The Brussels Post, 1900-11-22, Page 5Nov. 22, 4900
L.$ i'QST,
Axe- °out xr,11, SCOTT, 13logeols
�V I , 11roQ1L OKEaN-
s 'Issuer or Marrtag0 Liuo1)900 O.
apo of fit000r'y. TulnbemykGt•0at, I1ruosols,
L1' Tonsorial Arttet. Supp -.Next doer
North of the 8tentlard Bank. Ladies' and
Ohildren'e hair eat63ug a BpeOialty,
pnnardl,14 bas a0y0ra1 pod Fltrms for
ealo.1)nd to rant, easy term% Gln 'Townships
of al: orris aud tiroy. F S, nuOTT,Rrnsselo
Issuer of Marriage Licenses,
Mwt-Tis=r-S, o q'T
L. O. M..
Academia graduate of London. Qoneerva-
tory or. Music, also Member of the Aesooioted
Musicians of Ontario, is prepared to receive
a limited number of pupils for instruction
on the piano, Qualified to prepare pupils for
the PrinoipaPe Form In the Ooneervatory of
Bruseel0, Ontario.
Clerk of the Fourth
Co, urt
Huron ; Conveyancer, Notary Public,
Land, Loan anti Ineuranoe Agent Auction-
.Panda Office in and m'el l OBreo-
tioue made. Office in Graham'e1Blook, Brus-
• Eon, willsell for better 'prices, to
better men in less time and lees charges
than any ober Auctioneer in Plast Huron or
can always ba rranged at Ditto
office oren
personal application.
Graduato of R. 0, D S., Toronto ; Poet Grad-
uatecouree at Hnekel's School, Chicago, in
Drown end bridge work. SS -Prices same as
fn surrounding towns. 91•
Qaice over A. R. Smith's store, l3 rueeole.
.. Honor Graduato o1 the Ontario Vet-
erinary Oollee°, is prepared to treat all dia•
eases of domesticated animals lie a compel•
ent manner. Particular attention geld- to
Veterinary Dentistry. Calls promptly at-
tended to. Ofaoe and Inarmary-Poor doors
North of bridge, Turnberry 8t., Brussels.
- V 7 • Barrister, Solicitor, +0onveyaacer,
Notary Publio, deo. Ufae-S towart'e 131008
1. door North of Central Hotel.
Solioitor for the Standard 13 ink.
VI • Solloitor, &0. Otlioe over Stand-
ard Hanit. Solicitor for Village 01 Brussels.
Money to Loan at lowest rates.
(Formorly o1 Cameron, Vete
Cameron) Barrister and Solicitor, eHodetriobdo
Ont.nt. Oi Ofnce-fiamIItan Street, opposite 001 -
borne Hotel.
M. D., O. M.,
Triu3tylUnivereity, Fellow. Trinity Medical
College, Member College of Phyefciane and
Surgeons, Ont. Licentiate of the Royal Col-
lege of Physicians and Licentiate of Mid.
wifery,P;dinburgb, FS -Telephone No.14,
Residence -Mill street, Brussels.
New Plant Throughout.
This season a new plant hae been
put in Brussels Cider Mill mud does
better work than ever, doubling the cap.
aoity. It ie now in full awing.
In addition to manufacturing Cider
a specialty is made of Apple Butter and
Work done while you wait.
Satisfaction assured and °bargee
Geo. Edwards,
S'y'stem Renov'a'tor
For Impure, Weals and Impoverished
Blood, Dyspepsia, Bleepleseoeee, Palpita•
tion of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Neur•
algia, Loge of Memory, Bronchitic, Con-
sumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice,Kidney
and Uo;nery Disease8, St. Vituo' Deuce,
romale Irregularities and General De-
1, M. McLEOD,
Prop. and Manttfaetdrer,
Sold by JM, Fox, Druggist, Unmet.
The, •#iuBi u. Sf7'
`t i
�f t 41io�
��1 � Wel uQl1e. e.
4 thorough, complete and praotjoal train.,
Ing in all brat/oboe of Oommereial work,
14,o0nsiderably lase )hap regular retie.
For full information apply
Rowe 0r College Ayer lost 0111010.
L. HARrr,
flirt itt ' .2t17s,
Dr. Armstrong has been on the sink
The. Gerrie Quartette sang at an Orange
entertainment at Belmore,
The -Mistime Tait have sold ant their
Fano), Goode stools at Mount Forest.
Rev. Dr, Potts, of Toronto, is expeoted
to give an address in the Methodist
ohutoh here on Nov, 30611.
Mr. Mulholland, the new photographer,
moved in on Tneoday of ;sat week, and
now 000upiea T. Neeh'e late residence.
George Brown, of tbe Albion Hotel,
hae pnrohaeed Mre. Hays' floe brink reel.
denoe opposite the poet °Mioe and will
move into it 1)e goon as he gives up
poeeeeeion of the Albion.
Mies dutch attended a meeting of the
Epworth Leavue Executive Wingham
Diotriot, at Wingham, on Tuesday of
last week. She is the efficient Viae Pres.,
having °barge of Junior wo'k.
artsmer0to wn.
A brother of Geo. and Lew. Eokmier,
of thie locality,
joined the benediotine
army recently. Be lives in Clinton.
It'e narrowing down to Lew's turn.
WOODEN. WEDDING. - The Fordwioh
Record %ayeof former well known
realdetite of Jamestown :-R. A. Jehn-
eton of the village celebrated the fifth
anniversary al their wedding on Tithe
day evening, 6th inst. Guests to the
number of about twenty five (their near
relatives() began to arrive about five
o'oloek, and at Gita very sumptuous re•
pant was served to which everybody
seeminglydid ample justice. After din-
ner every one seemed to go in for a good
time. Numerous and variant; games had
been provided which enlivened the pro.
oeedhlg8 very muob. The happy oouple
wore the recipients of many beautiful
preeente. The guests began to leave
about twelve oo'olook, everybody going
borne greatly pleased with the exoellent
time which bad been given them, and
also leaving behind them many wishes
for very many happy retnrne of their
annivereary. •
George Voeper and eon, Joseph, are
recovering from their attack of typhoid.
Joists Taylor, ot the firm of Rose &
Taylor, met with a painful accident while
engaged on Dickson & Carling's law
(Aloe. In some way he aooidentally fell
from a scaffold and alighting ou the edge
of a Besotting broke a rib and otherwise
injured himself.
Anniversary of Main Bt. Methodist
thumb, on Deo, 2nd and 3rd. Dr. Dan.
isle will preach morning and evening.
On Monday evening, 3rd, a grand supper
will be served by the ladies, and Rev. R.
Elobbe, of Wingham, will give hie famous
lecture cm the "Triangular Man."
Tbere died et the family reeidenoe,
Andrew street, on Monday of lest week,
Charlotte Louisa, eldest daughter of Jae,
N. Howard. The deoeaeed bad been
subject to epileptic file for eome years,
but her case did not assume 8 eerioue
nature until about two weeks ago when
she was etrieken with a eevere attaok of
paralysis from which she never recover-
ed and hae been gradaelly oinking until
death relieved ber of eufferinge. Her
age was 27 years, 3 months and 27 days.
The funeral took plane to Exeter thine.
tery on Wednesday of last week.
Astounding Discovery.
From Coopereville, Mich., oomee word
of a wonderful dieoovery of a pleasant
tasting liquid that when need before re-
tiring by 1)uy o0e troubled with a bad
cough always ensures a good night's rest.
"It will Boon care the cough boo," writes
Mre. S. Himelburger, "for three genera -
Mons of our family have used Dr. King's
New Discovery for Consumptionand
never found its equal for Cougbe and
Colds." It's an unrivaled lde.eaver
when used for desperate lung diseases.
Guaranteed oottlee 50o and $1,00 at G.
A. Deadman'% drug store.
H, L. Strang, B. A., attended a meet-
ing of the senate of Toronto University.
A. Saunders, of the Goderioh Organ
Oo, made a business trip to Montreal
during the pact week.
Goderieh curlers will play with No. 4
group composed of Platteville, Waterloo,
Durham, Parkhill and Godericb.
Wm. Marlton is working on two toga
which he, will build here thio Winter.
He expeote to build some others besides
A. temperance rally of the Sabbath
schools ot Knox thumb and the two
Methodist oburohee of town will be held
at Knox church on Sunday, Nov. 2661.
This gathering is being promoted by the
W. C. T. U.
Thera were two arrivals at the jail
last week, Samuel J. Stettoo, of Grand
Bend, insane, and John Campbell, of
Guelph, oommitted by Pollee Magietrate
Seager for six months for vagrancy.
John Patterson, eentenoed to seven years
in penitentiary for shop -breaking, lett for
Kingston in oharge of Deputy Sheriff W.
H. Gundry.
The members of the Vio0oria street
Epworth League hold their election of
offfaere on Nov. 6th, Ofiloers elected :
Pres., Mre. Eobineon ; let Vise Pree„
Mice H. Hillier; 2nd Vice Pres., Mr.
Shannon ; Seo., W. Elliott ; Cor. -Seo.,
Mies M. Johnetou ; 'Treae„ Mies Mary
Walters; Organist, Mise Shannon.
A splendid 108ponee wan made to the
request of the pastor of Viotorla street
Methodist ohuroh for en offering snliici.
ent to raise the indebtedness on the
ahnroh and parsonage property. The
offering a week ago last Sunday amount-
ed to the handsome cum of $404,25, and
it le ekpeoted that about 960 more will
be received, which will more than make
up the desired amount. $480 was the
8tlm asked for. The pastor and emigre -
flatlets of Victoria etroot .oburoh are :to be
o0ng1atulated upon the suooeee Of their
effprte to peep their °buret' on a solid
Unanoial begin,
The Apworth League of Retell street
Mothodiet ohm oh (sleeted %dicer% ter
%nether term esfoliowo ;-•Preo„ ;awls
Ligzio Aoheeon ; Vioe Pres„ M, W.
ti°well ; Rett,.See, I`, M. Tutrner ; Cor,
Sep., Mies Isabel Sharman ; Treae., J,
P, drown ; Chorister, Mtes Harland ;
pianiot, Mies Laura Farrow ; Convenere
of Oominitteee-Mieeionary, Mre. Wal•
)era ; Lookout, Mise Clara Sharman ;
Prayer meeting, H,.11. Guest ; Literary,
Alfred Wood ; Seoiel, Mies Eva Rum.
ball; edditionol members of executive,
Mien Mary Selkeid, Mies Nellie Harris,
J. B. Beat and E. H. MoTenzie.
,1B'o rd vvl Dia.
DNA7n po Mae. Wet. GIn80N.-Meeh re
gret was felt by our Oitizen8 generally on
Thursday, Nov, let, on learning of the
death of Mrs. Wm. Gibson, Deoeaeed
was born in Clark township, Dur•
ham county, °uteri°, in 1847, her
maiden name being Elizabeth Medill.
When about 18 years of age she myth
with her parente to Collingwood town-
ship. where elle was married to Mr. Gib
son at the age of 28 years and moved to
Howlett and settled on the farm on whiob
she died, Mr. and;lire, Giboou, in their
long wedded life, were never absent from
each other for more then three weals% at
any time. There were three ohildren
born to them -one Don and two dough.
tern, all of whom are left to mourn the
loss of a loving and kind mother. They
are :-Robert J., who resides at home ;
Mre, Thou. MoOlement, of .Howiok ; and
Mre, Peter F. Doig, of Grey. She was a
ooneieteut and faithful member of the
Presbyterian church for many years.
Tbe funeral took plane an Saturday after•
noon to the Presbyterian church and
from the a to the Fordwioh Demeter the
funeral services being condaoted by Rev.
B. Dobson. Mr ibe n andfamily
A. u . G o a
have the heartfelt sympathy of the whole
community in their sad bereavement.
That Throbbing Headache.
Would quiokly leave you if yon need
Dr. Fing'e New Life Pills. 'Pboneende
of enfferers have proved their matchless
merit for sick and nervous headaobee.
They melte pure blood and build up your
health. Only 25c. Money bank if not
cured. Bold by G. A. Deadman, druggist.
Mae, Burgess left Iaet week for Bey
Mille, Mich., _where he hae secured a
good situation.
Mies Mary Cornyn has been appointed
Moeller of the Third Department of our
Public school for 1901.
The Town Band serenaded Dr. Mao.
Donald, M. P„ over the result of hie
elrotion and moped an X.
H. F. Gordoo, of London, formerly of
Wingham, has been appointed inspector
for the Canadian Life Assurance Co. in
that oity.
Mrs. Halliday, of Howiok, mother of
Wm. Halliday, of this town, has par-
ohaised the house and lot on Minnie et.,
reoently owned by James Irwin.
W. F. Dalmage, late of the Brunswick
House, has purchased the Albion hotel
at Gerrie from George Brown. Mr. Dui.
mage will get possession on the 10th of
A man is talking of opening a woollen
factory and tweed mill here. He wenle
a loan of $10,000 from the town to be re-
paid in 70 years. He nye he will em-
ploy 75 hands.
Tbe Woman's Foreign Missionary
Sooiety of the Presbyterian obnroh held
their thank -offering meeting in the oburoh
on Monday evening of last week. Rev.
E. N. Sawyer, of Broeefield, was present
aud delivered an addreee ou mission
BOnom, REPORT. -The following is the
report of the reenit of the nuiform pro-
motion and review exams. for S. S. No.
10. Examined on all subjects :-6th
Glass ; total 700-R Format, 498 ; Al
Snell, 336, Sr 4th ; total 750-R doses,
498 ; J Moffatt, 528 ; N Miller, 402 ; J
Johnston, 543 ; B Mosso, 518 ; D Iinea,
460 ; B Bryan%, 504. Jr 8rd ; total 575
-M Miller, 488 ; N Coombeo, 453 ; J
Simpson, 400 ; M Jobneton, 368 ; 16
Moffatt, 367. Sr 2nd ; total 550-E
Anderson, 883 ; 0 Simpson, 258 ; N
Robb, 412 ; R Shaw, 398 ; E Shaw, 387 ;
O Innes, 355. W. E. Bustle, Teacher.
Batomm REPORT. -The following i8 B
report of the standing of the pupils' in B.
B. No. 4, Morrie, for the month of Ooto•
ber. Names marked with an aeteriek
were absent from one or more examine.
tions :-V class, total 600-M Niohol,
454 ; B Niabol, 394 ; O Speir, 849 ; +E
Walker, 251. IV elan, total 400- P
Sharpe, 268 ; M Walker, 172 ; L Speir,
79 ; eL Davie, 64. Sr. III elaen, Ooh.
promotion exam., pass mark 895- P
Manning, 405 ; A Mooatcbeon, 460 ; E
Jackson, 421; T Foreyth, 395 ; R Gray,
384 ; 0 Walker, 318 ; L Nichol, absent.
Jr. III etas% -R Forsyth, 186. Sr. II
alae% -J Robb, 822 ; 0 Speir, 809 ; H
Jackson, 258 ; Ii Manning, 189 ; B Walk-
er, 128. Jr. II olaes-J Speir, 228 ; W
MoOutoheon, er, 219. Pt II olaee-B
MaOntobeon, W MoOatoheon jr, G Robb,
1t Gray. I alae% -M Mo0utoheon,
A. T. Cooper gave an addreee before
the Exeter 0. E. Sooiety on Tuesday of
last week.
Wee Walker, soprano, London, is
forming a ohoral olase in town. She ex -
puts to ebart here after Christmas.
The Evaporator hae closed down, hav-
ing manufaotnred about 00 toes of
produot in the time it wan running.
There is talk of forming a Y. M. 0. A.
for town and holding the services in the
upper pert of the Btavely Memorial Hall.
Fred. Livermore got kinked in the
face by a dolt the other day, fortunately
the injury was not serione, bat ,it was a
narrow e0oape.
Lack Kennedy bag taken a position me
traveller for the Poole Paper & PalCo.,
Of Toronto. He i8 a bustler and will
prove a firet•olaoe representative.
The old friend's of T. A. Gale were
ebookod to learn of hie sudden death,
which occurred et Toronto. Mr. Gale
was at one time a'member of the banking
firm of Tiedall & Gale, Clinton, but for
some time be has been a resident of
Toronto, where he held a'poeition of In.
opeotor for the Mercantile Insurance On,
He was held in the very highest esteem.
He was only 50 genre of age and leaven a
widow and gix ohildren.
We are Sorry to learn of the Hinges
of Alex, Watt, who restage on the gravel
road juot North of lawn. tae 4e under
the beet p1 medical treatment, but hie
99ndi4ion is nevertheiese 9erlees,
Victor French, win/ bas had charge of
the mechanical part ot the Now Ara far
over two years, has been compelled to
relingnieh biepoeition owing Mill health
and leaves ebortly for Lacombe, Alberta,
where be hopes the air of that high alts.
4nde may be beneficial.
A irver oKttl •
George Smith i0 now caretaker of the
Town Mali,
Mr. Barnes, organiser for the Cana.
dian Order of Ohooeu Friends, i0 in town
enlisting reoruile for the order,
J. E, Turnbull has been appointed
Superintendent of the ffisthodiet Sunday
aobooi in eneo0esiou to Samuel Peter,
Wm. Bolmee, of Elma has mtruh0eed
the 100 aore farm, being lot 7, eon. 6,
Downie, from Win. Robertson, paying
therefor $6,700,
Jae. Priest bee been appointed section
foreman of the G. T. R. at Heneall and
lett for hie new duties on Wednesday of
last week, The family will move thither
We regret to have to report the, death
of an old and highly eeteemed resident of
UIme, in the person of Mre. Charles
Kreger, whopeeved away on Thursday,
891 inst., aged 68 years and 5 monthe,
The funeral took plaoe on Monday at 10
e. m., from the residence of David Keil -
for, non. 17, for the Elma Centre came•
eery where interment was made. The
hneband of deoeaeed preoeded ber conte
three years ago. Two daughters, Mre.
Herman Davie, of Benaioott, and Mrs.
David B;eillor, survive.
Samuel Peter left for London, England
where be will spend ooneiderab'e time
with relatives in Cornwall He will be
meth mi 1)e in this locality,artionlar•
s d
ly in the Atwood Methodist ahnroh, where
he was an active worker and wee the
Superintendent of the Sabbath School
and a clave leader. He was also active
in the Temperance cause. He expeote
to arrive in England in time to witness
the retnrn of the Canadian Contingent
from South Africa. He bee disposed
of bio farm on the 8th con. to bis eon
Harold. Mr. Peter talks of taking up
land in the Rainy River District upon
hie return to Canada.
A Wise Lady.
May 28rd, 1900.
J. M. McLeod, MoLood Laboratory,
Goderiob, Ontario.
Dien BIB, Yonr liquid medicine,
"Soak and Swab," has onred me entirely
of tbe sore I had on my upper jaw. The
doctors told me that it wee a 01)008r and
that the bone would have to be out out
end the affected parte removed by the
knife. It was thie that frightened me
and made me get the "Soak and Swab."
I need only three pint bottles. I am well
ever since, and it is three years since I
need it. Iaving great confidence in your
medicine I will recommend it to those in
need. I am, eta.,
The following was received from the
same lady ten years ago :
I suffered for nearly four years from
fits, and almost at the same hoar daily,
oat of which no one oonld waken me, un-
til I awoke of myself, weak and wearied
after tbe tepee of from ten to twelve
hours' time daring which time I was
wholly unconscious. I was attended to
and consulted no fewer than sixteen
dootora without any benefit and no re-
lief. I got to be abeectminded, often nn-
0OnrOi000 of my eurrounding8, took n0
notice of anything, until, in the good
providence of God, a friend insisted on
bringing 3. M. McLeod to our honee.
He took me out of the lit in half a min-
ute's time. I began to gain rapidly after
this in health and soundness of mind,
and to this day I have not had any more
lite. Yours, oto.,
Kingsbridge, Ont.
Sold by Jamie Fox, druggist, Brussels.
What the output or Canadian chickens
is likely soon to be -How best to
bo peppered to make money by
being inn position to supply
next year's demand.
Our system of cold storage, both as re -
garde the oold storage Orme themselves
and the cold storage oars for traneporta•
tion, are making rapid strides toward
perfection, and it will not be long before
we have in Canada a oold storage system
equal to anything in the world. At pres-
ent there le nothing so much talked of or
written about in the Canadian Press ae
the necessity for perfection of the means
of placing our perishable goods on the
foreign or English market. Canada is
becoming a great country, this is reoog-
nized by all. That the greatest revenue
of this country meat come through its
agricultural manes is a point undisput-
ed. The live question before the farmers
then is whiob departments of their farms
will yield them a quick and paying re-
turn 7 Undoubtedly, of all the compara-
tively undeveloped seethes of agricultural
wealth none will more surely fill the bill
than poultry. The demand for the ea•
perior quality on the English market ie
unlimited. The home market is rapidly
inoreaeing. A help to this development
is the cold 'storage system of the Depart-
ment of Agriculture and the furnishing
of reliable inetrootione as to poultry cul.
tore from the Experimental Farm system
and the Commissioner of Agrioulture.
But the most direct aid ie in the ehape
of each large firma as the Canadian
Produce Co., Toronto, who buy the
ohiokene from the farmers and do the
fattening, packing, and shipping of the
By means of private enterprise the ex -
penile of Initiation and the ri0k of lots
wbiob inevitably attends the opening up
of new enterprise wili not come out of
the pookete of the farmers. It may be
that when the superior quality of our
produot le known and appreoiated on the
British market, and the prices establish-
ed so that we will know what it is panel•
bits to get, that the time will be oppor.
tune for the individual farmer or u0eoo1.
%tion of farmers to fatten aud ship for
themselves. By that time one farmers
ehottld bo well aoquafnted with methods
of ohipment to an already establielled
market with guaranteed prioea.
Dp.t'1l,09NL'NT 1181ADV PAP/D.
Tia yi or the poultry trade with Great
Britain has developed Ile It never has he.
torp, e1riy the midd of 10t0)
Ar one Arm basoe 0100 tp aAa zlgland a
shipment 91 Canadian chickens wbioh 10
dive times larger than all ebipmente Bent
before from thio country in any previous
entire year. Next your there will be a
demand fpr ohiokene unheard of before.
Tbe farmers for the pr00006 year, and
probably for the next, ehoald not Ery any,
dlreot ablpmen6, but find out and Bend
hie obiolsen0 to the most reliable firma in
this country, It may not pay the
farmers to do the fattening, but it will
oertalnly pay them to raise ohioltene to
sell to the large drme who will do the
fattening and ehigping.
My eervleee are at all times at the use
of the fermere. It i0 my duty and pleas.
ere to sire full information so to 'the
beat breede for the fermere to handle,
bow to rear and fatten the chickens,
where end who beet to eel; to, together
with all snub pr00110al informatiou ea
years of experimental work is aalonlat,d
to make' of value to farmers.
It ie hoped by a series of letter, of
which Ole is first, to interest the fa, more
in, a poultry department of their farm
wbiob will give them, surely and quickly
tbe near future, a revenue equal to any
other branch of farming industry. All
information a0 to breeds, care, feeding
and fattening, oto., will be furnished free
on application to my Dspartmeut, Ex•
perimentai Farm, Ottawa.
Manager Poultry Dept.
Ottawa, Oot., 1900.1
Spreads like Wildfire,
When things are "the best" they be-
oome "tile he beatsell;h ."
,a leading druggist,of Belleville, G,
• "Els tri
writes o o Bitters are the beet
selling bitters 1 bate handled in 20
years." You know wby ? Most dieeaeea
begin in disorders of etomacb, liver, kid-
neys, bowels, blood and nerves. Electric
Bitters tones up the stomach, regulates
liver, kidneys and bowels, Families the
blood, etrengtbene the nerves, hence
three multitudes of maladies. It builds
np the entire system. Puts new life and
vigor into any weak, sickly, run down
man or woman. Only 50o at G. A.
Deadman'% drug store.
It's Your Nerves.
It's the Condition of Your
Nerves that Either Makes
Your Life a Round of .
Pleasure or a Use-
less Burden.
To flimsy women life is one round of
sickness, weakneee and i11 health. To
attempt even the lightest boueebold dntiee
fatigues them. Many of the eymptome
a000mpanying this state of decline are : a
feeling of tiredness on waking, faiuteeee,
dizziness, sinking feeling, palpitation of
the heart, ehortnese of breath, loos of
appetite, cold hands and feet, headache,
dark oirolee under the eye%, pain in the
book and Bide and all the other 00°001.
paniments of a run down and weakened
All these symptoms and oouditione are
simply the result of a poor quality and
defective circulation of the blood, with a
wasting away of the nerve forces.
By feeding the ey0tem with
Yon strike at the root of the disease and
lay a solid foundation ou wbiob to build.
Soon the weight increases, the sunken
cheeks' and flattened busts fill out, the
eyes get bright and the thrill of renewed
health and strength vibrates through the
50 Dente per box at all druggists', or
Toronto, Out.
For 5+910 by G. A. Dcadnmu, Brussels.
Important to Breeders an,1 Eorsemen,
Veterinary Caustic Balsam.
A reliable
and speedyremedy for Everything Cheap.
B lint%,
eta, eto.,in
), noroes and
";., Lump Jaw
in Cattle.
TRADE MARX "Seepamph-
lot which aocompaniea every bottle, giving
scientific treatment in the various diseases.'
It can be used in ovary case of veterinary
practice where stimulatingapplications and
blisters are preecrtbed. Ihas no oDPERIOR.
Every bottle sold is guaranteed to give satis-
faction. Price 750 per bottle. Sold by all
druggists and country atOreke5pe00. Pre.
MEDI0I1E OOMPANY, London, Out.
Niro Lead Moro Follow
Bet they are always a long way behind when we quote prism like
the following ;-then'% Rubbers, very special, at 40o, 50o and 759 ; Ladioa'
Rubbers, in rill 011)100, regular 460, for 850; Ladies' Storm Rubbers, register
85o, for 40o ; Ladies' Protection Rubboro, good value at 05e, for 80a ; Grey
Flannel, light and dark colors, regular leo, for 120 ; Fine all -wool Grey
Flannel, 20o, 25o, 80o and 360 ; Ladies' Vests, heavy and warm, regular
150, 2 for 250 ; Ladies' Veate and Drawere, fine and soft, in pinion and
lambs' wool, 25e, 35o, 50o, 75o and 90o; Meu'e Ribbed Shirts and Drawers.
epeoial 25o ; Mou'e 50030h Knit Shirts and DI'Owars, epeoial 40e ; Men's
extra heavy Fleeced Sbirte and Drawers, good valve et 06e, for 50o I San.
field's all wool Uaohrinkable Shirts and Drawers, very special $1, 91:25
and 91.85; Men's' Top Shirts, in great variety, 50o, 76o and 91; Maitre
heavy wool Seeks, regular 18o, 2 paire for 250 ; Ladies' Cashmere Hose, a
epeoial snap, Bold everywhere at 25o per pair, our price 2 pairs for 25o ;
Heavy ribbed Slots for boys, very epeoial at 25o and 80e ; Heavy ribbed
Worsted Hoes for boye, they wear like iron, 50e ; Standard Shirting,
indigo blue, regular 15o, for 121ie 1 white Cotton, yard wide, soft finish,
worth 80, for to ; Flannelettes, fasoy etripee, wide width, worth So for 5o.
We struck a great snap in Plaid Dress Goode, suitable for walate,
wrapping and children's dreseee, good value et 3o ani 10o, our prioe while
they loot ie 53. As the quantity is limited we eels only 10 yards to egoh
-An import stook of Bingle and
donble think at epeoial prices.
Lamp Goods
-Our new and improved linea will
please you. See them. Prices from
25o. to $5.00.
Spoons and Cutlery
-We are offering Special Bargaiue
on our Imported Spoons and Cutlery
this semen. A epeoial line of Car-
vers at low prioee.
Fall and Winter 'Mitts
-See our lined Horse Hide Mite
--��••��at 80c. per pair.
-Try our 7 inoh File at 10e.
'IEloy Brother's" Loaded Shs11s
-With Black and Smokelese Po wder
Cross -cut Saws and Axss
•-Always a good retook to choose
from. Saws from $2.50 np ; Axes
from 50o. up.
Cash or Trade for Hides, Sheep Skins, Old Metal, Rubber, Rage,
Horse Hair, Copper, Braes, &o.
A. M. McKay
Wet Weather
�- Cold Feet
Bad Colds
Now is the time to have your feet warm and comfortable.
We are ready to supply you with all kinds of'
Boots, Shoes and Rubbers in all sizes for .
Children, Girls, Boys, Women
and Men.
Qualities Right. .Prices Bight.
A Lovely Range of
New and Stylish
Dress Goods.
November Standard Patterns and Fashion Sheets to hand.
British. Columbia
Red Cedar Shingles
ANC --
North Shore
Pine and Cedar
Brussels Planing Mills
.&leo Doors and Sash of all Pat
terns on hand or made to order
at Short Notion,
Estimates Furnished for all
kind% of Buildings. ia Workmad. Wilton Turnbull
ship and Material Guaranteed.orkan-
No Fancy Prices.
A. Strachan.
Do not forget to see• our line of Base Burners, with
or without oven. Every stove a double heater and guar-
anteed a perfect baker.
Meat Cutters, Butter Moulds, Scales, Lan-
terns, Hanging Lambs and Lamp
Goods of every description.
P. AMENT,, Powder, Shot, Loaded Shelia, Etc.