HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1900-11-1, Page 4Cbt N" owls U ;
TTItJRSDAJ, Nora 1, 1900,
'MG POST '8'1CrU11',
East Baron, Dn. MaoDoo1Ln
Routh Huron, IND, MaMTLAn
Wool Heron, Rotor. HoLmzs
North Perth, • (i. GenTz
North Wohingtoo, JAS. Mc,ifuLLlnN
60,000 settlers have come to this
Dominion under Liberal Government and
the exodus has ceased.
WI:GT do the intelligent eleotore think
of a' campaign built on the No, 6 Pamph-
let and the bogus Globe ?
Hon. Ma. PATTBEeoN eaya 4 million
dollars less isbeiog taken from the people
now than on the duty oale:Ration of the
Conservative Government. 0,000,000 is
quite a good eized pile too.
Tun Preferential tariff of 84 per oent
not only lowers the price of goods from
Great Britain bet oompele a similar re.
duction in German and American goods
coming in competition with British pur-
Dn. G. R. Parkin, March 10, 1900, at
the banquet of the Irish Protestant
Benevolent Society in Toronto said :-"A
Frenoh•Oanadian Premier had the other
day made the noblest epeeoh ever de.
livered by a colonial Minister."
Tun removal of the quarantine reetrio-
tinus between Canada and the United
States by tbe Liberal Government bee
Wormed the exportation of beef cattle
to the United States from 4,000 bead in
1806 to 90,000 in the present year. No
farmer with his eyes open ebould kiok
about this condition of affairs. The
Laurier Government is the friend of the
Ray. G. M. Milligan says : "All men
ehould be dealt with on their merits, not
on their professions, It is a pity that
this needs to be eaid at this time of day.
No enlightened Protestant will mix up
religion and politica. Regarding Sir
Laurier, be is an honor to Canada, and I
bope and pray Canadians may appreoiate
him, not when it is too late.
Tim Opposition prase in some quarters
now admits that the people of Canada
did wisely in 1896 in overthrowing the
Tapper government and thereby punish-
ing them for their miegoverntaient of
publics monies and offices, but of course
these same papers think they have been
punished long enough and should be put
bank. It is quite improbable that their
request will be granted on Nov. 711i.
Gra JIq]9wAIg, 08, Cenneiller, of Hen-
sell, has entered the field in Sattth Huron
ae au independent Liberal in apposition
to John McMillan who bee been mernbor
for several borne, The probtbllities are
the Conservatives will not put a man up
thie time but leave it to the two Liber, le
to light, it oat,
Rev. Prof. Clark Bays ; "I admire the
personality of Sir Wilfrid Laurier very
much. A. to hie being a Roman Clotho.
lio, bow could that be need against him ?
Sir John Thompson was a Catholic on
the opposite side of polities, and he be-
came a Premier. Sir Wilfrid Laurier is
entitled to the same ooneideration,
These creed oriea are not to be commend.
ed, for how can we live with each other
unless we exeroiee mutual toleration ? "
Wan fine weather next Wednesday
there will be a big vote polled tie doubt.
We venture to affirm that the Government
of the brilliant etateeman, Sir Wilfrid
Laurier, will be once more returned.
Canada bee prospered wonderfully ander
Ilia careful administration of aflaire and
ba deserves another term.
H. 19. Coots has nob yet given the name
of the person who asked himfor $10,000
for a Senatorship, although Sir Wilfrid
Laurier challenged him to produce the
proof, Hon, Clark Wallace said be
thought Hon. Mr. Fulford, of Brockville,
had "put ap" for bis Beat, but the Brook.
Ville man says Wallace ie "another" ea
be wan never asked for a dollar. What's
the next campaign lie ?
No graveyard vote in next Weduea.
day's eleotioc nor will the non-resident
vote be allowed under the existing law.
This to rigbt. Many thousands of men
ran far and near to poll from 2 to 6 or
more votee on eleotion day under the old
eyetem and many a corrupt ant was
traceable to the eyetem. The Opposition
press kick about the Voters' list of 1899
being used because that of 1900 was not
revised in time bat not many years ago
a list twine as old was taken down at one
gulp without scarcely a wink. The liras
are not prepared in all the Provinces at
the same time hence there will nor be a
complete uniformity at any season of the
year. Where 1900 lists were revised in
time they will be utilized in this election.
wk. 11111110=1•1110M
Ia the 1896 aampaign the Tay canal or
John Uaggart's big ditab, ae it is not un.
frequently designated, was ane of the
useless and extravagant expenditures
charged home to the Tupper Govern.
meat and strenuously defended by the
now Opposition. Things have been
changed a little however, and tbe other
evening Hon. McKenzie Bowell, ex Con.
eervative Premier, and Hon. Mr. Braggart
met on the public platform and there
were wigs on the green. Mr. Haggart's
""ditoh" was in evidence. A few incidents
of this kind should prove to a demonetra.
tion the correctness of the ground taken
by the Liberals in the 1896 canted. Mr.
Bowell was rather knifed by Sir Charles
and others of the Cabinet then and he
called those opposed; to him "A neat of
traitors." The Hon. gentleman is a
Senator now leading the Oppoeition forces
so he is noteaying these things to help
the Grit party by any means.
TUE South African war drags along
wearily owing to the guerilla style of war-
fare. Lord Roberts' pacific measures
appear to have no influence upon a few
of the Boer leaders wbo are busy foment-
ing the strife. Lord Kitchener's more
drastic style of treatment will have to
come next and although it seems hareh
to some there appeare to be no other
course open to put a stop to the inenr.
reatione, Mr. Kruger, when the U11and-
ere went to him with their petitions,
said :-"Cease bolding meetings and be
satisfied. Go bank and tell your people
I shall never give them anything ; I shall
never change my polioy. Now let the
etorm beret." We guess Oom Paul has
come to tbe conclusion that it was a
bigger hurricane than he figured on. It
is hoped that before the olose of Novem-
ber peace will prevail. A large army
will have to be maintained for some
time no doubt to preserve British and
Utlander intereaba.
38 aim -mob expenditure with a revenue
of 30 million under Ooneervative rule was
bad bookkeeping for the Dominion and
some of the expenditaree far from being
in the interest of the public but under
Laurier, while the expenditure bas gone
up, end necessarily so, the revenge has
climbed to 00 million. This ie surely the
growing time and yet the finance Minis.
ter is able to report a morphia of 10 mil -
hoe. The question of the amount a man
spends should always be considered with
whet bie receipts are and the same rale
ebould hold good with a Government.
The Ioteraolonial railway ; the Crow's
Neat railway ; the deepened canals ; the
coat of fitting out the ooneingente for
Africa, &0„ are among expenditures that
should be endorsed by every loyal
Canadian. When a man tells you the
Grin Government's expenditure wag so
many millions ask him what the revenue
was and you'll spoil his little story.
judgment of the Tupper t(loverpmonb,
eupposing they were sleeted, on the
question?, We deu't belisveany Govern,
meat elm or will pass Prohibitory legit•
tattoo on tbe noun) of that l'lebieeibo
IN their next term tbe Liberals will
reetore the ooestitaeucies to their regular
County boundaries, es they should be.
It would have been done in the past term
if the Senate, whioh has still a Coueer-
vative majority, bad not thrown it oat.
Wby were Usborne township taken
from Huron and handed over to South
Perth and Exeter and Stephen pitch.
forked into North Middlesex 00 ? Simply
because they gave Ooneervative majori-
ties. North and South Etothope are
oases in point in North Perth who by
their Grit vote were transported to Oa.
ford Co. The Tory Senate kept Sir
Wilfrid from fulfilling bie pledge along
the line of squaring up the badly carved
oonstitnenoiee. With a proper redistri-
bution in this Province the Liberale can
win the race i0 a canter whereas it ie
now a big fight awing to the unfair gerry-
Tete House of Commons le mode up of
218 members as followa ;-Ontario, 92
Quebec), 06 ' Nova Scotto, 20 • .New
Brunawiok, 14 , Manitoba, 7 ; SatanColumbia, 6 ; Prune Edward £eland, 5 ;
Northwest Territories, 4. The fait
Source was made up of 126 Liberate, 78
Coneervativee and 9 Independents. The
Iodependente generally tuppotted tbe
Government. The Liberal majority over
both Ooneervativee and Indepeudente
was 89 but the majority was over 50
several times, Outerio sent to the fest
House 47 Liberele,40 Conservatives and
6 Independents ; Quebec, 51 Liberate and
14 Coneervativee ; Nova Bootie, 11 Libor.
ale and 9 Coneervabivea ; New Bru newlek,
6 Liberate, 8 Ooneervative8 and 1 Inde.
pendent ; Manitoba,8 Liberals, 2 Con.
eervativee and 2Independente British
Columbia, 4 Liberate and 2 Oonserva.
Hefts ; Prince Edward lelaad, 2 Liberate
and 2 Oonservalivee ; Northwest Terri.
trifles, 2 Liberals, 1 Ooneervative and 1
Independent. Keep this for purposes of
oomparieou with the next eleotion.
Too znITIS0 Nen THEM.
"Pamphlet1 o. 6" quotes Sir Wilfrid
Laurier's words in Loudon in 1897 when
be declared that if ever tbeempireehould
be in danger the colonies would be ready
to help and adds "this woe a solemn
promise and it was kept." Then follows
a furious tirade against the Premier for
hie practioal loyalty and hie imperial
policy. It is too Britian for the don-
pllere of Pamphlet No. 6.
Sir Charles Tupper repudiates Pamph-
let No. 6 in Ontario, where it would
never have been heard of but for the
Liberal prase, bat he carefully avoids re.
pudiating it in Quebec where it is in•
tended to a000mplieh its sinister purpose.
Seat a straightforward 000ree is too
British for Sir Charles Topper.
Sir Charles Tapper inveighs against
the Laurier preferential tariff and de.
mantle a quid pro quo wbiob he knows
perleotly well is unobtainable at the
present time. The Laurier policy has
tnoreased Canada's trade with Great
Britain over 100 per cant: in three years.
Ib is too British for Sir Charles Tapper.
Sir Obarlee Tupper has an anti-imper•
ial pro -French polioy for Quebec, and
an ultra -imperial anti-Frenou polioy for
Ontario and the Neat. Through bis
lieutenants be is vainly endeavoring to
revive religious strife also by telling the
people in Quebec that the Manitoba
school question ie not settled, though hie
own right hand man -Hugh John Maa-
donald-deolaree in Ontario that it is.
Sir Charles will not lift a finger to aeeiet
in the work of welding together yet more
strongly the diverse elemente of rape and
creed which exist in Canada. Such a
000ree would be too British for Sir
Charles Tupper.
Sir Hibbert Tupper took oocaeion to
make all kinds of chargee against the
oouree of the Minister of the Interior in
000neotion with the Government of the
Yukon, and against the personal and of.
ficial character of those charged with
tbe administration of the country. He
has not dared to repeat three charges
outside of Parliament where the courts
could reach him, nor bas he withdrawn
his unproved allegatione made in Paolia.
mens. Such a course would be too
British for Sir Hibbert Tupper.
Mr. Footer comperes the partial ex.
penditure of 1896.96 with the full ex-
penditure of eabeegnent Liberal years,
and be also denies the authenticity of his
own estimates prepared for preeentatiou
to Parliament had his -own Government
obtained a new lease of power. He re-
fuses to oompare Grit and Tory expendi•
tures by the same rule and oondibione.
Saoh a mane would be too British for
Mr. Footer.
Hugh John Macdonald is an ultra.
protectionist in Eastern Canada, bot in
Manitoba he is a free trader in all mat.
tare where free trade would catch the
farmers. He would take the last of the
duty off agricultural implements, though
both Tupper and roster have deolared
for an iooreaee. He dare not face the
farmers of Manitoba with the policy he
supporta down East. He is Dot content
with one consistent policy far the whole
Dominion. Baoha course would be too
British for Hugh John Maodouald.
Oandidates supporting the Imperial
Government in its recant appeal to the
eleotore did not hesitate to claim credit
to the Government for "the almost un-
precedented prosperity" the country is
enjoying. Tory campaigners ridioule and
indignantly protest against any snob
euggeetione on behalf of the Canadian
Government. Such an idea is too
British for the Tories.
H. H. Cook, an ex•Liberal M, P.,
chargee the Premier and his oolleaguee
with personal oorraption and malfeasance
of office but offers no proof whatever.
The Premier on behalf of bimself and
his colleagues moat apeoifioally and
categorically denies the charges and
challenges proof. Tory papers the
country over publish the charges, and
requote them in every conceivable form
of editorial comment, ae if they are eon-
viooingly proved, but they give no prom-
inence whatever to the denial and ohal.
lenge of the sensed. Such a oouree
would be too British for the Tory press.
The Ottawa Citizen denies that it ie
neoeseary for H. H, Cook to prodaoe any
proof of his charge of corruption ; let the
Government prove its innooenae. To
oonsider a man innocent until he bae
been proved guilty is too British for the
Ottawa Citizen.
The Mail -Empire imolai the stodsnbs
ot Toronto, and indeed the young men
of Canada irrespeotive of any party, by
alleging that they were paid 76o. eaab to
tarry torches in tbe Laurier proaeeeion
recently. The etudente indignantly
deny this of course, but equally of course
the Mali has not withdrawn its false-
hood and apologized. Saab a acerae
would be too British for the Mail -Em-
The electors of Canada will refuse to
turn out aernro nt o that G v o ba has proved
Itself capable, honest and progressive to
put in its plane an aggregation of men
without a polioy upon which they can all
agree and with a eeoord of corruption
Sumooersa the Laurier Government
were overthrown on the Prohibition
question at the forthcoming eleotion what
then ? Will Sir Charles Tapper and his
foilowera peen the cause ? Are distillers
Corby, of Hastings Co„ and Seagram, of
Waterloo Co., bath Conservative candi-
dates, likely to give Prohibition a boom ?
What Temperance legislation did the
Conservative party give in their 18 years
of office ? What about the 30 Conserve.
tive M. P's who voted against the Prohi-
bition question in the last Government ?
Tun Poen stands for Prohibition but we
don't expect to see it until the electors
are ready to aid in the enforcement of
existing laws by voice, iuflaenoe and
money if necessary. The Privy Council
has already Bald the Dominion Perlia-
meot cannot legislate for the Provinoee
in Prohibition mattere, In the Plebis-
oite taken Quebec Province gave an ad-
vents vote and of amuse no wise man
would expect to gee Prohibition steamed
there with public opinion arrayed against
it both in and out of the House. In
Parliament there area dozen different
kinds of temperance men. Hon. Clarke
Wallace for instance will only vote for
Prohibition if remuneration is made to
every man wbo is engaged in the liquor
busineea, &o. It is all very well to stir
up o "notion" over the question but a
Calm ooneideration of the sobjeot will
ehow atm
at any man that many barriere
yet remain before Prohibition will be at-
tained, and when itis reached then the
real Light begins in earnest. If the
Plebiscite was a mandate from the peo-
ple to the Laurier Government it stands
still to meet the incoming administration
Whoever they may be. What will be the
Lout ASTER Tun 200I0'911100199 vMT2n,
Special attautlop should be paid to the
indifferent eleobor t tete man wbo fndtea
not bother bre head about politics,"
"parties ore out for the etufl and care
nothing tar the intereaba of the country,"
&o, That mats hart simply allowed othere
la think for him and hes never taken
time t0 inform himself ot the real poet.
tion and the natant reoore of the two
parties. 1i.e is not looking in in"el'ireree
he is simply indifferent. iia bee not
realized that the firetduties and ieep:mei.
bilities of oitizonebip is to be well
enough informed tooaat en intelligent
vote. Any reasonably well posted Liberal
should be able to put a few enlieut pointe
before arch a man by which he can In-
telligently oompare the achievements of
the past and the definite matte that the
work of eltber party has left upon the
history of Canada, Scolia man ie not
influenced by the Tory explanation that
the unprecedented, prosperity of the past
four yearn is the outcome of pare luck
and good times, or that the clump in the
method of administrating in the West
has had nothing to do with turning the
ata,ming exodus into an unprecedented
inflex of settlers. He will not refuse to
see that whatever may he the explanation
the foot ie that better results nave been
obtained during the past four years and
better prospects are offering at the
present moment than was ever known in
the Dominion before. He will be able
to appreoiate the oontaution that while
$88,000,000 was too much to eoend with
a revenue of 686,000,000, 350 000,000 ie
not too moll on a revenue of 860,000,-
000 ; particularly when every trent of the
Liberal expenditure is bete;; honestly
employed and there are n0 startle, Nood-
ling scandals and corruption furca to be
accounted 'for, as it was proved in
Parliament and in the law courts, exist.
ed in the old days. These and similar
pointe will appeal tothe most indifferent
elector. if ha has a right to be considered
a decent careen et all, and therefore be
is worth looking after. Get after him at
once. Every vote counts.
E. F. Clarke, M. P., in accepting re.
nomination in Weet Toronto, orltieized
the Government for its alleged failure to
enforce the alien labor law. He did not
tell hie audience however that the late
Tory Government refused year after year
to pave an alien labor law at all, though
the bill was introduced by their own
supporters ; be did not tell diem that the
present Government wee Ihefiret to aeaot
such a measure of protection to the
Canadian working man ; that this
Government was the first to provide
machinery for making the act effective,
and the first to nee that machinery.
And yet these are the facts.
Ether and Sol
Two Lives Freed from Suffering,
and the Hospital Avoided—
A Mother's Story.
The remarkable adaptability of Dr.
Pitcher's Backache Kidney Tablets to all
forms of Kidney and Bladder trouble is
shown fo the experience of Mrs. J. 0.
Paisley, Munro St., Toronto. A great
feature of this medicine is its actionis so
gentle that women and children can use
it without experiencing the ill effects of
other kidney medicines on either the
and innompetenee which brought shame
and humiliation to the Dominion. Such
a performenoe would not be half Bribfah
enough for the eleotore of Canada.
bowels or etomaeh, Urs, Paieley eaye ;
"I had been a great suflarer from
rheumatism, and bad been treated fee it
bseemeydaffected.AI know that thfterworde nay ey Werse,
My book caused me much misery, I had
dreadful headaches. I was nervous and
could 1001 rest at nights; the kidney
aeorstions oauaed me Meah in000venienoe,
and a languor mornings made me feel
mere •weary than when I retired of
light. I have uecd Dr. Pltaher'8 Baok.
echo Kidney'Teblebs and I can say that
not only my backache loos gone, but
therm other al:Motions that I have detail.
ed have disappeared, I oan vouch for
their being a prompt and positive agent
for relieving the kidneys.
My little boy of ten years, was afflict.
ed, hie ltidneye being inactive, I had
oonoluded to and him to the briquet for
treatment, bat when Dr. Pitobar'e Beek.
ache Kidney Tablets performed for me
what other remedies failed in doing,,I
gave them to him, which resulted in a
perfect cure."
Any reader of this "paper cats teat the
merits of Dr. Pitoher a Backache Kidney
Tablets free by enclosing two mote
postage for trial package to The Pitcher
Tablet Co., Toronto. Regular size 60
cents per bottle,
It's Your Nerves.
It's the Condition of Your
Nerves that Either Makes
Your Life a Round of
Pleasure or a Use-
less Burden.
To many women life is one round of
eioknese, weakness and ill health. To
attempt even the lightest household duties
fatigues them. Many of the symptoms
accompanying this state of deoliue ate : a
feeling of tiredness on waking, faiotoeas,
dizziness, sinking feeling, palpitation of
the heart, shortness of breath, loss of
appetite, oold bands and feet, headache,
dark oirolee under the eyee, plc in the
back and side and all the other aocom:
pauiments of a rundown and weakened
All these symptoms and conditions are
simply the result of a poor quality and
defeotive circulation of the blood, with a
wasting away of the nerve forces.
By feeding the system with
Yon strike at the root of the disease and
lay a solid foundation on wbiob to build.
Boon the weight increases, the sunken
cheeks and flattened busts fill out, the
eyes get bright and the thrill of renewed
health and strength vibrates through the
50 oente per box at all druggists', or
DR. WARD 0o.,
Toronto. Ont.
For Sate by G. A. Deadman, Brussels.
Mise Edna Britton, of Hamilton, died
as the result of burns received through
the explosion of a coal oil lamp.
WISII to inform the public that I have purchased
A. R. Johnston's entire stock of Dry Goods, Gents'
Furnishings, Boots and Shoes, Groceries and Hardware
and I'm prepared to give the public the entire benefit.
We have also renovated the store and have added a
large amount of Goods to each already well-filled depart-
ment. The following prices may interest you :-
17 lbs. best Granulated Sugar for $1 00
20 lbs. best Coffee Sugar for 1 00
8 lb. Tin of Perrin's Soda Biscuits for 22
8 97 -piece Dinner Sots, regular $8.50, for 7 25
2 43 -piece Tea Sots, regular $4.50, for 3 50
—6 doz. Whits Plates, all sizes, to be sold at a sweeping reduction.
—All Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes reduced 'from 15 to 20 per cent,
—Some nice lilies of Tweeds for Men's and Bay's Suite at a great
—Only 4 Men's Waterproof Coats left, will be sold at Cost.
—Young Men's Long Boots at 00 cents.
A call will convince you that we are selling goods CHEAPER
than the CHEAPEST.
Motto—"Srncall Profits and Quick Retzarns."
alter Innes.
Ilighest Price for Butter q,nd Eggs,
Noir' TI4Is
New Stoop.
A, Choice Stook.
Aa Lof P ioe■
We will Make it
Pay You
Buy All Your
Goods of Us.
Can BUY MORE and bring BETTER RD9ULTS'tban it ever
did since the DOLLAR MARK was invented, IF you pub ib into
We announce the; greatest gathering of desirable merchandise we have ever
euoceeded its collecbiog for our patrons. Everything fresh and new, sparltliug with
the brightest fashion thoughts of the new season.
Save Money while the Chance Lasts.
A little of it will sive wonderful satiefaotion if invested in our sincerely
honest qualities of reliable goods of known value,
Yon will delight in our new stook because it is in touch with the times,
and aatioipatee your every want in
Hats, Caps and Gents' Furnishing Goods.
Without Doubt or Heeitatiou, Dome and Reap the Best Values
Your Dollar Ever Bought.
A Stock Thoroughly tip to -date in QUALITIES and STYLES
in Every Department.
Come and make your comparisons ; they are the keys that nnlook the
facts about onr Fine Qnalities and Low Prices, The simple, plain talk
of the Prior thatieRight is oar convincing argument. Take advantage
of this combination of Saving and Satisfaction and your mind
will be easy and your money saved.
We are waiting to give you a Square Deal
for a Round Dollar.
A Shoe Both Dainty
This Modern Shoe for
Women is a high grade shoe,
made to fit the feet with ease.
It is made from especially
selected stock, which, with
unusual attention given by
expert designers to lines and
:-18ape81, has produced
and Durable
and combines what is rarely
found, Style with Comfort,
made in all sizes and widths,
Lace and Button.
Prices Stamped on Sole of Shoe—$2.00 ; $2.50 ; $3.00 ; $3.50.
Patent Leather, very stylish, at $8.50.
A Special line for Fall and Winter wear, with Rubber Heel, $3.50
TRY 913V, EMPRESS 8E071 DRESSING for keeping a Stylish Shoe
in perfect condition. Every bottle warranted first-class.
Downing Bros. DealShoe
Stoves v
WANT of room
hindered us
from making a dis-
play of Stoves at
Brussels Fall Fair
but we have a dandy
stock just the same,
and want the public
to see them, We
handle the leading
makes and can quote
prices as low as the
lowest, Give us a
A. F.Gerr
Stoves, Hardware
and Tinware,