HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1900-11-1, Page 8�.t RUSSEL 1008T Nov, 1. 1900 A Catholic Will And our stools of Prayer Rooke, die. far -neo in their oburoll very oomplobe. We have them renging from OOs, to 01,76 eaoh, A. Presbyterian Oen have the New Beek of Prated and Bible combined Prom 70e. to 84,00 each. The Book of Praise alone from So, to $1,28 or with tunes at 600, An Episcopalian Oen select a Hymn Book at 100. or large type at 70o., a Prayer Book. from 26o. to 81,60. We have these combined or in two vole, For a Methodist We have Methodist Hymn Booke from 30e. to 01,60 eaoh, the one at 81.50 is the beet valve of all our books. It is email yet very large type and nioe binding withal We have the Bible and Hymns combined at 81,25 and 81,60 each, or silk sewed more expen- sive. G. A. DEADMAN. Wanting Glasses ! , e at Aro yo i from any lea on wb.. ever wanting Gleeeee ? It may be your sight has never been good, or advancing age renders it neoeseary to wear Speotao lee, The day has gene by for eeleoting there by pixie work, eepeoially when you tan come and have your eyed properly Seated and not only have the enemas that you require bat have them in a fraaae that will lib you, neither too high nor too low, too wide or too narrow, and one that Will not injure Your Looks. The Rimless Glasses are the Fash- ionable ones and likely to remain eo, and withal are the beet all there le no rim op the frame to obstruct the view. Double Vieion Glasses are the kind when one requires one for dietanoe and oleo for reading or sewing. Leb me ebow them to you. We will be pleased to teat your eyes free of charge any week day. G. A. Deadman, Druggist, Optician & Bookseller. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. 900TRE1,N EXTENSION w• O. & B. Prairie leave Brneeele Station, North and South, as follo70 : GOING SOUTH. GoI00 (OATH. Express 7:18 a.m. Mail 2:10 p.m Nixed......... 9:06 ami, Express 8:17 p.m rata' Reivs 1tS, A. chial't among ye tato' notes, An' faith he'll prent it. DRE" bunting commenced Nov. let, ALP. Thom reoeived a oar of Manito- ba flour anito•ba.flour this week. Wens out for A. R. Smith's advt. in TEE POST next week. GORDON MOONEY has bad the bongo adjoining his reeidenoe newly aided, don siderably improving it. THE frame of Thee. MoGregor's new shop on Mill street is U. Rain this week delayed the work somewhat, Kteowrxo ones Bay Dr, MacDonald should have 200 majority. Several beta have been made on 100 in hie favor. A SPECIAL meeting of the Connell was held on Tueaday evening in squaring up the sidewalk business with J. L. Lloyd, oontraotor. THE flax orop in connection with tbe Brnesels mill has been lifted. There are between 800 and 400 toes. Scotching will commence shortly. IT is Raid the Halliday pump ebop and lot on Mill street has been purchased by Walter Lowry and will be utilized for livery and sale stable purposes. Joao Otmree, Mill street, has perches - ed the rag carpet weaving outfit from Samuel Oantlon, of this plane, and will continue the buetneee at his residence. Tao heavy rain of this week has clone a good deal toward filling ap a good many wells that were dry and it ie hoped it will aid in wiping out the remains of the prevailing fevers also. Amara Brneeelitee who attended Robb. Aodereon'e and Mise Steinhoff's wedding at Amnitree on wedneeday were R. G. MoOraaken, Jae. Thomson, Will. Griffiith, Will. Halpenny and Ohas, Dodds. They made the trip by oarriage. Tam Hallowe'en tricks on Wednesday night were as silly as ever. Fences, out houses, &o., came in for their usual attention. A night in the "cooler" would have a wholesome effect on some of the young "sauce boxes" who make an at. tempt to ran the town on these occasions. C. O. F. -Court Prinoeee Alexandria No. 24, Brussels, held the first of what will be a monthly Social hour at the close of the Oonrt. The program at thie meeting was as follows :-Insbrumental mesio, Mre. Geo. Thomson and Wm. Randa ; solo, Jas. Jones ; instrumental, harmonica and organ, IL Meroer and Mrs, Thomson ; song by Alice Thomson ; addrese by N. F. Gerry ; instrumental by W. Randa and Mre. Thomson ; song, Jas. Jones • "Auld Lang Syne" and the National Anthem. A vote of thanks was passed to Mrs. Thomson and daughter. Four weeks hence the next program will be given. The Court is closed before the program is given eo that ladies and other friends of the members may attend and enjoy the mueioaland literary bill of fare. J. L. LLorn, oontraotor for the grand• lithio sidewalk in Brussels this year, has settled ap with the Ooanoil. He did 85,416.86 worth of work and hae reoeived 90% on hie oontraot, the 10% being re- tained for a year as a guarantee of the solidity of the work. $25 extra was granted to Mr. Lloyd for extra heavy fills that had to be made not expeoted at the time tenders were called for. The contractor hae done a splendid job in Brussels and he will be able at any time to secure a gilt edged recommendation or testimonial from either the Connell or ratepayers. He does his work carefully, honestly and with a desire to Beware each results as will not only add to the appear- anoe of the town but will virtually last forever. Mr. Lloyd left for bis home in Walkerton on Wednesday. THE Jonas Promo -This Co, will be in the Town Hall, Brneeele, for a week, commending on Monday evening next, under the auspices of Brneeela Orchestra. The Orangeville Sno in speaking of their visit to that town eaye :-Prof. Pall, the world-renowned hypnotist and mind- reader, who, with bis brilliant troupe, filled an engagement in the Town Hall last week, gave the crowning exhibition of his powers in the latter capacity in town on Thanksgiving day. Five reliable gentlemen, 7. N. Fieb, Jae. Armstrong, 0. Perfect, R. B. Henry and Jae. Torrie, after blindfolding Prof. Pall and leaving him guarded in the parlor at the Gordon house, coloured a conveyance and drove over several streets, taking the most in- tricate route possible, and at length stopped in front of Mr. P erleot'e imple. ment rooms, where Mr. Torrie mended the Stairs and bid over the door a booth of keys. They then oontinned the drive and after mime time had elapsed called. at the hotel and the mind reader, etill blindfolded, joined those in the carriage, Taking hold of the driver's hand whioh he held throughout the drive, Prof. Pull as. gamed control of the Peine and traversed the same ebreete as the occupants had done, In due time be halted in front of where the keys were stowed and without it moment's hesitation walked up the etaire, returning with the hidden article, and continuing the journey, covered all the ground gone over beforg. Stopping at hie hotel, where an immense crowd had gathered, he wee given a hearty ovation. It was a most aetoniehing feat for Prof. Pull was kept in ignorance of what the article was and where it was to be hidden, Some people suppose the Profeaeor to be a veritable wizard, bat we tether that is the Dae or not oertain summits Is that he suos in mystifying the people, wherever be eppear8, by bis astounding feats of hypnotism and mind reading, NOVEMBER. forme Puma. Lome out for snow. VOTE for Dr, MacDonald. ADVERTISING in THE POST pays. .110800100 MES seen last Sunday. Tata foot -bridge has been patched op. A. O. U. W. Lodge on Friday evening. SCHOOL Board Friday evening of next week. NEXT Wednesday will be Dominion election. Moornas meeting of Brussels Connoil next Monday evening. T. P. SMITH, eye specialist, was at Jas, Fox's drug store on Wednesday. Hood have declined in pride but we hope only temporarily, The market hae been good. AUCTIONEER SCOTT 1108 had a busy time with sales for the past' two weeks and is not through yet. THEaE. Wee a large crowd of men in town on Wednesday attending the Nom- ination meeting in the Town Hall. THE Huron teniform promotion ex. aminations in the public schools were bald on Thursday and Friday, Oot. 26 and 26. J. D. RONALD i8 putting a furnace in hie reeidenoe and bas bad the necessary excavating done to enlarge the cellar for furnace and coal. A norm from the foot of a baulky horse wag thrown against the Southerly plate glade window in Jno. Walker's furniture store and a small hole broken through it. Tale weak W. 0. Smith, of Brussels, went to Moorefield and wielded the brash in the new Methodist oburoh in oonneo. Men with some scriptural texts plaoed Loth the walla. SHIPMENTS have been light this week at Brussels station and consisted of the following :-2 oars hay by A. Backer ; 2 care salt by Balt Works ; and 1. car hogs by W. F. Vanetone. PROF. L. E. Davis, of Miebigan, wishes to announce that be 18 prepared to aooept it limited number of pupils on Violin and Mandolin. For information concerning same call on H. L. Jackson, Jeweler, Brussels. THE new Leckie block is now re0ny for oanipation. Jim. Walker, furniture dealer and undeetaker will 000apy it. Mr. Leokie deserves praise for his enter. prise. We hope to see him book to town next Spring. THE Wingham papers are "lasing" one another over the bad grammar used in their respective oolumne. While some papers are wrestling with inoome tax they're wbaling aw8y at syntax. They should open a night wheal. SAMUEL BEATTIE and family have moved to the Jno. Halliday residence ; Alex. Straoban to the reeidenoe recently per- ' chased from Dr. Snider ; R. N. Barrett to Mrs. Fere eon's brick house on Alex. ander street ; Jae. Ballantyne will move to the bonne vacated by Mr. Straohan ; and Mre. Glamor to where Mr. Barrett was. THURSDAY evening of last week it dela. gation from Seaforth Lodge visited Western Star, No, 149, Bruseele. The looal Degree team took charge of a vieit- ing candidate and demonstrated the myeterieo of Odd Fellowship in up -to. date etyle. Before adjournment light refreshments were served. A good time was pat in Western Star's beet style, whioh 10 A 1. HYMENEAL -A number of readers of TRE POST will remember Mies M. L. Linton, who taught in Brussels Public' Sobool for a abort time 3 yeare ago, and will be interested in bearing that she was wedded to a Mr, Rooke, of Portland, in the abate of Maine, on Tuesday of last week. Mies Linton was married at Whitby, Rev. Dr. MoDiarmid being the officiating minister. The friends of the bride at Brussels will 'nigh her and her husband many years of prosperity. GONE To WINo1oAM,-It waga matter 0i considerable surprise to our townspeople lest Monday to ascertain that the oblig- ing G. T. R. Station Agent, R. T. Sutton, had been promoted to a Similar position at Wingham and had gone to that town to aeenmg oharge. Mr. Sutton name to Brueeels from Drayton 18 months ago, aimed an entire stranger, bat by his oonrteoy, geniality and capability of performing hie many deltiee he speedily Inmate a general favorite and many regrets are expreseed over hie removal. Mr. Gordon, the Wingham agent, bag one to Woodstock. The new agent for gone is Mr. Hamm, who comae from Milverton. THE Poem welcomes him to town.. 1111. Sutton' and children will remain in '85080818 until a suitable house can be obtained in Wiugham. East Riding of Huron. POLITICAL MEETINGS An arrangement hoe been entered into by Dr. MeuDonold and E, L, Diokin- son, the Reform and Conservative 080. didatee for the Commons in Eaet Huron,, whereby a aeries of joint meetings will. be held as follows 1 - Blyth, Thureday; Nov. '1 Gerrie Friday, " 2 Lakelet. Monday, " 5 Wingham . Tuesday, " Meetings Will begin at 7.10 o'olook. The candidates may be Assisted by local speakers. Ladies invited. "God Save the Queen." Either party reserves the right to hold additional meetings to be addressed by either outside or looal speakers. ELECTION returns will be reoeived at the Town Hall on wedneeday night of next week. Tuts is the Beason for horse clipping and many horses are being completely shorn of their Bummer thole. A COAL oil discussion on the street Wednesday evening after nomination brought a Grit and Tory into collision. No one was seriously hurt. Rona. Manumit placed 13 inoandeeoent lamps in the etore opened out by Mr. Oempbell, is the Garfield block. Dr, Toole also had a light put in the hallway in the Richards block to show theway to hie office. Givme to the long spell of dry weather the foe orop stored last Winter is about done, and the butchers, restaurants, &e., are minus their supply. The number of oases of fever in this locality have also pulled on the ice etook. Tae polling places in town for the election next Wednesday will be the Connell Chamber, J. J. Gilpin's office and the "Revere" Hoagie, and the Deputy Returning officers will be J. T. Rose, R. MoNaughton and W. F. Soott, LIBERAL Committee rooms are open every week evening in the Leckie block, over G. A. Deadman'e drug store. All Liberals are welcome. Barrister Sin. °lair is chairman of the looal organization work. He's a good worker to. Dr. G. L. Ball, formerly of Brussels, has purchased a reeidenoe, No, 20 Col• lege street, Toronto, and hae moved hie family to it from Arthur street. His dental office will now be at hie reeidenoe loathed of in the Forum Building, on Yonge street. Tae POST wiehee him in• oreaoing prosperity. Dr. J. M. Moore was renewing old friendebipe in Brussels for a few days. He returned to Toronto to take bie exam. before the Medical Council. The Dr. is a brother to Veterinary Moore and Mre. Hewitt. Some people say be may have more relatives in Bruesele when he gets settled down to practice. ANOTHER young Brussels bachelor has joined the great majority the wedding taking plane last Wednesday. The happy groom ie Robert Andereon and the bride Mies Mary Steinhoff, of Amultree. They will take up reeidenoe on Elizabeth, et., Brussels. THE POST wiehee Mr. and Mre. Anderson prosperity, COLLECTOR'S BOLL. - Tax Collector Creighton has received the toll for this mnnioipality for 1900 and this week. commenced to serve the onetomary notices to the taxpayers. The following partioulare are taken from the official document :- Aeneeeed valve of real property..$276,485 Assessed value of pere'l .. 38,075 Assessed value of Income 3,000 CIIUROII .OfflA1T,S.. "The faalt of Thoinae" will be the topic at the Epworth Loagee next Bab• bath evening, illlol,vlLr,E ANNlvlslwanv.=fico 210 s on- ttivereary of the ip,et0rate of Rev. Jam rides, B, A„ iu &iolville oberoh wag eels - beaked last Sabbath, As le Mr. Rosa' 0080001 epeoial a100055800 were prepobed the mornin text being Ie. 6 ; 1-18, and the tbetna "3maleh'd prep,tratu,u ter the ()MOE) and work Of the Ministry:" (1) A Divine vision. He saw God 111 big 00• preme eovereignty and In hie awp•ioopir, ing holiness ; (2) A Divine 010000106, Tbie woe two -fold : the pardon of gin and p'irifiaption from sin ; (3) A Divine doll,' To this he responded promptly,. epontaneouely and wholeheartedly ; (4) B. Divine oommieslon, "Go," "tell," In the evening the text was Ie. 6 : 9, from whioh it was ehown that it God's mese, age le to be told rightly to men, it must be told (1) Truly ; (2) Pully ; (8) Direct. ly ; (4) Boldly ; (6)learnedly ; (6) Ten. derly ; (7) Yearningly ; (8) Perseveringly. 21 years of oontinnons ministration to the same congregation taxes e. pastor to an extent little dreamed of by the mai. tinted, but ae the years of Mr. Rias' pastorate roll on he improves rather than loses in sermonizing and pastoral work generally. Ha ie a fine preeonor, being clear, oonoiee and oonvinoing inhie etyle and ie most highly esteemed and valued by the oammunity as a whole. THE Poo wishes pastor and people continued pros- perity ae they set out on the 22nd year. of their work in the Lord's vineylyd, Honor: LAY Wontceee' OoNviiHTIoN. The following is the pew „u of the Huron Lay Workers' and Sunday Sohoole' 9th Diocesan Comm, tion to be held in Christ Ohuroh S. S. Hall, Centre St., Chatham, on Thursday and Friday, Nov 22nd and 23rd, in oonneo• Mon with the anneal meeting of the Huron Anglioau Lay Workers'- Associ- ation :-Thureday, 2 30 p. m. -Opening session of the convention, hymn, prayer, organizatiou ; addrese, by the Bishop ; "Some by -ways to 0000880 in S. S. teeth. ing," Jno. B. Dale ; discussion opened by Rev. F. M. Holmes ; "Prayer Book Teaching," Rev. Canon Hill, M. A. discussion opened by Dr. R. V. Bray ; "The Ohuroh in Rural Districts," Rev. W, J. Taylor ; dieoueeion opened by Matthew Wilson, Q. 0. Io the evening Divine service in ()heist Ohuroh at 8 o'clock. Sermon by Rev. Arthur Bald - Win, M. A„ of All Sainte, Toronto Psalm and 'Leesoue by Lay Readers. Friday Morning. -Holy Communion in Holy Trinity Church at 9 o'olook ; annual meeting of the Huron Anglican Lay Workers' Aseooiation ; annual re- port ; election of oflieere ; addrese to women on Faithfulness, by Mrs. W. E. Brooker, of Stratford ; Reading the Lessons," Charles Jenkins ; dismission opened by Rev. Canon Dann, B. A. Afternoon Session. -"Spiritual Growth and Influence," Rev, Wm. Graig, B. D.,; disoueefon opened by Profeeeor Harrison; "The Yearly Examinations ; Home De- partment ; Quarterly Review," Rev. W. M. Shore ; dismission' opened by Jae. Woods; "Ie our Church Aggressive?" Rev. Cecil 0. Owen, 13. A. ; dieoueeion opened by His Honor Judge Woods. Friday Evening. - Public meeting in ()lariat Oherth S. S. Hall. Address, "The Ohnrob'e Mission," Rev. 0. L. Arnold, M. A., of St. Peter's Oburoh, Detroit ; addreee,"Christian Work," the Bishop of Huron ; oloeing words by Hie Lordebip the Bishop ; prayer, bymn, Benediction. The Bishop will preside at all the meetings. Total $311,640 Assessed value of property ex- empt except eohool tax 2,850 $814,344 Taxes imposed for 0o. rate 5 249 19 ell Saheelrates 2137 61 't Municipal deb's 2772 26 n u „ purp'e 1401 70 " " doge 68 00. all other epee - dal rates 860 08 Total taxes $7468 79 As for several years past 5% will be added to all taxes not in the Oolleotor's hands by the 14th of December. The taxes are 1 mill higher than last year whioh ie not bad considering the work done in 1900. Business Locals. ST4XD4I.) B4NJ' OF 04X. ,v4. Pe7s'r.a.naraxtaxmozea1 7.e7ra,, HEAR OFFICE, - TORONTO OAPIT'AL PAID UP (One Million Dollars) $1,000,000 REST $700,000 AyanaIer in alt pringipai pointe in Ontario, Quebec, ltfaftitoba, Unitod Stafne t0 England, ���maReFA General Betaking BeeTut Farmers, Mateo Dioounted.. Drafts Iseutd 'tied Colleotione meds on all point. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT. Intermit allowed on depoeite of 01,00 and upwards and compounded half yearly: SPECIAL ATTENTION 017EN To THS COLLECTION or FAa11ERe' SALE NOTES. Every facility afforded Cuebomcre liviug ata dietanoe. payable at any bank leaned Under 810 ,. 80, $20 to 880....12o Molloy Ordoro at rho following rates 810 to 520,.,.100, 80 to 40,,..34o 7. N, GORDON, Acme. Wednesday of last week' Leslie Kerr took ill with gastric fever and will be . a prisoner to the house for some weeks yet, Mrs. R. T. Hingeton Supdayed witb relativeo in Seaforth. Mies Carrie Megaton is vieiting in the eame 'town tbie week. Mies Bessie Moore had the misfortune to fall and twist one of her ankles last Friday and l0 -temporarily laid aside but we hope elle will aeon be better. George, eon of Neil MoLaaohlin, arriv ed home on Saturday of last week rather "underthe weather." He is now 'ander the Dr's Dare with an attack of fever. His mother and the patient temporarily dissolved partnership with the rest of the family and have taken up their quarters aoroeo the street. We hope George will. soon be better. W. T. Anderson, who lectured in town last Spring cm South Afrioa, ie returning to Cape Town where he will remain until the way is open to prooeed Northward. Mrs. Anderson a000mpanied her bueband and tbey started last week. We wish them boa voyage and a large share of this world'e goods, with much 'happiness combined in the new British poeoeesions. The next few years will see many changes there no doubt and they will be for the better too. FOURTH DIVISION COURT. The regular session of the Fourth Diva Sion Court was held in the Town Hall, Brussels, on Friday of last week, before Judge Doyle. Docket was light consist- ing of the following Wynn vs. Agar -Action on promissory note. Verdiot for plaintiff. Blaehill ve. Mather - Garnishee P. Barrows -Action on a000nnt. Verdiot for plaintiff for full amount of remount and against garnishee for 88.77. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Mise Walker was visiting eaSeaforth. Lorne Hunter is home from Northern Ontario. R. Rooke was home from Listowel over Suoday. Art. WValee, of Ohatham, is in Brussels on a holiday visit. Miss Maggie Ferguson was visiting at Goderiob and locality this week. Mae. David Hoist was on the eiok list but ie getting better we are glad to hear. P. Hogg is away to Baden an te holiday for a week. He will be bask for W ednes. day however. Leviee, eldest daughter of Barrister Sinolair, hae been on the etok list but is all right again. Norman MaGnire is on the eiok list. this week but we hope his illness will be of brief duration. Mre. Watson Ainley attended the funeral of Mies Evelyn Israel at Seaforth last Friday afternoon. Mrs. J. H. Cameron was under the doctor's Dare for a few days last week owing to a temporary throat ailment. Mrs. (Rev.) Hall and ohildren and Mies Afaude Robertson, of Belgre,ve, were visitors at R. Mainprize'e on Wednesday. Miee Mary Friendship bas not enjoyed her usual good health tbie Summer but we hope ebe will soon be as vigorous as MANIT013A floor for eale. A. C. BARRER, CASE for butter and eggs, A, Oonsley. SERVANT wanted. Apply to Mne. W. M. SneoLAln. noun and feed always in stook and Bold at right prices. A. 0. BAEEER. House and lot for gale, John street. WORN PuTLANn. A. 0. Beeicza reoeived a ear of flour this week and now oarriesfour brands of Manitoba. 0 tzr0 er&RLE house to rent,with stable 0 and good garden, on Alexader street, Poeooeion can be given early in Septem• bar. For further partioulare apply to TRR POST. WANTED. - Dried apples, fowland butter, We will pay 20e. for choice toll butter till Nov. 5th. Our stook is large and well assorted. G. E. KING, W in gham. FOWL WANTED. -3. to 4} lbs., 25o, per pair ; over, 80o. per pear ; under, 20o. per pair. Pick dry and do not draw them. Can't handle on Saturday. WALTER 1Nees, Merchant, Jamestown. CARPET WEavneo,-Ravin erohaeed the outfit of S. Oantlon, I stn prepared to attend to the wants of the peblie in oarpet weaving. Satisfaction guaranteed JNo. CARTER, Mill St., West, Brunets ANYONE wicking to get the latest im. proved fast and easy cutting new email or wishing esows iD their improved and the w p privilege of trading or buying improved eeooed band eawe, I will recommend you t0 eaw.filer, T. MOGRRoon, Brussels, Oat, sliThe name of the Grand Trunk station heretofore known as Millbank had been changed to Newton, Millbank village be. ing two and a half Millie from the rail. way. Mrs. John Roger, of Mitchell, pur- poses giving a 810 medal to the sobolar most regular in attendanoe at the Bible class in oonneotion with Trinity Sunday school daring the next 12 months. 030FiN - GoLLEY.-At Treberne, on Oat. lath, to ]1Ir. and Mre. Joe. Golley, fromerly of Wingham, a eon. Hoon. -On Oat. 5th, at 1414 South Har- rison et., Saginaw, to Mr. and Mre. John Hood a eon Siotrsot.-In Antigonieb, N. S., on dot. 2566, to Mr. and Mre. Alphon0ne Simpson (nee Mise Addie Vanetone formerly of Brneeele,)' a daughter. ever. Fred. Hayoroft hae taken a situation in the foundry at Seaforth. Will, jamas, formerly of Brussels, works in the mime shop. Murdy MoLennan, of London, made hie regular visit to Brunets this week. He was loaded with his humorous yarns ae uenal. Jno. Thomson and wife will move from Seaforth having leased a house from R. Leatherdale. Robb. Thomson, of the Bromide Egg Emporium, is their son. We are pleased to report marked pro. geese in the ease of Miss Thurso Gerry who bag been so ill. Alex. Forsyth and family are also progressing favorably we, are glad to etate. Dr. Kalblieieoh was back to town this week after an abeenoe of 10 or 11 months. His travelling agreed well with him as be added 20 pounds to his weight and is feeling firet.olaoe• Barrister Blair is away this week to Parry Sound where he will attend the 0o. Court sittings on Nov, 6th, in °on- neotion with whioh he will conduct a cage, He will not be able to poll his vote here owing to hie unavoidable aboenoe, Rebt. McKinney, who was here on Tuesday ae advance man for the "Jolly Pulls," is an old Brussels boy being a son of Robt. MoHinney, of Owen Sound, formed eo riet0r of the American Hotel here when it was run by MoELfriney Broe.,eome 20 years ago. Thos. Noweome, oontraotor, and Conn. oilier Wilton are ab Moorefield today (Thursday) attending the dedicatory 08001000 of the new Methodist thumb of whioh the former had the entreat. It le a line edifice. T briok work wag done by D, A. Loser ; the wood work by Mr. Newsome ; t e tin and iron by Meagre. Wilton Turnbull ; end the painting by Sam Warm, all of Brussels. Fall Wheat ..... G1 02 Barley ,,. ....... 35 96. Peas 55 56 Oats 22 22 Butter, tube and rolls .. 15 16 Egg's per doaeu .... 18 14 Flour per barrel 4 00 •-4 50 Potatoes (per bush.) 20 25 Apples (per bag) 90 35 Sheep ekins,oaolt 80 1 00 Lamb eking eaoh 25 25 Halt per bbl., retail 1 00 '70 Hay per ton 6 00 7 00 Hides trimmed 0 61 Hideo rough, 5 Hoge, Live 4 26 4 50 Wool ' 15 15a T.C.e.1372.231n. BAIRD-TEM-On Oot. 28rd., at the reeidenoe of John Caeemore, con. 2, Morrie, by Rev. Wm. Lowe, Mr. Robert Baird, of Turnberry, to Mute Sara Thom, of Turnberry. JAMEe-NItIMO.-On Sept. '27th, at the home o4 the bride'a parente, South Monagan, by Rev. R. Kelly, Mr. Joe.' Howell James, Toronto, eldest eon of the late Richard Jame, M D., of London, England, to Mies Sarah Lnoy, 8rd daughter of Mr. Robert Nimmo. ONE CENT A WORD COLUMN. Two ooal-stoves for sale. Apply to W. M, SINCLAIR, LEronsTEn Bata Lombe for sale, from registered sire, Apply to R. NICHOL, Lot 20, Oon, 0, Morris: MONEY to loan on approved real estate.. Terme easy. For further partioulare apply to W. H. HERR, Brussels, . Two eligible building lots for sale on Princess street, Brussels. For further par• tioular8 as to pride terms, doe.. apply to 8•t1, MRS. J. GRIEVE, Brussels. 9I73D. RADDATz.-At Oranbrook, on Oot. 90, Marie, eeoond dangbter of Ferdinand and Johanna Raddatz, aged 24 years, 2 mentos and 4 days. WRIoaT.-In London, on Oot. 200h, Iea. bella Wright, reliot of the late Franoie Wright, aged 82 years, for., merly of Blyth. WARNER. -At Fleotwoode, . Moose Moun- tain, N. W. T., on Oot, 19th, Melville Olyie, eldest eon of J. O. and Mre. Warner, formerly of Grey township, aged 1.5 years, 8 months and 10 days. THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. T1ARM FOR SALE. -BEING Lot 85, Con. 5, Grey, containing 100 three. - Good stock farm with 10 acres of timber, good well and femme. No 001151"08. For further particulars apply to 14:4 'PRANCES :COATES, Trowbridge, kJSHROPSHIRE SHEEP FGR sale, consisting of a ram lamb, 2 shear - ling rams and 7 breeding ewes, All pure bred,- from Campbell's stoop, Woodville, Also a number of 1150000 Turkeys, SMITHfrom W. J.Bell'e. stook, of Angus. Ont. 17- , Brussels P. 0. .Lot 8, Con. 6, Grey. 10R SALE IN ETHEL VIL- .L LAGS, -The property of the late John Elliott, consisting of a solid brick house with frame kitchen and woodshed, good stable and 5 acre 01 land all in tint -alas() condition. Il not told will be ranted. Pos- eeeslon at any time. For pa,tleulareapply to Wm. 8921201,, Ethel ; ALEx. sf8 Galt; or Dn,MOHEL7E$ Mt. Forest. , 20 2001 GOOD CHANCE.—THE UN- DEneIGNED offers bio bnteberiDgbuel- neee, brick block,rosid00oe, slaughter hods° and other property for sale et a moderate price se be wishes to retire from buoineeo. Will be sold en bloo or divided up to suit purchaser. This is a good ' chance to an en• torpriein .man. For Surtber particulars as to prlaa, terms and oonditlone apply 00 14 -ti WM. BLASHILL, Brussels. CTIOLS FRIDAY, Nov. 2ND, -Lot 12, Con. 16, Grey. Standing timber, home, &o. Sale oom"lenoes at 1 o'clock. Kreuter & Ritchie, props,; F. S. Scott, 11130. MONDAY, Nov. 6TH. -Lot 17, Oon. 15, Grey. Farm stook, &a. Sale, unreserv- ed, at 1 o'clock. Jae. Cuthill,' prop. ; F. S. Scott, duo. THURSDAY, Nov. Bon. -Farm etook, im- plements, &o. Ni Lot 22, Oon, 5, Mor- rie. Sale, unreserved, at 1 o'olook. N. Platt, prop. ; F. S. Scott, ono. FRIDAY, Nov. 9, -Farm stook at Lot 6,. r Con. 11, Grey.Bala unreserved at 1 o'clock. Ths.' Bielby, prop. ; F. S. Scott, atm. MONDAY, NOV. 12. -Farm stook and Implements, lot 1, ton, 18, Grey. Solo, unreserved, at 1 o'olook. Albert Oakley, prop. ; F. S. Soott, duo, TDEeoio, Nov, 18th. - Farm .stook, implements, &o., at South Half Lot 8, Oen. 9, Morris. Sale unreserved at 1 p. m. sharp. Mary E, Lynn and George Pierce, Executors. F. S. Scott, dao. WEDNESDAY, Nov. 14.-1%rm steak, implements, .bo., at Lots 16 and 17, don. 10, Grey. Sale unreserved at 12 o'olook, sharp. Win. Blether, prop. E.13, Scott, snot. THURSDAY, Nov, 15.-25 bead of eteek steers, Si lot 17, don. 9, Morris, Sale at 1 p, m. W. H. Shortreed, prop. ; F. S. Soots, ono. FnmAv, ,Nov. 16Tx.-Lot 10, Con. 4, Grey. Farm stook, implemonte, &a, Salo, oibresorved, at 1 o'olook, )avid Aron, prop. ; F, S. Sena, ano. WEDNESDAY, Nov. 28Tul.--Farm stook, implementor, &o., :S,) .Lot 10, Oon. 4, Morrie. Sale, unreserved, at 1 p, m, Was. Wilkinson, prop„ P. 0, Scott, Gua. Patents Guaranteed. Dickinson AND— Macdonald A.re in the race --only one call be a winner, but when you buy a bottle Of our White Pine and Tar Your have a winner every time, Let it cure . that cold of yours. 25c. Will Buy a Bottle AT ^.--."".0•/ Fox's Drug Store. REAL ESTATE. Ii'10R SALE. — A BEAUTIFUL home on Queen street, furnished or without, at bargain. Apply to MISS M. 0A0IPBl]LL, Brussels.. PIRST CLASS FARM: FOR .( SALE. -Lot 17, con. 0, Township of Grey. 100 nore8 more or 1800, Situate 45 miles from,Bi nasals and 2 miles from village of Ethel, A11 cleared excepting 5 mires of hardwood bush. Buildings and femme in lcod repair. Good wells. All Pall plowing one. Price and terms' of payment on ap-' plioation to W. H. SINCLAIR 29-01 Barrister. &e.,'J'trueools. . 4 FOR SALE. -150 A sE - 50 ACRES consisting f of the North 5 of Lot 80, 0011.2, East Wawa - nosh. This is an exeellentetook farm, betup, well supplied withood spring water, 1t le situated about 8 miles from the thriving Vil- lage of Blyth. A largo part of It is under grass. Buildings and lenoo0 are in a fide state o1 repair. Easy tonne of payment will be given. For all information apply to 11-t1 G. P. BLAIR, Barrietor, Breasels, Notice to Creditors, IN TRE SURROGATE COURT OF THE COUNTY or HUnoN. Theo:editors of David Doull, late of the Township of Grey, in the County of Huron, farmer,deoeaeed, who died on the eeoond day of September, 1900, are . requested to Wend to William Spence, one of the Erwin - tors of deoeaeod. at Ethel P.O., on or before the 28rd day of November, 1000, full portion•. lare of their claims and securities (if any) held by them, duly verified. And after the said lust mentioned date the Executors will proceed to distribute the aerate of the estate among those untitled thereto, having rotor - woe only to the claims of wbiob nobiee shall have then been reoeived, This notice Is given pursuant to the Statute in that behalf. Dated. at Brussels Nov .1st, 1900. A, BUNTER, 17.8 - Agent for Executors. Our fee returned if we fail. Any ono send- ing thatch and description of any invention will promptly receive our opinion free 000' corning vlto poOeetablllty 01 same. How to obtain a patent sent upon request. Pat- ents Bemired through' 00 advertised for Bale at our expense. Patents taken out through us receive SPECIAL noTtos, without obarge, in TRE PATENT Amoco, an illustrated and widely circulated joure al, consulted by Man- ufacturers and Investors. Hand for sample copy BH1E. -Address VICTOR J. EVANS & Co., (Patent Attorneys,) Evans Building, Wnohingto0, D, 0, LOTION SALE OF FARM A moon, &o.:-Mr.E. S. Soott, Anotion- eer, has received inetruotiansfrom the undersigned to sell by Public Auction at Lot 17, Con ,16, Grey, on Monday, Nov,' 5110, 1900, commencing at 1 o'clock, the follow- ing valuable property :-1 marc 3 yearn old, 1 light horse 2years old, 1 aged boree,8 slows supposed in calf, 8 beifere 2 year old, 0 year old steers and heifers, 0 8alve0,16 sheep and lambs,1 binder, 1 mower, 1 pea: harvester, 1 seed drill, 1 spade harrow.' (muffler, 1 set iron harrows, 3 plows, 1 pair oftruoks,l double buggy, 1 single buggy, 1 outter, 1 lumber waggon, 1 eat of bob- sleighs, 1 roller, 2 sulky rakes, 0. bellows, anvil and vise, 1 fanning mill, 1 open cylin- der threshing machine, 1 set double har- nees,1 set single harneee, 2 drat; Bowe near- ly now, masons hammer, (16 pounds), hay. rook, chains, forks, &e. Sale unreserved all the proprietor hae Bold his farm. Terme.- All egme of $6 and under cash ; over that amount 12 months credit will be given on furnishing Approved Joint Notes. 5 per tient, off for oasts on credit amounts P. 8. SCOTT, - JAS. 0VTHILL, Auctioneer. .. Proprietor. Notice to Creditors. In the' matter of the Estate of James Joseph Lynn, of tbe Township of Morrie, in the County of 'Boron, Farmer, Deceased. Notice le hereby given, pursuant to Ohop. 120 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1897, that all oredi0ore and other persona having any claim or demand againob the above named James Joseph Lynn, who died on or about the 19th day of September, A D.1000, are hereby required on or before the 10th day of November, A, 1), 1000, to sendby post (prepaid) or deliver to- Mary Lynn or George Pic, ea, of the said Township of Morris, the 1Oxemitrix and Exooutur of the said Jame' Jooeph Lno, deeeasad, their names, theme mid occupations, with lfull partiau- lare of thele claims and the native of the securities (1fau)) hold by them. And notionis hereby given that, after puck last mentioned date, the said Executrix and Executor will distribute the 013. eeoeoe said deceased sedamongst the pnrtiee entitled thereto. baring regard only to the claims of whioh notice shall have been given ma aforesaid, and' the said Exec). utrix and Exeontor will not be responsible for the said assets, Or any pari thereof,t0 any person or persona of who8e claim noice shall not have beau ,received at the timeof Mush distribution, Dated at.Bruesels thie 28rd day of Oo16ober, A. D. 1900, - W. H. SINOLAIR, Solioitor for Executrix and Bunter. CLEARING SALE OE FARM STOOK AND IMPLEMENTS. - Ma P. S. Soot0, auctioneer, has received instructions from Mr. Wm. Piooher to hell by Pub110 Auction at Lots 16 and 17, Con, 1 Grey, 011 Nednesdn Nov.14110, 1000, at 12 o'clock, Blimp, the following valuable prop- erty, viz, 1-] Clyde brood marc, pedigreed, 6 yeare old, supposed in - foal to a pedigreed horse • 1 brood mato 7 years old in foal to a coach- .horse; 1 brood marc 6 years old in foal to a coach horse ; 1 driving mare 4 years old 1 horse ears old • 1 roadster. 8.VAATS old ; 1 roadster 8 years old; 1 gelding 2 years. old ; 1 filly 2 year( old ; 0 o0w8 0upno0ed in calf to a thorn' bred Durham bull ; 2boilers 2 year0 old supposed in calf ; 1 there' bred Durham bull 18 menthe old ; 8 etoere1 year old ; 2 heifers1 year old; 7 Spring selves ; 7 ewoo ; 7 ewe Iambs ; 2 brood solve aupppoeed to be with pig ; 1 brood sow with litter DY her aide -1 1 thoro' bred Tamworth' boar 18 menthe old; 18 store pigs ;0 geese ; 40 thick- ens ; 1Masoe.y'Barrio binder with truck,' nearly new ; 1 Hassey mower ; 1 Beed drill • 1 horse rake nearly now ; 1 pea harvester ;1 cultivator ; 1 land roller nearly new: 1 2 gets iron. harrows;. 8• plOwe; 1 noir; Plenty plow i two -furrow plow 1 1 scaler ; 1 pulper ; 1 interne mill with bagger ; 1 straw nutter; 1 set Platform eoales (2,000. lbs) ; 2 pairs bob. deigns 1 2lumber wagons ;Ila3y'Rork,xop00 pulleys and alines ; 1 truck; 1 domoerat ' 1 top buggy ; 1 cutter ; 2 sets heavy doublebarnoes;lset,luglohasot rnosedoubl;e ligolnht oarriageharsforce,neso 1. 1 whiffle - trees, .8hove10 and slot of chlor 000101088 too Humorous to mention,including a quantity of hay, 00 load' of mongols, 4 autos of tur- nipe.and Some oath, about 8,000 feet of lum- bor, and about 1,200 radar poets. Terme- All sums of 06,00•abd.nutler oaeh ; over that amoun12 menthe credit vilbo given non otos' 6 r neat. Surni00050 approved joint( ay, off far dash on credit amounts • hay, Woad and p0000 to be clash. Everything meet be sold at; the proprietor bag sold hie farm. P, S, 0400TT, wM, P1507 yt, Anetteneer,' i rl0tor, Spectacles -OP ALL RINDS- Fitted to Correct all Failures of Eyesight, and your Eyee tested FREE by latest Optical methods at Division Court Office, BRUSSI'3L8. SHINGLES British ;Columbia :Bed Cedar Shingles AND-- North Shore Pine and Cedar F011, SALE AT THE y Brussels Planing Mills b 4100 Doors and Sash of all Pat terns on hand or made to order at Short Notice. Setimates Furnished for all kindo of Buildings. Workman- ship orkman. shi and, Material Guaranteed, p G r d, P. ANENT.