HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1900-11-1, Page 69are Literary Cts It eras often been seed that poets end artiste, as weld e3 Om Meet re- fined wopxep, are oat -lovers, Were le SUM*Inner about the oats' soft, quiet xvays, deeper dignified raaerve, their efeacoial ournee, and .their artistio poise/el/that appeals to all lovers of the beautiful in nature, 1241ss Sarah Qrne Jewett is a cat - lover, and dile dear old country women down In Maine, wham one levee to encounter in ' her stories, usually keep a oat, though theirs are only the farmer's plain useful trate. "I 'look, bank over a long line of cats," aha PaYP, "from a certain poor 'Spotty; who died in a at under the Library window when I was less than five years old, to a lawless, fluffy eeon^Cat now in my possession. 1 shall tali you of two in particular one the mortal enemy and the other elle friend of my dog 'Joe,' I may mention, by the way, that Joe and 1 grew up together, and were very fond dompanione until he died of tar too early old age, and left me to take my country walks alone. 'Pony; the enemy, was far the best mouser of ail, suite the best busi- ness cat we ever had, with an astuu- 'ehing intellect and shrewd way of gaining her ends. .She caught birds and mice as 1f she foraged for our whole family. She had an air of re- sponsibility, and a certain impa- tience of interruption and interference, Poch as I have never seen In any other cat, and a scornful way of sit- al►wgy 'lite40t"e• Oh 1,h Fara. Likedli4AkAtr4. eettele. POALT1fi7L NOTES. Footling 'fat meat Ls of no benefit, 14[ake the home market the beat market, Elena cannot lay withenet lime in Por some m. k best 1 ... is Asa rule two-year-old coo for brooding purposes. Old bens do pot usually begin to lay until the sprlpg. on the Nothing tells so quickly health of fowls as dampness, When the he have a good range they will usually pick up enough gravel. Too heavy feeding and wantof ex- ercise tend to boneness. A house of medium big° and a few fowls is better than a large house with many. In all flocks, even in the most care- fully bred, poor speoimens will fre- quently appear. If the little ()bloke are put on the perches too soon their breast bones are likely to become curved. One advantage with late hatched turkeys is that if well. fed they will some into market after the holidays. If ono gill of crude petroleum be mixes! with a quart of kerosene it will make a better mixture than either one alone. If in a thrifty condition 10 days is tine before a person with fierce eyes,long enough to fatten fowls if kept in and a quick ominous twitching of tlheconfinernent and properly fed and tail. She seemed to be measuring' cared for. one's incompetence as a mouse- 1£ allowed to accumulate the natcher." am- monia arising from the droppings Mise Mary E. Wilkins is also a great+often injures the health of the Cowie admirer of oats. "I adore cats,' she while on the roost. said to me. "I dont love them as well New blood In poultry is the basis of es dogs, because my own nature is and poultry pseis the and of {tore after the lines of a dog's, but beauty, vigor $ afire them. No matter how more essential to aweless than all else tired or wretched I am, a pussy cat combined. lent sitting in the doorway can divert my The whole secret in securing plenty mind. Cats love one so much --more of eggs is to feed the hens sound, than they will admit, but they have wholesome food in liberal quantities eo much wisdom, they keep 1t to them- and keep them comfortable. selves." One advantage with the small flock Miss Wilkins' "Augustus" R•aa is that each individual of the flock can moved with her from Brattleboro', be better known to the owner and Vermont, after her father's death, better attention can be given. wheno she went beentRandolph. 01Mtthes., Under average conditions a fowl to live. He had athe pet of me weighing not over four or five pounds toady for many nears but he cams to an untlmeIy end. 'I hope," says and fat will always sell readily and Miss Wilkins, "that people's min- bring the highest price in market, so lentional cruelty will not be remember- that there is no advantage in feeding ate against them." At Randolph especially for weight. else has bad two lovely yellow -and- Another 'method of breaking up the White cats, "Punch" and "Judy." The setting hen is to plana her in a barrel latter was cruelly shot by a neighbor, containing a few inches of water, but the righthand cat, with the augelic allowing her a stand on a brick placed expression, still survives."I am in the center and just enough above sure," says Bliss Wilkins, "he loves the water to keep her feet dry while tine better than anybody else, al- if. she attempts to Bic down her feath- ers will go into the water. 'Punch Wilkins boasts one aocorn- -_ p'lishment : he can open a door hav- ing an old-fashioned latch. but he can- not *hut it" The latest development in the dairy William Dean Howells says :-"I industry, and one that has attracted never had a cat, pet or otherwise. I the most attention, probably, ia dairy Wee them on general principles, but bacteriology. It is only a few years know nothing of them." eines that the study of bacteriology Colonel Higginson confesses to a has been sufficiently acientifie to reach great fondness and admiration for mild and its production. To day we oats; while those who are familiar find that the man who is up in hie with Charles Dudley Warner's "MY business is the dairyman who fully Eummer in a Garden" seed not be re- understands bacteria, where they come winded of the cat "Calvin" and bis interesting traits. from, how they go and. bow to deter - Edmund Clarence Stedman is a gen- mine the good from the bad. The eine admirer of cats, and evidently man who has the best knowledge .knows how to apprectate them at along that line is the man who is best their full value. At hie home near fitted: to carry on dairying scientifio- t7ew 'York he and Mrs. Stedman have ally and exactly, and to guarantee that steabylon," a fine large Maltese, who hey product will be always uniform ,ttraceed a great deal of attention providing his milk, or the raw product, is the New York cat show of 1805. has been delivered to bird in the pro - noir sir "Kelpie" took a prize at that per shape pliow, and to a handsome, long-haired Marketing dairy products has been t?[ue oat. Babylon, like many other almost entirely revolutionized within {Maltese cats, is remarkably intelligent the last 25 years. The methods of and le looked upon ea quite one of the laen.uy. "He Minks he knows as much transportation, have improved, se any of ea," Mrs. Stedman says. methods of packing, packages and "Ste despises our other cats, but he is handling in every way have been 50 very friendly with human beings, and radically changed thee the handler of makes friends easily With strangers. butter of 25 years ago would hardly be 'Ile fa always near the dinner -table at able to understand or appreciate what ;ttheai times, end expects to have his bas been accomplished unless he had *bare Landed to him carefully. lie grown up, as it were, with the improve peas bis corner in the study, and has ed methods. *work." rintended a great deal of literary Wo must have the diary typo, con - r$., formation, of the cow to the business yIDAD TASTE IN PULLMAN CARS. for which she is designed. Wo look fin the October Ladies' Homo Jour- cion the oow now as simply a ,e1 Edward Bok nharply aritieises the machine through which tea products inbeerier deooratlone of Pullman care of the farm are passed and from Sus "A Riot of Bad Taste," that is ab- which we receive the milk in its per- leolutoly Lnexcueable, for "the Pull- feet condition, The oow that would three or fear luterel branobes to grow to the height of 4 or 551, when these !n' then should be pInebed back, l In sGttipg the fl'hila , it bast to waits until a number of pistillate blaspam3' are upon on it pland ppilinate them at the same time, asIt often happeus that if one fruit etarte into growth some time befcr'e other flowers are pollinated, the traits fail to set until the fleet one raaah°s sone &Alerable size. Pollination Is aceem- pllmhtsdl in the same manner as with °amen:Were 'end should be done, 01i sunny, days wbbn the houses ere dry. Except during the time of setting fruits, the house should be moist and the leaves sprayed frequently. Tho' temperature of the melon house (should run et least five degrees higher than for cucumbers. GROWING GIRLS SHOULD BE BRIGHT, CHEERFUL, ACTIVE AND STRONG. e•om. Arent Resp0nalbltlty Rests Upon bothers at MO Period es It Involves Tholr gaeglsler'0 Nature Hopp' nese or ellsery -Sumac Dourest dents. Rosy cheeks, bright eyes, an elastic step, and a geed appetite, are the birthright oft every girl. These ere the conulltions that beg teak perfect health, But unfortunately this is not the condition of thoura.nds of grow- ing girlie On every aide may be seen girls with pale or sallow oomplex- lon, languid, stoop shouldered, and listless. Doctors. will tell them that they are anaemia, or in other words ,that their blood ie poor, thin and watery. If furbhor questioned they wilt tell them that this condition. leads to decline, consumption and the grave. What is needed ie a medicine that will make new, rich, red blood, strengt a the nerves and thus re- store tib,e vigor, brightness and hope- fulness of youth. For this purpose no other discovery in the annals of medicine can equal Dr. �i'llfams' Pink Pills far Pale People, and thou- sands of once 'hopeless girls have been made bright, active and strong tptrou,gti their use. Among thoace who have been hrought baok almost from tihegsave bythe use of this medicine is Mies M. C. Maroeawx, of St. Lam- bert do Levis, Que. Miss Manna= says; "It givers me the greatest pleas - tyre bo ;speak of the benefit I have experienced from the use of Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills. For some years I resided in Wisconsin with a relative, where I denoted my time studying English and music, intending to manta the teaching of the lattermy profes- sion. I was neves vary strong, and my studies fatigued me much. When about fourteen I became very pale, suffered from severe headaches, and weakness. I oonne/zed a doctor, and acting on his advice, returned to Canada. Tho fatigue of the journey, however, made me worse, and finally I got so weak that I could not walk without help. I was extremely pale, my eye -lids wore swollen, I had con- tinuous headaches, and was so nervous that the least noise would set my heart beating violently. I almost loathed food and my weight was re- duced to ninety-five pounds. [Neither doctor's medicine nor anything else that I bad taken up to that time seemed of the eiightest benefit. I was ooafined to bed for nearly a year and. I thought that clothing but death could and my sufferiage. Happily an acquaintance of my father's one day brought me a box of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and urged me to try them. I did oto, and I thought they helped me some, and my tether got more. After 1 had used a few boxes all my frieade could see they were helping me, and t,y the time I had taken nine boxes I was enjoying bet- ter health than I had ever had in my Life before, end bad gained fifteen pounds in weight. I tell you this out of gratitude so that other young girls who may be weak and sickly may know the way to regain their heathrls' 'Giuvea are just entering woman- hood are at the most critical period of their livors. Upon the care of receive depends their future happi- name Neglect may mean either an t na,n Company," he contends, "Ls a prich corporation which can have }What it wills. If good taste does not exist in its furnishing department, at indisputably seems to be the case, *lie company can and should bay it. Ben' the same amaunts now expanded ipn these oars, effects of harmony and Of truly artistic drapery could be ob- tained which would be a credit to the company. These ears could have an incalculable influence on the com- munity. The new cars which the eompuny constantly builds cotild, bet- ter than any other medium that I leinow of, be made to reflect in a panoramic manner the newest and most ,progressive steps made in artistic decoration and furnishing. tInioy could he made the most efface ?biva traveling educators of the pub- lic. freeload, they are simply 'obi - relies of the worst taste imaginable - In fact, of no taste whatever. As a.nlazifig conglomerations of the most glaring and grossest inharmonies of el color, they stand sbsolutely su- ems. They Violate even thu sine- ,lset ,Canons of 1064 urate."' "Have you treed 'Salada' O.eyloo and kadla Green 'ileal asked the deal- or off 4 aOnHumer of Japan, "No, I water experiment," ;said the °Witmer. or d by it's excep- tions." ,rule, Rowed, - tions," ILow flog" said the ouwtomer, "Anen' Tea, grown on the richest Tea prod'uolhg eon in the world - Ceylon and Indlt-prspared by mode ern, cleanly mlhahinerY xnotdloda, just aH. "Saimaa" illaak Tea is,-willunxt tete aid of nerve disturbing adulter- ants, mal Provo u revelation to the positive ,benefit, rather taste, and n than an injury, to 'tato ,system, Now do you grasp the situxtian 7" "yes," mild the eustomee, "I do," "Them, take atrial packet." Hermit ; Japan Tea ,forever discarded, "Salida" Ceylon and India Green Tea adopted. The above oonvorsatlou is sugges- ayes to youreader, if you drink Japan Tea. INGENIOUS BIRDS. Architectural Skill OIBpinyetl In Itnlidnig. Their .Nostra. A careful examination of a bird's nest will convince anyone that it Es a work of art. One cannot help wone daring at the ingenuity displayed by its architect. How carefully a bird adapts itself to environment is well. illustrated by endless examples: The reel -winged blackbirds, whose nests are usually built among reeds, flags or bushes, make their nests very much deeper when the place selected is sub- ject to very strong winces than in more sheltered spots, and then, as a future safeguard, the mouth of the nest contracts so that the eggs will not fall out when the flags are sway- ed by the wind. Some birds readily avail themselves of new and favorable conditions. The phoebe formerly built Its nest exclusively on rooks, but now that ho.ueets and bridges are to be found throughout the country this bird has, to a groat extent, changed its former custom, and it now builds nests on almost any sort of structure built by man. This also applies to the barn swallow, while the chimney swift has taken possession or our chimney/ and almost forsaken the hollow tree trunks in which but a few years ago they built in large colonies. The quail and many other birds, such as the meadow lark and some of the sparrows, often arch their homes over with either the growing vegetation surrounding the nest or with dry material brought for the purpose ; and in some planes they build covered paths or entranoee. The crested flycatcher often makes use of a snakeskin in the construction of its neat, which occupies a hole in a tree. The ruby -throated humming bird saddles its tiny nest on a high branch and covers it with lichen, so that it resembles an exoreseence on the branch. The Baltimore oriole hangs his well-built nest, a master- piece of bird architecture on the ex- treme end of an overhanging branch, where nothing but a winged enemy can reach it. To guard against these, the nest is made so that it looks some- thing like a hornet's nest, with. which the jays, prows or hawks, would not care to interfere. The eggs of the belted kingfisher are placed in a hole, often six or eight feet deep, excavat- ed in a bank by the birds themselves, after as muolr as two week's work. The tailorr birds sew thief edges of a large, growing leaf around the nest, so that it Se absolutely hidden from view. The bowel birds use queer ma- terials, suoh as bones, pieces of metal, shells, ate. The Baltimore oriole is one of tho most ingenious of bird architects, and employs any material that is acces- sible. String, heir, grasses and plant fibers are often used, and one bird Lover tells of a nest made completely of silk thrown from the windows of a neighboring silk f actory. In the bright -plumaged birds of the temperate region the brilliant oolor- ing is usually localized. The common bluebird has head, back, wings and tail of brightest, purest blue, but the breast is russet and the under parts white. The all blue birds are the in- digo bird and the grosbeak. Yellow is a OOmmen color on parts of the plumage, but only one yellow bird, even approximates freedom from other colors ; that is the little yellow warbler, whish. has but alight mark- ings of rnasat and olive. The cardinal grosbeak, the mummer redbird and the scariot tanager are almost wholly red. THE C13Q.B,ISTH11S, There's a little band 05 singers pinery evening oomee and Unger,* "Math the Window of any cottage in tI1P trim ; And with dark tiles raise their wino, While the gathering night rejoices, And the leaves join In the chorus with the breeze, Then the merry slava Meme out To onjwy the merry rout, And the squirrels range themselves upon e ' nalg , Andthe fireflies furnish light, ' That they read their notes arigbt- Tbe katy-aia, the cricket and all frog. All the night I shear them singing'; Through my head their tunes are ringing (;trains of music straight from Meitn- er Nature's heart Now the ltaty-did and cricket, From the deep of yonder thicket, Then the croaking frog off yonder drones his part. By and by the moon appears, As the midnight hour nears, And her smiles dispel the low'ring mist and fog Then the mirth 1s at Ste height, And they glorify the night, The katydid, the cricket and the frog. SPEED OF BRITISH CRUISERS. At new record for the passage from the Mediterranean to Hong Kong has been made by the British' cruisers Isis and Dldo. The Isis reached Hong Kong in 22 days and 71 hours from Malta and the Dido arrived not• six hours later. The sets speed of the Isis for the 7,500 miles was 10.0 knots an hour. Both ships were detained in the Suez Canal, taking 20 bourn to pass through, and they were delayed twice for 24 }ours while coaling at Aden and Colombo. They had to coal at Sing- apore 6 e00 tone They are sister ships of cies: smmwm,m,e,r_ produce 100 or 200 line of butter per early grave or life of misery. If year 50 years ago was considered a mat hers would insist that their fairly good cow, but the cow that growing daughters use Dr, Williams' does not produce 100 lbs of butter per Pink Irises occasionally, rich blood, year now is hardly considered up to strong nerves, and geed health. The first has a ring of black around date. This has been brought. about by would follow. If your dealer does I thrg. 10ilbrown an 1 the hurl has black studying the problem and finding I not keep they) pills in stock they wings and tail, while the refit of his out how the milking ability of the ma- will be sent paht paid at 50 cents a plumage is of the most brilliant soar - box or nix hafts for ;11110 by ad- let. _ FORCING MELONS. the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., IlrackoLlle, Ont. of Dodd's Kidney Pins aro legion. The box is imitated, the outside eating and shape of the plea aro imitated and ibe name-Dodd's Kidney Pills is "imitated. Imitations ere dangerous. The original is safe. Dedd's Kidney Pills hare a reputation. ?mita- tore have none or they wouldn't imitate, So they trade on the reputation of Dodd's Kidney Pills. Do not be deceived. There le only one DODD'S. Dodd's Is the original. Dodd's is the name to be care- ful about - a � O-D9s - KIDNEY PILLS .Ho11.1110 FEAR. He -Well, the miners have finally gone on strike. That means a coal famine. She -Gracious 1 I wonder if it will affect the fire sale? Melons are the most difficult of forc- ing crops to handle. The midwinter ripening of the fruits requires more painstaking Dare and closer attention than any other drop, The plants from seed leaf to fruit numb be grown; in Meat without the slightest ode'k, They should he planted one the bench in a strong, loamy soil, which is re- tontivo enough to hold moisture at the roots but not heavy enough to bee0r0 emir. 1 No shading of the giant is re- quired, bat air ehould be given on all daye when posslble. The plants aro trained es are cucumbers, except that the central shoot should he pinched out:' as acorn as the planta are well betablisbad in the beneh, allowing AN ORGANIC TROtUBLE ANYWAY. My meetly, tend the herd win was not satisfied with the way 70 whirh the world was being run, always agmen from the heart, 011, replied the lady who was in- alined to lake a cheerful view e5 things, I somehow get to aupl,asing it came from your liver. A WEDDING 5'itleSENT. Of piecllcal importunes would bo. a bottle of the only sur' -pop corn euro ..PuLn .m s Perlin )8 Corn I st m -tree -which min he ba I at any drug 01 are, A ront.ulual inn of the bonr,ymoon and the removal of awns both assured by Its use. Beware of imitations...,. 510100 drslre to trete how good a cap of tea inn be 1517 a'v>nt'urar.eo'l:O' WZIE'A.n.. It will surprise you that suoh a soca tea caa be lied et roaeonable privet, lin load 1'eeketo, Ob, 30, 40, 50, Oct, a at,1t a/0ro}46,14 m., eWivioAtocklvivemheW4A4AbAvVa a For handsome °WWeets, snlootll even surface, slllny aid glossy. paints, get a paint that's made for it -made right -ground right, h t, t Hard Wood Fe ey �u 1s1I NM'S PAINT.... are made by experienced ohemistlt with proper maoh111- ery-ntiaed just right for pro- per effects, wear and tear. they stand for economy.- Ask your dealer. 11, WISP S SON, Palo! M kers I etre l c rlreilinL. r. e4 Worth Ten Dollars a Bottle. Any person who has used Nervil- ine, the great pain cure, would not be withbut It if it cost ten dollars a bottle. A good thing is worth its weight in gold, and Nerviline is the best remedy for all kinds of pain, It cures neuralgia in five minutes; toothache in one minute ; lame back at one applioation ; headache in a few minutes; and all pains just as rapid- ly.. It is easier for a person to bear all the misfortunes of his neighbors than n single one of his own. 8100 Reward, $100. The readers of this paper will be pleeeed to learn that there it at least one dread, d disease that eoleaoo hoe does able to euro In all eta Carre i de only is Catarrh. Halls Cater to Cin is iia only petty. t cuts now beingk. n00 to the medical h!aese, e i earth conta eons. trtatmen dHall'o Catarrh a le talc,* r. treatment, Hall's Cal'arrk Cure ie b:ooc Inter. aalln acting directly upon the blood and mamas entfacoa of the srdem, thereby dee- Ireyine the touadatloa of the disease, and /ar}an the patient sere esti by butidia6 up the' orestdtuelmt road aa•Istlna nature In doing its eta emotive pottertli,othat Limy ober haoaiHun dead Dollars for any cora that it falls to. pure, Seedier 11.6 of testt,nn 1010. Bonadrbel. slie J. (>1a. 11'N101 & OO.. Toledo, 0. B:all'a Eons Pills are the best AF) 10 STRIKES. What's the natter with that many menet the 'sleek. 11) drola ,'I.';vera e, hoes any'Mng iii tip but wires torr me 1+0, replbr) ids r)lleolar, he inn', wereInge EEe and hits enrnJ4'0rii'n e 05 rook some terns ago. 150141 1;nppp:re I shot el e;0ft work, Jing every rigor 1 itirtrnk 7 1lieVe to, lml. T relit,) ft freeb)ne Mb rep every time ha takes a mouth oft, CiloosiN11 TII e; LJiSSIllt IGVIh. "C,vtrge," Hold 1hie mother, "I will not whip you thin Limo 1f after this you promlee to be a good' little boy like Whl Jonoo." "Montan," Mid I Gaorgle,lllearnestly, "whip me, phnet0." Prosperity sends the balloon up, but adversity pulls 11 down again. hs-mao��d Wig EN --PAY W igg CURED. My )Dleetrlo Belt 1e 0 quick and positive euro for weakness in men. The vllallsing eleot io power is giren direct to del weak parte, doveloptng the full natural vigor of health, It nankin the blood warm and thq nerves as germsas stool. I wont every mail who is walk from ally cau30, 05 who Buffers from loam back, rhouphatiem, weak siomaeh or oiling kidneys, to be eurod by it, pay me when cured, and then tall his friends. DR, McLAUGHLIN'S OFFER. I am not giving belts away. I am simply coffin first and ie I}t° T@a +auto asking my pay afterward. 1 doles this Weave I wan do in. I hese an Eteotrio 13alb which DOJOS CURE. and any . Oat, Oot, Oe, 1900 honest man who will am secure me can have my Bolt and pay the Dr Tea ,ro slliln, nhee cured. Is that fair) I do this became I have the Dos,8irl1 After trying dlrtar•,lreet ltleetrie Belt Immo world. Aly Bolt le twice au strong set-pressed/Alone for nervous- no any other, and it is the only one that Dart he worn with any nota and g0ucrnl dobtlity with• eomtnet It does not burn. Oen and eeasult me today, or out raeulmg, T eoouro,l ono of soar send for sol beautiful 60 pogo book, which Calle sty story Eleetti0 Bolts, Within a week 1 honesty. Sent sealed• free. taketento improve, t the not 9Sr, M. B. McLAUGHLIN take ten bo what the bolt ill e oast tno end be without ono ill Wilton Ave trey, PDyer 13o Yonge St., _ Toronto. 1 This Omega* le on every hos or the putting I,aZi't#Ivd Broino.QuiDine Tablets the yet4447 ]bit Kenou a told to ono dap When ,, mmet, gets rustlers he prob- 4t i7 hog 13 4513>0 longe nornowboro. 'ee wtr _ 0/ 17.1 0EO ,e ten• ' ,9�n /921=a m• , va ss vl By Inv©stIng From Ono Dollar to Ono Hundred Dollars, and HOW WILL RE'' WHOLE YOU ARE MEMO. The undersigned having secured a block of stock In one of the safest and best-known Gold Mining Companies in Canada, which has been working for two years, has large ore bodies opened up, new machinery and buildings costing forty thousand dollars, all fully paid and no liab'lities of any kind and is likely to be in a posi- tion to pay regular dividends in a short time, having decided, instead of dealing with large English or European Capitalists, to deal direct with The People, believing there are many who are saving and am- bitious to make money but on account of limited resources, The Door is Closed Against Them. Remember the greatest fortunes in the world have been made in mining. poor and struggling men and women have made them- selves comfortable for lite by careful and judicious investment. For further particulars send full name and address to Depl brtraent "W" , 1�/dini�a Ero'.' ersi. 10 & 21 Adelaide S1, East TORONTO. Members Toronto Mining Exchange •0 Toronto Board of Trade. AGENTS WANTED• ,Be who talks too much' will hear many things of himself that are not complimentary. • FOR OVER FIFTY YEARS 0008. WINSLOW S BOOTIt1N0 STROP has bean medley mothers for their children teething, It Beeth, the child, sonata flu Cues, allay. /Ola nares I p tette, and Ie 10. best r000007 tier diarrhea. 530.1 hotels. i!Vol5000'dMretWtoffoda Boo hing Syrup•' Se,t" Thememory of a past happiness Is a wrinkle on the face of time. MANTaaAL HOTEL DIREOTOfY. T o'tBlalmoral," Free Bus a 0501: AVENUE HOIl3E— 0 iii aaMlOratos �ei so per day. A slight word sestet/Ines reveals a man's innermost thoughts. W. 1'. C. 1047. CAL,VERT'S Carbolic Dlolnfoatanta, eoapo, Olnt moat, Tooth PowOore, etc„ have boon awarded 100 medals and diplomas for ouperlot exoollouoo. Tholr regular use prevonb int0011. sus diseases. Ask your dealer to obtain supply, Lists mailed free on application, F. C. CALVEIIT & 00., MA41O4SESTIEn . . EPIuI.AND, ------^--+ter ISL. ed4e. 901,61A411.../ guy iti.1447c„a ei MusicTe aeon for our Music Osmateto Oita+ pp0000� 16^i'e °t ahoei1.' 50,030 ani aeeW 01111 0 notal rate, Teaches ofUlaoount, INNALfcY, ROYCE & Co, Wanted101 Yoaaa et rontS Onl, Tc , 1.08100 aro,. Metallic Ceilings 1tr Adelsida St Toronto, Oran. Ammo Oeainge-Now Insoostotior. mat Engllob exoaAPl��vRRptot5rle.ALKlhrA0111S%,LkCO isbl.goods ��0 1^. t lf1111 , M4I.L8 & 13A1087 R edto Ws r, oto, R6�ICMI Removed to wo soy Bwldingo, lild,mo:.d84. W reru.00. POULTRY, BUTT'E1i, EROS, APPLES, and ether P0001106, to ensure batmen. oousl e W The Dawson Commission Co., Lini ted, Oor, Woet-Market k Oeleerne 80,, Toronto, seeas,RDaerlee, Ora• Catholic Prayer nfflxw uaawara, nelialoeo Piotnres, 01.Wary, end, Church Ornemente. Con. anal were& 11411'' 45011E5 5 Oe., ve Montreal. Con. D YOUR OVERCOATS sad Codi+d Belts would suoh br iter dp 01. 11 e0 .gsot` .1 own In soar towb; wr;to 11,001 IiOntrrah 3301 1>5.� *RITIt'! AMIERICAVO DYSINO 00. THE MO8T NUTRITIOUS- E ORATEFUI.-• OOMFORTINO. 0 S77EAKFA5T-SU PPIHR.