The Brussels Post, 1900-10-25, Page 7EVOLUTION OP FIREARMS.
nee' 'rlimeie nt Hide a Minute (violent
',online the dated,
A mao/line gun of a novel oberaetcr
has been invented by an engineer of
Neweeetle. The gun is a patent tem
trtfiegal, guide -firing tnaclline-gun, it
le five foot high and weighs allbut five
hendred weight. It is intended foe'
battleship, 'eertivworks and garrison
Purposes, The motive power is clece
snotty, transmitted to a motor i t-
taohod to the, side of the 'gun. The
raotor oaueeq a disk to revolve, at a
very higb rate of spead. The bullets,
which are Introduced Juto the inter-
ior of the disk at the axle, travel
along ourvee in the Interior to the lir.,
owe:Um:ones and are there impelled
• through a barrel, It is claimed that
this disk will rotate, under the influ-
enoe of the motor at the rats of 12,-
000 revolutions a minute and will
eject shots tram the middle of the
gun with an initial velocity of 2.000
feet per second, One of the chief
characteristics of the gun is
that it will maintain a continuous
fire. If necessary a shot may be dis-
charged at every half revolution, but
in practice one shot every fourth re-
volution will be found sufficient. The
bullets are spherical and measure 3-
16 inch In diameter.
Tile following are the result's of the
teats already made with the gun: 18,-
000 rounds of shot at the rate of 3,000,
a minute have been rliseharged from
the gun. These shots consisted of
nickel, steal some of brass, as used
in leranoo, lead and Wiled metal. It
was tested seven times privately, no
motor was used nor is one yet at-
tached to the gun, although the gun
is constructed for an electric motor.
The tests, were made by means of a
belt driven by a steam engine, Linder
these conditions the velocity requir-
ed, and which it is 'maintained an el-
eetrio motor will produce, was not, of
course, attained, but the praolionl
working of the gun was fully demon-
.pbrated. A tong range could not be
had because of the necessity of sec-
recy, and the testing was done in a
covered shed at BIytlli dry docks. A
steel target, 3-3e inch think, wasshat-
tered, the disk of the gun revolving
at a speed of 2,500 revolutions par
minute. From the penetration of the
target it is calculated that at a dis-
tance of 400 yards a penetration of a
similar character will be effected of
a plate 7-16 i.noh thiok under the in
fluence of an electric motor. There is.
no heating of the barrel of the gun,
because of the continuous stream of
cold air which - is impelled through it
by the turning of the disk. The disk
itself is also free from heating on ac-
count of the speoia1 bearings on Lt'hioh
it is constructed. There bearings are a
highly complicated mecbanical con-
trivance, and are sianilar to those
used in Parson's turbines, which can
oeviolve at the rate of 20,000 revolu-
` tions a minute, and Levall's motor,
which revolves at the rate of 30,000
revolutions a minute. To test the
gun thoroughly it will be necessary
to affix a motor, which will be alive-
I/otrse-power motor coupled direct on
to the shaft.
Our Puritan eneestors regarded
Ala worthies of Scripture with such
reverence that they gave to their
children as Christian names, Ebene-
zer, Nebucihadnezzar, Obadiah, Han-
nail, Abigail and Mehitabel. That
this custom is not entirely obsolete/1s
shown by the tact that only a gen-
exetion ago, when to a proud fath-
er of seven sone and two daughters
came 'the crowning joy of his life in
the birth of a third daughter, be
chose her name from the Puritanical.
standpoint. A close student of I
Scripture history, he recognized the d
coincidence that in sex and numbers
his family was the same as that of °
Job; therefore, regardless of all pro -'1
tests, be followed literally the words
of the Old Testamneut, "He called, the
name of the third. Karon-haplruoh," �t the word is defined ;
as "a child of beauty," et should have m
been accounted a misdemeanor, if 1
not a orimc, to bunion a nineteenth
century child with such a name. d
Although the Bible names were oft- t
ugly and lnharinonious, thorn t f
oaten a time when Scriptural phrases .P
were °sed with still worse effect. 1t fi
Is historical Lime "Praise -God" Bare- 111
bones was a Puritan leakier dealer r
of fleet street, who became the fan- r
atical ]ender of the Parliament eon- d
vaned by Cromwell in 1353. ilia. own - 0
name must bavo bean satisfactory, n
as elle one Ceti: ho inflicted upou his a
son . was "If-011'rlst-had-not-diad-Cor- t
thee -thou-woukl-have-baso -damned" eh
Iterebones. It is needless to add that f]
the nonce was effectively shortened to to
"Damned Bat'ebonea" Another his- D
torte name was 'Ifigltt-thy,-good-
figlrt-of-faith" White, while ens wor-
thy of remomtbranoe IS "Kill -stn" Pim-
No one may,cllonse lids surname, but
On the Farm, 1420,
This .plant is Due of the worst weede
infest/rig our fields, on account of its
being a perennial and multiplying
not only by seeds but also from its
extena1vely spreading, long under-.
ground root. stooks. This post may be
destroyed by Several methods, all bas-
ed upon the principle that whatever
will effeetuaily prelude the plant from
the light and air will'de9Lroy it. Par-
tioular empliaaie must be laid upon the.
effectiveness with which this is done;
no half measures will 00. Various ape-
elfio directions have been given, but
for badly 'infested fields, under a00.r-
ago conditions, nothing is more effec-
tive titan a thorough summer fallow,
to be repeated the following year if
found necessary
Mortality in Swine la something ap-
palling in Me country, Of course,
very much of it is due to the preval-
ence of hog obolera. .But the foot re,
mains that hog cholera is not nearly
so fatal among swine with marked
stamina as among those with, leas in-
bersnt vigor. And hog cholera is
much less fatal with swine fed large-
ly on a nitrogenous diet than on one
highly earbonaceoue. The mortality Am
ong young pigs is very great, and it.
Bopp Had Departed.
Dor Tears Her Lire Was One of llider'r-
HHer Eros. nod Limbs would Swell,
Frightfully nod She Recalne Unable to
do Hier Hlousehotd wont.
From the Enterprise, Bridgewater,
N. S.
IL is eppaling to thinly of the num-
ber. of women throughout the coun-
try who day after day live a life al-
most of martyrdom ; suffering but too
frequently in silent, almost hopeless
despair. To such sufferers the story
of Mrs. Joshua Wile, trill come as a
beacon of hope. Stirs. Wile lives
about two miles from the town of
Bridgewater, N. S. ,and is respected
and esteemed by all who know her.
While in one of the local drug stores
not long ago, Mrs, Wile noticed •a
number of boxes of Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills in the show case, and re-
marked by the proprietor "If ever
there was a friend -to woman, it is
those pills." She was asked why
she spoke so strongly about the pill
and, in reply told of the misery fro
which they bad rescued her. '1'
druggist suggested that she shoo
muke knownhereuro for the benefit
of the thousands of similar sufferers,
Mrs. Wile replied that while averse
to publicity, yet she would gladly
tell of her cure if it would benefit
anyone else, and she gave the follow-
ing statement with permission fox
its publication :-
".My life for some years was one of
weakness, pain and misery, until I
obtained relief through the use of Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills, From some
cause, I know not what exactly, 1.
became so afflicted with uterine trou-
ble 'that I was obliged to undergo
two operations. A part only of the
rouble was removed, and a terrible
le much greater than it would oth-
erwise be if due care were exeta]a-
od In the managcnlont of the herd.
Happily the remedy foe ti"iese things
10 largely in our hands. We should
avoid in -and -in -breading In swine,.
We should eeleet Sows with an eye to
the retention of stamina, They should
be eh'oeen from good, even litters mune
ed by large, rugged, well formed dales,
which are good nurses and good milk
producers, The sires should be strong
and v,igoa'ous, and especially good on
their limbs. The food for growing and
breeding swine should be rational;
that is to say, it should oonsist large-
ly of nitrogenous elements. We
should give our breeding animals tile.
opportunity to take much exercise,
giving them the run of ample pastures
in the slimmer and of farm yards in
the winter. Wo should provide them
with winter quarters sufficiently
warm and dry to ward off rheuma-
tlem, and we should feed. then( some
sec0ulent food in the winter to ward
off ailments that arise rrout consti-
A good cow often ]cues flesh when
In full flow of milk.
Cows will do Weer if they eat all
of their food up clean.
he making up the milk rations a
variety of food abould be used.
Musty feed or foul weeds will give
the milk a poor flavor.
.011 the elements to make growth
are in the skim milk.
A poor process of manufacture will
spoil the product from the finest
Water is a necessary constituent in.
the milk, and the cow must have it
while it is being manutaetured.
When more than 20 pounds of a
cow's milk are required to make a
pound of butter she is not a good
dairy animal.
A well-fed and well -cared for scrub
dairy cow will make lta good butter as
the best special purpose herd in the
Milk takes its taint Pram any bad
smell which exists wherever it is tak-
en or placed,
If milk which has been at for some
time and on which the cream is part-
ly risen is stirred the cream never
rises again.
Washing and salting while in the
grains is the only way to get rid of
the buttermilk flavor.
A cow should be milked direfully
and as speedily es possible, as she will
milk longer, and she will learn to give
down quickly.
An animal giving milk is very sen-
sitive to bad treatment or surround-
ing infltiences.
s, Tin ie the best material for the mi
in vessels, and they should always
Th kept So Olean that the fingers will n
slip when rubbed along tbs surace
ld them.
Messrs, James Epps & Co., Ltd.,
the weld -known Cocoa Manufacturers
of London, have just issued an ex-
ceedingly tasteful little medal in
aluminium for distribution amongst
their numerous customers and the
- public generuil.. It 1s called the
National Medal of the United Em-
pire, and having been struck on the
termination .et the war in South
Africa, It forms at the present time
an interesting souvenir or the Mother
Country and her various colonies,
typical figures of each being repre-
sented thereon. A pretty scarlet
bon and a suitable inscription ct,m-
pletee its equipment, and we feel sure,
that all sections of the public will be
eager to possess Messrs. Epps & Cos.,
patriotic medal.
The body of m Viking, in a wonder-
ful shite of preservation, hes been
dug up in a peat bug at Danendorf,
in Schleswig, and placed in the Niel
Museum- The hair is red; it ;is elotll-
e,i 1u coarse, woolen material, with
sandals on the foot. Kiel
(amok it was bu •i
I e,
11500 years
A' few decades ago we bad million
of birds and no insects, now scare
ly any birds and millions of insects an
we will have to do something to main
tain the equilibrium or let insects to
most of our fruits. The robins ar
getting scarcer every year, and w
might say the same of all other sural
birds, oxoept the English sparrows,
which seems to have taken a home-
stead right on all the country, slay-
ing the year round for fear some oth-.
err bird will jump their' claim. They
have the characteristics of the moth -
country -gat all they can and hold
to it.
A good plan to fill the want of in
t -eating birds is to raise guinea
wds. They have an eye like a rob -
and they turn their heads a little
elm's. ns though looking wise
ep six or eight feet away and get
e worm every time. They are fond
potato bugs, and will clean a patch
ter than parts green. A flock of
hundred will beat spraying all to
ces ; and then the young, balf-
own hlyde are as good for a fry as
Dike estWo
Was Very Fond of
A cup of 'Ilea
Had beo'ome 000us11om5d
Po the use of
There was
Just a lyec0Wa0
Sometib,i�nig .
About Ulm infusion
That she
Nerd' quite liked
So she pondered
Aud pondeced
To (Nelda what it Wtua
•Horrid thought
Thls was It
Been use (1,5 scum
And groenieh sediment
Nothing seise
She was a prudent woman
So she argued
That a remedy must be reOught
•lpor while
Prussian Blue
Paris Green
Were all Right In their place
They were
Out of place
In her Tea
Must be injurious
She got nervous
And irritable
And bald her tooter
Of her feare
You are right
Said he
Da as I do
Ile told her how he did it
He bought the new
Green Tea
From Ceylon and India
Sold im the
Sealed lead packets of
The "Salado" Tea Co
And deerared
That nio Japan Tea
In bhe world
Could begin to equal it
Its Pure and Healthful
Said he
So she bought lit toe
W,omen like
Is worrying
She did not find '
11he remedy
before churning. Set in the common
tin pans in an ordinary cool cellar, the
cream should be skimmed thirty-six
hours from the time it wan set, and
then kept not longer then four days
in 000l weather and two in phot.
ROSE 110AIe.
A very nine article al rose soap may
be made by mixing two pounds white
soap, three pounds of olive soap and
one half pound of rose water. 'Cut
the step into thin slices, putt into a
kettle that sits in another kettle of
(wiling water. Reep the beat below
e , boiling point until the ingredients are
+ thoroughly mixed, and then add one
-'ounce of finely sifted vermilion and
gat stir until thoroughly ineerporated, If
a I a light rose color is desired, put in leas
e la
the pigment. After being thee -
1 I oughl�' mixed and heated, take from
the fire and add one half manse of
otto of roses and about half that
quantity of bergamot,
weakness and miserable, uer0ous con- er
diiion ensued, which the physician
Lode, mer would never get clear of.
I tried other doctors, but all with f4
the same result --no betterment of my
condition. The pains finally attacked ale
my back and kidneys. My legs and eL
feat became frightfully swollen, and th
cannot describe Lhe tired, sinking, ee
eathly feeling that at times came
ver ray whole body, f became an -
hie to do my household work, and
est all hope of recovery. Before
his stage is my illness I had been
dvised to try Dr, Williams' Pink
ills, but like tltousnnds'uf other woe
en, thought there could be no good
n using them when the medics] wen
venae unable to cure me. At last in
espe0ation I made up my mint( to
ry them, but really without any
sit in the hs result. To my great sur-
ds') I obtained some.benefit from the
rst box, I then bought six boxes
oro, which I took aoeo0ding to di-
euLiars, and ani happy to say was
aised up by' them from a weak, sick
espondent, useless. ocndition, to my
resent state of health, and harml-
ess. Every year now in the Bering
nd fall I take a box or two, and find
hem an excellent thing ae the
sage of the season. Other bese-
ts, I might mention, bttt suffios it
any I would strongly recommend
El Williams' Pink Pills to ailing wo-
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills surpass all
her medicines as a cure for the trou-
as that afflict 0voni nkind• They
iokly correct suppressions and all
arms of `weakness. They serial" the
ooc1, strengthen the nerves end re -
re the glow of bealtll to pailid
asks, Sold by all dealers in medicine,
300,1 postpaid at 50 edits a box,
Six boxes for 32,50, by addressing
e Dr. Williams Medicine Coe Brook -
le, Out,
parents bare the responsibility of f
detain:114.1'g whet the given name of in
the child shall be. the decision is for sto
a Itfet:itno, wltiell'makes ft imperative tit
that the mementoes question should or
receive tlloUghtful considoraLion, in-' or
stead of being settled in a moment' th
of folly or eaprioo, . vii
Tits main trouble is to raise the
young. Set them ender a common
hen. She will beat the mother guinea
Who, while ally willl hatch 21 or
more, will travel off and let them
drop out cue div one until they aro
lVhitewash mho stable once or twice
a year.
When you find yourself growing an-
gry, lower your volae,
.Ton many far -mere waste at home
and buy abroad.
To get the bet results from your
00105 they should be well fed. •
• Always speak gently to your oow
before sitting down to milk her.
To cleanse hand towels that may be
used by bperato•re, in the dairy, boil
hi sal soda water;.
Use no dry, dusty feed just previous
to milking; if fodder is dusty, sprinkle
it before it is fed, '
Never allow the cows. to be excite
ed by hard driving, abuse, land talk-
ing or unnecessary disturbeuco.
Dairy Utensils allbuld baro the few -
631 number of Seams Feasible, and
those present 'should be " smooth eel -
The meant of making butter that
will Ite'o'p a long time le having the ago
of the cream and Its temperature right
Pain Banished as if sly Magic.
Nereilinei-nerve-pain cure -is a
positive and almost instantaneous
remody for external, internal, or
local pains. The moat Wive I•emedy
hitherto •Ireown falls far short of
Nerviline for potent power in the, re-
lief of nerve pain. A trial wilt dem-
- tits
(deal has been preserved in a :Crozet
state for 30 years, and found perfeat-
ly eatable at the enol et that time.
The cultivation of opium in China
began but 70 years ego,
As many as 4,001 muscles have been
cotlut:e,1 in the body of a moth.
Each year about 050,01)0 is expended
witch sand to prevent the horses from
A cent ch:ulgos hands 125,000 times
in the course of n lifetime,
The one stop frau) the sublime to
the ridiculous is usually ,short one.
Iddytee--Don't yon think that ebar-
aeler ill a young man J,9 everything?"
eitdlel-011, yes, if be has uolbiug
Mrs Bayview -Is the blue grass of
Kentucky roally blue(' 001. E;aln-
tucik-No, it's green -same ocloz' as
raw blue sten, you know.
Stoughton -Did you have a good
time at tbs banquet last night? Man-
hattan' --Splendid, I drank myself in-
to insensibility' before the speaking
Jim Upperout-D]s is awful -simply
outrageous! hill i;lambang-W'ot 1s8
Jim Uppercut -Dose bare 'Chinese
boxers, Dey'rs actnoly gittiu' more
a1%lae In de papers tan w'ot we id
The Three Degrees -Johnny - Paw,
what de they mean wean they say,
a man takes things easy? Paw-Tbat
he is either a philosopher, a kodak
Bend, or a kleptomaniac.
ltinhaltd-What's got into Billy? He
goes le bathing half a dozen times
every day. Robert -The doctor ad-
vised him to take a drink oe whiskey
upon coming out of the water.
Cadley-Jove! I sh'ou13 think you'd
live in more comfortable and stylist
quarters than this. Hadley -So I
would if I had the halves midi dollars
I've loaned to some people th'ab do,
Mr. Borem-:She asked me to sing,
end insisted upon enoore after en -
°ore. Mies Peppery -Yes, she told
me afterward that anything was bet-
ter than sitting there and talking to
you all evening.
He -While I was out sailing this
Summar I full overboard into a very
stormy sea. She -My gracious! But
they rescued you, didn't they l 0h
yes 1 Tbey pulled me out of oourss,
011, my! I'm so glad to hear you
weren't drowned.
No one, gravely announces Soera-
'tes, can arrest tbo flight of time.
Nat queryingly interrupted a by-
stander. 1 thought anybody could
stop a minute. And even the dis-
ciples of the great philosopher were
forced to smile behind their togas.
are simply kidney 'disorders, The kidneys
filter the blood of all that shouldn't be
there. The blood passes through the kid-
neys every three minutes. If the kidneys
do their work no impurity or cause of
disorder can remain in the circulation
longer than that time. Therefore if your
blood is out of order your kidneys have
failed to their work. They are in need of
stimulation, strengthening or doctoring.
One medicine will do all three, the finest
and most imitated blood medicine there
a se
Lumbermen 05010111055 Believethe.Moue
Zany tit' Their Existence b3' 3Iorne-tiny.
So full of peril is the luiibermen's
life that even his sports and games
must be spiced with danger or tbey
will pall upon his taste. Ort the
loug winter nights a cruel game
called "Jack, where be ye)" is fre-
quently played.
The middle of the largest robin in
the camp is cleared. Two men are
securely blindfolded, and having pre-
viouely drawn lots for the first
whack, they kneel on the floor. In
leis right hand each man holds a
stout leather strap, in his left an-
other leather strap or a rope is held
by the and, either close to the floor,,
or in some camps actually on it. The
latter strap being kept taunt by the
combatants guarantees a uniform
diet•Snoe between them. They are
quite near enough to hurt each oth-
er severely, which not infrequently
Now tllah. who an bus s baea lucky
enough to dimes] the first o.tll shouts;
"Jtack, loners be ye 1" to which h n op-
ponent must immediately answer;
"Hero I be," Then the First 1111111
strikes at the place where he imaeines
his adversary to be with time heavy
Nathan: strap. If he hits his ruin
he is entillel to another blow- M.0.y
call vitt again; "Sack, where be ye?"
and l;be other mast answer, "Here I
be.." 't'his is continue:l till the first
men misses, wben he mast take his
turn at being att•uek.
The others form. a ring around the
eeneznanalane ";it"Oler e
()rarer Wore yea a to
gond as Ludella," tby ankno vl:dga
1:14a =II 11
calt7-1401\7' ..'253.,.e, se tlrestanderd and worthy of amul. thr, Then why. not
Insist en bavemg the aoknowlodged standard, In Lead Packets 20, 00, CO, so and 080,
ePaint a
' 'mes qe s osserse tib+'t•0 enesn•enetaseea lies absO t,
Not only to paint, but to have
A Pleasuretoyour house painted with good'
Wan honest paint. Paint that
Q (y lasts. Paint that has a style
hlaneeolor and irriproves Yourtill
a,ea astern, ssill'aist vareleia see -
are valuable vpa nts o but also
e00n0mleal, wear and tear 1s
what tells when you paint -
Ask your dealer.
1111118 11f SON, Pafiifitiolfors
p b dlr W a1c34aR!✓w idONTESEAt, Est'd 'Fez4"etereyfeetett s,.esseelo l,^frim;e
two combatants, bets are made, and I Prosperity sends the balloon up,
each factd,on encourages and applauds ;but adversity pulls it down again,
arisen man. There are regular)----
sounds, and thegame is usually keUt 30R OVER OJPTY YEARS
up until one or the other has had - • WINBLOw'B 000T$ffi0 BYRUP lr,, boon
sped by laothee, ror their e15Ldran taeihing, Tt eoo,ha
enough or perhaps till one is car- ' the child, soften, the sec's alloys point turas wind
rind off the some wounded. Hard 51,1 b'alathaheetrewedyglcoarrlunµ.,tsaaboou.
88,1 ,0 an Mc', oto throeg�out the norhl. no sura
betide can stand hard kooks, and and sok far"nim. Wiee,owi 8sothing Brrsp."
volunteers for the sport are num-; When a man gets rattled be prob.
o'rous. Al the beginning there is ably has a screw loose somewhere,
generally no malice. A hard blow is --
struck-it is expected -it ]e the s MONTREAL HOTEL DIRECTORY.
game. Bal it occasionally happens The fi Eaiinora&yl" i2rfoocluliti4 01�6U&1up
that, the game develops Into a fierce imam HousE-ar(Gls-Oolk oAvease
Family Rotel rate, 51.55
L per day.
The memoryy of a peat happiness is
tinkle on t]is face of
Our sun is a third-rate sun, situ w time.
ated in the milky way, one of myriads
of stars, and the milky way is itself TO runs A 8oa,o LY ova 1DAT
one of the myriads of sectional star 8nka La nova BrOmo Qninin, 0,31,1,. All druggist
rpPond the money 01 tt tai3O 10 lure. E. 0, Grove's'
acairmnlat00ns, for these seem to be , signature 11 on eaohbox; sea
countless, and to be spread over in- - --
Unity. At some period of their ex- A slight word sometimes reveals a
isteoee each of these suns had planets i man's innermost thoughts.
caroling around it, which, after untold
ages, are fit for some sore of humans °"°'"""°®"a"'
beings be inhabit them ror a com-
paratively brief period, after which
they still continue for years to circleeatrbolte Disinfectants, soaps, lint:
moot, Tooth Powders, etc., have boon
around without atmosphere, cage- aacellenos. Thedlireanddigular 088preven0 supeinfectrior
tation or inhabi:tnnts, as the (noon sae disoaese. Ask your dealer .10 obcaln a
does around our planet. Tbere is supply. 11ets mailed free on application
nothing so calculated to take the con-
ceit out of an individual who thinks
himself an important unit in the uni-
verse as astronomy. It teaches that
wo are less, oompered .with the uni-
verse, than a colony 01 ants is to us,
and that the difference between men
is less than that between one ant
and another.
W. P. O. )I3$0.
Tea merchants are under the Im-
pression that Ceylon and India Green
Tea.s will displace all Japans in, Can-
ada before long. The "Salada" Tea
Company are introducing them in
chars sealed Led Packets. They are
the most delicious Green Tea ever of-
fered the public.
After the frost has killed the tops
and before there is severe freezing,
dig up the bulbs, shake off the ad-
hering earth and store them in a
room free from frost. A cellar or pit
which will keels Irish potatoes will
answer nicely for dahlias. It is best
to leave t'beln iu the open ground as
long as possibly, in older that the
growth may become thoroughly ma-
tured. •
Tal every respect and attested by the
testimony of thousands that Put-
nem's Painless Cern Extractor is a
sure and pltinless cure for corns- The
claim that it Le just as good made by
these endeavoring to palm off imita-
tions for the .genuine only proves
th • Superiority of "Putnam's." Use
o, 1) Plitnnm's Painless Corn Extrac-
tor. aura, safe, painless.
Ile who talks too much will hear
many things of bimself' that are not
tempi ime n t.lry.
$100 Reward, $100,
Tho readers of 11,1,p a or will be - pleased to
learn hat h•
tt i,rt l,rttp least lays to e
u dreadful d:soa,a
that 0•(encs lot. .100+ able ,rare in all its
stn ea and 11 al .o tl06srrh Had'„ Onturrh
Cu,h u tun Oslo 3 eternity. o , urn now kna co :.
the a,ununl '.r st +rutty - M..t arab. WILE a coin.
Walloon] di• requlroq. n con:,_dtutl,,nta1
tem omen,. Catarrh pure is tnk 1101,3,:•.
ha 1, aid Inc directly npon the blood and
mucous unlaces of the system, thereby doe•
trnying the foundation of the die,sam, mud
aim's n;s t ,o patient etran1111 by banding up mho
sheet luion and as -intima, molar„ in doing it,
ward. The pr priat°,s here sa much faith in
ids 1 uredos unworn, that they ober , no Hun,
Stott it (lure ror any Case tisk It falls to onto,
Send for 1st of lo..tnnoninl
20d, to:, F T 3IIICNICY4z CO., Toledo, 0.
Sold by dru,,+;l. s, 700
Hall', Family .['ills aro mite boot
IL is easier for apers0,1 to bear all
the misfortunes of his neighbors (hen
u single ane of his own.
-40-14-c�'act i��r+�1' &et,,
14, �e:0' � r
�s�.1,/» ,a;/-� q�w,�,.....,35/•�, .vt�.,..,.�{.j.�m �/jf -pr•..
'/ f! b' tlNs' 11 1{,,tt� 4e.fite
etallie SKYLIGHTS O5AoAdelai0130235 de
Sausage Cneinge-Naw importattona eneat English
Sheep 8301 Amnricro Rag Orelaea-reliable goods ai
3(310 prices. PARIS, 532.205010303,1,500,, Toroeto.
Rar 1,1,rr, etc,
Removed l weals, Toddles.,
Rhly,o ',ed $t, w., Toronto.
and other PRODUCE, to 8011100 bestreauits 0onst a to
The Dawson Commission Co., Limited,
nor, West -Market & Colborne St., Toronto,
Catholic Prayer BaoOne,t,aganes,Crs-
Religious Plcttnce. Statuary, and Church Orn:mun o-
Edueationa works. Mail orders receive prompt attoo,
non. D. & J. SAD1.ISI3 S. 00., Montreal.
6"i R h"" E R D ll E Q N
and Conning. This is a specialty with the
Send partisnlaro by post and wo are sure to satisfy.
Address Dox 158, Montreal,
ROOFING and $heet Metal Wong
:100k'ING SLATE. to Inaale.
Public and !dish Bohoola Toronto) Bon0ng 1r 1t, Plug,
l^eel Tar, oto. Ro1FlNA TILE (Bee New Olty Bull9,
ean, Toroeto, alae byy sur orm)), Aletel Ooliings, Cor.
eioes,eto. Batlmateefutahhedlor 41:41, 0801,1500100
'C''1.'terislsah Aped to out1•• 0p10000 tbeoonntry. Phone 1988
DUTnIEASON3, Atlelaldo&wldmer5Io,Tgrmntd,
Music To send for ate
®� Complete Cain,
}jl ij to •uo of Meal
hia,le and cool
�s� with roosts( mine
cher,of dl000unt.
I! as* -� ROYCE & Co.
qa n las cease et.
Toronto, Ont.
no Canada Permanent
and Western Canada
Mortgage Ccrpa ration.
oars! of Coiirectors:
r'rosidont O, rge dooderhnm,
1st Vim P,esrt-1h and
Oltairemn if ttge nt,v,
Committ,n.- J, Fiotilert AlaeDn.
int Ch o l'rosident LV ti, Beatty.
1 olpt 1C. Moves, LL rl. LLdahowe,
(Mote w
Mont, n
t,C5rgV...141, terillne!'yle(,t, nm. P 1 nope,
Llfrmt Goy a ham, Winnipeg, Man.
(3, II. Good,r3n.n, 3' 31 5nbioaon,
W. tl, Geolernam, Bt Tobe, N. n,
Geon W. Loris, Moro C of
a T,e h cL•t< tt'yli9,
ASSETS .. $23,000,000.
"lea( Ofiioe 1 Toronto 51., TORONTO,
Deism/ Ornate-
4:111011515, Mian., vaneouver, B,' 0,
St. Sohn, 51, a.
Wae.TaR 8., LEE, 0cltero,l Niatlager,