HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1900-12-6, Page 5r4.10, 0, 1900 pool go CARS. ivrONEY TO LOAN AT 5 P 7U -LTA. Qent, r,8, 0O(,l.IT, Bruen/Is, lI, AtuCliAOIfN • Issuer of Marriage Llooesee. Of• floe at ero2ol'y, l'ui'nbarry street, Brussels, N. BARRETT-- LA/ v ',remolo1Artlot, Shop—Noxa door lldqd1otobgaieLadies' ond Oro'.1o, anolal 1.T.1ARMS FOR SALE—THE UN- nuOOIGNun boo Several good Parma Ior Bate and to root, easy tonna, in Toweehipe of Morris and 41i'oy, P 8, 800TT,Bruosols M. MiORRISON, Mauer of Marriage Licenses; WAI,TON, ONT, MISS JEAN Mi'LAUCHLIN, TEACHER OP— PIANO — AND - ORGAN, r31vesaoxis ROBERT CUNNINGHAM- INa00ANOR, ' FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH.' MISS SARAH LOUISE • MOORE, L. 0. M.. Academia graduate of London Conserva- tory of Mode. also Member of the Associated Musioiane of Ontario, ie prepared to receive a limited number of unpile for inetruotton on the piano. Qualified to prepare pupil a for the Principal's Form in the Conservatory of Duda; Brussels, Ontario, AL. NE— -0lorkEXofEiTJthe FourthTRDivision Court, Co. Huron Notary Public -, Land, ince tAu tion- eer. Funds fee od and oloan Collec- tions ollec- tionemade. Office in Grahum'elBIoos, Brue- sels. AUCTIONEERS. li B. SCOTT AS AN AUCTION• EER, will sou for better prices, to bottermen in lees time and lees chargee than any other Anatiouoer in East Huron or he won't charge anything. Dates and orders can always be arranged at this office or by personal application, DENTISTRY F. W. TWEDDLE, (PonatenLY OP BRATORTH) DENTIST. Graduate of R. O. D B., Toronto ;'Poet Grad- uate mares at Haekel'e School, Chicago, 10 Drown and bridge work. r=rPriose same as in surrounding towns. 21• Office over A.R. Smith's store, B russets, VETERINARY. T D. WARWICK— • Honepr Graduate of the Ontario Vet- erinary College, is pr spared totreat all dis- eases of domesticated animals 11n a compet- ent manner. Particular attention paid to Veterinary Deutletry. Calls promptly at. tended to. 011Ioe and Infirmary—Pour doors North of bridge, Turnberry at., Brussels. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. WM. SINCLAIR— • Barrister, Solicitor, 'Conveyancer, Notary Pubilo, &o. 0ffice-8 towart'8 Block 1 door North of Central Hotel. Solicitor for the Standard Bank. CI F. BLAIR, BARRISTER, Solicitor, &o. Office over Stand. and Bank. Solicitor for Village of Brussels. Money to Loan at lowest rates. 1V1 • G. CAMERON- (Formerly of Cameron, Holt & Cameron' Barrister and Botioltor, Goderiob Ont. Office-Ramrlton street, opposite Col- borne Hotel. MEDICAL CARDS. J. A. M'NAUGHTON, M. D., C. u., Trinityltoivereity, Fellow Trinity Medical College, Member College of Physicians and Surgeons Ont. Licentiate of the Royal Col- lege of lshyetofane and Licentiate or Mid- wlfery,Ediuburgh. 1.. Talepboue No.14. Residence—Mill street, Brusaele. Important to Breeders and;Horeemen. Eureka' Caustic Balsam. Veterinary A reliable and speedy remedy for Ourbe, Sglinte, ripavins, Sweeney, eta., oto„in ,Horses and Lump Jaw • oTo,. F' in Cattle. TRADE HARE - 'Seopamph- let which a000mpanios every bottle, giving soientlfie treatment in the various diseases. , • It oan be used in every ease 01 veterinary practice where stimulating applications mud blisters are proscribed, It has no stemma. Every bottle sold to guaranteed to give aatis- /action. Price 78o per bottle. Sold by all druggists and country atorekoepero. Pre. pared by Tim EUREKA VETBRINARY, MEDICINE 0OMPANT,.London. Ont. . McLEOD'S System, nenovator --AND OTHER -- TESTED REMEDIES SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE For Impure, Weak and Impoverished Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpita. tion of the Heart, Livor Complaint, Nen. algin, Loss of Memory, Brouohitie, don. sumption, Gail Stones, Janedioe, Kidney and Urinary Dineen, St. Vitus' Dance, Female Irregularities and General' De. bility, LABORATORY, GODERICH, ONT• J. M. McLEOD, Prop. tied Manufacturer. Bold by Jae, Tex, Drupelet, Drnestie 1I1° Business . Onit o i istowei College. EQUAf- TP ANY IN ONTARIO. A thorougb, complete and praotigal train. beg in all branobes of Qommergial work, at onsiderably lese than regular rates. For full information apply Donn or College over Pon Oslee, L. HARTT, LIBTOWl7L, I'1t1NOIPAL. zstxx.tt Retvos Molt>iawoa•tli. Nowax NOTICE.—M, McKee has sold hie house and eters with stook of geode to Wm. Murray, of Pinkerton, wbo takes Marge neat February.— James Terry has sold hie .house and blacksmith chop to J. T. Meikiejohn, who takes possession of the shop next January,—Wm, Wood has moored the services se G, MoOabe ea olerk.—A. Mitchell, who bee been with Mr. Wood, leaves to take a coarse at Business College.—Stewart Bros. have just completed a euooeeaful year's thresh- ing. -There must be going to be hard times with our farmers for the next four years, as eo many of them tendered for the mail contract between Listowel and Moleaworth. 18 ie reported that no leas than 10 tenders were sent in.—The last of September cheese late been shipped. ell I W oo(1. APTLY TOLD; Atwood will likely have a poetoffioe Savings department opened. —Robb. Merriam has aeonred a niboation at his trade ae h me a k n s ma er in Ethel,— Mr. Barnhill, of Washington, U. S., is visiting 'hie slater, Mre, A. Laidlaw.— allies Emma Rozell gave a farewell party to a few of her friends Tuesdayevening of loot week. W. and Mice Rozell will spend the Winter in Listowel and in the Spring intend moving to Woodstock to live. Tbey will bemaah missed in this vicinity.—The Elms Oheeee Co. has die - posed of ite November and Deoember butter to Ballantyne & Bon, Stratford, for 21 cents per pound.—A pretty wed ding wee witneesed by the relatives and a few intimate friends of the contract• ing parties on Wednesday of laet week at 10 a. m. The principals were Miss Maggie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Graham, 8th ace., Eima, and Wm. Tay- lor, jr., of Atwood. The ceremony was performed by Rev. E.A. Fear, Atwood. The bride looked' charming indeed in a very pretty °enema of blue lady's oloth. The ceremony was followed by the usual congratulations, atter whish • the bride and groom led the way to the dining room, where a sumptuous wedding break - feat was served. The young couple were the reoipienta of many pretty and useful presents, tokens of their popularity and esteem among their friends. Mr. and Mre. Taylor left on the 2 p. m. train from Lietowel to Woodstock, their future home, wbere Mr. Taylor has a luoretive position. Says tee was Tortured. "I suffered snob pain from corns I could hardly walk,” writes H. Robinson, Hills borough, Ills., "but Buoklen'e Arnica Salve completely oared them." Acte like magic) on sprain's, bruieee, ante, sores, 'maids, buena, toile, ulcers. Perfect healer of skindiseases and piles. Cure guaranteed by G. A. Deadman. 26o. 'ordwicla. NEWSY FLarrane —On amount of MOS.Gibson giving up his position as grain buyer here for the Martin Bros., of Mount Forest, they have neared Wm. Gibson as their buyer here.—Alf. Mo- Lanshlin, of Oregon, who has been in the United States for twelve years, ar- rived here and intends staying for some little time visiting his parents, brothers and sisters and other friends.—The nom manioc' eervioe announced to be held in the Presbyterian church, Sabbath, has been postponed till the first Sunday in January.—Amos and Mre. Denny, after having resided at Spenoe's Corners for abont two years, moved their household effects back to the village and have taken np their reeidenoe in their old borne. Tenders for the sale of debentures for the Fordwiah school were opened and read. The Central Canada Loan and Savings Co. offered in their tender $1977, Geo. A. Stinson ,7 Co. offering $2006. The latter got them.—The Royal Tem. plant of thio plane met for the purpose of eleoting officers for the ensuing term, which resulted as follows P. 0., Wm. Wattere ; S. C., L. G. Hooey ; V. 0., Mies Alfie Cole ; R. 8., E. Riehm ; Chap., W. J Johnston ; F. 8., E. Faille ; Treae., Mise Mary Ward ; Herald, S. Brioker ; Guard, Miss Lena Donaghy ; Sentinel, 8. Leppard; Organist, Mrs. L. G. Hooey ; Preen Reporter, T. Downey.—Thos. Gib-, eon has been appointed postmaster at this plane, to sucoeed the late Robert Mahood. Listowel. Lim ITEtel oPEwe.—Mre. Valentine a Sohiobeio, who had the misfortune to fraoture her thigh bone a couple of weeks ago by a fall while walking on the side• walk on Davidson street, in front of H. Goddard's reeidenoe, is progresaing fay. orably, though'still suffering from her injury. -Mien Susie Gardiner left town last week for Nelson, B. 0,, where she will remain for some time. She wag a000mpanied by her nieces, Rosie and Eva Gerdiuor, who go out to the coast to join their father, W. H, Gardiner, the latter having been located at Nelson for the past three or four years.—Theannual` public meeting of the Listowel branch Bible and Tract Society was held on Monday evening of last weak in the Methodist oharoh. After devotional exercises the chairman, Rev. Henry irviue, galled on'Reve,Forboe and Sound. ere, °soh of whom spoke briefly. The speaker of the evening was Rev, John Roes, of Brussels, who delivered an ex. °optionally able addrese. The following officers were appointed President, B. E. Beckett ; Sea., Rev. A. G. Saunders ; Treas., Thos. Male. -2. F. Wilson hoe materially improved hie oarriage shop on Mill attest by ebeotleg and painting the ertterior,—Listowel chair factory plant and stook has been purohaeed by Samuel Forbes, and the factory is again rubbing, with Edwin Forbes as manager. A full staff of hands le at work', finishing up the partly manufaotured stook, It ie Mr. Forbes' intention to keep the factory 'Tt1110 /lipping et Its fell ee laxity.—Dr. 0. 0, Tatham, eon of W. O. Tatham, of Brietown, who groiluatod last Spring from Torodo University Medical Oo!lrge, left bete for Manitowau,ug, wbero ba Ecce 4o talie the prunes of Dr, J. W. Maolatoeh for Dome month°, during the latter'e ab. canoe,—The eating Ohrietmae entertain, meet of the i7. B, Sunday Seboel will be bald on Friday evening, Deo. net.— Wilber MODowell, of ibis town, who hoe beau on the Stratford .Herald staff for some months, left here led/ week for Philadelphia, wbere helm gone to attend college. 1171. 'ter.. BirNxLEmo. -- The, Ladies' Aid and Woman's Foreign Missionary Soofetiee of the Blyth Methodist church gave ap add,eas to Mrs. Ashbury and another to Mrs. Chamberlain before their departure from Blytb,—A National ]}'estival was held in St. Andrew's church, Blyth, under the aospioes of the Sabbath eohool, on Wednesday evening, Deo. 6th.—M, H, Hammond, who has been Grand Trunk agent here for the past 14 years, has been offered the Oakville etatton and left to give it a few daye' trial before accepting. --Charles Burling plucked a bunch of violets in the bosh on Tuesday of Iaet week.—Rev. R. Henderson, pastor of the Presbyterian oharohee at Auburn and Smith's Hili, has tendered hie resigns tion owing to ill•bealth. Hie many friends regret he is oompelled to take this step, and still hope for hie restoration. Mr. Henderson was at one time principal of Blyth public eohool. A caoe of par. Hauler looal interest was tried before His Honor Judge Maeeon at Blyth on Nov. 16t13. It appears that 001118 tet years ago au award was made ander the Ditches and Wateroonrsee aot, taking the water off Ed. KraehlIng'e farm in Eseterly and Westerly directions through- Morrie and y Ent Wewanosh.So ago months a o the engineer of Morris made practically the same award. From this award Meeere. Stalker, Dingwall and Roes, who all live in East Wawanoab, appealed on the grounds tbat both awards were wrong in that their farms were unnecessarily bar. dened and that the Kraehliog farmehould be drained wholly through Morrie Atter the examination of a large number of witnesses His Honor gave judgment setting aside the award . in so far aeit affects the lands of Messrs. Stalker, Dingwall & Roes, . the appellants in the cause. Oasts to be paid by the deport- dente, who all live in Morrie. A. B. Macdonald for the appellants; 11 L. Dickinson for the respondents. A woman's Awful Peril, "There ie only one chance to save your life and that is through a costly opera- ation" were the startling words heard by Mre. I. B. Hunt, of Lime Ridge, Wis., from her doctor after he had 'vainly tried to core her of afrightful stomach trouble and yellow jaundice. Gall stones had formed and she constantly grew worse. Then ehe began to nee Eleatrio Bitters which wholly cured her. It's a wonder- ful stomaoll, liver and kidney remedy. Cures dyspepsia, lose of appetite. Try it. Only 50o. Gaaranteed. For sale by G. A. Deadman. Wingh(ten. Limo Wnur rues.—The Mail end Em- pire said that the name of Dr. Mao. Donald, member for East Huron, had been mentioned in oonneotion with the Deputy Speakerehip of the House of Commons.—Rich. Kinsman will have Marge of the G. T. R. pump hoose dur. ing Winter months. Mr. Kinsman bee filled this position for a number of sea. eons.—Thos. Jackson, late of the firm of Jackson & Jones, butchers. Wingham, has purohaeed Thos. Drummond's butcher business at Walkerton. Mr, Drummond formerly resided in. Wing- ham.—Roland Beattie was in New York for several days last week on business.— Rev. J. Hamilton, of Palmerston, former- ly of Wingbam, met with a severe aooi. dent. He was on a load of hay and in some way fell from the bay to the ground.—The commodious and nom. fortable home of Jae: A. Ohne has been sold to Rev. N. S..Burwash for $1,700. Mr. Cline will continue to occupy the. house for several months.—A meeting was held at the Dingley house for the purpose of organizing a hookey club for the coming season. H. 0. Ball was ap. pointed ohairman for the evening and A. J. Alderson noted as 'marabory pro tem. The olub was organized with the follow. ing offioere :-Hon. Pres., R. Clegg ; Hoo. Vme Pres., Dr. A. J. Irwin ; Pres., H. 0. Bell ; Vice Pres., R. A. Doaglase ; Manager, Geo. 0. Hanna ; Seo..Treae., H. Chambers ; Captain, Chas. Skeates ; Patron, Dr. MaoDonald ; 'Patroness, Mrs, (Dr.) MaoDonald. The member. chip fee wee placed at 60o. and the play• er's fee will be $1.00. H. 0. Bell, 0. Skeatee and D. Dingley were appointed & committee to make arrangements for the use of the rink. Cochrane & John. stop are making Improvements in their marble works bonding. They have also built an addition to it.—Oreditere of the eaten of G. McIntyre reoeived a final dividened of 10 per sent. The estate paid 50 oente on the $.—At the meeting of Maitland Lodge, I. 0. 0. F., the fob lowing officers were elected for the en- suing term :—P. G., Jae, Dey ; N. G., Geo. Tervit ; V. G., W. J Deyell ; Rec., Seo„ J. F. Groves ; Fin. -Seo., T. J. Elliott ; Treas., Wei. Robertson.—The young ladies of Wingham have formed what is to be known as the Fort•Nightly Club.—The members) of Camp Caledonia, Sone of Sootland will hold their annual concert on Tuesday evening, Jan. 22nd. Talent that has been neared for the cm. beaten is as follows:—Mise Jeeeie Alex- ander in dramatic reoitale ; Miss- Mary Waldrnm, Scottish soprano vooaliet ; James Fex, humerone vocalist ; M1ee Mabel MoDonald, in dancing and D. Mc. Donald, piper,—A number of the mem- bers and adherents of the Wingbam Pres byterian church met in the lecture room of that, church on Friday evening, Nov. 21st, to bid farewall to S. and Mrs. Graoey. Mr. Graoey had been an aotive worker in the demob and for several years had been treasurer; Hie fellow workers! In the oharoh could not In him leave Wingham without expressing their motet, hence the meeting on Friday evening last. Rev. D. Perrie occupied the chair and in a few opening remarks expreesed regret at losing Mr. and Mre. Graoey as members of the congregation. Mies Carets Fisher then entertained the audition with an inetrrtmenbal solo and Mies Nellie Mao/Donald gave a reading. D. Stewart was then °ailed on to read the addrese and W. Holmes made the presentation, which watt 70 p10000 of oil• vetwar°, including knives), forks and USSLS POST epoon, all placed in a Windsome-oak cabi- net, A suite ble reply was made by Mr, Grac8Y and nolo linreotary tatpatlla made by enteral spoaltert.. Saw Depth Neer, "It often made my heed ache," writes, L. 0. Overstreet, of Elgin, Tann„ ''40 bear my wife cough until it ooemad her weak and sore lunge would collapse, Good dootora said she wits Bo far gone With oonaump4ion that no medicine or earthly help could save her, but a friend recommended Dr. King'o New Dteoovery and persistent use of this excellent ntedl• eine saved her life." It's abeolntely guarenteed for °ougha,oddds, bronobitie, asthma, and all throat and !nag dieeaeee. 50e and $1,00 at G. A, Deadman'e drug' store, Trial boltlee free. A Wise. Lady, QLRvaxao», Ohio, May 28rd,1900, J. M. McLeod, MoLeod Laboratory, Goderioh, Ontario. DNAs Star—Your .liquid medicine, "Soak and Swab," has oured me entirely of the Bore I had on my upper jaw. The donors told me that it was a cancer and that the bone would have to be out out and the affected parte removed by the knife. It was this that, frightened me and made me get the "Soak and Swab." I used only three pint bottles. I am well ever einoe, and it is three years einoe I need it. Having great oonfldenee in your medicine I will recommend it to those in need. I am, eto., MRs. J. HARMAN. The following was received from the same lady ten years ago I Buffered for nearly four years from fife, and almost atthecame hoar daily, out of which no one oould waken me, on• MI I awoke of myself, weak and wearied after the lapse of from ten to twelve hours' time during wbioh time I was wholly uuoonsoioue. I was attended to and consulted no fewer than sixteen doctors without any benefit and no re- lief. I got to be absentminded, often un - councils of my surroundings, took no noticeof anything, until, in the good providence of God, a friend insisted on bringing J. M. MoLeod to our hoose. He took me out of the fit in nalf a min- ate's time. I began to gain rapidly after' tbie in health and eoundnees of mind, and to this day 1 have not had any more fits. Yours, etc., JOSEPHINE E. MARTIN, Kingsbridge, Out. Sold by Jas. Fox, druggist, Brunets. Mika alortlx. BUNNY SEITS. H. J. Crawford, B. A., formerly of this pities, bat now of Park - dale Collegiate Institute, was presented with a handsome Morris chair at the gradoatea'.reception held that evening at the close of the snood oommenoement exceraiees.—Friday being St. Andrew's day, there was a short eervioe for meg under the suepieee of the brotherhood of 6t. Andrew in St. Thomas church at 8 o'clock in the evening.—The election of officers for the year in the W. C. T. U., resulted as follows :—President, ]Mire. J. Stewart ; vioe.presidente; Mre. (Rev.) Busmen, Mre. (Rev:) Larkin and Mre. F. G. Neelin ; Correepouding Secretary, Mre. M. A. Coulter ; Recording Beore. Lary, Gore. M. Y. MoLean ; Treasurer, Mrs. G. B. Soott.—Whet might have breva serious fire oe:erred intheformer Y. M. C. A. rooms on Wednesday after- noon of last week, just before Six o'clock. The ladies of St. Thomas church held tbeir bazaar there and when lighting up for the evening a Chinese lantern which was used to decorate the flower booth took lire and in a few seconds the whole booth was ablaze. Had it not been for the timely aeeietanoe of -Mr. Daok, who at once pulled the structure down, the whole room would have been burning ae the bunting was all attached from the different booths to the oeiling.—Mise Hattie B. Freel, died on Tuesday morn- ing of last week, at the -residence of her brother-in-law, Rev. Rural Dean Hod. gine, Beaforth. Mies Freel was the youngest daughter of Morgan Freel, of Thameeford, and was a bright, clever young woman. On the Entrance exami- nation-ehe won the Hegler medal at the Thameeford public eohool, and afterwards attended the London Collegiate Institute, wbere she obtained her emend olasa non. professional certificate. After teaohing a year near Delaware, ehe attended the Ottawa Normal, where ehe attracted the attention of Inspector Gleaebam. He offered her a position in the oily schools, wbere she taught successfully for over twelve years. A severe attack of in. flemmatory rheomatiem, followed by typhoid, left her with heart trouble. A year ago the board gave her leave of absence, to see if she might regain her health. During the Summer her health" improved somewhat, wh but re nil preoently the was taken with a bad attack of heart weakaese, which proved fatal. Her funeral took plane at Thameeford.—Bit- tinge of the division court will be held in Seaforth, during 1901, ae follows ; Feb• ruary 8, April 6, June 6, September 7, October 21, DeeeMber 6,—Itev, 11. W. Diode, tooter of the Orangeville Presby terian ell Orel), end it formor.eminent in the Seal rib Preebyteriap eharob, hue declined it call from a Roseland, British Oolom4fa, °burgh, with tt stipend of 82,000, --The many frlendo et C. Bethune, town Treasurer, will regret to leant that be la now oaufined to bia resideng° moot of the time, abd bit oenditien ie not im., proving. --Mies ,Killoran, who bee been ill, le now recovering,but it !e not expect. ed the will he able to take her tattoo in the school 100 some time. By the meting vote of the Moderator the New. York Presbytery deeded againot ravine!' of the Woatmiuieter Opofeeaion of Faith, It's Your Nerves, It's the Condition of 'Your Nerves that Either Makes Your Life a Round. of Pleasure or a Use- less Burden. To many women life is one bound of eioknese, weakness and ill health. To attempt even the lightest household duties fatigues them. Many of the eympiome accompanying tbie state of deoline are ; a feeling of tiredness on waking, faintnese, dizziness, sinking feeling, palpitation of the heart, shortness of breath, loss of appetite, cold bands and feet, headache, dark oirolee under the eyes, pain in the baok and aide and all the other a000m•, panimente of a run down and weakened oonatitntion. All these e m to a m and coccitions are y p simply the result of a- poor qnality and defective circulation of the blood, with a wasting away of the nerve forces. By feeding the system with DR. WARD'S BLOOD AND NERVE PILLS You strike at the root of the disease and lay a solid foundation on which to build. Boon the weight inoreaaee, the sunken cheeks and flattened baste fill out, the eyes get bright and the thrill of renewed health and strength vibrates through the system. 60 dente per box at all druggists', or DR. WARD Co., Toronto, Ont. For gale by G. A. Deadman, Brussels. CENTRAnism 1L',..i' ! r� Strrtffrd..Orst. Send for one of our Catalogues and be convinced that we are doing the beet work in business eduoation in Canada to.. day. Enter now if possible. W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. FOUND 1110 I have found it neces- sary to open a Harness shop in connection with my Shoe shop and I have a first-class Harness Maker. Will put up nothing but First•class Harness of all kinds. Call and inspect for yourselves. Repairing neatly and promptly done. Full stock of Whips, Blankets, Rugs, Bells, Har- ness Oils, Dressing, &c, Geo.�i.1Nil�Vell N EVER B EFORE Did prices and purses NV' -est order t have more room and oet it we have run the knife through the prioe of our stook of Mantles and to make abort work of the selling of these goods we quote the fol- lowing prime ;— Jaoket that Wee.. 15 50 now $6 75 7 60 ' 5 50 II 116 60 ' 4 00 5 00 " 8 75 shake hands so heartily. ., ., a 5c) " 3 25 2 65 We ask you to oall and inspect these Mantles and be convinced that they are all extra big valve at prime quoted. We also draw your attention to the fact that T, '7"' 3 we are showing a most complete stook of ..L' V it 1J In all the differ. est makes. Call and inspect our Ladles' AetrachanJaikete of which we are Showing special values'. In Men'e Fur Coate we have the following makes.:—Oanadian Coon, Swamp Wallaby, Rook Wallaby, Wombat, Bulgarian Lamb and Afrioan Calf, we also have the agency for the famous Genuine Saekatohewan Buffalo Robes which are uusnrpaseed in quality. They are lined with a superior quality of Aetraohan Cloth and interlined throughout with rubber, therefore rendering them waterproof did windproof. We ask you again to call and Inspect our goods. We count it a great pimentos to have the opportunity of ehowing you goods' at F. McAllister's P. 8,—Don't purahnse any Smao lawmen before looking through our stook Which will be ootnponod of new and ap•to•date goods, McKinnon CASH STORE, Great e '�" O►�+ � BSS Goods Sale We don't purpose to parry any Drags Geode #roe one season to another, nor to wait until the end of the mason to clear out our stools, but. while our stook is well assorted with new goods and your want; not cup• plied, we give you the opportunity tide week of scouring Drrte Goode pat obtainable later in the aeeon, at great reductions in prime, The prices quoted in the list below will give you an Idea of what this means /- -Fanny Brooded Drees Goode, a fine range of oolorings, 40 inches wide, Winter weight, just °petted' this week, good value at 409, our prion 260. —Piaia 13omeepun Snitinge, 43 izobes wide, heavy weight, in light and. dark gray, navy and heather mixed, very special at 25o, —Coating Serge, in black and navy, 88 Inobee wide, heavy weight, bright Hsieh, good value at 35e, oar special prioe 260, —Amazon Suitings, 42 Metres wide, in gray, blue and heather mixtures, regular prioe 45o, reduced to 35o. —Black Orepons, in a great variety of patterns, all redacted in ,price, 50o, 65o, 76o, 95o, 51 and 5125. — Poplins, in bleak, navy and brown, they make a very -Stylish dress, very epeoial 60o. —Homeepuoe, 50 to 64 inches wide, in grays, brown and mixtures, regular 750, for 680. — Plaid Dress Goode, 38 inches wide, regular prioe 250, for 190. M'K1NNON & 00., BLYTH. HARDWARE GLAss- -An import stook of single and doable think at special prices. Lamp Goods —Oar new and improved lines will please you. Sea them. Prices from 25o. to $5 00. Spoons and Cutler . —We are offering Special Bargains on our Imported Spoons and Cattery this season. A special line of Oar• vera at low prima. Fall and Winter Mitts —See our lined Horse Hide Mitts at SOa. per pair. —Try our 7 inch File at Rio. "`Eley Brother's" Loaded` Shells —With Blaak and smokeless Powder Cross -cut Saws and A><os --Always a good stook to .choose from. Saws from $2.50 up ; Axes from 60o. up. Cash or Trade for Hides, Sheep Skins, Old Metal, Rubber, Rage, Horse Hair, popper, Brace, &o. Aa M. McKay & Co. HORSES' THEHEAD azarorus 'T Call and see the largest and best stock of Blankets, Robes, Sleigh Bells, Etc., in the County, which we purchased for cash direct from the manufacturers and are selling them at very close prices. In IIarness and Collars (Our own make) we have a complete stock made from the best material, combined with good workmanship. Also a full" line of Factory Harness from the best makers, from $7.60 up. A Ohoice Selection of Trunks and Bags. Repairing Neatly and Promptly attended to at Reasonable Charges. Jno. Donaldson, HEAT1C STOVES COOK STOVES RANCES Do not forget to see our line of Base Burners, with or without oven, Every stove a double heater and guar- anteed a perfect baker. WE INVITE YOUR INSPECTION, Meat Cutters, Butter Moulds, Scales, Lan- terns, Hanging ant1j''s and Lamp 1' Goods of every description, Wilton & - Turnbull Powder, `shot, Loaded Shells, 'Etat