HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1900-11-8, Page 144 lrs. ata Gets The Post To Van.1,1901 Vol, 29, • No, 1:1 ,BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER. 8, 1900 r, New Advertisements, Local—G, E. Riug, Strayed -J, Monary. 88,000-4. It. Smith. Aanounosment—W. Innes. A purse lost—G. A. Deadman, Make your hens lay—Jae, Fox. Tarkeye wanted --Wm. Jewitt. Tauber wanted—Hugh Fulton. Thankful mothers—Dr, Pitcher. Ver Record—Greig & Macdonald, Seasonable Shoes—I. 0. Rioharde. Winter goods -3. I+'erguoon & Co. Bargains for this week—Moliiuuou & Co.' xstr%,Citips., W al ton. Mrs, Ingram is visiting friepde in the vioinity of Brussels. Mies Luoy Bboldioo spent a few day) in Seaforth Met worth. Mrs. Fraser and Mond have returned from a visit to friends North. Charles Turnbull left this week for Toronto where he hoe secured a situation. Robe, and Moe. Mowbray, from Elva, Man.,are hone on a visit to their relit. tivee. They expect to remain until Spring, Chris. Horn, who has been working for Mre. Sege reoently, fell from a wagon on Saturday and enetained a fraoture'of the collar bone. He ie recovering rapidly and will soon be around again. jibe, Sherritt, brother to Mrs. Wm, Neal, of Walton, W88 eoted M, P, for North Middlesex on Wedoeedaydefeat. Ing V, Bath. Mr, Sherritt will make a good representative. Jaime Booker moved his ,family and effeotg into the property reoently pun. (based by him In our village. He bee improved the plaoe in many ways and is now ready to perry on a woodworking bastneee, We welcome him to our vil• lege and wish him 0000888, 9a;11th, Loot week Jew 'Sandere took pposeee. Bion 01 hie new brick residence.' It is a comfortable home and we wish Mr, and Mee, Senders many happy and prosperous years. The Ethel cheese footory will Floes down this week for this 888800. This lute been a good Beason and prices have kept up well• Principal Dobson has been re-engaged for another year io oonn0otion with Ethel Public school. He i8 a fine teacher. Every young person in and around Ethel should :join the'Temperenee So oiety. It will do all concerned good. Sonora. REPoit .-The following Ahowi the standing of the pupils of the Ethel Pnblio sohool for the mon th of October t Senior Department. — 2nd Claes— L Chambere, H Coates, N Simpson, T Mo• Allister, M Imlay, B Eokmier, E Free - mean, T ()ober, H Wilbee, M MOAllum, 0 Cameron. Jr 3rd—W McAllister, L McLeod, W Badgley, G Wanner, A Mo. Donald, 0 Lindsay, A Henry, R. Dil, ea lAllnounceMeul! tittoete. And then if you require any of the foliowing linea (which you undoubtedly must) it will be to your interest to Fall and the our goods as we are in a position to offer you the beat obtainable on the market at the very lowest possible prioes. e'Here are tome of them —Highest Grade British Columbia Salmon at 13o per Fan. —Speoial lines of Blue Ribbon Ceylon Tea at reduced prices. —Cold Blast Lanterns at 76o. —Call and see our Lamps just arrived from Montreal at prioee from 20o to 62—the greateet bargains of the clay. In our Boot and Shoe Departtneet•you will find everything up -to date and at the very lowest prices ever gnoted —Ladies' Fine Shoes from 25o up. —Men'e Fine Shoes from 90o to $3.00, —We bays in stook the very latest in Men's Leather Leggings. —We also carry a well assorted line of the Celebrated Granby Rubbers and Overehoee' at the very lowest prices. , tH'Bring on your Butter, Egge and Fowl. Yon will get the beet value for them you ever received. - W. INNES, Jamestown. 1 Strictly One Price - The Lowest, THIS is and always was a busy store and it is busier now than ever. We're ever on the alert for correet"Styles and Bar- gain Prices. You can always depend ou finding here the largest assortment of New and Nobby Goods—and you get Bargain chances here thatare seldom equalled elsewhere. Just now our stock is at its best—Abundanee of Fall and Winter Goods that you'll want in a hurry. If you want Mantles come here where you'll find an abund- ant stock of the very Newest Styles, not the Styles that we showed last season but Fashion's Very Latest Fancies being our own direct importations. It isnot our way to refuse to buy the Latest Novelties so that we will be able to get rid of our old stock, ' If we makemistakes we suffer -not our Customers. If you want anything in Dry Goods Dome where 92e assort- ments are not stingy and where you'll be sure to find what you want at. Moderate Prices. J. FERGUSON 44 Co. Dry Goods and Groceries. worth, G Dunbar, W Brown, M Pearson, M Fogel, Sr 3rd -.-E llaueold, lot Os- borne, M Elliott, E ()ober, 0 Reputed, L Fogel, G Gill, 8 Dunbar, 11 Kerr, 4th Claes—G Balmier, L Simpson, tel Mo Allietor, D Davies, 111 (Metes, T] MoA.IIi• star, G Imlay, E Cole, 'W Lindsay, 0 Lindsay, W Coates, M Bateman, W Mo - Donald. 6th Class - 13 Mom/neer 13 Barr, W Eolimier, 117. Hansuld.—George Dobson, Prieoipel. Junior Department —Jr Pt lab -..•19 Dunbar, L Henry, J Cooper, R Wilbee, W Eokmier, I Heath, V Pennon. Sr Pt let—O (languid, R Fraser, V MoLeod, R' Eoltmier, J Pear eon, H Eekmier, A Cooper, G Badgley, W Burr, A Fletnber. Pt 2nd—L Cooper, 11 !Blah, G McAllister, 3 ItIoOeilum, l3 Bateman, E Caber, N MaAllieter. P Bremner. Jr 2nd -D Wanner, L Eok mien, K` McLeod, J Sharpe, J Hogarth, E Eolfmisr, M Slemmoo, Oameron, W Pearson.—Mies M O.Oalder,'Beecher. Ora% TakTroolt, Next Sabbath afternoon Rev. Mr. Curry willpreab in the klethodiet ahuroh here ab the usual lour. A pleasant time is expected at the Chrietian Endeavor At Horne in Knox, ohuroh Friday evening of this week. J, J. Mitollell, of Winghem, and son were visitors ab Oranbrook on Wednes- day. The former tame to poll hie vote for Mr. Diokineon. We are sorry to hear thatMies Fore- man le ill at the. home of hsr brother-io• Lew, Wm. Perris, but we hope elle will soon be 000vaiernent. ( rtas•. G. M. McKay is building a wood abed which will improve the comfort of hie dwelling. Mrs. Geo, Armstrong and Mies Effie Grainger spent Friday with Mrs. Geo. Sperling, Oranbrook, Mee Annie Belden has seonred a situ. ation as olerk in Careen & MoRee'e store, Lletowel. We wish her 9000889. The Jamestown store, with Walter Innes at the helm, has Resumed new vigor and goods are moving oat at bar- gain prices. Mies Peter Doig has been at Fordwicb during the past week attending ben mother, Mrs. Gibson, who passed away on Friday afternoon. Mrs. Doig bas the sympathy of the oommauity in her affliction, awhile Hioherd Grainger was drawing in turnips Iaet Friday hie horses broke through the gangway and ran away and broke his wagon, Mr. Grainger forte. nately escaped with the exception of a Inane bank: When Mrs. Lucas left the store at Wonorieff she left a revolver with John McKay to giveto Robb. Hall. The boy not knowing Drone a gelf cooker took it down from the shelf guile carelessly, and went it off, shooting him through the hand. We are pleased to observe the name of W. F. Kearney, of Toronto, formerly of this township, in the list of euooeeefal M. A. graduates at Trinity University. May oontinued prosperity attend him ie the wish of hie numerous friends in this locality. - John Oarsoadden, of Henfryn, has sold hie 56 antes of land to Samuel Wright, owner of the brickyard, elorthe sum of 01200. - Mr. Oareoadden will have an auntion . sale on Tuesday, 20th inst., when F. S. Scott will Bell his effeete after whiob Mr. 0. will remove to Kiehl. gan. He le a square going man. Last week Mies Susie Pearson was chosen President of the Epworth League, with Lorenzo Frain as-aseiebaut, to take the plane of Mies Lizzie Bryane removed to Toronto. Mies Annie Bryane bas taken Miss Pearson's position on the. Mnetoal and Literary committee, The new President !Would fill the effete nicely. Mies Belle Miller will be the new organist in the (Werth at Roe's. She has been an active end competent member of the choir for some time, li$orrth. Mrs. 3. Young is improving now we are pleased to say. Some Hallowe'en jokes threatet to thine some trouble between neighbors. The Lynn estate suction sate takes plane on Tuesday afternoon of next week. Geo. Parker is on the eiok list. He brought home three ponies from the island and took ill on hie way home. Did you see the shower of snow 7 The first of the menu and on striation day too. The 000teet wee hot bat will pool off now. Thee, Russell had 4 flue lambs worried by doge this Fall. They were valued at 64.00 snob, making quite a loss. The unities canines should be abut. The trustees have anted wisely in 88 - miring the eervioee of Malcolm Blank as Lowther of the Town Hall eobool. He has 8pent a good many years at the 'meioses but ie np•to-date and gives good eatiefaotlon, Last Sabbath morning the quarterly Communion service was held in the Methodiet church at Sunshine. Rev. Mr. Brown, the pastor, prenohed a good ear. mon and the servioe Was one of profit. Sabbath eohool preceded the preaohing eervioe. James Robb, formerly of the 6th line, who bat been. farming at Park River, North Dakota, has moved to a new (,lane neer Langdon. He will be one more Hnrouite added to the Oannok eettlbment in and around Langdon. Mr. Robb will do them no discredit. GOT a RAISE.—We are pleaeeed to bear that 3. T. Canoe, formerly teaoher in Anderson's Bobool, 3rd line, has been re engaged to teaoh the Dorking school, Perth Go., reoeiviug an raise of 1150 on hie salary. J. T. se a original codger and will be able to pian ways of investing hie wealth. Simon Forsyth, Oth li ne ,arrl ed home a abort Limo ago from Alameda, N. W. T., whore ho spent the Sommer working on his new farm, He will spend the Winter here and return to the West next Spring to pot in a big orop. Me. Forsyth appears to be well pleased with hie prospeots and as be Is a au000eefpl farmer with able bodied help he should get along all right. Sir iira golds iVe Fort Government Xajority Majoritywill be 50 at beast. Sir Chas. Tupper, Hon, G. E. Foster, Huh John McDou- ald, Dr. Montague among the Slain.—Liberals gained 9 Seats in Qntalio but lost 22 in same Province. — Three Hurons continue Liberal, The election returns of Wednesday show that the Laurier Administration is retained with an increased majority. Quebec gave. Sir Wilfrid 57 supporters out of a possible 65. The Opposition suffered badly at the hands of the elector- ate, Sir Charles Tupper, Bon. G. E. Foster, Hugh John MoDonald and other prominent men befog among the slain. Every member of the Laurier Cabinet was elected butsome of the old timere in the ranks were also extingniehed, The following returne may not be exactly correct but are as nearly 8o as can Im obtained at the time we go to press :— LIBERALS. ONTARIO. Addington W A Martin Algoma A. E Dyment Bothwell D A Gordon Brant, 5 0 B Heyd Bruce, N J E Campbell Bruoe, W John Tolmie Durham, W R Beith Elgin, E 3 H Wilson Essex, N R T Sutherland Essex, 5 141 K Cowan Glengarry 3 T Schell Grey, N.. E H Horsey Heldimandand Monok ..A T Thompson Hastings, 17 J M Hurley Huron, E P MacDonald Huron, W W. R. Holmes Baron, 5 MoEwan Kingston ..,.,.Britton Kent Stephens London Hyman Lambton, W Johnston Middlesex, W Calvert Middlesex, S - MoGuigan Northumberland, W McCool Norfolk, N Charlton Ottawa Beloourt Oxford, 5 Cartwright oxford, N Sutherland Ontario, S Rose Peterboro' E Lang Perth, 8 Erb Presoott - - Pronlx Ruesel Edwards Renfrew, 5 Wright Renfrew, N Mackie Wellington, S Guthrie Welland German York, N Mulock' QUEBEC. Argenteuil Christie Beauharnoie Loye Brome Fisher Bonaventure Unroll Bellechase - Talbot Berthier Archambault Beaune Godbout Champlain Rousseau Charlevoix Angers .Chateauguay Brown Drummond and Arthabasoa....Lavergne Hoohelaga y .. Madore Joliette Bazinet Kamouraeka Carrot Laprairie Monet Levis Demers L'Aseomption Laurier Ohambly Eeroheree Geoffrion Lotbiniere Fortier L'Ielet Duchene Labelle Bourassa Montealm - Dugas Maskinooge Legrie Montreal, 51. Marys Tarte St. James Desmarais Maisonneuve Prefontaine Montmagoy Martineau Montreal, St. Lawrence Bikerdike ' St. Ann's Gallery Miesignoi Meigs Pontiac Murray Portnenf Deliele Quebec, Centre Malonin Quebec county Fitzpatrick Quebec, E W, Laurier Reetigonohe ..Reid Rouvilie Brodeur Riohmond and Wolfe Tobin St. Johns and Iter rill° Demers Btanetead .. Lovell Soalangos Bourbonniae 51. Hyacinthe Bernier Two Mountains Etbier Terrebonne Prefontaine Three Rivers Bureau Vaudriel Harwood Yamaska Mignault Wright Champagne NOVA 8001'11 Antigooish Molesa.o Oape Beaton Kendall Jobnetone Cumberland Logan Digby - Copp Guyeboro Fraser Rants Russell Kings Borden Lunenburg McLean Piotou MoDonald McGregor Richmond- - Matheson Shelburne and Qoeene Fielding Victoria ,. Roes Yarmouth Flint NEW BRUN5W1I010 Albert -Lewis Gloucester Turgson Kent Leblanc ou h R stf o g a e Reid St. John pity - Blair 51, Johns °minty Tucker Vidtoria Cosbigen Westmoreland Emmerson York Gibson PRINCE EDWARD Min Kings g ,..,,,,.,.,Hughes Prince, W MoOlellan Queens, W Davies Queens, E .,McKinnon oXANITOBA Brandon......... , ...:,........ Sifton Selkirk MoOreery BRITISH COLUMBIA New Weetminister Morrison CONSERVATIVES ONTARIO Addington Bea Bruce, E Cargill Brookville Culbert Cardwell .....• Johnston Carleton Kidd Cornwall Pringle Dundas Broder Durham, l Ward Elgin, E Ingram Frontenao ' Calvin Grey, 5 Riohardson Grey, E Sproule Grenville, 5 Reid Hastings, E Northrup Hastings, W - Corb Huntington McLaren Hastings, N Carecallen Halton Henderson Hamilton Barker Bruce Lincoln Is Niagara Lancaster Ltnnox Wilson Leeds, S Taylor Lambton, E Simmons Lanark, S Ragged Leede, N & Grenville Lovell Lanark, N Rosamond Middlesex, E Gilmour Middlesex, N Sherritt Muskoka McCormick Northumberland, E Coohrane Ontario, N McLeod Ottawa Birkett Perth, N McLaren Prince Edward Aloorn Peel Blain Simaoe, 5 Lennox Simane, E Bennett Toronto, W Clarke Toronto, E Osler Kemp Toronto, Centre Brook Victoria, N Hughes Wellington, N Totten Wellington, 0 McGowan Waterloo, 5 Clare Waterloo, N Seagram Wentworth, S Smith York, W N. O. Wallace York, E MoLean QUEBEC Compton Pope Chicoutimi Girard Dorchester Morin Jacques Cartier Monk Montreal, St. Antonia Roddick Montmorency des rain Nfoolette gBall Sherbrooke Molntosh NOVA SCOTIA. Annapolis Mills Colchester Gourley Inverness Cameron Halifax - Kenny Borden NNW BRUNSWICK Carleton Rale Charlotte Ganong Kings Fowler Northumberland Robinson Sunbury and Queens Wilmot PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND. Prince, E Lefnrgey M enrozA McDonald Boyd NORTHWEST TERRITORIES. Aesinaboia, E Lake BRITISH COLUMBIA. Vioteria Prior Earle INDEPENDENTS. Richardson Puttee Smith MoOarthy Bobineon Liegar Win nipeg Nanitimo Simooe, N Elgin, W LITTLE BALLOTS. There are 218 seats in the House. Sir Wilfrid'e "sunny smiles" are Still in it. Toronto must surely have Conservative leanings. Laurier le not "Too British" for the Dominion of Canada. Qeebee Opposition members will surely have a lgnemome feeling. " Cape Breton, N.S.," will be written on Sir Charles Tupper's heart we fear. John Haggart bow did you survive? Sir MaoKenzie Sowell tbongbt he had yon scalped. My eon "Bibby" wail also among the Main. Hie Yaukon "scandals" did not explode the right way. Two elections are to be held in Britieb Columbia yet, also one each in Gaspe, Chicoutimi and Nipieeing, One veritable parliamentary wind.mill was demolished when Niobolas Flood Was defeated fn Aesinaboia Weet. A Coseley took bie gramophone to the polling plane at the "Revere", Brussels, and when there wesa lull in the business the machine got Ip its lefty. What under the enn was the matter with our Conservative Mende in Wing. ham 7 Some said Mr. Dickinson might have as high as 180 majority waling he had 71 in 1805. All the ballot bowie allowed wag 48 however. W. H.KERR, Prop, Sir Obarlee wrote a little book) They Failed it No. 6, 1t noted like a boomerang, They now spell his name "Nix," Hugh John should have held on bo the Manitoba Premiership string until after his oatoh,as oatsb-Fan with Sifton. The eubetanoe is better than the shadow, We ,are sorry to mart the defeat of genial Dr. Landerkin in South Grey, Jae, McMullen, the doughty fighter from North Wellington, and Sohn McMillan, the sturdy South Enron representative. Hon. Geo, E. Foster should have known better then try a 1111 with Hon. Mr. Blair and hie skillful management of the Interoolootal railway, G. E. evidently did not Bee the sign "Look out for the Engine" or be would not have been bit in 8t. John oiby, N, B. T. Mayne Daly, of British Columbia, said in Brandon the other morning "Have just arrived from the West ; will run and get a bite of breakfast and then take my coot off and go to work for Hugh JObn." The Hon, gentleman will new have a °hence to pot his coat on, finish hie brrakfast and have a good square meal too from the "full dinner pail." Summary at 12 p. m. Was as followe Provinoe, Lib. Con. Ontario 37 51 Quebec 57 7 Nova Scotia 16 4 New Brunewiok...,. 10 4 Manitoba 2 8 Prince Edward Island4 1 British Columbia 2 2 Northwest Territories3 1 Total 131 78 Independents, 4. 6 Beate yet to be heard from. The first division in the last Parlia- went reenited ae follows : Govern. Opposi• went. tion. Ontario 48 48 Quebec) 49 16 Nova Bootie 10 10 New Brunswick 6 9 Prince Ed. Island 2 3 Manitoba 2 4 Britieb Columbia 4 2 The Territories 2 1 122 88 84 An ToMtalsanjaaor.•s, lyisity of the vote reenited in this olaneifioation :—Liberals, 117 ; Colleen vativee, 89 ; Patrons, 3 ; Independente, 2 ; vacant Beate, 2 ; total, 213. The vaoant seats afterwards eleoted Liberals. THE THREE HURONS. The following are the returns ae far a8 they oonld be ascertained wben we went to press EAST HURON. MacDonald Dickinson BRUSSELS— Majority Majority Gilpin's 4 Town Hall 19 Revere House 20 Total 48 Bram 4 WROxNTER 26 GREY— Lynn's 20 Shine'e 25 Turnbull's 46 Sperain'e 40 Ethel 8 Duke's . 22 Oranbrook 35 Total 194 Monefe— Goemen's Button's Town Hall Belgrave Iebieter'e Jamestown Total Majority TuaNBERRY 29 19 4 1 2 9 52 12 40 43 WINGHAu 43 Howfax— Belmore 36 Gorrie 54 Fordwioh . , • 44 Lakelet 29 Newbridge 24 Edgar's 20 Total 20 187 Majority 167 REOdeITULATION, McDonald Diokineon Brussels' 43 Blyth 4 Wroxeter - 26 Grey 194 Morris 40 Tnrnberry 48 W ingham 43 Howiok 167 360 210 Majority forMaoDonald..140 VOTE IN 1896. MacDoonnald Dickinson Tie 27 244 17 64 Bruseele Blyth Wroxeter Grey Morrie Turnberry Wingbam 71 Howiok 166 897 287 Maj. for MacDonald,. 180 SOUTH HURON. McMillan MoEwan Seaforth 76 Hnllott oomir 18 0 TOokeremith 98 MoRillop - 21 Hensel' 188 Hay - 297 Stanley .... 81 .. . 288 Totals ......., 298 544 Maj tot Mollbwan , . 251 G ri e 8� Macdonald' I Fur Record A record to be proud Of—We have sold a thousandfur garments and not one unsatisfactory piens in the lot, We never deal in trash, that is the reason of it, you way want a P'ur floater a Ladies' Jacket thls, Full or Winter, there ie euro satisfaction in buying from us. We parry every- thing in the way of Ladies', Caper- inch, a ,er- inch,-Collars, Muffs,itutfs, Gauntlets, Robes, Mitts, eta. ' Melte no plans, see our easier it you would see 00 assortmout, We will make it worth your while to drive a long way to .make your purchase of Furs, We aro strictly .Fur and Clothing people and we understand thebusiness: you will nob be beYlug from men who don't know more than school boys about Furs, we have handled the Fur business in all Ito phases and will assure you of worth is your purahasc. GREMG & MACDONALD, On the Wrong side of the Street, Strong Block, Gosforth, Ont. .P„ WEST HURON. Holmes McLean Goderiob 25 Clinton 03 Goderioh Twp ..,221 Ashfield West Wawanosh East Wawanoeh Colborne 23 2 89 50 Totals ........ 246 221 Maj. for Holmes .. 25 MoKINLAY lS PRESIDENT. President McKinley bae been sleeted President of the United States for bbe eecoud term. The remit of the eleotion was not a surprise to Canadians. His candidature wae for sound money and a policy of progreeeiveness, and on tbeee ieeuee he won. The result has been a death blow to Bryaniem, wboee leader will, doubtless, be planed on the list of "baa beans," In summing tip the whole story was easily and briefly told. The Republioau ticket would have a larger electoral vote than four years ago, but in the larger states of the East and middle Weet, the pluralities had been greatly reduced. Maseechusebte had fallen from 174,000 to 50,000 ; New York from 268,000 to 150,• 000 ; and Illinois from 142,000 to 100,000 or lees, The President's first congratulations from headquarters came from J. H. Mao. ley at New York ae follows : "Praise God from whom all bleeeings flow. Your trinmpbant reelection is ooneeded by Democratic managers. I tender my earnest congratulations. We are very happy at headquarters." New York, Nov. 6.—The following telegram was sent to -night : "W. J. Bryan, Lincoln, Neb.: AB you no doubt already know the state has gone heavily against us, but whereas this country in 1896 gave McKinley a majority of 28,000, it gives you to -day 33,000, a gain of 56. 000. We are defeated but not dieoocrag. ed. Richard Oroker," London, Eng., Nov. 7-6 e. m.—The result of the presidential election was not received here in time for definite comment by the morning newspapers, Some of them, however, refer to the con. test, and the Telegraph speaks of it ae a momentous decision upon the most re- markable issue placed before the United States people einoe the oivil war, The Standard takes the view that the election of Bryan would have meant the develop. Bent of unfriendly feelings between England and Ameri0a. Both candidates are worthy, exemplary men, personally, and Mr. Bryan hi an unnenally graceful and magnetic speaker. It meet be said for Preeident McKinley and his Basooiates of the Exeontive that they have reciprocated, in the Chinese troubles, and otherwise, the good will shown to the United States by Great Britain during the Spenieh•Amerioan war of a year or two ago. For that and other reasons, we consider the - reenit of Tuesday's Presidential election natio. factory and benofioial, alike as tiie beet interests of the Great Republic and ex0a11y of the world at large, Brussels Council, The monthly Bitting of the village Council Wae held on Monday evening with Reeve Thomson and Oounoillore Wilton and Fox in their chairs. Clerk Scott read the minutee df the last regales and epeaial meetings, whish were adopted. Next Dame the onstomary batch of an. counts as follows P. Ament, lumber 547 64 W. H. Herr, advertising sidewalk assessments 18 90 Robs. Burns, spreading gravel,2 50 Jno. Wilbee, work on footbridge„ 1 50 Robb. Denbow, work on grader., a 00 Wm. Denbow, gravel 73 47 Wm. Bird, work on grader 6 00 F, 5, Scott, Inspector on sidewalk 19 25 R. Henderson, work with grader., 1 50 A. MoLanoblin, salary 26 00 On motion the above were ordered to he paid. Moved by Jae. Fox, eeoonded by S. Wilton, that Petition 88 be allowed 10 stand over until December Court of Re- vision. The following e w g cid walk petitions were. read :—No. 42, South Bide Hawke ; No. 43, Weet side Albert ; No. 44, South side Mill ; No, 45, East side Turnberry No. 46, East aide John ; No. 47, South side Mfll ; No. 48, North aide Queen. Moved by S. Wilton, seooaded by J`as. Fox, that next Court of Revision be held on the let M0ndety everting in Deoembee. Connell then adjourned,