HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1900-11-22, Page 4ssowesmesasavusnowesato: essosovseee,.......,wesauccesmov000sowee °Anuotto ,cfot* TTICIRSDAY,NOV. 22, 1900. A TRIP TO NORTH LAND. urn. Renter recounts many Interest - lug erieldonts oE his Journey with Marveying Carly No. 5. (Continued from loot week.) We were tumble to (Jerry all onr sup. Oise with us in °rowing 91110 Long Lake AS Oar tWO 18 ft. =noes were not large enough, so after unloading our goods at the Farb the two 080060 had again to re. arose the lake to tail, or bring up, the balmier, which we bad left on an island about twelve miles from the head of the lake. Four of the party, two in each oanoe, started back about 4 00 in the afternoon, leaving Mr, Davidson, our cook and myself et the Fort. Mr. God - (Mere entertained no very hospitably. The following morning we ware loading our geode into a large canoe whish we bought there, when our cook in dismay said : "Boys I our boys breve forgotten their grub bags," which was indeed true. They had gone aorose the lake without any provisions. It was too bad, and just as we had got oat a smaller bark canoe, which we were going to send down by two Iudians, one of our own oanoee hove in sight. They were two hungry boys when they reached es. They told 1.15 of how hard they bad paddled to ranch a certain point on wbioh we had (tamped miming down and upon arriving there about 9 p. in., the fire going nioely and all in hungry antioipetion of a good hearty meal, dieeovered, =molt to their chagrin, that they had not one moreol to eat, and, tired as they were, two volun- teered to go back, which they did after a rest. They, making sure of their grab beg this time, started back with the "bag of joyful news" while we continued on to the end of the lake, where we found the Keoogami river which we fol- lowed down for a distance of about seven miles to the Renogami Falls where we made °ernes. We returned the next day to Long Lake HOREB where we returned the large canoe and bought another smaller one, 18 ft. long, returning im- mediately to oar oamp, where we ant our fiat line in order to take an observation. On Sunday about noon our boys oar= down to out camp, aocompanied by Mr. Godollere and an Indian, who bad come to pay as a visit and have a social chat, something which we were glad of, but our poor boys ; they were tired, they were very badly "storm ridden," having had a frightfal experience on L mg Lake, one ever to be remembered by them all. They had eine weather go• ing beak and a good favorable wind so they strapped the canoes together and pat up a blanket for a sail and went hiring splendidly. When about 5 or 6 miles from the place onr goods were one of the boys notioed a dark object swim- ming across the lake. Taking down their sail, they parted canoes and gave chase. It was a bleak bear. They paddled very hard and when about one =eared yards away the geologist fired ed him twice, the second shot taking ef- fect and killing him. They had diffi. onity in pulling him to land as be was a very large one, Mr. Godohere titaying is was the largest he bad seen in years. After attrapiug for the night they were up bright ami early next morning, their boats were pretty well loaded and there was quite a sea on, bet fortunately it had kernel during the night so that it was in their favor, from the South. They (na not know whether they ehonld venture ant in their frail teepees, loaded ee they were, in such a gale or not, but Heftily after a long disoueeion they de. oided they would, with the understand- ing that they would make for the shore 1919 hacan= dangerous, so they strapped their minuet; together again, hoisted their bianket sail and away they went, but it was not long before they dienovered that the sea was a great' deal worse than they at first imagined. It was terrine, and appeared to be increasing every minute, and to make matters worse they found it was an utter impossibility to get to shore with such a load, and the gun- wales within an inob of the water, it was impossible to turn, for once in the trough of the sem they would be swamped. As it was they were shipping water and it took all one man could do to keep bailing out the water, so they deoided to stay right in the centre of the channel and go with the storm, which they did with great difficulty. Maoy a time they had to exert themselves ;to their utmost to keep a head of a big wave whiala follow- ed them alosely. How they ever weathered the storm, they hardly know themselves, but they did and we were all very thankful. They were very wet, e,s was aleo the supplies, and were nnani. mous in emying that it would be a long time before they would venture on =oh S. foolhardy journey again. We enjoyed oar first piece of bear steak that day. It was rather tough bet our worthy enok un- derstood bow to make it palatable, and thanks to him we enjoyed it immensely. Our work of exploration started from the month of the Kenoganai river. [To he continued.] Tas suup$49',14.$ .e0.$5? eti until next Omni on aorunnit Of the ill. noes of 0 material Witi18101, 0060 re^ "rja°1114.er011 vs, MoDonald.—A-Sion for legacy and an mem* of ft teetatree ea. tate, Philp Mat, Q. O., for Off I Nom. 111oLean dr MoLean for dell. *Hie Lordehip directed that judgment be entered for p111. a reference to the Lona) Muter at Gaderioh, Williams ve, Babb,--Aetion on coven. elate oanteined in a mortgage. Philip Holt, Q. 0., for plff. ; L 14. Daum for deft. .Judgment by coneetit referring ell questioue in issue ,10 Hie Honor amigo iviaseoriander seo. 20, eap. 60, 16. S. 0. 1807, Oudmore vs. Stewart. -- Aotion for dealings between the puttee in eonnoo tion with shipments of hay to Ilagland. Wrn. Proudfoot for plff.; J. T. Garrow, Q. 0 , for deft. Judginent for plaintiff for 9530 without wets, by consent of partiee. Wilson vs. Wileon.—Aotion to set aide ee conVey'anae es frandolent. R. B. Hays for plff, ; M. 0. Julington for deft. Conveyance attecked in pleadings set rands with Wets. Helms vs. King.—Aotion for sale of apples. J. T. Garrow, Q. 0., for ; Masers. Lobb de Baird for deft. By eon sent of puttee trial poetponed until the next sittings of the High Court of Justice for tbie comity, A Visit to the Natural Bridge in Alt. Lebanon. BY taus. MOSS gn.noWnt. Two years ego, while staying on the Phoenician wain, we visited the mouth of the Dog River, which, flowing down a romantic and deep ravine, rushee like a mad dog into the eea a few miles North of Beyront. The tradition oonneoted with the piece, and the ancient iueorip. Nona still found oo its banks, render it, next to the Jordan, the most Interesting river in Palestine, It was kuown to the Romans by the name of Lames Finn:ten, or Wolf River, and the legend says that "In long peat ages a monster of the wolf =nice was ohained by some god or demon at the rivet's mouth, wbioh, when lashed to fury by the storms, awoke the =hoes of the far distant Cyprus with hie bark." The inseriptions on immense boulders on the South bank are iu Persian, Greek, Labia and Arabic, and three of the =lo. heated bas relief figures, life•size, are similar, with Assyrian form and dress. Being somewhat fatigued with our anent of Bennie the preceding day, we did not leave our khan until about 8 a m. We oroesed a rooky parte, and flenk. ed the raoge to the West for three hours, passing several threshing &etre, most of whieh were In operation. Bleak, open spores oo the mountain are chosen, where the chaff can be roost easily separated from the grain. Each threshing•floor, with its yoke of oxen treading out the corn, and the driver standing or sitting on the mowrij (a strong, flat board like a toboggan, with rough stones on the under side), made a perfect picture of this phase of oriented farming with its picturesque setting of monetein ecenery. We traversed a flat piece of ground which one might imagine had been a beach iu prehistoric ages ; it was literally strewn with fossil shells. We arrived at Niba•el•Lebah about noou. 19 is a beautiful, olear pool, all. parently welling up from the base of a mountain, in the shadow of whose rooks we diemouuted and lunched. It ie called the Fountain of Milk, from its white ep. pearanoe in the Winter when oovered with foam. It is diverted from its na- tural course in the Sommer time for irrigation perpoees. We drank of ite ioy•oold waters, end then prepared to visit the Natural Bridge, or the Bridge of Stone, as the natives call it. The arch is 90 feet thick, the span 157, the breadth from 60 to 140, and the height on the lower side nearly 200 feet. The immense bollowe, like ampitheetres in shape, on either aide of the bridge, reminded me very much of the interior of a vast cathedral, especially the one to the West, where very high oliffe form the three walla, and in the South wall of which a large, flat surface might have been need ae an altar, the Sated gray limestone °ohm= behind forming as attietio a reredos as the inventive maim of man has devised for our most noted minsters. Oa the top of these oliffe a fink of goats was grazing, and while we were gazing with awe, admiration and wonder on these stupendous works of nature, a cry was heard, as of an animal in distress to which was soon added the shouts of the shepherd, as he was Been phasing a wolf, cc hich 10 broad daylight had oarried off a kid. The Nibmel•Asil is half an hour's ride from the Natural Bridge. It is even more interesting than the Nibe,4,1-Lebe.n on anooaot 09 198 olassio associations. It was anciently called the Adonis River, and it burets forth from a great oave, and after flowing a little way, falls into an &byes, making a lovely caeoade. The eoenery here is very romantic. The legent says that Adonis, the much. loved son of Astarte Tyrian princess), was wounded by a boar ewhile hunting in the forests of Lebanon, and thee his wounds being washed in the waters wbioh afterwards bore his name, they at certain NON -JURY ASSIZES. someone "ran purple to the sea." On the recovery of Adonis, a temple Chancellor Boyd Molds a very prier was bailt in gratitude, and elaborate sitting. heathen rites were oelebre.ted, wbioh be. famous throughout Elyria. Astarte The High Court of Justice) for the and Adonis being both deified after their County of Huron for the hearing of deaths, these rights were perpetrated =uses vsithont ejary was held at the and became so popular that blas Egyp. court bonne, Goderieh, Oa Monday of last times, Greek's and Romans adopted them. 'week. His Lordship Chancellor Boyd Astarte is no other than tbe Venus of presided. The eittiug honed only an the Rotuma' and the Ashteroth of the hour, eourt opening at 1,45 o'olook and Old Testernent, and Dr. Thompson gays closing before 8. No witnesses Were that the Greek Adonis was probably "no =Nei, and the eight aotiote on the other than the more ancient Phoenician mooed were disposed of in short order, as deity Tammuz, to whose worship Ezekiel follows : refers (8. 14), "There eat women weeping Illitohell vs. Elliott—Aotion on a shat- for Tammuz." tel mortgage. 3. T. Garrow Q. 0., for The month of July is in Arable and Off. ; Dudley Holmes for deft. Judg- Hebrew ()ailed Tammuz after this deity, meet for amount dos ander chattel whose thee were celebrated during this mortgage as claimed and Geste on proper month, scale as to meant, of actoonnt mention- About half an hour'e ride from the ed in statement of defenoe. Reference to Natural Bridge are the =has, at Value, of an ancient temple. The large court is distinctly traoriable, the Walla of win= consist of very large stones compactly platted together without cement. Broken =lames, four and a half feet in diameter lie =lettered about. Advantage has been taken of high, perpendicular cliffs, into whit% the temple was built. Doubtless this temple, so near to that ot,Aeterte and Adoille. Nothing Mtich seers to have been written about this temple. About Aye minute& walk from the ruins is a tower, aim In reins, On a Mound, Bow We longed to spend more these among theee relies of petit Agee, pod it ante ionnaom some the loins, I read about 00, Vitober's 131101000110 Kidney `Tablets and got a bottle.• I clo not bu. lieve that there oats be anything better, have had none of thoee troubles; gigue, •and beeldee they batilehed the blurring of the 0750 1 Wlev eliminated the um: poison P009Ible, thld Write ABM te the myeteries that permeated my b ood, and the perm whish thoinande of years ago had Kuhn- that formed itt the etornaoh, ceasing M. &tea the mot over whloh now wild Waste prowl, end around which eternal silenee relent', but the flight of time obliged ue to seek our mulee, MAO We had left In field near by, and return to the khan, whioli we reached about an hour and it half after soma. Shweir, Mt, Lebanon, Syria. NORTH PERTH, The following are the °Moist returns for this riding en Nov. 7th STRATFORD. 0 4,5 60 1 Avon 1, EiteNOn's 98 2 Avon 2, Wagner's 70 8 Falstaff 1, Lamb'e,...,54 4 Falstaff 2, Oslo's 41. 5 Hamlet 1, 09 6 Hamlet 2, Babcock's 60 7 Romeo 1, Frawley's 71 8 Romeo 2, Mayer's 96 9 Romeo 8, Pratt's 107 10 Romeo 4, BolSer's 85 11 Romeo 5, Fit zgibbon's28 12 Romeo 6, O'Brien'e 47 13 Shak 1, 29 14 Shak 4, Burst's 57 15 Shak 3, MoGeorge's112 16 Shak 4, MoGeekill's83 17 Shak 6, Pepper's 60 1,157 =MOB. 18 Smith's 84 19 Con, 1 74 20 Gadebill 54 21 Rostock 1917 18. Smith's 64 857 RIAU. 23 Trowbridge 51 24 Coo. 4 39 25 Britton 55 26 Newry 82 27 Donegal 108 28 Struthers 108 29 Prost'e .. 85 80 Atwood 59 532 =ARINGTON. 81 Attridge's 68 82 Poole 51 38 Newton 75 84 Carthage 91 85 Con. 13 81 86 Millbank 64 15 0'3 72 74 81. 40 50 64 42 80 64 81 28 44 58 59 68 57 58 -- 1,027 91 '18 40 86 91. 386 62 71 53 42 57 52 10 97 444 43 68 53 46 87 50 870 347 LOGAN. 87 Con. 3 79 32 38 Con. 2 82 60 89 Bornholm 70 80 40 Franois' 61 '18 41 Con. 11 92 57 884 802 digestion, were completely neutralized, I Strongly recommend the.. Tablet. In any person S.I.Long free, tbiir 1,901or kidne)a. They aro prompt in relieving, 001190 nO inoonVenienee, and Oen he parried Sheet With you," Any reader of this paper oan test the merits of Dr, Pitober'e Backaolus Tablets free by enclosing two °ante postage for trial package to The Pitcher 'Tablet 00., Toronto, Ont, Itegularalze 50 cents per bottle, LISTOWSL. 42 Bismark 69 48 43 Gladstone 63 67 44 Victoria 27 46 45 Defferin 52 56 46 Lansdowne 49 88 250 260 • MIIREATON. 47 Town Hall 68 82 NORTH PEATH 00 MAJORIT/ES. Master. Parsons vs. Babb.—Aotion to mover the amount due under a mortgage. Wm. Proutifoo" for plff. ; L. E. Dancey foe deft. Judgment for balance claimed mid ooste. Story of proceedings for two weeks. DAROGy 00. Soott.—Aotion to set aside a ocinveyenee as fraudulent. Messrs. Proudfoot and Danny for'J. T. Garrow, Q. O., for deft. Trial ridjourn. Stratford 130 — Ellice * - 29 Elms, 88 illornington 23 Logan 82 Listowel Milverton 823 48 Majority for MoLaren, 280. Great tuck et 1.115 E1li0V. "For two years all efforts to ouro Bo- som% in the palms of my hands failed," writes Editor H. N. Leeter, of Syraouee, Kan, "then I was wholly oared by Arnica Salve." It's the world's beat ours for Eteptions, Scar= and all skin diseases. Ouly 260 in G. A. Dead• men's drug store, 14 SOUTH PERTH, BODTII 010RTH BY MAJORITIES. .te 72 P.1 ▪ 41 St, Marys 81 — Blanshard — 76 Downie 185 — Fullerton — 72 Hibbert 107 — Mitchell -- 70 Osborne — 95 REAL ESTATE. VOR SALE. — BEAD'FIFIIL home on Queen street, turnished or without, 50i bargain. Apply to 11018850, 0A11PBELL. 1 teasel& FIRST CLASS FAD "41 FOR SALB.—Lob 17, son. 0, Township of Grey. 100 aloes more or less. Situate 41 miles from,Biussels and 2 toilet] 12 011.1 village of Ethel. All oloarod excepting 5 mires of hardwood bush. Buildings and fences in good reiudr. Good wells. All Fall plowing done. Price and terms of Payment on 043" pliaation to W, AL SINCLAIR, 29 -if Barrister, dm., Brussels, ?OR skLE IN ETHEL VIL- A: num.-Tile property of the late John Elliott, ooneisting 'of a solid brisk house, with frame kitchen and woodshed, good stable and 1 mere of land, all in trstolass condition. If not 5o1d will Os rented. Pos- session at any tims. For pa , Coulon apply to WM. SPS110171, Ethel ; ALBX. Patrumnson Gait; or Da , Mora:Lvov, Ma Forest 201f 823 818 313 FARM l'OR SALE -150 ACRES consisting of the Sleuth 1 mid South of the North 1 of Lot 30, Con 2, East Wawa - nosh. MIR IS um excellent o took farm, boin g well supplied with good spring water, lt is situated about 8 miles from the thriving Vil- lage of Blyth. A. large part of it le under gran. Buildings and fancies are in a fair state of repair. Easy terms of payment wIll be given. For all information apply to 11-tf G. F. BLAIR, I3arrister, Brussels, Mai, for Erb 10 ON OTHER'S FAULTS. 50 10 The Cure of Cases when Other Medi- cines Palled, That has Slade the Grert Reputation for Dr. Ylteiter's Back- ache KloineY Tablets, Send for one of onr Catalogues and be oonviooed that we are doing the bast work in hemline= education in Canada to- day. Enter now if possible. W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. Take all the medioines in the world's history, combine their reoords, and you will not have the proof that is establish. ed for Dr. Pitcher's Baoltatthe Kidney 'tablets for the ours of baokaele and all kinds of kidney and bladder troubles. John Legier, 808 Wilton Ave , Toronto, caretaker and sexton of St. James' Ca. thedral for fourteen years, writes 1— "Last February I came down sick with a kidney and liver trouble, doe to oold think. I was told by two dootore to go home and go to bed if I wanted to get well. I went home bat did not go to bed ; I was too nnoomfortable. I took all sorts of persoriptions from the doctors and tried many kinds of patent medioinee with no relief. My appetite gave out and I could eat nothing at all without diatoms or bloating. A paw came oe low down in front and to tell you the truth no one could have felt more miserable. Finally I beard of and got a bottle of Dr. Pitober's Baokaohe Kidney Tablets, and they did me a world of good immediate- ly. I never heard of anything acting so well and so quietly. I feel well and strong again. The pain and soreness Are all goae, also the bloating, and I oan eat with plumate and oomfort, I take no little pleasure in telling everyone of the, results, and will continue to do so, as I feel it a duty to the Tablets and to the public." George Letray, 90 Bethutat street, Toronto writes :—"For a long time I deettoyed by Oonettentine, at the =um was euffering from a gnawing pain in any of the Adonis, VAS devoted to the worship back. Attoompanying it was tot Melee an Local ttoprovement Court of Iloyisiort 11 vvi3.0 le heroin' given of the lisittiiiel3e 9.14110, oonurptiloutottiv,ielioenceAtrboe.Titoptoovn, et the hour of Ip. for the bearing 09 an- neals pursuant to the Statute in -that behalf 10 9 eqt),,',1.110 proposed gement sidewalks on 1110 50)010 alda oi Rorke Street between Turneerry street 008 00991 91 1,9 405 ;011 the West gide or Albert 999599 110 loon William street and South side entrance to Leckie reeideuee ; 01, the South side of Mill street between Turnborry street mid East side of Lot 1117; on the Rant 81d8 Turnberry street between George atreet and 02 feet on lot 10 ; on the East aide of John street between 50*19 and King etreete ; on the South aide of 14,10 street between rear 01 190 137 and entrance US °handl ; on the North Bide of Queen greet between Turnberry and Prinoeus streets, and the special assessment of the poet there. of upon the lauds immediately benefitted, pursuant to the reports ot the engineer,det. edNov.let,0000, now on ale in the Olerk's =109. The estimated octet or said 1122prove. manta 50a5 !Cows ;-13Outtli slde of Hawke etroot, 800.00; West Ode of Albert street, MOO ; South elde of Mill street, 0229 00 ; East side of euraberry street, 800020; East side of John street. 8100,00; South eldo ef Mill street, 809.90; North side of Queen street, 014105; payable in fifteen equal m- eted Inetaimente of principal and intereat combined, interest being at 4 per cent. per annum and the lands proposed to be spec - laity =sem= therefor consist of as set out in zoliodulee hereto &duelled, Itemisers, Nov, 18910.900. P. 8. fiCIOTT, Clerk. Assessment Schedule, South Side of Hawke Street Fraotional Lot or part OWNER part of of Lot, Total Ass% 405 Ross, D 0 390/544 Municipal Corporation of Brussels 244/514 West side of Albert street 805 Leckie John 512/808 Idunioipal Corporation of Brussels 290/808 South Mile 00 01011 street Pb 98 5118 Blashill, Wm 772/0088 Pb 98... ....... McCaughey Estate 136/088 187 Gerry, Ben 040/0088 Municipal Corporation of Brussels 540/2088 East side of Turnberry street 037 Dobson D 082/2600 248 240 Maxwel .D 582/3000 247 MoLaueblin, Alex 208/3000 246 Wilbee, Wal 80E0000 8 p99 Ameut,lif 400/8000 IS p5 9 Ament, Philip 930/8000 8 9910Ala Lauchlin, Thos =Woe Municipal Oorporation of Brussels 190/3600 Bast slide of John Street 337 Gerry,B en 248/008 188 Methodist Parsonage 88/905 Municipal Corporation of Bruseols 572/908 South stole of 111111 street 155 Methodist church 208/208 North Ido of queen street 8 pt II Robb,D 000/1884 303 Creighton, Mary 244/1884 301 Wynn, John 4/1884 Municipal Corporation 01 Brussels 530/1884 Patents Guaranteed. Our fee returned if we fail. Any one send- ing sketch and desoription of any invention will promptly moire aur opinion free con- oerning the patentability et same. "How to obtain a poloist" sent upon request. Pat- ents secured through us advertised for sale at our expense. Patents taken out through US 1,3001Ve SPROIAL NOTICE. without oharge, in Tun PATittm Flacon», an illustrated and widely oiroulatedjournal, oonoulted by Man- ufaoturers and Investors. Send for sample oopyPann. Address VICTOR 7. EVANS Sc Co., (Patent Attorneys') Evans Building, Washington, D, C. Annuomot 1 *eseeceee And then 11 700 require any of the following lises (which you undoubtedly must) it will be to your interest to call and see our goods as we are in a poettion to offer yon the best obtainable on the market at the very lowest possible prime. Here are some of them —Highest Grade British Columbia Salmon at 18a per can. —Special lines of Blue Ribbon Ceylon Tee at reduced prices. —Cold Blast Lanterns at 75o. —Call and ses our Lamps just arrived from Montreal at prions from 20o to 82—the greatest bargains of the day. In our Boot and Shoe Department you will find everything up-to.date and at the very lowest prices ever quoted —Ladies' Fine Shoes from 25o np. —Men's Fine Shoes from 90e to 93,00. —We have in stook the very latest in Men's Leather Leggings. —We also carry a well assorted line of the Celebrated Granby Rubbers and Overshoes at the very lowest prime. te'Bring on your Butter, Eggs and Fowl. Yon will get the best valne for them you ever received. INNES, Jamestown. Seasonable 't'ag"o" Suitable for the AllnY1 :tUIL ShIpemi Wet Weather. C== Nov, $2 1900 NOTE THIS: Now Stook. Choice Stook. Low Price. We will Make it Pay You to Buy All Your Goods of Us. ammeassmanrocesamm..••••••.....aseplopmwmoormemsa THAT DOLLAR OF YOURS One BUY 90011E and brine BETTER REiVE.TS than it ever did eines the DOLLAR MARK was invented, IF you put it into OUlt DOLLAR, STRETCHING VALUES. We announcte the greatest gathering of desirable merohandise we 11595 39500 sucoeeded in oolleeting for our patroue. Everything fresh and new, sparkling with the brighteet faehion thoughts of the new season. Some Money while the Chance Lasts. A little of it will give wonderful satisfaction if invested in our sincerely honest qualities of reliable goods of known value. You will delight in our new stook because it ie in touoh with the times, and anticipates your every want in 11E1'S BOYS' CLOTHING, Eats, Caps and (lents' Farnisnina Goods. Without Doubt or Hesitation, come and Reap the Best Valuer; Your Dollar Ever Bought. A Stock Thoroughly Up to -date in QUALITIES and STYLES in Every Department. Come end make your comparisons ; they are the keys that unlock the facts about our Fine Qualities and Low Prioee. The simple, plain talk of the Pries that is Right is onr oonvinoing argument. Take advantage of this combination of Saving and Enniefttotion and your mind will be easy and your money saved. We are waiting to give you a Square Deal for a Bound Dollar. FOR MEN we have the Celebrated King Shoos, the Let- rault and the Whittam, and some other good makes in Goodyear Welts or McKay Stitched, with Rubber Heels and Soles or without. Stylish, good fitters and great wearers. FOR LADIES we have the King Quality Shoes with all the latest improvements which makes them the most stylish and comfortable La,dies' Shoes in the market. You doubtless want Rubbers to keep your Shoes dry this wet weather. Wo have them in all the best qualities at the lowest prices. HARNESS DEPARTMENT. Harness, both heavy and light, all our own make out of the best material. Of Blankets we aro afraid we have bought too heavy and as a consequence offer them at prices below what you can buy them elsewhere. See them before buying. Bargains in Robes, Trunks, Satchels, Mitts and Gloves. L C. RICHARDS. tSrAgents for J. D. King's Stubb Proof Rubbers. THE NEW SHOE 09 rOR E N xxxx.:15.,,°,73xx.x.:11:=x 1)1 Woll-Shoti Boys 1111 GiIhls They need good, strong', warm, shoes— no paper in, the soles, nothing but solid leather and honest stitching'. Our school shoes are neat. • They beep their shape. They please the parents because they wear .so M x DOWNING BROS. 11 .-:4xxxxxxxx=xxnxxx 113131,ROpailtrB XD,T BUGGIES AND WAGONS Ewan 4.4 —AT - 9 o9Carriage Factory /U. Brussels. We will sell all Wheeled Rigs for the balance of this season at Cost To make room for Cutters and Sleighs as we are going to handle these in large quantities this Winter and at oleo prion. We are building a number of Cutters that will suit our Ouetomers. For mater• fat and Painting they can't bo beaten. Bob•eleighs 2 in. and 2i in, and Pleasure Sleighs our own make. Intending purchasers shouli oall and examine our stook before buying:elsewhere, and you will be oonvineed that it will pay yen to buy from Ewan & Co.'s BCraurrsisaeglse. Factory, "Reasonable Prices and Straight Dealing" is our Motto. Thanking onr many Customers for their past patronage we ask 0, contintiande oh the same,