HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1900-11-8, Page 8nz O$S it (.$1.
ISI. woe Logit r
NeVer mind, not =oh to grieve
over attar ao the puree ie Concerned
beoanse we Have eueb a variety to select
from and do little to pay that yo10 man
have anew one inetead of the .aid AO low
tie 0 mento eaoh,
Part of our .,EWA purchase. of
I,'orfnmee have arrived, For one's own
uee we have it in 10o, 15e, 20 and 50a
bottles or by the oz, liar 26o bottle with
glace stoppers are eplendid values, If to
give away we have them in nice boxes at
39o, 600, 76e, 86o, $1.00 and $1.25, which
are not only handsome but good. Ateo a
Due a000rtment of
Theo( make beautifdl presents,
posting from 50o to $1.00 eaoh, and when
tilled with perfume are a gift to be envied,
G. A. Deadman,
Druggist; Optioian & Bookseller.
A Catholic
Will find our stook of Prayer
Beeks, &o, ter use in their ehnrob very
opmplebe, We have them ranging from,,
800, to $1.76 each,
A Presbyterian
Can have the New Book of
Poles andBible combined from 70o.
to $4.00 each. The Book Of Praise
alone from 8a, to 81,26 or with tunes'
at 00o.
An Episcopalian
Can eeleat a Hymn Book at 10e,
or large type at 750,, a Prayer Book
from 25e. to $1.60, We have these
combined or in two vole,
For a Methodist
We have Methodiet Hymn Books
from 30o. to 91.50 eaoh, the pre at
$1,50 is the best value of all our books•
It is small yet very large type and nioe
binding withal. We have the Bible
and Hymns combined at 91,25 and
$1.50 aeon, or silk sewed more aspen.
'rraine leave Braeeele Station, North
and south, as follows;
Game liowwU, GoINa Nowa.
1xbreae 7:18 a.m.Mall ............2:18 p.m
Maxed9:45 a.m. I Express 8:17 p.m
rasa Stirs Pins.
A °hiel'e amang ye takin' notes,
An' faith he'll prent it.
GET your Butter ready.
BnuserLs market leads.
BAD weather for hookoy.
Smoot. Board Friday evening of this
Sohool. Board Friday evening of this
GEo. Bose shipped a oar of lambs to
Buffalo on Tuesday morning.
13ROee1Ls Orangemen did not celebrate
the eventful "5811" this year.
What has become of Brussels Branch
of the Lord's Day Alliance 2
AN electric light has been added to the
interior acoommodation of Bruseele post.
MoenAY's little snow flurry set the
overcoat, robe and horse blanket business
iu sotive .,peration.
WEDNESDAY was a quiet day in town
end polling went On at the three divisions
with little excitement. The hotel bars
were elose1 and to all appearances Brus-
sels bad Prohibition in practice.
A NOTE from James Blashill, Ypsi•
laoti, says their goods were nearly two
weeks on the road from Brussels there•
by delaying their settling down in their
new home, No. 209 Lincoln street.
Tne Board of Health and School
Board have decided to temporarily ex-
clude from the public, sabool all pupile
from homes where fever le existent. We
hope the necessity for this will be brief.
TEBBE were shipped from Brussels G.
T. R. this week a oar of apples by Messrs.
Donee & Rae ; oar of Limbs by Geo,
Beet ; 4 oars salt by Enterprise Works ;
2 ears oats and 3 oars of hay by Alt.
PaoP. L. E. DAVIS, of Michigan, wishes
to an10000e that he is prepared to aooept
a limited number of pupils on Violin and
Mandolin. For information concerning
Emma oall on H. L. Jackson, jeweler,
Ir anybody should enquire of you con-
cerning TnE Peer circulation kindly tell
them thea it is steadily climbing up.
All we ask is a Comparison with other
Go. papers and we are willing to abide
by the decision.
D. A. Lewes has purchased a fine team
of working horses and will go into the
wood business next Winter as he bought
a piece of bush from James Petob, on the
6th line of Morrie township. There isn't
a Lazy bone in D. A.'e body.
SLAM cook fighting is said to be one of
the new attractions on the program of
some of our eporting youths. They
should make some little enquiry as to
what the law is before they try it again
or it may mean more than a loss of their
Toe week the Jolly Palls Go. are hold•
ing down the boards at the Town Hall
and had good audfenoes. Hypnotist Palls
did Boma marvellous feats, bat we don't
propose to tell yon this week how he
does them. You will have to see for
SAMUEL Beams and family moved from
Brussels to their reoently purchased 100
aore farm about a mile West of the town
and is into Fall plowing and burning
stumps &o., in regular old fashioned style.
He struck quite a bargain in the plane
and will no doubt do well on it.
W. H. 1,100aacrni gave an interesting
hietorioal sketch at the A. 0. U. W.
Lodge last Friday evening in which he
traded the line of Kings and Qaeene from
Adam to Queen Viotoria. The Lodge
11as deoided to have its annual At Home
on Friday, Dea. 7111, when a good pro-
gram will be presented. Postmaster
Farrow Is the Maeter Workman and fills
the obair moat capably.
HAv� U plod this year's eubsoription
to Tam POST 2 If not help ns keep right
eide ap by doing so now. We can't etand
off the people we owe and it's bard work
to square with them if we havn't the
coin, We are mach obliged to a goodly
number of oar readers for settling up
and hope the others will do likewise.
Yon like to get what's coming to you. and
so do we, eepeoially since this "growing
time" has increased the coat of our week
ly issue $2.40 or $125.00 on the year's
Tie P087 extends a oordial welcome to
our new G. T. R, agent, Mr, Hem. He
oomee followed by many kindly referenoee
and testimonials from both Milverton
and Listowel. Mrs, Ham and ohildren
will move 80 Brussels in the near future
The Milverton correspondent ears
Harvey Ham, G. T. R. station agent a
Milvertoe, wae notified the other day by
the company that hewoaldbe braneferred
to the vi lage of Brnesele, Mr. Ham'
removal from the town will be quite a
lose to the Methodist ohuroh here, ea he
wag en sotive member of the choir,
THERE is considerable work to be done
by the town road machine yet. It should
be done while the good weather lasts.
Yonea MEN'e Ohm .—Thureday even-
ing of last week a number of young men
of 96. John's ohuroh met at the Reotory
and organized a society to be known as
the "Young Men's Social Olub" of St.
John's oburoh. The following ofiioere
were elected : Pres., Rev. G. J. Abey ;
Vioe Pres., Harry Bartliff ; Seo.-Treas.,
Bert Johnston. The objeot of the olub is
to promote the beet interests of the
Obnroh both eooial and spiritual. The
meetings will be held every Thursday
evening at the Rectory. The idea ie a
goad one.
store in the Garfield blook to be known as
"The Sooteh Warehouse," wae opened
last Saturday by the new proprietor, Mr.
Campbell, and hie assistants Mies Mo.
Lean, of Listowel, and Ross Beattie. A
general stook inoluding Dry Goode,
Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Ready Made
Clothing, Crockery and Glassware will
be kept and big; bargains may be ex.
peoted. Mrs. Oampbell and children will
be here shortly to -take up their abode in
Brussels. Mr. Campbell was a traveller
for a wholesale house for some years so
has seen all aides of business life. He
Lure put in a large stook of goods.
Fe ople We 'Talk About.
Dr. Graham, of Clinton, was in town
on Monday.
S. T. Plum and children were at Blyth
last Saodey.
A. R. Smith was in Toronto for a few
days this week.
James BaIlontyne has taken a position
in A. R. Smitb'e store.
Rev. Too. Roes, B. A., was in Toronto
tbie week on a business trip.
Mies Marion Moore, of Trowbridge, is
visiting relatives in Brueeels.
W. H. Reid, of Luoknow, was a visitor
at'Robt. Mainprize's on Monday.
L. T. Carruthers left for hie home in
Thedford, Lambton Go., on Tuesday.
Mute Jennie Doll is on the sick list,
but we hope she will soon be acnvaleseent.
Mrs. Friendship wae in Wingham last
week attending the wedding of her broth.
Misses Mary Rose, Lizzie Moore and
Mary Roberton were in Clinton on Sun-
Mre. (Dr.) Kalbfleieoh and Mies Gratia
are visiting at Dr. Holmes', at "Fair.
N. B. Gerry, Albert and Mies Beryl
West, of B ytb, were in Bruseele last
Miss May Sperling, of Magdlop, spent
Sunday with her 0011810, Mies Ella Ain-
ley, in Brussels,
Mre. Joseph Jamieson and son, Alfred,
of Egmondville, spent a couple of weeks
with relatives in town.
Mies MoKay, Queen street, is recover-
ing quite nicely from her resent illness
we are pleaeed to report,
Thos. Hilliard, Managing Director of
the Dominion Life Aeeuranoe Go., of
Waterloo, wae in town on Thursday.
Jacob Wilton, who has been i11 for
some years, was able to be taken to hie
brother's, Councillor Wilton's, last Sun-
Wm. K �
neohtel of Wingham, ham wae in
town on Wednesday, having 011
g come to p
his vote. The old gentleman is feeling
quite chirpy.
A. F. Murray, teller in the Standard
Bank, Brussels, hae been on the eiok list
this week but we hope he will soon be as
well as ever.
Wm. Brydon is here from Manitoba.
He Summers it in the West bat pate in
the Winters fn this locality. We are
glad to see him back.
Jae. Oliver and family will move to the
Leckie residence for the Winter or until
Mr. Leckie and family return from Tor.
onto to Brussels next Spring.
Jno. Leckie and A. Hislop, M. P. P.,
attended the joint political meeting held
by Dr. Me.oDooald and Barrister Dickin-
son in Wingham on Tuesday evening.
It woe what the cobbler threw at hie wife
—the last. Nobody went asleep.
Mise Edith, daughter of Alex. 11,10•
Lauohlin, of Sruesele went to Listowel
thio week where she will put in a term at
the Business College in that town. Ae
Mies Elsie Streatham is also taking a
course at the same ineiiinti0n the yo00g
ladies will be company for one another.
We wieh them 8000868.
Capt. A. L• Roes, formerly, of Palmer.
stun, Ont., and a nephew to Rev. John
Ross, B. A., of Brussels, has Rooepted a
commission with a British Regiment in
South Alrioa and consequently will not
return tvith the Canadian Contingent.
• He holds a 1st Claes certificate from the
London Military School and was taking
a coarse at Kingston Sohool when he
went out with the Canaoke to trounce
Mr. Kruger. Mr. Bose it a thorough
soldier and we hope his life will be spar•
ed for many a year.
Fred. J. and Mre. Soheak, of Toronto,
were visitor's at John Wynne during the
past week, Mrs. $eheak being a daughter.
t Mr. Soheek is quite an enthusiastic
bowler and in addition to giving hie
name to the memberellip roll of Brussels
a club had a game with some of ite mem-
dere last Saturday afternoon, rather an
unusual ocaarrenae for the month of
November. As this gentleman is, the
rep3esentative.of an Old Country whole,
time heuee iia plates regular 'tripe to
Braeeele end bio (mining here will be
doubly 1pieasant on aoeouut of new re.
latioue 1orMed.
The following 18 the report of Bruseele
Public Sohool for the month of
Ootober I
nom: 0,
Form II, examined in Latin,
Arithmetic', Phyeioe, Algebra and Riebory.
Total, 600,
Johnston,431 0 2,illia'r .. 307
F Armstrong., 410 I Williams.... 288'
L Nicholls812 h' Buchanan ., 261
M Skene 305 0 Rioharde..., 151
5611 class, examined in Euolid, Liters•
tore, Arithmetic, Bietory, Algebra.
Total, 500.
13 McKelvey 400 B Howe 261
A. Roes 381 N MoGdire,.., 254
B Scott 377 G Thomson,. ,.238
H Gooding848 M Wilson 189
L Ross ..., . 294 1) Moore 188
E FuOebOii .•. 292
Entrance °lase, examined in Arithme-
tic, Spelling, Physics and Drawing.
Total, 500,
N Irwin 455 J Bartliff, . , , .. 810
S Scott 895 M Scott 316
M Thompson.. 381 0 Mainprize304
A Smith 370 A Currie 299
0 McCracken.. 897 E Wilton.,, 285
B Bone 862 M MoLauohlin..278
R Mogenzie342 H Ainley 271
W Zilliox...,..326 W Ameot 271
E Backer 317 P Richards.... 154
JH. OatiEnooe, Frinoipal.
180011 rI.
Jr. IV, examined in Physiology, Geog.
raphy, Literature, History and Arithme-
tio. Total, 500.
G Ross 482 13 _Beattie 424
A McMillan .. 479 0 Mooney 420
E Denbow .... 479 P Lowry 414
13 Hingebon..,.473 M Ross 404
E Pugh 463 A. Lott 390
M MoArter.... 408 I Johnston 878
B Henderson .. 446 K MoDougall368
C Hingeton.... 489 W MoGuire819
V Danford .... 427
Sr. III, examined in Arithmetic,
Geography, History, Literature, Spell-
ing. Total, 500.
B Rosa 489 R Lowry 374
A Ross 486 A Oakley 366
J Armstrong .. 462 R Pugh 857
E Good 469 F Thomson.... 855
L Turnbull.... 430 R Sinclair .... 360
L Danford429 M Ament 341
R Deadman....422 G Zilliax 381
E Currie 422 A MoQuarrie ..800
E Cameron 412 A Scott 274
W Williamson. .395 L Edwards274
J Mooney 874 H Rioharde.... 185
Jr. III olaee, examined in Arithmetio,
Spelling, Grammar, Geography and
Literature. Total, 500.
P Leatherdale448 J Bloomfield.. 393
E Adame 441 E Amens 392
V Blaehill .... 436 E Colvin 880
G Ewan 436 L Leatherdale..379
J Burgess 405 H Avery 357
0 Wilbee...... 403 H Lowery 818
Mass M. L. Snook, Teacher.
1800' SII.
Jr. III olaes, examined in Arithmetic,
Literature, Geography, Dictation. Total,
A Martin 450 W MQooarrie ,.349
428 J Kerr 886
400 J Doll 330
890 L Sinclair 260
870 V Barrett 200
A Sager
J Moore
G Ross
J Wilton
M McNichol ..380
Sr. II olaes, examined in Arithmetic,
Literature, Geography, Spelling. Total,
H Brothere ....450 F McKay 273
W Turnbull.... 445 W Henderson 260
P Baeker . • .. 485 L MoCraoken 257
F MoKenzie....485 W Soott 286
O Scott 395 E Oakley...... 280
G Armstrong 385 M Miller 205
A Thomson ....880 F Miller 180
L MoArter ....360 F Oampbell•155
V Wilbee 825 F Scott 105
A Dowding ....805 A McMillan84
0 Holmes 276 F Stretton .... 72
Intermediate second class examined in
Arithmetic, Literature, Geography, Spell-
ing. Total, 500.
31 Deadman .. 435 J Wilbee 290
W Strachan .. 415 A Jackson ..,. 275
C Bell 864 S Ament 275
M Brothers ....350 S Walker 270
G Sutton 820 5 Campbell.... 255
E Ewan 815 Al Jaokeon .•.. 251
V McKenzie 297 W Riohardeon..195
0 Gerry 295 J Phillipe .. 170
Jr. Seoond class, examined in Arithme.
tio, Literature, Geography, Spelling.
Total, 500.
0 Simmons.•380 F Friendship ..820
FArmstrong 345 W Wilton .,.. 310
W Bell 840 0 Denbow .... 800
A Bartliff 837 M Birt 300
E Currie 380 W McCracken ..260
Maes M. T. Downy, Teacher.
180011 IV.
Claes V, examined in Writing, Draw-
ing, Spelling, Arithmetic and Reading.
Total, 300.
011118011 CIIf MEM.
Rev, It. Paul will preaeb at Gerrie next
Sabbath as the pastor will be absent,
The Bible Society meeting for Brussels
Branch will be held early next. month,
Rev, R, Paul ie the President of this
See the Sabbath Sohool lesson notes pp
page 2 of THE Poor, Next Sunday's
theme will be "The rich man and L9z10•
pe, Look it ug.
1lvangelietia servioee in ppnjunotion
with the 20th Century Campaign will
comm0005 fp ponneotiop with the Brue•
eels Methodist °burmb next week, Meet -
Inge will begin nt 7,00 p'olook.
Last Sabbath Rev. ano. Roes, 13, A.,
and Rev. R. S, G. Anderson, of Wrexeter,
exohanged pulpits, The latter took "Let
down your net for a draught" ne his
Morning text, and "Lovoet thou Me 7" in
the evening.
Rev. Dr, IlloOrea, late of Oollingwood,
eon of John McCrea, of Brussels, was re.
oently inducted into the pastoral charge
of the Weetenineter.Presbyterian oburOhi
the congregation of which Rev Mr.
Sawers, now of Bruoelleld, was formerly.
The next W. 0. T. U. 0onventiop of
the Province of Ontario will be held at
Stratford. General ufiieers for 1901 :—
Pres., Mre. S. 0, E. McKee, Barrie ; vice.
Pres., Mrs. May R. Thornley, London ;
Cor. -Seo„ Mrs. Sazle Wright, London ;
Treae•, Mre, B. 0. Britton, Gananoque
Reo.•Sec., Mrs, Ella 0. Aohesou, Gode.
Rev. John Holmes Slid fa-w;y have
moved into the new Pareouu4, :hie week
although hardly completed, but the house
they were in was wanted by Ihe' new
tenant. The Parsonage will be a roomy,
'comfortable, well arranged home and is
a credit to the Methodist people in Brue•
sale. It ie a wonderful improvement on
the old Parsonage. We wish the pastor,
Mrs. Holmes and family prosperity as
the fires ocoupaute of the new home.
Grounds are being levelled around the
house, the old woodshed removed and a
tidying op enacted that will make a great
improvement around the premises.
Demmer MEEriea,-The regular annual
meeting of the Rnri-Deoanal Chapter of
Harou wae held in St. Paul's ohuroh,
Clinton, on Thursday afternoon of last
weak. There were preeen., o'erfeni—
Reve. Hodgins, Turnbull, Parke, Lowe,
Forney, Jennings, Smith, Doherty and
MuQnillan • lay — Messrs. Metcalfe,
Olaueen and" McMurray. Much intereet
was manifested and a profitable time wile
apeut. The Rural Dean gave a most in.
tereeting talk on the Northwest, more
eepeeially dealing with the Deeds and the
future of the ohuroh ie that part of the
Dominion. The 'Missions committee
elected were ;—Clerical—Revs. Turnbull
and Smith ; lay—Meeere. Clausen and
Metcalfe. It wae decided to leave the
arrangement for mieei0nary servieee with
eaoh clergyman to snit the peouliaritlee
of hie own pariah. The eemi•annnal
meeting will be held next Summer in
E Wilton 280
E Good 268
J Leckie 269
31 Barrett 262
F Mainprize 260
E Colvin 285
13 Leckie .... 210
I Mooutaheon208
J Wilton 208
31 Moore 195
T Burke 103
Business Locals.
MANITOBA flour for sale. A. 0. HU MES.
CASH for butter and eggs. A. Coseley.
Seamy wanted. Apply to
Mae. W. M. Su cLoxs
FLoua and feed always in stook and
Bold at right prioee. A. 0. Banana.
HOUSE and lot. for Bale, John street.
A. C. BARKER received a oar of flour
this week and uow carries four brands of
CoonooTARLE house to rent, with stable
and good garden, on Alexander etreet.
Possession sen be given early in Septem-
ber. For further particulars apply to
FowL WANTED. -3 to 43 lbs., 25o. oar
pair ; over, 30e. per pair ; ander, 200.
per pall.. Pick dry and do not draw them:
Can't handle on Saturday.
WALTER IN1E0, Merchant,
CARPET WEAVINu.—Having purchased
the outfit of S. Osntlon, I am prepared to
attend to the wants of the public in
carpet weaving. Satiefaotion guaranteed.
TEO. CARTES, Mill St. Wast, Braeeele.
WANTED, — Dried apples, fowl and
ohoioe roll butter (20o.) We don't handle
old tub butter made into rolls. Our dress
goods, furs, ready made olotbing and
overcoats are not surpassed.
G. E. Zoo, Wingham.
out IV, examined in Arithmetic,
Reading, Writing, Spelling and Drawing.
Total, 800.
M Donee 272 0 Ament .. 281
F Scott 268 V MaCu8ebeon 227
J Burke 266 31 Ament 212
E Wilbee .... 264 W McKay .... 208
F Oakley 240 L Lindsay ,,,.164
L Denman 289 B Curry 115
0 McMillan....238 A Dowding 106
V Walker .... 282 J Cooper 103
Class III.—Exaellent—W Adams, A
Rose, M Walker, H Rogereon, 1 Barclay,
A Niobol, J Henderson, 0 Jackson,
Good —J Martin, W Lott, N Ewan, F
Gerry, R MoCraoken. Fair —R Roche,
W Maley.
Claes II, names not in order of merit.—
Excellent —J Armstrong, E Deadman,
S Fox, E Gilpin, H Good, W Long, E
Plum, V Ainley. Good — E MoFadzean,
H Campbell, W Miller, W Long, M Ed-
wards, E Somers, F Friendship, T Mo -
Nichol, W Burton, R Haitte.
Claoe I.—Excellent — G Oakley, S
Gorey, C Leokie, M and S Burgess,
Good —L Burke, G Wilbee, G Jamieson,
H Mooney.
Mies J, $1, ]3lymois, Teacher,
L. B. Duff, of Stratford, spent Sunday
at hie home in Blnevale.
Mrs. Joel Sellers, of Morrie, spent
Sunday nda at Wm, Sellers'.
Mrs. (Rev.) Hall and ohiidran, of Bel -
grave, are visiting at Rev. W. J. West's.
Rev. W. j. West and Rev. W. T. Hall,
of Belgrave, exohanged pulpits last Bab.
Robert Musgrove went to Galt on
Monday morning to see about maohinery
for the new (hopper.
l •1K.I.N►,D4J•V1 Be1VXL• Q,L,`' 04,71U.D4.
PiseP,A.P74XiBwiactozi 3.272..
CAPITAL PAID IJP (One Million Deliars) • 91,000,000
REST • $.700,000
4gengiea in all pritegipai pointe in Otltario, Quebec, Manitoba, O'S06Od States eS England,
',6irr?S"b" 'aB fitI 1t'C',ro.
A General Banking Business Transacted. Farmers' Notes Discounted,
Drafts Issued and Oolleotione made on all points.
interest allowed on deposits of 91,00 and upwards and compounded half yearly.
SPsarAL 5.00890109 arm TO Tn3a do>.naammn OP FtoroeoS' SALE NOM.
Every facility afforded Customers living et a dietanoe,
payable at any bank issued Under 910.... 80. $20 to 950.,,,12o
!Amy Orders at the following rates:— 910 to 920..,.100. 30 to 40....140
80RN .
MIDDLETON.—In Elma, on Oct. 27th, the
wife of Mr. Alex. Middleton of a
WnnooaoAY, Nov. 14.- Farm stook,
impieinente, &o., at Lots 16 and 17, Con.
10, Grey, Sale unreserved at 12 o'olook,
sharp. Wm. Fieoher, prop. F. S. Scott,
len renAY, Nov. 15.-25 bead of stook
steers. Si lot 17, con, 9, Morrie. Sale
at 1 p. m. W. H. $hortreed, prop. ; F.
S. Soott, auo.
FRIDAY, Nov. 16x' .—Lot 10, Con. 4,
Grey. Farm etook, implements, &o.
Sale, unreserved, at 1 o'oloak. David
Dron, prop. ; F, S. Soott, aux.
Tueeneo,Nov. 20.—At Hentryn. Farm
stook and implements. Sale, anreserv`ed,
at 1 o'olook. Jas. Oareoadden, prop. F.
5. Scott, ano.
WEDNESDAY, Nov. 21.—Farm stock, im-
plements, &o., Lot 23, Con. 15, Gray.
Sale, unreserved, at 1 p. m. Geo. Dau.
lop, prop. ; F. S. Scott, ano.
WEDNESDAY, Nov. 28ea.—Farm stook,
implements, &o., Si Lot 10, don. 4,
Morris. Sale, unreserved, at 1 p, m.
Jae. Wilkinson,' prop., F. 5. Scott, ano.
East Buffalo, N.Y., Nov. 6.—Oattle-
No offerings ani no pertioular demand •,
feeling steady. No ohmage in the oalf
trade, Sheep and Iambs—Offerings fair,
about 10 loads, 9 of which were Canada° ;
trade light ; lambs, ohoioe to extra, $5.40
to $5.56 ; good to ohoioe, $5.25 to $5.60 ;
sheep, ohoioe to /extra, $4 to $4.25 ;
good to ohoioe, $8.76 to $4; Canada lambs
were quotable at $5.60 to $5.70. Hogs
active ; 5 load's on sale ; market strong ;
heavy, $4.96 to $5 , Yorkers, $4.95 ; pigs,
$4.45 to $5.; rough, $4,25 to $4,50 ; stage,
$2.75 6o $4.
Toronto, Ont., Nov. 6.-Wheat—The
market is quiet ; ealee of red mad white
e,t 660, middle freights ; 5,000 bushels of
goose wheat Bold at 63o, high freights ;
Spring wheat is quoted et 65o to 86o
East ; Manitoba wheat is rather firmer,
at 91a for No. 1 hard, and 91e for No. 2
hard g. f. t., 880 for No. 1 hard afloat
Fort Willlam, and 87o Goderioh. Flour
—The market is dull, with buyers offer-
ing $2.60 for 90 % patents in their bags
West, and sellers asking $2.65; oboioo
brands are quoted at 15a to 20e hieber ;
Manitoba flour is steady, et 94.80 for
Hungarian patents and $4.80 for strong,
bakers' bags included, Toronto. Millfeed
is steady, at $18, for shorts and $14.60
for bran West. Barley -The market ie
unchanged ; No. 1 is quoted et 43o East ;
No. 2 sold to.day at 380, middle freights,
and No. 3 extra is quoted at 373 West..
Buokwbeat hi quiet, at 46o East and 45o
West. Rye is steady, and sold to -day at
431o, middle freights. Corn—the market
is steady for Canada, at 40o for old yel-
low, and $5a for new Wet ; American
No. 8 old yellow is quoted at 470, and
new American at 48o Toronto. Cate are
steady at 25c for No.1 white East ; No.
2 white sold to.day at 24a middle freight.
Oatmeal 18 steady, at $3.20 for ooze of
barrels, and $8.10 for bags in oar lots
Toronto, and 20o more for smaller lots.
LAMB—MUnr0Y.—In 58. James' ohuroh,
Seaforbh, on October 80111, by Rev.
Fr: McCabe, Mr. Stephen Lomb, to
Mrs, Michael Murphy, all of Sea -
MOGmLAWEE—KYLE.—In Wellesley, on
Oat. 24th, at the home of the bride's
mother, by Rev. Mr. Anderson, Mr.
Arab,'MoGillawee, of Elma, to Mies
May Kyle, daughter of Mrs. John
MoGAvn4—M000LLY,— In Seaforth, on
Oot. 80, by Rev, Mr. Oopeland, of
Londeebora, Mr. Ieaao MoGavin, of
Leadbury, to Mies Lottie MoOolly.
:lnI --
WALEE1•-In East Wawanoah, on Oot.
29th, Martha Jane Buell, wife of
Elioha Walker, aged 86 years.
ATTC'S''IOTS asAx,a.
FRIDAY, Nov. 9,' --Farm stook at Lot 6,
Con. 11, Grey. Sale unreserved at 1
o'olook. Thos. Bielby, prop. ; F, 5.
Scott, arc.
MONDAY, Nov. 12.— Farm stook and
Implements, lot 1, tion. 18, Grey. Sale,
unreserved, at 1 o'clock. Albert Oakley,
prop, ; 10.5. Scott, AUG,
TUESDAY, Nov, 33811, — Farm stook,.
implements, &a., at South Half Lob 8,
Con, 9, Morris. Sale unreserved at 1
p. m. sharp, Mary E. Lynn and George
Piero°, E8aentord, F. 5, Scott, two.
Two ooal etoves for sale. Apply to
W. M. eINOLAIlt.
LEICESTER Ram Lambe for Bale, from
registered sire, Apply to R. NICHOL, Lot
20, Con, 6, Morris,
MONEY to loan On approved real. estate.
Terms easy. For further particulars apply
to W. H. HEBB, Brussels.
Two eligible building lots for Bale on
Princess street, Brussels. For further par -
Maulers as to price, terms, &o.. apply to
8•tf• MRS, J. GBIOVD, Brussels,
Li►e Tnrteys
3,000 Live Turkeys wanted,
from 8 lbs. up, to be delivered at
Brussels G. T. R. on or before
Dec. 1st, for which the highest
market price will be paid. Birds
must not be fed the day before
8, No,10 Grey and MoElllop. Dutiee
to commence Jan. 1e6 1901. Applications
will be received u to N` ov. 28th, 1900. Ap-
ply to HUGH rux,roN, 8eoretary, Walton
Y. o, - - 18.2:
um of the undersigned, Lot 15, Oen.9,
Grey, on or about Oat, 5, a year old steer,
gray .101 Dolor, with short drooping horns.
Owner will be greatly obliged by receiving
information that wil Iload to its roma-Ory,
18.4 J. MENABY, Brussels P, O.
sa10, correlating of a ram lamb, 2 shear -
ling rams and? breeding ewes, All pure
bred, from Campbell'sstook, Woodville,
Also a number of Bronze Turkeys,, from W,
J.Bell's stook, of Angus, Out. •
Brussels'', 0, Lot 8, Con. 0, Grey.
When you are compelled to hold
the newspaper "away off" your eye sight
ie "away off" and Glossae should be
procured at once.
We will fit yoa with proper Glaeees
to overcome the misty vision that (reaps
on with the advance of years.
Our Double Vision Glasses are a
great help for both distant and near
vision to those who require them.
Rimless Glaeeee very pretty and very
taehionablefor young people. Eyes are
bread+winners, take oare of them. We
are experts at eye•fitting, Have your
eyes examined and know their mot
Eyes tested tree—Glaeeee reaommeaded
only whenabeolutely benefloial.
Also Graduate of ltetinoeeopy,
NOY, 190Q
We have the stuff' to male
them for there is nothing
better than
Poultry Spice.,
Try it and be convinced.
50c. and 25c per bag
Fox's Drug Store.
DEM000030» Offers his botoberingb»al-
nese, brink bleak, residence, slaughter Rouse
and other property for sale at a, moderate
price ac, be wishes to retire from business,
Will bo sold en biro or divided up to suit
purchaser. This is a good ohaooe to an en-
terprising man. For further particulars as
to price, terms and eoaditlone apply to
14.81 WM. BLABHILL,'Brussels.
Seasonable J. al Kings Shoes
ShoesSuitable for the A1Way0 in StOCkt
Wet Weather.
FOR MEN we have the Celebrated King Shoes, the Let-
vault and the Whittam, and some other good makes in Goodyear
Welts or McKay Stitched, with Rubber Heels and Soles or without.
Stylish, good fitters and great wearers.
FOR LADIES we have the King Quality Shoes with all
the latest improvements which makes' them the most stylish and
comfortable Ladies' Shoes in the market.
You doubtless want Rubbers to keep your. Shoes dry this
wet weather. We have them in all the best qualities at the lowest
Harness, both heavy and light, all our own make out of the
best material. Of Blankets we are afraid we have bought too
heavy and as a consequence offer them at prices below what you
can buy them elsewhere. See them before buying. Bargains in
Robes, Trunks, Satchels, Mitts and Gloves.
Worth of
Still to be
Come and Get
New Goods
At Cost While
This Sale