HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1900-12-6, Page 3TD/70R/441 HINTS FOR A eatiowloseyry frnJc comment on the action of tius United Staters aue tliorities ie regard to their OS'Ay in Oldno appears net in an English or Canadianpaper, but in the New York Herald, one of the greet:est Villiers in the republic. The eritiolent Oocurs • deepateli from Pekin, as follows: "U who Participated in the purse- tive expedition Of Peoting ]aye returnee excepting the Germans and Ifreneli, who renmn•as a permanent gerrison, The provincial treesurer, one geueral and a colonel, who were found by a court martial responeible too the slaughter oe seventeen Amer - loan and Englieh missionariee, and ter - Luring four others who were resealed alive, were to -day shot, with twenty prominent boxers, with the approval of Field Marshal Gaunt Von Welder - see, Punishment also was inflicted en route on other notorious boxer strong- holds,. In this just punishment for trightful atrocities on American oats- sionaries and native Christians the United States took no part, Its fif- teen hundred troops remained in camp Imre. Now that the cause of patty polities at home has been served with the sacrifice by the Washington goveenment of the national prestige In China and the &estates of common justice and humanity, and after the miserable harem from following the Russian lead in scuttling out of Pe- king before good goyernment was re- stored Americo will perhaps join Germany and England in their pre- sent effective polioy of stern punish- m,ent of the chief officials, and help In establishing order and preserving the integrity of China. Our govern- ment, merehonts, and missionaries will, in the future an in the past, be as prompt to olaim full parte:Ape- tion in all the benefits enjoyed by oth- ere in China, but Americans have thus far shirked their fair share of the burden of securing euch benefits and suppressing disorder." It has frequently been notioed that e plague of insects, as for instance, grasshoppers has often been averted, or destroyed in the nick of time by the breaking out of an epidemic am- ong the Insects. The U. S. agricul- tural department has made a study of these epidemics and is now vigor- ously fighting insects by spreading disease among them. Ever since the discovery of a contagious disease that would decimate the ohindh bug popu- lation entomologists have been work- ing industriously along that line and contagion can now be spread among Several varieties of harmful insects. A coutogious disease similar to lep- rosy has been discovered in the grass- hopper family and experiments war- rant the belief that it earn be made most: efficacious in freeing the farms of that pest. With the advent of railways it was feared that the Mississippi river oar- rying trade was doomed. It certainly shrunk greatly, especially in passen- ger traffic, but freight traffic has kepi nip better and of late years has begun to revive. One of the most hn- pnrtant °bailees has just been made Olio fall in the introduetion of anew fityle of steel binges. The first three in tow of a specially built Moamar have just reached New Orleans from St Louis, and the trip has been so successful that a line of these barges will be built. There is food for reflec- tion here for Canadians who are not making all the use they should of their great inland waterways -that Is the waterways system, aside from the Great Lakes. , A VERY GRATREUL FLY. Once 'while a man was eating his brreakfast ona summer moraine he saw a fly stunk Lase iin the butter. is first idea wag tee let it die by the point of his knife, but, being in the main a kindhearted man, better thoughts cane to him, and he decided to save its life. So this kind, good main tenderly removed the fly, gently scraped the better off its little legs, carefully wiped its wings with his • tahleentipkin, and, softly sbroking its little batik, see it at liberty„ That night the fly evoke him. There was a burglar! He was just putting the last of the family silver into his basket Inspiratory to carrying it away; but when he saw the, mew he dropped leis plunder and fled through the open window. The flg, which had followed the man downstairs, buzzed triumphantly over the baeket, and then settled oonfeclingly uOon his band. Aod, hooking at it closely, the man by a eortarea shiny look that linger- ed yet about its body, knew that it ,was the same Cly that he had rescued from Lhe hotter. Ile had spared its lefe, and in geatitude it had saved hie NJ, -Tho truth oe the above story •not, guaranteed hy the 'Editor. NATURALLY. "Did you, know there are minute *make% In all of nuteres blood vest, ,ole 1" "Say, they Midst feel eni they had Heel in vein." THE FARMER. OlIZAP MEAT, Up to thee day the majority of tarn - ore live principally on pork for their staple meat. This is very netural, ee eaea't is the handle/it, easiest to owe and keep The meet of domestic fowls enters somewhat into the bill of fare, but not ao often ea it might, and it i.e a pretty expensiee lexterY with the moot of farmers, Some oe them have realized their eYetem 01 keeping fowls to one requiring al- most no labor on their part. Grain is turned into a emperor or large fed trough once a week, enough to last them that leogth of times. It is a 'Moo simple system, 000 1 would inei" tate, bat the towLe thus retried come Pretty biigh, and the egg basket re- mains empty a largo share of the year. Fowls managed that way are always ready Inc the kettle, but are also clear meat. Some years ago I oommenced growing Belgian hares to supply our table with a greater vari- ety of meat, and I found the meat of them not only to be very fine if 000ked properly, but also very cheap. I am safe in saying that the cost of the production of hares is not half that of the average farm. PoultrY. The feed utilized costs often almost nothing, except the labor of gathering it, and the children will often do that with pleasure. Hares will also en- dure neglect and mismanagement =ob better than poultry. '.Chey will tnanstorm all sorts of weeds, such ns catnip, peppermint, horeeraint, plan- tain, dandelions, thistles, tag alder twigs and ar , frudi tree trhamin.gs and surplus vegetables of any kind into the choicest meat. In fact, the more herb. are eed the awe.t- er the meet will be. The hares will not refuse nice clover and alfalfa, neitber green or dry. During the winter time I fe,ecl mostly clover, and also orchard trimming -B. Quite a nruxabe,r of these animals may be turn TEE DREAM °burning too rapidly makee oily ben, tor. Dream rivalled toe e000 will not give all of the butter, Elettrie color will not cover up de tente in grain or elaYer, It Is the peroentage erf fat in milk that determines. The vow that girce a good return ter the food consumed is the one for Profet. should always bo done with ties littic distukhantie of the oow as pos- sible, Sometimes butter will be :streaked on amount ot not being properly washed or (worked. The natural !flavor oe Metter men - net be removed by washing In cold water. Careful • manipulation with the cream and everything else put right will make good butter without wash- ing-. There is sio profit in poor Metter, no matter how cbeaply it may be pro- duced. Three foureths of the orew's food goes to body maintenance and one fourth to grolit making. Above the food of production that goes to milk a oow demands food of support in proportion to her size. It milk Is to be used. for butter or &roam deep setting and speedy sep- aration will "give the bast results. St is less work to force buttermilk out of the butter when in granular forni and it can be done more effeco tively. The bettor milk development secur- ed •with the first oalf the better re- mits It is possible to seeurre. It is nearly impossible to gel; things* sweet and clean if they- are left Inc boars or ever night with! sour cream or buttermilk in tb:era. All veasels should be cleansed as soon as emptied. DISEASE OF DUCKS. The check is afflicted with but few diseases, the most prominent being vertigo and convalsious. The first ed loose M the barnyard during' win- ter. They will pick their living from! Pale and Bloodless tlye stack and from the hay and other • stuck waste. While hares will thrive tolerably well under maltreatment and neglect I want to say whatever pays to do at all pays best when done well. I give my ileaxes just as good treatment as my fowls. They do not require very numb room and may be crowded • much more than poultry. However, there are points that must be watch- ed. Breeding, does should be kept in separate little rooms and should have the best of care, eepeoially while suckling young. I give them grath. oats and wheat, night and morning; and also sweet, skimmed, milk and fresh water every day. They may be bred every seven or eight weeks and the young should be separated from their mothers when from. six to seven weeks old. After weaning the food of Lhe little hares should consist partially in chopped feed stirred with milk if it can be had. They soon learn, to eat any kind of whole goain, enjoy roots, apples, weeds, clover, etc. At four and not more than five months the sexes must be separated to prevent their breeding too young and inbreed- ing at the same time. It' does not work well to put hares of different ages together in olose quarters; some- times losses occur from such a prac- tice. I therefore try to have my breeding dogs all have their young at ribs same time, then the. young of all the mothers may be weaned together and placed in one pen. The time to fatten and to dispose of sterplus stook is when from four to six months old, providing yoa have a market for them at the time; otherw1se rhey may be held till fall or winter, bet the was called in, and he stated that my case was a most. severe type of anaemia, and that while he could help me the tr,cruble had progressed to such a stage that he Gould hold cull little large during 110 summer around barn hpes of a Caere. At this time I wag and leulidings. I have not known as pale as ohalk, my eyelids' were Vibelet to do mo ally( harm. They will swollen amd would hang down °oar peek up their living and beoome fat my eyes like seeks of water. My without any grain and care whetever. feet and limbs would swell, and, ware Cate sometimes learn to isateh and kill always aoid. I was subject to violent young hems, so it does! not answer to headaches, severe palpitation of the turn them out under three or tour heart, and if I stooped over I would months of age. Troublesome oats be so dizzy that I could soarcoly, re- nruet be disposed of, I use the shot- gain an uprighe position. My appee ego THOUSANDS OF ANAEMIC GIRLS HURRYING TO THE GRAVE. roes A. Yining Lady at Coinsure, Onl„ Whine (lose Was Pronounced hopeless, Tells Mow Site Regained health and Strength —A. Lesson to Mothers. ' Anaemia is the term used by doctors to indioate poverty of the blood. The prevalence of this trouble is most slarming, especially among young girls, and a large percentage of the altogether too numerous cases of eon- suoeption, which annually ravage the country have their origin in this trouble. The first indication of anae- mic. is a pale, sallow or waxy complex - Lon. This is bellowed by loss of appe- tite, frequent headaches, indisposition to exertion, or Bevelling of limbo, violent heart palpitation, and fre- quently fainting fits. These symptoms may not all be present. but the more there are the greater the urgency for prompt and effective treatmentatvhiele should be persisted in until all traces of the trouble have vanished. Among the thousands who have been brought near to the brink of the grave from. this trouble, and ultimately restored to health through the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, is Miss Bella. borne is. at Cobourg. Miss Boyd gives home is at Cobourg. Miss Boyd gives her experience as follows :- 'IL is nearly ten years since my ill- ness float commeneed, and although I was dootoring more or less I re - Woad little or no benefit, as the doc- tors did not seem to uinderstand my trauble. Two years ago my health became so bad that another doctor males moot in that case be castrated. In neighborhoods where there is a Bear- d:1:y of useless dogs, quite a nuraber of the animals may be left to roam at „gun. Like poultry, so beiges can be marked, not between their toes, but on their long ears, whiehr give the very best of opportunity to punch holes or ou,t little elite. Thus marked, one can easily keep track of the different ages, sexes, castrated animals, new stook bought, ete. 1. record will have to be kepi in that obese. UTILIZING HEN POWER, A farmer writes that he utilizes the natural tendency of his Itene to scratob by lettbig them do the work in his garden. Ile makes long, nar- row naives, inert wide anodef to lit between his garden rows of Vegeta.' tiles, ole; Nile slat aides, board tops and open bottoms, In these pages he Puts WS beat dirt throwerroad lets them hoe out the platen When the ground is Well torn up he moves the cage along and in this waY, keeps tho earth raellew end the garden free from !Mote. Lite failed me ahrtest entirely, and I grew so weak that I was a mere wreak. While in this condition I read in a newspaper of the pure of a young girl whose case was much like mine, through the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and I determined to try theta. 'awe who knew me did not think any inedieine could do me any geod or that I would ever get batter but I deter - vetoed at all eYentd tio give the PIM a fair trial, I have used them for nearly a year with the result that feel like a new porimme The Bevel- ling in my eyelids and limiest Ilea ,1j - appeared; my appetite is good and nay iaoe its Teo -mining the color which left it years ago. I omit sew and do work about the house, and this great ebringe lea my ciondition; Is due solely to the use of Dr. Williams' Pink It is nest tied little to; say that they have saved my lite and I strongly urge girls who aro similarly Itffileted hp give them a thorough trial. All Japan teas are colored. CEYLON GREEN TEA is pure and uncolored. coulee from overfeeding, and can be cured oe pre -muted generally by keep- ing them on a grass diet exclusively. Convulsions are mused by dampness, poor fool and filthy °cope. The best remedy L.5 10 OlextO out the coops, snake them dry and feed on nouaiebing food. Ducks should always have dry guar- ters a.t MUSICAL SPIDERS. A Utile Animal That Was rend of Mama Playing, Wel k10w from. Mr. Cornish's de- lightful book that Mem, of the large err animals at the Zoe, are uomistak- ably musical, says the Westminster Gazette. That frogs are musical we aim know, not only on Ovid's author - My, but on thee ot our mon sense of hearing, when we take our walks abroad in the country on mild spring and sumintie evenings. But that dwarf tortoiaes, squirrels, mice and °thew small fry, not to speak of ape. dens and snails, aro agreeably touch- ed by barmonions sounds, we learn from an interesting controversy in a German contemporary. A. spider, it seems on,frie.aring the sounds of the piano, let his:melt at 01:1013 down, to the level of the player's eyes -.a pro - °ceding which, we should iraagine, did not add to the latter% enjoyment, though it evidently suited the spider =wetly, for there it remained till the music iseased, when this musical acro- bat at once hauled itself up by a rope of its own manufacture, and vanished in' its mysterious haunts in the upper regions. That German spider ought to tome to England and live in a semi- detached villa, or one of a row of houses in a street, It would then get as much as, and proba'bly more than, it could ever wish for by way of pianoforte music. FEMININE DIPLOMACY. "How do you get on with your new neighbors?" "Very Mealy," answered DIrs...Bly- kens. "We pursued our usual pro- gramme, and as soon as they moved in sent over and asked to borrow their wash tubs, flatMorna, gas stove and baby grand piano." "But you have all such things yourself." "Of moors& What I wanted to do was to head them off." SOUNDED FUNNY TO HER. Mra. Snaggs. Old Cloaefist is dead I see. Mr Sna.ggs. Yee. "What did he die ort?" "Ile died of enlargement of the heart." "That old miser! What a joker you are, Frank." An EDUCATIONAL DIFFICULTY "This is the great mid glorious land where education' is not denied to any youth," "Yes," answered the cold-blooded conic, "the only troable is that they Put in too much' time translating Latin, when they ought to be lemming not to say 'I seen it, and 'I done it." A PRACTICAL MARRIED MAN. My husba.nd has no sentiment. I told him I would have my phologoaph taken for his birthday present 1" "Didn't Wilke the idea 1" "He sail he'd rather Id give him e load of coal." . „ HER FALL, "1 goo a girl look into, a mirror to- day, and it broke." " The mirror ?" "No; her farm. It broke into a smile." •••••••••••••, HOW TO PAY RIINT, House Owner -You didn't pay the rent last month. Home Tentent-No ? Well, I suppose you'll hold me to your agreement. House Ovv,ner-Agoelement - whet agreement? House Tenant-eViehy, when I rented you said I moat pay in advance or not at all. BEFORE THE 0HRISTIININ9. Mr. Freeborn josksran--,Whed yob gwino name. 110, Laurelia 1 Mrs'. Jacsketon-Anyfing yob laike. Anyfing, cept Alias'. Tee noticed bays that naris nevalt comae to no good, They' DMus in the peace Wt. EUlY1E-GENER4ATING BOMB, Prof. Citamphausen, of Amsterdam, its out with a bomb generating fumere that Will make breathing( difficult or impassible for a distance of 100 yard% atoned the maitre of the lexploseon, THE COAL CF ORIN& moa iota Wpoiiiito Inc Only muclonerY Pied. PrOtereenr De'ake, of Tientsin, lam lately published a report on the coal fielde ef the Chinese proyinoe of Shone el, in which he oath:melee that within 150 emeare miles around Tse-chau there are oboist 30,00 edition metrics tons of coal and yet this area is only a 1itt1 of the rogged, edge of the grea,t peal fields of Shan-si. Riehto- fen, in 1870, eatiemied that the an- thracite, cool elope of this province amieuoter be 030,000 million tons, and that the cool area is greater than that of Penoeyivenio. The workable coal of Toe -clan, lies. in one bed, the average thicket:se of which is probably not less than 22feet. All of this moll is anthracite, with a specific gravity of Le, and le hard evangel to support any weight put upon it in the, blast f armee. The pro- portion of sulphur is uniformly low, and that 01 ash also. The soil in the neighborhood of Tse- ehau is highly fertile, and supports re dense population. The industries are centred rotten' the minas, Nearly all the coal is mined through shafts, vary - login depth fria5m.50 ft. to over 330 ft. Very little le mined through inclines. No steam is need Dor raising the coal to the surface, and explosive$ are not eo:aployed. The work ire done with the windlass and pick. Tunnels are run throneth the bed froln the bottom of the shaft, and at intervals along the tunnels large quantities of coal area removed, leaving circular (Members from 40 to 50 feet in diameter, and thus about 50,000 tons a. year are brought to the surface. For local use the coal is tarried away in little carts drawn hy Oxen, but the most of 11 18 taken down the mountains by pack animals, as the paths are very steep and rough. It is 20 miles to the plains. The paths are about 13 feat wide and are paved With atone. SAYINGS OF CHILDREN. "Daddy," asked little jack, "where does a snake begin when he wants to wag his tail?" "Dad," asked little Freddy, "how; is it the baby fish don't gat drowned be- fore they learn to swim?" Granddad -What makes you look so unhappy, Willie ?" " Cause nobody never calls me good unless I'm do- ing something I don't want to do." Young Hopeful, to his big' sister, -I say, Nell, pass me the butter. Nell, in a tone of sisterly reproof -It what, Johnny? Johnny, goaded to de- spe,ratiorn by the delay. -If you. can reaoh it. "Mother, will ,you please tell 1ieg- gte be quiet ?" 'But he is quiet, dear." "Yes, mummy, but every time I lett hin on the head with dad's walk- ing stick he scrotum. an' I must hit 'cause it's the game!" Reiggi'o-Ifuramy, dear, this is Tom- my Ames. Mother, rather surpris- ed -Yee, dear; but I've seen Tommy before. Reggie --But Tea said yes- terday I was the naughtiest boy you ever saw, so I brought Tommy. vi. 1 4 e 4 e is Rheumatism of the hack. The cause is Uric Acid in the blood. If Me kid- neys did their work there would be no Uric Acid and no Lumbago. Make the kidneys do their work. The sure, positive and only cure for Lumbago is 9 ills AN APPROPRIATE REMINDER. Re was rather a rackety young mon and kept very late houro. He was going on a long journey, and on bidding fare- well to Ms beloved he said to her: "Darling, wheu Sam far away every night 1 will gaze at yon star end think of thee, Wilt thou:, too, gime at yon Ater, and think of me?" "I will, indeed, dearest," she replied, "If I needed anything to remind me of you I would choose this very star." "Why f" he tusked. "Beounee it ill always 011t SD Into at night and looks so pale in the morn - en." Policies leity cheep, Opinions May Mimeo, hut eneeisinif 1105 novor o10oN64, 510 is the quality of 01e1-2":reCeler T L ., it always seamen8 tese eeee. Pc t0oo4 38,30, 40, SO and leo, Poultry, Butter, Eggs and other Produce„ If you have any correspond with us, We want 100 OA fisLoAckli to supply our tr ado, Tho Dawson Commission Col Limited, Toronto. PROVISIONS DEARER IN ENOLAND. Rig Advance Over last Year's Priem—Jain Alone is Cheaper. It coats a good deal more to live to -day than It did twelve (months ago, Mr. William A.latrom, of Kimberley rood, Nunhead, the general secretary of the newly farmed London Coffee and Eating Home Keepers' associa- tion, estimatee that 51 will purchase DO engine food now than 1,5s would a year ago. "Fox iostanoe," he said to a London Daily Mail repre.sentative, "meat has gone up 18 per cent. lo prioe, Dour 15 per cant, sugar 7 1-2, per cent., tea 111-2 per Lieut., eggs 15 per cent, (ba- con 30 per cent, currants as much as 22)) per sent, raisins 80 per cent, sul- tanas 00 per cent, butter 71-2 per cent, lard 15 par cent, and even such accessories as mustard and vinegar have increased ire price. "The coffee house keepers have been obliged to raise their prices, for they saw insolvency looming ahead. A large number have bandeci them- selves together and resolved to sell no more halfpenny Dupe of tea, no more halfpenny boded or fried eggs, no plate of hot meat under 5d, no plate of cold meat for less than 3d and no puddings at less than 41 each. "Why, even our crockery has gone up10 per cent," added the general seoretary, "aaid as for coal and gas, everybody 1C)MWS what a huge in- crease has taken place in the prices of these necessaries. What has gone down I The only thing that is cheap- er is Liam." SETTLING THE SPELLING. When Police -sergeant M'Shane was going into a barber's shop he notic- ed a sign painted on the window, which road: Laundry agentecy. Where did you learn to spall? he asked, the barber. Why, what's wrong? he asked in re- ply. . Look at that sign, replied M'Shane. Who told you to spell agency that way? It doesn't look right, admitted the barber. We had a big argument about it, me and the painter. I said I thought it was a -g -e -n -c -y, but he said it was a -g -e -n -c -e -y. He wouldn't give in to me and I wouldn't give in to him. and We, 1011 11 to a man that's president of the School Board. Ho apelt it the way it's on the window and we couldn't dispute it, could we? rum -moven PATRIOTISM. Ladies of Canada: Inter -mutual trade is the true basis of the federation of the Empire. So far as possible, one colony should con- sume the produce of another. Canadians and Indio and Ceylon tea ca. About 10 per cent. of the latter planters fought side by side in Afri- volunteered Inc the war. The Teas of Ceylon and India are the best .and purest the world pro- duces. Already the ,Black Teas of those colonies have captured the Cana- dian market The Green is now fast displacing- Japan's colored article. Quality and sentiment, unite to re- commend it. Canadian ladies who drink Japan tea shoal& help the Bri- tish planter by drinking Ceylon green tea, Blue Ribbon, bionsoon and Salada packets are ready tier you. Colonist. HER, ONE DESIRE. Rube. Well,, Mandy, hyar we be in town. Anything ye wanter see, par - tick ter I Mandy. My laud! Rube. 1 Jess would love tew go through the money market. TO CIT/tE A COLD IN ONE DAN Take Laxative promo Quinine Tablets .A0 druggists refund the money it it fails to cure. 11. Orotes' signature in on muddle. ado leeltSILY EXPLAINED. The Lady -You've been bringing us pretty blue intik lately. The Milkomn-Of ammo 1 have. I don't keep nothin' but blue-blooded cows. , OYER PIPTY YEARS MRS WINSLOW'S SOOTHING STEVE hoe been need by mothersfor their children teething. 50 onothes oho ohila, eoftene elision:Mk s ailayspoincurea abia eolox and Ithe bastremedyfordarrheeo2oca bottle, ola by tldrtgr0iworld lor ra.eagottgtrr Lawyer -You say you wore in the Saloon at the time of the assault res ferred to in the complaint. •WitnesS-I was, sir. Lawyer -Did you take eognizance of the barkeeper at the tim.e ? $100 Reward, $100. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded Menem that Balance hen been able to cure in all ite stages and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure le the only positive cure now known to the medical Maternity. Catarrh being a cons, Motional dihoaso, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure ie taken int.er- nally, eating directly upon the Mood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby des. troying the foundation of the disease, and Edging the patient strength by building up the' in natibution and avisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have no much tattle Ole curative powers, that they offer ane Hun- dred Dopers for any eaev that it fails to mire. Bend for list of testimonials. F. J. allENBY ec CO., Toledo O. • Sold by druggists, 750. Hall's Family Pills are the best May -What's that for, Charlie? Charlie-That'e a trap to catch the wretched little birds that watch and whipper to mamma, everything that I does. NIORTREAL ROTEL DIRECTORY. Tim "Balmoral," Free Bus itablitt AVENUE HOOSE—r 11 0 411. Fatber-Dol you th- ink lo ought to have my daughter's voice cultivated? o ni Absent-minded Visitor -I ishonlel think you ought to have something done for it. W I C 1052 CALVERT'S CARBOLIC OINTMENT. For all akin ailments. J. C. Calvert & Co., Manchester, England usic Teachers Wanted ., To send for our Complete Cato. lomio of Sheet beide runi Rooks with Spacial rates of discount WHALEY, ROYCE & Co. 105 Yongo St. Toronto, Ont, Metallic Ceilings 4,il°uAg`lia°6111"ml'; Toronto, Oak, Sausage Casings -New Importations finest Neenah Sheep and American Ens Ovinge-reliable goods et right pricen. PALM, BLACKWELL 100., Toronto. • It -4'6001 LA MILLS, MILLS & HALES nortivtom etc. Removed to Wades, Building., Riehmood St, W., Toronto. Catholic Prayer 6°,17,0,18v,179,;,',::: Religious Picture ,s Statuary, and chureli Ornament, Educational Wants. 31,11 orders receive 'prompt non Von,0. & 5. SADLIER & 00, 910001:9I. FEATHER DYEING cn"gsnIguVTi=VgbgN..... BRITISH AIIW.ICAN BITING CO. MENG and Chest Metal Werke. ZONING SLAT% in iaelr, Red or Green. SLA're DLAM/1:130AltD.S. (We vupply rub)io and Nigh SchOols, Toronto). Roofing relt,l'itoh, 0,,) Tar, ate. ROOMING TILE (Sao New Otis Bui)d- irge'jecro?ntitrItt itrf trrdetTiorttglogi!)1:=%19P..; material. shipped iso,,y part of Um country. Phone Mid 9. DUTHIE &SONS,Adelolde &Witimorits., Toronto From Small Beginnings .. Some of our Best Deposit, Accounts were begun in a modest way, By adding small sums at regular intervals, and by the accumulation of interest, they have grown till they now show handsome balances. It is not necessary to wait till you have a considerable amount to make a coinmence. mcnt. We accept small sums on deposit and allow interest at a per (sent per annum, payable half -yearly, The Canada Permanent AHD WESTERN CANADA MORTGAGE CURP00lA'TItfl Toronto Street, Toronto, SPLITTING TEE ADAGn. " MINI POUND CAXE13", FOR sat teSTISitnitaccar...zro Vas Lady -Are you willing to UV wood Pa;by. w.thiwrolobh,i„ouths, swing v,....6,,,... if, I give your dinner 0 PARAFFINIC Tramp -Noe but ru do the other a T,aely---The other half of what? Tramp -The odage. 1,11 say nothing. Cr/Li 4, Are .441 "eke/ Wage* clea, -ift-01410 7 THEI QUIOSIN OITY OIL CO., LitnitOdi aele,1 Heger., Preet„ 'Toronto A's year dealer leen. TICE MOST NUTRITIOUS. EP WS GRATEFUL-OOMFORTING. COCOA OREARFAST-SUPPNR.