HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1900-12-6, Page 4.TIZURSDAIY, DRO, 0, 1900.
Folin al Poi,rlters,
D. Landeekin, as•M. P., has been ap-
pointed paternaster at Owen Sound,
The indtoa4i000 point to a Pension of
tbo Ontario Legislature early in January.
Tile recount in North Brune Ione Mr;
McNeil, Independent Conserve,tve, with
A majority of 1,
Premier Ross and hie good wife were
prevented with an elaborate nine seta
vioe on the olive:: 4oniver8ary of their
9 majority rennin
Mr ' rb hem m
.D 4 J Y by
Southtb Perth, He bagCleburne uroB to
from Huron Co. to book against. Ile ie
a Liberal.
The present standing of the Legisla•
tion Assembly le as follows :-Liberals,
61 ; Oonservativee, 41 ; 2 vaoanoies,
Wooly, Welland and West Huron.
0. 0, James, Deputy Minister of Agri-
ealture, hes been chosen to represent
Ontario at the Pan•Amertoan Exposition
at Buffalo. The appointment does not
early with it emoluments..
The Ontario provincial revenue for the
ten months ending Oat. 81 made a very
satiefactory glowing. The total receipts
were almost 58,600,000, inotuding crown
lands, 51,051,369 • tioenee0, 5281,558 ;
enooeeeion ditties, $184,089,
The Manitoba Government intends to
present the claims of the province to the
control of its own school lands fund. For
this purpose a deputation from the Cab-
inet will probably seek an interview with
Sir Wilfrid Laurier in the near fatare.
There is apeoutation as to the next
seseion of Parliament. It isnot probable
that it will assemble before the middle
of February, though most people would
like to Bee J.. meet as early in the new
year as possible, transact its business
and adjourn,
Toronto Saturday Night puts forward
Chief Justice Meredith as the beet man
to lead the Cioneervative party oat of the
diffioultiee is which they find themselves
by the detect of all their leaders of the
firet rank, eaoept John Haggart end
Clarke With -act, in the late election.
Morris• Council Meeting.
:The Coun•il met ncaording to adjourn.
ante- Members all present ; Reeve in
the chair ; minutes of last meeting read
and panned. Oa motion of Cardiff and
Shaw, Mr. (ode was instructed to have
award drain at lot 4, iron. 7, cleaned out
as noon as the weather permits. On
motion of 0.de and Jackson an soot. pre-
sented by l', Amain was laid over for
future eont•'deration. On motion of
Cardiff and .faokson the acct. of James
Ora okshanl., laid over from Iaet meeting,
was ordered to be paid. W. J. Johnston
reported having inspected the Garnise
drain and fcaod it satisfactorily complet-
ed. On mo, ion of Code and Cardiff the
report of .•ir. Johnston was adopted.
On motion o' Code and Jackson Messrs.
Alocok and Pollard were granted 535 for
work on G:•rnies drain, Oa motion of
Cardio and Code the following Deputy
Returning Officers were appointed in ossa
a poll be reeaired at the Doming Muni.
Wpm' eleotic,: Div. No. 1, D. Laidlaw;
Div. No. 2,'1. Kelly ; Div. No. 3, Chas.
McCrea; D v. No. 4, Thos. Miller, jr.;
Div. No. 5, Wm. Elston ; Div. No. 6, J.
Robb. Oa motion of Cardiff and Shaw,
the followini. accounts were ordered to be
paid :-Jae. Logan, tile, 510.40 • Jae.
Logan, tile for Soatb boundary drain,
515.48 ; Geo, White, gravelling, $19.80 ;
Sae. Logan, inspeoting drain, $2.60 ; M.
Kelly, ditch and drawing tile, 52 00 : R.
Yuitl, repairing bridge, 550.00 ; D. Ir-
vine, burying steer, 51; Jno. Garnise,
bridge, 51.60 ; Thos. Proctor, tile and
culvert, 53.25 ; T. Code, councillor's fees,
525 ; H. Janson, putting in culvert, 52.•
50; John Lamb, putting in onlvert, $2 60 ;
Atomic and Pollard, work on Garnise
drain, 5130.)0; T. Maunders, cleaning
out calved ea East boundary, 53.00 IP.
Ament, lumI er for drain, 53.15 ; A. Cam
talon, oleani•ig drain, $2 00 ; W. Sellers,
repairing road, 58.25 ; R. Yonill, repair-
ing approeoi to bridge, 54 ; H. Mathers,
digging dhoti, 53.20 ; D. Miller, repairing
approach on North boundary, 50a.• R.
Johnston, repairing culvert, 50o. ; Wm.
Sellers, cleaning ditch, $6 ; W. Olark,
drainage court poets as per Judge's order,
$7.50; Was Marshall, attendance at court,
58.00 ; Anderson and Elder, Hall rent,
53.00; Judge Masson, wart expenses, 55;
11, D. Brace, onlvert and gravelling West
boundary, 50; W. Ooohrane, tile, $3.35 ;
Thos. Soon, drain and bridge act per En-
gineer's estimate, 547.00 ; M. M. Oardiff,
000noillot'a Sees, 525 00 ; E. Bosman,
drain and bridge, 537.00 ; B. B. Gann,
clothing for Campbell, 53.38 ; Geo. Jack.
eon, taking Campbell to House of Refuge,
53,00 ; Wes. [slleter, attendance at court,
52 ; Geo. Tauter, gravel, 70o. ; R. Yuill,
cleaning dike on 4th line and creek on
sideline, 55 ; A. Taylor, ditch, 51 ; Sae.
Orntekehank, repeating waggon, 51.75 ;
Alcock and Pollard, work on drain, 535 ;
W. J. Johnston, impeding drain, 53.00 ;
A. Shaw, ios;leoting drama, 56 ; Wm. Ie.
bister, impacting drain, 515.00. On
motion of Shaw and Code the Council
then adjourned to meet again on Deo. 15.
W. Gotha, Clerk.,
The Dominion Methodist General Cora
faunae will be invited to meat in Winni•
peg, in 1902, if the Committee can arrange
rates with the railways.
The Westminster offere the suggestion
that all the Presbyterian churobee in
Canada—or, better still, all the Christian
ahurmbss in the country—should bold
eaorament o;h the first Sunday of the
twentieth century. The idea is meetiog
with general favor.
The 76th annual report for the year
1899.1900 of the, Missionary 9ooieby of
the Metbodisb obnroh of Canada and
Newfoundland has been pnbliehed. It
is a volume of 340 pages, not counting
the covers, ar•5 wee printed and published
, at the Metho tet Mission Hoorne, Tor.
onto, The t dal reoeipts for missions,
collected from circuits, etatione and trig.
sloes were 5207,997.05, an iooreese over
the previous year of 55,843.88. Thirty
five and a half oeats out cf every dollar of
ti the sum was agent on domeetio mmesinne,
and thirtythnte and one•fifth on Indian
missions, leaving thirty -oho and one-
third cents fo all, other purposes: In
additiod to bit, foregoing there was de-
tived from v trioug lagaoiee' 520,731.16 ;
from the Ind at Dep'trtmont ea Ottawa
for various it, man inetitotions, 541,158 85,
and 'trout sundry soaring, 52,601.55,.
Making a grand total of 5275097.05,.
Dobraib Nein I --judge ,i%ahpert grant.
ed a divorce degree on the ground of de,
eertfoa to Ellett Miller from Thames 13.
Miller. The Millers were married in
1870, in Clinton, Oat, In July, 1896,
they. separated. There .are 0 children,
ranging in age tram 19 to 6. Tbie Morn
ing Mrs, Miller and her eldest daogbtpr
told the peculiar story that led to the
divorce ; A few months atter Miller left
bis wife and children to shift for them•
aelvse he went book to his old home it,
Oanada. A rumor 913aobed the ears of
the family Out he had married again,
The family at drat oould not believe euob
en incredible story. They thought the
husband and father, who was an eduoab.
ed men and a sebool teacher, would not
forget his obligations in that manner.
A ordt
o 1y,
ears. Miller act t her eldest
dal sr o Canada t 4t t Ca da to investigate. a•
k seri a . d
v k
cording to the daughter's bestimony she
found her father living with another
woman, whom be intradaoed es his wife,
The daughter was too astounded at first
to know what to do; A little later her
father drew her aside and asked her to
please call him "nnale," as lis was mar -
mod again, and did not want his wife to
know that he had a wife and obildren.
She acceded to his request. Judge Rola
nett did not hesitate long about granting
the deoree.
NEwsa Utiexrsa.—Ooptributions are be-
ingreceived for a public teabimonial. to
A. B. Webb, as'eooa FIB he returns from
South Afrion. ,It ie intended to make
the event of a public nature, with ep•
propriate addressee, &a. — The latest
addition to the House of Refuge inmates
ie a mac from Goderiob who should have
been sent to the insane asylum, as be is
a very bad nee and should not be where
he has liberty. He jumped from an up.
stair window the other night, a disbanoe
of about 20 feet, esoaping injury, and ran
a mite before he was overtaken and
brought baok.-Jae. Seale bas decided to
go into baeineee forhimaelf, and may
open up a shop here.—Rev. James Liv-
ingstone, of Windsor, formerly of Clinton,
has been invited back for another year.
—W. Robb is engaged in the laudable
work of raising a little mosey for John
Smith, who has been poorly for come
time, and also had the misfortune to
have bis collar hone broken. He raised
nearly 525. The gar pipe fencehas been
removed from the public, school grounds
and has been re•ereobed around the Mar-
ket Square. It certainly improves the
appearanoe of the latter plane, and will
prevent parsons driving over the walk on
the North side.—Mrs. Thos. J. Kemp got
a snare which she will not forget for
some time. It appears that her young-
est obild, a little one of about 2 years of
age, was taken ill and the mother ad•
ministered what she thought was
medicine. She happened, however, to
gethold of a bottle of laudanum end no-
ticing the mistake at once promptly gave
home remedies and hurried with the
little one to the doctor who pumped out
the poison and the child recovered.—Rev.
A. J. McLeod, late Priooipal of Regina
i Industrial School, was buried at Kinoar•
dine. He was a nephew of Rev. Joeias
Greene, of Heimesvills.—John McMillan,
exalt. P., left on Monday of last week for
Eastern Ontario, where he is engaged
in addressing Farmers' Institutes. His
thorough, praotioal knowledge of all Bub.
jeots ooaneeted with the farm and hie
acknowledged ability as a public speaker
make nim a desirable person for gather-
ings of this Med.—Fred, T. Jaokson has
rstarned from Omaha, Newbraaka, where
he bas been a resident for several months.
He will remelt] here permanently, having
decided to again enter the retail shoe
businessandwill open oat in the eland
formerly occupied by Misses Maadoneld
and Smith.
Code rich.
A GOnam en Hauo.—Goderiah turned
out en masse Friday evening of last week
to do honor to Sergt. Morgan Jones, of
the 33rd Huron Regiment, who fought
for the flag and the Empire in South
Africa. He arrived on the 7 40 train, and
was greeted by the Marine Band, the 0.
L Cadets, and folly one thousand people.
The Mayor and Council, with Oo1. Var-
na, Adjutant Yanng and Major. Beck, es-
corted Sergt. Jones to a carriage, and the
preemies mantled to the Town Hall,
wbere the Mayor read an addrega of wel-
oome, to which the hero responded
modestly and briefly. Col. Verne and
Adjutant Young also made short speech-
es, and after obeere for the lad in khaki,
the Queen and Col. Varooe, the proceed-
ings terminated. Oa Monday evening
the citizens of Dungannon, near which
Serge. Jones lives, greeted him with an
address and a gold watch.
Ntawes GLInsansna.—Will. E. Elliott has
left for Sault Ste. Marie, Ont., where he
bas a laorative position as etenograpber
with the Algoma Commercial Company,
of which the great Olergue is the head.—
Inverness Oamp, Sons of Scotland, in
commemoration of the anniversary of
St. Andrew attended Knox church in a
body and were addressed by the pastor,
Rev. Jas. A. Anderson, B. A. Mr. An-
derson delivered an admirable sermon
from the text, "The people that do know
their God natal be strong, and do ex.
ploits"—At the municipal eleobioos in
Goderioh in January there will probably
be at least four ballots, one for the her.
bor mill bylaw, one for the cow by-law,
one for county councillors, and one for
town oounoillora, and possibly a fifth for
the mayor.—Geoffrey Holt, of Goderioh,
at present attending Trinity College,
Toronto, has reoeived notion from Paris
that the international jury at Gbe Paris
exhibition bag awarded a gold medal
diploma to the Dominion of Canada for a
collective exhibition of plume, of which
his exhibit formed a prominent part.—
The Junior Tampion elected their aft -
oars for the ensuing six months ;—
Director, Mrs. Colin Campbell ; V. D.,
Agnea Molvor ; Seo., Ella Collinson ;
Treas., James Carrie ; Chap., Maggie
Sutherland ; Guard, 'Frances Wiggins ;
Sentinel, Bert Robertson ; organist, Reg-
gie Elliott ; Look -out Com., Maggie
Howrie, May Coates, Hugh Polley,
Bruce Reid. —Mrs, Garrow lately made a
handsome present to the pablio library in
the shape of fifty volumes, mostly fiction,
many of them late issues, and others
very aooaptable as auplioates of touch
read,booke.—A number of ,men of the
town have formed a club for the purpose
of discussing public gneetione, and with
the further objects of developing the art
of public speaking, improving their am
quaintanoe with parliamentary prooedure
abdthe raise whioh govern 9011110 meet-
inge,end iooreaeing their knowledge of
literature and history.. The club bee ee•
awed a room et the Temperance Hall,
where the organization meeting took
a.L U $ 8.
DEO. 6, 1900
tad 1 --Kon Pres, I I. tving Strong,etI e8.,1
Pres, 111, B. Dulmage 1 Vies Pres„ 1;i,
B. Gnat ; Sea,.Treas., W. Stuart Lane
Program Aum., M,. xdeeDonald,
MoNonaie and 15. B. Gent. Yining men
who aro interested in the Gime cif the
club as above eat forth are cordially in-
vjted 80 noun members, The club will
meet every Thureday eveuieg.—Francis
Mo1enzie Patterson, Vont down for trial
by Mayor Clegg, of Winglsnm, ona charge
of assert% pleaded guilty before Judge
Doyle and was allowed to go on suapend• 1
ed eenbsnoe.—Mise Charles, B. A., for..
merly of Goderiob Collegiate Institute,
was appointed to the position of the
teaoher of modern .languages in the
Toronto Junction High sohool, at a oalary,
to oomme0oe with, of 51,000, , Mien
Charles has Econ teaohingtUln Fall in
a BG Dallas,Texas.—the animacl
Winter show of the Huron Poultry and
'flet Stook Association, will be held in
Goderioh —The re organization meeting
of the, Goderioh Wilsey olub was held at
the British 1♦xohtnge hotel. The follow.
ins officers were elected for the season
1900 01 :—Hon, Pres., J. T. Garrow ;.
Hon. Vioe Pres., W. Len . Eliot ; Po ,
M. Dunham; Vioe Pres., H. M. Telt;
Seo., Geo. L. Allan ; Treas., Cbas. Steep.
bard ; Manager, E, U. Ottrill ; Captain,
vera. MoCarthy. Fred. Shepherd and
Percy Walton were added to the exeoa..
Wyecommittee.—Dr. Frank D. Turnbull,
who has been aesooiated with his brother,
Dr, Jas. L. Turnbull, in Goderiob, has
bought out the practioe of Dr, H. H.
Roes at Auburn and ie now located there.
—The Doty Engine Works is getting in
running order, and is a few days all the
oabbnildings of the eebabliehment will be
flaiahed.—The Kensington Furniture
factory is running full tune, is full hand•
ad, and le making shipments of cabinet
work, suitable for Ohristmas gifts, to all
parte of the Dominion,—The Goderiob
Organ Co, shipped organs to England.
The Clinton New Era is responsible for
this story, bat it is jest like oar ,lona-
than : The other day Jonathan Miller, the
well known portly and jovial proprietor
of the Bedford Hoene, Goderiob, sat in
the doorway of Davit,' livery stable, here,
when a little girl about 5 or 6 years of
age Dame along ; sbe was evidently im•
pressed by his size, for, eyeing him eriti•
oally, she said, "You're a pretty fat man,
mister ; would yon please .band up till I
gee bow big you are 7" Miller smiled,
and stood ap, with the remark, "How
does that Butt, mise 7" She was evident•
ty pleased, for as she moved along she re•
marked, "My goodness, but he's big."
Is Dr. Pitcher's Baokaoke Kidney Tab-
let. A medioine designed purposely for
the kidney and bladder. One that once
used holds a steady place in every beam
and household. Curing the terrible
pains, Bohn, soreness and nervoasnese
oansed by kidney trouble ; soothing the
irritable bladder troubles of the aged,
and the nightly troubles of ohildbood. A
medioine sure, safe and pleasant in ef-
fect. One that by its singleness of par -
pee appeals to the common sense of
every reasonable thinking individual. A
medioine always backed by written proof
like the following :
Fred. lnoson, 19 Charles St., Toronto
Junotion, says,—"Latterly I bad been
suffering from a constant lameness in
the small of my bank, and mnoh of the
time it was accompanied by a dull ach-
ing across my hips. My kidneys were
not right I know ; I had muchannoyance
from the secretions. I was not getting
any better ; the remedies that I had
been using seemed to be unable to re-
move the difficulty. Nearly two months
ago I heard of Dr. Pitcher's Baokaoke
Kidney Tablets, and got a bottle. I am
pleased to say that I had stank the
right thing at last. Both the lameness
across the kidneys Bed that grinding
pain in my back were removed. My kid -
nese were invigorated, and I am reoom•
mendiag the Tablets to my acqunintan•
Any reader of this paper can teat the
merits of Dr. Pitcher's Backaobe Kidney
Tablets free by enclosing two Dente pow
Cage 10 •rhe Pitoher Tablet 00., Ont.
Regular size, 50 cents per bottle.
Stratford Latter Day Saints are mau-
ndering the advisability of building a
new olarob. next Spring. Colleotors are
out, but the location of the edifice has
not been decided upon.
Rev. G. Campbell, Morgan, minister of
New Court Congregational abapel, Tel.
lington park, London, Eng., announced
from his pulpit on Sunday that be bad
aooepted the pastorate at Northfield in
eueoession to the late Dwight L. Moody.
Food Changed. To Polson.
Putrefying food in the intestines pro-
duces effects like those of arsenic, but
Dr. King'e New Life Pills expel the poi.
eons from clogged bowels, gently, easily
bat surely, oaring oonstipation, bilious-
ness, sink beadaohe, fevers, all liver, kid•
nay and bowel troubles. Only 25o ab G.
A. Deadman's drag store.
Lot E. Con, 12, Grey, containing 100
acres. Good stock or grain farm. flood
frame house and bank barn ; two good wells;
eight acres of Fall wheat and land all in a
yy state of cultivation. For ppartioulnre
apply t 3012N MoFAABBE ,BrussF, 0,
Laait.-The property of the late John
Elliott, consisting of a solid brink Louse
with frame kitoben and woodshed, good
stable and i sore of land all in at -class
condition. If not Bold win Met -class be rented. Poe.
session at any time. For pa,tioulars apply
00 War, srmxnn, mho.; ALEX. PATTEneon
Galt; or Dn,Mcguavas, Mt. Forest 5081
Consisting of the Routh i and. South l
o1 the North i of Lot Be, Con .'i, Gast Wawa -
nosh. This is an exoollentstook farm, being
well supplied withood spring water, 181s
situated about 8 mines from the thriving Vil-
lage of Blyth. Alarge part of it is under
grabs. Buildings and fences are in a fair
state of repair. Easy terms of payment will
be given, For all information apply to
I1 -t1 G. P. 13LA1I5, Barrister, Breese's,
.1 MEMS FOR SALE. — 100
L heTownship
aeras in t a,0of 8.00555 are
ing redDonisand 10, .Donn 0 ; 80 bones aro
and 20 mores Iunderneath':
; bank barn
with ew th collar.
0 ooti bhnl n god frame
louse with uated, A Cold thriving milord.bap,
Farm 10 situated 8 miles from Wroxeter,
Alae 20 acme in the Township o1 Turnbotry,
being North Ralf of Lot 7, OOn, A ; 80 aeras
in gratis, 20 acres of bush; frame barn and
Tog bowie ; sgood wring. For further per -
twitters apply to ALM, 11250.05',
21-4m Wroxeter P. 0,
lime t, Qu el pot,LA ftiT FUL ea er
wltilo, aa barr,,eht, Ap 1 to
Mlle 11, OAt0Pi3lmI,L, Brussels,
J,.r �5ASr,p,.-.T,p .+A. pon.Fn 'pwnslFORR
Grey, 100991'09 mere sr less, 8itga.9 al
M1108'vein il:nssels and d miles from village
of lathes, AR °leered excepting 5 apros of
hardwood busk. Bulldiuge and fences in
ggoodreiulr. Good wo11e, Alli"r.1l piowipg
italic. Frleo uu.l 491111 s 01 1/11,1 1••9141. ou Op.
emotion 10 \N, M, 6IN0LA155,
29.81 barrister, (ee„ l[ruseale,..
P ttciits Glita titeetll, •
Oar fee retllrped 11 WA fail. AoY 008 eend-
innFekotoli and desariptlon of any tuveptlait
will promptly resolve oar opiolee free eon,
earning the pateutenAllby cf eagle, "flow to
obtah, u patent" gent upon requoat. Pat -
ante secured through us advereleed for gal)
eb our expense, eatoubs taken opt through
lie receive 6en0IAr4 000I08. without charge
in Viz PATENT ltmoonE, an illustrated and
widely ,olreulated 1505951, °occulted by Slap.
nfaotsrera and bnvestors. Send for sample
0041 pilso, A0.1oois 'VICTOR J. k)Ya4lo do
Co., lEatsnb Atbornsye,) levene Building,
Waehlpgtou, D, 0.
Read (Vl8 AnnoniceMoui I
And then if you rrquire any of the following lines (which you
undoubtedly must) 1t will ea to your interest to call and gas our geode
aswe are in a position' to offer you the beat obtainable an the market
at the very lowest possible prioea. Here ere some of them a-
—Higbeat Grade British Columbia Salmon at 13o per oan.
—Special lines of Bias Ribbon Ceylon Tea at reduced prioea.
—Cold Blast Lanterns at 750.
-Call and see oar Lamps jest arrived from Montreal at prices
from 20o to $2—the greatest bargains of the day.
In our Boot and Shoe Department you will find everything np•to•date
and at the very loweet prices ever ggoted :—
Ladies' Flue Shoes from 25o up.
—Men's Fine Shoes from 90o to 53.00.
—We have in stook the very lateet in Men's Leather Leggings.
—Ws also oarry a i, ell assorted liue of the Celebrated Granby
Rubbers and Overshoes at the vary lowest prices.
r''Briop on your Butter, Eggs and Fowl. Yon will get the beet
value for them ytu aver received.
T. INNES, Jamestown.
After a Brave Struggle with an Overwhelming
Debt the Hospital -for Sick Children is Within
Sight of Freedom -- Only $i ,000
Required to Free It.
Dight years ago the Hospital for
Sick Children, Toronto, was in a most
precarious financial position. Only a
few sanguine friends believed that the
huge debt of over $106,000 would ever
be lifted from it. A prominent Mont-
real financier, when asked to loan
money and hold as security on mort-
gage the hospital, enquired as to the
suitability of the building for "factory
purposes.' Perhaps it was his re-
marks as much as anything ,else that
helped the brave ones who stood by
the hospital, The very idea of such
Hospital in a generous manner. Many
splendid gifts are received from
friends outside Toronto.
It costs over ;30,000 each year to
maintain the Hospital. About 5100 a
day is needed to buy food, medioine,
surgical appliances and nursing for
this army of little ones -146 patients
being in the cots at the end of this
fiscal year.
An appeal Is being made by the Hos-
pital Trustees this year for ;19,000—
the sum required to entirely free the
Hospital of Its debt. They issue the
...:ow to Keep
Yo Warm arm ..
One of the most effective methods is to secure a good Pur Coat,
jacket Cape, Ca p Brine Storm Collar, Buil, Gauntlets,
MVfnff or Cap. We can supply you with any
of these at a reasonable cost in any
variety of Fur you Wish.
We have
ill stock a ]acg n
of Lales Astrachan JacketsoIet
s of ex-
tra nice quality. Also Caperines in Astrachan
and Electric Seal and Gauntlets to match. Fur Caps
in fine Astrachan and Booharan Lamb, Otter Rat, Electric
Seal and Persian Lamb, Men's Coon, Wallaby and Black Goat Coats
Every thing Cheap. No Fancy Prices.
December Standard Patterns and Fashion Sheets to hand.
Sox and
• • •
No matter how
cold or slushy the
weather is, your feet
will be snug and
warm in a pair of socks and rubbers.
Thick, warm, fleece -lined socks and stout snag-
proof rubbers—that's a combination that can't be beat
for out -door winter work.
We have them in all styles and sizes. They are
priced down to rock bottom, too.
This is how we sell them :—
Because the 3. D, King Stub Proof Rubbers are the Best
Rubbers in the market let us fit you with a pair.
oF0 Qp ri
Oa -
.117 IBreruarsmonLa MONUMENT OR LOVE.
a possibility stirred the hearts and
spurred the efforts of those to whom
the Hospital work had become dear.
Taking the responsibility of the load
upon their own shoulders the trustees
of the Sick Children's Hospital ap-
pealed to the generous hearts of a
rich province—Ontario.
Here is a Hospital—they told it
through the newspapers—which
throws open its doors in answer to the
cry of any sick child, a Hospital that
has nursed and cured thousands of
helpless and crippled children; a Hos-
pital equipped as 15 no other institu-
nstitution of its kind in the world. Shall a
charity so sweet and deserving be
forced to close its doors by a mort-
gagee who thinks it might do /or a
That was eight years ago. Not be-
fore nor since has a single sick child
been refused admission to the Hos-
pital. A staff of doctors and a corps of
trained nurses are there during the
day and the long watches of the night—
tenderly and skilfully caring for the lit-
tle ones given into their care by fond,
anxious parents. Little children are
brought to the I•iospital from the farth-
est points of the province. Every town
and township has . been represented
tiering the past quarter century. The
fame of its great healing power has
been told in many a humble home—
!or during twenty-five years 40,000 sick
children have been taken care of.
Some of the little ones treated In those
early days are strong, healthy men and
'women to -day.
Last year the I3ospital roll -number-
ed 6,776 patients. Some epont days
and weeks in the cots at the Hospital.
Others came for a few days, while
many were brought to the doors of the
Hospital in the arms of their mothers
and received Ouch medicine and advice
as to speedily effect a Cure in their.
own bomee.
More than ane -thin[ of the little chil-
dren admitted to the hospital wards
came from places outside the city. The
people in the province have helped the
appeal to their friends throughout the
province. In a letter to the editor of this
paper Mr. J. Rosa Robertson says that
the Hospital has many well-wishers
among our readers who have given
practical voice to their sympathy in
past yeare. He believes that they will
respond cheerily and generously this
year to the call for help. They want
to end the century free of debt—That
on the morning ofthe first day of the
Twentieth Century there shall stand
free, a monument to man's generosity
to countless sick children—an impala
fellable gift of love from the men and
women of the Nineteenth Century to
'PRItME G aI. PAmoslo—/F.rant a P)1000.)
little ones specially confided to OUT
More than 10,000 donors contributed
to the maintenance and reduction Of
the II It debt last yet
Nearly ball of, these donations were
single dollars. Mr, Robertson says the
trustees like to have the greater mina
her of individual frlends—that they
would prefer ten five -dollar bills to one
fifty dollar gift,
Mr. 3, Roes Robertson, chairman of
the Hospital Trust, Toronto, publishes
a list of thedonations received during
the Christmas month In his paper, The •
Evening Telegram, and copies of the
paper ars sent to all donors,
Donatione may he sent to Mr. Rob.
ortson, or to Douglas Davidson, Spore.
Lary -Treasurer, lltospltal for Sick 05.11•
drnn, Toronto,
Boy allEl Girls
They need good,
strong, warm shoes—
no paper in the soles, tr
nothing: but solid leather and honest
Our school shoes are neat. !"
They beep their shape.
They Tease the parents because
they wear so well.
xxxxxxxxe ax=s xxxxxxxl-
E aC 1'Ll
9� i<3 SSBiS.iage Factory
o Carr
We will sell all Wheeled Rigs for the
balance of this season at Cost
To make room for Outten and Sleighs as we are going to bandle these in
quantities this Winter and at close prioea. g g s 1 arca
We ate building a number of Cutters that will suit our customers. For m ter.
ial and Painting they can't be beaten. a
Bob,aleighe 2 in. and 2s in, and Pleasure Sleigh our own make..
Intending pur:Jtaeore.Omuta call and examine onr neck beforein ,
and, you will be convinced that. it will any yeti to buy from b y i •deewlero,
EWCO.'S Crriaeha
"Reasonable Prices and Straight Dealing" is our Motto.
Thanking our many Customers for their poet patronage we
ask a oontinuanao of the sumo,