HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1900-12-6, Page 1Sie s The Post To Batt, 1,1902 Vol. 29. No. 22 En, BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1900. 11 W. H.KERR, Prop, New Advertisements. Xo ea Globe—Jae. Fox. Keep warm—Alex, Straohan. Tauber wanted—Robt, Pirie, The very oream-0, H, Bartliff. Special Dale—Sootoh Warehouse. Popular Games—G, ,, Deadman. Notion to areditore—G, e', Blair, Dress Goods sale—MoKinooa 4 00, Watebee and Jewelry—'1'. Fletoher. OIoth_iagpeople—Greig de Msado a Id. County Commit election—E, S. Scott. Creak brook. Miss Jennle McNair js ooneiderably improved in heolth we are pleased to state. Mies Calder will take charge of Cram' brook school next year, having ae Damietta. ant Mise Oogblin. FINE Onor or Plea.—Ales. Perrie, lot 10, con. 12, Grey, had an exeellent atop of peas this year. He had 9 acres from wbiob he threshed 410 bhehele. This is about 43 bushels to the sore. Bible Society meeting- next Sabbath evenink in Knox church comm ending at 7 o'aloole, Rev. Jao, Riee, B. A., and B. Gerry, of-Brmete, will epeak on the enb.. jeot. A oolleotion will be taken in aid of the Society, Eltirt,l. Townebip Council meeting- on Satur. day of next week at the hall here, J. A. Cole ie beaming with emilee al- though he is suffering with a a sore heel. Robert Morrison, who recently return. eel from a trip to Manitoba, has been en. gaged by Geo. M. Mitchell as harness maker. Mr. Morrison is said to be a good tradesman. The C. 0. F. have moved from the Orange Hall to more commodious quer- tem in Jno. Eokmier'e Hall. They pur- pose having an "At Home" at their first meeting this month. M. Henry hae disposed of the Ethel Hotel to. P, Gordiner, of Mitchell, for the sum of 84,500. Possession is to be given on Feb. 1st, 1901. It ie said that Mr. Henry will resume farming on .lee,ving. the hotel. Next Sabbath evening the annual Bible Society meeting will be held in the Methodist obtirob, commencing at 7 o'clock. Addressee will be given by .G. P. Blair and W. H• Kerr, of Brussels, At the oloee e. oolleotion will be taken i0 aid of Bible Sooiety work. SCHOOL REPORT.—Br Dept, Jr III—W Badgley, L MoLeod, G Wanner, W Mo- Allieter, M Fogal, R Dilworth, 0 Lind. say, A Henry, G Dunbar, W Brown, A MoDonald, M Pearson. Sr III—E Han- euld, M'Oeborne, M Elliott, E Cober, G Gill, L Fogal, G Raynard, E Herr, B Dunbar. IV—R MoAllieter, G Imlay, M MoAllieter, L Simpeon, E Cole, D Davies, M Goatee, G Eokmier, W Goatee,. 0 Eokmier, W Coates, W Lindsay, 0 Lindsay, M Bateman, V—B Slemmon, County Council Electron BOOTY OP HURON. PD13LI0. NOTICJtI is hereby given that'a meeting of the electors of County Division No. 0, composed of the mnnioinalitiee of Brussels, Grey and Morris, will be held in the Town Ball, Brussels, on monthly, Use 2M11, 1900, at the hour of one 0 sleek p. m., fox the purpose of nominating candidates to represent the said County Division in the Connell of the County of Huron for the years 1001and1902. And in ease a pollis demanded polls will eacopened lngn Sub•divisiono attheJanuary, ime0 and plena fixed by By-law Ofthe municipalities in the said County Division. F. S. SCOTT, Nominating Oigoer for County 22.2 Council Division No, 0. Dated .0Brueoelo 1)..,1.2,1010... WATCHES On JEWELRY! We never had ae heavy or more beautiful line of Ladies' and Gents' Gold and Gold Filled, Silver and Silveroid Watches. We always carry a very beavy stock, and at this time of the year oar store is full of beautiful Jewelry in any thing you want, such ae Ladies' Watches, Long Chains, Braoetets, Broaches, Rings, eto. Gents' Watches, Chains, Rings, Charms, Baarf Pine, Cuff Linke, eta. Bed Room, Dioieg Room and Parlor Clocks, Fanny Chios, Silverware and 1''anoy Goode Imitable for Wedding, Xmas and Teaohere' Preeente. Violino, Violin. Strings and Mouth Organa. Our prices are within reach of every- body, and too many goods to tell you about. Come in and see them. T.. Fletcher, e Jeweler. issuer of 11[nrringo )(accuses. H Barr, M Haneuld, W Eldkmier, C Mo - Allister. Gen. Dobson, Teacher. Jr. Dept, Sr II—N Simpson, B lilokmier, T MoAllieter, L Chambers, 4 Imlay, H Ooates, H Wilbee,1 Flogartb, M MoOai- Inln, E Freeman, L Eokmier, 1' Cober, C teemeron, M ,Thompson, Jr II—D Wan. nor, E Eokmier, K 114oLeod, I Sharpe, M Slemmon, W Pearson, 21 Cameron. Pt II—F Imlay, L Cooper, G MoAllieter, J MoUallum, N MoAllieter, E Cober, B Bateman, P Bremner, Sr I-0 Tan. said R Presse, A Cooper, V McLeod, R Eokmier, J Peareoo, 13 Eokmier, G Badgle,y, W Barr, A Fletoher. Jr 1—la Dunbar, L Henry, J Cooper, R Wilbee, W Eokmier, I Heath, V Pearson. Mies M. 0. Calder, Teacher. jam o rato men . 'Phomas Bennett's new house ie very nearly completed, Robert Soott was visiting at Mr. Maetard'e last Sunday. George Eokmier and wife, spent Sun. day with relatives at Ethel. Mrs, McKelvey, of Brneeele, was visit- ing her sister, Mre. F. O. Wright, Andrew Hooper puroheeed a dandy vow from Thou, MoEwen, paying $36 for ft, Milton MoArler spent Sunday in Brus- sels and &dam Roe put in the day at his home. Mre. Eliza Payne has gone to Brueeele, where she hae secured a situation in the American Hotel. - • Edward Smith has finished making hie timber for hie new barn which is to 'ee put np next Summer. Mre. I. C. Richard's and Miee A. Ohambere visited Mre. Walter Innes, of this place, last Tneeday. Mrs. Wallace has removed her oattle and household effeote from the "Model" farm to the Stratton farm. The taxes for this section of Grey town.. ehip were paid ' ab Thomas eloEwan's last Monday. P. J. Bishop is the ool. lector, Revival serving ara being carried on fn Johnatone'e ohurah this week. The meet lupe are held Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday evenings, beginning at 7.30. A large party was held at Robert Ire- land's in honor of hie returned eon, who ie here from Stonewall, Manitoba, for the Winter. It is 12 years einoe be went West. 113luevalle;. 6Ire. Joseph Warder ie on theeiok list. Mies Eliza Meeeer vielted friends in Brueeele laet week. Mies Annie Rutherford went to Hamil• ton ort Moodily morning. Geo. Leckie, of Wroxeter, visited at Joseph Pugh'e, on Sunday. Miee Maggie Robertson, of Wroxeter, ie visiting in Blnevale and vicinity. Mise Mary -King spent a few daysvisit ing Miee Annie Fraser in Turnberry. Mies Lucinda Oonitee, of - Buffalo, re• turned to her home in Blnevale last Pri• day. Eugene MaoDonald and wife, of Wing• ham, visited at. Andrew Holmes' thie week. The Presbyterian Sunday 8011001 intend bolding an entertainment on Friday, the 28th of Deo, Mieeee Maggie and Bella Robertson, of Turnberry, visited at Walter Patterson's, on Sunday. Miee Mary Thornton, of Wingham, visited her grendparente, John Gardiner and wife, laetweek, Mre. Joseph Pugh and Miee Mary Collie visited at John Robertson's in Wroxeter on Friday. Jos. Leech purposes going to Nebraska in a few days, to attend to the affairs of. his brother, the tate Nathaniel Leech. Rev. Mr. Brown, of Whiteahuroh, of. fioiated in the Methodist ehuroh on Sun- day laet. The pastor oondnoted anni. vereary melees at Luoknow, and attend- ed the anniversary tea at Whiteohuroh, on Monday. evening. Anniversary services will be held in the Methodist ohurah on the 18211 of Deo, Rev. Mr. Holmee,.of Brussels, will occupy the pulpit, morning and evening, and Rev. Richard Hobbs, of Wingham, will preaoh in the afternoon. Wroxeter. James- Foreyth is getting better but slowly. John Robertson's hand ie improving slowly. Mise Mo:Tavieh was visiting at John Robertson's on Monday. Mrs. J. Brethaner was laid np with a Bore eye but is getting better. Miee Collie, of Blnevale, was ;the guest of John Robertson last week. Jas. Robertson and family, of Morri. eon, were the guests of hie parents. John Barnard moved hie family and household effeote to Lacan on Tuesday. A Mr. Irwin, of Teeewater, moved his household effeote to Listowel on Tuee• day. The Methodist Sunday School hae oommenoed to praotioe for a Xmas tree entertainment to be held in the near future. Arthur Robinson, son of W. W. Robin- son, who is teaching e.t Edengrove, hae been engaged to teaoh at Hawkeville at Jaeger salary., THE VERY CREAM Of fine Grooeriee for the Christinpe Season, le now being shown by us, every article being bright, clean and fresh, and as gentily is the first 099e0tiel we have 'taken special oars to select only the finest goods for your invention. A look theough our store will show you that our stock of Fruit; Anil Table llelicaeiee ie very oom- plete; and if you have a single thought of economy we ask you to examine our goode before purchasing and whatever you eeleot in CURRANTS RAIBIN9 PEELS FIG9. or els anything t y � o fortable a use; you can rest; and give your ordere our best attention. '_ Oysters LY•Dj h or Quart.' ICINGS G Cf O00LATE8 EXTRACTS, BPIOES SHELLED WALNUTS'&ALMONDS assured, we will do our butte' please you, FIBS Stock of Confeetianery. O. H. BARTLIFF••, u QOOER. Mies Meggie Robertson is visiting her slater, Mre. Bleak, of Tnrnberry, this wtek. Our hookey boys gave a Ball io the Town Hall on Wednesday evening of this week, The proceeds will go towards pntohaeing new suite and other ne0e8eary equipments for the olgb, This week we have to ohronioie the death of James D, Foreyth, who died last Fridey and was laid to to et in the Epieoopal cemetery, Rey. Mr, Forney oftiaiating. Mr Forsyth was born in Roxhoroehlre, Scotland, and moved with hie parents to Galaehiele where he grew up to manhood.- He married Catherine Stewart who survives him. They emi- grated to America 47 years ago aad after living in the States for nears! years they Dame 10 Canada. He engaged in business in Goderiob for a year, after wbioh he moved to Wroxeter where he resided continuously until his death. He leaves to mourn hie lose a wife and 7 ohildreu f Mre, T, Sanders, Kinietino, N. W. T. ; Geo., Robert, Mre. David Ma. Bride, Mre, A. Ballantyne and Mies Kate Forsyth reside in Port Albert, N. W. T. ; Norman Forsyth, Binge, Mon. ; James' Forsyth and Mrs. Henry Willie reside in Wroxeter. James Forsyth, of Toren. to, wile present. Wtoo taarn. Beattie Bros. Bold their trotting horse at New York ata good figure. Mr. Reynolds, a well known resident, watt buried on Monday of this week. Huron Co. Commit is in session here this week. Meetings are being held in the Town Hall. Mies Hannah Ball, who fell clown stairs at her bome recently, has quite recover- ed Promthe accident. E. P. Paulin and family will remove to Dauphin, Man., next Spring. Wingbam will be sorry to lose them. Anew Methodist 'thumb is among the probabilities in Wingham. Not before it needed either. Tenders are asked for. Alfred Roe, who was etrioken with par. alyeie over a year ago, is atilt a prisoner to his room and has not regained hie power of speech to any partionlar extent. Joseph Code, brother to Oonnoillor Code, of Morrie, died here o0 Sunday night and was buried on Wednesday afternoon. He wan over 72 years of age. He was Janitor of the public school. A Bylaw will be submitted to the rate- payers to loan $17,000 to a firm to es. tablish a foundry here. They .will erect a large building and employ 70 hands if the By-law carries. Hydrants for water. works, braes works and iron piping will be epeoialties. The probabilities are the By-law will carry as Wingham has bad good look with their past inveetmente, which have boomed the town. Brunets and looelity hae given Wing. ham a good many of their residents. Among the number are Rev. D. Perrie, Barrister Morton, Mies McPherson, A. Roe, 0. Hueohtel, R. Beattie, Jae. and Wesley Walker, W. F. Vanetone, R. Sot- tnn, the Ball family, J. J. Mitohell, R. Jobneton, Mrs. and Mies Merles, Mre. Jae, MoLanohlin and eon Gus, L. Han- son, J. H. Beamer, W. Williamson, W. Kneohtel, J. Kerney, Dune. Stewart, L Crooke, Harry Downing and others. Morris. Council meeting in the Township Hall on Saturday of next week. Frank Lambie left for the 01d Country on Monday in charge of stook. Mise Aggie Forrest, of the let line, has been quite poorly and under the Dr's. Dare. A number from Morris will attend the Tea -meeting at Walton on Monday even. ing next. A. T. Cole has built a large wood abed. Just what le wanted ae all etovewood should be kept dry. Our Connell for 1901. will beep to put the road in proper shape on the 6th line at the G. T. R. aroesibg. Mre. George Parker and family have moved to their residenoe in Sunshine, where they purpose residing. F. Martin has a good lot of sod plowing. on his farm o0 Gth line. He will move from Buffett township next March• Ohrietmae Show of fat stook at Guelph next week. Everyone ebould gee the display. Single fare o0 all railwaye. John Kelly, 7211 line, had a plowing bee on Saturday of last week. The 10 teams plowed 13 sores. Not bad for December. Thos. M. Russell has sold hie house and lot at Belgrave to Daniel Wheeler. Mr. Remit will move to Saginaw. We wish him 8000900. Nomination for County Oonnoillore at Brunetti on 24th Deoember, and for Mllniaipal llounaillors at Township Hall on the 31st. To Tull ELEarone of Monnis.—Being asked by a number of ratepayers to be. oome a candidate for Municipal honor, I have consented to do eo, and am now hi the field for Councillor. If elected will do my beet to assist in the careful and eoonomioal management of townebip af• faire. Your vote and influence solicited. Yours truly, JAMES SOunnMS. To the Editor of Tate Poem.—1 hope you will allow me space in TBE Poem to have a few weirdo with your Morris cor- respondent. Mr. Correspondent, yo0 are. eppatentlyjolly and elated over the result of the late Dominion eleotione. From the few little hints you have favored Tile Poet with on two 000aeinhn implied that the result of the election was like a national oalamity to the Conservatives and they ought to be weeping and shed- ding big, briny tears, and that it was like a national boon to the Reformers, who should be lolly and elated. Weil, don't you know that before the eleation the Government had a majority of 12 in the Province' of Ootitrio and after the oleo. tion the Conservatives hada majorityof 22, making a change or a complete trn o et 09 34 v 7 Does that leak like cause for weeping or shedding tear, 7 Don't you know that before the eleotioe in the Province of Quebec the watchword was "Vote for Laurier Who belongs toyour rase and oreod, and dont you the that creed did'nt out muob ice, for some of, the same greed but who were not French got mneloian. badly snowed ander, then the result was a big Freoph majprity? Hua big 1000 Dent 1 don't you gee the Government have abig white elephant uti their hands? I have looped carefully over the thing and I have failed to Dud where Dither the boon or the calamity comes in 10 regard to the result of the election. Youre truly, Jesse ' Bowen, The Atrtberetburg Echo nye of o, form. r well1 2 1 e kpown reetdal t of the nd ..toe of Morr.ia .—A sorraapondent writes a s follows :—"One of the meet promieing little farms aad peaoh orchards in South Essex le owned , by John Wilson on the Lake road. Mr. Wilson only Dame here about years ago and found the plans be now 000upiee in a poor condition, but since he bps taken bold of it, it hoe be- gan to look up and yield very much better: Grope of corn and tobacco have been raised, two props of peanuts end some of the finest watermelons ever Been around here have been grown on the. plane this year. 1400 of the beet variety of peaob trees were planted of wbiob about 1000 survived the hard Winter of 2 years ago. Many of these bore fruit this year for the first time, the quantity of which promises well for the profitable future of the orchard. Mr. Wilson is a °arefal, painstaking farmer and deserves all the emcees he has and more. r• e ti g. 0 • a y ea y d n a t roar. Township Council will meet on Satin day, 15th inst., at Ethel, Mies Ati nnie McKay, of the 9th con., visiting her sousing in Logan. Miee Maagie Rozell was visiting a Richard Pollard's, Leedbury, during th past week. Jae. Henry, of the boundary of Logan had his foot out very badly. He ha several stitches pat in. Wm. Smith, who hae been visiting rela lives on the 16th con. for some months returned to Toronto onTneeday of thi week• The interior of Roe's church in bele painted and other noticeable improve menta are on the lapis that will add t its appearance: Mre. Oliver Turnbull, 150h oon., Iva quite ill while away in Manitoba but ha recovered quite nicely again her man friends will be pleased to know. Mre. Marsden Smith and Mies Marih were called to Seaforth last Monde. owing. to the serious illness of Mise Gus vie Smith who has been poorly for eom months. She is with her sister, Mre Stark. Geo. Oliver, contractor, is pnahing th extension of the big' drain towards th boundary of Elma and will likely finish it in two weeks. He has a large numbs of hands employed and they are a jolt oowrda A Bible Booiety meeting will be het in Roe's carob next Sabbath evening commencing at 6.30 O'olook. Addresee will be delivered by Rev. R. Paul, Tboe Straohan and B. Gerry. Collection i behalf of Society. DIED.—On Monday of this week Sophi Rae, reliot of the late James Douglas died at her home, con. 15, at the advan- ced age of 88 years, 5 months and 18 days The funeral took plane on WedneedaY afternoon of this week. Interment was made in Brussels cemetery. HYoonNEAL: The home of F. Beirnes Gth line, was the scene of a happy little gathering on Wednesday of last week. when their daughter, Martha, was united in marriage to W. J. Somers, of MoKil- lop township. After Rev. H. E. Carry, of Ethel, had performed the ceremony, in the preeenoe of a number of relatives and friends of the oontraoting parties, all oat down to a sumptuous repast. Mr. and Mre. Somers intend residing on the 6211 eon. and set ap housekeeping with the beet wishes of their many friends. Somme Rzaone.—The following is the report of S. B. No. 10, for the month of October ; From Br. Ord to Jr. 4th ; total 830—E. Buttery, 467 ; R. Thomp• eon, 448 ; F. Baker, 485 ; 0. (Matte, 899 ; Franoie Baker. From Br, 2nd to Jr. 8rd ; total 680-J. Campbell, 433 ; A. Denman, 405 ; 0. Rothwell, 897 ; J. Contte, 802 ; B. Fogel, 887 ; 0. Rath• well, 885 ; L. Taylor, 378 ; E. Speiran, 848. From Jr. 2nd 20 Br. 2nd—R, Osto• by, 447 ; J. McCurdy, 1484 ; R. Taylor, 407 ; P. Speiran 402 ; H. Ward, 396 ; M. Oxtoby, 8601'; T. Ward, 816 ; A. Doull, 307 1 L. Dueler, 802 ; R. Thome• son, 297 ; G. Speiran, 258. Jas. G. BEWAILS, Teaoher. Onedark night recently as Mre. C. Rozell and son were driving home from Brunetti, they meta rig and in turning o0t to give a share of the road got over too far and upset opposite W. MaFadzean's, 9th con. The horse got loose from the buggy and ran home, very little damage being done. Jno. McKinnon, who was in the buggy they were meeting, Dame to the help of Mrs. Bozell and drove her to Wm. Armstrong's where she remained until her eon went home and got another oongeya0oe. It was fortunate they es. ()aped eo well ae the road is narrow there and quite a fall off into the ditch, Bar- ring a little shaking up no 9erio09 Don. eequeooee followed. The Dover of the baggy was fortunately down at the time eo that it was only the work of a second to oust the ocoupante when the upset eama. A night with Burne" was the topio taken by the gentleman at the League et Roe'e appointment. The meeting was opened by the President, Miss Susie Pearson, and on motion of L. Frain and A. Brown, Rev, Mr. Garry was voted to the ohair when the following program was rendered ; Chairman's address, Rev, Mr. Curry ; reading, W. E. Bryans ; song, A. Lamont ; reading, George McInnes; quartette, , and J. Bryans, A. Brown and A. Roe ; inetru. mental,violin and harmonica, as L. Frain and Hro II wn • addroeo R. McKaygong, A. Lamont ; reading, L. Frain ; reading, 'John Johnston; duet, John Pearson and A. Brown ; instrumental, L. Frain and A. Brown. Everything went off in dret•olaee style and all Beamed to enjoy themselves. Mies Belle' Miller acted AB acoompeniet in her usual wey, which reflects much to het 018410 as a Mrs, J. Luoae' ie visiting friends aroand Monorieff. Conaeoytoe.—In lastweek's ileus of Ton Posy' I aotiood that in referring to our sohool, No. 10 Grey, you said ' that this i0 rather a smell sohool. Will you allow me qua in•your valuable paper to show you and all interested partite.ahat scab remerke are inoorreot, Report of at. tendanse for October ;—No. of pupils in attendance, 67 ; No, of eohopl days open, 22 ; aggregate attendance; 938; average attend u e 48 ; sates dailyat ot tendanoe, 55 ; lest daily attend Ins, 80 J. G, Bermtzn, Teach, -r —Note by Editor,—The reference to • h • eohoul attendance being small ehould ua e referred to b, 8. No, 9 ineteed of N ,. 10 ae we were aware that Mr. Briolter 1, rd a good batch of pupils under hie °barge. Bouooe Rsronr,--The following is the report of S. B. No, 1, Grey, for the mouth of November t—V.—Gortie Bielby, 468 ; V. Armstrong, 457. IV.—E. Blake, 689; B. Armstrong, 059 ; F. Davidson, 560 ; W. Switzer, 555; L. Diakeoo, 032; 13. Davidson, 482 ; E.. Rogell, 270 ; M. Oar. diff, 24, Sr. III.—W. Stevenson, 889 ; M. Dark, 815 ; G, Dark, 303 ; T. Bieley, 260.; J. Hoggard, 172. Jr. IIT.-2l.Hog geed, 420 ; Annie Glassier, 968 ; Alt. Glaeeier, 185 ; B. Dark, 77. Sr. II,— Louis Blake, John Stevenson, Lizzie Grant, Tommy Dark, Hazel Bozell, Sld ney Armstrong, Fred. Lawson. Jr. 51.— Jae, Diokeon, Juo. Dickson. II Part.— Baxter Stevenson, Freda Aloosk, Joe Armstrong, Fanny Al000k, Annie Dark, Raffle Graig, Leslie Switzer. Br.—Addie Grant, Pearl Dark; Maggie Stevenson, Jno MoOallum, Florence Comer, 011. Armstrong. S. R. CRERAS, Teacher. Wtr.1Lola. Rev. W. W. Leech, of Toronto, took the service for Rev.. Mr. NNE ab last 3uu. day. Donald Campbell, Maggie and George paid a flying visit to friends in Walton and vicinity last week. Next Sabbath a speoiat Missionary service will be held in the Methodist church. Rev. Mr. Dever will preaoh a Missionary sermon. Rev. A. W. Dever preaohed two ger. mono in oonneotion with the communion eervioee of the Presbyterian church at Winthrop on Monday, Will, Murray has returned from hie voyage to the Old Country. Though the passage across was somewhat rougb he had a most enjoyable trip. Wm. Johnston hae purchased the hones and lot on King street, formerly owued bym. W Smith. h. Mr. Johnston will add several improvements to the house before tatting tip hie residence there. Next Sabbath the opening eervioee in connection with Duff's ohuroh will be held. Rev. Mr. Whaley, of St. Helens, will preach at 11 a. m. apd at 6.60 p. m Monday evening the annual tea meeting will be given. Tea will be served from 6 till 8, after which addressee are expeoted from Reade. Whaley, of St. Helene ; Roes, of Brueeele ; MoRae, of Oran - brook ; P. Musgrave, of Winthrop ; and A. W. Dever, of Walton. Music will be furnished by Brussels Methodist ohoir. On Tuesday evening a large number assembled in the Orange Hall to witness the annual display of Missionary offer. ioge by the Ladies' Guild of St. George's ohnrob. The hall wae garnished by the numerooe artiolee of olotbing, eto„ and the display being ample proof of the liberality and industry of the ladies in connection with the Guild. After an opening hymn and prayer, Rev. G. J. Abey gave a short aoaouut of the missionary work in the fields to which the goods are sent, and then introduoed John Scarlett as ohairm'au for the even• ing. After a few well ohoseu words by Mr. Suarlett, the following program was presented and listened to with attention and exceptional order :—Recitation, Miss Ida Drieooll ; solo, Mies Dora Kinney ; violin instrumental, J. W. Morrison ; ohorne, by three little girls ; reading, Mise Jennie Kelly ; mouth organ instru- mental, Emerson Fulton ; solo, Mies Violet Wilson ; reoitation, Mies Tbia Soarlett ; song, Geo. Ferguson ; violin ioetrnmentel, J. W. Morrison ; reoitation, Mise Ida Driscoll ; reading, Mre. 0. White ; month organ instrumental, S. Shannon ; Bong, Miee Cora White ; read- ing, solo, Rev. G. J. Alio,. Lunchsong, Geo. rw Ferguson served by the ladies, after whiab the meeting was brought to a close by sing. ing the National Anthem. Brussels Council. The regular meeting of the village Council was held last Monday evening in the Oounoil Chamber. Present the Reeve and Councillors Roes, Walton, Fox and Gerry. Minntee of last meeting read and pane. ed. Aocounte were presented ae follow, Jno, Wilbee, work at Weigh Sealee 4 1 25 Joe Barton, work on Weigh Scales 50 Jna. Coseley, work on street3 50 Wm. Deobow, work on grader2 90 Robt. Mathew, work on grader8 00 Wm, Phillips, bolts for Weigh ' Bottles 1 10 R. Henderson, grader and mien12 18 G. F. Blair, legal, ,., ..,8 00 Alex. MoLanohlin, salary 25 00 Bowyer ,b Massey, geadi0g ma. chine 11.0 00 Mre. D. Livingston, 6 weeks, nursing A. Foreyth's family 30 00 Jno. Roger, surveying for eidewalk 84 00 Moved by S. Wilton, seoonded by J. T. Rose, that amounts be paid.—Oarried. George Rogers addressed the Colwell relative to someimprovement on Fredet'. Mk street eo as to permit of getting in and out of his yard With wood, Street Committee will the to it, In reference to eidewalk petition on Flora street in the Dale of R. G. Wileon's appeal 28 feet was placed as hie .moans. Petitions numbers 42, 48, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48 were confirmed, there being no ap- peals. David Maxwell asked oonaerniu$ the sidewalk opposite his lot. The 10001. motion war given. Moved by N. F. Gerry, 007004,d by Jas. Pox, that offers for rental of Weighs Seabee at Town Hall and G. T. R. for 1901 be received up to Saturday, , Deo. th.--Carried 15 , A By law was read three times and passed fixing polling planes and naming Deputy Returning Officers for the coming Municipal Election, Div. No. 1 at J. J. (iiipio'e'office, with 'Wield ,MoNeugb. ton as Deputy ; Div, No, 2 at Town Hail with Jto Irwin in to Depayy and Div. No, 8 at Ravere. .once with W, F Soots as Deputy, on motion of J. T, Bose and S, Wiltpo• Application from Mrs. Grima'dby for remienion of taxes was read, No notion as she ie 0 non•reeident, Council adjourned to meet 011 Setae - day, Dee; 15 11, as per Statute. iHURON COUNTY COUNCIL, The Deoember session of the Huron Co. Council convened in the Town Hall, Wingham, on Tuesday afternoon of this week. In the absence of Dr. Rollins, Warden, on motion J. II. McLean, of Div No. 5, was voted to the chair, Min- utes of June enenion read and confirmed and the roll palled. On motion the Council adjourned until 10 a, m. on Wednesday. Clounoil resumed according to adjourn- ment ; all the members present except the Warden. Minutes read and roll celled, after whiob a number of accounts were referred to the Finance Committee, School petitions were presented from Londesboro' and also from a Union Seca tion formed between Morris and Hallett and sent to Education Committee. Dele- gations were present from both. The Jailer's report was read as follows :-Gentlemen, I herewith submit a report of the number of prisoners at present confined in the Co. jail. There 8 males. One is insane ; one awaiting trial for ob- taining goods under false pretences ; and the remaining 6 are vagrants. One of the latter is a resident of Bruce Co. aad has twice been an inmate of the House of Refuge in that Co. He was committed on Nov. 26 for 21 days, when hie term expires he should be gent back to his own Co. ae he ie unfit to take care of himself. Sent to Co. Property Committee. Co. Commissioner Aineley's report was presented as follows Gentlemen, my report of work done einoe Jane 6 is ae follows :—The superstructure of the steel bridge on boundary of Morris and Wa. wenoeh, South of Wingham, was ereoted by the Stratford Bridge 00. and octet $1,- 394 being contract price. Considerable repaire have been made to bridges and approaohes daring the past year and bridges are now in a fair state of repair for the doming Winter. Several bridges will require to be refloored next season and material should be provided this Winter. New bridges should be built next season on boundary of Howiok and Turnberry, the timbers of wltioh are very much decayed. It is known as the Mitohell bridge and should be rebuilt as early as possible. An old wooden bridge on boundary of Howiok and Wallace, known as.Boehler bridge, should be re- built. Have written the Wallace Com miseioner about the matter. Would recommend that new superstructures be steel on conorete abutments. Here fol- lowed a list of orders issued by Commis- sioner. Amount of orders granted since last report, $4,558.52. Orders issued since January let, 1900, $5,072,93. Jun. AINsLEY, Co. Oommiseioner. Council adjourned to meet at 3. o'clock. On resuming, the Warden in the ohair, oommanioations were referred to their respective Committees and the balance of the afternoon session was spent in hearing the delegations on School Section matters having to do with a proposed school at Londesboro' and a Union school between Hullett and Morris. Barristers Dickenson and Blair and Inspector Robb were heard in the latter. Council ad. journed to Thursday at 10 a. m., to allow the Committees to meat. Letter From Alberta, N, W. T. To the Editor of Tan Poem 1:EA11Son,—I have been thinking that Ver- bena you might not have an objection to reoeivinga short epistle from this "terrible" country. Well, I maysay at the start that farming hasnotbeen very profitable here this Bummer ae a general thing, but wo have little reason to complain and a great deal to be thankful for es we have all been in good health einoe we Game out here and our Dente were very good. Oats yielded 65 bushels, wheat 26 bushels and barley 40 bushels to the more. Oats and barley wore firat•olase but wheat was very poor; nob very =oh No,1 in these parte, There is a lot of grain not worth threshing, but it's not all in the fault of the country as 'there are lots of farmers who do not get through seeding until won into June — afternoon farmers—who have more crop to put in than they Dan get in whenit ought to be and then 12'e the AMMO when harvest comes, I will just mention a case Renew of. A man put in 225 three of prop this Spring. Ho had 8 men and 8 three horse teams but he did not get aniehed tin near the middle of June. He had 80 acres hailed out and he will/um, about 6,000buahels from the 200 ae1ee an most d os of it a very poor qualety. There bre tote lathe someway. Ithatbeen b terrible Bummer here, at least since e bout the time e we9 startedAugust th On the morning of the 26tu of August there was about 2inohes of eott snow and the grain tying 1a2, and from then bill the '12h of Oct. there wag eo muolt rain we oould not get along with anything and we had two or three more anew storms mixed wlth it. On Oat. 4th there was about 6 inches of snow, but from then till the 10th of Nov., the weather was just ma ulfloent. It then got gradually ooeier *111 it went down to 16 below zero and then moderated again gradually, No sleighing yet but about au inch of snow, The ground is like $tut, river frozen over and loge befog hauled on it. The two oldest boyo ate in the opal buei- dollare a their Singe nthe are from therosot In 1 sold 800 buehola of oats at 20 and 800,• 30,1 hard wheat is 6 6 bogs run h 0. ; hem VI ffi4 to 5 8 or Drat, • cows are froth Dae n85 nt horeos. are ae� cheap here ae in. Outroxio: Novel just want to give you me, honest opinion of this country.'For growing crepe Ontario is not in it et. all by what I have soon,' 70. can grow as mno1 on 2 aorea ag Ontario dao on 8, but our harvest is 2 or 8 weeks too late but after all 3 belie% with the same mohoy in7eetod a Man Dan make money a great deal /eater than in Ontario. Had I. a good hundred soros in old Burma I would not sell it to some here, You have no neighbor's here and if you come 0- or0ee a man Muck in a mtid 0101s, and help Greiff c Macdonald, OPE PP T B BIG CU= SEA FORTH, ONT, Tb IA a strange feat that Furs are taking the 'dame of tlta0rdinaly makes of 0,twu's Heavy Frieze and Beaver i e- J01' - Jenne eats, aeon; b least. , our with this season; this fact,,haslecombined, with the open weather, frMele ire with er too hand a stock of Mon11 Cloth Overcoats and it are thend deed. Bellingthemo n if price t if do thesolei We have one 101 that formerly sold for 80,00, will 110W be cleared at n:a.Op^ another lot was sold for e9,00,llriood now et 25110; a third lot formerly sold at e10.00, now selling at 90.05, In this Dimter of selling we hope to clear the bulk of these goody before the season is over, 'hate is a saving of from 90.00 to $13,00 init forou, 0110* is if you need a coat, Bee for youreolf, we will boppleaved to show you through, We oarrytho finest, range of Fore, both in Mon's and Ladies' that may be soon litany Western town. G1 re' & ilacaonald. Oo the Wrong side of the Street, Strong Wink, Seoforth, ant, blurouthe expects to ppay you for it. Il e "everyman for himself and the de'il take the hinmost" I miss the old friends in Huron. more than anything else. If I had a few of them hereI would be content. T tell you as for as the living here goes 10013'2 like it, but the rest appear to be satisfied and I But glad they are for here we are mud I guess here we will have to stay. I have Dome across quite a Yew who rented and just barely made afiving like myself and in about a years have a home of their own and getting things in away comfortable about them, We have bought a half section, 85 or 40 aures "broke";'buildings not of much ac - eon nt ; 20 miles from town, 8 or 10 from a dation, on the line Oeduo. I might state that as near as I can judge a farmer has to pay 25 per Dent 13300e bare than in Ontario. Now, I think this ie ail this time eo I will °lose by wishing you a Merry %max and a Happy New Year, Dae POST 000108 e.0 an old friend, alwayeweleome. sometimes we 0001e nearly getting two 0,1 once ;. that means a fast and then a feast. Yours very truly, IE. E. Bunxaornnn. Strathoona, N. W. T.,Nov. 20,.1000. CHUIRUH (.311111 "All the tithes" will be the topic at the Epworth League next Sabbath even- ing. ext Sabbath evening the subject at Melville Endeavor will be "Howto listen." "Reverencing God's House" was the topic of Rev. 3. Holmes' morning dis- cour0elust Sabbath and in the evening a speoially interesting sermon wan preach- ed from the eabjeot "An Eaeteru mill. tary plot," fa which Belshazzar, Gyrus and Daniel name up for review. At the meeting of the Listowel Metho. diet Quarterly Board on Nov. 12th, the pester, who is now in hie second year,. reoeived a unanimous invitation by stand- ing vote to remain for a third year. Rev. Mr. Irvine accepted, eabjeot to the action of the stationing committee. The third year will begin July, 1901. The anomie meeting of Brussels Brendle of the Upper Canada Bible Society will be held in the Methodist ohnrob on Sab. bath, Deo. 16th, at the oonolneion of the preaching services in the ahurobeo, Rev. Jno. Roes, B. A., will deliver an address on the work of the Society. The ohair will be taken by the president, Rev. R. Peal. Next Sabbath evening Rev. Mr. Curry, of Et .el, will preaoh io Brueeele Metho• diet oharoh, Bev. J. Holmes oo0hpying Melville pulpit and Rev. 3, Rose, B. A., and 13. Gerry will address a Bible So• riety meeting at Oranbrook. 'oa the. eama evening Rev. R. Paul, A. M. Mo. Kay and Tboe. Straohan will go to Roe's ohntch for alBible Society meeting and G. F. Blair and W. H. Kerr will speak at a meeting under similar auspices in the Methodist ohuroh at Ethel. RALLY BIINDAr.—Leet Sabbath after. noon the annual Rally of the Methodist Sabbath sohool in this pleas was held and was an enjoyable service. The roll oall allowed au attendance of 213 pupils, teachers and otiioere with as many more parents and friends. An interesting pro. gram wee presented ae follows :—Or- chestra, selections; Lord's Prayer, by school ; ohorue, "There'e a Royal Ban. nor" ; Psalm 146 read responsively •, prayer, by Robb. Maondere ; solo, "I want to be a sunbeam," Mise Pearl Lowry; selection, "Marching Onward," ohuroh oboir ; roll call of °lasses and re- sponses ; chorus, "There shell be showers of blessing," by school ; recitation, "Curly heads in the pew,' Miee Ella Funeton ; address, "Five ways' parents ehould help the 8. S.," Rev. R. Pant ; solo"The Home Beyond," Miee' Bell Bmith; recitation, "Hie last chance,' Miee Nora Maunders ; f0 memory of 'de- ceased pupils palled up the names of Millard Cardiff, Harry Beaker and Hat- tie Bielby who were oslled away dneing the year. A brief fitting address was given by Rev. Jno. Holmes ; quartette, "The Home of my Farber," Mines L. Sample and E. E. Kerr and Jas. Thom- son and W. H. Kerr ; address, "Seven ways pupils may aid • the eohool," B, Garry ; oloeing hymn and Benediction by the pastor. The oolleation amounted to $9.03. Total amount of 20th Clentnry Thanksgiving fund raised by echoed to date $203 with more to follow. School hae 20 olaseee and good work hi being done. Leslie Grant, the 20•year•old son of Pootm t ae er Jose b Granh Granton, p , of G on committed euiclde by hanging himself in the hayloft of his father's etablo. Hie determination to end hie life was 'evtden• ped by the manner in which he hanged himself. The cord used was too frail to have supported his entire weight, go indeed of suspending htmeelf, he tied the rope low and leaned forward till strangled. The body was diesovared about 5 o'olook p. tin. The young man hod been ill and melanoltolly for a number of mouths.