HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1900-11-8, Page 7' 1. Y 9' 41. ti e WAR JOTTINGS. An enterprising theatrical manager in 'V 'rina lute offered ex -President 1It e4,,r ;0200 per week for six weeks to deliver lectures en the Transvaal .War, Kruger is said to baso refused the offer. Russia bas now issued an edict that ebo annexed Manchuria as part. of the indemnity whloh Cbl" owes to her In oonsalln81101) of the flexors' attacks onllagovestobensk and other 8tatiQne. 'Pito laud will be used for Russian coleni:ation. The total British casualties in the South Afriean campaign up to .,the 20th of September (exclusive of sok et present in our bospitals) are near- ly 40,200. The less tram disease has been twice the numberkilled in ac tion, and over 27,000 men and 1,200 ofiioers have been sone home as In.. vailds, The officers of the Gorman expedi. tionary force in China have each been provided with an improved, spirit lamp .which will roast in a few minutes birds, joints, etc.. There is a dearth of table delicaoies in Berlin. 13y or- der of the Kaiser all delicacies are being bought up by the authorities to be tinned for the use of the Ger- man forces in China. Owing to the footthat many hum, dreds of men will return from the war disabled or with health perman- ently injured, it le proposed to aeteb lisp a "Khaki Association.'' The ob- r joot of this instiLution will be to; get all these who have served in South &erica to combine for the par-. pose of assisting their maimed and I disabled comrades, seeing Lhat alai small Government pension will be quite insufficient for their needs, Tio Dowagee-Empress and Emper- or of China have taken refuge at Tal -a Yuen -Fu, about 20J miles from Pekin.' It is au old Tartar city, surrounded i by a formidable wall eight miles in i circumference; Tai -Yuen -Fu is re- i nowned as having been the scene of r the most famous siege in Chinese his- tory. en A. D .757 it was beaieged;f 8 by a force of 100,000 man. The garrison of the city, however, which was but ' a small an successfully o s acre full held out for or' a month, and at the end of than' time made a sortie, completely rout- ° Ing the besiegers, who, it is said, left a 60,000 dead upon the field. q eeeevele"_ -!a 1 0 On the Farm.. 71..LL PLOWING CONDITIONS. spring wheat or gate are grown, fall plowing Should be .dead on an 8 8118090 reale, as under canal conditions It permits the sowing' of these grains from two to three weeks earlier than le possible whoa the plowing, is .delayed until Spring. Inn the fall or early winter; plowing ca often be done atthe least expense, there being no other' 'timely work for team or men, The team is fully hard- ened to Heavy work and, nolwith- stemding the short days, more work is a000mplished than during the Lang- er days of spring when the teamile noL inured to hard labor. Low lauds can often be plowed' at this season, which the meow and spring rains would make quite impossible to plow in the spring in time fora sswore- able crop. Upon fall plowed land wheat and oats are often sown when the bottom of upturned furrow is Mixon zen mond, and upon Oho earn- ness of sowing theme crops depends the profit in their' production,. ![ all ploiwing can be done when upturned furrow looks sleek and greasy from so muott moisture in the soil. This condition will do no harm, as the freezing that soon follows tears to pieces Wm moat compact clods, leaving the surface soil soft and friable, while if done under the sale moisture conditions in the spring the results would be the re- verse, Fall plowing of a stiff sod not only causes every furrow to aot as a drain to absorb the rainfall, but the upturned furrow contains the wire and cutworms, and thus expos - d they are frozen to death. Ie you desire to test the benefit of fall plow - ng, plow a wide strip across the field n late fall and the balance at. the u a sual time in the spring and note the esults at harvest time. ParticuIar- ly if the land be a sod, you will be urprised at the results. CORN ODDER, When the aura are ground into orn and oob meal, corn fodder shows higher percentage of digestibility than any other good coarse food stuff, being 8 par cent. bigher than timothy. hay and 14 per neat more than h clover hay. y Contrary to the le - lief of many practical feeders, digestf- bility Is increased 6 per omit. by grinding the ears, and the value of the ears alone is increased nearly 20 per cent. This is due to the faot that com- plete mastication is not aeoomplish- ee where ears are fed alone, and mu h of the grain passes through the anim- al. The edible portion of the corn stover has a nutritive value tally equal to that of Timothy hay which closely resembles in composition and digestibility. The following shows the digestion coefficients for corn fodder: Dry mattes' 67,5, ash 28.4, protein 433, fat 65.7, fiber 67.7, car- bohydrate extract 74; and for corn stover, dry matter 58.2. ash 22.5, pro- tein 37.4, fat 55.2, fiber 70.3, oarbohyd- rate extract 60:6. STORING OF PRUIT. The storing of fruit under dwell - g houses is not recommended. A rtain amount of decay is inevitable, d the trotting fruit becomes a pro a gating place for •disease germs, ;eh permeate the rooms above, IA pit or cave, if carefully construct - will keep apples very satisiactor- , and has the advantage of being e less costly of any poasible stor- age ooustruotion, Such weave as de- scribed by authorities is usually built into a hillside, sloping toward the north so that the entrance is pro - tooted from the southwest winds that prevail during summer and autumn, In moist soils the cave must be wall- ed; in dry soils no walls are t'equer eel.' Uilright posts along the sides support the top, which is made of poles; over the poles is a layer of coarse hay, and over the hay soil to the depth of two feet. Severe]. flues aro made for ventilation. Such a cave may be built any desired dimen- sions; some are being planned with doors in each end and large enough to allow a passageway for a wagon through them. The best system of ventilation and the most even and 29 OAT THAT TRAVELS. Thousands of people have heard .of railway dogs, which travel so exten- sively, and really seem to know as much about trains and time tablas as a guard does. But there Is a cat in Colorado which is oertainly. as remarkable In its fondness for rail- way riding. ' IN was a pet of the wife of the engineer of a locomotive, and now it accompanies the engineer on every trip that he makes, When the train has to make a long wait the cat goes off In search of mice, always returning when the whistle sounds, and at some of the stations it is quite a pet. When the engine is running the cat elle in the cab or on the coal, and, as its fur h' jet black, its beauty is not greatly impaired by its grimy surroundings.' Pussy meet have traveled many thou- sands of miles, for it has been doing duty for several years, and has never been known to miss a trip. That pate care little Lor persons and are attached to places and to their en- vironments was seen in tbe ease of ee this eat last year. The engineer was ce. badly hurt in a collision and was laid pa up for three months. Instead of the wo oat following pini as a dog would doubtless huve done, she stayed about' the sheds until the engine was repair- fly ed, and then abo once more rearmed tit her tidos with the substitute eugineer. E&lX'S HORN WR.INIfLl1S. Heavy grades need heavy engines. Affection i1 the best aid of mem- tery. Depression of spirits ought to life us to God. When amen in upright, his head is heavenward. True spirituality is in doing, not in dreaming. The splendor of a station should not make us lose the train. 11110 ERSD ANGUAGE. Ten thousand Irish children aro be- ing taught the Erse language, UNJUST DISCRIMINATION. 91ilmperor Walla= hats discharged dos! One of hie diplomats because the latter tain married an American divorced woman. VO0 rable temperature can be main - ad by use of an underground Matted pipe leading from an open- ing in the floor of the oave to a similar opening on the aureate of the ground several rods away. The pipe should be large enough to provide sufficient air for the cave, and should have valves at each opening to regu- late the supply. The air in passing through the pipe le; cooled In summer and warmed in winter, and thus brought to near the proper 'tempera. tura for good results in keeping fruit, omplete the system several flues Id lead through the top of the to the open air above, The sum ho oapaotttes of those flues should, seat be equal to the capacity of ventilator leading into the oave, COULDN'T BELIEVE IT. "You see a great deal 1ni the news- tlapers that you ean'l believe," re- manked Mir. Meekton'm wife. "I' know it, Benrietta," was the ane - Wer, "i'or instance, here is another bee of those stories about a man who Makes fun of itis wife's cooping.° PORTUN1 'TnadantS IN PARIS. More thee 2,000 people earn a living '1° o in Ptah by fortune toiling, their total; show yearly earnings being estimated it cavo 02,000,000. of I. al, I NEIGHBORLY CRITICISM the Bigger -Your new neighbor Is a man 01 means, 0K he not Diggs. -,On, yes, he's undoubtedly W the men nest 111a11 I over met. Mier FEEDING PIGS ON '77.'3', ]rile pigs will live on hay for a t time, they cannot bo carried through the whole winter and made to take 091 any gain, fin feet, when confined to an exelueire hay diet they leas in weight, and at one Slave Where the experiment was performed the loss in weight during a three weeks' trial was nearly 85 ponnde with four pigs weighing about 140 paunch' each, A.Ifalea pasture Is doubtless a help to pig raising, but hay alone tan only answer to heap phi's alive until other feed Pan be sa0ured, A STRANGE CAIN EYE TROUBLE WHICH DEVELOPED 11410 RUNNING SORES. Deoters Said It Wes Consuanpllon or. the Mood, end Recovery Was limited upon as Almost llepeteso-.D*',.Williams' Pink Pills Wrought a Cure. From' the Herald, Gedrgetown, Ont. Our reporter recently bad the pleasure of nailing on Mr, Wm. Thompson, papormaker, at Wm. Bar- ber & Bros. milia, a well known and respected ieiil.4an' of our town, for the purpose ,of acquiring the details of his son's long illness and his re- markably recovery through the use of Dr, Williams' Pink Pills. Mr. lN75pipsen kindly gave us the follow- ing deformation which will speak for itself :-",About two and a half years ago my eldest eon, Garnet, who is fifteen' years old, took what I sup- posedl to be inflammation in has left eye. Ile was taken to a physician, wan ,advised me to take him to an eye ape0LMtst which I did, only to find out that he had lost the sight of the eye completely. The disease spread from his eye to ' his wrist, which became greatly swollen, and was lanced no lass than eleven times. whole arm was !completely use- less, although he was not suffering any, pain. From his wrist it went to hie, foot which was also lanced a eau - ph of times but 'without bringing re. Lief. The next move ed the trouble was to the upper part of the leg where It brake out, Large quantities of matter ruinning from the °ore. A.11 thiol time my boy was under the best treatment I could procure but with Little or no effect. The trouble was pronounced consumption of the blood and I was bead by the daotors that you wound not come across a ease like It in fire Ilpunsired. When almost diseau uged and not knowing Whata t bo do for the best, a friend of mine urged me to try Dr, Williams' Pink Pulls saying tihat he had a son who was affbio,ted with a somewhat sim- ilar disease and Siad been cured by the palls. I decided to give Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills a trial and aeourcd some of them at the drug store, and after my boy lladi taken, two- boxes I could see the calor ooiaing back to his sallow eomplexuon and noted a declined abange for the better. He went on taking hhem and in a few months from the time be started to tes9 them Iconsldered him perfectly cured and not a trace of tin's disease left, except his blind eye, the eight of which he bad Lost before he start- ed to ass the pills. He has now be- come quite fleshy and f consider 'him one of the healthiest boys in the com- mmnity. If eny person is desirous of knowing the merits of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills you may direct bhem to me, as loan highly recommend them to any person afflicted as my boy was." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills cure by going to the root of the disease. They renew and build up the blood, and strengthen the nerves, thus driv- ing disease from the system. Avoid imitations by insisting that every box you purchase is inclosed in a wrapper bearing the full trade mark, Dr. Wtllbame' Pink Pills for Pale Peo- ple. If your dealer does not keep them tippy will be sent postpaid at 50 cents a box, or six boxes for $2.50, by addressing tlhe Dr. Wil- liams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. VIiSUAL POWER. OF UNCIVILIZED PEOPLE. CEYLON GREEN TEA will displace all Japan Tea the.;saroe,as Salado black is dlaplaoing all other, black teas. 71A.I300 BNGIrTSii'. e3eboo Eog'llehi kV the descriptive title given t0 eble extremely ornate language In which many twoethirdS- m10044e4 luativee of India express themselves, Tha maga4lnoa and newepaliers of India are full of it, One periodical says eta certain lawyer's Plea, "Ilia ohildlika aimplioity fasoio- fete+d all, and was proal against the damorahzitg influences of his honor- CONOEIVFRATEP WEALTH. able profees0On." The late te. W. Steeve7rsgives an example of taboo of . English' in his book, "In indite" Itis a feeble effort to express admiration alt item tbe speech of Pundit Madan Bohan 1!p'Malevava at a native congress. M t11a epeeoh' Is as melifluous as hie t: ol'd ensu of the .most enthuslaetically wel Dau1glllll Displays 1n Treltetnb llnu8AI Royalty, SW'itllin, the wake of 1190 8713 rooms at Windier st10 Is 8toi plate of gold and salvor euffiolen valuable to mak it owner a m ilio Dare nearly twice over. A single g dinner-seryiee fol' 150 guests Is name. ilia has a sweet volae, and .!s ued at £600,000; a golden peace whose body quivers in the radian of hundreds of natty gems, is wo £40,000; a tiger's heed of gold, w eyee and teeth of crystal, and a so ingot of gold for its tongue; mons dishes, stands, flagons, and shields of pure gold ; rose-water founlaI fonts, enormous wine-000lera a punch -bowls, exquisitely chased cu each of wbieh is a fortune in min Cure, are all there in profusion. The Queens china is valued at mo than ,X000,000; and a single .lease service o Sevres represents a Cabin Minister's income iu perpetuity; Wit the very jewels in her crown a worth a third of a million poun But et is said that two alone amo the countless contents of the Sha treasure•tiouse are worth all the Queens possessions, costly as they are, One is a globe of .gold, on which all the countries of the earth are marked with mosaics of gems-dia, monde, rubies, sapphires, emeralds, and all the rarest of precious stones , -to the number of tens of thousands; while, as if this were not a sufficient display of riches, around the pedestal on which the globe stands are pled beeps of enormuus gold coins, every ono of which is worth £3'a. The value, of this wonderful globe is 131,000,000 sterling, Near the globe there stands a glass ease two feet long and a foot and a half wide and high, which is near- ly two-thirds full of the rarest pearls, carefully se -toted for many centuries; did a single handful of which would a "King's ransom." g s These are but two items in the most marvellous collection of treas- ures the world has everseen, and the aggregate value of which 00 man knows. Among other treasures of the Shah are numberless gold vesse:e, full to the brim, of diamonds and em. eralds, rubies and sapphires, many of which for size and purity are almost without rivals in the world ; swords and coats of armour, all a solid blaze of jewels; and crowns, any One of which might well purchase a small German State. The Czar of Russia, too, has more treasures than oven he tan value. The crowns, alone of himself and his consort are said to ,be worth £3;00,, 000; and among the treasures of the Kremlin are rare jewels, every one of which is a history in itself, and gold and silver yesaels so heavy that the strongest man cannot lift them. The Sultans treasures, too, are so valuable that if he were to lake 000,000 from them every day for a month there would still be many mil. lions for the next comer. Scattered in careless profusion are diamonds which migth be measured by the gal- lon, and a score of the largest of which are of an estimated value of 3'1,000,000, There are bowls of solid gold full to the brim with pearls and other precious stones ; gold plate which weighs many tons; and, in fact, gold and jewels in almost every extravagant and artistic combination that human art eat fashion. Perhaps the richest of the native chiefs of lndta belong to the Gaok- wars of Baroda, whose gems alone are valued at nearly 133,000,000. Am- ong other treasures Is a carpet made entirely of pearls and diamonds, all tun uingly matched and blended. and valued at a third of a million pounds. �. "A Ilam 8 a Ilan for Even if he has corns on both feet. :But he is a stronger, lumpier, and wiser men if he uses Putnam's Paine leas Corn Extractor and gets rid of the unsightly corns painlessly and at once. MAFEKING'S CLEVER APE. Mafeking'a e ape, who displayed so much intelligence daring tbe famous siege as to merit a claim to be the "missing link," and so much antipathy to the nefarious presumes of the Boers ad to entitle h+lm to the 'benefits , of civilization, lute been taken to Eng. lana by the officer who trained him, and has proved au object of curiosity to the damp at Salisbury Plain, Its to principle duty in tbe be- leaguered town was to ring the alarm bell tbe moment the Boers commenc- ed firing, and it performed this work in s0 indefatigable and coneeientious a manner ws to merit the approval 0f all the residents, Having sounded the tocsin and warmed the inhabitants, the abombpo roof lay le, theeits provinghat underground thoroughly realised the danger to it - "f ne wolf. as to otltors. XC :ter the animal is shortly to be off - ed for sale. Surely aemlortablo n0 will be pr0vided fort). 11 afterdi0- ult duiics Well performed, s al" +corned of 'inert on the congress plat- okv ' f0rm, Neither tall nor short, not °° stout but thin, not dark, dressed in ill pure white, with a white robe .which lid coos round 1Lls shoulders and ends dowel below the knees, 1vlr, Madan tar Mohan stands like Eiffel's Tower alt when he addresses his fallow-eongrese- 08, men. ' nd 1 Beastands slanting forward, ad- pmr• =drably preserving his center of Joe gravity. Itis speeches are full of pellucid and sparkling statements, re • and hlis rolling and interminable resentences travel out of his mouth in et quick sucocssion, producing a thrill - Ile ; ing impression on the audience, There re 18 music in his voice; there 1s magic dm, lin bis aye; and be is one of the sweet ng!obarmers of the congress company. it's -:�t,�:�..�a.z� The wide",spread impression that people living in a primitive condition possess more matte vision than olvi- lizetl men enjoy receives a little sup- port from the investigations of Dr. Rivers dnr1ng the recent British ex- pedition to Torres Straits and New Guinea. The visual powers of the people there were found to be su- perior to theme of normal 7lhiropeana, aluholgh the degree of superiority was not great. The natives of Tor- res Straits condi sea better in the dank than most Europeans can. 'llhelr aenee of touch was, also slight- ly superior, and in the discrimina- tion of weight they were more im- amate then a practised !European. Dr, Rivers ascribes this aoateness of vision to their habits o0 constant ob- selrvation. GUEST'S ANNOYING 13LUNDER. An l8nglishman reoontly visited friends in Donegal, Ireland. Going to bed anon after his arrival he dropped his watch' into a handsome pocket above his pillow. Not till morning did he disoover that there Was Water In the receptacle, which, ee indeed, Was not a Watch pookot at all, ell but a place for holy venter. The bar de wan rtllilect 1102 fir RIGHT1S ISEASE Is the deadliest and most painful malady to which mankind is subject, Dodd's Kidney Pills will cure any case of Bright's Disease. They have never failed in one single case. They are the only remedy that ever has cured it, and they are the only remedy that can. There are imitations of Dodd's Kidney Pills -pill, box and name -but imita- tions are dangerous. The original and only genuine cure tor Bright's Disease is 'ODD'S KIDNEY , ILL Dodd's Kidney Pitts are fifty cents a box at all druggists. SEWING OF ZULU WOMEN. The skill of the Zulu of South Africa inl sewing fur is a household word in South Africa, and some of the other tribes compete with them. The needle employed is widely different. from that used by the ordinary needle - woman. Zia the first place, it has no eye; in the second, it is like a skewer, pointed at one end and thick e.1 the other. The thread is not of cotton, but is made of the sinews of various animals the best being made from tbe sinews in the neck -of a giraffe. It is stiff, in- elastic, with a great tendency to "kink" and tangle itself up with any- thing near It. Before being need it is steeped. in hot water until it is quite sof t, and is than beaten between two smooth stones, which causes it to separate into filaments, which can thus be obtained of any strength and thickness. Thus the seamstress hese considerable amount of labor before she commences with the real work In !lend. Finally she squats on the ground, for no native stands to work or do anything else who can possibly help 11, and, taking her needle, bores two holes in the edges of the rug or garment on which she is working. The thread is ,then pushed through with the butt of the needle, drawn tight, end two 'more holes are made with a like re- sult, the skewer progressing very slowly -compared with an English needlewoman, but fast enough for a country, where time is of no value whatever. The akin upon which the seamstress is working to dampened with water before elm co,mmeuees, and as the damp thread and hide dry out: it brings the work very closely together. This is carefully attended to, and the work' ie not allowed to get dry until finiehed, when the seamstress lays it flat upon the ground, pulling it this way and that, and mixing and arranging the hair for Several hours, until, the skin being generally dry, it is impossible to find the joint or hem with the naked) eye. Sean° men enjoy chronic .laziness more than some other's enjoy a Well. earned rest, re PegeelePTlON BARE" I5 used la 13lendiall the various teas used it WOW °,,•..„ tt ; p,yl4lbil elero .Q1Y FTd11., One ecoetinting for Its uaequalled purity, AO offood adv1 ea and beeenie a oenetaat user, 1n Lens Packets 24, so, 49, to and 000, comerleing Poultry, Butter, Eggs and other Produce, If you have any correspond with us. We want 100 OA RLOAl7S to supply our tr rile, The Dawson Commission CO,0 iimite(Ir Toronto, A GOOD 1HORsSE.TEST. Reviewing* the work dons by horses of different nationalities in the South African eampalgn, the oonoluuion must be readied that the English proved themselves as good as any, 91580 they were fairly treated, which they ware not' lin this 'beginning of The war, when they were in hope lesnly unfit condition. The Lon- don' om:nLbus horses especially dis- tinge'sbed themselves in pulling heavy artillery, The Alustralian' and New Zealand bosses, of which much was ex- peoted, did well at first, but soon fell victims to a kind of catarrh which kept them on the seek list for weeks. Ar- gentine' cobs, imported in enormous nuanhara for mounted infantry and galloping Maxims, are described as tractable, but very soft-hearted, 10 pressed, they incontinently lay down and died ea the easiest way out of the trouble, The Indian -bred ani. male stood the summer in Africa very well, but the winter very badly. American -bred horses only began to arrive in considerable numbers toward the latter end of the war. There will be an enormous number of good horses left in South Africa after the war, as the British authorities do not intend to transport many back to England. Thousands df them, of course, will be required for the mounted force, which will have to be maintained for along time to come. The correspondents insist apon the importance of en- couraging the native breed, which car- ried the :Boers so well. Big men as !hey are they contrived to gallop away from the British cavalry, SHE RAD. "Ale!" said the young man with the little bald spot on the crown of his head,"your lips has been a calm, pinold, emotionless one. You have never mei your fate. You avive nev- er been in the grasp' of an overmast- ering passion that hos seized you by the heart strings and held you quiv- ering I" "Surely I have l" she replied, won- t:1Mogly, "I am learning to play golf 1" TILE LEARNED SOCIETIES Through their members have testifi- ed to the great efficacy of Putnam's Painless Corn Extractor, 11 pro- vokes no line of demarcation, secure ing alike the good will of the highest and the most humble, and with strict impartiality, removing with equal celerity the corns of each, Try Put- nam's Corn Extractor, Adam must have been swift -footed, inasmuch as he was first in .the hu- man rime. MONTREAL HOTEL DI8EOTORYN The "Balmoral," Free Bus bra AVENUE HOUSE-Amcln=Deans° a:�nle ranAly $oral rate. 51,60 par day. The smaller tbe girl the larger the doll necessary to appease her incipient maternal affection. A glass of liquor !a the toper's spire itual comfort. TO 00716 A.COLD IN 0911 LAY Take Laxative Bromo Quintal, Tablets, All druggists refund the money if it taus to sura, 17, w, GAM"' signature to oe 0aobbo9 26o The hand that grasps too ratio)] holds but little • 1 t $1O0 Reward, $100. The readers of -this taper will be pleated tq learn that Chore is at least one dreaded disease that science has boon able to ours In all itq surges and that le Catarrh, Hall's Oatarrli Cure is the only positive cure now known to the modloal lralernity. Catarrh being a ooa9y. Motional disease, requires a constitutional treatment, Hall's Catarrh Cure is talo, hinter. na11y, acting diroatly upon the blood and maeoue surfaces et the system, thereby dos. owing the foundatten of the disease, and giving the patient si re ngth by building pp. the ennetitution and as-tatlag nature in doini• 1te work. The proprietors have so much faint in Its curative powers, that they offer one Hun, dyed ;Dollars for any case that it falls to ours, Send for list of testimonials, Address, F. J. CHIENEY & 00., Toledo, 0, Sold b3- druggig's, 780. Hail's Family P101 are the boot A confidence man la a man who is unworthy of your confidence. POR OVER PIPTY YEARS MRS WINSLOw'8 800TSIN0 SYRUP has been cued by mothom for their children teething. It soothe the child, softens the sures,alley. pain, aures wind cottaand i, the beet meads or diarrhma. tro,, bottle , Sold by all druggists throughout the worlid, Ile euro end ask fee "Mrs. Winslow'. Soothing Syrup," Jonah was a oonundrum and the whale had to give him up. W. P. C. 1048. CALV RT'S °arbotto nfelnfocta.nta, Roapa,t want, Tooth Powdore, etc., have beau awarded 1W medals and diplomas for superior excellence. Their regular use prevent Weed. ova diseases. Ask your dealer to obtain a supply. Lists mailed free 021 application. F. C. C}ALVEIRT & CO., MIAMOHESTCR - . ENGLAND, Music Teachers anted To Bond for our Oam late a 0nffi, lew008d84 of soaks Mae and sates with mount rate) of tllaoount, WHALEY, ROYCE &Co. 168 Tonga St. Toronto, Ont, SLATE, TILE and DOL'OLAS BROS.. METAL ROOFS Toni moiatdesta. Sausage Oasiage-New Importations Onset Eogllob Sheepnd American iia Orders-renable ads at r . ht prices. PARR,)LACItw'ELL 5 CO., Toronto. L MILLS, MILLS & HALES, ,Barristers, caw Removed to Wesley Buildings, Rlohmov.d St. W., Tertia0.. Catholic prayer BaoRo,lseanes, 0,0. RoIglous Pictures, Statuary, and o0hu oh Ornament.6dueutionsl Works. 31,11 orders reoeire prompt atter, tion 0. & J. SADLIER & 00., Montreal. WALKING LADIES' . e ,lilto� awe ntdG antra Can be done perfectly by our French Process. Try it. CR�r18H5MERICAN OYEIN0 CO MONTREAL, TORONTO, OTTAWA s'QJUEBEC r o e F u� rte and sheet IN@falWeekee Rader mem. OLA,1' folig(.AgA8,Ef4Td Bw,l,pl! Pompe sed Web 1ehuols.Tereutol Rooting Belt,.rik lnal Tar, stn. ROO5'IN9 '11035 30', Noww Olay ngnd: u„a, Toronto, dons by our arm;), 11.1.1 Oeilin s, Cor. otaee,ei,, Eetitsats,furaluhadlor wort. onelet.. or fnNt 0 0010i1&4DBNa 8q 401,1.4 WISm®5ia e:oti'a, "ONE POUND 0111381S" F030 r2 nxmc x.$) trSH Landry, washing Olathee, boning, Sealing Preserves. PARAB'P'INIO Are Weak? Aro you outThrla q from corvette or functional weakne., shinny, Ivor or stetnaoh oom. pplaints, rheumatlrtn,auto heel p. nus or aches 1*anlyypa'@ofy»urbeli' bo you teat yourself man with the v'sknes tont results 'from ab °sing Lia laws of nature. or a woman with the many atuttente from }vhiah 99romon aufl'cr, i eau Ruarantee youaeuroin throe man'hswith my v onderftrl .Mee b 9S Delo, 951.151400158 while 708 sleep, Ela,erinity onroe bm'anoe it restores Cho atr.nbbth whi"h Ion havolost price lab Pill your 00 etrerg.a to Limn FLIT your body with 11594 ,tn111yfrom my woe fruit 1,3/eat b Bulk, nrd 4431.100 wni tole 110 p1a5e diseaoe, loyeus ill grass will ovo'.ome despair, your day's will be full of amhitlon and your sleep will be restful and re, frosting. Three Months' Trial. Any hlnest man or woman can out my an. pllauno titre° months and pay mo only when cured, or' will gond it at• n very low price for sash. tens for easily nlae cure Soni:, whlah tells how coolly you San be tamed, and 6ivoo pictures of my mot.hod of uroatment and I send idc of lettere from my gr,tetnl -patient1I 1send it closely sealed, free. Hall and coneull ma fres, DR. M. D. AflcL.AUGO-ILIN, 130 Yonge Street, Toronto, Ont, i' 4 ex,alG=ame✓ O% lea .i 41/Via41/Via 4 e'aKi .rmer,ls.e,r,Rsaasr.wr.,,o ernn., /eportiee TEE QUEPIN 0ITY OIL 00., Limited. Sam'' Rogers, Prost., Toronto Ask your dealer for it. THE MOST NUTRITIOUS- knin GRATEFUL-• COMFORTING, c BREAKFAST -SU PPER- The Canada Permanent and Western Canada Mortgage Corporation. Board of Directors: ''resident-Ocorge Oouderham, Int Viee resldrnt and Oh,dtmao of Executive t1 Herbert Nllason. Committee - 911/1 Vico-Prosidont-W, e. Beatty. Ralph It. Dunces, W. 71. '',tll awe, George Galt, Genese 4V. Monk, whuilpog, Mn'. S Nordboimar, Alfred Qooderham, R. T; Riley. Whimper, ,:.e Mnn. 0. A, G , o, snits , J. M. ilr' !t.s51, W, R. 17. Lewis,r'r John, N. B, Ouorae w. Llvis, Frederick wyid,. ASSETS - $231000,000, Head Ofnco t Toronto St., T0R01410, IlanSou 05'9200,0-• WIP,hipog, Man,, Vaneoaver, 0, 0., St, boitn, N. e. WALTER 8, LEE, oatmeal Mantagor,