HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1900-11-22, Page 6IN A NIQDERN LAUNDRY,
Processes eferettgit tvine fiotis4 Collars
nun! ease,
I Altlaoetylfm a 'penny pays ser the
lnandsying .ot a collar few people whe
do not have aninethine to do with the
laundtryintr eestltss through how many
Melees/um that same Dollar goes before
thepenny la .earned. In a laundry
utero nothing but collars, shirtwaists
and shirts ars laundered the pr00ese
is as follows;
The bunfles brought to the counter
on the ground floor of the establish -
extent are oaken to the tap of the
building, wlmere they are untied and
the different artioles Alerted out and
marked, each person having hie own
mark, whioh is oilmen a000rding to
the when or the convenience of the
marker, The waters are then sorted
out, the meowedcollars going into one
basket, the turn downs Into anoth-
er and ten white stand ups Into a
third. 'When the huge baskets are
full each basket is emptied by itself
into a revolving washer. This is a hol-
low cylinder perforated with augur
bloles. 'When eat in notion it tarns
aver one way through another oy1Ln-
deir containing water, and then turns
back the other way. By this process',
the Dollars are washed, boiled, rinsed
and blued, the water being changed
four times while they are in the oy-
One girl attends three washers at
a time. There are small dumb watoh-
es attached to each washer which she
Bets to tell her when she is to, make
the next change of water. When the
collars are thoroughly washed, rins-
ed, boiled and blued, they are put into
an extractor, which Ls set in motion,
the water being extracted by means
of centrifugal force. The collars are
now taken from the extractor,
straightened by hand and put through
a machine, which dips them into
starch, passes them between several
rollers, and drops them upon a screen
at the other end of the machine.
A girl in attendance here picks up
the collars, lays them straight in piles
and they are passed to a long marble -
topped table whero six girls stt. These
girls rub the superfluous starch off
the collars with cloths and lay them
in smooth piles in shallow baskets.
The baskets are taken to another end,
of the room, where a girl hangs the
Genera by the buttonholes onto hooks
attached to long bars. When a bar is
full, it is placed in a rack which veil)
hold eight ox ten bans and the rack
Ls slid into the drying room. From
the drying bars the collars are taken
like chips into large baskets, the turn-
down corners aro sorted from the
plain stand -ups and they are passed
through a dampening machine. Then
in great piles which contain from 500
to 000, they are placed in presses,
where they stay from one hour to ten
hours, as may be. necessary.
It is a geed thing to know that
collars that are taken as far as the
presses Saturday night remain in the
presses till Monday morning. These
Dollars not only do up more easily, but
are much better to wear than those
that have remained a lese time in the
After this there Is the ironer, the
polisher, the edger, and it is to this
last little machine that the smooth
edges of cellars are due. Then comes
the point -marker for turn -down
points, and the dampening of the
crease with a small wheel like a
dressmaker's marker. The Dollar is
then put into the shaper and comes
out ready to wear.
Large baskets of the collars are
taken to the sorters, who put them
into piles according to the little marks
upon them. Another person searches
out the box which has the particular
mark. The list of the articles with
this mark and the person's name is
attached to the box. A third person
taken the garments out of the box,
Pets teem in pasteboard boxes, and
passes them to be done up in paper
with the list outside. These boxes are
taken to the ground floor, put into
lettered boxes to await the call of the
owner, and all this for a penny a col-
tensleellteene eetininiseelVelmennbeeetle
Oh the Farm" dittj
4.44,4104. -1411040.46
Progressive furring door Got 00008-
eerily imply the trying of every new
Machan% the testing of evern teeowy,
or making many nue radical changes
the method of parrying on the farm
work. Radioal °bungee are, revolve
tions, and It is m! but, seldothat axe-
volution warns good. Evolution and
development is the successful man's
method of introducing new things.
Tlmme filr&t season of crop with
which a femme is not familiar should
be considered an experiment. Stink
that is not therms -lily understood
abculd not *related extensively until.
it is umdereto e1. A new machine
should not be taken up until thor-
oughly tested on the farm, and soil of
the neighborhood, and not until use
has shown the mnnufaotunees ties lit-
tle changes that ase always found
advantageous to make to perfect the
machine. The first machines are
not the best, and it is always' hard) to
get repairs on them, because of the
changes of patterns.
The progressive farmer musk bo a
deep student of agriculture and
kindred topics. In lits library you
will find works of the best authori-
ties on farming, gardening, hortioul-
tmre, stock raising, etc. He will keep
himself and family in touch with the
agricultural world, by taking a num-
ber of the best farm periodicals. His
farm and stock will show the grasp
Dent, Tim ducklings
I~ aboutnieie waalm'
do and eb,ould dross
Maeda pea' pair.
Ire marketed
from 8 to 10
The !armor should diversify the
etroduots of bis farm. The dairy
farmer, wh.ase land runs. front 00 to
£50 acres, will euroly have some acres
that will grow more of sono other
;mops than 'it will yield of hay or
oUsew fodder. Suppose suet a Parla
et bas five sores of Week dirt, that
will .grow only poor and thin hay.
le om those acres he may harvest
bushels of onions, or large yields of
eettitoes, or oarloade of cabbage or
cauliflower or celery.
Five Doctors let Coasaltaton Gave Wtq sat_
ferar hal Wile AI ,pc or Recovery—now
les atrr Wm slaved.
Brockville Rot/order.
Amen; the old families in the
townehiir of Augusta, in the neigh-
boring county of Grenville, there Is
none better known or more influen-
tial, than those that bear the name
of Bissell. The Bissells were among
the earliest settlers in the township
and have over since taken an active
partin all moves to promote its
welfare. The subject of their narra-
tive, Mr. Silas Bissell, is ono of the
Younger members of the family, who
some years ago left Canada Lo make
he hen of the subjeot et getting the his bome in the state of Nebraska.
beret out of them,. And he will noti Be hes passed through an experience
be slow, to give whati he learns from, almosi' unique, and considers that
experience and study to others that he is fortunate in being alive to tell
they too runny be benefited. the tale.
Rrogreasive farming is the only
farming of the future that will pay.
Times are making lightning ehnnges.
The methods and maohines of 10 years
ago will not servo to -day. The crops
and the stook of 20 years ago have
ohan gad.
Onions may be Rept in the cellar or
by freezing. Seleot a dry cellar
where you; can keep the temperature
below 40 degrees, put unions on slat -
made platforms, open work to admit
the air, and do not have thea. over
eight or ten inches in depth, begin-
ning near bottom of cellar and hav-
ing platform above platform, which
may be of loose boards, with three
Metes between each. Keep the cel-
lar dark to prevent sprouting., Keeep
a thermometer and kerosene stove in
this coolest spot and when tempera -
Wee falls to near 34 degrees light it.
With the warmer weather of spring
Mx by night and close by day. If oel-
lax fells at all damp, open a cash
or two of stone lino to air -slack. If
All Japan teas are oolpred..
The story as told in Mr. Bissell's
own words, is es follows:—"In the
autumn of 1888 I sustained a aerious
injury through having the tines of a
pitchfork penetrate my left knee. The
wound apparently bested, but I did
not enjoy the same health Iliad pre-
vious to the accident, and it was hut
a short time before I was compelled
to hake to my bed on account of ex-
cruciating pains in my limbo and
etiffness in my joints. A doctor was
called in, and he lanced the knee
three times, and then told me the
trouble was blood poisoning. He
treated me for some time, but I
steadily grew worse, and finally five
physicians were called in for consul-
tation. My entire system seemed to
be affected, and the doctors said the
trouble bad reached one of my lungs,
end that they could hold out but lit-
tle hope of my recovery, After re-
maining in bed for eleven weeks, I
decided that I would return to my
old tomo in Canada. Iwas so muck
sum down, and so weak that it was
a question 'whether I would live to
onions are not wanted until spring reach there, but I a vas nevertheless
is advanced spread 18 inches deep in determined to make an effort to do
any convenient loft and when hard so. After a long journey under these
freezing weather comes cover witb !most trying circumstances, Ireaobed
two feet of waste hay On top, and be- ; my old home. I was so used up, and
tweeze sides of heap and sides of build- 11 presented such an emaciated appear-
ing. 1 enoe that my friends had no thought
In keeping squashes don't leave 1• that I would recover. I continued to
them out -doors after gathering, ex -1 drag along in this condition for see -
posed to cold rains, as they will be apt eral mouths, when one day a cousin
to spat and rot after sturing. Squash- asked me why I did not try Dr,
es will beep their natural color bet- Williams' Pink Pills. I was willing
ter in dry cellars than in houses built to try any medicine that was likely
purposely for preserving them, butt to core Me, and I sent for a supply
when brought out of such cellars, to of the pills. After I bad been using
the chagrin of the marketman, they the pills for about three weeks Ilelt
soon rot. They are beat handled on an improvement in my condition. From
a large scale by keeping in specially that time I gradually grew better,
erected buildings, having platforms, ' new blood seemed coursing through
whim they are to be piled two or my veins, the stiffness in my joints
three cheep. Such houses should have' disappeared, and the agonizing pains
the doors and windows open for the ' which had so long tortured me vani-
alr as late in the season as possible, (shed. I took an all ten or twelve
end when closed have the tempera- boxes of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and
Lure about 45 degrees. The poorest Ihave no hesitation in saying that
;ripened ones should be placed in the d b.lieve they saved my life, for when
warmest part of the house. Squashes, , 1 returned to Canada, I had no hope
that have spotted may bo kept awhile of recovery.
by putting a little air -slacked lime bOr, 13125411 has since returned bo
into the hole from which) the rot bas his old bome at Lincoln, Neb., but
been cut. ' the slatemeets made above can bo
-- lvtouehed for by any of his friends in
MAKING DUCKS GROW. I Lh ti d by 11, of. the neigh -
is pure and uncolored.
They Are seasenr8 vomitus With Selma.
Ing to India a Ad Egypt—Spann thy
With Their Commends.
The Brinell army bas a larger pro-
portion of generals who have seen ac-
tive service in the field, than can be
fonniti in that of any other country.
Nearly forty generals of various
grades have taken part in the war' in
South' Africa; hut in what 1 bavo ven-
tured to call our "reserve" of generale.
aOLlOere who have not been in the
present war, and who number con-
siderably more than a hundred, there
are very few whose reoords do not in-
clude two or three campaigns.
There are constantly upwards of of tlselr claims by medical scientists.
fifty of our generals in India, and as if hive views of Dr. Norburno B. Jenurr
any army man will tell you, "Indian ins axe correct, vegetarians and their
Men are always good men," meaning doctrines will hereafter be amusing
thereby ilia they are experienced and +ether than taken seriously.
proficient commanders, it follows that "It cannot ,bedenied," sant ,Dr. Fen -
in them we have a large and reliable ,kine,"that anany persons and races
reserve et generals. During tee last of people can live, thrive and grow
twenty years there havebeen several fat without animal food. There are
campaigns in Egypt and 'theSoudan, Andean whoeatnothing but banan-
each of which has helped to transform ee, and ate able to make themselves
men, who otberwiso must have been inoompnaable beasts of burden. The
mere closet -students of warfare into Potter of Smyrna is a veritabiel oart,.
trained and tried leaders of armies in carries a heavy burden all day and
the field. eats nothing but dates and rice. Er-
erybody knows •tinct true Chinese live
While it is no doubt the case that i laalgely on grain and vegetable food,
the, great soldier, like the great poet many sf them never tasting meat.
or the great anybody else; is born and litany of these vegetarians are the
not made, still it cannot be disputed beelthiest and strongest of people.
that knowledge derived from personal "Such facto as these are conclusive
observation of aotu'al warfare meet be evidence to mane. They consequently
of enormous service; and in ibis very shun animal food and hope to be
valuable knowledge our generals are strong and healthy without meat.
rich. Nor, numorioally considered, "Animals like lions, tigers and leap -
are they any insignificant body. There ards must 'havRethe freshest of animal
aro on the active list nearly one hun-
dred and sixty generals, of whom
fifteen'are of the full rank, thirty or
more are lieutenant -generals, and a
hundred and tan are major -generals.
Brigadier -generals are not usually in-
cluded in the list of "generals," but if
they are added, then our army has
Mese upon two hundred generals.
°neeg'ht to cover all the operations of
war, no matter what their scope,
During Vie first part of the war in
South) ARxiea, the lareign prose, in rte
calm kindly and friendly way, flouted
and sneered at otir generale. Tbey
even; wont so fax ae 10 say that i'reel-
dent Icrnger had issued ardent tette
effect thin bis solldiere were on 00110-
count to shoot at our generale—bo-
mese tboy wore of "more flee t0 him
living than dead." Out when our re-
serve of generale was drawn upon, and
Lords Roberts and Lord I'itohenor ap-
peered upon the scene of notion, with
what results le now known to all the
earth, these flouts and sneers were re-
placed by tba grudging 'acknowledg-
ment of the fact that, indisputably, we
had generals who were generale in-
\Phare 1tCl Y4,na Enrrrcy i" Nereesnry Ment
1e Essential,
Vegetarianism is a growing fad.
Even in the email towns; the intellec-
tual and tspieltuelle have their tea and
wafer clubs, whore the barbarisms of
matt eaters are 'denounced and
slaughtering of animals for food is
voted brutal, The rs.pid Wonsan/ of
vegetarians has led to investigation
The Mate Archives of Venice are
acid to possess the oldest visiting card
of which there is any record — of
course leaving aside the probable use
of such articles fox' some thousands of
years in China. Giacome Contarini,
prafessoaj at the University of Padua,
sent the card in question as a curiosity
to a Venetian friend, saying that the
Garman ,students who came to Italy
had the elegant and laudable custom
or leaving such little cards, with their
name and place of origin, at the houses
of friends when they called and found
them absent. The card referred to
bears a coateof-arms with the motto:
"Espoir me contort," and beneath:
"Jeannes Westerbof Westpbalus seri-
bebab Patavil 4 Martis 1560."
A new plan for diteintslming the force
of waves has recently been tried at
Havre. It is the invention of Saran
eleelrssandro, and Italian residing in
Paris. The apparatus consists of a
nelwcrk 02 ,waterproofed hemp, 300
feet `long by 50 bread, anah„arod ors the
Surface of the water. It flattens
out heavy waves and prevents them
!tone breaking,aftet the manner of oil
(*teed upon the Noe,
Among so large a number of generals
it (may surely 110 said without effenca
that all have not the same ability or
the same particular gifts, bat there
can be no question that most of them
are capital soldiers; some of tem, in-
deed, )rave proved themselves remark-
ably able and brilliant men, Except
in altogether unusual circumstances, a
general can hardly be a young man ;
and bele some of our generals have
reached their rank earlier than others
in the service, their average age is
rather above than under fifty. All of
them have had to "work their way up"
--a process winch bas Laken them from
thirty, to forty years.
Some of them, perhaps, aro physi-
cally not quite so "fit" as when they
were younger; but the conditions rs:ca
which surround an ofticor's life are
such es to make him as good a man ee"''
practically at fifty, or even sixty, as, a food, meat that has been killed but
civilian who is many years his junior. I a few hones; indeed, live rabbits,
A' general must be able to be in the goats and sheep are sometimes fed to
saddles for many hauls at a. time if ! delicate and sickly animals in zoos
necessary, and the "mobility" of our with the roost beneficial results.
generals in.South Africa shows how "Tho races of men and animals dif-
well they can stand this test. i few More in their internal construe -
GENERALS AND MEN. tion than in outward appearance.
The relation between generals and The visceral anatomy of some races
their oommands have altered very of. people tis somewhat like the goat,
much +for the better in the army dor- the rabbit and the hog, while in oth-
itmg tele last treaty or thirty years. err it es more like that of the dog,
Formerly a general bad very little con- the oat and animals of pray: 'rhe
vection with', ur influence upon bis small, the digestive intenstine, is
troops, and took but a comparatively . 10505' feet longer and of much la.rg-
Se mewl
pari. in their instruction. er surface and capacity in vegetable
Be used to be dreaded us a great mag- eating nations than in meal eaters,
Is Uric Acid 'n the blood.
Unhealthy kidneys are the
cause of the acid beir•g
there. If the kidneys acted
as they should the • would
strain the Uric they
of the system and rheuma-
tism wouldn't occur. Rhea
matism is a Kidney Dis-
ease. Dodd's Kidney Pills
have made a great part of
their reputation curing
ftbeumattem. So get at
the cause of those fearful
shooting trains and stiff,
nailing joints. There LS
but one sure way—
alta d n e
Pollclos flay Phan:lo, Opinions May Change, blitonetbing that ;ever ahtegos, that
le the quinine of
Cl ' I teeeee. ^d;';l 1.da., it always reaialne the beet,
in lead Paeltete ee. 84, 44, oo nntl GOO,
Poultry, Mutter, Eggi and other Produce,
Hyatt have any correspond with us. We went 100 OARL.h7AD$
to supply our tr ode, .
The Dawson Oornrniss!on 00,, Limited, Toronto.
meats. Ile cannot do auolh week ex-'
oejlt with, those. A man mlgbt be a
live and toil on grain and vegetables,
or awn lee a baast of blindest and live
en euch if be has the right kind or,,
viscera u, but he cannot do fierce,
nerve smashing, competitive work or
be, a good soldier without meat, and
plenty of it.
"One needs a certain :racial, geo-
glraphleal and anatoraleal disposition
to be' a good vegetarian. Of all peo-
pled we are the least so qualified.
The vegetarian races have en an
average five to ten feet more of 1n-
testiines than meant eaters, and so can
live and 'tot on grain' and vegetables,
but they cannot build war ships,
bridged, typesetting machines, sky-
scrappers, locomotivoe, etc.
"It is safe to say that this cem-
tulry's unprecedented use of meat has
had nearly as much tone with speed-
ing and progressing civilization as
either coal or iron. The Canadian
cannot do the skilled and speedy work
'required of him and meet 'the world's
competition, as he now does, 'unless he
has an abundance of meat.
"The Tecent experi.merats of living
on a few cants a day are most unfor-
tunate and mieleaaing, for some of
our people may be tempted to mono -
mien in this dangerous way. The
workingman of this country is so con-
structed that' be cannot do this safely,
and It is foolish and htazairdous dor
him to attempt such a thing.
"Every man who works should eat
at leant one pound of fresh, rare beef
daily. The man who eats meat and
works to earn it too makes the bast
citizen and workman and the bray -
eat soldier."
Ducks requtre a week 'eager to in- i bore :n the vicinity of hie old Loma Hata whose principal function was the and !Chis, ludicrous and invidious fac.
cubate than do bane, and the young 1 Dr. Williams' Pink Pills cure such carrjing tout of the annual inspection, apoaks volumes. While our people
dudes will break the shell ee to 48 1 apparently hopeless ca see as Mr.and of course he was a familiar fee- have only from fifteen to nineteen
]rues before they get ready to come Bissell's because !hey wake new, Lure of a field day ; but Lha man him-' feet of small intestine, the vegeta-
out. Never try to help one out until. I +lee, red blood, and thus reach lbDself was an unknown quantity. 1 Tian nations have from twenty to
you. are sure ha cannot; get out him- I Peet of thetrouble. Theca pills tiro It is quite oi.bermvise to -day. The twrmty-coven. fog, and. .some indi-
self. I the only medi.-kne offered the publloiS'nneral now knows his officers and I ',Fithian of them have been found to
men, and they know their general. I have an eOartae= lengthy even as
Inl no other army is there so much ' much as 60 or 55 feet. This feat is
sympathy between commander and totshltiotd tri ' by I{onig, Gruber and
The food should be iibout the same
as for ehiekens, except more bulky,
such as potatoes and out clover. As
they get older feed out green corn
at noon. The first three days feed
them from four to five times a day.
of water Is not handy they will eboke.
Tbay seem to get their food down
by giving a number a spasmodic
A good drinking fountain for young
ducks is made by taking a gallon
paint can, well °leaned out, and
punehing a few holes with a nail
half an bock up from, the top or opals
end. Fill it with water and place
aver the opening an earthen flower
sanest and quickly invert. The
saucer should be about an inch' larger
in diameter than the can, thus the
dnlekS will bave half an inch oe wa-
ter to "mess" in, and you will find
this quite enough
Dec/kliegs ace much easier raised
than cxhtek8ns, and the eggs are more
fertile, thus hatching a largo per
that cam show a record of seas mar-
vellous cures afier doctors bad failed.
If you are at all unwell, this medi-
cine. will restore you to health, but
be sure you get the genuine with the
full name "Dr, Williams' Pink Pills
for Pale People," on the wrapper
around oath box.
During the year 1899 the National
Telephone Company, of England,
tabliehed no less than 615,000,000 talk-
ing oonneetions amongst He sub•
seribers, or about 2,000,000 par work-
bag day, It is remarkable that this
Ligon/ exegete that of the telegrams
received and despatched by the Gen
era! Post Of tie/ during the dame year
by tine timer.
" A Thing of Beauty Is a Joy."
Nerviline is a,boy also. filo remedy in
the world meals it. Neuralgia and
rheumatism are relieved almost In-
etantly and minor aches and pains are
cured, byasingle application, Nerve.
line in dura to cure.
command as there is in ours, and this
applies to the whole body of our gen-
It is unquestionably an excellent fea-
ture In our Army that our generals are
none of them "ornamental' soldiers,
holding themselves apart in a sort of
splendid isolation, as it were, from
their men. On the contrary, knowing
what their men can do, they are not
likely to be either hurried or flurried.
The personal element has always
entered; very largely into warfare; so
numb 80, in fact, that nearly all cam-
paigns are identified with' the names
of individual generals. In our reserve
of, generale there must needs be many
nee a dieposition, of t ra era-
dtffero o f d 1 , e p
ment, and of character in the men who
aro comprised within 1t, and it le well
that it shooed be no. The point to
eaten is thiat the field of choice is wide
other great medical authorities.
"0f all the world the workingman
of this country has to think as he
works. ,He'is in' nes sonsee a beast of
burden; he cannot live engrain. One -
Waled of tele blood Lie his entire body
et weeded to keep his brain active.
His labor la fiercely fast and oom-
pst'utive. '411'th)a and metre Le in his
week 'Etat is not in others. He needs
rapid nerve repairing food, strong red
The most molodiou0 town in the
world es Andreasberg, in the Hartz
Monntaine in Gea'many, where every
year 250,000 canaries are reared: Of
this great output no less than four
fifths come to America. Of the re-
maining 50,000 England gets 27,000,
Russia 10,000 and other European,
countries outside Germany 3,000.. But
the flower of the flock, numbering
10,000, are kept at home to gladden
the homes of the Fatharland, for the
German is even fonder of a singing
canary than he Ls of a china dog.
The canary industry and its secrets
have been handed down trom father
to eon In Andreasberg.
To cultivate a calm, ho,)eeul spirit lies
in the ilea of Putnam's Painless Corn
Extractor. It never fails. It makes
no sore spots on the flesh and is there-
texe painless. It relieve; promptly.
A woman' may have a poor memory,
but she never forgets a ocmpilment,
A fellow niay smelt out euarriedlybio`
tweon the nota to see a Len, but..
never comes back out at breath,
A ship having two owners must be
a partnership.
Poke Lesotho' Brows Quinine reties, All dregolse
refunbonoifIfaiours.E. W, Wavle
The postman may not be literary,
but nevertheless he is an important
man of lettere.
need by mothers ter their children toothier, It.o°, he
OS child, softens the gams allays rata, oars etnt
Rohl b net dros tbon rose* hroughout r theold. S bottle
sod aahter "lilni.WInelowh soatilag 51.05."
A man who girm his ebildeen habits
of industry provides for Omni better.
than by giving then a fortune.—
The "Balmoral," Fres Bus tL r13;
AVENUE HOUSE MoO111 uegn .ane
Femay Het.1 role $1.60
mer W,
He who commits injustice Is ever
made mare wretched then he who
enterers it, Plato.
To be intend of learning Is the great-
est ignorance—Jeremy Taylor.
W. P. O. 1050.
Disinfectants. Soaps, Olnt
man*, Tooth Powders, ,trN,, have been
awarded 100 medals ext diplomas for superior
excellence. - Their regular use prevent luteotl•
ore diseases. Oak .your dealer to obtain e
'amity. Lieta stalled tree en application.
ONE 00011 Thin 110141 nYES ANOTHER.
Ladies of Canada—Sisters;
Great Britain takes nearly all the
exported produce of Canada. English,
Scotab and Irish boys produce the teaa
of Ceylon and India.
Canada consumes 11,000,000 pounds
of colored and doctored Japan Green
teas. Green tea of pure natural
green leaf, aro being introduced from
Ceylon and India. They are now on
sale with all live grocers.
Statesmen sea obstacles to prefer-
ential trade within the enrpiro. You
ladies can sweep aside all obstrue-
Bring patriotic sentiment on your
breakfast table. Your grocer will
get tbese pure teas if you only insist.
Tee Saluda Toa Company have
placed them' In hundreds of stores.
Many other leading firms have
shipments coming. Only laggards
await the jumping of the cat.
1Vlany a man stumbles over imag-
inary tbings in his path.
Beware of Ointments for Catarrh
that contain Mercury.
as mortally will surely de W'ny the sense of
small and completely derange limo whole system
when rot Ting11 through t o muroue attrfacev.
Such articles should never bo used except on
t,resa'ipdon, from mon table physicians, as the
4161500 they 1.11) do Mica aid to the good yc u
eon possibly derive front them. Ha 1'e Catarrh
Care, nmaufactined-by 15.3, Cheney, St 0.. To.
ludo, 0., contains no menu) y, and le taken in•
tonally, acting directly upon the blued and
1110100110 surfaces of the system. In buying
Hall's Catarrh Cure be erre you get the genu-
ine. Itis taken Internally,and made In Toledo,
Ohlo, by p', 7. Cheney I6 Do. TosWmoulale
Sold by Drnggiats, price 7do per bottle.
Hall's Family pills aro the beet..
Mutability of temeex and inconsis-
tency with ourselves is the greatest:
weakness of human nature.—Addison.
To song for out
Somalet. Oat0.
lotus of Shoot
leu.la and Bonin!
with emend rater
of diemount.
658 Vonge at.
Terumo, Ont.
METAL66 �y �`•3�� Douglas arae.,
Iii�TIAL r,8®i3� Yr,!➢ T0101110, aN7.'
Saueugo easings—New importations finest English
Sheep nod Ameriona Aa Cvslnsn—reliable roods at
ht price+. 1'AI:R, nI.AOKSOI.L h CO., Toronto.
Herrin eta.
Removed to e+l}funding.,
}Sebum .d St. Ww Toronto.
Cat16oiio Prayer Sgone,nosanee, ore-
alH,tea eoapulwra,
Religions Flamm*, Statuary, or and Oknreli m atte..
Rduaatloaal Works. 31.11 orders ream promptMotetleu,
Um. 0, & J. SADLIE5 & 00., Manuel.
Gents' S i to Weaned
or Dyad 1 also Ladle. Wear of all kind.,
GOLD oIIEDAL,lcT DY ate. >Rarirtioa.
-- Montronl, doroututo, Ottawa 0 qualm.
R 0 0 F 16'i G and Sheet PdotedWorke.
ROOFING SL*'r,'1: M.*
Red or Orem. SLATE HIAOKDOAR iWa e epee.
Pohllo and High 8ebool. To,vuoo) Rocas; Pott, Titch,
oat Tor, etc. ROOrINO T1Lu (assRoww Oily
6., Toronto, dose be our Snob Metal00Ninc., Oor.
,leve,ete, Ranm.te.furalabod for wore o am -plata w fol
materiatsih 0Tad qqo 000 pvart of the Inmate? Phone 1961
O. DUTMI8& SOPS, 50e1a1d04 Wldnseraaa.,TorontC,
k .T
r Vn,hA
The Canada Permanent
and Western Canada
Mortgage Corporation.
HEAD Canada Permanent cuilding,
Toronto 51., TORONTO.
nn,ixon OnI000—
Wln0lpsn, Man., Vancouver, 0. 0., St. John, N. 5.
Internet end or
p (Vj s Interest 31 cont
Deposit's ltalt•1'earlyat
Debentures two, three, fou
or five yearst cent
Issued toe one,
Surplus Assets ;h0 nr til ci119" to
$5,000, 000.
"ONTO POUND Cn.101913"
Laundry, Weshieso 01,3061,
l'os 0'38 eating Preserves.
, THDI 6/011ID14 OT'ESe 010.1 00 , Limited,
Sam'1 Regent, Pros'. 'j'okolato
Are Your dealer feria