HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1900-11-22, Page 8J51300BS,E.108 1O�
NOY, 22, 1.900
Xmas ":.mats` Mara,e 1
A little early for XMAS bat we
have Megaton in Xmas Garda that
you had better aeleet now, have you
aeon our wludow thie week ? Wo
have a lot of sample oarde ou sheets
that we are selling at
5 c.&JO ()TS.
for a sheet that contain from 4 to 10
aoetly oarde, They are aloe for
Ham book') it for nothing else. We
Have a seleotion of band :painted
oarde that are beauties. Mao a fine
assortment of
and other email books that are so
nioe as remembrances at Xmas time.
Come early and make your selection.
Headquarters for Santa Olaue,
G. A, Deadman,
Druggist, Optician & Bookseller.
is1440 DMUS,
We are already preparing tar the
holiday eeaoon. Our window tide
week shows; a few of our steak of
Dolls whioh we hay° from 1c, ate);
up. Our stook inolude9
Dols' amamlooks,
Dolle' Bede, Dolle' ()raffles and Dolle'
Carriages. Our Kiel Body Dolls are
expellant for wear and not expensive.
Photo. Frames.
Such a stook of. Photo. Frames
as we have and so oheap. Take a
look at them beauties at 10e. each.
Remember we are headquarters for
Santa Clone.
G. A. Deadman,
nruelgist and Graduate Optician,
Brussels, Ont.
Trains /save Brunets Station, North
and South, as foliowe ;
'Hxprees7:18 a.m.Mail 2.10 p.m
Mixed 9:45 a.m, I Express ...... 8:17 p.m
snag Etins glciris,
A obiel'a among ye takin' notes,
An' faith he'll prent it.
SHOUT days.
Booeswza Horse Fair, Thursday, Dec.
Barents) flax mill will start ae soon as
the oeld weather sets in.
Tax COLLECTOR Ci:exo TON has reoeived
about $600 on the taxes.
BnonoeLl School Board is advertising
far woodfor the school.
Comer Council will meet in Wingham
o•, 'I'nesday, Deo. 4th, at 2 p. m.
nig chrysanthemum display in J. G.
Skene's store window attraots consider
able attention,
BLAKE terms for school teach era' agree-
ments with Trustees may be obtained at
Poor Publishing House.
r h has been put upin front
A mom o o b
P e
of the Queen's Hotel verandah that
will be utilized daring the Winter.
'rug store front in Jno. Walker's new
furniture store, Leckie blook, looks quite
gay. It makes a fine shop and adds
greatly to the front street.
6o41E of our townspeople attended the
wedding of J. G. Turnbull to Miss Ker.
naeb0n on Wednesday evening at the
home of W. Bowman, Brd line, Morrie.
Trig steady rain of Saturday, Sunday
rod Monday went a good distance in
supplying the necessary aqua pura for
numerous wells that were looking in that
very eeaer•tial commodity.
A. 0. G. W. "At Home" on Friday
evening, Dee. 7th, in the Hall in the
Blasbill block. A. mnsioal and literary
program will be presented and lunch
served. An invitation notioe is being
mailed this week to all the members.
the banns of marriage were solemnized
in Port Huron, Miob., between Frank
Banckie and Miss Mand, youngest
ter of Mae. and Mrs. Rolland, formerly
of Bruese's. The happy couple are at
home to their friends at 718 Forest at.,
Port Huron. Tag Poor extends oongrat•
Notuneroxe. — The day of receiving
nominations of eaudidates for the office
of County Councillors throughout the
Province, will, this year, be on Monday,
Deo. 24th, (the Monday in the week pre-
ceeding the week before polling day.
The nomination for municipal oandi•
dates will take place one week later, Deo.
STOLE PHOTOS.—Some persons pried
open the front of the glass exhibition
Daae at E. Here's photo. gallery last
Saturday night and stole nearly all the
photos. Mr. Hart does not wish to ex.
pose the meddlers so asks a return of the
photos and the repairing of the cage as a
settlement. Unless this is promptly
done he says harsher means will he used
ae the parties are known.
PnoPERTY SOLD.—John Robb has die.
posed of his fine brink residence and two
scree of land, Toruberry et., South, to
John McArthur, 8th line, Morrie, who
Will take poseeeion next April. The prioe
is said to be $1,450. Mr. MoArthur Ilse
sold hie form and will take a well earned
rest. Owing to Mr, Robb Belling his
property, he will also dispose of bis house.
hold furniture by private Bale. The geode
may he seen at hie reeidenoe. He sine -
poem holidaying around with friends for
a time after Mr. MoArtbnr moyee in.
BRueeitt.e Punta LIBRARY.—The Public
Library Board mat at the Reading Room
cu Friday afternoon. It ordered that
384.00 worth of new books be purchased,
also that "Harper's Weekly" and "The
Youth's Companion" be obtained for the
Reading Room. The Librarian was di -
rooted to allow one magazine to be taken
out along with a book without extra
charge. Messrs. Cameron, Blair and the
Beoretary were appointed an Entertain-
ment Committee. 'the profits on a
couple of good entertainments will plane
the Public Library on m sound financial
bases e7 that but a small part of the
legal yearly grant of 3157 will be asked
for from the village Council.
WELL MEarron.—A naso of meritorione
emcees ie the immense °iroalation of
that great weekly newspaper, the Family
Herald and Weekly Star, of Montreal,
for, in addition to giving the biggest and
best family weakly on the continent, they
include pioturea that alone could not be
purohaeed for double the amount charged
for papet and pictotee. Thio eeaeoo they
are giving two most beautiful pio9aree
that are sure to be appreciated.
!'CHRIST. IN THE TEMPLE" le one of
them,and certainly it is a beautiful pieoe
of work. "HOME FROM THE WAR'
18 8 piotnr6 that at once wine he way t
the hearts of Oanadiane, The Family
Herald and Weekly Star for a year, wit
thele two pi&tureg, for one dollar, i
a car of coal to their onetomers this week.
Soso of our hardware dealers are
supplying Winghamitee with steam, an
illaetretion of Brussels being the spot
for bargains.
Arobiteot Bioning, of Listowel, was in
Brussels on Monday consulting with
Druggist Fox relative to the proposed
new residence for the latter next season,
John Leckie, Mrs. Leokie and eons left
their home in Toronto on Tuesday.
Tam Pon wiehes them a pleasant stay
and a sure return to Brnesele next
Tins week we added another quire of
paper to the weekly output of THE Pose.
Advertisers should make a note of our
increasing circulation and profit by its
BRUSSELS' grist mills did a great streak
of business during the short period of
sleighing last week. The snow drove
stock indoors and necessitated heavier
Tugela was quite a rush of wood upon
the market last Friday and Saturday,
the sleighing encouraging the farmers to
haul it in. Ready sale was found for all
Pam, L. E. DAVIe, of Michigan, wishes
to announce that he is prepared to accept
a limited number of pupils on Violin and
Mandolin. For information oonoerning
same call on H. L. Jaokeon, Jeweler,
TUESDAY morning at 11.30, while riding
down Obnreh street, Toronto, Peter
Ewan, of Ontario street, was thrown
from hie wheel and was taken to the
Emergenoy Hospital. It is feared his
thigh is broken. The wet pavement ie
the cause. Mr. Ewan was busily engag-
ed in moving from Earl street to 608 On-
tario. This gentleman and hie wife were
tenants of the residence of Jno. Leckie
during the time Mr. and Mre. Leckie
were living in Brussels.
Coifed FOR 1901.
Tne Pon and Weekly Globe with
Battle of Paardeberg premium3 1 00
THE Pose and Weetern Advertiser 1 36
Tile Pon and Family Herald and
Weekly Star with 2 premiums1 80
Tan POST and Montreal Witness,1 65
Tum Pose and Daily Newe 2 25
Balance of 1900 free to new eubeoribere.
Now fa the time to get your name on the
Copies of the above mentioned pram.
tome may be Been at "Tan PoeT."
You pay your enbsoriptiou and we
write the letter, remit the money and pay
the postage. Oall and sae us or write,
Tum Poem Publishing Bonne,
A DAR of floor was reoeived by B. K.
Ross on Thursday.
• TEE town grader was at work on
Thursday opening waterwaye by new
FRIDAY of this week Wm. Jewitt will
ship 1,400 live tnrkeye trona Brussels G.
T. R. yard. He will have another ebip•
mens on Monday.
EAST HURON License Oommleeionere
will meet on Wednesday of nest week at
the Queen's Hotel, !Inmate, to ooneider
transfer of American Hotel lieenee from
Ament to Beattie.
QUANTITIES of 4 foot Blahs are being
healed from L, MoDonsld'e Sawmill yard
at Walton to Brussels whenever the roads
are in good condition. P. Ament's stook
is about finished nutil he cute more loge.
Drum the past week the shipments of
freight from lbs Grand Trunk Included
the following .-4 care salt, by Salt
Works ; 1 oar lambs and 1 oar bogs by
Geo. Beet ; 1 ear oheeee by Mr. Riley ;
2 ears hay end 1 oar peas by Alf. Beaker.
Geonom SINNER, writing from Hilman-
agh, Miob., in renewing for Tao Pear,
says: "We have had a nice fall of snow
but not enough for eleighing. People are
getting ready for the woods as there ie a
little lumbering to do round here yet. I
expect to make a start next week.' Mr.
Zimmer was a former reeident of tbie
locality, living on the 9th Don. of Grey,
near Brunets. We are glad to know be
ie getting along prosperously.
OBITUARY.—Jean Lindeay, relict of the
late Arthur McGuire, died at the home
of her eon, James McGuire, in Mt. For-
est, t on Monday nde of lain week. Mrs.
MoGufre, with her r husband lived for
many years on the let of Morrie. De-
oeaeed was in her 79th year. The
remains were brought to Wingbam on
Wednesday afternoon and were interred
in the Wiegham oemetery. Arthur Mo -
Cadre and Mrs. S. H. Jaokeon are
children of the deceased. Mrs. McGuire
made her home in Brussels at one time.
MONTHLY Hoven FAIRS. — The usual
Monthly Faire for the haying and sell-
ing of horses will be renewed in Brnseele,
the first one to be held on Thursday,
Deo. 6. Leading Canadian and Ameri-
can buyers are expected to be present,
Subsequent Faire are anoounoed for Jan.
3rd, Jan. 3109, Feb. 28th and April 4th.
Faire are always held on the Thursday
Friday. to the first F y. Brussels and
looality make a epeoialty of the monthly
sales and the amount of business done is
veryle. Persons havinborees
to sell should mark down the above dates
and govern themeelves accordingly.
eleotiono held in Cavalier Go., North
Dakota, on Nov. 6th, proved that the
people of that eectiou hold a good opinion
of former Canaoke as in the list of the
victors rS we aro glad to observe the names
former reeidente of this looalit
of f y in the
persons of Henry McLean, to the Legie-
latare ; Robt. Work, 0o. Auditor, with-
out opposition ; W. B. Dickson, States
Attorney. Others who were in the fight
and well up to the victors were Alex. F.
Stewart, for the Legislature ; Archie
Sitters, jr., for Sheriff ; Harry Danford,
Registrar of Deeds ; Thos. Danford, Go.
Constable. We wish the office holders a
pleseant term and will be glad to record
their promotion.
AtIERIoAN HOTEL Som.—Tuesday of
this week an agreement was signed be-
tween Joe. Ament and Seml. Beattie,
whereby the latter purchases the Amer.
scan hotel, furniture, &a., from the
former, the purohaee prioe being $9,000.
Poe000sion will be taken on Wednesday
of next week. Will. Clark, of London, a
relative of Mrs. Beattie's, will assist in
the management soder the business
name of Beattie & Clark. During the
past year Mr. Beattie had Marge of the
Middaugh Hoose, at Durham, Belling out
a abort time ago. Mr. Ament will move
to his comfortable residence near the G.
T. R. depot and may embark in some
other occupation in town after he gets a
little breathing spell. This sale will
camel John Putlaod'e engagement at the
4merioau and be will probabbly remove
from Brussels to a wider field. The
notioe of applioation of hotel license may
he read in another column.
OotlticNDATORY.—The following parting
resolution was handed Mre. H. Ball bd
the Woman's Missionary Sooiety of
Brussels Methodist church on ber re -
=vial to Wingham
To Mrs. henry Ball :
We, the members of the W. M. Society,
Brueeels Auxiliary, desire to say a few
worde of farewell to you. Although in
the order of Provldenoe not removed far
from n0, yet you are from amongst a0.
The plane whioh you 00 ably filled in our
Society is vacant and we mise your
preeenoe ; your earnest, effective prayers
whioh were an inspiration to n0, drawing
ns heavenward sad encouraging n0 to be
more zealoo0 in our work ; and your
expreeeive reading of the "Fireside Ghat"
to which we so often listened with pleas-
ure. While averse to saying farewell to
yon we hope in your new sphere of labor
yon may be a benediotion as you have
been to us, And when meeting and part.
ins on life's uncertain sea are over we
hope to meet again when every nation
and people, kindred and tongue obeli be
the redeemed of the Lord.
MRs. J. L. gena, President,
Mite, leo, Tarr, Seorotarye
Rev. John Roes, B. A., attended Mait-
land Presbytery at Wiupham on Tues-
daThe topio at Melville Endeavor next
Sabbath evening will be "What Intem-
perance mete our nation."
"Oharaoteristioe of early Methodiem"
will be the topic at the Epworth League
next Sabbath evening, Rev. R. Paul
will introduce it.
The Evangelistic services are still in
progress in the Me'bodiet church al.
though the bad weather and dark nights
have told on the attendance.
20th Oentury epeoial eervicee in the
Methodist church on Sabbath, Deo. 2nd.
The Sunday school will hold a Reunion
an the afternoon of the same day. 31,000
ie aimed at to close up the 20th Century
Thanksgiving offering.
Last Sunday Bishop Baldwin preached
in St. John's oburoh, giving, ae he always
does, two able discourses, beautiful in
their simplicity, broad and practical in
their tenohing and not soon to be for-
gotten by hie auditors. "Leprosy, a type
of Bin" was the morning subject and
"Lukewermnees in the oharch," from
the text "Behold I stand at the door and
k000k," was the theme in the evening.
The Bishop is a very busy man and
how be etande the work is a marvel to
weelt, She le now 22 years of ago end
her baby is 1 yeer o(4,
13aasiileas Locals.
MANrT0114 fi000 for axle, A, 0. 13ANitnn:
CAeoe for butter and eggs, A. OoneleY.
Baer (latter for Dale, Apply at
SERVANT. minted, Apply to
alas, W, 14, ;,. iNCLAIn.
FLOUR and feed always to stook and
sold at right prices. A. 0, Banana.
Hoven and lot for solo, John street,
A. 0, Baum reoeived a ear of flour
this week and now carries four brands of
Om button, with Odd Fellowe em
blem, found. Owner may have it by
paying for this notioe, Ton Poem.
CotrronoASLE house to rent, with stable
and good garden, on Alexander street,'
Poeseeeion can be given early in Septem.
ber. For further partionlare apply to
CARPET Wetvrgo.—Hdving purohaeed
the outfit of S. Oan9lon, I am preened In
attend to the wants of the penile in
oarpet weaving. Satisfaction guaranteed.
Jno. COMB, Mill St, West, Brueeels.
Worm—One ton ahoi00 roll butter,
200, weekly. Also dried apples and fowl,
Our stook of drags go Ids, furs, readymade
clothing, &o,, ie Large and not aorpaeeed.
We have a few odd mantlee to eleor,
$10 00 ones for $5.00 and $5.00 ones for
32.60. G. 35. giro, Windham,
Monnreow,—In Newry, on Nov Bch, 1900,
to Mr. and Mre. Solan Morrison, a
ECUs.—In Gerrie, on Nov. 13th, to Mr.
and Mre. Thos. Ellie, a daughter.
Goderich .
Fnoti Sonmow To Jos.—It is seldom
that a scene from the real drama of hu.
man life le enacted within the doors of e
Detroit playhouse, but last Thursday
afternoon at Wonderland a daughter
firet learned the whereabouts of her
father, whom she had not Been for many
years. William Cahill Davis, monolo-
gist, appeared on the stage, and notio•
ing a young woman sitting with a
blaok•eyed child on her knee in the first
row in the baloony, he gazed up at the
woman and oompoeed an impromptu
ditty, of whioh she and her abiid were
the eubjeot. The audience turned to look
up at the woman above and among those
who looked was Mrs, Emma Nelson, of
Goderloh, Ont., who was visiting in Mt.
(Stamen's. She thought she recognized
the woman in the baloony, and when the
performance was over she waited at the
door. The young woman with the child
appeared and Mre. Baleen immediately
recognized her as ber niece who had been
missing from home for over 15 years.
The nieos's name was Mrs. Hattie Mo.
Kenzie. Many years ago her father dis-
appeared, and after her mother'e death
she went to Toronto, where elle married
at the age of 19 a young barrister named
Oharlee McKenzie. She had one child,
Olareno°, but her husband died soon after
its birth. She then took the little one
one and went to Detroit determined
never to pert from her infant eon. Mrs.
O. J. Holton, wife of 0, J. Holton, who
keeps the well known cigar store on
Woodward•ave., advertised for a girl for
housework, and the young woman with
her baby Demo in avower. Mre. Hol.
Lou received them, and the little one
played about the floor while hie mother
washed and oarnbbed, and wag happy as
long ae her offspring was with her. The
joyful greeting
wiib her aunt was height-
of ht•ened
by the knowledge that her tether
was alive. He bad married regale and
wanted his ohild to oome home and live
with him in London, Ont. Mrs. Mo.
Kenzie will'probably 80 bank there next
TUn souon—KunNABais.—At the residence
of Mr. William Bowman, Morris,
eonain of the bride, on Nov. 21st, by
Rev, Jno. Rose, B. A., Mr. Jno. G.
Turnbull, of Grey town ship, to Mies
Sarah J. Kernaghan, of Morrie.
asst x•
MOGuxne.—In Mt. Forest, on Nov. 12th,
Jean Lindsay, relict of the late
Arthur MaGaire, of Morri s aged 78
years and 8 months.
1iVQ0xo o-
WEDNEBner, Nov. 28m.—Farm stook,
implements, &o., Si Lot 10, Con. 4,
Morrie. Sale, unreserved, at 1 p. m.
Jae. Wilkinson, pron.. F. S. Scott, ono.
THURSDAY, Nov. 29TH,—Farm etook, at
Lot 32, Oon. 14, Grey. Sale unreserved
at 1 o'olook. Peter S. Rose, prop.; F. S.
Scott, aunt.
Fall Wheat.......,....
Butter, tube and roils ..
Eggs per dozen ........
Flour per barrel.....,..
Potatoes (per bush.)
Apples (per bag)
Sheep skins, each
Lamb skins eaolt.....,
Salt per bbl., retail
Hay per ton
Hides trimmed 6
Hides rough 6
Hoge, Live 4 76 6 00
Wool 16 15i
4 00
1 00
6 00
4 60
1 00
7 00
AST4NDeRD 13.1XK OF 04 ,D4
=sw.s..2=xi` wx.a:, 4.19/72,
CAPITAL PAID Ul' (One Million Dollars) $1,099,000
It1EST. . . 3700,000
Agencies in all principal prairita in Ontario, Quebec, Manitoba, Unitetf Etat" oO Rngiand,
orivoims 1Serl item.
A General Banking liminess Transacted, Farmers' Notes Disoonnted.
Drafte fern, d and Oolleotione meds on all pointe.
Interest allowed on deposit° of 31,00 and °pwarde and compounded half yearly,
Smelts, AnzieerOIs cam To21111Oomecosog. 0r Fae000ne' Bann Nwoee.
Every facility afforded Cuetomora living at a dietanoe,
able M any hank Wetted Under $10 $80. 80. 320 to , „12o
IYOflOy Orui 1 mashie
the following rates 310 to 320,.,,10c. 80 to 40, ,140
praotioally ended as far as supply of
., "4a fed cattle concerned and there will
he .oil now until stable fed animals Dome
forward. Butchers' oattle - Offerings
heavy but few sales made owing to in.
different quality of stook ; ohoiee to good
oattle wanted, but poor and medium
grade beasts to whioh olaee: bulk of to.
day's supply belonged, not wanted ; pick.
ed lots worth $4 40 to 34,76 per cwt„ and
ohoiee eell et 34 to 34,40 ; good oattle
quoted at $3.40 to 34, while medium
slow at $2.50 to 38,25, and common al•
most unsalable at $2 to $2 50 ; some good
to ohoioe oattle cold to -day at 33.40 to
34.06, and some medinm lots changed
bands at $2.75 to 33,25. Sheep and
lambs—Trade doll and prime low i
Buffalo and other outside markets weak
at present and no outlet for stook bought
here ; dealers therefore unwilling to pay
high price. Export ewes quoted at 33 to
$3.35 per cwt. ; books at 32.50 to 38, and
butchers' eheep at 32.60 to $3 each ;
Iambs weaker, selling down to 33.60 to
38.76 per owt„ and 32,50 to $3.25 each,
Oaivee—Steady at 32 to 38 each. Hoge—
Scarce and prime advanced all round I se-
Ieotione of 160 to 200 lbs. natural weight
have advanced from 35 per owl. to 85.25 ;
fate have gone up from $4.624 to 35, and
lights from 34.62i to $4,75.
Oampbellford, Ont., Nov. 20.—At Ibe
regular meeting of the Meese board here
to -day, 500 November white oheeee were
offered ; all sold at 10o. Season closed
today t y yill the first da of May, 1901.
Ingersoll, Ont., Nov. 20.—At the cheese
marltet held here to -day only 450 boxes
of September cheese were offered ; uo
Wee were made ; large attendance of
both salesmen and buyers.
East Buffalo, N.Y., Nov. 20.—Cattle—
Lower than yeeterday'e close. Calves—
SRpply liberal ; fair demand ; lower ;
oboioe to erten, 37.60 to 37.75 ; good to
choice,Sheepand Iambs -
37 t 0 $7.5 . 0
Trade was very elow ; native lambs,
ohoioe to extra, 34 90 to 35 ; good to
choice, $4.60 to $4.90 ; common to fair,
$4 to 34.50 ; sheep, choice to extra, $8.50
to 33.75 ; good to choice, 33 25 to 33.50 ;
oommon to fair, 32.50 to 33,26 ; feeders
took the largest proportion. Hogs—
Heavy hogs were about steady, but York -
ere and pigs were 5o to 10a lower ; heavy
Bold $6 to $5.05 ; mostly inside figures ;
mixed, 34.00 to 35; Yorkers, 34.90 to $4.-
95 ; piss, 35.06 ; rougbe, 34.50 to $4.60 ;
stage, 33.75 to 34.1.0; the close was easy
to 5o lower.
Toronto, Nov. 20.—Wheat quiet.; hold-
ers asking 610 for red and white, middle
freights, and buyers here quote 63a, and
ao lees high freights West ; goose dull
and nominal, at 62e West ; Spring quiet
at 650 East ; Manitoba wheat is steady,
at 90ta for No. 1 hard and 87o for No. 2
hard Toronto and Weet ; 93a for No. 1
hard and 89e for No. 2 hard grinding in
transit; 88o for No, 1 hard afloat Fort
William, and 80e there for No. 2 hard,
and 870 for No. 1 hard at Goderioh.
Floor dull and unohanged ; care of 90%
patents sold West at equal to $2,90 in
barrels West ; choice brands are hold 15a
to 200 higher ; Manitoba flour steady, at
$4,60 for oars at Hungarian patente and
34,30 for etrong bakers in car late, bags
inoluded, Toronto. Mill feed is quiet ;
pare of shorts are quoted at 312 and bran
at 311 West. Barley quiet, et 43 a for
No. 1 East, 88a tor No. 2 middle freights.
Rye, mtateady, at 474o middle freights,
and 47o Weet. Corn steady ; new Can-
ada yellow is quoted at 81a to 32o Weet ;
American No. 8 yellow le quoted at 40,10
for old and 44e for new Toronto. Oats
iu fair demand and steady ; local buyers
quote No. 1 white at 26a asked East ; No.
2 white are quoted at 24a middle heights,
and 230 West. Oatmeal is quiet ; oars
of barrels are quoted at 33.20 and bags
at 33.10 Toronto, and 20a more for small
lots. Peas in good demand and firm, at
OOo East ; they eold at 50a middle freight
and are quoted at 68a high freights West.
Toronto, Nov. 20,—Trade doll at Weet.
ern oattle market to -day, although both
bnyere and callers numerous ; large run,
but weather unfavorable for good buei•
nese and dealers not pattioularly anxious
to buy, In no olaee was there any great
activity, and general feeling of depression
prevailed. Total run was 66 loads, in.
eluding900oattle 1,980 sheep and lambe
4 oalveand 626 cattle,
Export oattle-
No opange and choices etill quoted at 34.-
40 to $4,00 per owt., with light at 34 20
to $4,40 ; four loads gold at prime rang-
ing from 34,25 to 34,60. Season has
Two coal stoves for sale. Apply' to
Worn bred Blaok Minorca Oookerele
for sale. Enquire at Tan POST.
Mount to loan on approved real estate.
Terme easyy, For further particulars apply
to W. H, KERR, Brussels.
Fos sale, a large, dark brown mare,
care old good driver will work
any he0 sea II }RRYg Brueeels.
Two eligible building lots for sale on
Princess street, Brueeels. For further par -
Oculars as to price terms, &a.. apply to
8.65, MRS, J. GRIEVE, Brueeeie,
Coos stoves for Bale—one large and one
medium in prime working order for sale at
ball prion. Getting furnace in house—no use
for stoves, J. D. RONALD.
OPEN faxed silver watob dropped in
Brussels G.T. R. waiting room on Auguet
1591. The tinder will be suitably rewarded
by leaving it at THE Pon. Publiehing Rouse,
Brussels, at once. 10-
TES RII FOR S11PP1.101, 1901,
The undersigned will receive tenders up to
for 00101100 of butcher's meat, creamery
butter,flonr, oatmeal. potatoes, cordwood,
e for the following iostitutia ns dur-
ing to g
the ' r 1001,Is :—At the Asylums for
thfag I000nev e of
at TamnEo Ein °ton yy it n
Mi Insane Hamilton,
Mimioo, d 000 000lle and Orilliaat ; , TorontCentrao
Prison and atory orfoBoratory, Toronto -
the e ; the Instil for tor e, P 04 Dumb,
Belle Ile Institnhens iloDeaf and bio d.
Belleville and the Blend at Brantford.
Exception—Tenders are not required for
the supply of moat to the asylums in Tor-
onto, London. Eingeton, Hamilton and
Mimioo, nor for the Central Prison and
Mercer oxReformntor9, Toronto. A marked
o ue for per Dent. of the estimated
amount of the
°entreat, payable to the order
Of the Honorable the Provtnoial Beorotary,
must bo fnrni1hed by each tenderer as a
guarantee of his bona Bodes. Two au nt
sureties will be required for the dueuo fulfil-
ment of oath oontraot, and ehonld any
tender be withdrawn before the oontraot is
awarded, or should the tenderer fail to
furnish euoh security, the amount of the
deposit will be forfeited. Speoifloatlone
and forma of tender may ber had on appli-
cation to the Department of the Provincial
Secretary, Toronto, or to the Bursars of the
reepeetive institutions. The lowest or any
tender not nocesearfly accepted. News-
authoritnygfromgtheiDepartmontment will without
paid for it.
J. R. STRATTON,P rovinafal Secretary.
Parliament Buildings, Toronto, Nov.lOtb,
I000 of the undersigned, Lot 5, 0on,10,
Grey, on or about July last a ewe and two
lambs. The owner ie requested to prove
property. pay expeo0e9 and take them
away. JAB. SMILLIE, Walton P. 0. 20.4
DEMO will be resolved until December
14th for the delivery of 70 cordo of good,
sound, green hardwood, 22 inches long, to be
delivered at the Brussels Publio School be-
fore the 1st day of March, 1001,
It, ROSH, Sea. Public Bohool Board.
Lot 6, Con, 15, Grey containing 100
Dares. Good stook or grain farm. Good
frame house and bank barn; two good wells;
eight aoree of Fall wheat and land all in a
good elate of cultivation, For particulars
apply to JOHN MoFADDEN,
20-t1 Bteasels P. 0,
Fowl Wanted,
Tho undersigned will pay ouch for Ter -
keys, Goeae,Duclra and Chickens delivered
at his produce store, Breese's. To be dry
plaited and starved properly. Beetle on all
excepting Turkeys,. I also pa cash for but.
ter and eggs. 190132'. 'PROMS ON.
rose of the unrlersigeed, Lo 8 20, Con, 15,
Grey on or about Nov, let, 2 steer calves.
Ono is white in Dolor and the other rod, the
former being a good sire. Any information
loading to their recovery will be thauktully
reoeived, GEO.01100L8,
10 4 Oranbrook r. o,
0010:1'! COUNCIL.
alarm whereby given that the Council of
the (bounty of Huron will moot in the Gann -
all Chamber in the Town of Wingham ou
'Oueedey, the 4911 day of Dabember, nest, at
8 o'clock 11.1 the afternoon,
W DANE, (lerk,
Dated at Ooderiah Deo, 20th, 1000,
bighted andconvenient rooms to let in
the Leckie bleok over G. A, Madman'e and
MPS. Rogers' otoree, Apply to P. S. SCOTT.
L3 0a10, ooneiating of a ram Iamb, 2 Omar -
ling rams and 7 breeding ewes, All pure
bred, from OampbolPs stook, Woodville.
Also a cumber of Bronze Turkeys, from W.
J,Bell'e stock, of Anne, Ont.
Brussels P. 0. Lot 8, Oon, 8, Grey.
DEaeroNED offers his butcheringbeal-
nese, brick bleek,reeidouee, slaughter house
and other property, to* sale at a moderate
Price as he wiehee to retire from business.
Will be sold en bloo or divided up to suit
pnrabaser. This ism good ohaoeeto.anen-
terprising man. Box further partloulars oe
to price, terms and conditions apply to
14.91 WM, BLAB HILT,, Brussels.
Notice of Transfer,
NOTIOID ie hereby given, pennant to the
regulations in that behalf, Ohne we, the un-
dersigned, have applied for a transfer of the
Betel License granted to John-Ament, and
that the said transfer will be complied and
signed to by the oommieslonere atter the
second publication of this. notioe, as requir-
ed la law. BEATTIE & OLAB0.
Dated at Brussels, Nov. 21,4900.
Notice to Creditors.
In the matter of the estate of William
Bntton, of the Townabip of Morrie,
in the County of Huron, farmer, de
Notice is hereby given purenant to Oben.
120 o1 the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1807,
that all creditors and other persona having
against the above
claim or demand a
nay g
about 'William Button,who died on or
the Eighteenth day of ootober, A. D.
about g y
Firstare hereby required ou 00 before the
First pay of , or d ber,t A.D. 1eor eo send n,
of the
prepaid, or deliver e. George Ju00
of the Township of Morrie, in the Oounty o1
Huron, tfarmer, the Aaminietrntnr of the
estate of the said William Button, deceased,
their names, addresses and occupations with
full particulars of their claims and the nat-
ure of the securities (if any) held by them.
And notice is hereby given that atter snob
last mentioned date the said Administrator
will proceed to distribute the emote of the
said deceased amongst the unrtiea entitled
thereto, having regard only to the•elaime of
which notioe shall have been given as afore•
said, and the said Administrator will not be
responsible for the said assets 1 or any part
thereof to any person or persona of whoa°
claim notioe shell nob have been received at
the time of such distribution.
Dated at Brussels Nov. 149), 1000,
19.8 W. M. SIMULATE,
Solicitor for the Administrator..
LAY !.
We have the stuff to make
them for there :is nothing
better than
Herba ,.-g eum
Poultry Spice.
Try it and be convinced.
50c and 25c per bag
Fox's Drug Store.
When you are compelled to hold
the newspaper "away off" your eye eight
is "away off " and Glaeaee should be
procured at once.
We will fit you with proper Glaeaee
to overcome the misty vision that creeps
on with the advance of years.
Our Double Vision Glasses are a
greet help for both dietant and near
vision to those who require them.
Rimless Glum very pretty and very
faehiooable for young people. Eyes ar•,
bread•winoers, take care of them. We
are experte at eye•flbting. Have your
eyes examined and know their exact
Eyes tested free—Glaesee recommended
only when absolutely beneficial.
Also Graduate oIRetinoseopy.
Live Tnrtes
8,000 Live Turkeys wanted,.
from 8 lbs. up, to be delivered at
Brussels G. T. R. on or before
Dee. lst, for which the highest
market prise will be paid. Birds
must not be fed the day before
WM. JE WIT'? it
.- S cotc'li VJ rdllou e=`ass
HE first of the year we intend making several changes
and improvements in the interior of our Warehouse.
With this in view we have decided to reduce the stock to
the lowest possible mark.
Two Departments, Groceries and
Crockery, must be cleared ozat entire-
ly. Our sale prices should interest
An Elegant line of Boots, Shoes
and d. Rubbers
Bought direct from the Manufacturers,
at Bargain Day Prices,
Our splendid new stock of Staples and Fancy Dry
Goods at a slight advance on wholesale prices,
mI1l+S�+„tM1;7�R�a3t't��R' Ma