HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1900-12-27, Page 1Vol. 29-. No. 26
The Post Wishes all its Readers a Happy
New Year.
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W. H. K.ERR, Prop.
The late Pur Buyer's
Chances at
Pur More, Searorlit,
aThe after Beason buyer, that is the
man who wants his money with kion
when he buys, the man who [wile all
that he bus to sell before he will
[tart buying, For this man rye are
in a better position than la any poet
If season, so far as Z'ure aro 000 earned,
.fO�.yD By this we mean that while We have
done some very heavy selling of Sure,
the eolllu hoe boon for the most u
hart in the medium. primed coats, §v
his loaves no with the host gouda ou
hand, we are selling the ooate at the
prioes of the medium prloed goods,
therefore the man or woman who has
11 loft of/ buying until now will find in
our stock as good furs as they would
gat the opening of the season, our
04 stockof astrachan, Socharau, ladies'
q7 coat[ and the calf colo coots in mens
J,g are woll represented with good well
furred garments, there 1s not a poor
coat in the who stock, 1f it is the
comfort that you aro atter combined
with wear we recommend the Calf
coat, if looks combined with wear,
then the 0001115 0110 01c0F 000.t.
On the Wrong side of the Street,
Strong Block, Seaforth, Out.
Tug Edos gieins.
Herrn New Year to all.
NEST Monday will be Municipal Nom-
ination Day.
CHRISTMS visitors were here in full
force this year, a very pleasing feature
of this glad seven.
Jnaooa singers and Orchestra in Bras•
eels Town Hall on Wednesday evening of
next week, Jan. 2nd. Hear them.
TILE reflection of the Hanover fire was
seen very plainly in Brussels last Thure•
day night, although the distance ie 32
Sm WILFRID Leuamn.—Tug POST pur-
poses from time to time presenting its
readers with portraits of leading men of
this Dominion. We start with Sir
Wilfrid Laurier, Premier of this Domin-
ion of Canada, in whom the people of
this country are interested, irrespective
of politics, owing to his °ffrciel position.
JIInILEE SINGERS.—The famous Cana-
dian Jubilee Singers, who are the de.
ecendonte of slaves, will provide a mud.
eat treat in Brussels Town Hall on
Wednesday, Jan. 2nd. They are the
finest colored eingere in the world, and
carry with them musical instruments
valued at $2,700. They were here eight
years ago, and their singing was the beat
ever heard. Go and hear them.
WITH one accord throughout the length
and breadth of the Dominion readers of
all olaesoe of newspapers unite in saying
that if there is one paper which ahoald
be in every household, it is the Family
Herald and Weekly Star of Montreal.
Subscriptions are pouring into their cffioe
in Montreal at a tremendous rate. Cana-
dians without the Family Herald and
this eeaeon'e pictures, do hot know the
treat they are missing.
THE calendars for the first year of the
twentieth dentary are now out and from
them it is to be gathered that the year
begins on Tueeday ; Spring on March
21st, at 7.30 p. m. • Summer, June 22nd,
at 3.27 p. m. ; Antumo, September 25rd,
at 6.13 p. m, ; and Winter, December
22nd, at 12.15 p. m. Easter falls on
April 6th ; Ascension Day May 16th ;
Whitsunday May 20th; Queen's birthday
falls on a Friday ; Dominion Day on a
Monday ; 12th of July on a Friday, and
Chrietmas on a Wednesday. Marob,
June, September and December are the
"five Sunday" months.
A. 0. U. W.—The following officers
were elected In oonnection with Emmett'
A, 0. U. W., No. 136, last Friday evening
for the ensuing year :—Master Work-
man, W. A. Crioh; Foreman, Wm. Wil-
ton ; Overseer, Geo. Ounningbam •, Re.
corder, W. H. Kerr l Financier, J. A.
Creighton ; Treasurer, G. A. Deadman ;
Guide, Wm. Work ; Physician, J. A.
MoNanghton, M. D. ; Representative to
Grand Lodge, T. Farrow ; Alternate, W.
Ainley ; Trustees, W. H. McCracken, T.
Farrow and W. H. Herr. This Lodge
was organized in Oct. 1881 end there are
now 70 members on the roll. Thos.
Farrow, who has filled the ohair for the
past term, was a most competent officer.
SuocEseaor.—The Seaforth Sun says of
a gentleman known in Brussels :—Some
few years ago the firm then known ae
Stark Bros., merobaut tailors, were in-
duoed by some of the ladies to make to
order tailor made jackets. This was a
long felt want to our progressive town,
whioh was greatly appreciated by those
who wanted a nice ooa•t, and did not
want the trouble and expense of going to
the city to have it made. Since then the
business has changed its name, and is
now known as Stark & Letherland. The
present firm are now situated in Cady'e
Block, opposite Commercial Hotel, where
they have developed their present pro.
greeeive tailoring bnsiness. Thie eeasou
the firm decided to manufaotnre ladies
skirts as well as jackets, and have bad
grand enooese with their new venture.
They are the only firm outside of the
oily who makes ladies costumes and keep
experienced bands who work exclusively
on ladies worir. They have a perfect
system of shaping jaokete only known to
experienoed workmen. This season's
work ie a reword for a town like Seaforth
and speaks highly of their eklll in giving
the ladies a perfeot fitting garment. We
are told they made suite equal to city
etylee and work et almost half
pride, which will be a great advan-
tage to every lady who doee not
want the expense and inconvenience of
going to the pity. They inform ne they
are getting orders from diffe'kent planes,
their suite are so satiefaotory. We pre•
dict for the firm a very proeperons bud -
nese in all their branches of work and
think they deserve our patronage for
their enterprise,