HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1900-10-25, Page 8TTI. BRLrSSJdlLLi
Our, 2$, 1900
More Books
Natiepal path°Orals, in 8 Vale, -These
give an agoount of the great Oath°•
drabs of the world aidare worth
Bird Homes -A beaatiIul book ou birds,
Photographs from life,
Book on Animate -A charming Vol,
Our Native Treea-Showiug both trunks
and foliage.
Heroes of Britain in Psaoe and War,
Wars a the Nineties.
Won by the Sword.
The Boys' Book of Invention%
pnglond'e History -a lovely book,
Around the World -same style.
Our Canadian Verne -Giving a descrip-
tion of all Verne found in Canada.
Let us show them to you.
G. A. Deadman,
druggist and Graduate Optician,
Brussels, Ont.
Wanting Glasses
e nhat.
Aro Op from anyk ago
ever wantingyGlaaeos? Tt may bo year
eight has never been good, or advanoing
age readere it neoossary to wear S eotaa•
lee, no day baa gone by for Pleating
them by guess work, eepooially when you
pan dome and have your eyaa properly
tasted and not only have the Glossae that
you require but have them in a frame
that will fib you, neither too high nor too
low, too wide or too narrow, and one that
will not injure
Your Looks.
The Rimless Glasses are 'the Fash-
iOnable ones and likely to remain so, and
withal are the beet ee there is no rim on
the frame to obetrnot the view. Double
Visiou Glasses are the kind when one
requires one for distance and also for
reading or sewing. Let me show them
to you. We will be plead0d to teat your
eyes free of charge any week day.
0. A. Deadman,
Druggist, Optician & Bookseller.
Trains leave Brussels Station, North
and South, as follows;
GRIN° Bono . GoIN0 Smoot,
Express 7:18 a.m. I Mail 2:10 p.m
Mired 0:48 a.m. Express 8:17 p,m
ram'. Edo kerns.
A ohiel's amang ye takin' note's,
An' faith he'll prent it.
RABBITS are plentiful.
Bruesele market leads.
Arrnm prices are going np in thio
Jim. Manama has purohased a fine
upright piano.
15 enure gets TEE POST for the balance
of this oentury.
ANOTHER business change in Bruseele
is on the program.
TEE weather has been charming and
the roads first olaee.
131088018 A. 0. U. W. are arranging
for an At Home in the near future.
IID ie said some of our residents have
over $50.00 up on the reealt of the forth•
Doming election,
SRAsonxa Odd Fellows visit Western
Star Lodge, Brussels, on Thareday even-
ing of this week.
A onto engine was tested on Thursday.
It was for Laohine, Que., and was here
for a new boiler and other repairs.
D. 0. Bose is having the workroom in
connection with his tailoring establish.
ment thoroughly renovated and improved.
$400.00 in Bast Huron Fall Fair prizes
last Saturday afternoon. There is about
$400:00 more to pay.
Just think how a few weeks ago,
We all did muoh perspire,
Now down the cellar steps we go
To light the furnace fire.
Da. O. AAIBROSE TooLE, who has been
practicing in Bluevale for the past five
years, has moved to Brussels and has his
office over Mr. Richard's store, oppoeite
Tas PoeT.
STOVE CLEANING. -Richard Stevens is
p.epared to take charge of all stove
oleaning intrueted to Lim and guarantees
a first-olass job at moderate prioe. Give
him a trial.
W. H. MoORA00EN i6 bard to beat on
mantel growing. He weighed some of
his beet and found 2 at 35 pounds and 1
at 42. A few of these mammoths would
keep a cow going all Winter.
IT ie Said the property known as the
Revere House, near the G. T. R., has
been sold to Capt. Stratton for $700. It
adjoins other property belonging: to the
Captain so will suit him well.
A Soonu.-George Olvar, John street,
Brussels, is putting in the 20th cement
stable floor in commotion with hie work
thie Fall. He is a good hand having bad
a large experience in Dement sidewalk
Now STORE. -A Mr. Campbell, of Lon.
don, has leased the store in the Garfield
block and this week is opening up a large
stook of general merchandise. The store
ie receiving a general tidying np. Open.
ing will be announced later.
SEcoND GnoWTa,-Mre. 'Walter Wilbee
sent Tao POST a rather unusual bognet
for We Beason of the year, viz.: a limb
from a raspberry bash heavily freighted
with ripe fruit, the second orop for this
Season. It will keep Oalifornia hustling
to ont.do this.
Puma FIELD Roots.- In oonneotion
with the awards given by Beet Huron
Agrioaltural Society for best field man -
gale and turnips the prizes were given as
follows :-Mangele-Jae. Speir, 2694 lbs ;
Bubb. Niobol, 254,} lbs ; W. H. MoOat-
obeon, 254 lbs ; John Bolger, 240 - lbs,
Turnips -Jae. Speir, 1254 Ibe ; Jno. Cun-
ningham, 107} Ibe ;. James McOallam,
911be ; Tboe Davidson, 91 the.
A WEDDING next week. Brussels sup-
plies the groom.
Forma Division Court will be held on
Friday of this week.
AN epidemic of bad colds of the la
grippe type prevails.
RooT. TaooteoN has purchased a span
of matohed Borrel roadsters and has sold
hie -other driver,
Hoo is whispering "All is well"
Buoy men do not deny it ;
Some are bringing wheat to sell
Others are digging gold to buy it.
NEXT week the Liberal Committee
rooms will be opened in the Leokie Blook
over G. A. Deadman'° drug store. All
Liberals, both old and young will be
BannIe000 BLam represented Dr. Mao.
Donald at E. L. Diokineon'e meeting at
Blyth on Tuesday evening. The Dr.
was holding ajoint meeting at Wingham
with R. Holmes, of West Huron.
Tau blacksmith shop of Mr. Phillipe,
Flora street, hoe been much improved
with new roof, siding and foundation.
This, with the addition of the painter's
brueh, has wrought quite a change.
Paul'. L. E. Dais, of Michigan, wiebes
to announce that he is prepared to aooept
a limited number of pupils on Violin and
Mandolin. For information oonoerning
same call on H. L. Jackson, Jeweler,
TRASOOGIVING Day the A. F. & A. M.
held a Lodge of Instruction at Lietowel.
R. N. Barrett and John Wright attended
from .Brussels. Walkerton, Listowel
and Kinoardioe representatives exempli-
fied the degrees.
Tam plate glass in the new block built
by J. Leokie is 114 x 186 Mabee and is
the Iargeet plate in Brussels. A few
more days will complete the work on the
store and allow Jno. Walker, the new
tenant, t0 move in.
"What shall I render unto the Lord
for all hie benefits ?" Pealm 100, verse
4, was Rev. G. J. Abey'e text at the
eervioe in St. John's ohuroh on the morn.
ing of Thanksgiving Day. The disoonree
was appropriate to the ooaaeiou.
LAIwG Bees. gave an exhibition of
moving piotnree :n Brussels Town Hall
on Tbankegiving Day. A number of the
views were very good. There was a
good attendaooe but not muoh profit
oat of it to the looal organization.
W. H. Elms writing Tan PoeT from
Woodworth, Montana, says he has taken
a good eltoation at the above mentioned
plane and will not be home until Christ-
mas. They had quite a snow storm on
Oot. let and everything looked very
THE names of a few botel.keepere in
Eaet Huron will be reported, it is eaid,
for Belling to minora and an effort made
to have their licenses oanoelled, It is
full time something was done as the
number of young fellows wbo get the
worse of liquor is on the inoreaae. The
parents of there youths should take a
hand to this matter,
G. T. R.-Duriog the past week the
following incoming freight was reoeived
at Brussels Oar merabandiee, Mr.
Campbell ; oar Dement, Wilton & Tarn.
bulli oar of lumber, P. Ament ; and
the usual local contingent. Outward
16 oars were shipped as follows :-Olegg
& Dames, 1 oar oattle ; Jno. Roddick, 2
oars lambs ; Alf. Baeker, 8 care peas, 2
ogre hay and 1 car oats ; W. Jewitt, 1 ear
apples ; R. Graham, 2 oars Date and 1
oar peas ; Enterprise Salt Works, 3 oars
SUDDEN DEATH. -We regret to have to
report the deoeaee of Evelyn, daughter
of Jacob Israel, of Seaforth, which sad
oogarranes took place on Thursday morn-
ing of this week. She took ill with
obetruetion of the bowels and a medical
operation was considered necessary, be-
ing suooeesfully performed on Wednes-
day of this week. It was expeotad she
would be much benefitted by it but the
collapse on Thursday Boon ended her
her young life. Mise Israel was a jolly,
bright young woman, 20 years of age,
whose demise wilt be very sincerely re.
gretted. Funeral takes place on Friday
at 2 p. m. Deoeaeed was known to a
good many in Brussels as she often
visited at Watson Ainley'e. The family
will be deeply sympathised with in their
Budden bereavement.
East Riding of Huron.
An arrangement has been entered
into by Dr. MacDonald and E. L. Diokiu•
eon, the Reform and Conservative clan-
didates for the Oommone in Eaot Huron,
whereby a eeriee of joint meetings will
be held as follows
Rttohbe's Sobool House,
Bowiok Friday, Oot, 26
Fordwiob Monday, " 29
Sprain's School House,
Grey Tuesday, " 80
Brussels, Nomination
Day Wednesday, " 81
Walton Wednesday, " 31
Blyth Thursday, Nov. 1
Gorrie Friday, " 2
Lakelet Monday, " 5
Wingham Tuesday, " 6
Maxawmulao,-Last Monday morning
Rev, Fr. McOabe performed the marriage
ceremony in the 11. 0. ohuroh, Brussels,
between Joseph Byan, a well known
young gentleman of Molillop, and Mies'
Lizzie Baker, of Oranbrook. The bride
was attended by Mies .Ryan and the
groom by Mr. Baker. The young couple
begin married
life with the good wishes
of a large circle of friends in whioh Tam
Pon joins.
Jog'. Mellonrws DEAD. On Thareday,
llth inst., John McMartin, formerly of
Brnesels, but for Name years a reeident
of Paisley, died at the home of hie par-
ents at Hensel'. He went there to vieit
them and tatting ill wee unable to get
home. Iiia remains were taken to
Paisley for interment, the Heneall Can -
['Alto Order of Foreetere taking obarge
of the funeral to the G. T. R, depot at
Heneall. The deoeaeod leaves a widow
and two children to moar0 the lose of a
loving hatband and kind father. Heycae
a marble carver by trade and was a
young, industrious man only 27 years of
age. A large number of friends assem-
bled at the home of the deoeaeed'e per.
ante when a,eervioo was ooaduoted by
Rev. Geo. Jewitt. Much sympathy is
felt for the bereaved family, Mr. Mo.
Martin was a brother to M90. �•Villiam
Wilton, of Brussels.
Meetings will begin at 7.30 o'oiook.
The oandidates may be assisted by
looal speakers.
Ladies invited.
"God Save the Queen,"
Either party reserves the right to hold
additional meetings to be addressed by
either outside or looal epeakere.
Mr. Dickinson will hold joint meetings
with R. McLean, Oooeervabive candidate
for West Huron, at Blyth on Oot. 23rd,
and Belgrave on Nov. let.
Business Locals.
Olen for butter and eggs. A. Ooasley.
SRnyANT wanted. Apply to
Mas, W. M. amount.
00AL stove for sale. Good condition.
5, T. PLIES, Brussels.
Hoven and lot for Bale, John street.
CO11FORTABLE.houe6 to rent, with stable
and good garden, on Alexander street.
Posoeseion can be given early in Septem-
ber. For further partioalars apply to
WANTED. - Dried apples, fowl and
batter. We will pay 20c. for choice roll
batter till Nov. 6th. Oar stook ie large
and well assorted. G, E. RING,
W ingbam.
FoWL WANTED. -3 to 44 lbs., 250, per
pair ; over, 300. per pair ; under, 20o.
per pair. Pick dry and do not draw them.
Oan't handle on Saturday.
WALTER INNms, Manhunt,
Tot Casing Night Alarm.
"One night my brother's baby was
taken with croup," writes Mrs. J. 0.
Snider, of Crittenden, Ky., "it seemed it
would strangle before we could get a
dootor, so we gave it Dr. %ing'° New
Disoovery, which gave quick relief and
permanently _cured it. We always keep
it in the house to proteot our children
from croup and whooping sough. It
oared me of a chronic bronohial trouble
which no other remedy would relieve."
Infallible for coughs, colds, throat and
lung troubles. 50o and $1.00. Trial
bottles free at 0, A. Deadman's drug
Under the Tory rule ; prices for mixed
twine, equal to Canadian Red Cap :-
per Ib.
1889 16 1-2
1890 14 1-2
1891 18
1892 12
1895 7 1-2
1898 . 7 1-2
Average, 11 3-8 oente.
Under Liberal rale ; prices fell Ontario
Government twine, made of pure Manila
as advertised in bandrede of newspapers
per lb.
6 1-9
6 1-2
9 1-2 bad the Pros/imolai Presidenoy of the
11 Christian Endeavor added to his other
duties this year. Be will not rues out,
Average, 8 8-8 ants
W. F, and 1140, Stewart were vielting
at Woodetook 609 a few days,
Irfies Teeple Smith, of Wroxeter, 18
visiting Wanda in Brueaels and locality,
Mies Lin, Petland liae returned to
Chatham and Miss
Beryl West has o0
to Blyth where she will make her borne
with Mrs, N. B, Gerry, her aunt, for a
1i, G. Wilson and eon, Frank, of Lon,
don, were visitore in town laeb week,
Mr, Wilson Lae dune well An tad Forget
_city bat bee a warm spot in his heart for
Bruseele yet,
Jas. Ballantyne, wife and BOA, wbo
went to Calgary last Spring, arrived
back to Brussels this week, They
will probably settle down in this locality
and will be welcomed by a large oirole of
Lorne Hunter 10 expeotad borne this
week from hie eurveying trip in Hudson
Slay Be says when their party,
arrived beak in oivilization they couldn't
Bleep comfortably in feather beds after
their rongh and ready experience in damp
life. Mr, Hunter spent it most enjoyable
time in hie outing.
We are pleased to notice that Thos. W.
Gibson, who has been eeoretary of the
Crown Land Department, has been ap-
pointed direotor of the Bureau of Miuee
in succession to Archibald Blue. It was
generally understood that this arrange•
ment would be made, as Mr. Gibson has
been for some time disoharging the duties
of the office. He le one of the most
popular members of the civil eervioe in
Ontario, and bas made a speoial study of
the mining baeinese. Mr. Gil:: an is an
old Wroxeter boy, a son of the fate A. L.
Gibson, and his well deserved p, emotion
is warmly approved by his many friends
in Huron.
People We Know.
Miss Ella Ainley is visiting at Mon-
Harry James, of Blyth, was in town an
Mise Edith MoLauohiin was visiting at
Miss Ida Blashill is home from Lon.
don on a visit.
Mies Maggie Scott was visiting at Sea.
forth and Alma.
Mies Lily Cooper has been visiting at
Blyth and Clinton.
L. Carruthers' ate hie roast turkey in
Rarrieton on Thanksgiving Day.
Harry Downing, of Wingham, was re-
newing old friendships in Brussels.
Mies Jennie Howe was home from
Clinton Model,sobool for Thanksgiving.
Mre, 0. H. Bertliff and Barry were
visiting in Wingham on Thanksgiving
DMrs, S. Beattie and Mies Mary were
visiting in Seaforth on Thursday of last
Inspector London, of the Standard
Bank, made hie official visit to Brussels
this week.
R. K. Matheson, of Luoknow, Was in
town on Thursday of last weak. Look•
now is agreeing well with him,
While io Toronto T. A. Hawkins stud.
ied the piano with Mr. Harrison, of the
Toronto Ooueervatory of Mueio.
Mre. (Rev.) Rose, who hae been ill for
the past few weeks, bad a relapse, but
we hope she will soon be oonvalesnent.
Mise Nora, daughter of Dr. Holmes,
was home from Toronto, where she is
attending College, for Thankegiving Day.
Mies Georgia Roes was here for a few
days from Listowel Collegiate on a visit
to her pereobe and many young friends.
Mies Edith Innen, of Guelph, and
Mise Muriel Clark, of Elora, were heli•
daying at Mrs. Jas. Wilson's duriug
Thanksgiving time.
Thoe. Roes, of Oheeley ; Robt, Boers,
wife and obildren, of Eineardine ; and
Mre. Freeman, of Seaforth, were visitors
at David Rose' on Tbankegiving Day,
last Thos.Bloomfield
left la week for
Montreal from which ip
oint he went in
charge of a consignment of cattle for
Meesre. Clegg & Dames to the Old Coun-
trThos. and Mrs. Nichol were renewing
old eoquaintanees at Obiseihurot on
Tbankegiving Day. They have made a
wonderful improvement in their home
and plemieee on John street.
John Halliday, a former well known
Bruseelite, was here from London last
week. While here he rented his fine
brick residence on Albert street to Sam'I
Beattie. We would not find fault if Mr.
Halliday and family once morn became
residents of Brussels.
Tnz POST had a pleasant gall from Rev,
Mr. Henderson, Presbyterian minister of
Heneall, last Monday. He had been
preaching anniversary sermons at Bel.
grave and drove over with D. Sproat.
Mr. Bendereon ie a buoy man and has
ST4XD4RJ) .E3il1.NJ1 OF C✓�rNt�Dr ,
3.7nTAS:1gr' Sfa0:-&2u 9.E72..
CAPITAL PAID IIP (One Million Dollars)
. . !n
49enai05 in all pririaipai points in Ontario, Quebec, Manitoba, United States et 38ngfand,
,000 ,
Morris Couneii 1Vleeting.
The Oounail met a000rdiog to adjourn-
ment ; members all present ; Reeve in
the chair; minutes of last meeting read
and passed. A oommunioation was re-
oeived from James Ornikebank olaiming
damage for broken vehicle. On motion
of Oode and Oardiff said claim was laid
over for farther °onsideration. On
motion of Jaokeon and Code Mr. Shaw
was instructed to have road at lots 20
and 21 on 3rd con. line, put Into proper
state of repair, On mobiou of Oardiff
and Shaw the Reeve was instructed to
have the bridge over the Garnier oreek
pat in a proper state of repair. 00
'potion of Oardiff and Oode, the Reeve,
Councillor Shaw and W. J. Johneton
were appointed final inspectors on the
Garoiss drain, 0a motion of Cardiff
and Jaokeon the Reeve was inatruoted
to interview all parties conneoted with
the Garniee dram re final settlement.
On motion of Shaw and Oode the col-
leotor's bond as read was accepted as
eatiefaotory. On motion of Shaw and
Jackson the following amounts were
ordered to be paid :-John Walker, 4 doz
window shades, $8,00 ; Robert Ynill,
gravelling, $20.75 ; Jae. Sherrie, inepeot-
ing work, $2,00 ; Walter Yuili, gravel,
80a ; Mr. Mason, Meaning ditoh, $17.55 ;
Geo. Readman, digging ditoh, $30.00
H. Beam, ditch, $2.00 ; Municipal World
blank forme, $2 00 1 I. Fear, gravel and
gravelling, 828.18 ; John Hooper, gravel.
ling, $21.40 • Geo. Hanna, inepeoting,
$1,25 ; A. Prootor, gravel, $3.00 1 D.
Campell, repairing approaoh to bridge,
$1.50 ; E. Haggit, award drain on South
boundary, $20.40 ; R. Cookerliee, repair-
ing culvert, $2,50 ; Arthur Wyatt, gravel,
760 ; Albert Hughes, gravel, $1.00 ; B.
Skelton,gravel, $3.75 ; eeleotore of Jurors
eaoh 94.00 ; A. Brydges, digging ditch
and °leaning culvert, 93.00 ; P. Oantelon,
digging ditch, $13.00 ; John Hooper, re.
pairing onlvert, $3.00; John Barr, gravel,
$4.00 ; J. Smith, gravel, 95.00 ; G. Hen.
derson, gravel, 70o ; Jno. King, gravel,
92.12 ; B. Stokes, gravel, 86 09 ; Al000k
and Pollard. work on Garneee drain,
$200.00. Council then adjourned to
meet o,, Nov. 19. W. CLARir,
drFaP.e 5.11.68 RIiQJ Gro+ .
A General Banking Business Traneaoted, . Farmers' Notes Discounted.
Draft's Issued and Colleotions made on all points, '
Interest allowed on deposits of 91,00 and upwards and oompounded half yearly.
Every faoility afforded Cusbomere living at a distance.
payable at any bank tuned Under 810.,., 80. $20 to $80,...12o
M) at the following rates :- 910 to 920....100. 80 to 40.,,.14a
TUESDAY, OCT. 50T8. -N1 Lot 8, Con.
7, Morris. Farm Stoo , implements,
&o. Bale, unreserved, et 1 o'olook. Jno.
Young, prop. ; C. Hamilton, ono.
VRinav, Nov, 2ND. -Lot 12, Oon, 16,
Grey. Standing timber, horses, &o.
Sale oommenoee at 1 o'clock. Kreuter
& Ritchie, props.; F. S. Scott, a0o.
Monks, Nov. STD.—Lot 17, Oon. 15,
Grey. Farm stook, &o. Sale, unreserv-
ed, at 1 o'aloak. Jae. Cuthill, prop. ; F.
8. Scott,
Yunnan,000., Nov. Brio. -Farm stook, im-
plements, &o. N4 Lot 22, Oon. 5, Mor.
ria. Sale, onreeerved, at 1 o'olook. N.
Platt, prop. ; F. 5. Soott, auo.
FRIDAY, Nov. 9. -Farm stook at Lot 6,
Con. 11, Grey. Sale unreserved at 1
o'olook. Thos. Bielby, prop. ; F. S.
Scott, ane.
TUESDAY, Nov. lath. - Farm stook,
implements, &o., at South Half Lot 8,
Oon. 9, Morrie. Sale unreserved at 1
p, m. sharp. Mary E. Lynn and George
Pierce, Executors. F. S. Scott, atm.
WEDNESDAY, Nov. 14: Form etaok,
implements, &0., at Lots 16 and 17, Oon.
10, Grey. Sale unreserved at 12 o'alook,
sharp. Wm. Fischer, prop. F. S. Scott,
FRIDAY, Nov. 16ru.-Lot 10, Con, 4,
Grey. Farm stook, implements, &o.
Sale, unreserved, at 1 O'olook. David
Dron, prop. ; F. 8, Scott, auo.
The full dinner pail tie an emblem of
Liberal rule. Were times ever better for
the laboring class ? You oan hardly find
an idle man from one end of the country
to the other if he dukes to work,
Toronto's weloome to Sir Wilfrid
Laurier overflowed the three largest Halls
in the oily and the other towns and cities
visited were about as jnbilant in pro.
portion to their population. No ice
wagon in his procession.
KInnoonn.-In Smith'e Falls, on Sept. 80,
to Mr. and Mrs. George H. Kilbonru
(nee Lily Slater formerly of Blyth)
a son.
Fall Wheat 61 62
Barley -... 85 86
Peas 55 58
Oats .- 22 22
Butter, tabs and rolls .. 16 18
Eggs per dozen 18 14
Flour per barrel 4 00 4 50
Potatoee (per bash.) 20 25
Apples (per bag) 80 35
Sheep ekine,each 80 1 00
Lamb skins eaoh 26 25
Salt per bbl., retail 1 00 70
Hay per ton 6 00 7 00
Hideo trimmed 6 84
Hides rough 5 6
Hogs, Live 6 40 5 50
Wool 16 154
o,xAmazaxa a-
BARnrar.-BAIEn At the Oentral Meth.
odist ohuroh, Woodstock, on Wolter
10th, by Rev. S. Sellery, B, D„ Mr.
G. R. Barriok, of Blyth, to Miss
Florence Baker, of Woodstook.
Bonn - MAODoNALD. - At St. James'
(thumb, Seaforth, on Oot. 23rd, by
Rev. Fr. McCabe, Mr. Jae. T. Burke,
of Stratford, to Mise Jennie, daugh-
ter of the late Chas. MacDonald,
formerly of Walton,
GILLEerIE-SltirsoN.-At the residence of
the bride's parents, Blom, on the
17th inst., by Rev. P. A. McLeod,
Mr. William Henry Gillespie, of
Orangeville, to Mies Jessie A. Simp-
son, of Elm.
MDerAnn-FIte8ER.-On Oot, 17th, at the
residence of the bride's parents, by
Rev, D. Rogers, Mr. John ?dastard,
to Mise Jane Fraeer, both of Morrie.
RYAN-BAEEw.-On Oot, 22nd, in the R.
0. ohuroh, Brueesls, by Rev. Fr, Mo.
Oahe, Mr. Joseph Ryan, of Mo$illop,
to Miss E, Baker,C
of ranbrook,
CHILD'S goat lost on gravel road North.
Finder pleaee leave at Tun PosT,
Gran wanted to do general house work.
Apply to 111t8. J. LEOBIE, Brussels.
LEICESTER Ram Lambs for sale, from
registered sire. Apply to B. NI01100 , Lot
20, Con, 6, ]Morrie.
MONEY to loan 0n approved real estate.
Terms easy, For further partioulare apply
to W. H. HERR, Brussels,
Goon steady man wanted, to work on
farm by the year, Wages, 8200 and Board.
Apply to W. HARRIS, Day Mills, Algoma.
Two eligible building lots for sale on
Princess street, Bruseele. For further par.
Mentors as to price terms, &o., apply to
8-71, MRS. J. GRIEVE, Brussels,
0100, -In Blyth, on October 16th, Anne
Knott, beloved wife of Martin Cade,
aged 72 years and 6 months.
Gou t:v.-Ia Weat Bay Oily, Michigan,
on Oot. llbb, Mre. Gurney, formerly
of Blytb, aged 78 years.
19EAEL� In Seaforth, on Oot. 25, Evelyn,
second daughter of Jacob Israel,
aged 20 years. Funeral Friday
afternoon at 2 o'clock.
MAieoon In Fordwiob, on Oat. 15, 1900,
Robert Mahood, aged 70 years.
MoMouria.-In Bengali, on Oot. 11, Jno.
McMartin, of Paisley, aged 27 years.
PARR. -In Grey, on Oot. 20, Mary Jane
Riordan, beloved wife of James Parr,'
aged 85 years, 5 months and 18 days.
eivcraorT sax�a ___
Fawn, Ooo. 26Th, -N4 Lot 11, Con.
7, Morrie. Well bred farm stook, &o.
Bale, unreserved, at 3. o'oloSh, Jas.
Ball, prop, ; 9, S. poet:, ans.
nom, &0.:-0r, F, 8, Scott, Auction-
eer,has reoeived instruction from the.
unersigned to sell by l'ublio emotion at
Lot 17, Con ,la, Grey, on Monday, Nov, 8W,
1001:, oommenoing at 1 o'clock, the follow•
ing Valuable property r-1 mare 8 years old,
1 light horse 2 years old, 1 aged horse, 2
cows supposed in oelf, 8 heifers 2 year old,
Sheep and lambs,1 binder, and! 1 heifers,
1 p16
harvester, 1 seed. drill, 1 spade harrow',1
sonifier, 1 set iron barrows, 3 plows, 1 pair
of truclts,1 double buggy, .1 single buggy, 1
cutter, 1 lumber waggon, 1 set of bob.
sleighs, 1 roller, 2 sulky .rakes, l bellows,
anvil and viae, 1 )auniug mill, 1 open oylin•
der threebing machine, 1 sob double bar-
men, 1 set single harness, 2 drag Bowe near-
ly new, mason's hammer, (16 pounds), hay
rook, obains,forke, &o. Sale unreserved as
the proprietor has sold his farm. Terms. -
All sums of $5 and under crash ; over Mutt
amount 12 months credit will be given on
furnishing Approved Joint Notes. 6 per
oeut, off for cast, on oredit amounts
Auctioneer. Proprietor.
DEE(I011E13 Offers h10 butchering bud.
noes, briok block, residenee, slaughter house
and other property for sale ata moderato
prioe as he wishes to retire from business.
W111 be sold en bloc or divided up to suit
purchaser. This is a good chance to an en-
terprisingman. P'or further particulars as
to prioe, terms and conditions apply to
14 -ti WM. BLASHILL, 'Brussels.
Valuable Bush Lands.
Tenders will be reoeived by the under.
signed up to and including October 31, 1900,
for the following lands, namely ;-Lots 2", 28,
29, 26 and 28 in the 17th Concession and
Lot a 22, 22 and 24 in the 18th Concession of
the Township of Grey, in the County of
These aro all valuable bush lands and
parties mBaBy tender for any number of the
lots, stating
elreahto buys The which
tender not necessarily accepted,
Dated October 9th, 1900. 14.8
G. N. MATHESON, Mitchell.
1. Mune on Queen street, furnished or
without, at a bargaiu. Apply to
1 Good brlok house with Large kitchen
cellar, woodshed, &c. ¢ acre of land. Good
location. For partioulara apply at, Tae
YosT, 16-tf
Lot 36, Oon. 6, Grey, oontainiug 100
acres. Good stook farm with 10 00res of
timber, good well and fences. No buildings.
For further particulars amply to
14-4 PRANCES 00ATES, Trowbridge.
■ ■. acre of land for sale, Graham's Sur-
vey,¢ mile South of Brussels. The house
contains 7 roma ; good stable ; well ; fruit
trees and small fruits, Possession given at
once. Terme reasonable, If property le not
sold soon„will be rented. For price, terms,
&o., apply to WM, BANDS, on the pre,ni0os,
or Brussels P.O. 11.4
Mr,F.S.Scott, auotioneor, has reoeived
instructions from Mr. Wm. Fleoher to sell by
Public Auction at Lobe 16 and 17, Oon, 10,
Grey, on \Vedneaday, Nov.1414, 1900, at 12
o'olook, ebarp the following valuable prop-
erty,viz. :-I Clyde brood mare, pedigreed,
6 years old, su posed in foal to a pedigreed
horse ' 1 brood mare 7 yeare old in foal to a
coach horse ; 1 brood mare 0 years old in
foal to a ooaoh horse; 1 driving mare 4 years
old ; 1 horse 8 years old ; 1 roadster 8 years
old ; 1 roadster 8 years old; 1 gelding 2 years
old ; 1 ally 2 year! old ; 0 oowa supposed in
calf to a :koro' bred Durham bull ; 2 heifers
years old su oeed in oalf; 1 thorn' bred
D2 yea pp
the old •' 8 steers 1 oar
010; 1 I bull s8 many
' Spring sal es
• 2 heifexa1 year olds 7 S0 g v, 7
; 7 ewe labs ; 2 brood °owe supposed
to r with pig 1 brood saw With litter by
her side ; 1 trete' bred Tamworth bear 18
months old ; 18 store pigs ; 6 geese ; 40 chick-
ens; 1Massey-Barris binder with trunk,
• 1 seed drill'
rl new 1 Blaney
rake nearly new ; 1 pea harvester 2 : 0
cultivator ; 1 land ows; nearly now ; 2 sots
iron harrows; l plow
1 new Flouryplow ;
1 ,mingtwo-farrow plow; 100; 1r; 1pulptt; 1
farming p1 mor with bagger ; 1 straw cutter bob
1 eat platform 2lm lumber
w (goon;400 ; 2 pairs bob-
pul6ey ; 2lumbar wagons; hayfork,t,• 1
topln9g buggy
; s1 ()utter • 1 truce ; 1 oayy 0 • e
ass; ; 1 ember ; 2 seta liagvy double
harness; angle sea doable light 100kse a rife ;
treet s,hols es ;and (Maine, oof fors, Wbeoo too
shovels and slot of other axtioloss too
num0roue to mention, inoludiug a quantity
of hay, 20 loads of mongols, 4 mom of tar.
hips and some corn about 2,000 feet of lum-
ber, and about 1,200 cedar poets. Terme-
A1! enms of 88.00 and under oath • over that
amount 12 months oredit will be given on
furnishing approVod loihtnot°o ; 8per pent,
Off fox oath on oredit amounts ; hay, wood
and p00te to be _cash. Everything must he
sold as the proprietor bee Bold hla 1710 .
F, S, SOOTT, WM. FI8011181t,
4.uOtlOnoor, Froprlotor,
Laos, Thep y
roper: of the late John
Elliott, consisting of a solid brick house
with frame -kitchen and woodshed, good
stable and ¢ acre of land all in flret•olasa
condition. If not sold will berented. Pos-
session at any time. For paitioulare apply
t0 wit. SPENCE, Ethel; ALEX. PATTEn0ON
Galt ; or DR, MOIIELYEY, Mt. Foxes:. 20tf
Tbiawerellroeaea all
that can be said to induce and
maintain a business relation be-
tween the Druggist and the pub=
lio. It is our aim to inspire it
in all who deal with us and to
deserve it when secured. Wo
appreciate to the fullest extent
the responsibility we assume in
dealing with Remedies whose
virtues and powers are expected
to protect Life and Health,
You warn good Drugs,
We want good Customers,
Can't we deal together
Poz's Drug Store.
BALM.—Lot 17, con. 9, Township of:
(Emmy. 100 soma more or less. Situate 4i
miles from,B: Gaols and 2 milesironn village
of Ethel, All oleered excepting 6 aures of
hardwodd bush. Buildings and fences in
good repair. Good wells. All Fall plowing
done. Price and terms of payment on ap-
plication to VV. 61. SINCLAIR
20-tf Barrister, &A., Brussels,
FAB utile ORg orSALE..-150
t eL9 .- ¢ 0 d ORES
of the North ¢ of Lot 86, Oon .2, East Wawa -
nosh. This is an excellent stook farm,being
well supplied with good spring water, 1t is
situated about 8 miles from the thriving Vil-
lage of Blyth. A large part of It is under
grass. Buildings and fences are In a lair
state of repair. Easy terms of payment will
bo given, Por all information apply to
11-tf G. F. BLAIR, Barrister, Brendle.
Notice to Creditors.
In the matter of the Estate of James
Joseph Lynn, of the Township of
Morrie, in the County of Huron,
Farmer, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given, pursuant to Chap.
129 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1807,
that all oreditore and other persons having
any _claim or demand against the above
named James Joseph Lyn u, wbo died on or
about the 19th day of September, A.D. 1900,
are hereby required on or before the 10th
day of November, A. D. 1000, to send by pest
(prepaid) or deliver to Mary Lynn or George
Piero° of the said Township of Morrie, the
ESe0nitix and Executor of the said Jennie
Joseph ad-
tlixul05 ail ocoupaone, with (full paxtiou-
lare of their claims and the nature of the
securities (if any) held by them.
And notloe is hereby given that, atter such
last mentioned date, the said Executrix and
F,xeoutor will proceed to distribute the as-
sets of the (aid deceased amongst the
puttee entitled thereto, having regard only
to the claim] of which notice shall have
been given
and Executor will uotdbeL the
for the said emote, or any part thereof, to
any person or persons 01 wboee claim nobtoe
shall not have been .received at the time of
such distribution.
Dated at Brussels this Ord day of Ootober,
.4.. D. 1900, 10.3
Solfoitor for Executrix and Executor.
Should return to earth in the pres-
ent age, the first thing he would do
would be to pick up the newspaper,
read the advertisements and go
straight and buy a New Standard l
Suit from
He would be wise as all Philoso-
phers are, and this would be the
part of wisdom.
The New
Standard Clothing
Imported direct from Mark
Fisher, Sons & Co., Huddesfield,
Eng., and made up by S. Gold &
Co., Montreal. We've got those
Men's, Youths' and Boys' Suits
,sr, on the run. Competition no-
where. Bring on your Butter,
.Eggs and Cash.
Buyour General Dry Y Goods
from the Newest and most attrac-
tive stock in town at Cost Price
while this Sale lasts. Come on
with your competition. Let the
people be the judges and I am
content to abide by their decision
as to the merits of our stock in
Style, in Beauty, in Value, in every
way. No Sir j 8 and 8 are not 9,
but 8 times 8 are 9 and our friends
know it.
The Man who sells the New Standard Clothing