HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1900-11-1, Page 5ea, re
cont, >n,h 8104'a, Beoesels, a LOAN
Issuer of Marriage Liooneos. O.
200 at Car000rY,`>'nrnborry ttteet, Brussels.
N. J3ARRE'l P-
q Toneorlal Artist, Shop Noxt door
North of the Oltlldron'e hair ouetintgi s ooialt adios" and,
6 a 1 Y.
aTtacrNun hag sevnrnl good Farina�nr
sato oo4 to r00t, easy forma in Towaelleia
of arorrla and Grey, - k' S. fiOOTT, Brnaegele
issuer of Marriage .Licenses,
ao vsMax,s, ONT.
L. 0.
Academia graduate•of London Conserva-
tory of atomic, also Member of the Aoeooiated
M11e1ela41e of Ontario, lo prepared to rooeive
a limited number of pupils for instruction
onthe piano. Qualified to prepare pupils for
the Principare.Piorm in the Ooneorvatory of
Brueeele, Ontario.
Olork of the Fourth Di
ion Court
LHuron ; Conveyancer,Notary
Lund, Loan and teoanAgent ; Auction-
eer. Fonds invested andto'1oanCollec-
tions made. Office in Graham'slBlook, Brue-
nun, will sell for better prices, to
better menin. lees limo and leen charges
than any other Auctioneer In East Huron or
be won't oharge anything. Dotes and orders
can always bo arranged at this office or by
personal application.
(ronMERLY or 8.F0000)
Graduate of R. 0.1) S„ Toronto ; Poet Grad.
nate course at Haskel's Schaal, Ohloago, in
crown end bridgework, la -Prices sameas
in surrounding towns. 21 -
Office over A..11, Smith's store, B ru100le.
. e • Honor Graduate o1 the Ontario Vet-
erinary College, is prepared to treat all dis-
eases of domostloatod animals fin a compet-
entmanner, Particular attention poll to
Veterinary Dentistry. Calls promptly at-
tended to. Office and Infirmary -Four doore
North of bridge, Turnborry et., Brussels.
_ Y.1 • Barrister, Solicitor, ,0onveyanoor,
Notary Publio, &o. Ofiloe-Stewart's Block
1 door North of Central Hotel.
Solicitor for the Standard Bank..
• Bolioitor, dm. Office over Stand-
ard Bank. Solicitor for Village o1 Brussels.
Money to Loan at lowest rates,
(Formerly of Oameron, Holt &
Cameron) Barrister and Bolioitor, Goderiob
Ont. Office -Hamilton street, opposite 001 -
borne Hotel.
M. D., C. H.,
Trinity!Uoivoroity, Fellow Trinity Medical
Collage, Member College of Physiotaae and
Surgeons Ont. Licentiate of the Royal Dol.
logo of lshyaiciane and Licentiateof Mid-
wifery Edinburgh. es-Tolepboue No.14,
Reeidenoo-Mill street, Brussels.
(Successor to Br. F. H. lialbflelacle)
M. D. Bellevue Hospital Med. 001,, New
York ; M D 0 M Viotoria University, Toron-
to ; Member of the College of Physicians and
Burgeons of Ontario: Special attention paid
to diseases of women, eye, oar, nose and
New Plant Throughout.
This moon a new -plant has been
put in Brussels Cider Mill and does
better work than ever, doubling the pap.
aoity. It is now in full awing.
In addition to manufacturing Cider
a specialty ie made of Apple Butter and
Work done while you wait.
Satiefaotion assured and chargee
Geo. Edwards,
Send for one of our Oa alogues and
bo oouvieoed that we are do ng the beet
work in basinese ednoation in Onnada to.
day, Enter now if possible.
W. T,ELLIOTT, Principal.
At 4% Per Qent,
Costs of Loan
Very Reasonable,
Liberal Terms of
Re -payment.
°MCC over Standard Bank,
John A. Johneton left on Wednesday
of last week for Toronto to take a course
at the Horological Institute.
13. T, R. Agent Heyd is taking a well.
earned holiday. A relieving agent has
taken hie work at the station.
The Kimberley Block preeenbs an at.
tractive appearance,' fitted out with all
the modern improvements. Ibis a de•
aided aognieition to Atwood.
A. F. MoLaren, Conserve tive condi.
date in North Perth, addressed politi•
col meeting hem on Monday evening.
Alex. will never be hung for hie platform
Ta•o wb ridge.
Mies E. McCormick hae retsrae d
front Detroit.
Lewis Heath, 4th eon., lute nearly
oom(.leted one of the finest brick houses
on the line.
Mrs. R. Johnson, non, 2, is .building a
fine red brick residence on her farm
near this village.
ai is0 Jennie Coeene spent Thanksgiving
Day at home, returning to London on the
Monday following.,
James MoOrae is rushing the aider
bueineee and is turning out some very
tine jelly and apple butter.
Mies Helen Cosmos, of the Poet Omoe,
has gone to Bluevale to take charge of
the Poet office there for a few weeks.
We are pleased to see Whitfield Mc-
Cormick around our village, having just
returned from a tour through the West.
131.4, tit
N. H. Young and John Moffat have
been appointed deputy.returniog officers
for Blyth at the Dominion election.
George Graham, of Goderiob, was iu
town on Monday of last week and sold
his team of gray drivers to Wm. Bell.
Luxton Hill had the thumb and first
finger of his right hand badly lacerated
by Doming in contact with the edging
machine at the planing mill.
In the Blyth Fair prize list, the first
prize for collection of foliage should have
been given to Wm, Fenwiek instead of
C. Doyle,
Dr. MacDonald and -Robert Holmes,
Liberal candidates in East and West
Huron respectively, hold a joint meeting
in Industry Hall, Blybb, on Thursday
evening, Nov. let.
H. W. and Mrs. Rally and W. W.
Kelly left on Monday of last week for
their home in Wiener, Louisiana, They
were accompanied by John Sample, of
Brussels, and George Frances, of Mo-
Mre. Isabella Wright, relict of the late
Francis Wright, an old and muob re
epeoted resident of Blyth and vioinity,
died at the residence of her son in Lon.
don East on pot. 20th. The body was
brought here and the funeral took place
Tuesday afternoon from the reeidenoe of
her sonde -low, Robert Somers, to the
Methodist church and from there to the
Union cemetery.
Slapped lute itve Coals.
"When a child Iburned my foot fright-
fully," wrftee W. H, Eads, of Jonesville,
Va., "which paused terrible leg sores for
90 years, but Buoklen's Arnica salve
wholly oared me after everything alga
failed,' Infallible for borne, amide, outs,
sores, bruises and piles. Only 26o at G.
A. Deadman'e drug store.
IA pato -vs, el.
Mies Goddard, of this town, baa been
engaged to tesoh in the school at Doan's,
Wallace, for the balance of the present
The open Fall has been productive of
typhoid germs, and this town, like many
other places, hae had a number of oases
of fever.
Mrs. Stepban, wife of Wm. Stephan,
tailor, Main street East, hae been suffer-
ing from a stroke of paralysis since the
evening of Thanksgiving Day.
Lawrence Fear, of Atwood, student at
the Listowel IIigh School, had the mis-
fortune to sprain his ankle severely
while examining in the gymnasium at
the school.
C. W. and Mrs. Barber, Raglan street,
have the sympathy of their friends in the
lose of their yonngeet child, an infant of
six months, who died on. Monday of last
week, from oonstimption of the bowels.
Five youths' of the town were brought
before Police Magietrate Terbune last
week, obarged with disturbing the meet.
ingel et the Salvation Army barracks. 4
of them were fined $1 and coats, and the
6th was given $8 and coats.
Commencing with Monday, Oot. 211th,
itie the intention oftho`'Liatowel Puni-
ness College to hold night eeeeions, three
evenings daring the week, when oom•
plate instruction will be given in tbe
Oommeroial and Shorthand. Branohes.
Penmanship is taught in both branches.
Udney Henderson, olerk in Thompson
Bros. store, while out hunting with a
oonipanion on Thankegiviog Day, in the
vicinity of 'Durham, was shot in the
knee by the premature discharge of his
friend's gun, who was about to aim at a
rabbit. One of the shote lodged within
half an inoh of hie eye, another etruok
big hand, while a dozen or more entered
hie leg at the knee. Moet of them have
been removed, and further than making
him limp be does not feel any the woree
for having been peppered' with a shot
Frank Tremolo, eon of J. A. Tremain,
while attending the manna at the new
furniture factory, etepped on a mortar
board which was supposed to be resting
on the joists above the first story, but
whiob gavo way, pausing bins to fall to
the ground, a dietenge of about 1.4 feet,
In falling hie bowl stook a briok and
wag badly ant on ohe Bide, uogeoeitating
several etitobes. Ho was badly stunned
bo e o tem entl to be
bet bat stn. e r p vast n et
around again with bit head bandaged.
V 3Ytg„ 1111.rre.
town on the result tltof the oleetieis
n In East
The Uulon t,wtory reoeived a par of
oak lumber from the Missitalppi valley
last week,
Mrs, I. Ireland has 1811 for Dorobester,
Mace„ wheels ohs will reeido with her
son, George.
Wblteoburoh hotel hat changed hands.
The purobaeer le John McDonald, form-
erly of Wingham.
A. L. Hamilton went to Toronto to
ooneult a epeoialiet with regard to hie
eyeeigbt, and also that of hie little boy.
Mies Millie Agnew left for Pbiladel.
Pala on Tuesday of lamb week, where she
hae been received for training as a name
in one of the hospitals,
Mise Ida Pelton, formerly of Wingham,
now of Ualitornia, bse suffered for several
months with a oanoerons tumor. A
eurgioal operation was peformed and at
Iasi a0oounte Mies Pelton was doing as
well RS could be expected.
A. gentleman was in town last week
from Toronto, proposing to start a tone•
dry for the manufaoture of hydrants,
iron piping, &o. Hepropoeee to establish
a company with a capital of $20,000, and
employ 100 hoods. A proposition in
writing to expected for next melon of
Sivarts & Dore are contemplating ex.
tineive improvements in their carriage
factory in the Spring. They are think.
ing of moving the red building back, and
erecting a large brick shop adjoining the
present show room on the corner. Either
steam or gasoline b d
a a ne power will a adds
and additional men mployed, should the
enlargement be decided on.
A young lad of thio town appeared be.
fore Mayor Oiegg and Magistrate Mo.
Kenzie charged with stealing $5.00 from
another boy in Beattie Broe. livery barn.
He pleaded guilty to the oharge, but on
account of hie youth ani thia being the
first oharge against hint, he was allowed
to go on suspended sentenoe. The lad
also had to give $200 bail to appear for
sentence should he ever commit another
A Fiendish Attack.
An attaok was lately made on C. F.
Oollier, of Cherokee, Iowa, that nearly
proved fatal. It came through hie kid-
neys. His back got eo lame he could not
stoop without great pain, nor sit in a
chair except propped by cushions. No
remedy helped him until be tried Elea -
trio blittere which effected enoh a wonder.
fab change that be wrftee he feels like a
new man. Tbls marvellous medicine
cures baokaohe and kidney tronble, puri.
lies tbe blood and builds up your healtb.
Only 60a at G. A. Deadman's drug store.
Mre, James Bryan attended the meet•
ing of the Provincial W. O. T. Union at
Smith's Falls.
The anniversary nervines of Luokaow
Lodge, No. 137, A. 0. 17. W., were held
in the Methodist church, Sunday, Oot.
28th, at 11 a, m.
Colonel Stacey, 'of London, inspector
of No. 1 Military Dietriot, paid a visit to
the Armory of No. 3 Company in this
village on Tuesday of last week.
Robert Scott, formerly of Mt. Forest,
bas opened out a new stook of general dry
goods, clothing, groceries, boots and shoes,
in the store formerly ouanpied by Fred.
On Sunday some one entered H. G.
Armstrong's bad room at tbe Cain House
and atolls $18 from hie writing desk,
Suspicion rests upon a stranger who
stayed at the hotel and suddenly left on
Sunday, and also refused to register his
There died at his home in this village
on Tuesday of last week a highly re•
epeoted oitizen in the parson of Murdoch
MoKeuzie, father of Angus McKenzie.
Deceased, who had been ailing for some
time past, bad reached the ripe old age
of 83 years, and was or man greatly re-
spected and esteemed by all who knew
him. He was a devout and earnest
member of the South Kinloss ohurob.
Wheat had been stolen from Hay
Bros.' elevator at the station here, and
Nelms Bowman was arrested on simpleton
of being implioated in the stealing.
Gordon Grundy was aleo arrested in
Guelph and was brought to the village on
Friday of last week by Conetable Moore
and placed in thelook•np, being charged
with the same offenoe, and on Sunday
Constable Moore and Wm. Douglas
brought to the look -up a young man
nomad Detobel, of Oolroee, who was
also aooaeed of being one of the gang.
They were all brought before the
magistrates and the three prieonere were
remanded to Walkerton jail for eight
days. They are also auoueed of being the
parties who committed the robberies in
Ripley lately.
Mise Bella Paisley left the other day
to go to a hospital to brain for a proles•
eional nurse.
Mve. E. Holmes, of St. Oatharinee, is
here on a visit. It is four years aline
she has been hers, although it former
resident of 30 years' standing.
The Liberal committee rooms in the
Searle block are open every evening for
the oonvenienoe of all the friends and
workers of Robt. Holmoe and the Laurier
The plane in front of the Library
building ie being sodded by T. Cottle and
0, Oriah. It will be a deoided improve.
moot to the eppearanoe of the grounds
seeped this imposing building.
Thos. Carter, formerly of town, but
who has been employed in Chatham for
some time, recently had the misfortune
to lose three fingers of the left band by
its owning into cooteot with the meohin.
John Smith bad the miefortune to
have his Dollar bone broken the other
day. He was working at D. A. Fomes.
ter's, in the barn, when the tongue of a
wagon, which bad been leaned up against
the wall, fell book on him with the re•
suit abated.
The Sabbath school and Epworth
League convention for Goderiob dietriet
will beheld in Rattenbnry street Metho-
dist ohurob on Thursday, Nov. let. An
oxoellent program has been arranged for,
and au invitation is extended to any in.
terealed to attend the eeeeione, which
will be held iu the morning, afternoon
and evening.
Thos. F3tinaon expects his eon from
Oregon on it visit; they have Dob Seen
eavb other for 80 ysare.
Dr, Cook lost a valuable gray mare
other night, i e Ise h le
the h t a p, ie b.aeb bra her T,
while in the stall and the accident wag
of mit a nature that the animal had to
be shot.
The other day Mre. jag. Smith went
on a visit to Woodeteoli, and as she got
off the train est her valise down far e
moment on the edge of the platfortn. A
few aeoonde.aftarwwrde One of the fast
ilyere oame along end the auction from
the train drew the valise down on the
Graok where 16 was repeatedly etruok by
the oar wbeels and emaehed to atoms.
The 'statement circulated by the Con-
servatives, to, the effect Butt Robert
Holmes, Liberal oandldate for Weet
Huron, oppoeed Prohibition in the
Howse, ie abeolutely without foundation.
He spoke in favor of it twloe, and bat for
an illness In hie family that threatened
to be fatal, necessitating 'hie presence at
home, would have voted for it. He bee
been an absolute prohibitionist in prao-
tioe for 30 yoare,
Tot Caueca Night MOM.
"One night my brother's baby was
taken with 'troop," writes Mrs. J. C.
Snider, of Crittenden, Ky., "it seemed it
would strangle before we oould get a
doctor, e0 we gave it Dr. King's New
Discovery, whiob gave quick relief and
permanently cured it. We always keep
it in the house to protect our children
front oroup and whooping 000gh. It
oared me of a obrooio bronohial trouble
which no other remedy would relieve."
Infallible for coughs, colds, throat and
lung troubles. 50e and $1.00. Trial
bottles free at G. A. Deadman'e drug
Peroh and p piokerar ti ing is yielding
good reunite.
Mrs. M. 0. Cameron is vie'
tong her old
home at Perth, Lanark county.
The Fall plowing in this dietriot has
been greatly delayed by the leek of rain.
Sir Riobard ;Cartwright addressed a
large gathering in gibe Victoria Opera
House Tbureday evening of last week.
Dr. W.F. Clark is now able to walk
out, after 10 weeks' confinement to the
house, and will soon, we hope, be in the
enjoyment of fall strength and vigor.
The fourth anniversary otthe opening
of Bt. Peter's oharah was observed on
Sunday of last week. The beautiful
ohurob was made more beautiful still by
the decorations of flags outside and the
flowers and hinting within.
George Heywood, whose case has been
before Polios Magistrate Seager for some
weeks, several enlargements having been
made to give the prisoner an opportunity
to explain the ciroumstaneee under whiob
he was arrested, was sentenced by the
magistrate to 6 months in jail for vagran.
oy, The term is to run from Sept. 13th,
the date of his arrest.
Robert Kerr, while working at John
Morrie' new house on Cambria road,
near the planing mill, fell from the mai-
fold to the ground, a distaooe of 14 feet,
lighting on bis bank. He was conveyed
to his home on Britannia road. It was
at first feared that his back was broken,
bot fortunately his injury was not e0
5001005 as this. No bonsai were ,broken,
bat he sustained a severe shaking op,
The result of the mammoth squash
competition held by Wm. Rennie, seed -
man, of Toronto, has been announoed.
Of 23 egoaeh ranging from 203 to 322
ponnde Huron county prodaoed four, and
Goderiob makes a splendid showing with
the first and second in the whole list.
Wm. Warnock is first with a 322 pound.
er ; John S. Gowrie is second with one
weighing 314 pounds ; G. H. David, of
Belgrave, ie No. 14 on the list with a 220
pounder to his oredit, and James Hender-
son, of Wingbam, is sixteenth with one
weighing 212 pounds.
John Paterson, alias Clarklee, alias
Duffy, alias WInkle, was sentenced by
Judge Masson to a seven years' term in
penitentiary as the result of the eeriee of
ehop•breaking exploits to which be had
pleaded guilty. Paterson pleaded guilty
to charges of stealing goods from M. H.
Molndoo, of Wingham, on April 90th ;
tools from John Morrie, Jae. Postleth•
waite and Jas. Reid, of Goderiob, on
June 11th ; goods from Davis & Row-
land, Clinton, on June 30th ; from Ding-
man and Marks, Bayfield, on Sept. 9111,
and from A. MoD. Allan, N. D. Rongvie
and Pridham Bros., Goderiob, on Sept.
On Tuesday of last week Wm. A. Ed-
ward, of the 5th Son. of Goderiob town.
ship, died from the effects of a kiok re.
oeived from a horse the previous day.
At noon on Monday Mr. Edward went
into the stable with a pail of water for
one of his horses, when the animal kiok•
ed and streak him in the abdomen.
Medioal assistance was tit anon summon-
ed, bat the blow proved fatal. Mr. Ed-
ward passing away on Tuesday evening.
The deceased was highly respeoted in
the community, and hie sad taking away
is the Danes of deep regret. He leaves a
widow, three sons and one daughter. J.
B. Edward, of Colborne, and John 11.
lldwaidl, of Goderioit, are brothere, and
Wee l Apo Pdwafd, of .Qoderieb, a .Bitter
of the deceased. The relatives have the
ein0ere e, utpathy of their friends in their
d ue e r
su en b r uvem Mr, wa w
d nb, Ld d a
08 years of age. The' romaine were Ia.
term' iu Maitland cemetery,
11'lint'M Totit• Yam Worth a
8ometimee a fortune, but nevi. 11 you
have a satiow complexion, a jaundiced
look, moth patellas and blotches on the
shin -all sighs of liver trouble, Bat Dr,
Ring's New Life Pills give olear akin,
roay cheeks, rich complexion. Only 260
at G. A. Deadman's drug store.
A Wise Lady,
OnzVIMAnp, Obio,
May 23rd, 1000,
J. M, MoLeod, McLeod Laboratory,
Goderiob, Ontario.
Doan Sin, Your liquid medicine,
"Soak and Swab," bag oared me entirely
of the sore I had on my upper jaw. The
doctors told me that it was a (rancor and
that the bone would have to be oat ,.ut
anti tbe affected parte removed by he
knife, Is was this that frightened ane
and made 010 get the .'Soak and Swab,"
I ueed•gnly three pint bottles. I ani well
ever einoe, and itis three years slice I
need it. Having great confidence in your
medicine I will reoommend it to those in
need. I am, oto ,
Mae. J. MAMAS.
The following was received from the
same lady tenyeare ago
I suffered for nearly four years from
tits, and almost at the same hour daily,
out of which no one Goold waken me, un-
til I awoke of myself, weak and wearied
after the tape of from ten to twelve
bourn' time during whiob time I was
wholly un000eoious. I was attended to
and consulted no fewer than sixteen
dootore without any benefit and no re-
lief. I got to be absentminded, often an-
oonecious of my eurroundings, look no
notice of anything, until, in the good
providenoe of God, a friend ipeisted on
bringing J. M, MoLeod to our hoose.
He took me out of the fit in half a min•
ute'e time. I began to gain rapidly after
Ibis In health and eoundneee of mind,
and to this day I bave not had Soy more
fits. Yours, eta.,
Kingsbridge, Ont.
Sold by James Fox, druggist, Brussels.
Listowel College.
A thorough, complete and praotioal train.
ing in all branches of Commercial work,
at ooneiderably less than regular rates.
For full information apply
ileums or College over Poet orrice.
Important to Breeders and,Horsemen.
Veterinary Caustic Balsam,
A reliable
and speedy
remedy for
Horeee and
Lum , J
in Cattlew
TRADE MARS "Bee pamph-
let which aeoompaaiee every bottle, giving
scientific treatment in the various diseases."
It can be used in every case of veterinary
practice where stimulating applications and
blisters are prescribed, Tt has no sOPOMoR.
Every bottle sold ie guaranteed to give satis-
faction. Price 750 per bottle. Bold by all
npparediebyatm is EUREKA eVETERIN Pre-
COMPANY, Loudon,Out.
System nenovator
For Impure, Weak and Impoverished
Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpita•
Pon ' of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Neur.
algia, Loss of Memory, Brouohitie, Oaon-
gumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kidney
and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Dance,
Female Irregularities and General De-
Prop. and Manufacturer.
8011 by Ja., Fex. Druggist, Brussels
Ewan & C o's Bi t ssels.Factory
We will sell all Wheeled Rigs for the
balance of this season at Cost
To make room for Outtete and Sleighs as we are going to handle these in large
gnanlities Chia Winter and at close prides.
We are building a number of Outten that will enit our Customers, For mater-
ial and Painting they can't be beaten.
Bobsleighs 2 in, and 21 in. and Pleasure Sleighs oar own make.
Intending parobasere ehould pall and examine oar stook before buying elsewhere,
and you will be aonvinoed that it will pay you'io buy from
Ewan. & Co.'s Bausselgs Factory,
"Reasonable Prices and Straight Dealing" is our Motto.
Thanking our many Onetomers for their past patronage we
ask it oontinnaaoe of the same,
•-fes � ��,�--T•
..... •1,.,t .ham.,.
We don't refer to polities, but to 20th century Dry Goods retail.
ing. No matter how well you are suited with your present trading plane,
we believe it will be to your advantage to ioepeot our stooks for fait: The
chanties are the no save you money. Baying is always in favor of the
Ouelomer here, but never moreeo than this Fall, We shote a few prices
below as an indication that tbie is so, and pan offer still more oonvinoing
proof if you will visit the store.
Heavy all.wool Tweede, for wearing pante, regular pride 760, for 50o.
Mens heavy wool Pante, worth $1,60 for 81.
Meng new style of Overalls, with double fronto and meats, the best yet,
worth $1.35, for $1.
Men's heavy firmed Shirts and Drawers, a epeoial line, regular prioe
60o, for 50o.
Boy's fieeoed Shirts and Drawer's, in all sizes at 250, 30e, 35e, 40o, 500.
Ladies' Vests, long sleeves, at 150, 20o, 20o, 80o and boo.
Ladies' Vesta, natural wool, very fine, 90o.
We are local agents for the Celebrated Stanfield Uoehriokable
Shirts and Drawers, made of pure Nova Scotia wool, and are guaranteed
not to shrink, If they shrink in washing fetch them beak and we will
refund your money,
-Animportimport stook of single and
double thick at epeoial priaee.
Lamp Goods
-Our new and improved lines will
please you. See them. Prides from
25e, to $5 00.
Spoons and Cutlery
-We are offering Special Bargains
on our Imported Spoons and Cutlery
thie season. A epeoial line of Oar.
vera at low prices.
Fall and Winter Mitts
-See our lined Horse Hide Mitts
at No, per pair.
-Try our' 7 inob File at 10o.
°ley Brother's" Loaded hal
-W Black and Smokelees Powder.
Crass -cut Saws and Axos
--Always a good stook to choose
from. Saws from $2.550 up ; Axes
from 50o. up.
Cash or Trade for Hides, Sheep Skins, Old Metal, Rubber, Bags,
Horee Hair, Copper, Brass, &o.
A. M. McKay & Co.
Wet Weather
Cold Feet
Bad Colds
Now is the time to have your feet warm and comfortable.
We are ready to supply you with all kinds of
Boots, Shoes and Rubbers in all sizes for
Children, Girls, Boys, Women
and Men.
Qualities .Right. Prices Eight.
A. Lovely Range of
New and Stylish
Dress Goods.
November Standard Patterns and Fashion Sheets to hand.
Everything Cheap. No Fancy Prices,
A. Strachan.
Wilton & Turnbull
Headquarters for
of All Kinds.
Farmers should see our
Pieta. Fence,
Best Fence on the market.
Barb and Plain Wire,
All kiwis Harvest Tools.
Binder Twine.
Paints and Oils.
S. W. P,, the best Ready
Mixed Paints made,
always in stock.