HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1900-10-25, Page 5• e A.V 3s Om. 25, 1900 BUSINESS CARDS. iviONET TO LOAN AT 6 PER ANA- 000. VA SCOTT, 131t1Seete, VsT H. Ma A.CEEN— A INSUOr 01 Marriage ',lemma 01. floe at Orgoory,'Buzuberry ettaet, Mantels. BAeRRE/11— h11TfirAT!"7,t atNortof 1gtltu3;taf!' l Chlidrito's heir canna a lomat ty. "WARMS FOR SALE—THE UN• .022000102212 hats ovens"! good Farms fOr sale and to rent, easy terms, iu Townships Of Morris and QM, F S, 800001',Srutiliola M. MURRISON Issuer of Marriage Licenses, Wm -TON, oNr. MISS ,IEAN NPLAUCFILIN, —TEACH/AS ON— PIANO — AND — ORGAN, MEST.TOMS511413, OZTT. ROBERT CUNNINGHAM' noinortson, FIRE AND MARINO, GUELPH, 41188 SARAH LOUISE MOORE • , O. M. Academie graduate of Loudon Conserva- tory of Music, also Member of the Atisooiated Musicians of Ontario, is prepared to reoeive a limited number of pupils for instruction on the piano. Qualified to prepare puVile for tbo Principal's Form iu the ConservatorY of Music. Brussels, Ontario. A LEX. BUNTER— ...ca.. Clerk of me Fourth Division Court, Co, Huron; Conveyancer, Notary Publio, Land, /man and insurance Agent ; Auotion- eer. Funds Invested end te'loau. Collec- tions made. Oilloe in Grabrou'elBlook, Sma- rted% AUCTIONaRft, 141 S. SCOTT AS A.N BIM, will sell for bolter prices, to better men, in less time and less charges than any other Auctioneer in Flash 2111000 00 he won't charge anything. Hates and orders can always bo arranged at thls °Ince or by personal application. DENTISTRY F. W. TWEDDLE, (FORITERLY OF SEAFORWri) DENTIST, Graduate of R. C. D 13„ Toronto ; Post Grad- uate course at Hashers School, 0hie000, iu crown nnd bridge work. 0 -Pries same as in surrounding towns. 21 - Ore co over A.R. Smith's store, Breland% VETERINARY. D. 'WARWICK_ J • Honor Graduate of the Ontario Vet - (winery College, 10 200001010 to treat all ells - eases of domesticated animals lin a &moot. ent manner. Particular attention paid to Veterinary Doetistry. Calls promptly at- tended to. Office and Infirmary—Four doors North of bridge, Turnberry et., Brussele. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. AV 1.puTOLAIR— _.H!'iLmfi'u Notary PubUa, nvPYnnr.iiataCa...o1fi 1 door North 01 Control Hotel. Solicitor for the Standard Sauk. E. BLAIR, BARRISTER, • Solicitor, &o. 011ice over Stand- , a rd Bank. Solicitor for Tillage of Brussels. Money to Loan at loweat rates. lir, G. CAMERON— . (Formerly of Cameron, Holt & Omneron) Barrister and Solicitor, Gocleiloh Out. 011ion—HannIton street, opposite Col. borne Hotel. MEDICAL CARDS. J. A. M'NAUGHTON, M. D., C. M., TrinityllThlyersity, Fellow Trinity Modioal College, Member College of Physicians and Surgeons. Ont, Licentiate of the Royal Col - lee of Physicians and Licentiate of Arid- wifory, Edinburgh, sa.-Tolephone No.14, Residence—Mtn street, Brussels. DR. WM. L. HOLMES! 01100101.110, 0011011010 AND A00011011n1111, (Successor 10 1)1'. F. IQ. Halbfloisch) 121, D. Bellevue Hospital Mod. Col., Now York ; 00 D 0 DI Victoria University, Toron- to ; Member 01 100 College of Physiolaus and Surgeons of Ontario. Socrolal attention paid to diseases of women, eye, oar, nose and throat. 10-11 BRUSSELS CIDER MILL. New Plant Throughout. This season a new plant bas been pet in Brussels Cider Mill and does better work than ever, doubling the cap. achy. 11 10 now in full swing. In addition to manufacturing Cider a speoialty ia made of Apple Butter and Jelly. Work done while yon wait. Satisfaation assured and charges reasonable. Geo. Edwards, MILL STREET, CENTRAL Pirl i. q.lgilrA, tifi:leyeel 5 Oj -if COP 'It 4‘ 1 • ----..14? 951rat orLOrt Send for one of our Catalogues and bo convinced that we are doing the beat Work in hneineee education in Canada to. day. Enter now if poesible, W.Jr. ELLIOTT', MONEY TO LOAN At 41/Per Cent Oasts of Loan Very Reasonable, Liberal Terms of' Re -payment. G, F. SLAIR, ooLiorrou,e... Office over Standard Bank, Brussels. BISrbh Fair eriZa Tho exhibitiou of 1900 eurpaseed an previous Fair held in Blyth. Th weether proved delightful and the a tandem* was about 7,000. The amoun taken ip at the gates was 0570.84 and the grand stand 068.05. The number exhibits exceeded Ammo records. Th borses, ottle and other stook were e oeptionally fine while the inside display weld not be surpassed elsewhere, Tit buskins men were well up with their ex hibits : W. Walker, furniture ; Walker &farrow, pianos, organs and Bowie =whines ; N. 13. Gerry, stoves an hardware 1 J. II. (Mellow, musical in strumeute I Robinson & Hendersot woollen goods ; J. T. Garter, harems H, R. Brewer, photographs; ; Thu. Mc Gill, pencil drawings. The Luokno band was present on Wednesday an gave a varied and exoellent program o mueio. Everything passed off nicely the horse races being tbo feature of th mond day :Open trot or pace, A.nni Gould, 1 1 1 ; Alma,' 2 2 2 • beat time 2.14. 2,80 trot or paoe, Lionel, 1 1 1 AN= Line, 2 2 2; Sam M, 8 3 3; bee time, 2,33. 3•minote trot or pace 'Jebel, 2 1 2 1 1; 8, 3 3 1 2 2 Barney, 1 2 8 3; Billy Garntun, 4 4 4 4 ; best time, 2 30. Pony reoe, hal mile beats, Nimble Ned, 1; Sammy P 2; Whirlwind, 3 ; time, 140. Th bioyele reoe had three entries and was won by F. Beophey, with E. Bryan sewed. A grand ecuwert was held in In =airy Hall and was given by the Echoed family on the evening of the last day The officers are well pleased with the great summer they have met with this year. Following le the remainder of the prize list : Hoesze.—Ileavy Dranght—team mares or geldinge, J F Dale, G Stepheueon ; hrood mare having raised foal in 1900, 3 Reed, 3 Knox ; mare foal, J Reed, J Knox ; horse foal, J Dale, T Coulter ; 2 year old gelding, J VanEgmoud ; 2 year old filly, 3 le Dale ; year old gelding, J F Dale ; beet four colts folded in 1900 by any regietered heavy draught horse, A Menalea. Agrioultural—Team mares or geldinge, Stipbenson, J Dale.; brood mare having rented foal in 1906, J Sul. Reid & Son, J VatiEtemond ; mare foal, J VanEgmond, J & W Gray ; horn foal, J Salkeld & Son, 0 E Erratt ; 2 year old gelding, W F Pollard, R Ferris ; 2 year old filly, J VanEgmund, Glenn Bros ; year old gelding, W E' Pollard ; year old filly, Glenn Bros, W Anderson. General „Tarpon—Team mares or geldings, J Peening, DReynolde ; brood mare having muted foal 1,1 1900, Jackson ;IA Ignore; rnare foal, W Steakhouse ; horse foel, W Stackhonse, j A Moore •, 2 year old geld ing, .1 Leiper ; 2 year old fitly, J Leiper ; year old gelding, G T Robinson ; year old filly, Da•e, 3' A Moore. Carriage --Team mares or geldinge, R Graham, 1) Lansing. Roodatere—Broodmarehaving rattled foal in 1900, 3' Melville, Scott & Warwick ; horse foal, W Robb ; mare foal, J Parrott, J Melville ; 2 year old geidiug, Scott th Warwiak, J Parrott ; 2 year old filly, Soott & Warwak, T Coul- ter ; year old gelding, J MaLaughlin, ; R Oorley year old illy, Soott War. el wick, J hobbrook & Bon ; single driver in buggy, J 13 Whitely, 3 0 Currie ; saddle horse, H Davie, J J McLaughlin ; eweepotakes, beet mare or gelding, any clues, J Forester. Come. — Thoroughbred Durhams— illitah cow having owed calf in 1900, J Snell 1 and 2 ; 2 year old heifer, J Snell 1. and 2 ; year old heifer, R Corley 1 and 2 ; heifer calf, Snell, D 00011: aged bull, R Corley ; bull 2 years old and under, R Corley ; bull oalf, W Snell, R Carley. Any other registered breed— Beet =lob cow, A Hjaeobs, J Denholm; 2 year old heifer, M 11 Hammond ; year old heifer, M El Hammond heifer calf, J Denholm.—Grede—Milah oow having raised calf in 1900, J Barr, III EC Harri- son ; 2 year old heifer, 101 H Harrison, 1 and 2 ; year old heifer, J Barr, 1 and 2 ; heifer calf, Oook, 3 Barr ; steer calf, J Barr, D Scott Son ; 2 year old steer, J Barr, T Rose ; year old deer, D Soon & Son 1 and 2 ; fat steer, T Rasa 1 and 2 ; fne cow or heifer, J Snell, J Barr ; herd of oattle, J Barr. Bilegr.—Ootswold—Agsa ram, 3 Pot- ter; shearling ram, J Potter 1 and 2 ; rani Iamb, 3 Potter 1 and 2. Leiceeter-- Aged ram J Snell, 3 Henry ; shearling ram, N doming, J Snell ; ram lamb, Snell, N Oumiug; pair ehearlingewes, J Snell, 14 (Mating ; pair ewee having rais- ed lambs in 1900, J N Clewing ; pair ewe lanabe, N Cumiug, 3 Snell. Shropshiredowns--Age ram, ADunoan ; shorting ram, 0 If Smith, 1 and 2; ram Iamb, A Duncan, 1 and 2 ; pair ewes having raised Iambs in 1900, A Duncan, 1 and 2 ; pair ebearling ewes, A Dimon, Glenn Bros ; pair ewe lambs, 0 11 Smith, 8, Dutton. Any other breed not named —Aged ram, G Laithwaite, P Reid ; sheerling ram, P Reid 1 and 2 ; ram lamb, P Reid 1 and 2; pair aged ewes having raised Iambs in 1900, P Reid, 0 Lisithwalte •, pair shorting ewes, P Reid, Laithwaite 1 pair ewe lambs, P Reid, 0 Laithwaite 1 fat ahoop, ewe or wether, P Reid J Snell. ye te t, at of a x. •101,10d4 Pme.—Yorkehire-3 Alton, It Nichol •, brood SOW having littered in 1000, It Nichol 1 and 2 ; boar littered in 1900, It Nichol ; sow littered in 1900, J Watt, Niohol. Tannvorth— Aged boar'W 111 MoCuteheon ; brood sow having littered in 1900, W 31 Illeautoheon, Erratt ; boar littered in 1900, W 111 MoOutoheon 1 and 2 ; sow littered in 1900, W 11 Ma. Outabeon 1 and 2. Any large breed— Aged boar, G T Bobineoo ; brood sow BOW having littered in 1000, 3 Barr. Improved Berkehire— Aged boar, G T Robinson, j Alton ; brood sow having littered in 10011, Robineon, J Alton boar littered la 1200, 0- J. Robinson 1 and TUE 1.3REISS.ELS POST 11 ; eow littered in 100. 'P Robinson, J Writ. and 311 10, Wilson were in Toronto Alton ; pen 01 1)140 W 11 MoCutobeon, P visiting Nye. X. W. Sanderson. Reid1 speolal by Watson tta Radial for The Ladles' Aid of the MrthoillA beat 0 eingele, 111 Loolthirt, 0 it Firratt, Oburob have platted a Yukon heater in 3 Potter, the beeement and two registers from it of51‘rey Council IVIeeting. The incitioipal Connell of the town ship of Grey, mot 90 1110 Townehip Hal on Oot, 16th pursuant to adjournment members were all pregent ; Reeve in th Choir ; miuutee 221 1110 taut meeting wer read and mooted. Moved by Adam Turn bull, eeeteuded by James MoDoneld, the the Olerk now read the report of th engineer on the Ball Nanioipal Carried, John McCartney applied fo grading to be done on eideroad 4, oun. Moved by Adam Turnbull, seconded by Iowa° Lake, that the Reeve attend to it —Carried. john Lowe applied for aid to build 45 rode of wire hum eideroad 2, 0011, 6, at lot 10. Moved by 'Sono Lake, eerander1 by James ibluDouald, that the Ootutoil pay for half of wire for sold fertee.--Carried- Moved by &darn Turnbull, seconded by Isom Lake, that George Oliver be paid the eum of 0708 on oontract of Government Drain No. 2, and the one of $138 on nontraot of Bo =Mon Drain ae'per engineer's oertificate. —Parried. Moved by James MoDontsld, swede(' by Robert Livingeton, that the engineer's repeet on the Hall Muniaipal Drain bo adopted and that the Clerk be authorized to prepare a Bylaw ity same. —Parried. Keyed by Adam Turnbull, secouded by Isaac Lake, that the follow - Mg amounts be paid 13. Hamilton, gravel, 118.60; Fps= Coats, gravel, 02 90; Johu Long, Constable fees and expenses taking Heater McKee, to the Inoue Asylum, London, $15 41 ; Dr. Fergueon, examining Hector PrloKey for insanity, 05 00 ; Dr. lidaNaughton, examining Fleeter MoKay for ineanity, 85.00 ; H. Ooghlin, retnoving tree oil road on boun• dary of Grey and Diem, eon. 1, 05 00 Joha Barr, gravel, $5.65 ; Robert Bell, oulvert on Morrie botiodary, 07.60 ; Robb. Bell, working grader, 02.00 ; Dr, leer= eon, attending diphtheria ogee Board of Health, 08,00 ; George Welsh, clearing out culvert, lot 17, con. 0, 03 00 ; Chas. Rozell, clearing outvert, lot 5, oon. 11, 01.80 ; John Brown, culvert on eideroad 6, con. 9, 64 00 ; Rich. Jacklin, gravelling at lot 26, oon. 10, 616.75 ; John Forrest, rag bolts and repair.; to road scrapers, 11475 ; Robt. 0outte, gravel, $12 40 ; R. Porterfield, gravel, 01.08 ; Geo. Oliver, 0941 00 I George Oliver, rag bolts, 500 ; James Houston, filling np el/preach to iron bridge, lot liPoon. 15, $5 00 ; Geo. Pollord, gravel, 016.14 ; Peter J. Bishop, repairs to bridge and driving epikes, lot 85, con. 8, 810 ; Chen. Cleaver. gravel and gravelling on eideroad 6, on. 11, 011 55 •, John Robertson, gravelling ou eideroad 6, oon. 12, $7 77 ; D. K. Living. sten, repairs to road at lot 25, oon. 15, 61 60 1 Alex. EfoKey, repairs to road and gravel, lot 25, eon. 15, 62 70 ; Marshall Harrison, clearing Award drain, sideroad 0, ono. 16, 02,00 ; Nelson Askin, 2 string- ent for =Wert, lot 10, eon. 14, 50o ; Ed. A.rmstrong. grovel, 01.50 ; Wm. °lark, grading at lot 17, ocm. 17, 030.00 ; Geo. °lark, rile drain, lot 16, con. 17, 02 15 ; Rol% Moore', wire for fano on sideroad 3, eon. 9, $10.13 ; John Ridley, oulvert 01 lot 28, eon. 4,4120.00 ; Rabt. Bowers, work on rod, con. 14, 03.75 ; John Me• Sinnott, wire for feria on sideroad 1 at ot 5, con. 8, $4.37 ; Bubb. Bowers, fence viewers fees unpaid by Geo. Speirao, 2.00 ; Wm. Millen, Grey shave for cal. art on boundary Grey mud Elam, con. 8, 3.03.—Carried. Commit then adjourn - d to meet again at the Township Hall on Thursday, Nov. 15th. Wm. Srguon, Clerk, A Mundt Attack. attaok was Iately made on C. F. Collier, of Oherekee, Iowa, that nearly proved fatal. It came through hie kid. nays. His beak got eo lame he onnld not atoop without great pain, nor sit in a ohair except propped by onehione. No remedy helped him until he tried Elec- tric) Bitters will= effected such a wonder. fol canoe that he writes he feels like a new Matt. This marvellous medioiue mares baokaohe and kidney trouble, puri. lies the blood and builds up your health. Only 60o at G. A. Deadman's drug store. VortIvelch. Jae. MeDermitt is confined to hie bed with sciatica. Mrs, J. A. Johnston has returned home after spending two weeks with friends in Dstroit. Word wag received from Toronto that Robt. McBride, late of the 4111 cm, bad died and was buried. Sheldon Bricker's knee was operated on. He had been troubled for the past year with what is kuown at; floating cartilage'and of late it was getting much worse 00 ho decided to have the operation performed. We hope he will soon be o. k. oxe ter. No leas than 4 Life Insurance agents in town. H. McLeod, of Arthur, was in town last week. Elm Thos. Sage is visiting at Toronto and Peterboro'. Mies Mary Miller was asvoy to Toronto over Thanksgiving Day. Mrs, John Bray and daughter, Sarah, were visiting at Bt. Marys. S. B. EloKeivie has his dwelling on Mill street moved to its pleas. Mr. Adams ie doing the meson and brick work at John Robinson's. Mre. T, Le, Miller went to Toronto to visit her son and frau& in the city, John Brawn, who is attending College et Toronto, was bome for a few days. Mrs. Orr, of Wingham, who has been vielting friends here for some time, has returned home, Mr. and Moe. Towneend were visiting friends in Fergus. They brought their boys back with them. Mre, John Barnard and her eon, An. damn, were away at Luoan, where 'Mr. Barnard hoe a situation. Robert Mahood, the Fordwioh post- master, died on Tuesday morning of last week and was buried on Thursday. James Rowe ie building a stable and driving shed. The atone work is up and Lite roof ready to put the shingles on. A number of our young people attend- ed a party at Jas. Stewart's, 2nd of Turnberry, on Thanksgiving evening, Mies Lizzie Ringler, daughter of John Ringler, Salvation Army Captein ot Listowel, was visiting her parents on the Gth of Howiolc. Mee, Rebut Tangles, who lives on the gravel road towards Bruseels, had bet dwelling repaired with 12 now iron roof. ;am Douglas did the work, will hest the elnireh. MONS YAW' FaCe WOO '? Sometimes 0 rOliStO, but never 11 you have a sallow complexion, a jaundiced look, moth patobee and blotohes on the skin—all algae of liver trenble. But Dr, King'e New Life Pills give Wear roe)! (Meeks, rloh oomplexion. Only 250 at 0, A., Death/totes drug store. Glory Sauluel Koine tools a wheeling trip to Dungannon and Nilo. Go. Ardell, jr,, was visiting friends at Olandeboye and Luoan. Samuel Harding, of the 10th of How- lak has moved to town. 3j. R. and Mrs. Willame were in Mitchell atteudiug the golden wedding of a relative. Mies Maggie Tate has returned from Sherbrooke, Que., where elm has been visiting Mende. Revival meetings are being held in the Methodist rhumb, the motor being eti- olated by the neighboring ministers. 0001.— Wednesday afternoon, 10111 Met, the sad news retailed town of the death of Liao Sanderson. Deceased had for some time beeu working with Bricker & McCallum, artesian well sinkers, and en the day of hie death was working on the farm of Peter IldoNay, of Ashfield, about two miles from Luoknow. Just before going M to dinner he dirt not feel well and eat dowu outside the house say. Mut he wold not take dinner. Mrs, teloNay then 00000 out to induce .him to ootne in and when about entering the door he fell down and died in a few minutes. The remaius were brought home on Thursday morning and interred In the Gerrie cemetery on Saturday afternoon. The funeral, which WAS a very 'largo one, was concluded by the Canadian Order of Foresters, of which deceased was a member. He leaves a widow and one daughter to mourn his demise. is..twoote. The Chosen Feiende entertainment will bo held in the Town run, on the eveuing of Nov. 0110, T. M. Wdeon, B. A., of the Paris High eohool staff, who has just recovered from a serious illness of some 8 weeks duration of typhoid fever in a Toronto hospital, was here on a visit. The Christian Endeavor anniversary servant were held on Sunday, Oot. 22nd, in the Presbyterian ohureh, Atwood, oon• duoted by the Rev. Mr. Padua, of Tor. onto. On the Monday evening following a grand tapper was held. We oongratulate Kiss Maude Harris, teacher in S. S. No. 8, Elma, on the nooses whioh has attended her eohool in securiog a diploma and $5.00 from the Educational Department for well kept eohool and tidy and attractive oohool grounds. This distinction is given to nett schools as strive to furnish the Reboot room with pictures, plants and other evidenees of taste, and also for planting shade trees and keeping the school premien generally in ship taupe. Shure Miss Harris has bad the ranting of No. 8 the eohool has made great pro. grana in every way, and at the request of her friends in the section Inspector Irwin has secured a permit for Miss Harris for 1901, her ortifinate expiring Tan, let next. We understand she has been re-engaged to teach No. 8 for 1901, at an advance in salary. U. S. S. No. 4, Elm and Grey, has also been granted a diploma and the eacornpanying 05.00 for nicely kept school premises. Mr. Smith, the teacher, is to be highly congratalat. ed. Only 12 of these diplomas were granted in Perth county. 1:.,ead.b slaw. Jno. Irwin's wife has presented him with a young daughter. John Crozier and John Drieooll drove to Wiarton on business. Miss Addie Willie, of Port Arthur, who has been visiting her oonsin, Mies Attie Duudae, for the past two weeks, has returned home. Samuel and Mrs. MaPherson have re. tarned home from Woodstock. They were attending the funeral of their nephew, Joseph 'Verne, jr. Wm. Rae, who has been in St. Pant for the past 15 mouths, was home on 0, short holiday. He left for Hamilton where he will attend the Ontario Nor- mal College. MoKreLoe Cougon..—Oonuoil met on Monday, Oat. 15, in Jones' Hall, Lead. bury. Amounts for gravelling Boundaries, 6120.00 ; boundary line between Grey and $05,00 ; cement culvert be- tween Hullett and MoSillop, 0100.00 ; Agricultural Society, 0150.00 of a grant ; oetnenb abutments et MeOnaig's bridge, 0136 72 ; and jobs of gravelling, lumber, gravel and citalyerte, making a toted of $924.39, was passed and paid. A. letter was read from the Reeve of Grey refus- ing to epend 50 tants for each day's statute labor done by eloKillop on bean- dery, The Clerk wag authorized to notify Goy 0 =nal that If they WOO 1.1 2n 11 agree 10 on actor else 110keep boundary repair. d by ovoraottu be paid fur equally by both lownehlps that MeRillop would apply to County Council to next meeting to nforeequal expenditure. A reeolution was passed to allow owners who level sides ol roads and seed down earn° and leave water tabby clean to oarry off water and not take water out of natural water ammo will be allowed one day tor eaola 80 rods front and half a day for eaoh 40 mod front of Stalote Labor each year for three yeare. Those level• ling along sideroads as well will be allowed 2 dayo a year of work to be done bef..re the middle of next 311128, all fences to be removed oil road allowances as well, ()naafi adj toned to rued in Sege's hotel, Walton, on Monday, Nov. 10, at 11 a. in, loo. O. rfillaIS011, Clerk. A. Wise Lady, CLEvEraim, OW, May 28rd, 321 .0. J. M. McLeod, McLeod Laboratory, Guderiob, Ontario. DnAn Sin,—Your liquid d ;Line, "Soak and Swab," has cured rne entirely of the sore I had on my upper jaw, The dootore told me that it was a cancer and that the bone would have to be out out and the effected parts removed by the knife, It was that that frightened me and made me get the ',Souls and Swab." I used only three pint bottles. I am well ever eince, and 10 10 three years eines I need it. 'Keying great confidenue in your meeeddinine I will reoommend it to thoee in a I am,_etc, Mits. J. HARMAN. The following was eeoeived from the same lady ten years ago I auffered for nearly four years from fite, and alenot at the same hour daily, ant of which no one could waken me, on• til I awoke of myeelf, weak and wearied after the lapse of from ten to twelve hour' time during which time I was wholly anomalous. I was attended to and consulted no fewer than eixteen dootore without any benefit and no re- lief. I got to be abeentrninded, often un- oonsolous of my eurroundings, took no notice of anything, until, in the good providence of God, a tried insisted on bringing J. M. McLeod to our house. He took me out of the fit in half a min- ute's time. I began to gain rapidly after this in health aud souedness of mini, and to this day I have not had any more Lite, Yours, eto., JOSEPHINE E. MAIITIN, Singebridge, Ont. Sold by James Fox, druggist, Brussels. COMING I COMING! T. P. Smith, EYE SPECIALIST, Graduate of New York, Philadelphia and Toronto Optical Colleges, will be at FOX'S DRUG STORE, BRUSSELS, ONE DAY ONLY, Wednesday, Dot. 31st Call early and avail yourself of hie valuable services. EXADINATION Flt ES' MoLEOD'S Syztem nezovato: 012200 - TESTED REMEDIES SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE For Impure, Weak and Impoverished Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Paleita• tion of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Neur- algia, Loss of Memory, Brouchitie, Con. eumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kidney and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Dance, Female Irregularities and General De• bi lity. LABORATORY, GODERICH, ONT. J. M. MoLEOD, Prop. and Manufacturer, 80111 by Jos, Fox, Druggist, Brussels &W IN BUGGIES MID WAG k8 —AT— Ewan & Cos 1J'jlariuTsi:le Factory We will sell all Wheeled Rigs for the balance of this season at Cost To make room for Outters and Sleighs as we are going to handle these in large quantities this Winter and at aloe prices. We are building a number of Cotters that will suit our Cueromers. Fer ma.ter• ial and Painting they can't be beaten. Bob•sleighe 2 in. and 2i in. and Pleasure Sleighs our own make. Intending pnrehasers should °all and examine our stook before buying elowhere, and you will be oonvinoed that it will pay you to buy from Ewan & Go.]k s a..issels. 3' 'rift e Factor "Reasonable Prices and Straight Dealing" is our Motto. Thaolting out many Gatemen for their past patronage 100 ask it ornetintattee of the Sallee, I '747;;;;g7ge,Ytetozzoor.- It MoKINNON & CO Cash is our Hobby, We do busineee on a aridly oaeb basie. We bey for each and sell for cash or !aim produce. Stores doing a credit business oattem quote Infos Jike these t ) Wide heavy Flannelette, worth 7o for 50. Heavy emelt Towelling, 18 inobos wide, 00, Bleaulied Cotton, yard wide, soft final), worth 8e, for 00, Enna Plaids, for wrappere and ohildretde deeses, worth 90 for lle. Men's lined leid Gloves, dome ftsetettingk, a snap, 60o. Blen's lined Moab& Glove% dome faateningo, worth $1. for 76o. Grey Flaunele, soft finieh, light and dare, worth 16e for 120. Grey Flannele, fine quality, all wool, 25 and 28 Mettles wide, at 30a, 25e, 30a and 35o. While Wool Blankete, standard size, worth 02 for $1.45. White saw...wool 1319-likets, soft fluid), Raney borders, at 01.95, $2 50, 08 and 84. Flannelette iiheeting, white and geey, 280, Halifax. Tweeds, in brown Oxford and light grey, for boys' suits, worth 40o for 30e. Heavy ail.wool Soaks, worth 18e, 2 pairs for 25o. Men's heavy fleeced Shirts and Dowers, 60o, Men's extra heavy flaeoed Klondike Sblrto and drawers, double breast - and back, 75e. 10 bars Soap, the 5o size, for 25o. Blue Ribbon Tea, black or mixed, 28n, 40, and 50e. Extract of Lemon or Vanilla, per bottle 5o, "",.17-14±71t,57zff z&gz&zzgzt51 ATRE' —An import stook of single and double thick at special prioee. Lamp Goods —Our new and improved lines will Please you. See them. Prices from 25o. to 05 00. spoons and Cutlery —We are offering Special Bargains On our Imported Spoons and Cutlery thio season. A 0700101 line of Oar. vent at low prices. Fall and Winter Mitts —See our lined Ilona Hide Milts at 30o, per pair, PIM -3M S —Try our 7 inch File at 10o. ley Brother's" Loaded Shells —With Black and Smokeless Powder. Cross:cut laws and Axes --Always a good strok to choose from. Saws from 62.50 up ; Axes from 50o. op. Att Gash or Trade for Hides, Sheep Skins, Old Metal, Rubber, Rags, Horse flair, Copper, Brass, reo. 110 Important to Breeders and,Horsomen. Etneka Veterinaiy CallStie R118[1111, A reliable and speedy remedy for Ourbs, Sohn% anavinS, Sweeney, etc., ato.,in Horses and Lump Jaw is Cattle. TRADE MAIM "See pamph- let which acoompanies every bottle, giving scion Nile treatment in the various diseases." It can be used in every ease of veterinary practice where stimulating applications and blisters are prescribed. It has no SUPERIOR. Every bottle sold is guaranteed to give satis- faction. Price 700 per bottle, Sold by all druggists end country storekeepers, Pre. pared by THE EUREKA VETERINARY MEDICINE COMPANY, London, Ont. Th° Business Ontario Listowel College. EQUAL. TO ANY IN ONTARIO. A thorough, complete and practical train - login all branobes of Oommeroial work, at oonsiderably lees than regular rates. For full information apply ROOMS Or conege over roilt Office. L. HARrT, LISTOWEL, PRINCIPAL, 1•••••=,,•••••••••••••.. Patents Guaranteed. Our leo returned if we fail, Any ono sand- ing sitetoll and description of any invention will promptly receive our opinion free con- cerning the patentability of same. "How to obtain a patent" sent upon request. Pat- ents secured through us advertised for side at our expouse. Patnnts taken out through its reeeiVe spECIAL N0T00E, without charge, in Tun PATENT 101200100, an illustrated and widely circulated journal, consulted by Man- ufacturers and Investors. Send for sample copy Faun, Ad.iress VICTOR S. EVANS et (Patent Attorney%) Emus Building, Washington, 13, 0. Spectacles --OF ALL Rums— Fitted to Correct all Failures of Eyesight, and your Eyes tested FREE by latest Optical methods at Division Court Office, BRUSSELS. Wilt 11 Headquarters for GENERAL A -ARE a n,d WIDER'S' SUPPLIES of All Kinds. nil Farmers should see our American Field. Fence, Best Fence on the market. Barb and Plain Wire, All kinds Harvest TOols. Binder Twine.. Paints and Oils. 5. W. P,, the best Ready Mixed Paints made, always in stock. TRY US. WILTON & TURNBULL