele artist.
SouooL Raroeo.—The following is the
report of the standing of the pupils of 8,
8. No. 4, Morrie, far the moothe of No-
vember and Deoember. Pupils when
names are marked with an asterisk were
absent from one or more examinations.
Junion °leases are marked awarding to
general proflaienoy, good order, eta :-
5th Claes ; total 300—M Nichol, 666 ; 33
Nichol, 678 ; 0 Speir, 630 ; 11 Walker,
505. Sr. 4th ; total 675—M Walker,
867 ; *P Sharp, 300 ; L Speir, 225 ; *D
Cardiff, 210 ; *L Davie, 125. Jr. 411 ;
total, 400—T Forsyth, 262 ; A Mo.
Outeheon, 250; *P Manning, 240 ; E
Jackson, 240. 8rd Claes—R Forsth,
480 ; 0 Welker, 408 ; L Nichol, 680 ; W
Burke, 310 ; 13 Speir, 291, Sr. 2nd -0
Speir, 880 ; J Robb, 065 ; H Jaoltenn,
489 ; K Manning, 378 ; B Welker, 340.
Jr. 2nd—W MoCutaheon, 488; J Speir,
898, Part 2nd -11 Me0tttolteon, W Mo.
Cutcheon, G Robb, J Burke, let Clan
—M MoOutaheoo, L 'Munn, R Tbuell•
Miss L. J. MOLaroabooS, Teacher,
all Had 1" by eohool I reoitetion, Harold
Jetvitt ; recitation, Emma Jermyn
Inatrpieental, Mesas, Rattan and Moos ;
reoitaeipn, Willie Forbes ; oeleation by
oboir; reoilatioo,Norman pouch ; oleo.
tion; "Little Pilgrims," by email obil•
dren ; recitation, Mildred Jewitt ; real•
tation. by John Garne-a ; "Rallying
Song," by eohool ; reoitation, Ilea Slouch ;
recitation, andel) Rutledge ; inetrumen.
tel, Rattan and Moee ; selection by choir ;
reoitation, Chas. Bone ; mueiaal Belem
bion, Mre, Rogers ; reoitation, Vennie
Rutledge ; selection by choir 1 lustre.
mental, Rattan and Mose. The Com.
mittee bad made an engagement to have
a number of 'relations on the Gramo
phone but much to the disappointment of
the obildren the inetrumenb was unable
to not owing to an aooident and bad to
be Bent away for repairs. Rev. D. Rogers
tilled in very acceptably tbe ooneegeot
vaoenoiee in hie naval hnmorone style
and the evening's entertainment was
brought to a oloee by the Benediotion.
Prooeede $4 50 to be need .in procuring
papere and helps for the Sabbath Soh -,o1.
;Thin week Riabard Hoy left for Trout McAlliat*'r'e store Imo beau open almost
Creek, Ont., where lin will assist bis nIR4lt al d day for the peat few weal's, I
lather, formerly of Grey, in the bntaber OnFeioev, Jan, lith, the farina be.
bueineae. Fie is en naive Maiand _ toogtnr to the estate of the ht a Jun ee
"Wavle wail lir offered for , sa'e et the
ljo,ei here by public .auetjon by F, h.
Soca, to ologa ae the aetabe. Ii Iztbet,
Jayne is the Adminietretrix egad G. F,
Blair, of Brussels, her Pelletier..
Oanesenae TAMS —The Xmas Tree
entertainment in oanneotion with the
Mothndiet Sabbath Soiree' was held on
Monday evening In the Townebip Hall
and drew a crowded house, The pro
gram was an exeellont one and refloated
great credit on those who bad charge of
the work. Bealdeo the children of the
wheel, Mre Uuether, ut Cranbrook, and
Rev. 3. F. Knight rendered two very line
eoloe. A flag drill by sixteen girls was
very highly appreciated and by speoial
request wan repeated. The tree was
adorned by many beautiPnl emanate and
altogether it was a very erjoyable even•
ing. Prooeede $23 00.
C r' 4O 8' .
John McTavish, let con., is ill at pre&•
Neil McNair is home from Wiarton for
a vteit.
Thle matrimonial fever is something
Teacher McIntosh is away at Bt. Mary's
for his holideye.
Hector McNeil is home from Mauitobe
where he has been farming.
G.o. McKay, of Munorieff, is on a visit
this week to Bt. Marys and London.
Mian Annie Hoy ie bath from Miahi•
gen where she hae been for several
Mre. Crone, of 8t. Marys, was visiting
relatives and friends in this neighbor•
hood last week,
Misses Mary and Belle and Robert
Pearson agent Christmas at George E.
Bpieren'e, Monorieff.
Nomination next Monday at Ethel.
There will no doubt be a large turn oat if
the weather le favorable.
Miee B. Miller, who ham been visiting
her sister, Mrs. B. Matthews, of Drew,
returned home on Monday.
Lorne Simpson baa bought a 70 wore
farm on the East end of the 3rd of Grey.
We wish him moan in his new home.
Miee Vinnie Cardiff, who ie attending
the Ladies' College in Toronto, is Spend•
ing the Christmas bolidage at her home.
Among the Christmas visitors in Grey
were Mrs. Hoy and Mre. Jas. Biehop, jr.,
of Trost Creek, who visited at Jno. Kar.
Chas. Simpson, who hae been at the
Bruoe Mines for some moothe, ie 8peud•
ing his Christmas vaoation with hie par -
ants at Jamestown. -
Mina Bain Grainger, who hae just
graduated from Stratford Model School,
will take charge of a eohool at Dyer's
Bay, Bruoe Co., next year.
Miee Mary MoBlain, of Manitoba, a
former resident of the 4th, wae married
a couple of weeks ago. Her many friende
of Grey wish her along and prosperous
wedded life.
James Jackson and wife,' who now live
near Teeawater, were renewing old ac•
gaaiotanoee on the Ord line during the
past week. They ware welcome vieitore
even it their stay was short.
Wm. Armstrong, 9th con., wboee farm
adjoins Brussels, le improving his prop
arty. He put a new shingle roof on hie
barn last Fall and erected a good etretoh
of wire fence across halt the front of the
plane. '
Miee Beckett, of Wingham, who hae
been attending the Model eohool, has
been engaged as teacher in Torubull's
eohool for 1901 ea euooeeeor to Miee
Wiltsie, who purposes attending the
Normal eohool.
D. L. Straoban, who has been attend-
ing the Kincardine High eohool, return.
ed home on Monday morning for his
Obrietmae vaoation. He looks o. k. and
aeeme to be enjoying the lake ehore
breezee splendidly.
Next season Aroh. !Melee, M. P. P.,
inteode pulling down tie barn and re.
building on an extended and more modern
plan. The atone stabling will also be
enlarged and fitted up with the latest
improvements for the accommodation of
stool. Thoe. Newsome hae the oontraot.
Material is being gdt ready by Edward
Armstrong, 13th oon., who now resides
on the Jamee Oakley farm, which be
bought last year, for a straw shod to be
added to hie barn next Summer. The
alone stabling capaotty will also be in.
oreaeed. Mr. Armstrong is now farming
on an extensive scale and this year reap-
ed a fine harvest.
The indioatione are that Reeve Tam
bull will be reelected by acclamation
but there will probably be a run for the
Coauail. T
he g a following names re
tinned in addition to the members of last
year's Board, a'tbough some of them
may not be candidates : Geo. Brown, J.
K. Baker, Hugh Cunningham, J. Brown,
J. McTaggart and Wm. Fraser. With
suoh a field as this if all are nominated
next Monday the ratepayers ebould
naive same attention in canvas, &0.
Onir.— Thursday of last week Alex.
Thompson died at hie residence, North
Boundary, aged 66 yeare. He had been
poorly for acme time with asthma. De-
ceased was born in Sootlaud and had
been a resident of this locality 15 or 20
years. Mre. Thompeon pre•deoeaeed ber
husband. A eon and daughter reeide
here and Mre. Moffatt, of Wroxeter, ie
another daughter. The funeral took
plane on Saturday afternoon, 50 rigs be.
ing in the prooeeeion to Wroxeter ceme-
tery. Rev, Mr. Anderson concluded the
eervioe. Mr. Thompson was a Presby.
team and highly esteemed by all who
knew him.
To Tun I]LEoroue or GRIM—I beg leave
to state to the eleotore of thie munioipal•
Sty that I am in the field for Councillor
for next year and expect to be nominated
next Monday. If you can see your way
clear to give me your vote on eleotion
day I will esteem it a great favor and if
elected my intentions are to work in the
interests of the taxpayers by °arefal and
economic management of township bust.
nese. Have been a resident of Grey for
a good many yaare and am known to a
goodly portion of the eledtorale. Wieb•
the season's Com limente
rag yon all p ,
t I am, Yours Truly,
axe. K. BASER.
should de well,.
Tho'ltith eon. hi making thioga lively
this week in the matrimonial line. he.
MgKayand Wee Looy Peet, of DIM;
and Neil MaTaggarb end 'Mise Elie Mit.
obeli, of lkioliiilop, 'were flurried on
George Dollop has puroleaoed tho 60
Gore farm of Devid Holmen, being I .of
109 22, apo. 10, Grey, The prion paid
watt $2,460. We are glad to hear Mo,
Dunlop ie remaining in thie )naaltty
Have not heard where M'. Holmes in -
geode locating yet,
An old and worthy resident of Grey
paeeed away last Tueoday in the pereop
of Thos. Wright, of Jamestown, at the
advanoed age of 79 years, The funeral
took place on Thnreday afternoon, Rev,
Jim, Rose, of Brussels, taking the service,
Mr. Wright wee highly esteemed.
Mre. Lanae, of Mcuorieff, was married
to Robt. Hale. The wedding took plaoe
at the borne of ber father, boundary of
Elma and Logan, before assembled rel&.
Mewl and friende, Rev. Mr. Avery °Motet.
ing. Mr. and Mre. Hale have the well
wiehee of a large circle of friende,
We are sorry to bear that 3, William.
eon, a well known resident of the 17th
con., is in very poor health. One day
last week he bad something like a stroke
of paralysis, being found lying in the yard
prostrate upnn the ground. Mr. William.
son le well op toward 70 years of age
but we hope the means used will lead to
hie complete recovery in the near future,
A crowd of young folks gathered at the
borne of Peter and Mrs. Sinclair on
Christmas night and spent an enjoyable
Hine tripping the light fantantio until an
early hour in the morning. The 0om.
pony gathered from far and near, some
coming from Atwood. Mello was sum
plied by Dunoaneon Broe , 17th oon.,
James Sinclair, 14th con., Dan. MOMil•
Ian, of Brussels, and Duncanson Broe.,
of the 14th. The happy company de.
parted for their homes in the early hours
wishing Mr. and Mre. Sinclair many
Merry Christmas'.
Ba000eesur.—A very e000eeefnl Xmas
Tree and Oonoert was held in Union 8.
S. Nn. 16, Grey and Howiok, on Friday
evening. 0. Leppard filled the chair in a
very efficient manner. An exoellent pro-
gram wae rendered, oonsisting of violin
dnete by Miee Stockton, of Listowel, and
Mr. Middleton, of Toronto ; month organ
duets, by Masora. Doig and Patrick ; dia.
!agnea, songs and reeitatione by the
children ; and last but not least, a num-
ber of oomio songs by Prof. Garrott
brought down the bailee. Santa Claus
then made his appearance and gladdened
the hearts of the children by unloading
for them a well filled Chrietmae tree.
Miee Pearson wee presented with a hand.
some Beal muff by her popile. The pro•
oeede of the concert amounted to 921.70.
A BIG Team—The Bethel Sabbath
School Entertainment on the evening of
the 21st was a decided encase. The fol.
lowing ie the program ; Opening prayer ;
oborae by the eobool ; reoitation, Nellie
Harrison ; thorns, the choir ; reoitation,
Alice McKay ; obairman'e addre'a ; duet,
Messrs. Oookalev and Campbell ; reoita-
tion, Fermi VoNaaght ; reoitation, Nor.
man MoNeoght ; solo, Mr. Prosser ;
reoltation, Frank Harrison ; reoitation,
Harry VaNenght ; quartette, Miss Brew.
ner, Mre. Livingstone, Mesere. Cooksley
and Campbell ; reoitation, Pearl Herd.
son 1 reoitation Willie Hislop ; solo,
Maggie Peet ; reoitation, Lillie Harrison ;
music by Messrs. Oookeley and Campbell ;
reoitation, Mise Bremner ; reoitation,
Geo. Mann ; chorus by the eohool ; reoi.
tation, Maggie Mann ; chorus by the
choir ; recitation, Winnie MaNaaght ;
reoitation, Frank Harrison ; reoitation,
Henry McKay ;dialogue, Florence Robin.
son and Frank Harrison ; mnei° by
Mesere. Oookeley and Campbell ; recite.
tion, Ethel MoNaugbt ; reoitatiou, Alex.
Mann ; reoitation, Olive Oliver. The
Beoretary'e report was then read after
which the prizes were distributed. Olive
Oliver reoeived let prize and James Mann
and in Mre. Livingetone'e oleos. In Miee
Bray's class John McKay took let and
Robert McKay 2nd. In tbe junior olaee
Veggie Mann won lat. The presents
were then dietribnted by Basta Claus,
represented by J. K. Baker, who perform-
ed that part in a way which delighted the
children, Rev. Mr. Curry made a first -
elan chairman. The committee who
had °barge of the program deeerve great
credit for the way their work was done ae
it spoke volumes for their ability in that
line. Prooeede amounted to $21.40.
Miee M. Milos ie borne for her holi-
R. Bieling, of Monkton, moved into oar
village last week.
Miee Wardlaw spent Chrietmae at her
home in Stratford.
Annual meeting of Ethel Cheese fao•
tory on Saturday afternoon.
Mre. Maguire, of Peterboro', is visiting
ber parents, S. and Mre. Ames.
Nomination here on Monday. The
array oftalentlent promises to be big.
Howard MoAllieter wrote for his di•
ploma at the Listowel Business College
last week.
Thomson Laird, who i9 studying Den -
Hatay le Detroit, is home for Xmas and
New Year's.
Mr. Robinson, of MoKillop, occupied
the pulpit of the Presbyterian ohuroh
last Sabbath.
Miee Lizzie Hall, of Dakota, and Miee
Lida Hall, of Leamington, are visiting
their parents here.
At tbe annual eohool meeting on Wed-
nesday Robt. McDonald was elected se
trustee. David Milne supplies the wood.
The Hanover fire was very dietivatly
Been here and many guesses were made se
to its whereabouts but none came within
20 miles of the exaot location.
Yon ann hardly get standing room in
Beatty'e tbese days for the number of
bargain seekers who throng the store,
taking advantage of their cheap Bale
before they leave Ethel. 25
Sonoma REPORT.•—December eohool re•
port of Senior Department of Ethel
Pnblia school. Jr. Ord—W Badgley, W
McAllister, L MoLeod, A MaDooald, W
Brown, M Fogel, G Dunbar, 0 Lindsay,
A Henry, G Wanner. M Pearson, R Dil.
worth. Sr. 8rd—E Hanenld, M Elliott,
E (lobar, C•} Gill, le Fogel, 0 Baynard, P
Dunbar, E Kerr, M Osborne. 4th—G
Eokmier, W Coates, G Imlay, D Daviee,
L Simpson, E McAllister, W McDonald,
H Querrin, E Cole, M MoAlliater, W
Lindsay, 0 Lindsay, E Mason, M Goatee,
M Bateman. 6th -13 Barr, B Slemmon,
M Haneold, W Balmier, 0 McAllister.
Ono. Dooeo1, Teaober.
Huron Co. Connell Nominees,
Oeely Three, Nos. 1, 8 and a 1►Iveslons Sleet.
by AeelausalIeu.
Last Monday was Nomination Day for
the County Council and the gentlemen
nominated were as followe :—
Div. No. 1—Ashfield, Colborne and
Goderioh town—P. Holt and Dudley
Holmes, of Goderioh ; Hugh Chambers,
Thoe. E. Durnion sad Jno. M. MoKen
zie, of Ashfield; and Alex. Young, of
Colborne. All retired except Mesere.
Holt and Chambers.
Div. No. 2—Hullett, Goderioh and bows
of Clinton—Jae. Snell, and J. Brigham,
of Hulletb • Jae. Connolly, Goderioh
township ; 8. S. Cooper and David Conte.
Ion, of Clinton.
Div. No. 3—Hay, Stanley,Baydeld and
Hensel!. — John Torrance and Wm.
Lamont, by acclamation.
Div. No. 4—Stephen, Usborne and
Exeter—H. Speakman, and A, L. Bobier,
of Exeter ; Wen. Delbridge; of Usborne,
and R. D. Hicks, of Stephen.
Div. No. 5—MoKillop, Tuakeramith
and Seaforth—Jno. McLean end Peter
McKay, Taokeremith ; Thos. E. Bays,
Seaforth ; and B. O'Connell, MoKillop;
Wm. Doig, of Tuokeremith, and B. B
Gunn, of Seaforth, were also nominated
but withdrew.
Div. No. 6—Grey, Morrie and Brussels
—Jae. Bowman and W. H. Kerr by ao-
Div. No. 7—West and East Wawanosb,
Blyth and Wingham—Donald Patterson,
Alex. Stuart, M. Lockhart end Jno.
Div. No. 8—Turnberry, Howiok and
Wroxeter—Robt. Miller, D. Weir, R.
Ferguson and A. Doig. W. Stewart wee
also nominated but resigned.
Successful aiodetltoe.
The Board of Examiners for the Conn•
ty of Huron met in the Model School,
Clinton, on 8atarday, Deo. 22nd, et 10 a.
m., to finish the work of the Model School
term. There were in all 47 candidates,
and of these 24 attended at Goderioh and
28 at Clinton, Of these candidates 8 bald
Senior Leaving non profeeeionai oertifl•
oaten, 84 held Janior Leaving and four
held Primary. The total number of
marks required was 900 ; the pass mark
540 or 60%. The honor mark 675 or 75%.
All the candidates made over the pees
and were granted Third Claes Certificates.
The following ie the list ;—
Ohidley, Agnea Pieroe, Amy A.
0ourtioe, Hattie Stewart, Mary Mei.
Oampbell, Mabel Scott, Ethel
Duff, Martha Alice Taylor, Agnate B.
Ellie, Mattie Turner, Florence
Bowe, Jannis Wellwood, Mar.
McEwen, Alioe M. Wilson, E. A. R. V.
Beokett, Nellie Oampbell, George
Cooper, Eva Down, Eooe Eager
Doan, Mina Duthie, B. Richard
Govenlook, Jennie Hackett, W. LeH.
McEwen, Elizabeth Halliday, Donald
MoLean, Amelia J. Hamilton, Thos. J.
McLeod, Flora Hooper, Alfred M.
Patterson, Mary L. Kilpatrick, Wm. E.
Bitohie, Annie Matheson, Wm. T.
Staebury, Ftoretta McDonald, Alex. F.
Smillie, Agnea E. Smith, Alex.
Thompeon, Winnie Stelak, Robt.
Wright, Etbwell Taylor, Hugh
Waugh, Isabel Wightman, Wm. H.
Aikenhead, Albert Weir, Robt.
Anderson, Robert Williams, Edwin L.
Blake, John
Goo. BAIRD, Beoy., Clinton.
Court two years, 924,00 IF. Miller, gravel,
$1.76 ; Wm. Pollard, wire 00098 on etde
road 4, oon. 6, 9667 ; Goo. With, wire
teem at iota 17 sed 18, cog. 5, $10.80 ; J.
]3. 111oLaechlin, drawing gravel en boon.
dory Grey and Kerrie, 92,00 ', W. .
Kerr, . balance of printing oontraot, 929 ,
Robt, Piekrell, gravelling on boundary
Grayand Alma, $11..25 ; Jae. Gang, gra.
yel,94.60; $obi, Meehan, ravel, 85,92 ;
P, ment, plank for-onlverbe, 94.01 ; J.
McNaught, newer pipe for culvert, 90.00 ;
ltobt. Coutts, gravel on eide road 6, con.
12, 916.50 ; Duncan McDonald, gravel,
1112,24 ; John MoOush, ditch and tile on
boundary Grey and Wallace, $18,60 ; S.
E, Smith, grevelliag on boundary Grey
and Wallace, $9.08 ; Thos. Al000k, gravel,
$5.76 ; Ileery'Thompson, drawing tile oe
boundary Grey and Wallace, 91.88 •
Harry Thompson, filling up' burnt rood
on boundary Grey and Blunt, 90.00 ; R,
Lang, filling up approach to Ethel bridge,
$1100 ; R. Livingstone, for aseistanoe to
engineer, oe MoTaggart drain, 917.25 ;
and aeeietanoe to engineer on 14th con.
drain, 916.60 ; 0, Qtiereogeeeer, lumber
for Olark'e bridge, $2.45 ; Adam Turn.
bull, tile for culvert boundary Grey and
Morrie, $3.80 ; J, Turnbull, Oounajl buei.
.nese for year $72.00 ; R, Livingston,
Council busiueee for year, $48.00 1 Jae.
McDonald, Council business for year,
$40.00 ; A. Turnbull, Council business
for year, $48,00 Wm. Spathe, salary,
9160 00 ; Ditches and Watercoursee Aot,
$30.00 ; Postage and stationery for year,
$23.00 ; Jae. Turnbull, A. Reymann and
Wm. Spence, each $4.00 for selecting
Jurors.—Carried. Council then adjourn.
ad, eine die, Wm. BrsNce, Olerk.
Grey Council Meeting.
The Municipal Council of the township
of Grey met at the Township Hall on
Deo. 15, pursuant to adjournment.
Members all present ; Reeve in the chair.
Minutes of last meeting were read and
adopted. Moved by Adam Turnbull,
seconded by haat) Lakethat Geo. Oliver
be paid the sum of $655.00 on contract of
Government Drain No. 2 and outlet, and
$460.00 on contract on Extension Drain
as per Engineer's certificate.—Carried.
Moved by Robt. Livingston, seconded by
Adam Turnbull, that the following be
paid : Treasnrer of MoKillop for work
done on boundary Grey and MoKillop,
912.36 ; T. Soott, repairing road scraper
and rag bolts, $8.00 ; John Boger, for
Municipal drains and ditches and water
ooureee Act, $301.50 ; Alex. Campbell, re-
pairing road on boundary Grey and Wal-
lace, $17.00 ; John Lowe, wire fence on
side road 2, con. 5,910,55 ; W. Fogel,
closing in stall at Hall for grader, $9,00 ;
R. MaNaugbton, tile for culverts, $4.82 ;
John Smith, tile for underdrain, 65o. ;
Geo. Candler, culvert and drain boundary
Grey and Morris, $6.50 ; James Houston,
ditches at Logan bridge, oon. 16, 50o. ;
Robb. Bell, culvert on boundary Grey
and Morrie, $8.00 ; Walter Wright, gravel-
ling on boundary Grey and Tarnberry,
$5.65 ; Wm. Riley, drawing tile for cul-
vert, $1.00 ; Geo. Smalldon, oulvert at
lot 6, con. 8, and cleaning ditch at lot
10, con, 9, $5.75 ; Geo. Smalldon, culvert
on boundary Grey and Morrie, 911 00 ;
Robt. Bell, culvert at lot 14, con. 4, 911.-
25 ; Wm. Brewer, digging Award ditch
lob 10, con. 8, $17.32 ; Riob. Jaoklin,
grnvolliog on side road 6, con. 5, $5.00 ;
Wm. Hudson, ditoh at lot 28, con. 5,
$12.00 ; David Stewart, gravel, $10.00 ;
Wm. Pollard, gravel, $2.25 ; Geo. Clark,
gravel, 92.64; Frank Oolline, wire fence
on Ride road 6, con. 5, 34.20 ; F. S. Scott,
rent for Town Hall, Brueeola, for Div.
Valaable Farm Property
In Ube Township of Grey, In the
County of llurou.
Pursuant to the authority voeted in the
undersigned, as Adoinietratrix of the estate
of James Travis, late of the Township of
Grey, Farmer, deceased, and with the con-
sent and approval of John Roekio, Esq,
Official Guardian. there will be offered for
sale by Public Auction at HENRY'S HOTEL
the 11111 4109 of January, A, 110„ 1901, at
the hour of 1 o'clock in the afternoon, by
F. S. Scott, Auctioneer, the following farm
property. Parcel number one eoneisting of
the North hell of Lot 26 in the 11th ooneee-
eion of the Township of Grey, arty acres all
cleared and in good state of eulttOation,
The soil is a good clay loam. There is about
20 agree of Fall plowing done. On this par-
cel there is a good bank barn 80 x 56 with
stone stabling in a good state of repair.
Also a good frame I house suitable fpr the
farm. A small orohard of young trees and
never failing spring. The ;fences are fairly
good. Parcel number two consists of the
Bonth half of lot 26 in the 11111 concession of
the said Township, fifty mores and all clear-
ed and ingood state of cultiyatiou. The
soil a Olay loam. Oa this parcel there is a
good bank barn 80 x 50 ; a log house and a
good orchard ofabout one Rare. The fences
are fairly good, Both parcels are wen suit-
ed for mixed farming. They are each about
29 miles from the thriving Village of Ethel
and about nine miles from the Village of
Brussels, Terme of sale ; Parcel No. 1 will
be soldisubjeot to a mortaagedfor 8500.00 at
Live per eent. Parcel No.2 to a lease there-
of for two years at are ntal of 5100.00 a year,
purobaser to receive an assignment of lease.
Ten per Dent of the purchase money on the
day of sale to the Vendor or ber solicitor
and the balance of the purchase money
within thirty days thereafter without inter-
est. Purchase money to be paid into the
Canadian Bank of Commerce at Toronto to
joint oredit of Adminietratrix and Oflieial
Guardian. Immediate possession of paroel
No. one will be given and of paroel .No. two
enbjeet to said lease. The lands willbe
offered en bloc, or in parcels to snit pur-
chasers. The property will be offered sub-
ject to a reserve bid. For futber particulars
apPlX to the Auctioneer, F, S. ,Scott, or to
the Vendor or her solicitor.
ELIZABETH 0AYNER, Admmiatratrix,
Solicitor for- Administratrix.
Dated the lath day of December, A• D. 1900.
Happy New Year
At all times of the year you will find n8
able to satisfactorily fill your requirements
with anythingyou may want in the Jewel-
ry, Silver, Chna or Spectacle line. We keep
the largest and beet assorted stock in town.
Having had long experience in this business
we knowjuat bow to buy to leave our au9-
tamere. We buy our goods direct from the
manufaoturere and can sell at close prices.
Suet now our stook is larger and more
obaioe than usual, so if you are in need of
anything at this Christmas time it will pay
you to call on us. Our specialties are
Ladles' and Gents' Gold and Gold Filled
Watches. Binge, Spectacles, Ladies' Long
Mains, Charms, Guff Buttons Tie Pine, eta.
We are sole agents for the Duke's Hampton
Watch Movements and Oases, the best rail-
way time keeper in the world hundreds are
parrying these Watohea bought of us. We
carry all grades of American movements,
P. 8.—Bartlet, l7 jewels, at very low price.
All watch repairing guaranteed—have yet to
the the watch I cannot repair.
T. Fletcher, Jeweler.
Isener of Shirring° Licenses.
All kinds of China and Fancy
Goods for presents.
F011,1 SALE, -- 1311 A
withoutom0 oanbaQueien atpre0,ratrni0lte
001) 'll'ARM OF 112 Ad11 S
((-- or a being bb 29, 000.7, 0609 .
tt f a le g L yy
nettlesultaUle for Iwo fun;files if ccttllu�ikod,'
Sehool blouse, ohuroh and partial the Village
of Eth01 en part of the lot. aply 10 J°50
0013r11, Ethel ()Asthma Mortis.
.L Lot 8, (ton, 06, .Grey oontalning 380
aoroe, Good stock Or slum term, HIP
frame house and bank barn ; two good wA)Ael
sight &ores of Pall wheat and laird all in a
geed state of cultivation, 5.0; ppartia0)ar0
apply to JOHN MnlADDBJN,
29.11 Brnseele P. 0,
LAmi.—Tire property of the late John
16111ett, ennuis ting Or .a solid brick onHouse,
with frame kiten and woodshed, g
stable and 9 Rare of Jand, all in first-elae8
ao6dlti6n. if not gold will oe rented. Pos.
88841011 at soy time. For pa'tioulnre ,tplrly
10 Woc. Sewanle,, Ethel; ALEN. PATT8ne0N
Galt ; or Du, hlopuLVER, Mt. Foreat OM
Bann.—Lot 17, con. 0, Township 01
Grey. 100 acres more or less. Situate 49
miles from 8,uesala end 2 nailesfrom village
of Pithel. All cleared excepting 0 acres of
hardwood bush. Buildinge and fen00s ill
good repair, Good welle. All Fallplowing
d0ne, Prioo and tering of payment on ap-
plication be W.M. SINOLAIL,
29-tf Barrister, ,t,o., Brussels
T� ARM 1''OR SALE. -360 ACREf3
■ Oousisting, f the Routh 4 and South i
of the North i of Lot 80, Oen g, East Wawa.
nosh, This is au excellent stook farm, both g
well supplied with good spring water. It is
situated abouts mhos from the thriving pit- '
Inge of Blyth, A large part of it le under
grass. Ilulidiage and femme are in a fair
state of rooair. Easy terms of payment will
be given. For all information apply to
11-tf G. F. GLAIR, Barrister, Brussels.
mares In the Township of Howiok, be-
ing Lots15 and 16, Oon. 0 ; 80 aorea are
cleared and 20 acres in bush ; bank barn
with atone stabling underneath ; and frame
house with cellar. A good thriving orchard.
Farm is situated 9 miles from Wroxeter.
Also 00 aorea in the Townebip of Turnberry,,
being North Half of Lot 7, (lou. A ; 80 00.68
in grabs, 20 Wes of bush; frame barn and
log house ; a gond spring. For further par-
t,oulars apply to ALEX, =SLOP,
21.4m Wroxeter P.0.
Patents Guaranteed.
Our fee returned if we fail. Any one Salad.
Inc sketch and description of any invention
will promptly receive our opinion free con-
cerning the patentability of same. How to
obtale a patout" sent upon request. Pat-
eats seemed through ne advertieed for sale
at our expense, eatonte taken out through
us receive ePaOIAL 000000. without oharge.
is THE PATENT 11E00100, an illustrated and
widely circulated journal, consulted by Man-
ufacturers and Investors. Send for sample
oopy r'aEE. Addre-s VIOTOR J, EVANS &
00., (Patent Attorneys,) Evans Building,
Washiugtou, D, O.
Sleighs AVD
Cutters !
If you want good value fur your
money in Sleighs or Outten call at
Jahn Wynn'e Carriage Shop, Brae.
eels, I have
1. Barge Stock
on hand to select from. No better
class of work in town, and all the
time you want to pay for whet you
British Columbia
Red Cedar Shingles
AND --
North Shore
Pine and Cedar
Brussels Planing TYlills
Also Doors and Seth of all Pat
terne on hand or made to order
at Short Notice.
Eetimatea Furnished for all
kinds of Buildings. Workman -
'ship and Material Guaranteed.
P. A1d-1E-P_V 1,
This is your last chance to get Bargains at Beatty's
as there will be only 10 days more of selling.
Below is a list of a few of the many Bargains
25o Tiokinge for , 18a per yard Mena 18a Linen Collars, 2 for
25o Cottouadee for .. ....20o " Men's $1.60 Felt Hats for
14a bhirtinge for 12ia " Men's $1.00 Felt Hate for
1210 Prints for 100 " Men's 750 Felt hate for
81 00 Tweeds for 750 '
760 Black Caebmere for no "
500 & 80o Blaok Cashmere -85o "
And all other Drees Goode at like
1210 & 14o Flannelette Sliirtinge for loo
Linoleum, 2 yds. wide, regular $1, for 750
Floor Oil Cloth, 2 yards wide, for ..40o
1 yard wide Union Oerpete for 190
1 yard wide Union Carpets, regular
500 & 800 per yard, for 88o
Men's $1.00 White Shirts for 760
4 Dane of Tomatoes for 25a
Beat cleaned Currants for...,123e per lb
New selected Roieine for l0a "
90.00 Dinner Sete, 97 pieoes, for., ..$7.00
36,00 Tea Sets, 44 pieces, for 3.60
White Ironstone Cups and Sauaers for
75a per dozen.
Highest price for produce in exchange for goods.
If you can here you will save money.